Woodturners Journal: Bloodwood Bowl

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[Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh welcome back to my Turner's Journal of Jericho and today we're going to be making a bowl but I'm going to be using the same process for the people who will see my last video we made this hollow form last time this wooded box and I think the look what is absolutely beautiful and I end up shaping out a lot with a dado blade to make the legs but after I did it I still love it I just think man it's so beautiful so now I want to make a bowl along the same lines using the same process so I have a little bit of wood wood left and it's not going to be a complicated hole but I think at the same time I think it's going to be beautiful just because of the green and we're going to be doing it the same process where you have seen my last video you can already know the process but for you some people will have it basically you know the greens run one way and I'm going to cut the board into two pieces and then we're going to be turning them and gluing them and keep going and staggering the grains that's how we got this effect on this bowl this is our out of this little box this is canary wood in blood wood I'm only going to use the blood wood it's going to be all blood would this time so I'll start by cutting the boards is what this boards like a little under 7 and 3/4 so I have a stop set up just to just to start the guide will take it across the table saw once I get in it at least their guide so you know it's safe and then I am using my push so let's uh let's start by [Music] now like we did before in the last project if you've seen it all the green this is the board like this and all the grain this is in grain this is side green and all of them are facing the same way we're going to glue them up to give it a different pattern every other we're going to keep on turning if that makes sense so you'll end up with the end grain side grain and grain side grain and grain so these boards aren't exactly straight this is going to be a little bit tough we're gonna need a lot of pressure to get them straight but we'll do it so I'll blew them up right now I also want to point out that I cut a little scrap piece that after this is glued up I'll end up gluing on the end here just so we have a little tenon to attach to when it's on we're mounting it to the chalk so now further ado let's glue this up all right here we are it's glue it's not dry yet but it's glued and it's taken every single clamp that I have and I actually had to run out and get more clamps just because there was some bends and twists to the boards and I actually broke one of my clamps doing this so I ran out and got a few more and it's every single thing but everything seems to be nice and flat now and it should glue up nicely so I'm going to let this glue and dry and then sometimes what I think it's secure I'm going to end up bluing this in the middle and when we come back that will already be done and we'll have it up on that truck ready to round it out so we'll end up doing that next edge all right so here we are it's all glued up I have a board for a tenon on it you can't see it from your angle but you'll see it in a moment it kind of slid on me during gluing my fault I think I just got a little empty I glued it too soon and I couldn't fit it in there with all the clamps going around it and it kind of moved on me so it's not exactly Center so we'll see how much of a tenon I guess I may have to glue a new piece on there and then I decided just because you know it's safer and I need to take away a lot of the material here that I'm going to use my back plate I have that drilled in and then I have my tail stock zero clearance and they're on it and obviously I use my bowl gouge I'll do that next and now we're going to round this out really fast so I'm going to change your camera angle so you get a better view of it I just wanted to show you the back plate here and how I decided to mount this all right so hopefully this is a better angle for you I'm not sure how you guys like it but I feel like you could see better on what I'm doing and it's easier for me a lot of in the past I've had the camera over in this area and I'm trying to work around it and it was really awkward but this seems to be better but if you have a complaint with it let me know and I'll try to figure something else out so anyways you can see what I mean by the tenon here is not exactly Center so we'll see what we get with it after I found it out but before I do that I'm going to try to round the rest of this out I'm using my 5/8 bull gouge and I'm going to start by trying to knock these corners out and once I get that then I'm going to start bringing it in and just rounding it out so what's let's get that going [Music] [Music] alright now that I took off a lot of that material I am going to switch to my smaller bowl gouge I think it's about a I think I have a half inch here so it's just a little bit smaller but I don't need to take off so much and then we'll try this on the wood but I'm basically there and then I'm going to start shaping it to what I want oh yeah and the tenon will have to deal with the tenon situation so I'm going take off a little bit more do the ten end start shaping it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that looks pretty good need to do the tenon now I'll be really quick and then back to what I said we'll start shaping it just do this really fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] all right I think I like it I'm going to sand it down really fast and then I'm going to turn it around put it on the truck and we'll start hollowing it out I keep going back and forth I don't know if I want to lip here like this or I'm going to keep it flat I think I'm going to keep it flat you know just like that and then a straight edge you'll see what I mean well maybe you won't maybe I'll change my mind I do that a lot so but I'm not going to bore you with the sanding it down part I'll sand it down and then when we come back we'll be sanded down and it will be flipped around on the truck so that's what we'll do next all right I'm done sanding and I flipped it around on the lathe and before I start hollowing this thing out I wanted to take a moment to shamelessly plug my buddy many people have noticed that you know what people write me all the time and there's people that live in Las Vegas and they've raised me and people have noticed that I lived in Las Vegas and that's where I do all this so if you're ever in Las Vegas and you want a chance to run into me or you're just looking for good food this is where I'm going to plug my friend because we're in this shirt the whole time it says dude where's my hot dog and I've had this card up on my latest the whole time because I chose what his truck looks like and I'm not even a hot dog lover and his hot dogs are out of this world I think that there are great so if you're a hot dog fan or just looking for something that's not on the strip and something a little bit you know more gourmet but simpler food then definitely dude where's my hot dog check it out dude where's my hot dog calm and it will tell you every day where he's located so you have to be here and you're going to he does a lot of festivals he does a lot of concerts he does a lot of things like that and he has a truck but the truck will tell you if you go to the website it will tell you where he's going to be and there's a chance that you'll run into me because I pop in on him all the time so his name's Ashley if you're up and run into the truck and you're in town say hello for me and definitely try one of the hot dogs thank you now I'll go back to let's get back to this bowl alright well next I'm