Woody Sings for the King | 2.5 Hours of Classic Episodes of Woody Woodpecker

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[Music] in a beautiful castle in a far away land lived a happy King named cookie this cutie pie is King Cookie's lovely daughter Sophia mirror mirror on the wall who's the slickest chick of all you are babe and that's not all King cookie also had a beautiful night Andale named Florence say Florence Sing For Me Higher h [Music] laor my beautiful singing bird what happened Big Daddy Florence she have kicked the bucket the king will give his daughter's hand in marriage to any man who will bring him a singing bird oh boy the King's Daughter for a singing bird you looking for a singing bird I'm a singing Bird yeah can you whistle oh sure [Music] listen I mean whistle like a bird oh sure come closer you're ready I'm going to get a singing bird and I'm going to marry the King's Daughter that woodpecker he can sing dad zukes I can hear them Wedding Bells [Music] now your highness I bring you a singing Bird good good [Music] some bird seed to bait the Trap and when I hear the bow ring I got him brains more brains wonder what he's got in the Box here you are your Royal kingship a singing bird [Music] [Music] here's your singing bird King Ki how about your daughter's hand I want to hear him sing and if he doesn't off with your head start singing come on sing yeah yeah to the guiltin that dirty rat think woodpecker mirror mirrror on the wall who's the fairest of the fair you are Dolly but beware if you are not married by midnight you will be turned into a witch a witch at midnight oh my gosh don't lose your head Fred [Music] come on we got to hurry you are going to a wedding King cookie you want a singing bird I've decided to sing for you so he can marry your lovely daughter yeah yeah yeah oh goody goody on with the wedding you're on Little Bird start singing me me that's the woodwood Picker song we are gathered here to join as well of in Cen Bing he's a pecking it all day long oh boy in 2 minutes she'll be a witch that it doesn't make sense for the lady take okay let's finish the wedding and now place the ring on her finger oh yeah the ring hurry it up with the ring oh yeah with this ring with this ring I the w [Music] I kiss [Laughter] [Music] me Cookie you haven't lost a daughter You' gained a witch [Music] cartoon show Time cartoon show time here comes Woody don't go away I'll be back soon with another [Music] cartoon get who [Music] [Laughter] [Music] whoops pardon me Mr W you're ugly $11,000 say you have been a bad boy haven't you $2,000 M shame on you wow 5,000 this guy must have graduated Kum from nasty youu bounty on all woodpeckers 25 cents 25 cents that's an insult gives a guy an insecure feeling like he's not really wanted there that's better uh-oh bars my pitcher dirty McNasty reward $5,000 gives a guy a kind of secure feeling makes him feel really wanted watch this bounty on woodpeckers $225,000 well we can't pass up a deal like that a her foot even if it is [Music] legal Hold On th stranger you seen any of them $25,000 woodpeckers around here yep whole flock of them went that way [Music] [Applause] Sugar Pine my favorite food wowe toer that woodpecker hey knocker head come back here you ain't no horse [Music] F all right right woodpecker come on out oh no you'll have to blast me out gee I wish I'd have thought of that now remember you push the plunger down when I say all clear when you say what all [Music] clear bad r that guser dock W run some b g and Ja [Music] I'm going down after him you Let Me Down Easy and this time do it right pardon me you got a [Music] match bad that dum goo F blood dinkles [Music] go fetch my shotgun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do something you dummy thanks anyone for tennis hey [Music] going [Music] not me stupid the Woodpecker somebody [Music] called shall we try it again boys if you think I'm sticky get my head out again you're Plum Loo Who side are you on anyway we are on the side of Law and Order and you are under arrest Mr Duty McNasty [Music] [Music] so you want me to draw first eh it's time for another cartoon the berry family starring Charlie Barry Bessie Barry and Junior [Music] what the heck's the matter with you [Music] Bessie I'll tell you what the heck's the matter our grass is drying up while you sit around the house now get out there and water the lawn why can't Junior do it it's his turn junior is busy practicing he's playing an Indian in the school play [Music] this oh [Music] [Music] what's the big idea Bessie water the lawn what a waste of [Music] time all right what's going on I've decided Charlie you don't have to water anymore oh uh I don't no we're having an automatic sprinkling system put in We Are oh well wait a minute how much will it cost $300 oh no I'm not putting out $300 for a sprinkling system I'll get about 90 ft of pipe and I'll do it [Music] myself hey Junior what you want pop come down here and help me okay pop and hurry up here I am oh my Pop's going to hit me now quit picking on Junior and get to work Junior get me a hacksaw oh crying out loud Charlie come here now get this pipe out of [Music] here [Music] Grand oh boy why does everything happen to me I wonder if she's gone [Music] oh Junior bring over a pipe you dumb nut why did you put the end down in the mud now you got it all plugged up I'm sorry Pop I'll blow it out never mind I'll do it oh gosh Come Here Charlie guess which hand Charlie oh uh uh that one no this [Music] one well it's all done Junior go tell your mother to come out we are gathered here today to celebrate the grand opening of the Charly Berry sprinkler system Junior you will present the key to Mrs Berry thank you now my dear you may have the honor of turning on the water hey what's the matter why don't it start I'll tell you why here's the water bill you didn't pay the water's been turned off now do you have any bright idea for getting the lawn watered I got an idea mom you know my Indian dance book tells how to do a rain dance and