Woods Spawn Guide 101 - Escape From Tarkov

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a lot of people think Woods is the worst map in Escape From tarov I disagree for a new player it can be almost impossible to find your way around the map and even when you do know when you're going whenever you get shot just walking through the woods without much cover to hide behind it's pretty easy to see why people dislike the map so much in my last video we already covered Woods as a whole and went over how to move around the map and survive more encounters but in this video we're looking at spawns and the opening minutes of raate after this video not only are you going to see your survival for the raid go up but also your deadliness as well I'm thiis and let's hop into raid okay up first we have ruv on the bottom right side of the lake there's the lake right there um it is the first spawn heading towards the medical camp this spawn can be anywhere from over here on the the hills on the back side of the tank on the back side of these Hills mainly this is the first spawn that's closest to Medical if you want to run into medical you're going to be the first team that's going to make it there be careful though because by the time you're about halfway through looting you're going to get run into some engagements from the people that are rotating from the right if you want to head up the road and head into the middle of the map you're free to run as fast and as long as you want you're not going to run into anybody until you get around lumber mill this spawn the biggest spawn risks are going to be down this road you got nothing in front of you so like I said you could head into medical you can head into the middle you can go along the Rocks over here nobody's going to be in front of you you can just Sprint and not have to worry about anything but a scav um if you want to play off the spawns they are down this road you have one about halfway up the hill um there's one a little bit in the field all the way down by U roadblock and then kind of up the wall a little bit okay moving on to the next spawn location we're down the road that we were just looking at there's a tank that we were standing on you are able to get a spawn that's kind of in this location and even kind of a little bit on the other side of the trees I feel like both of these spawns are pretty dangerous spawns I feel like I only get the these spawns when there's a lot of spawns around me I have gotten the spawn that's over on the other side of the tank on the back side of the Hill as well as along the wall and even over here in un um this is a spawn that if you get you kind of want to make your decision on what you're going to do really quickly am I going to just commit to getting across the field and getting to the middle of the map am I going to Medical to take on whoever is over here or do I want to run aggressively over to the right and set up kind of along these Hills there's a rock over here that you can set up around and try to see if we can take out the side spawns before we move either into the middle of the map or into Medical let's head down to un and see what's over there okay this is the UN roadblock spawn this is the bottom right in the map all the way in the corner um this spawn pretty much all the way along the wall heading north all the way up to the Railway Depot is kind of all around the same spawn if you spawn here you're not going to get pretty much any of these spawns going up along until you at least get to railway if you head back down the road be careful hanging on the left side of the wall because I have ran into people that are trying to avoid going to medical and they don't want to head into the middle of the the map maybe they have to go up and around so I have caught them going rotating down this aisle I've caught them through the trees if you are going to go down this road do be careful I have had situations where I've run face to face with somebody that was rotating to try to avoid medical here if you head up to the north you're kind of able to go in by the ZB extract um along the wall a little bit if you head north you're probably going to have a lot less danger um left is where you're kind of going towards danger but uh let's move up along the hill and see what's up there okay with our next spawn I've come up the wall a little bit the Railway Depot is right here um medical is over here with uh ZB extract being right over here if you get any of the spawns that are kind of from this rock all the way up to the top of the hill right there these are kind of all the same spawns if you get this spawn you kind of have a couple of options you're probably going to have one of the Southern spawns right over here that's going to be rotating up and into the middle of the map either through the woods or even over to the medical Camp so if I was looking to go and take the engagement in on this one I'd probably run diagonally right here set up over by the The Little Valley with the tank on it and then look towards the middle of the map you'll typically find somebody within like the first 30 seconds if you want to head up towards the middle you can go ahead and get into the lumber mill some Sawmill type engagement um or if you want to just move into the middle of the map you're going to be able to go this way pretty safely and just head towards the plane crash but let's head up to Sawmill and get into some real engage okay up next we have over by North un roadblock uh North un roadblock is down there if you head down that road you're going to head into the Sawmill you can spawn anywhere really on the back side of these Hills right here you can spawn up by the the little broken wall you can spawn on the other side of these trees on the Hills um if you get this spawn I kind of like to get aggressive on this spawn and go towards the Sawmill all of the spawns that are towards the South are kind of movement spawns you kind of have to either rotate to the engagement