@WoollyandTigOfficial- Pretty As A Princess | TV Show for Kids | Toy Spider

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the weddings when i was little i had to go to a big house where my auntie shona was getting married willie came too take why don't you come and have a look at your dress there was a dress it was very pretty it was my dress i was a flower girl i have a tiana isn't it lovely auntie shona was having her face painted mummy helped me put on my dress [Music] oh dick what a pretty flower girl granny said i looked very pretty my auntie's jonah said i looked very very pretty auntie shona gave me a basket of flower petals miss lottie my dancing teacher was in charge of the wedding good luck we followed miss lottie there were lots of people in the big room my friends timmy and louise and mr tonka and the giggly lady and granny and mommy had all come to see me auntie shown his boyfriend clive pushed in next to auntie shona please be seated miss lottie started talking she talked and talked and talked i'm happy to officiate her marriage to clive when i looked at granny she was crying granny i didn't want my granny to cry so i did my special dance to cheer granny up granny likes my special dance granny stopped crying mommy came along and stopped my dance mommy said we have to get more pencils i didn't want to stop my dance i was having fun mommy had spoiled my fun and everyone else is fun too i'm just going to get some more petals tigger [Music] wee hey tig it's not nice being stopped when you're having fun but sometimes fun things have to stop so that other important things can be done at shona's wedding the most important thing to be done is for shona to be married to clive miss lottie can't marry shona and clive while you're doing your lovely dance so mummy is only stopping your fun so that shonen clive can be married hey and tig don't worry about granny she wasn't sad crying she was happy crying ding dang dong ding dang dong dong so go for it teek help to make shona's day a happy happy wedding day be a good flower girl and throw some petals [Music] [Applause] yes i thought i am important i'm the flower girl but the most important of all is shona i'm going to make shona's day the best day ever [Music] i threw petals all over the floor auntie shona was so happy when clive's so [Music] we all had a party there was lots of dancing i like being a flower girl i like to make everyone happy [Music] i love wooly [Music] take here we are panda when i was little my daddy took me to see the animals at the zoo i wanted to see a panda right tig this is where we get the safari boss we're gonna have to wait for a bit we had to wait for a special bus to see the animals look at all the trees we waited in a little shop do you know what can you name it there are lots of toy animals in the shop i didn't want a toy animal i have woolie then i saw some pandas daddy can i get a panther can i have a toy panda daddy we're gonna go and see a real panda please daddy naughty egg said daddy i was grumpy come on said daddy here's the bus that's good meeting the bus now i think it's just coming yep the bus was all stripey but i didn't want to go in the stripy bus i wanted a panda i was grumpy [Music] we saw lots of different animals wallabies pink flamingos an african wild dog we saw a chimp up and up the hill we went we saw a cow daddy was excited i was grumpy i wanted a toy panda when we got off the bus we saw a tiger we saw a panther [Music] we saw a big lion [Music] we saw a leopard but daddy didn't see i was grumpy i wanted a toy panda we've got to play we went over a wooden branch this is us walking through to a little hat daddy didn't look at me daddy looked at zebras this is just like africa said daddy tig it's just like the african plains i was grumpy hey tig it's not nice when you want something and you can't have it it can make you feel grumpy but tight tig being grumpy can stop you enjoying what you do have wee being grumpy stops you seeing all the amazing things around you the real animals that you've never seen before the zebras the flamingos the lions the tigers we and the pandas not toy pandas but real pandas so go for it tig have a look at the real pandas and hey tig if you want a cuddly toy you've always got me [Music] yes i thought i don't want to be grumpy let's take daddy i'm sorry i haven't got a toy panda but i'm going to see a real panda [Music] is this where the pandas are i like seeing the panda the panda eats a lot of food when the pandas are really he just looks it's only a toy spy but some tea then the panda went to sleep i always come back to sleep late night at the shop daddy said do you want a toy panda dog tag no i said i've seen a real panda but my ears might get cold i wouldn't you must can i please a panda ear muffs instead i like the real panda i like few animals i love willie [Music] splash when i was little my mummy and daddy took me swimming at the swimming pool right let's go get changed well i know why don't i take willie because we don't want him to get all wet do we mommy took willie to watch [Music] daddy turned me into a big room [Music] daddy help me put on my swimming costume let's go who's excited we had to have a shower the shower was like the rain i squealed the pool was very very big there was lots of water the water went on forever and ever and nearly out of the window mommy waved i waved to mommy hi a man splashed up and down the pool like a big sea lion i held daddy's hands we saw some children the children were splashing daddy put on my armbands a lady splashed with her legs i didn't like the splashing [Music] i once go and turn the chairs with mummy mommy said why don't i take tag to the little pool mommy took me to the little pill really came to why don't you have a splash around i don't like splashing i said hey tig a swimming pool might seem big and strange and full of sudden splashes but a swimming pool is just like a big big bath you like a bath don't you so make it like bath time you like playing boats in the bath don't you tig so have fun with this boat there she blows hey tig now you can