father here can SWAT that's a good idea all right Charlie page 42 in the dance book oh Bessie I feel silly out here like this well you can't come in until you make it rain so as they say dance up a storm [Music] Charlie y yip yip y has it started to rain yet Charlie how now yip yip go oh [Music] it's time for a Woody Woodpecker cartoon let's go it's who oh [Music] get out get [Applause] [Music] out want some sugar old pal one lump or two one 2 my hate him that dirty little rat [Music] F hey Barber shave off my [Music] mustache let trying to tell me huh I'm too smart for that woodpecker no one will ever know me now guess I'll go take a little nap well let's go take a look shall we it's him all right hey wake up Batman you're dirty McNasty and I'm turning you in oh you must must be mistaken sir this fell has a big mustache I'm a clean shaven gentleman from Kansas City oh yeah take a look it's me oh we'll get a big reward for this okay woodpecker draw your gun draw a gun there well no nobody likes a smart alec [Music] [Music] for [Music] now a little [Music] blue D the gumo and [Music] o [Music] pardon me ladies did you see a horse and woodpecker in there I don't know I'll ask my horse face sister hella did you see a horse and wood picker in there m thank you ladies huh [Music] hey Batman got a minute did you happen to see this million dollar reward uh notice anything see the resemblance do I have that million dooll look hey that's you now I caught you where do I get the reward right over there you got to see the sheriff sheriff I come for the reward let me have it yeah let him have [Music] it well he got his reward [Music] don't go away I'll be back soon with another cartoon la [Music] Hey kid how' you like to make a couple of bucks yeah what I got to do I can't tell you here come with me how about that eh you just look just like a real genie this will be my best con game yet now you get inside and when I rub the magic lamp you come out and say oh what is your wish oh great Mis I'm rubbing the [Music] lamp what's a big idea sleeping on the job when do I get me two bucks never mind that now this time stay awake I'm rubbing the lamp again what is your wish oh great master my George I think he's got it now I'll put in the bait a bag of jelly beans step right up folks get your magic lamp right here ah here's a Bright Young fella I would just like to buy a magic lamp with a genie inside you just make a wish and just get what you want every time boy I'm wise to that old phony lamp trick oh no pal try it and sa for your yourself cuz it ain't your lamp yet you can just wish for something small now go ahead and rub the lamp well okay what is your wish oh great Master he'd like a bag of jelly beans now okay jelly beans coming up how about that now are you convinced a I wanted to wish for a new limousine look pal what do you expect for a free rub I just wanted to prove that the lamp wakes now when it's your lamp you can wish for the million dollars well uh okay then I'll buy the lamp all right that'll be $25 now you can start to live honey hey how about me two bucks get away from me boy you bother me [Music] now I think I'll wish for something big come on out Genie come out and ask me what I want hey you in there Genie what's the matter with this thing he's gone there's no genie in there that's right Chum you've been taken by that con man Buzz Buzzard you you mean I been swindles yeah and he cheated me out of two bucks but I got to plan how we can get even listen this is the way I figured see all we got to do is find this [Music] guy huh oh my gosh hey woodpecker oh hello my good man where where'd you get this fancy limousine oh I'm rich now you know I just rubbed the lamp wished for a million dollars and zoor I'm [Music] loaded we can stop now mousy I got to get that lamp well we fool him all right but I sure wish I had my $25 back give me back my magic l [Music] M give me that lamp let me have [Music] it 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 I got my money back I got me two bucks well I got the lamp Okay Genie I wish for a million bucks let me have it the [Applause] [Music] winner cartoon Showtime cartoon Showtime Here Comes Woody don't go away I'll be back soon with another [Music] cartoon yes who [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh give me a horse with a Gallop of course and we ride on our way with Ely well he could have said excuse me for knocking you down excuse me for knocking you down here you can have the deed to my house it's haunted by the ghost of Wild Bill hiccup I'm leaving look Sugarfoot he gave us the D to his house the old Hamer give the deed to that woodpecker I got to get that deed and then this place will be mine they're coming in I'll haunt this place and drive them away too or my name ain't Wild Bill dog gone I still can't say my name without a I needed that make yourself at home Sugarfoot it's all our they're downstairs now I better get to work [Music] now don't worry about a thing sugar foot there's no such thing as a [Music] ghost cut it out Sugarfoot I told you there's no ghost that was probably just the wind I hope come on let's look around [Music] it was just a [Music] mouse is that what the old was scared of who's afraid of a little tiny ghost like that this is the old vacuum cleaner trick it always [Music] [Applause] works go away you go this is [Music] fun that was just our imagination don't you think so Sugarfoot this one will scare The Living Daylights out of them scaredy cats come on Sugarfoot let's explore our new house Yahoo Yahoo I'm the Ghost Rider in the sky who are you the ghost of Wild Bill don't say it don't say hiccup no hi hiup [Music] hi wo wo did you see that he ain't no ghost them pesky Critters has got to go imagine that guy trying to scare us away well I can do a little haunting [Music] myself that dumb woodpecker thinks he can fool me uh what are you doing there uh Mr ghost I'm a uh uh I'm I I [Music] [Music] I Su now stop it stop the [Music] music now I'm mad I'm burning up when I catch that bird he'll