or you have to rotate away from it and go into the middle of the map nothing really is around it once you get up here to these spawns you do have a major location um the backside of Sawmill which is really the first area where you're going to get into a lot of Engagement with this spawn if I was looking to move into the map safely um I'd probably run through the middle of the map towards the big mountain and then just be in the middle side of the map and go to wherever it is that I needed to go for this raid if I wanted to be in the engagement um you can go up along the road and go face check the road you can come up along the hills if you come up on the Rocks up here you have a pretty good Vantage points and the rocks are quite long so you can get angles from over here you can get angles from over there over there um it is pretty difficult to move around this area and not be seen if you have somebody looking for it so if you're able to get eyes on the location it's pretty easy to get an early kill all right let's move across Sawmill to our next location all right our next location is on the other side of Sawmill there's the rocks that we were just standing on getting an overview of Sawmill you can spawn any anywhere over here on the trees on the hill um there is also a spawn in the middle of Sawmill if you spawn in the middle of Sawmill you're not going to have that immediate spawn they're probably going to be the ones that are along the wall um if you have the middle spawn right here you're also probably going to have towards the middle and then probably the one that's out in the field in between the scab town and The Sawmill that we'll get to in a minute if you ever spawn in the middle of Sawmill quickly get the hell out of there either come out the side right over here or go out up over the Rocks you can even try to take the engagement that's over here by the Rocks if you stay here and you loot the building and you loot that there's a very good chance that somebody's going to have eyes over the area checking to see if anybody is looting the building I mean if anybody spawns over here on the back side someone can come up Andross and look over this way they can check the the buildings they can check where you're rotating through they could be on that side doing the exact same thing there's just way too many angles Woods this is a map that you kind of have to clear out around the areas first or before you know it you're going to get shot from somebody in the tree line but let's move up that way a little bit okay our next spawn is going to be in between the scav town and Sawmill which is right on the other side of these rocks this is a very good spawn to play aggressive you're going to have people going into uh the scab Town you're going to have people coming on the backside over here from the Rocks if you get this spawn you're not going to have somebody that's going to spawn directly inside Sawmill right here but you're probably going to have the people on the back side of the hill or even on the top side over here by the Rocks so if you want to come over here into Lumber or sorry Sawmill then uh just use your angles use the side of the rocks on the trees on top of the hill stay up and get a vantage point for as long as you can you're going to see somebody push into that area pretty likely Sawmill is a little weird though it only has like those two buildings and a couple of stashes it's not hit all of the time but it's it's good to play safe around this area like the first 2 to 3 minutes of raid but really if you get this spawn over here you're going to be playing more against scav Town than you are over Sawmill it's nice to just glance over there to make sure that the spawn on the opposite side isn't going to be rotating uh behind you to where you get shot in the back um but most of your attention is going to be faced this way um if you come up over here don't spend too much time in this exact location CU it's probably the most common spot gives you eyes all the way down uh along the road as well as across from anybody coming from behind scab town if you get this spawn your biggest locations that you're going to have to worry about is you're going to have the other side of the Rocks over there on the back side they may come to you they may not just be wary of it but you will have a couple of scab Town spawns if you get the spawn over here it's almost guaranteed that you're going to have the spawn that it's not exactly right here but it's down on this end over here in the trees playing around scab town is kind of tricky you have the people that will move in uh very quickly and try to loot this building right here with the shed in the back or right here and that building but really if you're trying to stay alive you really want to scout the location there's a lot of uh pathing along the back side over here for anybody that spawns over here in the field there's a lot of spawns that are over here that'll move up through the trees to get Eyes On The Backs side because you can move in through the middle right here you can move in to the right right here there's area over there you can also jump over the wall over there just a lot of locations that you can get in this is a very dangerous spot early whenever you get this spawn and you're running up on the hill don't run up here and be all like at the top because anybody that comes through this location that comes through here down on the road anybody that's moving through here this is like the first spot I look just to see if I can check any check and find anybody a lot of times if I spawn over here I'll be able to catch somebody that's coming up to get eyes right here they'll just be scanning but then I'll shoot him from like the side of the head this way or the side of the head that way so while this location is great overview to see if there's any type of movement that's really all I'm looking for is movement from this location I'm not looking to take the engagement just because I