@Woolly and Tig Official Channel- Grumpy Pants | TV Show for Kids | Toy Spider

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the beard when I was little I ran to play with my favs BAM Willie came to Delhi Swiss bank there were lots and lots of friends we went exploring there was a staircase to go up [Music] there was a garden - we thought bells big sister living baby jumped on the trampoline Bell showed me lots of places to hide and jump out then we phrase hides and jump out Bell had a little brother called funny I played cars with Freddie bill had mummy called Ann Ann was kind she gave his strength and a basket Bell had a bag sister called Lottie nas had fun includes mean Bell dress stop are you trying on my clothes lost he laughed mummy came to take me home no I said no I'll run away with Bell and Willie to hide and take to mummy I should stay for lunch I like being a bells house look at this boys and girls yes she's never always the way you think at lunchtime and needs an apple pie Bell said Apple I was her favorite I said apple pie was my favorite too oh dear so van daddy's going to miss the apple pie oh I thought I didn't know daddy was coming to lunch daddy's home hi guys look tank a man came and sat at the table the man did look like a daddy the man had hair all over his face my special chica stakes here now look like a bigger item like bells daddy I don't like my apple pie I want to go home hi take the toll daddy's look like your daddy this study looks different this study has a beard this does is not fierce it's just a bit hairy like her big friendly teddy bear he doesn't look like a friendly teddy bear then just imagine he is a big friendly teddy bear look at him blink and ting he's a big friendly teddy bear I looked plankton t-bills daddy was a big friendly teddy then I thought how could Belle's daddy this is apple pie if he's only eternity poor Belle's daddy so I looked blinked at her II the teddy was else daddy again then you say take now study is just like a big friendly teddy bear so eat up your apple pie no more worries I think it's really really nice after lunch when Ben's daddy saw Willie look she was scared high-five done was my mum attracted me I told her all by bezel stats having a beer I like going to play with Bell I love Willie the painting day when I was little my mommy and dad took me my friend angel to our painting day Willie came to be a fun and joke I was excited I likes painting you came to the norms is such a good picture no I said I wanted to pavement angel looks funny tickle painter knows where we clean your nose everything and then I thought I do want to wash the toilets but mommy says come and look at this there was a man doing pictures of people the man did a picture of me an angel he had to sit very stealth but I wanted to go to the toilet no I said I was too excited by the man's picture the man was very clever made angel and me look real daddy said come look at this pig I have soit fainted I was hoping no I said I wanted to see the funny picture a lady was going to stick our pictures on a wall I don't talk him down do you want to go to the toilet yes I said the toilets were right there were lots of doors lots of basins when machines no I didn't like the toilets i sat next to angel and waited for the lady to stick of our paintings I didn't want ghosts of the new baked smelly toilets hi take your right you have to be happy going to the toilet sometimes new is strange but you might find you like this new strange toilet more than you think you just need to give it a gun it might smell funny but that's because there are lots of different smelly things to clean toilets it might have lots of doors but that's because there are lots of toilets to choose from it might have lots of basins but that's because there are lots of holes to wash it might have noisy dryer machines but that can be fun too they're just like a hairdryer stuck on the wall in the end we all need to go to the toilet wherever it is and we all have to flush it before we leave itself oops so go frantic have fun exploring the new toilet yes I thought I want to sponsor the new Begg toilet [Music] after the toilet I wash my hands with lovely smelly squirty soup then I dried my hands with a hand dryer the lady suck up our pictures when the ladies so Willie's picture she goes up Freddie I love Willie Frannie no no when I was little my daddy took me to see my granny Willie came to I love my granny granny and daddy had a cup of tea granny's daddy's mummy that's funny I [Music] asked daddy to tell me the story about when daddy was little I think we wait until dad is born no say granny later do you be a good girl for granny when daddy's away I wanted to help granny so I took Daddy's cup of tea away for her lose heart just because like no said granny be careful Bradley said no one Lord that's gonna go away when daddy left I had my granny to myself you later I like heaven take here my granny told me the story about how daddy made a mud pie well he was cutting a great big tin full of mud is it I've made you a mud pie this is for you mommy aunt ferjeen I want to make him a spy too I want to make granny laugh like Daddy I looked for a tend to fill with menthe clever girl I don't think we can be making any mud pies today no say granny [Music] granny had lots of exciting things around her house granny says that everything tells a story I saw a big night granny says that was great granddad's naive can I see I said no say granny mustn't touch granny had a big glass bottle when you look through the glass they made everything more than paint darling do when I try to touch the bottle granny said no granny said no alot granny has a staircase head her house I love to run up and a granny stare cake no tank don't run up and down the stairs dear I don't want you to feel no running on stairs granny no no hey TIG granny doesn't just say no she says yes to but there'd be no fun to say yes if granny didn't sometimes say no and granny's nose keeps you safe no to spilling hot tea no - touching sharp knives no to running them falling down the stairs [Music] so try thinking of all the things to do that will let granny say yes yes to playing with your toys yes to asking for stories yes to showing you the treasure box come on hey TIG why don't you tell granny how much you love her to say if I thought I loved my granny I would do things to granny can see yes yes granny can I put the jewels on yes hey granny granny so Willy but you can cuddle Willy yes what defenders ring and I loved Willy sans castle like techno Shelby when I was little brisk I went to the seaside he had buckets and spades and a picnic Willie came to there was sand everywhere [Music] mommy and me leave I'm dying to see [Music] mummy showed me how to draw pictures in the sands mummy drew a mermaid we gave the mermaid lots of shells and seaweed here [Music] take picnic time daddy made a picnic we had sandwiches there's not sand in your son register there was sand in my sandwich so go back