be sorry he Tangled with Wild Bill boy that was a close one aha I got you this time woodpecker where are you I got something for you Mr Wild Bill hiccup don't say that word [Laughter] [Music] it's time for another cartoon [Music] m [Music] to [Music] I'm [Music] hungry dust smle that's my boss he's a big game hunter really big come on here Smedley yes sir Colonel sir look at this there's going to be a new caretaker around here if you don't get busy and tidy up and if you [Music] don't now get to work yes sir that man's really a high strong type fell got a real hair trigger tamper but he treats me just fine Smedley I'm going out jogging you take good care out of the logs oh yes sir Colonel and get to work call turn the dle frazzle are you all right Colonel I'll get you for this Smedley he's a little bit upset now but uh he's a very sweet person don't worry sir I'll take care everything uh-oh it's you know who no handouts this season Chile bonara oh that's goodbye in French [Music] [Music] you're here again huh yeah this is me you like it here eh yes you'd like to stay huh H yes me like you would yes well you can the colonel don't allow no mooches around here now [Music] get Bley fix my lunch oh boy lunchtime uh what do you have sir T-bone steak what else sir six fried eggs is that all sir how about some fish I thought I told you to get by Jo a real live penguin why he's beautiful I'll have him stuffed and put in my [Music] collection I'll catch him sir I got him come out of there you little rat [Music] go oh gosh he'll be mad what do we do [Music] now we are in trouble Chile let's get out of [Music] here come out you Scoundrels it's all right it's all right [Music] noad SL time to come in it's time for a Woody Woodpecker cartoon [Music] gu who [Music] way out in the west there's a story that's told about a mine that was lost and it's loaded with gold the tale that they tell is that when it is found there's he keeps of gold nuggets right there on the ground but no one will find it so many have DED it's guarded by ghosts of the miners that died yes it's guarded by ghost but I think I'll take a little nap [Music] hey sugar foot we found a real gold nugget dog gone I've been digging for 30 years and I ain't found no gold yet yippy we found gold gold huh gold we're rich Sugarfoot we're rich I got to get that gold and look here's a gold mine it says abandoned mine now we can go in and get more gold oh no this is my gold mine look you see that's my name Joe abandoned so you'll have to get now goodbye and get lost oh yeah let me see your credentials here's my credentials now you beat it or I'll shoot you okay shoot if you want to be rich you got to have a lot of [Music] [Applause] [Music] money let's get some gold Sugarfoot [Music] I'll make a bomb that'll blow them into kingdom come or my name ain't Joe abandoned when we cash in all this gold Sugarfoot we'll be rich Millionaires and maybe we can buy that farm in Kansas you always [Music] [Music] wanted how you like being rich Sugarfoot all right I'm tired of being a nice guy now stick them [Music] [Applause] [Music] up we've loaded our gold and we're going to town we're going to spread money and joy all around t [Music] D you wa here old pal I'll take a couple of bags full inside hi Oldtimer take a look at this and there's a lot more where that came from so another one of them Wise Guys eh well that there's fool's gold and you beat it or I'll call a Marshall and the next crook that brings any more of that stuff in here is going to get Bo blasted I got bad news Sugarfoot we're not rich anymore that was Fool's goal we're broke we we're poppers I got you now you you claim jumpers oh uh hello Mr abandon uh we were waiting for you we we had a change of heart and you can have all the gold yeah oh boy I'm rich here oh I think we better go [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sugarfoot don't go away I'll be back soon with another cartoon [Music] vacation time in the Everglades going to have fun in the Everglade oh going to sleep all night going to play all day won't have a care let down our hair oh look Uncle Woody Magnolia Manor for luxury living 2 miles ahead sounds expensive but what's the difference it's for all we'll have a [Music] b well here we are kids Magnolia Manor you kids go play while I check in here's your key ma'am how would you like to flip for your room rent double or nothing no thank you young man ah here's a bright young man oh no it's Buzz Buzzard the con man you sold me a bell once in Philadelphia and and it was all cracked I'm leaving wait a minute H I've gone straight and to prove it I am going to let you buy stock in my new invention the handy dandy bug killer how about that no thank you wait Chum I can see that you are a shrewd one and uh I didn't want anybody to know but uh I have discovered the Fountain of Youth boy that's the phoniest one yet I got proof look at here [Music] there ain't you convinced no I want to see the fountain there it is pal the original Fountain of Youth come around to the back uh I will demonstrate look at this poor miserable old duck now I will send him through the fountain now let us watch the miracle [Music] H hey that's amazing do it again I'd be happy to observe 185 year-old duck here he [Music] goes it works every time oh boy you sold me where do I sign right here pal 500 bucks and it's all yours you probably won't talk to me no more when you're a millionaire oh sure I will congratulations it's so nice to deal with a smart businessman wowe I'm in business and here comes my first customer and boy does she need it good morning little old lady how' you like to be a young chick again well I don't know sunny I just pay $10 and you step into my Fountain of Youth are you sure about Madam next Sunday you'll be running on the beach in Miami wearing a bikini and getting wolf whistles oh my let's go come on up Miss teeny buffer I'm a coming Sunny oh my gosh how do I look he something went wrong you wrestle I'll need you to cheat little old ladies what a sucker I'll get even