stick out like a Thor sore thumb what I like to do is if you cross the road right here this is actually a lot more cover and not as checked so one if I come down right here I'm covered from right here so if I hear anything I can just pop up and I can get shots but you also have cover you have covers from the left cover from the right if I if I hear anybody that's moving through here I'll be able to shoot them from right here this is one of the angles that I use if I have a longer range weapon and I want I don't want to go and face push whoever is inside um you get good view on anybody coming out through right here as well as moving along the edge right here but if I'm looking to play aggressive these spawns that are located over here on the rocks are probably some of my favorite but let's move over here to the middle of the field okay so here's the spawn over on the back side of the scav Town um there's the rocks that we were just up on saw mills on the other side of this you are able to spawn out here in the middle of the field a lot of people hate this spawn because it is a very dangerous spawn you probably have the you probably have the spawn inside of the Sawmill right over here you have the spawn on the other side of bridge right there um could have another spawn over on the Middle top part right here below the top part of the big rock but if you're looking to play aggressive this is some of the earliest and most fun PVP at the start of woods depending on where I'm looking to go and what is what it is I'm trying to do um I'll usually come around here on the left side keeping my eyes open for the person coming out of s usually unless the person that spawns inside Sawmill heads into the middle of the map cuz they want to go to Lumber medical or something they'll typically come up to this location right here while I scan this direction and see if this spawn is active a lot of people don't a lot of people are more worried about knowing that someone is going to be inside scav town so they just focus that way I'll get a lot of kills just from people not paying attention and getting a shot from right here so this is why this is a really bad area just because I can see everything from right here um be careful moving along this way though um this spawn that's over here has a couple of options they can do usually this is the first spawn to head into scab town the fastest um a lot of times though they will hang out around here on the edge being extra careful knowing that since they are the first ones there they are probably the ones that are going to be getting watch so they try to be extra careful be careful moving along this way you can have somebody that's just going to be holding an angle off of a bush or one of the walls one of the trees um pretty dangerous spawn in this area though but really good spawn if you're looking to get into engagements quick um but let's move over here on the other side of the bridge so that way I can show you the angle that I was talking about okay this is the bridge vehicle extract you can spawn anywhere over here down in this little Valley kind of up the up the way a little bit this is the view that it looks like from this spawn um anybody that's looking to move into scap town I feel like they do it one of two ways um they either push in directly right here and then try to get inside the gate or if you go along right here through the middle um on the outside kind of like you were going on the backside there's a Little Broken gate that allows you to move into the back of this house right here um kind of depends on what people want to do I feel like people don't take the middle route as much just because they are more aware of the angles that people can have eyes on whereas if they go this way they're they're out of view they're able to move in go on the other side of that wall and then they're in if whoever spawns over here does run this way and you get that spawn that's over here in the valley um very very good chance that you're going to run into an engagement within the first like 20 seconds and pick up an easy kill the other part of this location that they can go is they can go down the right side along the trees and try to see if anybody's pushing up along this little Valley right here anybody that's going this direction they're not necessarily looking for the most immediate engagement um but they are aware that there are people around and they're probably trying to avoid Sawmill or get to the backside so that way they can get eyes and clear out whoever is playing OverWatch okay the next spawn location is on the first spawn over by the Manon Village this spawn can spawn anywhere on this side of the rock you can spawn a little bit more inside right here or you can spawn on this side this spawn I feel has any option available to it because it's located in the very top middle um over there is Bridge extract so if you want to run and get into scab town you can go and take that engagement and start fighting um if you want to rotate into the abandoned Village you're going to be coming from the East Route heading along the river you can also head into the middle of the map and really not not many spawns are ahead of you you're able to head in pretty easily um if you want a safe easy way you can just go down towards the middle abandoned Village can have some engagements but um they're pretty predictable and we're going to go over where those are at but I would consider this more of an abandoned Village spawn that's located over here than anything let's head to the next one okay our next spawn is tucked south of abandoned Village usually in the trees up kind of on the Hills a little bit uh kind of easy to find your way out just run down the hill and you're going to kind of run into the abandoned Village this is a little bit slower of a spawn I feel like you kind of have to rotate to get into your first engagement while there is that spawn that we were just at over there by the uh by The Rock I feel like whenever