@WoollyandTigOfficial- The School Photo | 60+ minutes | Back to School

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when I was little I went to nursery school every day Willie came too one day A man was coming to take our pictures mummy wanted me to look pretty or you do have a pretty new dress said Claire my Nursery teacher something very exciting's happening today isn't it Claire said because the man was coming to take our pictures so I think we should put our openings on to keep clean we had to keep clean when we went outside we took our aprons off and put on our coats I found a puzzle I had fun jumping in the puddle when I came back inside I wanted to paint for socks I'm gonna have to get you some clean ones oh dear so Claire your socks are all wet and muddy I painted a hand painting Claire likes my painting oh oh no your dress oops I forgot to put my apron on my dress was covered in pain clear gave me some new clothes to wear the man came to take our pictures when the man finished clustering he started taking photos we took it in turns to have our picture say you have to wait sit Claire money is coming with some clean clothes I didn't want to wait I didn't want to change my clothes I wanted my picture now I felt grumpy mummy arrived she had another dress Claire fiddled with my hair I felt grumpy she doesn't want to change it doesn't matter never mind said Mommy if she's happy in those clothes but I wasn't happy still felt lumpy who's next then next said the man [Music] I sat on the chair you're gonna give me a great big smile smile said the man you sure I don't smell I said okay then the man pressed the camera next say the man I watched the other children having pictures [Music] no one was grumpy I was grumpy hey TIG it's not nice feeling grumpy but there are so many little things that can make you feel grumpy brushing hair Pinchy hair slides changing clothes waiting for things to happen everything not being quite how you want it to be but what can make you feel even grumpier is a grumpy face and a grumpy face makes everyone else feel grumpy too but if you smile all the Grumps will go away give a smile and make your Grumpy's go away give a smile and you'll feel happy all the day give a smile and all your Grumpy's will turn into your herpes give a smile and make your Grumpy's girl [Music] tick give a big smile for everyone yes I thought I don't want to feel grumpy anymore I want to smile make everyone feel happy again so I sat on the chair and gave the biggest smile ever when the man saw Willy he didn't smile y spider oh I love snailing mommy loves my smiling oh look that's a lovely picture of you take especially in the picture and I love Willy the birthday present when I was little I had a bag beg birthday present it was all wrapped up when I unwrapped my big big breathy presents I found a bicycle inside it was all shiny and pink and purple with a bell in a basket and a seat at the back for Willie mummy's dead John's ready to bake are you going for a raid not in my pajamas not in my pajamas I said where I got dressed I pushed my bake outside should I help you ride your bike's head mummy no I said I just want to push my back myself I love my big new bake really likes my new bake too that night I wrapped my bicycle up I wanted to keep it all shiny and new the next day mummy and me went shopping with our bakes help you raise your bike said mummy no I just want to push my bike it was a long way to the shops around the fountain past the playgrounds I pushed my bike along going downhill my bike ran away tag you need to use your brakes do you want me to show you no I said I just want to push my bike when we got to long path I was puffed tank why don't you set your bike and I'll show you how to Pedal it'll be so much easier no no I said I just want to push my bike at the shops mommy bought lots of things I bought a flower for Daddy come on tag on the way home we stopped and watched The Big children on their bikes they look like they're having fun they're having fun said Mommy I pushed my bike some more and then I stopped I didn't want to push my bike take let me help you on your bike no I said I didn't know what to do tick pushing a bike is okay but riding a bike looks much more fun doesn't it wee [Music] but doing something new for the first time can be scary not quite as scary as that but still scary all you need is a little help to get you going pedal pedal pedal pedal hey TIG some sometimes you just need to ask for someone to help so why don't you ask your mum to help you ride your bike you might find it a lot easier than you thought pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal really go Frick tick you'll still have your new bike but now you'll be riding it yes I thought I'll ask Mommy to help me ride my bike now if you can sit on your bike and if you put your feet on the page he showed me the Bell the pedals the brakes and high school