with that crooked Buzzard hello Uncle Woody we came looking for you I got an idea here's what we're going to do hello I want you to send me your biggest cash register right away boy am I making money here he comes you know what to do knad oh boy I've had a busy day guess I'll go through the Fountain of Youth myself this I got to see oh boy look at me I'm So Young The Fountain it w hey wooda I want my Fountain back I got to have it look I I I'll pay you 1,000 bucks cash well all right shine here well we got even with him Splender now I own a real Fountain of Youth it really wins and uh here comes a customer now howdy Colonel Oldtimer with body all weary and wrecked with pain hey how's that it's going to rain no no just step through my magic Fountain it'll make you way kindergarten drop out well all righty come on out youngster and jump for joy get done fool I'm still old and now my feet are wet I'll learn you [Music] cartoon Showtime cartoon show time here comes [Music] Woody don't go away I'll be back soon with another cartoon [Music] Commander short snot you will proceed at once to the South Pole in our new Onan nuclear submarine there you will establish a new missile base yes [Music] sir Commander sharn here now hear this Commander you are running behind on your schedule now hurry up with that missile base I I sir [Music] he again must be a PE soup fog out there [Music] hiy Chile so where are you boy well so there you are you little rat skull you've been walking in your sleep again chy come on let's go back to bed [Music] W what's going [Music] on how B [Music] let me take a look J oh my gosh the Abominable Snowman Commander short snart calling Washington I want to report there's an abominable snowman up there on the ice nonsense you are out of your cotton picking mind now get the work sir [Music] hey yeah what's this thing Chile I don't [Music] know hey you out there put me back down there's someone in there Chile Jee [Music] he's kind of [Music] mad smoke him out that's a good idea chil [Music] boy I wish to request transfer sir on account of the smug your hob up nonsense Commander there is no smog at the South Pole now get to work want firecrackers yeah [Applause] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] it's time for another cartoon The Barry family starring ch Berry Bessie Berry and Junior [Music] [Applause] huh what the heck's going on Bessie well my gosh Charlie I was just going to vacuum the carpet why am I going to get any rest around here that thing sounds like a 747 flying through the house here Charlie have a nice cup of tea it'll calm you down oh you're a as nervous as a bird dog I am not nervous and I do not want a cup of tea take the tea Charlie H not nervous you say I think you better see a doctor I'm not nervous and I'm not going to see a doctor oh yes you are oh no I'm not I am not going to see a doctor [Music] uh what's the verdict doc you are a very nervous man Mr beeri you have to relax do you have any hobbies well I I watch TV but that is not enough come let me show you something here's a little hobby of mine raising tropical fish very good therapy just watching them swim around hey that's a good idea see it DOC I'm going right out and buy a fish [Music] tank [Applause] quiet now what were you saying yeah I'd like a nice big fish tank how about this one oh yeah that'll be fine now how about some fish oh these look nice I think I'll have a few of these ow you silly those are man-eating piranas oh I I better see something else hi Mead yeah how about a catfish he's kind of cute what does he eat what else mice fish I'll take the tank out side you just pick out about a dozen fish for [Music] me I'll just put it on top this is our finny friend special assortment that'll be [Music] [Applause] $52 don't get rabbit lbit now I need some [Applause] water air [Music] [Applause] [Music] hose assaulting an officer and damaging City PR property sign here hey Mom Papa's [Music] home Junior bring a bucket of water all right help me pick up these [Music] fish now I'll have to get another tank [Music] Charlie what the heck are you doing oh uh I bought these tropical fish and uh the doctor said I should have a hobby and he said I should watch him [Music] swim you know I don't like fish now pick them up and take them right back to the store [Music] oh [Music] no oh good day Mr Beer my but you look nervous today did you buy some fish yeah here they are [Music] oops it's time for a woody wood pick a cartoon [Music] is who [Music] boy am I hungry in fact I'm famished nothing not a crumb boy old mother Hubb had nothing on [Music] me h i wonder [Music] [Music] it's Mrs meanie she must have flipped oh hello wood R hello dinging what's with all the tral laas oh it's such a nice day I thought I'd go visit my grandmother yeah what's in the basket Pizza Pizza yeah grandma just loves pizza pizza but now I'm off to see my grandma la la la la oh boy I'm hungry for pizza I'll take a short cut through the woods and get to Grandma's house [Music] first but bless my soul it's w a woodpecker I've seen you on TV quick Granny Run for the hills the dam is [Music] breaking sheh la la la la Hey Minnie did you hear the news granny what are you doing up there run for your life Minnie the Dam's broken who told you that Woody Woodpecker told me so that's his little scheme trying to pull the old red roding hood trick well I'll fix that moer hey Granny you want your pizza now no I left home so fast I forgot my teeth scre B now I'll go take care of that sneaky little woodpecker she should be here any minute come in hello grandmother how are you well I'm kind of hungry my what big eyes you have yeah the better to ow don't do that and my what funny feet you have they look like woodpecker feet is that a nice way to talk about about your grandmother uh did you bring me a pizza and how did you know I had pizzas oh I could smell them my what a big nose you have red hot pepper here's your pizza Grandma water water give me water red hot sauce here's a drink [Music] no no Mrs meanie I was just