I get this spawn that spawn is not active you might have another spawn on the other side of the lake over there by the scav bunker but if you get the south side of Bandon Village spawn then if you head south you can just head into the middle of the map and there's literally nothing in front of you you can just Sprint and you're never going to run into another PMC for a couple minutes or you can head into abandoned Village and your only spawns are going to be from the left side coming this way and potentially the right side but very unlikely usually if I run into this engagement it's going to be from the team coming from the left to the right and instead of running straight into the middle of abandoned Village um there is a lot of really tall foliage over here like taller than PMC and scav height so I just try to avoid this these angles because you'll get scavs that have x-ray scab Vision you'll get pmc's that are playing slow and crab walking in the grass you just never see them I just try to avoid this area um I usually come down through the South Side mainly because these are the buildings that I hit anyways um but if you come down here through through the south side and you want to take and clear abandoned Village then a lot of people don't look across the river for a bad guy or for scabs or anything so if you come through here on the South Side you can pretty much catch anybody that's rotating from the left scav bunker right here before they even reach abandoned Village and then it has a pretty good side angle to where you're not looking long ways against Grass on top of grass on top of grass so the Tall Grass over there runs this direction so if you look at it from this direction it's kind of easier for you to see um I don't really go into angles very much on the uh the spawn guides but if you come up through here and you do have to you do have to crouch to get in this is pretty nasty angle you can uh see anybody walking through you can see down through that way you can even see back where I was just at um pretty cheeky location you can definitely catch somebody by surprise um it is difficult though if they know where you're at and where the shots are coming from it's kind of difficult to make it out of here because one you only have one door to make it out and then you can only head either forward or back the way you came to show you how to get up here since we already went over it if you walk all the way over here you can climb on top I guess it's a little easier now that they added vating cuz before you had to jump but if you come this way you can step on this come all the way to the corner and then climb climb and then you're out just a little cheeky location right there but let's head up and move to our next location okay so we are just on the south side of the scav bunker that's right up here uh well this is actually kind of more of the Overlook the bunker is actually over there a little bit but we're on the left side of the lake um if you get this spawn you probably have the spawn that's up over the hills like I said um probably either the The Rock spawn maybe that's over there this is a spawn that if you wanted to go and loot abandoned Village that you could but you just want to be wary on the right and south side of the lake just make sure nobody is camping and looking for you to stop moving the only other spawn here that you really have to worry about is going to be on the far side on the opposite side of scav Bunker um not too dangerous of a spawn you kind of have to rotate to get into anything but you could head down south towards the middle of the map going through the little windy path of the Lakes um pretty easy to avoid engagements from here um but if you know where to run like I'm probably going to run down this way and try to take out that team that's going to be moving into abandoned Village but most likely I'm probably going to use this spawn to get into the USC engagement but be wary of where you could possibly have engagements and it's going to make your time living going up way longer okay I am now on the top left side of scav Bunker um the spawn is actually kind of down here and on the back there's another spawn on the back side of this hill over here um because it it's really not around anything there's nothing that really shows you where you're at other than the out of bounds um I stopped right here just so you can see where at this is the scav bunker on the top of the map um down here this spawn that's over here and the spawn that's over here I consider both of these usex spawns you are able to move up into this location get into the Overlook and then go down into abandoned Village if you like um but this is a very good angle to get into USC from the north side and take that engagement with a better loot here's that second spawn that I was talking about as I'm telling you like there's really nothing that you have any gauge to go on where you're at um but as long as you don't see any out of bound signs typically right here it's safe to move up the hill um if you move right through these trees it kind of takes some learning to know exactly where you're at but once you kind of figure out and identify that oh I'm on this back side over here by USC then you're able to run down the hill right here and then get straight into USC um these two spawns right here are probably going to head USC just because it is the best part of the map for immediate loot if you spawn near it um it's also almost guaranteed that you're going to have an engagement so a lot of fun going to USC you can avoid it by going over to the scav uh bunker over here but then as you rotate to the abandoned Village you could be having eyes on you from any of those locations that we were just looking at um but mainly right here I'm going to head into scav or usek if you decide to avoid USC and you need to head down the south side of the map there are landmines that are all right here if you're going to head down the south side don't run along