rounds and rounds braiding my bank was easier than I thought so mommy and me brought all the way home when Mommy saw Willie she nearly fell off her bait what's that in the back of your bike he's only my toy spider I said I love riding my bike and I love Willie foreign hands when I was little I liked my Nursery School different things happened every day one day Miss Claire my Nursery teacher took us all to the gym at the big school now we need to make sure we all hold hands at all times we held hands I held hands with Louise now we're going to cross some roads said Miss Claire we have to look in lesson for the traffic we held hands and waited for the Green Man the traffic stopped and the green man came on so whose hands and streets crossed the road and keep looking said Miss Claire what do we do when we came to another road there was no green man take Extra Care said Miss Claire we'll find a safe place when we can see all the roads when there was no traffic Miss Claire said it was safe to cross hold hands and straight across the road and keep looking said Miss Claire a big school was big the gem was big too there was lots of room to play [Music] room is an obstacle course [Music] on the way back we crossed all the roads again I looked and listened and held hands I did everything Claire told me my daddy came to collects me to take me to the library Miss Claire told Daddy that I'd been very grown up and sensible at crossing the road I felt please I felt like a big girl no why not hold my hand said Daddy no I said when the green man turned to Green daddy picked me up and carried me across the road we came to another road we need to cross the road take my hand please hold my hand daddy straight across the road I was not okay in the library I was crossed do you want to choose a book said daddy no no I said and Sal was Willy I was very cross hey TIG it's not nice being treated like a little girl just when you think you are big and sensible girl it's not nice being told what to do when you think you know everything but just because you know how to cross a road safely doesn't mean that Daddy should let you do it all by yourself roads are busy places holding Daddy's Hand lets him know you're safe holding Daddy's Hand lets you know he's safe too then you can both look beep beep and listen without any worries you can cross the road safely together so go frit TIG be clever and say sorry to Daddy and hold his hand all the way home yes I thought I'll be clever to say sorry to Daddy Daddy and me chose a library book the library lady go to shop when she saw Willie oh hell Daddy's Hand all the way home I like to be safe I love Willy the mountains when I was little daddy told me a story about how he claimed a mountain he and Granny took sandwiches I want to climb the mountain I said is a Long Way to the Top said Daddy we could take sandwiches I said maybe said Daddy so one day daddy took me to climb the mountain we drove the car roamed a big lake we stopped at the bottom of the mountain and sandwiches for when we get to the top or up top Willy came too I'm going up the mountain are you ready take ready I said and off we went to climb the mountain you excited the mountain was very tall the mountain was very steep up and up we claimed I like climbing the mountain when we look down the mountain the big lake didn't look big anymore can I have a sandwich I said not yet said Daddy we'll have them at the top just one I said okay wiped your hands tomato okay I like the Tomato sandwiches best then you go just one sandwich okay up the mountain we climbed again the mountain was very steep the mountain was very tall up and up we went I like climbing the mountain but I was tired when we looked down the mountain the big lake was small can I have another sandwich I think there'll be none left please I said just one I eat another tomato sandwich I did some match with sandwiches up the mountain we climbed again the mountain was very steep the mountain was very tall up and up we went I didn't like climbing the mountain anymore I was very tired kind of another sandwich another sandwich but look at the top here's the top of the mountain said Daddy Just One Last climb and we will be there please you want this is the last tomato sandwich okay I ate the last smash or sandwich and then we can go to the top come on said Daddy Let's Go no I say I said okay I love my egg sandwiches and then we can go home you have come all that long way so you feel tired but when you get to the top of the mountain you'll feel something else you feel so happy so pleased and so proud at standing on the top of the world and Tig you're nearly there look one more step and another one two one more step and another three four one more step and you're nearly there one more step and there's not many more go for it tick it feels great to finish what you started yes I thought I want to finish what I started I want to go to the top