having fun now I'm going to have some fun sharks that little fell must have been mistaken damn ain't broken I'm going back home now where is he hiding land sakes climbing telephone po is very tiring when you're 89 years old uh-oh he's back in bed stop it oh I'm sorry granny I thought you were that woodpecker well why would you want to beat him I seen him on TV oh yeah well he's a rascal and when I catch him I'm going to Oh Land shakes a body can get more rest on the telephone pole [Music] uh-oh he's hiding in the Cedar Chest I'll get a rope and tie it up hey Granny the Yankees are coming quick hide in the chest Yankees [Music] well goodbye woodpecker goodbye huh you who's in that chest oh that was granny you better save her [Music] you darn [Music] fool don't go away I'll be back soon with another cartoon [Music] this is the story of the Pony Express and the daring Riders who carried the United States mail between St Joseph Missouri and San Francisco [Music] what am I going to do I'm all out of riders this job is too [Music] dangerous I've got to find a new Rider oh hello there hey boy come here what's up sto can you ride a horse honey are you kidding watch this get in Yi [Music] y he's crazy yeah yeah Yahoo how's that can I ride a horse you're hard reporting for Duty sir here take this postard to San Francisco and don't forget the stamp oh you want a [Music] stamp [Music] i w w w get ready Sugarfoot it's about time for the new Rider to change horses here I come get [Music] out hold them up come on Sugarfoot hide over [Music] there I guess he's gone hey cut that out give them to me mail pouch I haven't got a mail pouch I just got this postcard okay I take postcard hey it got no stamp oh we'll fix that hey sugar F give this guy a [Music] stamp here have another marshmallow sugar foot I'm glad we lost that crazy Indian here have another marshmallow don't worry Sugarfoot that's only a coye I told you it's just a coye I'll throw him a marshmallow pry good I get [Music] more I got to throw in another [Music] I better take a look uh-oh coyotes don't have feathers I'll give them a marshmallow to remember he's only a stone throw [Music] away yayay coming up Mr coyote [Music] [Applause] here he comes me drop Big Stone on him want to take a little rest Sugarfoot [Music] something looks fishy around [Music] here this is old engine trick very good when woodpecker ride by up he [Music] goes and so our brave hero finally reaches his destination there it is Sugarfoot San Francisco Pony Express reporting sir and here's your postal card yeah but where's the stamp stamp sugar [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foot cartoon Showtime cartoon show time here comes [Music] Woody don't go away I'll be back soon with another [Music] cartoon get who [Music] this scene of utter Devastation shows the work of the redheaded woodpecker the damage caused by this destructive Bird cost the utility companies millions of dollars yearly but there is hope for at this very moment the famous Professor Gren fiber is busy at work on a plan to eradicate the wood begger Menace Professor Gren fiber oh hello there Professor could you show us your new secret invention well I could show you if you don't tellar no wood peckers you see when do wooder sees the sign welcome free lunch he will enter the Trap I have to laugh when I think how dumb is the food pecker you see attached to the Gooseberry pie is 500 lb weight when the Dum woodpecker eats the Gooseberry pie a 500 lb weight will come down and knock him looks good smells good too [Music] hello there you looking for me nice face you got [Music] [Applause] [Music] here I show a dumb [Music] woodpecker oh boy now I get him you bet nice go there pie hello there you want some Gooseberry pie no you [Music] do he Pizza Pie more [Music] pie eat your pie more pie NS [Music] this time I fix him that D woodpecker hey you want your picture toen me oh yes Dum woodpecker this is my good side shoot don't worry I shoot smile I'm smiling I'll take a dozen Professor then the dumb woodpecker opens the door pow a can knock on the Noggin yooo woodpecker come get some nice Gooseberry [Music] pie come [Music] in I wonder where he could have been that dumb [Music] [Music] woodpecker that's good cigar I wonder what kind is it exploding cigar dumb woodpecker I sh him this time who is more smarter than he is that's [Music] good I can hardly wait to fool that dumb woodpecker [Music] [Laughter] [Music] pardon me baby doll didn't we meet in an oak tree in Oklahoma or was it in a pine tree in Pennsylvania D woodpecker is falling for the Trap ladies first sugar I got him I got him I've been tricked why that cooking Professor now I'll show him a couple of tricks at last I have smashed the Woodpecker trouble now I will celebrate come my little Fring we [Music] dance hey hey wait a minute something has gone wrong now a little [Music] kin well if you can't beat them coin them [Music] it's time for another cartoon [Music] in the lonely Antarctic high on a snowy Peak can be found the largest of all seabirds the albatross also known by Sailors as the Goon bird here we see a pink goon bird perhaps the only one in the world Albatross request the pleasure of your company for a fish dinner PS you bring the fish this dinner's very good me like thanks to you Chile my little pale fish all gone me go home now okay buddy boy I'll give you a lift fasten your seat belt and no smoking let's [Music] go thanks Al bye-bye pal [Music] aha there he is the pink Albatross he's worth a million dollars I'll get him dead all out you go home you bad man you can't hurt big bird he my friend now you look here I'm Colonel poot and I'm here to get that pinky Albatross so beat it now cut that [Music] out now I'll get to [Music] work Warning Hunter here to get you your or pale chili [Music] H now look at here you you pesky North Pole bantam [Music] now [Music] get help man kicked me shine chilly well we'll see about that hey you it's a pink goon what a big idea picking on my P wait hold on a minute I got something