@WoollyandTigOfficial- Woolly and Tig - Christmas Special | Kids TV Show | Toy Spider

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[Music] the play when i was little i liked going to see plays it was exciting people dressed up and did funny things i wanted to be in a play too once i was going to be in a play at nursery [Music] i was going to dress up as a king but then i had chicken pox so i couldn't be in the play once there was a lady called cinderella one day mummy said they were choosing children to be in a play the children's theatre are auditioning for children to play the toy soldiers do i get to dress up yeah but they have to choose the children first [Music] i said i'd like to be a toy soldier and dress up in a play on the day of the choosing i was very excited we went to the children's theater there were lots of other children there you are what's going there right mr tonka mr tonka was on the piano he had to march like toy soldiers it was fun i loved the marching [Music] i said to mommy we have to wait for the choosing tag when we were waiting the man talked to mommy and then we went away mommy and me went to a little cafe why can't i be a toy soldier mommy mommy why wouldn't i be a toy soldier i'm sorry take but they didn't choose you to be a toy soldier i'm sorry tig but they didn't choose you the thing is they need the toy soldiers to be a little bit taller the toy soldiers need to be a bit taller than you you wait there i'll get some retreat i was sad i wanted to be in a play hey tig it's not nice when other people are chosen and not you that's not fairly yes it doesn't seem fair you wanted to be in a play [Music] you wanted to be a toy soldier but not everyone can be chosen all at the same time sometimes you just have to wait and try again and have another go you might not be a toy soldier this time but hey there are plenty more plays and dressing up when one door closes another door will open yippee so go for it don't be sad you just never know what's around the corner yes i thought i was sad i couldn't be a toy soldier but you never know what's around the corner just then someone came round the corner hi tom how are you oh all the better for seeing you too hello take i it was a man called tam oh bit of a disaster oh dear opening tomorrow elves and the shoemaker at the children's theatre tom was doing a children's play the elves and the shoemaker one of the elves has chicken pox but one of the elves had chicken pox i wondered would you like to be an elf do i need to dress up oh yes as an elf okay i was in a play a bit of a rush though rehearsals this afternoon i was so excited in the afternoon time showed me what to do on the stage she's the other um you know louise of course you do right now so what she's one of the elves and you're the other my friend louise was another elf and tom was the shoemaker the two elves run onto the stage when the shoemaker goes old said tam the elves make his shoes tom showed us how to make the shoes snip snip snip cutting the leather stitch stitch stitch sewing together tip tip tap he was so clever to make a fine pair of shoes we practiced a lot tom gave me music for the play i practiced the play at home stick stitch zip [Music] the next day was the day of the play louise and me did our dressing up we had ears on our hats we looked different we looked like elves it was nearly time for the play mommy took me to the stage mummy didn't quite know the way when we got to the stage it was the wrong stage there was a funny man doing another play this is the wrong stage that's i was going to be late i had to find time then i found daddy [Music] suddenly the funny man started to sing there once was a maker a maker of shoes a shoemaker making his shoes his plate was like ours i liked it i need all the words daddy said i should be on the stage what are you doing here that's not time you're supposed to be up there on the stage but where was tom [Music] people in place can look different because they dress up people in plays look different because they put makeup on people in plays look different because sometimes they wear different hair i look different you look different and tam looks different you look different because you are dressed up as a cheeky real tam looks different because he's the shoe maker with his glasses mustache and hair well the clever shoemaker the older he grew the slower he's making his shoes that's time on stage time for the elves to make the shoemaker his shoes go for it [Music] then we could be elves [Music] the leather was tapped and stitched and sold shaping fine shoes from heels to toes a pair of shoes the best to choose [Music] who is so clever to make fine pairs of shoes [Music] we're making the shoemaker his shoes we were the elves sewing together [Music] they were so clever the eggs were making shoes so there once was a maker a maker of shoes a shoemaker making his shoes he worked with the elves and he sniffed and they sold shaping new shoes from heels to toes making fine shoes and hairs to choose [Music] they were so clever to make pairs of shoes [Music] oh yeah [Music] at the end of the play everyone clapped when everyone saw willy they all went ah [Music] he's only my toy spider i said i like the elves in the shoemaker i like being in a play i love willy [Music] christmas magic [Music] when i was little i liked christmas time the best at christmas time everything twinkled and sparkled and looked