the mountain was very steep the mountain was very tall but then we got to the top I felt so happy we could see the sea and the castle all the big city when a lady saw Willie she got afraid it's only a toy spider I like climbing mountains I like climbing to the top and I love Willy range when I was little daddy took me in the car to play in the park the car was very dirty we'll have to take it to the car wash said Dad William came too that's a good take and you get never been to a car wash before there you go thank you very much Daddy made sure all the windows were closed that says daddy drove into a big box machine with a giant brushes suddenly the brushes came towards us I don't like this I said I think the cars get this hair washed you're upset said Dad it's like the car is having a hair wash one rubber dubba two rubber Dumber three Road there four rubber dubber Daddy was right it was like a big hair wash with your eyes open the big brushes word and rubber dubbed the car [Music] five rubber dubba and swish the machine washed the shampoo off comes the back hair dryer a giant hair dryer drive the car all over daddy drove the car out of the car wash car looked all shiny and new Daddy was so pleased on the way to the park it started to rain oh no it's raining at the park we splashed through a puddle daddy wasn't pleased oh no look at my car my car wasn't shiny Daddy was grumpy Daddy and me ran to a cafe out of the rain we'll just stay and wait here till the rain stops okay but Daddy was grumpy Daddy just sat didn't even get me a drink I drew a picture Daddy was making me grumpy too hey TIG no need to be grumpy too Daddy's just fed up that's all Daddy had a nice clean car and now it's all dirty again things didn't go quite how he wanted them to go it rained Deary May Daddy needs cheering up like he chewed you up in the car wash foreign so show Daddy how Ray can be fun jumping puddles twirling umbrellas Ching raindrops and listening to the Rub-a-Dub-Dub sound of the Rain On The Roof frit take give daddy a big smile yes I thought pure daddy up why that is brilliant well done come on it doesn't look as if the Rain's Gonna Stop come on then I'll shoot daddy how to have fun in the rain jumps and puddles we twirled our umbrellas we caught raindrops come here quick take we listen to the rub-a-dub-a-dubba oh the rain and the roof monster when Daddy saw Willy in a puddle he said myself definitely my toy spider I said well did you hear it I like fun in the rain I like to see my Daddy happy like that I love Willie waiting when I was little I didn't like waiting I didn't like waiting for mummy to finish her work I didn't like waiting for Daddy to come home Willie didn't like waiting either one day I was waiting for the rain to go away she'll be all day waiting for the rain to stop she was going to make a cake instead come on why don't we beat the cake instead say Daddy right washed our hands and push on our aprons I put everything on the table bowls sugar oil eggs oranges and raisins said Daddy carrots mustn't forget the carrots carrots were okay I said there's tube eating seeds egg wait and see said Daddy I thought I like my carrots with my potatoes daddy chopped the carrots and I grated them in a special machine daddy grated orange skin orange film all of it we tip sugar into a bowl daddy poured sticky oil all over the sugar slop when the carrots and oranges yuck we broke eggs all over the yuck I sprinkled raisins should I do another one I mixed up the mush nothing looks like anything is this a cake I said just wait and see the daddy slump I dumped some flavor and I stirred everything together I like making cakes Daddy had a tin with paper we put the mosh into the tin into the oven went the ten say bye bye to the cake now to wait said Daddy Let's see in the city clock up there so when the big hand gets to 12 it's ready okay and now we just have to wait for the cake to bake oh can I see the cake now I said not yet tag we have to wait nothing was happening [Music] I didn't like waiting hey TIG waiting for things to happen can be very tiring and oh and yawning waiting for things to happen can be angry making too the trouble with waiting for things to happen is that some things just don't seem to happen at all the time just seems to stop tick tock tick tock but if you want the time to move and things to happen again then don't sit and wait do something else have fun and think about other things and when you're having fun and thinking about other things things will start happening so go for it TIG why not have fun and help Daddy clean the kitchen then that cake will be baked in no time yes I thought no you're sitting and waiting I'll do something else [Music] I helped Daddy do the washing up okay then it was time to take the cake out of the oven smells right we waited again for the cake to cool will we played hide and seek with daddy oh oh it's a spider oh you got it's only