Woodturning - "Aurora" Cherry Burl Wine Glass

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what's going on guys welcome back to the shop today we have a special treat as always let's go check out what we're working with oh man look at that burl this is another piece of cherry grazie crazy figuring going on in this guy I got to give a big shout out to my buddy Jason over at Smoke Banshee BBQ for donating this piece off of his smoked wood pile so if you guys would head on over to his Facebook page and it is just this smoked banshee BBQ on Facebook tell him Todd over at dukkha heritage sent you over there and tell him to get his arse in gear and get a YouTube channel fired up I've been trying to talk him into it and I think he might need a little extra push but he is a pitmaster extraordinaire and I know a lot of guys out there that want to learn anywho the project that we are going to be trying attempting is probably going to be one of the more complex pieces I have done we are going to be making a resin and wood wine glass with this piece so let's get started [Music] all right so we got the piece flipped over here got a propped up a little bit we're gonna be using this picture as our mold again I think it'll give me plenty of room to work I'm just gonna get this lid on here try and get general configuration and how we want to get this cut on the bandsaw now I want to leave some negative space for the top of the glass so we can have a little bit of a transition into the resin I'm just gonna mark this out and we move over to the bandsaw I just want to be real careful because we only get to cut this once [Music] now alright so here is our piece of cherry this is going to make up the top cup portion of the wineglass so we gotta fit this into the mold something like this and I am going to move forward here on the next we're going to create a waste block in the bottom that doubles also as a mold for our flute so I'm going to cut the outside diameter so that it fits pretty snug on the inside of our mold and we're gonna bore out the center of it to allow the resin to flow through the center and create a column of resin for the flute of our glass [Music] alright I think that's gonna work out pretty much perfect time to pick some colors so I just picked a couple of colors here just gonna get this done mixed up my wife picnic yeah here comes the good stuff I guess we'll figure it out it bottles on wheels [Music] [Music] where's the [Music] okay [Music] [Music] we're alright forgot the salt pour it up little over pool but yeah it's good just a fresh pot in our pressure [Music] [Music] check by the way here tomorrow alright guys well today is tomorrow let's take a look inside the pressure pot to see what we're working [Music] [Music] [Music] they're a well we got some problems here at the bottom [Music] so it looks like I may have to do another small pour in the bottom here [Music] let no find that's a whole nother day [Music] alright guys so we got our blank here up between two centers I'm just gonna start out by cleaning up this outside area of the resin until we get to our wood get that rounded out we'll find our maximum outer diameter for the topside [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so here's what we're working with we got the outside knock down to our maximum OD just to the point where we got all the resin cleaned up most of the resin cleaned up off the wood after I was getting done finishing up with that last night I was taking a look here at what's going to be our base and I wasn't too happy with the amount of material that was present here so I actually went ahead and I did another half inch pour on the back here just to ensure that we have enough material to transition into the stem from here I'm gonna go ahead get a more to cut in back side and get just flipped around up in the Chuck and then I will pour out the primary math of internal material before hollowing and then we'll get into some shaping Sam boot [Music] [Music] so I got the Jacob Chuck in our tailstock a two inch Forstner bit we're just going to go ahead and do the majority of our depth cut with this that I don't have this much stick out when we're doing our primary hollowing so nice and easy finish girl all right [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so now usually when I'm doing some deep tailstock support like this especially in this case because our mortise is actually made out of resin and now granite it's good and strong but I don't necessarily trust it to hold vibration all that well so I like to use these little rubber plugs I took the hardware out of this obviously and I'm gonna use that internally and so my tail stock is gonna come up against we're just gonna tighten that up in there and the thought is that that rubber will absorb some of the vibrations while still maintaining our forward pressure on the piece at least that's my thought hopefully we have enough reach contact [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I think I'm getting pretty close to the outside shape I don't want to make this too thin until we get into hollowing I just wanted an outside contour so I had something to shape to like I said previously I'm not a hundred percent confident in this mortise so my nerves are a little racked about hollowing this it's just gonna be a nice and easy all right so I got a little half of a steady rest whipped up here in hopes that wouldn't help support this piece as you can see is this is all resin on the mortise then creeps me out all the support I can get especially when hollowing I would hate to lose this so yeah just some extruded aluminum nothing fancy I'll be special but uh yeah let's just get to some hauling and see