different and magic one christmas tree for granddad but there was one christmas when we're going to have a very special christmas day climbing up one christmas cake for granddad we are going to stay with grandad we're going to make christmas magic for granddad too i chose a special christmas present for grandad from me it was a big big santa [Music] before we went grandad we listened to christmas carols carols were in a big high place [Music] when we came out of a big high place it was snowing oh santa will love this why so the reindeer can blow asleep in the snow the next day was christmas eve it was all snowy it was magical hooray santa can write his sleigh we put all the special things for granddad's christmas in the car it was a long wait grandads mommy and me played i spy white and fluffy counting cars how many red cars you can see one two and sang we had to stop for lunch in a little cafe after the cafe mommy drove the car daddy and me played i spy white and crunchy [Music] counting cars so we see a blue car we count okay one two and daddy fell asleep mommy can tell my story uh no tag no i've got to concentrate on driving outside i can't see much just snow are we there yet no tag not yet it was a long way to grandad i was bored hey teg long journeys can be boring when there's nothing to do but there is something you can do all by yourself you can make up a story a finger and thumb story a finger and thumb christmas story your fingers and thumbs can be all the different people in the story yeah that's right go for it tig have a think and tell yourself a story with your fingers and thumbs yes i thought i can tell myself story once upon a time mommy and daddy and we pinky tag walked through the snow a reindeer came along pulling a sleigh and this lei was santa santa looked just like grandad then suddenly we arrived at grandad's house it was like magic i was so happy to see granddad oh happy christmas eve the funny thing was there is no snow now granddad there's no snow oh don't worry take snow or no snow sand hill still get here one christmas tree for granddad presents for granddad and open them now no not until tomorrow we were bringing christmas magic to grandad our special christmas eve mommy had a special christmas eve box granddad said i could open it i opened the box there's a brand new pair of christmas pajamas a stocking to hang up for santa for all my presents and some funny toys for us all to play with frog race or frog grace i put in my new christmas pajamas outside their cell no snow biscuits for santa we need to leave them at the chimney oh but look grandad doesn't have a chimney granddad needs to have a chimney i know why don't we go and put it in the hall okay come on then we're gonna leave it in the hole chimney or no chimney santa's still gonna leave you present granddad didn't have a chimney so we left the biscuits at the front door i hung my stocking at the end of my bed mommy i will start in no time at granddad's house not my house because santa will always know where you are tig right come on into bed santa will always know where you are said mommy mommy kissed me [Music] but i couldn't go to sleep i was worried there was no snow for santa's sleigh no chimney for santa to climb down and starting to know i was staying at granddads hey tig it's a worry to wonder how santa will visit with no snow no chimney and not knowing where you were staying but hey sometimes things just happen that's the magic especially when grandad says snow or no snow santa will still get here especially when daddy says chimney or no chimney santa will still bring presents especially when mommy says santa will always know where you are i want to see santa hey i'm sure santa wants to see you too but for magic to happen there's no peeping if you peep it wouldn't be magic go for it pop into bed and snack down to sleep think of cozy happy thoughts and soon it will be christmas day close your eyes for sleepy byes flow tall fluffy and light smiles and kisses and giggles and hugs we'll snooze you through the night think of where you'd like to be wiggling snuggle [Music] sleepy tight yes i thought no peeping and then it was christmas day my room was filled with snowflakes it was magic at the end of the bed was my stocking filled by santa merry christmas wow so sad to find you i thought you would find the christmas tree we opened more presents best of all was giving mommy here present for me i love these oh lovely very nice what is it best of all was giving daddy his present for me oh i love it it suits you best of all was giving granddad his present for me oh his very own santa just like you grandad i think it looks a bit like me my best present was my magic set from granddad magic show after lunch i did a magic show no peeping i said it wouldn't be magic if you do [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls we are going to do the most amazing tricks [Music] [Music] i liked making christmas magic for grandad there's an empty hat i love willy [Music] the haircuts when i was little my hair grew long what's that my legs my hair alone one day my mummy took me for a ride on a bus with no roof on the bus we saw lots of things we saw a big queen oh wow take a look look an airplane landed on the water some things i didn't see i just saw my hair that night mommy brushed my hair it was all tangly we're gonna have to get your hair trimmed soon the next day mommy and daddy took me to see