Wooly Can Do No Wrong | Amanda the Adventurer

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[Music] today we're going to be playing a game that I have seen a bunch on I haven't watched any videos of it so I have no clue what's going on or what this is I think I have a brief idea probably because of the fact that the TV screen here is glitchy but uh let's get started should we started right away dear Riley if you were reading this it means that you won't see me again unless it's in the next life I wish I could have told you everything I don't know how much time I have and there is still so much I have to do before I'm gone this letter this letter serves two purposes to say goodbye and to be quick to you my house in kensdale this next part may be a mistake and gods forgive me if it is when you settle in there's something in the attic I need to pass on to you look for a tape but I know that once you watch it there's no turning back stay safe my dear with you always on to Kate right okay got some fake fruits it's a peach in the back back there what that peach do got a lot of books up here what do we got so your hand died right okay that's cool yeah should we just get right into it should we just okay yeah we'll just we'll just get into it cool [Music] yippee hi I'm Amanda and I'm woolly today we're going to make an apple pie my favorite is peach pie what's your favorite kind of pie is that why the peach was hidden you see I would write pumpkin because I like pumpkin pie remember pecan how do you spell pecan yeah I'll do uh pecan pie that sounds delicious today we're going to make an apple pie cool first we need to cut the apples hmm do you know what we can use to cut the apples a knife good job your child uh I don't think we're supposed to do that by ourselves the Blank Stare she just gives him Brave when you're by yourself look I'm a pirate that doesn't seem safe okay Willie let's cut the gas that was that was sugar hmm do you know where we keep the sugar is it in the pantry the refrigerator or the sink I can't oh the Pantry's up here I didn't even see it let's make a pie can you smell the apples and cinnamon yeah okay it's time to bake a pie first preheat the oven to 425. I don't think we should be using the oven by ourselves we should always ask a parent to help I'm not sure where they are right now oh [Music] 25 then put the apples into the pie pins now put it in the oven and bake it for 40 minutes where's the cinnamon ready can't wait to eat Willie let's have some pie right it's a children's show I gotta you've seen this I don't trust you I don't what if I give me the peach give me the peach woolly has been a champ give me the peach I'm making my own goddamn pie for like 10 minutes I don't remember how long she said [Music] you disrespect me Peach Peach Peach [Music] oh come on oh we got a secret where's the birthday girl usually my mom pulls my treat money well come on Lauren we have a special surprise for you here's what I have what is that dog who's ready for ice cream and cake she's busy with her no I may be lactose intolerant but ice cream sounds really good she didn't even hear me and we need to talk about some new TV ones you know what hold on let me try I want to I want to capture the big surprise on video Lauren honey we got cake and ice cream we got your favorite and then chocolate chip come on baby we can watch Amanda another time Lauren are you okay she heard men and went sprinting Lauren Lauren I love mint chocolate chip did this to Lauren I'm betting on that now so 425 apple and pan put their and then 40 minutes yippee High flavored in your neighborhood is she in my neighborhood please no friends I'm Amanda and I'm woolly what do you like best about your neighborhood why are there dead bodies that's great I like that there are so many friends in my neighborhood are these one of your friends I want to send something special to my friend first I need to go to the store to buy them a card do you know where the store is helped me when I was sad what kind of car should I send them I'm sorry for for the loss of your loved one thumbs up I found the perfect card when friends do nice things it's important I'm saying it's so confused to get my friend a special treat clothes what did you do did you rob the boys get my friend a special treat where can I buy a treat from my friend the bakery good job let's go get that tree I'm surprised woolly hasn't said maybe we shouldn't go inside oh oh sorry I said a word everything smells so good I want to buy my friends buy my friend some cookies tell me where the cookies are those look so tasty yeah we just have one more stop in the neighborhood the package is ready for my friend what do you do so we need to mail it wow it's getting late here we go stores are closed we probably can't send that now I have to send this to my friend it's time to go to the Post Office oh you look so sad send this package to my friend their name is wait I don't remember can you help me we can come back tomorrow you don't have to send that now no I have to send this to my friend help me who does the package need to go to for um um um I can't think of a name Nate no that's not my friend's name you have to know their name I I I listen I don't uh what was the antonym great work now we can send this to my friend I hope she likes the cookies was that Dan's name oh no did I have to remember that was that the ant's name on key yeah would it did she do something tonight did I have to remember that because I could assure you I I don't I really I really don't hang on okay what if I chose random things we want to see what happens stop let's go to the store what kind of car should I send them condolences do you think that's what they need yes what do you say when someone helps you oh this is my condolences and a special treat can I have a special treat no I want to get my friend a special oh where can I buy a treat from my friend you know I keep making jokes or like on woolly but he seems so sweet I don't know [Music] everything smells so good give him a treat by my friend some cookies can you show me where the cookies are cake I don't think I don't think my friend will like that cupcake I can't mail that to my friend cupcake I bought the cookies geez this is why I'm never having kids those look so tasty they live pretty far he just wants a nap he's tired no she won't she hates