down to the beach and see that mermaid come on after the picnic we looked at the mermaid the mermaid was born just see she must have swam away said mummy come on take let's go make a sandcastle okay time to build a sandcastle say daddy [Music] we built a real sandcastle with our buckets and spades we made a big hello fans you patted the sands and made the hell smooth we sold our buckets with sands and emptied them all over the hill why we made wenzels in the castle with shells and flags with seaweed this just like a mermaids castle looks like a Marni's castle said mommy I love my mermaid sandcastle Willy loved it too when it was time to go I wanted to take my sandcastle home [Music] take the sign furlongs on the beach no Sigma means you can't get really I didn't want to leave my sandcastle the city might wash away I wanted to live with my mummy castle forever I take I know it's sad leaving things behind you like its glum leaving things you had so much fun making but some things belong where they are sand castles belong on the sandy beach by the sea if everyone took their sand castles away there'd be no sand left to play for another day a hill apple starfish an octopus who knows swish what magic shape swish the sand will make tomorrow swish but today we have we have your mom I don't know castle so go for it take wave bye-bye to your mermaid and her castle and let them go back to the sea where they belong yes I thought my mommy's and her castle belongs at sea bye-bye mermaids I my castle on our way back to the car William eat cheese daddy daddy thought Willie was an octopus he's only my toy spider I said come on come on I loves my dear the seaside I loved my mermaids and her castle and I love Willie I don't smell when I was little I went to nursery school every day Willie came to one day a man was coming to take our pictures mummy you wanted me to look pretty well you do have a pretty new dress said Claire my nursery teacher something very exciting top mix day isn't it Claire said because the man was coming to take our pictures so I think we should pray aprons on keep clean he had to keep clean when we went at saves we took our aprons off and put on our clothes I found a puzzle I had fun jumping in the puzzle when I came back inside I wanted to paint take a look at your socks I'm gonna have to get you some clean ones oh dear is it clear your socks are wet and muddy I painted a Hans painting clear Lake's my ping ping Oh on the dress oops I forgot to put my apron on my dress was covered in Hanes Claire gave me some new clothes to wear the man came to take our pictures when the man finished clustering you started taking photos Weesa can't interns have our picture okay you'll have to wait so Claire money's coming with some clean clothes I didn't want to waiters I didn't want to change my clothes I wanted my picture noon I failed mummy arrived she had another dress Claire fiddled with my hair I felt wrong if she doesn't want to change it doesn't matter nevermind mommy if she's happy in those clothes but I wasn't happy I still felt empty who's next and next said the man i sat on the chair are you gonna give me a great big smile smile said the nine I don't smile I said the man pressed the camera next said the man I watched the other challenging pictures Oh Nolan was grumpy but I was grumpy hey TIG it's not nice feeling grumpy but there are so many little things that can make you feel grumpy brushing hair pinky hair slides changing clothes waiting for things to happen everything not being quite how you want it to be but what can make you feel even grumpier he's a grumpy face and a grumpy face makes everyone else feel grumpy too but if you smile all the grumps will go away give a smile and make your Grumpy's go away gave a smile and you feel happy over there give a smile oh no yokan bees will turn into your happiness well therefore it take give a big smile for everyone yes I thought I don't want to feel grumpy anymore I want to smile make everyone feel happy again so I sat in chairs and gave the biggest smile ever when the man saw Willy he didn't smile I love smiling mummy loves my smiling dollar that's a lovely picture if you take especially in the picture and I love really [Music] the wedding when I was little I had to go to a bag house where my auntie Shawna was desi married Willie came to take why don't you come and have a look at your days there was a dress it was very pretty it was my dress I was a flower girl [Music] auntie Shawna was having her face painted mummy help me put on my dress oh what a pretty flower girl granny said I looks very pressing my auntie suna said I look very very Presley's auntie Shauna gave me a basket of flower petals miss Lottie my dancing teacher was in charge of the wedding we followed Miss Lucy there were lots of people in the big room my friends Tammy and Louise and mr. Tonko and the giggly lady and Granny and mummy had all come to see me auntie Shawna's boyfriend clive pushed in next to Auntie Shawna please be seated miss los he starts talking she talked and talked and talked I'm happy to officiate her marriage tonight when I looked at granny she was crying her granny I didn't want my granny to cry so I did my special dance to cheer granny up granny lays my special dance granny stopped crying mummy came along and stops my dance mommy said we have scared more petals I didn't want to stop my dance I was having fun mummy had spoiled my fun and everyone else's fun soon I'm just gonna get some more petals take Haiti it's not nice being stopped when having fun but sometimes fun things have to stop so that other important things can be done at shonas wedding the most important thing to be done is for Shona to be married to Clive miss Lottie can't marry Shonen Clive while you're doing your lovely dance so mummy is only stopping your thumb so that shiny life can be married hey antique don't worry about granny she wasn't sad crying she was happy crying ding dang dong dong ding dang dong dong so go for it take help to make Shauna's day a happy happy wedding day be a good flower girl and throw some petals we yes as thoughts I am importance I'm the flower girl but the most important of all is Shauna I'm going to make shonas day the best day ever I threw petals all over the floor auntie Shawna was so happy when Clive's so Willy he goes afraid [Music] you'll had a party it was lots of dancing I like being clever girl I like to make everyone happy I love Willie we get since Weber be [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Woolly and Tig Official Channel
Views: 19,315,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woolly And Tig (TV Program), kids tv shows, toy spider, full episodes, kids TV, Cbeebies TV show, Girls TV, Girl star, kids woolly tig, woolly tig, scottish kids TV show, woolly and tig, oolly and full episodes, wooly, wooly wolly, wolly, grumpy pants, grumpy kids
Id: VQzNf4HpLoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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