a toy spider then we eat the carrot cake I didn't need potatoes I don't mind waiting for some things I love Lily going to school when I was little I went to school not my nursery school but it's a big school Willy came too before I went to school me and my mummy went to see it a nice lady showed us the big school who's this really would you like to come to school there were lots of rooms there were lots of stairs they were pegs to hang up our coats they were toilets I like the toilets they have lots of basins then the nice lady showed us into a room with lots of pictures and chairs is Miss Sanders and she's going to be your teacher this will be your classroom Tech Miss Sanderson will be your teacher he liked Miss Anderson she smiled at me Miss Sanderson showed me my classroom they were tables for writing play areas just like Nursery I had my very own draw Santa met a girl called Julia going to be your body when you come to school Julia was my buddy Julia gave me a book all about her I liked my new big skill mommy bought me new clothes for school there were clothes just like Julia's okay take do you want to go and try on your uniform when daddy came home he didn't know who I was who's this no you can't beat it oh it is funny Daddy you're all set for school on my first day at my new big school I was very excited we hung up our courts in my classroom my Sanson lets us choose what to do I played just like at Nursery I knew some of the children they were at my Nursery yippee later miss Sanderson said to sit down no boys and girls we are going to do some letter work we did things we did shapes we learned letters [Music] Miss Sanson showed us how to write letters down I wrote my letters with a pencil those are wonderful well done just keep going I want to make all the letters just right from a Sanson I'm so broke I couldn't write anymore I didn't know what to do oh dear TIG you broke your pencil I know how you feel you don't want Miss Sanderson to know do you but miss Sanderson is here to help TIG if you don't tell her your worries she can't help sort them any weenie worry any tiny trouble any little bit of bother have a funny tummy feeling kind of grumpy all your bid some bother grow bigger don't wait for your worries to disappear they'll be gone in a hurry if you tell and share don't wait for your worries to disappear they'll be gone in a hurry if you tell and share tell and share your troubles that way they go away tell and share your troubles for happy or free days share and Telltale and share share and tell down shape a happy worry free days any weenie worry any tiny trouble any little bit of bother have a funny tummy feeling kind of grumpy all your bits of bother grow bigger don't wait for your worries to disappear they'll be gone in a hurry if you tell and share don't wait for your worries to disappear now we've gone in a hurry if you tell and share tell and share your troubles that way they go away tell and share your troubles for happy wife free days share and tell tale and share share and tell tale and triple happy worry free days go for it TIG yes I thought my pencil's broken I must tell Miss Sanderson what no worries I'll give you a new one anymore no worries said Miss Samson and gave me another pencil [Music] I loved my first day at school when I got my shoes the wrong way around I I called Miss Anson [Music] when I wanted to go to the toilet excuse me where's the toilet a teacher reminded me where to go in the playground I had no worries my buddy Julia showed me everything [Music] played and had fun after break we had numbers and counting going to school was so much fun me and Julia had lunch together I had lunch on a tree [Music] after lunch Miss Sanderson read as a story I wanted Willie to cuddle but they couldn't find him okay I told Miss Anderson I was so worried Miss Anderson couldn't find Willie her Willy was lost Miss Sanson told the nice lady the nice lady told the head teacher the head teacher told Julia my buddy do you know who it is I know who really is Jillian knew where really was Willie was where I had left him when I went out to play middle-aged lady I was so happy to have Willy to hug again [Music] after school when I got home I was very tired how's your first day at school I was grumpy I didn't want to talk I wanted to hold poor Willie hey Tig you've had your first day at school you're very tired but what has made you even more tired is losing me maybe tomorrow you should leave me here at home no well we are never I'll never leave you but she left me to die and I got lost soul is a busy place you don't want me to get lost again I love you really and I love you too TIG I'll be here waiting for you every day like Mommy and Daddy yippee yippee go go for it Tig yes I thought I love Willie I love Mommy and Daddy I like them safe at home going to school the next day was exciting we did gem [Music] we did counting we played MIss Sanson read