kneel in the water it's much more fun here's another swimming game find the frog with it rabbit water in your mouth spit it out well done tigg you found the frog looks like you got your face wet too hey bounce the ball up and down as hard as you can and see how many splashes you can make so now you know water and splashing is fun so go for it tig have a splash with daddy in the big pole [Music] yes i thought i liked the splashing i wanted to swim in the big pool with daddy [Music] i like the big pill i like the splashing i like the water all over my face the big sea lion man so willy it's only my toy spider i says [Applause] i love splashes i love swimming [Music] i love [Music] when i was little my granny got a new dog i went to visit my granny and her new dog with my daddy willie came too in the park on the way to granny we saw lots of dogs i wanted to play with the dogs can we play with the dogs no we don't know the dogs daddy said no she said we should leave the dogs we don't know alone i had fun just watching the dogs granny's dog was called harvey hello you come and see i asked to see herbie he's in the kitchen having breakfast granny said we should leave harvey alone when he was eating we just watched daddy was looking in a cupboard daddy was trying to find a dog bed for herbie to sleep in [Music] daddy found his old drum set [Music] i made lots of noise on daddy's drums then i heard another noise [Music] stink heavy doesn't like the noise herbie was barking in a rage i didn't like her be barking daddy found his old space hopper and some fun the hopper was fun i bounced around the garden come on heavy let's see what's happening come on i bounced up to herbie [Music] herbie barked herbie looks scary i didn't like kirby listen tig i think i better take him back inside he's getting too excited granny took herbie back inside here's one bed for herbie daddy found a bed for herbie do you want to come for a walk with herbie no no i said i didn't like dogs okay hey tig you don't like kirby because you don't know herbie you need to get to know herbie in just the same way herbie needs to get to know you ruff so what does her be like and what does herbie not like granny says herbie likes to eat in peace when you did your drumming you found out that hubby doesn't like loud bangs when you bounced up to herbie on the space hopper you found out that herbie gets frightened easily he's like most dogs and herb is barking ruff is his way of telling you what he's feeling [Music] so when you meet herbie again be very quiet and still don't touch herbie until granny says you can that's why you'll get to know herbie yes i thought i want to get to know herbie i want to like kirby can i see hobby yeah come on i'll be very quiet what a great girl riley was getting herbie ready for his walk i was very quiet and still that's a good girl granny said i could stroke herbie gently that's it now do you want to take him out we took kirby to the park i like getting to know harvey i'm not sure if he likes my toy spider yet it's only my toy spider i like kirby and i love willie [Music] the hospital when i was little my daddy hurt himself and went to hospital soon bye bye mummy went to see daddy so i played with angel well he came through angel and me played dressing up i put on a crown angel wheeled me around in my carriage [Music] at nighttime daddy wasn't better i slept in mommy's bed i wanted to see my daddy me when daddy's holding me up i like the picture of daddy lifting me up he touched this guy mommy took me to see daddy in the hospital what's that that's an ambulance i like the hospital the hospital was big the hospital was busy we squirted smelly stuff on our hands mommy said that in the hospital everything has to be clean [Music] don't forget really there were lots of busy people it was nearly lunch time but people were still in bed what are those people they're all getting better mommy said the people were getting better they didn't look very better than me some people were wheeled around in their beds looking for their pajamas i thought daddy had a special room he lived in oh hi we're done now so you can go and see him i wanted to see daddy i looked in the door there was a man in the bed with a towel on his head hi there tig he looks like a puppet with strings go and say hello to daddy tag no i said that's not my daddy [Music] hey tig hospitals are funny places all topsy-turvy they can make you feel all topsy-turvy too daddy might not look like daddy but daddy is still daddy daddy looks different that's all daddy hurt his leg so he's wearing a plaster on his leg to make it better but he's still daddy daddy hurt his head so he's wearing a bandage to make his head better but he's still daddy [Music] daddy looks like a puppet with tubes and things dude but they're all there to make him better you look different at angels when you dressed up like a king daddy's dressed up like a king too so hey tig have fun with daddy now he's a king with his crown and his own royal carriage and then one day daddy will be all better and lift you up to touch the sky again yes i thought i want to see my daddy with his weight bandage crown and his puppet strength [Music] i'll tell you the funny story about what happened daddy told me the funny story of why he was in hospital he tripped over running for a bus silly daddy hasn't tied his laces the blue nurse came in and found willie on the bed i don't know like fighter i like hospitals i love my daddy and i love willy loves me we've been together [Music] we've been scared [Music]
Channel: Woolly and Tig Official Channel
Views: 5,495,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woolly And Tig (TV Program), kids tv shows, toy spider, full episodes, kids TV, Cbeebies TV show, Girls TV, Girl star, kids woolly tig, woolly tig, scottish kids TV show, woolly and tig, oolly and full episodes, wooly, wooly wolly, wolly, father and daughter, steam train, family day out, family time, family fun, family show for kids
Id: pOvYGs9hRu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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