for you it's a present oh yeah yeah turn around and close your eyes okie dokie aha I got [Music] you what do you want to do now Chile let's go up to your house okay let's play t and Romy let's go there's more than one way to get that [Music] bird okay goon bird this time I really got something for you back shot no what's the matter with the gun I don't know let's take a look there's your trouble mister hair triggers full of dandruff [Music] seems okay now you try [Music] it say [Applause] [Music] goodbye yes the overshot Chile [Music] yeah let's go see what else he has Chile let's go [Music] boy look at all this stuff rubber Albatross [Music] decoy I make it bigger I know how we can have some fun chili boy the pink Albatross aha At Last I got the pink Albatross now I can go home I can fly home with my f specimen I will fam I will be I help let me down help I say let me go he said he wanted to fly home with an albatross [Music] it says time for a woody wood picker [Music] cartoon gu who [Music] [Laughter] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] get it PA what we got to eat more Harmony grits hog jows Pome pile of chitlins and corn pone and S belly Mo you're the best cook in the world best cook in the [Music] world more I just love you to pieces okay M bring on the viddles why pa you didn't leave nothing for me you eat like a big hog here's some pig sassages PA and it's all we got left you're the best cook in the whole world m sh's more ain't nothing you're beautiful M I'll get us some coffee I'm hungry [Music] M if you want any more you go out and shoot it that's just what I'll do I'll shoot me a turkey or pum or something her women must be touched in the head what Incarnation the matter with you all well you started it ain't so you started it I didn't you did I did not you did too I didn't hey knock it off down there I'm trying to get some sleep it's that D woodpecker [Music] give me that gun paw got oh cut off in my youth oh I'm going fast it's getting dark pay attention to this acting folks I should get an Oscar for this goodbye meat on the table some carrots some turnips salt and pepper and whe he gets with picker pot [Music] pie I can hardly wait to eat that woodpecker pot [Music] pie they ain't no more pot pie M you big hog you had do I did not you did too I did not you did too did not you did didn't did Paul bows the Woodpecker it's his fault for all the feuding fighting and fussing [Music] I swear that bit's around here somewhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dead red and whiskers is always getting me in trouble I'm going to shave them all [Music] you're the prettiest thing in the whole world sh f i don't Master hold on M it's me PA I done changeed off my whiskers land sakes Paul I didn't know you from a blue noosed new how you like it Mo sakes alive you look just like when we was married oh I do not you do too no I don't you do I do not you do no I don't I say you do I [Music] don't don't go away I'll be back soon with another cartoon [Music] you know what think I've been thinking yeah I got an idea that'll make us a fortune what's that [Music] buzz I told you a thousand times don't Trump my Ace now when was I oh yeah we're going to get us a talk and dog gee there ain't too many around Buzz never mind that you get us a dog and I'll show you how to make him talk [Music] I got one [Music] Buzz shut up what you going to do now Buzz he's a runty looking M hey Mouse bring me that hat now then you do the talking and folks will think it's the dog you get the picture hey wait a minute what's my cutting thiser don't worry when I sell this talking dog for 50 bucks I'll give you two bits well okay now let's try it out hello faithful talking dog how are you fine how are you don't raise the Hat now let's go oh oh there's a live one what's the matter Gabby you haven't said much lately no I'm hot let's go home hey what's that did he talk oh yeah talks all the time but I got to sell him me poor mut needs an operation ah I'm wise to your scheme I'll bet you're a ventriloquist oh no pal look I'll run around the corner and you have a talk with a dog okay little doggy say something hey qu that bouncing around heck I wasn't bouncing around you you got to keep his head on so he don't catch cold now what do you have to say well my name is Gabby and I'm 4 years old and I wish you would buy me and take me home well all right okay pal pay me the 50 bucks how's about me two bits hey do you owe this dog two bits no I don't and if he was smart he'd keep it under his hat well here's your new home Gabby what would you like to eat cheese huh well I didn't know dogs like cheese I do I like cheese so you're the one that's been talking sure Chum you've been taken that dog can't speak a white oh I wouldn't say that so you can talk certainly and I can sing too and dance oh boy I'll make a fortune bville TV Las Vegas talking dog boxs off a smash talking dog Wows them on Broadway I got to get that dog back [Applause] thank you and now I would like to do a few impersonations this is another fine mess you've got us into Stanley what a [Music] performer oh yes my little chick de a [Music] d a me Charlie Chan number one son [Music] a look Punk you're in on this too you got to help me get that dog oh yeah well where's me two bits give him his two [Music] bits stop the music stop the music how's it B me two prins from now on you're going to wait for me I got my two bits good night Mrs Calabash Wherever You Are [Music] cartoon show Time cartoon show time here comes Woody don't go away I'll be back soon with another cartoon get who [Music] a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] welcome to lizard gizzard Gulch population 246 244 [Music] wow Buffalo Bill Bat Masterson Billy the Kid Wyatt her Wild Bill hiccup men we have lost 12 sheriffs in the last 12 days we're meeting here today to appoint a new one who will [Music] [Applause] [Music] volunteer number 13 [Music] there that'll take care of that bad [Music] man woo I hate him hey [Music] you stick them [Music] up