a play [Music] mommy tied my hair in bunches you want to be able to see the play said mommy well he came too there was a hello funny and girls [Applause] the funny lady had bunches just like mine do you like my banshees you do you've got bunches like mine haven't you what is your name pink teg that's a lovely name well this little ditty is especially for you one bunch too much kiss my cheeks are one but funny lady son a song all about my bunches of my bunchies underwear nice and poppin plants my bunny bunches bobbin bounce i'm happy with my punches my [Music] at night mommy brushed by bunches away once you get a wee trim you won't have all these tangles at the bottom here will you the next day mommy took me to the hairdresser who's next said the hairdresser you coming over have a seat i jumped into the seat the hairdresser picked up a big pair of scissors ah no i want my butt shape i didn't like the scissors i wanted my bungees do you want to come over brendan i didn't want my haircuts hey tig those scissors might look a bit scary but don't worry cutting hair doesn't hurt snip snip snippety-snip look at brendan brendan doesn't mind having his hair cut he loves it snip snip snippety-snip and look at the hairdresser he knows just how to use the scissors so they're safe tig i know how you feel about your bunches but having your hair cut doesn't mean you can't have bunches again they might be a little smaller that's all but hey having your hair cut means no more hair in your eyes having a haircut means less tangles having your hair cut makes you feel all shiny and new oh i'm happy with my haircut my happy happy haircut go for it get your hair cut you'll love it yes i thought i wouldn't be all shiny and new nothing to worry about i'll have my hair cut so it's next nip no more hair in my eyes snip snip step no more tangles i'm happy with my haircuts my happy happy haircut are you happy with that when the hairdresser saw willy he wasn't happy at all i like having my hair cut i love woolie bus rate when i was little my daddy took me to fly my cakes is that the bus wait for the door to open we went on a bus the bus ride was fun can we get a two to the park please daddy gave me the ticket to hold thank you well we came through we sat on the chair and william looked out of the window when we got to a hilly bed daddy pressed fell and the bus stop bye bye thank you daddy said thank you that's a good girl what a good girl you are today i said thank you and bye bye whoosh up on the hill daddy and me flew my kite he flew my kite in lots of different ways sometimes i ran sometimes daddy ran sometimes people thread after flying the kite i was tired we waited for the bus home when the bus arrived a mad took so long i ran in front of him take say daddy wait your turn hey two please i took the ticket take said daddy don't snatch sorry [Music] said daddy sit down to daddy no feet on the seat was getting really grumpy a lady kept staring at me i didn't like the ladies staring at me ty don't be so rude i was tired and bored take daddy was grumpy just in front of me was the boss fail hmm i thought could you press the bell take note say daddy daddy was cross you round the bell it was us we're just coming come on we're not gonna have to go off the bus now get bullied sorry driver thank you for daddy to the driver we're gonna have to walk home but i'm tired well we'll have to wait for the next bus okay hurry daddy just set a mat would you be bottom on that okay okay i was tired [Music] hey tig i know you feel tired but daddy's not tired daddy's tired too but when daddy's tired he still says thank you to the bus driver when daddy's tired he doesn't throw his bus ticket all over the bus when daddy's tired he doesn't make a face to strangers just because you're tired doesn't mean you stop caring when you feel tired you can still be nice to people and make sure that whatever you do doesn't upset them ting hey and tig you pressed the bus bell not daddy and that's why you're waiting for another bus daddy cares about you and you care about daddy so tell him go frick take yes i thought i love my daddy i said sorry to daddy sorry i said thank you to the bus driver thank you oh thanks driver when a lady smiled at me i smiled at her i showed her willy as only a toy spider i like smiles i like being me i love willie [Music] fireline when i was little something exciting happened at my nursery school it was nearly break time i was helping miss claire really helped too it was a loud loud noise come on everyone it's the fire alarm come on claire said it was the fire alarm come on everyone well done i didn't like the horde noise it hurt my ears come along we all need to leave say clear good i thought away from the nasty noise [Music] clear made sure we're all safe outside together a fire engine came round the corner i like the fire engine the firefighters jumped out they ran into the nursery the firefighters wore hats [Music] don't worry said claire the firefighters are just checking to see if there's a fire [Music] is everything okay firefighters said no fire no worries the firefighters didn't have a fire to put out they showed us their fire engine [Music] i like the firefighters that's it there you go [Music] bye bye to the firefighters bye-bye firefighters there wasn't that exciting so clear come on when we went back inside everything looked just the same we had our break [Music] after break i didn't want a story i