as a story I hugged a frog and thought of Willy when I came home Willie was waiting for me I'm only a toy spider then I told Willie and Mommy and Daddy all about my day at school I didn't have to break quickly I like going to school I like coming home I love Willie to play [Music] when I was little I liked going to see plays it was exciting people dressed up and did funny things I wanted to be in a play too once I was going to be in a play at Nursery I was going to dress up as a candy but then I had chickenpox so I couldn't be in the play what there was a lady called Cinderella one day Mommy said they were choosing children to be in a play the children's theater are auditioning for children to play The Toy Soldiers do I get to Crystal yeah but they have to choose the Children First I said I'd like to be a toy soldier and dress up in a play on the day of the choosing I was very excited we went to the Children's Theater there were lots of other children what's going there right Mr tonker Mr tonkers area on the piano Mr Tonka was on the piano yeah to March Like Toy Soldiers it was fun I loved the marching smile when can I dress up I said to Mommy we have to wait for the choosing tag when we were waiting the man talked to mummy and then we went away mommy and me went to a little Cathy where can I be a toy soldier mommy doesn't like your toy soldier I'm sorry take but they didn't choose you to be a toy soldier I'm sorry TIG but they didn't choose you the thing is they need the toy soldiers to be a little bit taller the toy soldiers need to be a bit taller than you you wait there I'll get secretary I'm sad I wanted to be in a play hey TIG it's not nice when other people are chosen and not you that's not fairly yes it doesn't seem fair you wanted to be in a play you wanted to be a toy soldier but not everyone can be chosen all at the same time sometimes you just have to wait and try again and have another go you might not be a toy soldier this time but hey there are plenty more plays in dressing up when one door closes back another door will open yippee so go for it TIG don't be sad you just never know what's around the corner yes I thought I was sad I couldn't be a toy soldier but you never know what's around the corner just then someone came around the corner hi Tom how are you oh all the better for seeing YouTube Hello Tech it was a man called Tam oh a bit of a disaster audio opening tomorrow ills and the Shoemaker at the Children's Theater cam was doing a children's play The Elves and the Shoemaker one of the eels has chickenpox but one of the elves had chickenpox I wondered would you like to be an elf do I need to dress up oh yes as an elf okay okay I was in a play a bit of a rational rehearsals this afternoon I was so excited in the afternoon Tam showed me what to do on the stage this is Louise she's the other um Louise of course you do they know so what she's one of the eels and you know the other my friend Louise was another elf and Tam was the Shoemaker the two elves run onto the stage when the Shoemaker goes old said Tom the elves make his shoes Tam showed us how to make the shoes and snip snip snip cutting the leather stitch stitch stitch sewing together tip Tip Tap he was so clever to make a fine pair of shoes we practiced a lot Tom gave me music for the play I practiced the play at home there's the Stitch tip Tip Tap so clip [Music] the next day was the day of the play Louise and me did our dressing up we had ears on our hats we looked different we looked like elves it was nearly time for the play mommy took me to the stage mommy didn't quite know the way when we got to the stage it was the wrong stage there was a funny man doing another play that is I was going to be late I had to find Tom then I phoned Daddy [Music] suddenly the funny man started to sing there once was a maker a maker of shoes [Music] [Music] people in place can look different because they dress up people in place look different because they put makeup on people in plays look different because sometimes they wear different hair I look different you look different and Tam looks different you look different because you are dressed up as a cheeky real Tam looks different because he's the Shoemaker with his glasses mustache and hairs while the clever Shoemaker the older he grew the slower he's making his shoes that's Tam on stage time for the elves to make the Shoemaker his shoes go for it yes I thought that is time I should be on stage with him we waited for the Shoemaker to peep then we could be elves on his shoes the leather was tapped and stitched and sold shaping fine shoes from heels to toes a pair of shoes the best to choose [Music] shaping the leather who is so clever to make five pairs of shoes [Music] [Music] Mean Louise we're making the Shoemaker his shoes were the elves sewing together Tick Tick Tock shaping the leather they were so clever the ants were making shoes so there