Sheriff 13 eh I'm going to count to three and shoot one [Music] oops hope I don't see him no more this is the end Sheriff woodpecker one two [Music] three that dirty little check bushing Ratt now somebody's going to get what they deserve and it might as well be [Music] you go off to jail Batman oh I'll probably get a big reward for this well uh where did uh uh I'm going to C that little guy and get my boots back [Music] too the minute he comes out I'll let him have it [Music] [Music] that dirty little smart alec [Music] ohoh there he is again this time I'll blast him for good okay woodpecker [Music] [Music] he'll be a singing with a heart pretty soon cuz I'm going to blow this place to Kingdom Come [Music] hey what the he you think [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] let's go it's time for another cartoon [Applause] [Music] the berry family starring Charlie Berry Bessie Berry and Junior [Music] Charlie what the heck's the matter Bessie the sink is all clogged up well don't blow a gasket Bessie I can fix it easily oh no you can't this time we get a plumber oh no plumbers get $25 an hour so so I'll fix it myself hey Junior what do you want pop your mother here has a very serious major problem gee what is it father not try to take it like a man Junior I got to tell you the sink's clogged up come on let's go to work here we go again [Music] towel talcom rubber gloves my wrench any dumb boob can unclog a sink the water comes down here goes up and around and it goes out there oh oh red don't you think I ought to call a plumber Charlie no I don't I'll fix it myself gness H the trouble could be right [Music] here oh hi Fred how's chances to borrow your Plumber's Friend and when you return it don't forget to bring back my shovel and goph for traps you borrowed Last Summer oh my [Music] gosh Charlie you're turning blue why'd you do that now the plunger stuck on the ceiling [Music] help help Junior Where Are You Junior help where are you pop up here you boob gee what are you doing up there pop never mind that help get me down G wi m [Music] it's dark down in there well turn on the [Music] light you big boob that's the garbage dispos all switch yeah oh uh you got a snake I can borrow here and I hope it bites you [Music] [Applause] what's the matter mom Junior your father's underwear was dancing right there you've been working too hard mom [Music] what's going on here so I might have guessed it's that stupid Charlie Berry Junior there's some kind of monster in there help me pull this thing out Charlie I think it's for you oh uh hello Fred did you come to get your [Music] snake well miss to fix it yourself now shall I call a plumber yeah you can call a plumber Bessie and uh will you call a doctor too [Music] oh oops it's time for Woody wood take a cartoon let's go [Music] gu who [Laughter] [Music] comy hamine just Grand Chum 99 get out of here you cheers did you get his number we'll sue him remind me to get in touch with my lawyer hey look an Indian village I'll run over pal and see if the Indians are Friendzy hold it Chum they might be dangerous I better go you wait here cowy wowy I insist you let me go no no no no no no no I'm bigger I'll take the risk now stay put be right back boy what a friend they don't make him like that anymore we want them rain we want them rain we want them rain we want them rain to get them rain we must sacrifice sacred Rainbird the redheaded woodpecker a woodpecker yeah you catch them woodpecker I give plenty [Applause] wam first you catch them woodpecker okay chief sit tight the Indians are friendly Cham they're just dying to meet you wait here pal I'll be right back he's a swell friend well I might as well relax until he gets [Music] [Applause] [Music] back got your pecker catch them woodpecker I catch him [Music] Chief catch on woodpecker catch on woodpecker catch on woodpecker right that CH I'll get you down don't get panicky watch it take it easy don't be chicken [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] now you catch your mood paker okay chief Don't Panic Don't Panic step on it there he [Music] [Applause] goes You Got Me Chief but before I get it puff pipe of Peace okay then you get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woodpecker stinker now he gets it [Applause] [Music] you know that [Music] hurts now you catch them woodpecker okay chief Don't Panic we'll get [Music] them grab the Rope Chief and we pull up a [Music] woodpecker save me pal help okay Chum don't go away save [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me I got him Chief he's all yours now I make keep sacrifice and rain come hold it Chief look Yonder The raincloud cometh raincloud cometh where where where where where where rain cloud where where is it where is it where is it where's rain rain y rain rain come big [Music] rain hey woodpecker yes sir how you stop a rain sacrifice a fox a fox oh [Music] no woody woody oh paline don't forsake you old friend don't leave me now Chum hear me old buddy don't let our friend [Music] die don't go away I'll be back soon with another cartoon pap [Music] morning morning good morning Mrs now you go back home Alfie you can't go to school with me now go on go home Alie go home you know you can't go to school with me go along now that's a good doggy good morning Mrs meanie keep out of my school you mut now did it now Mr smart alec hold out your [Applause] [Music] hand oh no you don't school's not out [Music] [Applause] [Music] yet everybody turn to page 14 in your song [Music] book good good morning we new day with sunshiny faces we work and we play who did that did you do it well uh I uh hold out your hand that's the 10th time this week I've had to punish you what do you have to say well I'm sure glad it's Friday [Music] so now you stand in the corner stop that [Music] [Laughter] laughing stop laughing stop it now class our geography lesson for today takes us to the land of Egypt [Music] ow Qui if I hear one more sound there'll be no recess Alie go away I saw you playing with your dog now hold out