didn't want to hear that nasty noise again [Music] let's go i asked claire if i could go home i didn't like the fire alarm hey tig fire alarms may sound scary but fire alarms have to be loud so that everyone can hear them oui they make all sorts of funny noises too drawing the fire alarms aren't there to worry us they're there to make us safe when the fire alarm sounds it tells us to leave the building because there might be a fire it also tells us it's working properly hooray but hey they don't go off that much [Music] but when they do go off we all have to leave the nursery together so nothing to worry about if the fire alarm sounds you know what to do listen to that tig more funny noises someone's playing fire engines we go and have fun yes i thought nothing to worry about i want to play fire engines too [Music] bad my fire engine was going so fast that really flew off in the air i don't mind fire alarms i like fire engines i love willy the painting day when i was little my mommy and daddy took me and my friend angel to our painting day really came too are you having fun angel i was excited i liked painting you painted lots that is such a good picture you need to go to the toilet no i said i wanted to paint angel looks funny she got paint on her nose let me clean your nose let me see and then i thought i do want to go to the toilet hey girls come and have a look at what i've seen over here but mommy said come and look at this there was a man doing pictures of people the man did a picture of me an angel he had to sit very still but i wanted to go to the toilet are you okay there do you need the toilet no i said i was too excited about the man's picture the man was very clever yes please he made angel and me look real daddy said come and look at this i was so excited i was hoping oh i think you need the toilet no i said i want to see the funny picture a lady was going to stick her pictures on a wall i jumped up and down are you sure you don't need the toilet yes do you want to go to the toilet yes i said the toilets were begged there were lots of doors lots of basins machines no no board i didn't like the toilets i sat next to angel and waited for the lady to stick up our paintings i didn't want to go to the new big smelly toilets hey tig you're right you have to be happy going to the toilet sometimes new is strange but you might find you like this new strange toilet more than you think you just need to give it a go it might smell funny but that's because there are lots of different smelly things to clean toilets it might have lots of doors but that's because there are lots of toilets to choose from it might have lots of basins but that's because there are lots of hands to wash woo it might have noisy dryer machines but that can be fun too they're just like a hairdryer stuck on the wall in the end we all need to go to the toilet wherever it is and we all have to flush it before we leave whoosh unless it flushes itself and that's even more fun [Music] oops so go for it tig have fun exploring the new toilet yes i thought i wanted to go to the new big toilet after the toilet i washed my hands with lovely smelly squirty soap then i dried my hands with a hand dryer the lady stuck up her pictures when the lady saw willie's picture she got a phrase i love willy [Music] one day when i was little my daddy came home early from work had a good day it was nearly bath time but mommy said me and daddy could play a little okay you two there's time for a quick meeting before bath time it's really gonna play as well hide and seek hide and seek i said willy played too [Music] i found daddy behind the sofa wooly's turn to hide i said right so six seven no peeping nine ten willie was hiding under our cushion let's see is he behind there daddy found wooly there you are now it is going to be your turn to hide and me and willie are going to both close our eyes and we'll count to 10 okay you ready no peeking really seven eight nine ten daddy and will you open their eyes no wendy house are you in there tig they look for a long long time anyone here no bath's run we'll just be on the right did you get the shampoo shampoo i like to have my birth but i hated having my hair washed i crept into my little house and had some more there you go don't be too long take i think she's behind this curtain daddy couldn't find me she's not there i didn't want my hair washed i think she might be in our bedroom mommy and daddy looked all around the house for me where's ted well she's not in the living room oh dear [Music] found you tig no wonder we couldn't find you you moved hiding places [Music] so that's it you don't want your hair washed so close your eyes like in hide and seek eyes touch shut no peeping so nothing will get in your eyes then count to ten one rubber double [Music] no more stings hey tig go get your hair scrambled [Music] yeah i'm here i shouted i couldn't find you said daddy [Music] hide and seek [Music] when my hair was washed there was a big splash and mummy jumped don't worry mummy [Music] mommy dried my hair let it dry truly i like having my hair washed so does willie i love willie [Music] first day right when i was little i loved going to my nursery school really liked my nursery school too at my nursery school i had my own place to put my coat my nursery teacher is called claire i like claire sometimes i play by myself [Music] sometimes i play with the other children sometimes i'm so busy