Woodturning | Maple Lidded Box

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welcome back I've been asked to teach a class once a month at the wood craft in Eugene on Fox turning so I needed some samples so I turned this little redwood box if you want to see how I did it stick around the woodshop is sponsored by robust lengths easy wood tools and chef where kids I'm starting out with a five inch piece about three inches around putting it tendon down on each end so I can get the grain to line back up which didn't quite work out there was a little crack on the lid I had to take off you I was going to wait till the end of the video but I know I lose a lot of viewers by then there are two young men that I am very proud of this week and the first one is my son Cameron he received his Eagle Scout I am Cameron I could not be a more proud dad congratulations I knows a lot of hard work and you stuck with it it'll be something you can enjoy for the rest of your life so congratulations and the other one is Justin a lot of you may remember him from the ornament challenge last week he just posted this picture here of this segmented vase that he made you know there's an old saying you give a man a fish he'll plop down on the couch and ask you for a beer but you give a motivated young man a couple of tools and he will impress the hell out of you fantastic job Justin little side note I think he's maybe 17 now and he's been turning a little over a year all right let's get back to work I'm going to start with the bass there are a couple little effects in it so I'm just using a bowl gouge to bring down the diameter a little bit then I'm going to set the tenon before I start hollowing it out I'm going to use a Forstner bit to clean out the majority of the material inside it just makes it a lot easier try and make the wall thickness as parallel as you can especially if you're going to use a jamb Chuck to finish the bottom I'm going to use the lid as a jamb Chuck so I'm just using a little tenon on it but it's still nice to have a nice even wall thickness all the way down I'm working on the lid now and what I like to do is make it a pretty tight fit so I can use it as a jam Chuck and even if I was doing a box the other way around I would make the lid pretty tight so I can finish turning it and then bring it down just a little bit with probably 400 grit to give it that nice little pop you you you you now that I have the inside the lid sanded I can put the base back on finish the bottom and crew the lid up with the base when I was sanding the inside lid I didn't sand around that lip so still nice tight fit once I get the base done I'll pull it off and sand a little bit and keep testing you you you you you you I turned down waste block down to use as a jam Chuck to finish the lid there's quite a bit of material left here so I brought the tailstock up to help support it until I could get the majority of the material off you there we go it's three and three-quarter inches tall and two and a quarter inch diameter put a little bit of detail there on the inside the lid and then on the bottom too I really enjoy making boxes and should be a fun class as soon as they get the dates all set up for that I will mention it on the show as well and put it up on Facebook and some other places too so if you're in the Eugene area and want to learn how to turn boxes I'm going to be doing a class every week if this is your first time here a new project video every Friday I hope to see you there and if you haven't done so yet please subscribe take care
Channel: Carl Jacobson
Views: 95,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carl Jacobson, Robust lathes, Woodturning projects, Turned boxes, Wooden boxes, wooden box, wood box, woodturning, woodturning for beginners, lathe, easy wood tools, wood turning, lidded box, woodturning ideas, woodturning boxes, wood working, wood turning burl, lidded box turning, lidded box woodturning, lidded box on lathe, lidded box tutorial, turned lidded box designs, woodturning lidded boxes video, Wood turning lidded box
Id: RxC-KQ3apbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2015
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