once was a maker a maker of shoes he worked with the elves and he slipped and they sold shaping new shoes from heels to toes making fun shoes and hairs to choose [Music] they were so clever to make fine pairs of shoes [Music] oh yeah at the end of the play everyone clapped when everyone saw Willie they all went he's like my toy spider I said I like the Elves and the Shoemaker I like being in a play I love Willie Halloween what have we got here pumpkins when I was little we were going to have a Halloween party Tech we are gonna have a Halloween party what's a Halloween party what's a Halloween party mummy I said no fun Halloween is a party people have been having for hundreds of years and everyone gets to dress up in funny quotes a Halloween party is where everyone dresses up in funny clothes pumpkin time the first thing that we did for the Halloween party was make pumpkin lanterns we took the middle out of the pumpkin and daddy made pumpkin pie we made a face in the pumpkin nose eyes mouth no funny face silly Daddy what are you going to dress up as for Halloween would you want to dress up as said mummy you can be anything you like a Spaceman [Music] a bubble bug monster I said what's a bubble bug monster bubbles mommy help me make the bubble bug monster [Music] when angel came to play she helped me make my bubble bug monster too what are you dressing up as for Halloween angel said mummy so what are you going to wear for Halloween angel I don't know a surprise I'm not sure yet said Angel we were having the Halloween party in our bag bed room we are gonna have to make this place all scary scary and fun we're going to make the room into Halloween at one end of the room daddy made a castle the castle was very old angel came along to help too we put the pumpkins all around the room what are you dressing up as for Halloween said Daddy Angel what are you gonna get dressed up as I don't know oh that's brilliant surprise surprise on the day of Halloween I dressed up as my bubble bug monster wow I don't think there are going to be many bubble bug monsters daddy it made some little wings for a willy so he could dress up too don't forget Willie has the dress up too right at the Halloween party everyone came dressed up it was fun there were lots of monsters fairies ghosts witches Pirates daddy didn't really have a costume Daddy was just sort of ordinary mummy was a sparkly witch see Angel got around got around because daddy told us a scary story a scary scary story a fairy cried like no more scary Halloween is scary you're okay no more scary said Mommy no more scary said the bubble bug monster then Mommy says look who's arrived I thought it was Angel but it wasn't Mr jack-o-lantern it was Mr jack-o'-lantern the trick-or-treat man watches and monsters hello we all had to do a trick for Mr jack-o-lantern and then he gave us a treat [Music] I was so excited [Music] I practiced my very own bubble bug monster storm my turn came but then I saw another bubble bug monster it was Angel I sat under a table how dare Angel copy me I'm the bubble bug monster hey TIG it's not nice when you think you're the only bubble bug monster and then you see another one it's not nice when people copy you when people copy you it can feel like someone has taken something from you but then when people copy you you can fill please too when people copy you it shows you how much they like the things you do angel just loved your bubble bug monster Angel lovejob bubble bug monster so much she wanted to be a bubble bug monster too you can feel please danger copied you you can feel pleased you helped Angel choose her dressing up and hey two monster bubble bugs are better than one so go for it TIG don't be grumpy go and have fun with your bubble bug Chum yes I thought the angel likes my bubble bug monster monster Angel and me did a bubble bug monster stomp together for Mr jack-o'-lantern we got his treats after that Mr jack-o'-lantern did lots of party games eating the marshmallow knocking off the witch's hats [Music] it's time to wrap up the mummy or should I say a daddy wrapping up the mummy we wrap daddy up in Old wrapping paper hitting the boat high on the skeleton and then we did the scary monster Stomp Halloween was so much fun at the end of the Party All the Monsters and witches and fairies went home we went home too bubble bug monster bedtime monsters no I said I didn't want Halloween to end I still wanted to be a monster okay take pajamas on I didn't want to go to beds hey TIG we've had so much Halloween fun we don't want to spoil it maybe it's time to stop the rules I but I like being a monster I like being a monster too but even monsters have to go to bed [Music] I like a lot of monsters oh yes I do spotty ones and hairy ones when I or two they squelch random Wellies they make me laugh and some are rather smelly they need a bath they wobble Roar and squabble and they bump their Tums but I really