playing that i have to give willy to my teacher claire claire always puts willie somewhere where he can watch me playing on the messy table [Music] doing my writing playing with the sand [Music] having fun with water one day a new little boy came to my nursery [Music] everybody this is rufus claire told us the new boy's name was rufus rivers didn't seem very happy [Music] rufus didn't want to play claire gave rufus some toys rufus just looked [Music] when we went out to play rufus stayed inside at story time rufus sat by himself he didn't want to sit with me there once was a fluffy yellow chick called charlie charlie claire told us the story of charlie check charlie loved his mummy and he loved cuddling up underneath her warm feathery tummy i like the bit when charlie check is frightened of the outside world until he hears the traps with the other chicks we all sharp like charlie rufus seems sad rufus made me sad i crossed too what was wrong with ruthes [Music] hey tig there's nothing wrong with rufus he doesn't mean to make you saddened cross rufus feels just like charlie chick chip rufus has left the nice warm feathers of his home and come out to a new strange place now you know all the other children but rufus doesn't you know the games but rufus doesn't you know miss claire but rufus doesn't rufus feels lonely and rufus feels sad when you first came to nursery school you had me so if rufus had me to help him for his first day maybe he'd feel happier hey tig would make you feel happier too go for it yes i thought i'll give rufus willie for the day rufus likes willie and we went outside to play together the next day rufus came to nursery with a teddy called ed rufus was happy with ed when ed saw willie he was scared it's only my toy spider i said rufus likes lottery school now i love willie [Music] splash when i was little my mummy and daddy took me swimming at the swimming pool right let's go get changed well i know why don't i take willie because we don't want him to get all wet do we mommy took willie to watch [Music] daddy turned me into a big room [Music] daddy help me put on my swimming costume [Music] i squealed the pool was very very big there was lots of water the water went on forever and ever and nearly out of the window william mummy sat in chairs mommy waved i waved to mummy a man splashed up and down the pool like a big sea lion i held daddy's hands we saw some children the children were splashing daddy put on my armbands a lady splashed with her legs i didn't like the splashing i once go and turn the chairs with mommy mommy said why don't i take tag to the little pool mommy took me to the little pill really came too here you go there's egg why don't you have a splash around i don't like splashing i said hey tig a swimming pool might seem big and strange and full of sudden splashes but a swimming pool is just like a big big bath you like a bath don't you so make it like bath time you like playing boats in the bath don't you tig so have fun with this boat there she blows hey tig now you can kneel in the water it's much more fun here's another swimming game find the frog rip it ribbit water in your mouth spit it out well done tig you found the frog looks like you got your face wet too hey bounce the ball up and down as hard as you can and see how many splashes you can make so now you know water and splashing is fun go for it tig have a splash with daddy in the big bowl [Music] yes i thought i like the splashing [Music] [Music] i like the big pill i like the splashing i like the washer all over my face the big sea lion man so willy it's only my toy spider i said [Applause] i love splashes i love swimming [Music] i love willie [Music] the dog when i was little my granny got a new dog i went to visit my granny and her new dog with my daddy willie came too in the park on the way to granny we saw lots of dogs i wanted to play with the dogs can we play with the dogs no we don't know the dogs daddy said no she said we should leave the dogs we don't know alone i had fun just watching the dogs granny's dog was called harvey hello you come and see i asked to see her he's in baby kitchen having breakfast granny said we should leave harvey alone when he was eating we just watched daddy was looking in a cupboard daddy was trying to find a dog bed for herbie to sleep in [Music] daddy found his old drum set [Music] i made lots of noise on daddy's drums then i heard another noise [Music] stink heavy doesn't like the noise herbie was barking in a rage i didn't like her be barking daddy found his old space hopper and some fun the hopper was fun i bounced around the garden come on heavy let's see what's happening come on i bounced up to herbie [Music] herbie barked herbie looks scary i didn't like kirby listen tig i think i better take him back inside he's getting too excited granny took herbie back inside here's one bed for herbie daddy found a bed for herbie do you want to come for a walk with herbie no no i said i didn't like dogs okay hey tig you don't like kirby because you don't know herbie you need to get to know herbie in just the same way herbie needs to get to know you ruff so what does her be like and what does herbie not like granny says herbie likes to eat in peace when you did your drumming you found out that hubby doesn't like loud bangs when you bounced up to herbie on the space hopper you found out that herbie gets frightened easily he's like most dogs and herb is