your hand recess Time come back come back I didn't call [Music] [Applause] recess here let me give you a hand [Music] ow you come down from that [Music] tree gee I'm sorry Mrs meanie let's make a and be friends shall we here's a nice shiny Apple well uh thank you woodro my what a nice Apple [Music] cartoon Showtime cartoon Showtime Here Comes Woody don't go away I'll be back soon with another cartoon The Barry family starring Charlie Berry Bessie Berry and [Music] Junior hey Pop there's a cute little puppy in the pet store it's only two bucks can I get it no you can't I don't want any dogs around the house J where hello yes yes just a minute Charlie it's your boss oh hello boss sir sure boss be happy to no trouble at all uh see you later bye well what was that all about Charlie oh boy the boss is going out of town and he wants us to take care of his puppy he'll be right over look I'm not babysitting any dog but it's the boss's dog what about my job what about my carpets it's just a puppy here's his balll and here's his leash in boy hey boss what's his name o for crying out loud all right you whatever your name is out of my [Music] chair oh my gosh B he called this brute away from it well what's his name I don't know his name oh um here's Fort um here Rover Rex nice doggy oh he's friendly no oh for Pete's sake will you take him to the kitchen and find a bone I can't hang up here all day come on Foo let's go to the kitchen oh G does a nice doggy want a little snack let's see if we can find a nice bone there you [Music] are hey drop that ham you mut [Music] oh what's this that was our dinner thanks to your boss's dog now look here you hello hello how are you in cuddles getting along you have the wrong number there's nobody here named cuddles well there better be this is the boss cuddles is my dog oh that cuddles oh he's just fine boss very playful py isn't he we're having a lot of fun right now okay I'll pick cuddles up [Music] tomorrow okay [Music] goodbye yeah get out of there oh boy now look what he's [Music] done now look here you you here cuddle want a nice bone yeah yeah yeah come and get it I'll just keep them locked up till the boss gets back [Music] hey Pop look what see gave me see it's a little [Music] [Applause] kitty what's going on hello oh my gosh charie your boss called said he won't be back for a month [Music] it's time for another cartoon [Music] hey [Music] I'll put a stop to that noise I got a girl she's an esimo way up North but the cold wind low lives in a house made of ice and snow but is she cold no no no no shule on the tundra slip and slide and H and jerking rhythm do the ml stop cut it out I'm trying to sleep and besides I hate that kind of music gosh what a thorad party pooper guess I'll listen to the news this is station skm Mo Hollywood is looking for a new musical group someone with a new gimmick new gimmick how about a singing bear and the Penguin good I can see them now now at the root blo Shuffle on the tundra slip and slide and hop twist and jerk and Rhythm to the I'll make a [Music] fortune I'll get the little one first and then come back for the bear [Music] [Applause] [Music] I take her out for a dog SL ride i h mus sit by side we cud up the temperat L but is she cold oh no no no [Music] let's go buddy boy help throw me [Music] something we dance all night that is 6 months long she's dressed up in a mix wrong and a big smile not much I know but is she cold oh no no no [Music] oh yeah I I [Music] [Music] Shuffle on the tundra slip and slide and hop twist and jerking Rhythm do the mlck B hold it hold it boys how would you like to go to Hollywood and be famous just sign this contract gee a contract why didn't you say so hey uh why do we sign this thing what's up Chile oh yeah uh just a minute kind [Music] sir um how would you like to sign up a singing whale a singing whale tell me more listen [Music] the office is inside a photograph no I've been tricked let me out of here hey hey let me out you hear me I'll kill those [Music] life is a ball with an ESO Dan lights will glow in the 25 below but is she cold oh no no no on the tundra and slide and hop and jerky the m [Music] oops it's time for Woody wood take a cartoon let's go go [Music] I'm ah freeloader Airways the only way to [Music] fly the airlines president will hear about this Oar mountains look out for stray rifle balls nobody calls my hound dog and no good flea bitten Cur and sides he's twice as as good as that th ugly looking mongr [Music] YN y h your mouth you're going to give my Hound an inferiority complexion holded fellas that's no way to settle that question he's k r roof the proof of the porchy pudding is in the eaten right oh I will demonstrate oh Yeller go f me a squirrel oh blue fetch me a [Music] moose well it took him long enough oh y go scr up a Grizzly bar this should a measly looking bar oh [Music] blue well now let's quit fooling around [Music] well I admit you don't see many of them no more but what kind of a bird dog is he bird dog he's only the best in these Hills oh yell go fat a bird oh boy I pity the poor Birds on a night birds I'm a bird hey did somebody lose a broken down bird dog you call that poor miserable Critter a bird dog oh blue go get that bird don't just lay there you go get that bird uh-oh [Music] hello boys [Music] that [Music] that's my Hound oh blue that th's old yellow th's that bodacious bird oh yell got him cornered oh blue closing in on him good dog old yell good boy blue hound dogs they may be but Water Spaniels they ain't Bo I never seen such a pum tuckered out Critters that the mudy YN roof there's a boldfaced lie Jed your Hound is more plum tuckered than mine be no sir your is more plum [Music] tuckered e that's smart [Music] [Applause] e e e e e e e e
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 39,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: 5TJBgsc1S4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 32sec (9212 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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