how this goes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys take a look on the inside [Music] pretty well hollowed out as far as I'm comfortable I don't have my outside shape necessarily determined yet you need to make sure we took care of all of the hollowing we had a nice thick secure stem so we're going to reset up the live Center recent care of this piece of right keep this little steady brush thing in place [Music] as you can see if I guess I'm awesome fly already through this piece but ya know the only thing I left is to just secure the shape keep rolling it in and then eventually we'll end with the bass yeah let's do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so before I do any more cutting down here in the stem I'm gonna do my best to get the inside sanded up so that we're not putting any more force or energy into this piece walls rotating and just would hate to break this would break my heart [Music] [Music] we got the inside sanded to 320 I'm gonna go ahead get the outside sanded I'm just trying to be real careful about order of operations so we're not putting too much pressure on the stem here eventually we're gonna cut this down thinner I'd like to get most of the cup itself finished before we start working on that just so that we're not flexing there too hard so I'm gonna go on the outside here 80 to 320 [Music] [Music] we were gonna have to do some more cutting down here in the bottom just to shape this nice silly in with the stem so this looks a little funky I'm not gonna worry too much about this I just want to get a bunch of this work out of the way you can see it's a little little flexi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright so sand it up to 600 I'm gonna get to work on this stem a little nervous yeah let's do it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright guys I get out there for sanding I'm just gonna get some of these little scratches out now we're gonna pick up with some sanding sealer in the burl wood now alright time for some sanding sealer I'm gonna use some islands this time on this guy here [Music] [Music] however eyes looking good looking good alright guys well we are sanded out to 600 grit I got two coaches of the Milan sanding sealer on the wood here so now I'm thinking about how I want to finish this and a couple of weeks ago the good people over at axe wood paste sent us along an abrasive and polishing kit so I figured this would probably be a good project give them a try see how this works out on a resin wood hybrid so moving forward I'm going to do the finish on the inside first while we have my little study rest here in place and then we'll support with the tail stock from the inside finish the outside think that's pride the best way to go about this so let's try it out I can't quite reach to the bottom of this I'm gonna have to do a lot of work with my my high-tech handy-dandy stick I think I'll work out what would be good enough in here alright moving forward going with the Polish and on the inside [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take a look as far as I can tell on the rim here the resin we've got a pretty high luster we'll have a better idea where we're at once I get the outside finish yeah I'm pretty happy with it so far you can see the reflection in here from the opposite side a real high Sheen going on let's go ahead and get the steady rest out of the way or get the tailstock set up to support a piece all right we got our tail stock in place I'm gonna get to doing some polishing on the outside now there's a little bit of flexibility in this stem yet or on I think day three of the resin cure pretty hard but we got some leverage on it so I just got to go real nice and easy as we're polishing this throw let me take a little longer this way but I think it's gonna be worth it [Music] [Music] all right I'd say that's looking pretty good just for an abrasive post alright let's eat it what to polish [Music] all right guys here we are after the axe polish very happy with the result I think though I'm gonna go one step further and we're gonna get a friction polish on here I use doc wood shop I've built friction polish I'm gonna just try and get this burl wood to pop a little bit more I'm very happy with the way the resin came out just get a little extra shine hopefully I can spin this out fast enough to get the friction polish to work properly but [Music] [Music] alright there we go alright I might go through maybe get one or two more coats on here get it all cleaned up see what we're working with it's done let's go check it out alright guys I don't hear you have it I'm not gonna lie this button was a tough one nerve-wracking you know thinking to yourself at any point in the process it could self-destruct on you but now I'm really actually pretty proud of this one the girl figuring is gorgeous I love the way the colors came out and the resin all the way down to the base here I will leave slow rollers at the end as usual I want to thank again Jason smoke banshee barbecue check him out on Facebook the good people at axe would paste thank you so much I really like the product I will be using it in the future if you guys want to try out some of their stuff link in the description do get ten coupon code get your 10% off you guys like this stuff like the video subscribe to the channel if you want to help us grow share it out there on social media it helps immensely other than that love you guys till next week [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Duka Heritage
Views: 35,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TmcrV24A3sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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