barking ruff is his way of telling you what he's feeling [Music] so when you meet herbie again be very quiet and still don't touch herbie until granny says you can that's why you'll get to know herbie yes i thought i want to get to know herbie i want to lay kirby can i see hobby yeah come on i'll be very quiet what a great girl riley was getting herbie ready for his walk i was very quiet and still that's a good girl granny said i could stroke kirby gently that's it now do you want to take him out we took kirby to the park i'm not sure if he likes my toy spider yet it's only my toy [Music] the painting day when i was little my mommy and daddy took me and my friend angel to our painting day really came too are you having fun angel i was excited i liked painting you painted lots that is such a good picture you need to go to the toilet no i said i wanted to paint angel looks funny he got paint on her nose let me clean your nose let me see and then i thought i do want to go to the toilets i wanna have a look at what i've seen over here but mommy said come and look at this there was a man doing pictures of people the man did a picture of me an angel he had to sit very still but i wanted to go to the toilet take are you okay there do you need the toilet no i said i was too excited about the man's picture the man was very clever yes please he made angel and me look real girl daddy said come and look at this i was so excited i was hoping oh i think you need the toilet no i said i want to see the funny picture a lady was going to stick her pictures on a wall i jumped up and down are you sure you don't need the toilet yes do you want to go to the toilet yes i said the toilets were begged there were lots of doors lots of basins when the machines no no i didn't like the toilets [Music] i sat next to angel and waited for the lady to stick up our paintings i didn't want to go to the new big smelly toilets hey tig you're right you have to be happy going to the toilet sometimes new is strange but you might find you like this new strange toilet more than you think you just need to give it a go it might smell funny but that's because there are lots of different smelly things to clean toilets it might have lots of doors but that's because there are lots of toilets to choose from it might have lots of basins but that's because there are lots of hands to wash [Music] it might have noisy dryer machines but that can be fun too they're just like a hair dryer stuck on the wall in the end we all need to go to the toilet wherever it is and we all have to flush it before we leave whoosh unless it flushes itself and that's even more fun [Music] oops so go for it tig have fun exploring the new toilet yes i thought i wanted to go to the new big toilet [Music] after the toilet i washed my hands with lovely smelly squirty soap then i dried my hands with a hand dryer the lady stuck up her pictures when the lady saw willy's picture she got a phrase i love [Music] eating new willy when i was little my daddy had a birthday i gave daddy a birthday cake hat it's my birthday daddy looked funny we had a surprise [Music] mommy took us to a restaurant willie came too inside the restaurant there were lots and lots of tables mommy told daddy to take his hat off a grumpy man came along and told us to sit down menu for you mommy said the grumpy man was a waiter daddy was excited and did funny things [Music] stop it just stop it mommy told him to behave and sit up straight so freddy's order i went to fish fingers fingers there were no fish fingers i think i might have the spaghetti daddy says i might like spaghetti are you two okay thank you thank you then i saw a little boy the little boy disappeared i looked under the tables saw the little boy falling towards me rush the grumpy waiter tripped you shouldn't call the rhino restaurant side mommy mommy gave me a coloring book to color in [Music] the grumpy waiter landed our spaghetti plates on the table like airplanes then you sprinkled pepper with a giant pepper pot let's get stuck in i looked at this spaghetti it was all long and wiggly with green and black bits mommy said just to try a little bit i ate a black bite [Music] daddy took away all the olives oh got it hi that's a bit said mummy i wanted fresh fingers hey tig not liking things is okay so now you know what you don't like yuck find out what you do like i like spaghetti because it's fun and wriggly and yummy my tum hey tig your dad's got rid of the yucky taste so have another go i'll roll eat it all up for you [Music] go for it take tucker so i thought i'll have another goal [Music] [Music] mmm it was yummy that's brilliant what a good girl oh you're loving it when i finished the grumpy waiter took my plate away then the waiter came back with daddy's birthday pudding look at that and this is the best birthday cake i've ever had you really like it i like new food it's all just willie yeah he likes that he loved it i love willy i love willie [Music]
Channel: Woolly and Tig Official Channel
Views: 15,602,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woolly And Tig (TV Program), kids tv shows, toy spider, woolly, tig, scottish kids TV show, woolly and tig, Woolly and tig Christmas, kids show christmas, wooly and tig, Wolly and tig, i love woolly, woolly and tig full episodes, woolly and tig christmas special
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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