you okay so maybe that's what it is over here that was easy holy [Music] oh no accidents oh no oh oh no oh no right right okay she hasn't changed I'm gonna look around isn't this anything changed around here because I'm a little a little frightened okay we'll watch the next one there's a beach oh no accident oh it's you whatever you do Donut oh no did you do this but it's not anybody's fault can happen in your house at school at the playground you can get hurt almost everywhere at 3 45 this afternoon we were playing and Woolly tripped and fell I I didn't swear on woolly does it look like he got hurt up a parent I don't think they can help I don't want to write your name you can't help them look at him look at him um Amanda don't you want to help Willie the Sass [Music] y [Music] again you're almost there I'm wasting my time I'm running out of station I forgot the question I I oh I was gonna write medic which room should we go into to find the right doctor to help wooly Bones come on he's standing like you threatened him Amanda this really hurts when is the doctor going the doctor isn't here right now let's see how we can help Willy which can we use to check Willie's injury the heart monitor the X-ray machine or the scale that's fine now we can look at Willy's bones foreign what happened wait what happened to woolly my boy is that bomb what is that that is in fact not a bomb wait what'd she say 3 45 right that's gonna say 3 15. this oh this is gonna take so long 45 all right it's gonna blow up who's even here oh what catch up with Sam I wanted to catch up with Sam uh all right that was entirely accidental all right 3 45. well that didn't do anything [Music] the tape again it's you whatever you do don't I didn't even know she made a pissed face before the incident is when something bad happens but it's not anybody anything at 3 45 this afternoon we were playing and wait what is 22.50 [Music] that part of Willy looks fine okay that's right Lily hurt his knee who can help when you are let's take woolly to the hospital just that's fine now we can look at bully that is twitching okay 22.50 is 10.50 I think I think so maybe I put that here uh 10.50 what is 50. it's right here and we have this stuff pick it up oh okay so they represent flowers oh pink come on you can do a little buddy you got it okay it's blue all right hold on I'm gonna be here for a bit now I have a bunch of plants or a bunch of flowers a potato and a mushroom what kind of trip am I going on all right well here's another plant I don't even know what this has to do with do you I don't know what if there's like a purpose for the plants yet because I'm certainly a little ahead here nothing around here I don't know where all my notes went that's a little worrying I spend hours on though and those and now they're gone where do they go can you shut up maybe like that would be so great did I get up this I already know [Music] I'm the right doctor to help wooly wait so that's 6 20. I don't think that doctor can help Willy okay 6 20. come on for that one maybe yeah 10 50. 10 right that's ten what is the doctor yeah 10 50 on the digital wow number oh right I could just okay hang on hang on hang on hang on so 1050 on the digital it's gonna stay that's already fine this 620. [Music] okay that's not really doing anything actually wait wait yeah 22 is 10. okay there's that that's going maybe there was another clock so usually one more of these books a tax fraud no clue what that says the joy of cooking sheep I should have looked at that one before the book of uh so your aunt died [Music] I forgot I had the plants there oh there what why did it work before five uh yeah five fifteen everything's at 5 15 now let's move this one to 5 15. oh maybe safe uh which was the cloud code uh eight two six that took me a little too long safe safe safe I guess it looks like a safe but it's a Tron safe oh yeah I get it shut up everything rods I wish I said rats all right I guess we just have to continue on until I could actually find a safe yeah everything everything rots okay yep I feel safe everything rots and I'm Amanda and I'm woolly such a nice day for a picnic what's your favorite we're busy eat at a picnic sandwich oh I don't like that at all what do you mean what's that smell I've never smelled anything like that hmm I don't know Willie she's too used to it right it's a bad smell what do you think is making that bad smell corpse you you stink oh that yeah I thought that was a newspaper is stinky because it's rotting why is it breathing you know why things rot when they are not alive anymore I thought this was gonna be someone on death you what the opposite of alive is it died look at the tree stump it died I'm not alive what is it it's dyed understand that's right the tree stump is dead yeah it is the opposite of alive you're too proud of that yeah you're too happy about that you inside the tree [Music] let's go back to our nice picnic yeah animals can die in different ways too why is there a girl Mr Fox he is dead and body ah yes you think killed him the gun the knife or the poisonous berries on this bush I think that was it okay never mind your psychopath you you did you okay they're gone wouldn't it be nice if he could tell us no Mr Fox what was she be so traumatized now it was the ugly old bear trap oh I didn't even know what got him until it was too late you're too excited about this I don't this has gone too far I don't like this we saw so many things today Leo riding Mr buff yeah times [Music] itself riding what it feels far away Amanda nothing is rotten here what do you think do you think that everything runs of course not a man I'm not asking asking my question you don't have to answer that um [Music] maybe why won't you answer my question okay everything is fine here it's all fine yes who is it them Girl Scouts got in my house that's illegal I'm not gonna lie I was really that it shocked me a little I didn't have anything to say I didn't ex that was I did not expect that one good lord well this was this was actually really interesting and pretty fun I might keep playing this I'm a bit invested now but for now that's it [Music]
Channel: WeirdMouse
Views: 1,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle, indie-horror, horror
Id: kUvVjmTLPaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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