really like my Monster Jams but monsters are for daytime fun and not when bedtime comes so when I sleep my happy night so My Monster Jam night night monsters not one Raw snuggle down comfy and please don't snore night night monsters not one piece snuggles down comfy and go to sleep yes I thought I've had the best Halloween but now it's bedtime [Music] I close my eyes when I opened my eyes again I was no longer a monster I was in my pajamas for the bubble Monster not a bubble monster just made [Music] a toy spider oh come on I like Halloween and I love wooly Tammy's monsters when I was little my friend Tammy came to play Tammy can draw monsters I can draw monsters too but they're not as scary as temmie's monsters Timmy can roar like a monster I can roar like a monster too I like Monsters I like temmy's Monsters bloody monsters hairy monsters blue monsters that's skating and lots of red monsters [Music] we had fun stomping and roaring [Music] I think if the monsters were a little quieter they might have some juice I love monsters when it was time for me to go home he gave me lots of his monsters thank you Timmy I love Timmy's monsters and night night at night time I put Timmy's monsters under my bed I made the monster's roared rare all right [Music] all right monsters woke me up oh there are no monsters they're just pictures look Mommy said the monsters were just pictures no more monsters mummy took Timmy's monsters Away really want to be cut off good girl and left the light on I cuddled really foreign the [Music] monsters in the bin I asked Mommy for my monsters mommy can I get my monster no take they're too noisy please Mommy said the monsters were too noisy they're just pictures I said mommy said okay but no more roaring tonight in bed I showed really my monsters I didn't say quilly likes my monsters no TIG I just don't like monsters at night they rate me up they cuss all up hmm so TIG why don't we make your Monsters Just Stay Time Monsters yeah there one daytime monster now at night all the monsters need to go to bed so we make the monster a nice comfy bed [Music] one comfy bed and one monster asleep night night monster sleep well [Music] and all the monsters were put to bed night night monsters they're late night monsters here they are all going to bed all tucked up ready to sleep mummy was about to sit in the bed when she nearly sat on woolly I gave her a surprise [Music] that night we all slept happily I like my daytime monsters I love wooly the Clone when I was little my mummy took me to a big big shopping center Willie came too Mommy gave me some money well let's see what I've got in my hand choose something to buy she said shiny penny so you could spend that with something there were lots and lots of shops in the shopping center [Music] what to choose let's not spend it too quickly though let's see what else we can see in the shopping center there is a lady painting faces she painted a little boy to look like a cat mommy said why not spend your money on a painty face no I said I didn't want to look like a cat high above all the people rushing I saw balloons I want to buy a balloon I said hi let's go and find them said mummy oh a man was holding their balloons isn't he funny said mummy he's a clown I didn't think the Clone was funny The Climb was scary he had a big rubbery face and a red nose I didn't like the scary clown I want to go home I said come on said mummy let's have something to eat I like the cafe there is no clown mummy bought me fish fingers would you like some ketchup I had tomato sauce [Music] down below I saw the cloud the clown looked up and weeped I don't hate clowns hey TIG you don't have to like clowns clowns are just people with painty faces anybody can be a clown you could be a clown I could be a clown some people think clowns are scary [Music] some people think clowns are funny face clown is making everyone laugh hey tick why don't you be a painter face clown and make everyone laugh too go for it Tig yes I thought I wanted to be a painted face climb too let's go I finished my fish fingers [Music] I asked Mommy if I could get my money to the face painting lady the face painting lady painted my face like clone [Music] oh wow I think you're a very funny clown thank you very much Mommy laughed and everyone laughed when they saw me looking like a pain to face clown hahaha I saw the clown it wasn't scary he looked just like me the clown gave me a balloon when the clown saw Willy he was scared he's only my toy spider I said I like clowns I love Willie we've been together since we were we
Channel: Woolly and Tig Official Channel
Views: 2,960,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woolly And Tig (TV Program), kids tv shows, toy spider
Id: zMl6247TDUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 45sec (3765 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2017
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