going to mark out how far I could go with my lathe to hollow this out I'm not sure if anyone remembers this project this was one of my first videos and basically it's just a handle drill bit with a ferrule on it and you could basically gauge how deep you want to go with it so I already have it - how deep this bowl is going to be and all you do is turn on the lathe put it in the middle and basically write it in really fast this is a real quick way of doing it so mark that [Applause] all right that should do it and next we're going to take a chisel to it or take the bowl gouge and we're gonna start hollowing this thing out [Music] all right and put several coats of obi shine juice on the outside and I'll still probably polish it up and you know just at least wax it probably not polish it I'll probably just wax it from here because it's it's pretty smooth as it is but next up is to start hollowing this bowl out so we'll get set up and do that next [Music] ah again so I had to move the camera here just because it's in my way and I need to come in at a different angle to get around this edge here I know it's not the best view I apologize but at the same time I need to get this done I'm only going to show maybe a little bit of it and because I don't know how well you could see it so I'll show a little bit so basically I'm going to start coming in and then scooping out and I'm going to do that that I'm leaving kind of a thicker bottom here I'm not going as you can see I have this bring you down I don't know if you can see if there's a thicker ring that I'm leaving because I want to start hollowing these sides and I want to leave a little bit of meat here you know just a case of a catch or anything I don't want it shattering or you know blowing up on me so I'll do that at the end once I know that I have the edges where I want them to be the sides here and then I'll start working the bottom so that's my plan and like I said I'm sorry about the view but it's the only way I'm going to be able to get in there it's kind of a tight angle here so I hope you could see a little bit I only do it for a little bit and then when I come back I'll be doing the bottom of the bowl [Music] [Music] all right that's all I'm going to show on doing the sides because where I have my camera and everything I need to stand and I need to really get in here so I can't this is such a thick lip here that I need to get in here at a tighter angle and but I can't the whole standing everything's in my way so when I come back I'll just show you finishing off the bottom and then and then we'll go from there okay I did inside the bus look could I made a look and now it's time to start doing the bottom and then smoothing out the bottom edge over here so I'll turn that best to show you how I'm doing it but basically once again I'm going to I'm going to come in and do the middle first and knock out the layer that I left and then I'm going to start blending it all together I don't know if you could see it I'm almost there I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to finish it off and then now we'll come back but the camera is still in the way and I need to shine a light in there and it blocks the view so it's really hard to get in there so I'm just going to I'm going to show off the camera I'm going to focus on shot and getting a light in there and then so I could see and I'm going to finish hollowing out the bottom of this and when we come back I'll be done not Halloween around here we are finish the inside I've sanded it all out and now it's ready for some shine juice so I'm going to go ahead and hit that and I put like I don't know probably four or five coats of shine juice on this one an actuality I went back after I showed you the first time and I hit it with quadruple zero steel wool and it kind of dulled it out made it a satiny finish and then I hit it with more shine juice and it's starting to like really really shine I may put another coat I'll probably do it right now as I do the inside but I'm going to put you know a few coats inside of this and it's it's good to let it dry for a little bit I mean it it's dry to the touch as soon as you put it on but at the same time I think I feel like I get better coverage if I let it dry for like 15 minutes or so and then put another coat on so that's all do but I'll show you the first coat right now [Music] alright that's looking really good I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to put on I'm going to put on a few more coats another coat on the outside and when we come back I'll be flipping it around on the truck and we'll be taking off the tenant and then we'll polish that up too with some shine juice and then that will be it this projects almost done and it's looking good [Music] [Music] and reason this roar just to make sure not quite flat I just got a little bump in the side I'm going to take it down a little bit more then sand it out [Music] alright that looks like where I want it pretty flat I make it a little concave in there just to make sure that it's on the edges that I want I'm going to sand it down really fast and then I'll polish the bottom and we'll be done [Music] all right I'm going to put a couple more coats of shine juice on them I'll let it dry I may take a little bit of steel wool to it I throw a couple coats and then put a few more and then when we come back you'll be completely done well here it is my blood would bowl and it came out I think absolutely beautiful I'm really proud of this one it's going to go right on my mantelpiece I think it looks great I end up going back in waxing it and now it is smooth and it almost looks like the last so I just want to appreciate everyone for watching and everyone for subscribing I got more videos coming work great ideas keep watching if you haven't subscribed please check out my page and subscribe to my channel like I said there's a lot more to come if you happen to be in Vegas and you want something different that's not on this trip check out dude where's my hot dog or the dude where's my hot dog calm and I would like to know where he's going to be on a day to day basis if your hot dog lover trust me great hot dogs you'll love them even if you're not a hot dog lover I like I said I'm not even a big fan of hot dogs and I think they're out of this world so definitely check it out if you come to Vegas and you have a good shot of running into me and then also I just want to remind everyone also I have a returning Facebook group that is growing in popularity if you want to get with other woodturners and ask questions show off your work good ideas it's a great group for that it's what Turner's journal that's that's the group on Facebook so look for it also on my page my face or on my Paige there's also a link in the thing you'll be able to Facebook and it will take you right to it and you could join the group and once again I just want to appreciate everybody just for watching my videos in general and writing me a lot of great comments from everybody and I do appreciate it thank you so much I'll see you next time [Music] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Woodturners Journal
Views: 63,076
Rating: 4.8506789 out of 5
Keywords: woodturning videos, how to use a bowl gouge, using a bowl gouge, learn to woodturn, learn to turn, woodturning ideas, woodturning projects, wood turning, woodturning, woodturning gifts, turning a bowl, turning wood on a lathe, lathe turning, wood lathe, woodworking, woodturners journal, jerrod toth, tim yoder, casey neistat, turning a segmented bowl, bowl gouge, how to woodturn, help woodturning, segmented woodturning, beginners woodturning
Id: 9o23Tjq0mxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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