the backs side of the hill right there by usek you want to hug more right so that way you don't have uh any landmines that you're going to run into that are located at the bottom of this this hill right here um so if you're not going to usack just stay further to the right so that way you don't end up blowing yourself up all right to go over where to not go for the landmines um pretty much there's a line of trees that you want to stay away from um I'm not exactly sure exactly where it starts again but I like to use this this tree right here as kind of my base you don't want to enter the dirt stay on the outside of the grass so I'm fine running along the base right here but if I try to move up to USC and I don't use the corner by that rock right there then you're going to get hit so stay off the Rocks you want to stay inside the tree line all of this all the way out to the landmines out there is all safe you just don't want to move into right here um if you want to try and go into USC but every time you try to go into USC you feel like you step on a land mine and you die um took me a few tries as a new player to figure out exactly where I was okay but if you come along this outside right here then you can just run straight into USC and you're around the back side this is the top side of the spawn where you're going to come over here and they're going to be on the opposite side also watch out from out there up on top you can get on top of those rocks and I'll get a lot of people from this location that are looking to clear across but they never clear up here so just be careful okay also with usex spawns you're able to get out here on the edge of map by the landmines if you get this spawn you're either going to have to run left to get up that North side or you're going to have to come along the the right side right here and then move up to the front of USC um don't run through the middle cuz again you're going to run into landmines but this spawn and the spawn that's over here towards the front which we're almost at both of these spawns are going to be your front side of USC spawn so you could spawn like right here looking at the front if you run through this way um here is the cut off for the landmines okay so I always use that inner tree line as a no no area and then these bushes so I can't remember if this bush or that bush I guess we'll find out right now is it this bush no okay so it's this bush right here on the inside of this bush there's landmines and then I pretty much cut it all the way to right here that is the farthest that way I'll go from this rock to right here anything over there um I've died to landmines but you're able to come up through this way whenever I I come up through USC though um I try not to come through the middle right here because I don't like having to check my left and my right I'd rather only have to check one location so a lot of times what I'll do is I'll actually come through those trees come through those trees come up here along the backside and then take the side engagement and then clear clear and then move across and if you're wondering how to get on top of the Rocks like I was just saying if you come up over here you can go all the way up and be up top there is also spawns right here you can also get an M4 as well well speaking of weapons there's also an M4 spawn behind that tent as well as over there on the Rocks behind that tree right there but you come up over here a lot of times free shots anybody that gets one of the USC spawns over here on the back side or just USC in general um moving into us is probably one of your better chances of getting better Loot on the map but you're probably most likely going to run into an engagement a lot of people that do leave this area do so by heading along the middle right here it takes you directly toward lumber mill in the middle of the map um you could head down the south side right here and that's going to take you out to outskirts and then you can obviously head back up the way that we have been going which has been towards scav bunker okay the last USX spawn is going to be on the right side kind of where we were just talking about the rotation out from um you you are also able to spawn over here as well um if you do you're able to run directly across the hill right here and either get up on top of the rocks to get an angle across or clear the right side of USC like I was saying before you move in this spawn um I tend to typically go up on the Rocks first just because I'm most likely going to beat whoever's going to usec by just a couple of seconds so if I can get the noisy part of getting out on top of the Rocks first then then I just have a huge Advantage really your your main options with this spawn is to either head into a USC or just turn around and head into the middle side of the map and run away from any of the engagements if you go in towards the middle of the map um you're pretty much not going to run into anybody um if you have this spawn you're going to head into USC then you're probably going to have the outer spawn that's on the flip side not this close one but probably on the outside um and you're probably definitely going to have one of the farther ones on the north side of USC I don't know if in the time that I've been playing this game I've ever had a single spawn at USC um typically there's always going to be two teams that are going to spawn near it and while one team might leave and not show up at USC because they're scared they don't want to die or they're just want to get their objective done um the other half of the teams definitely want that fight it's probably one of the best early fights for woods but we finished up here on the north side of the map uh let's head down towards outskirts okay before we we head down to outskirts we have two spawns that we need to talk about the first one is over here by sniper rock this is just above lumber mill um we're actually located now in the middle of the map this is a spawn I don't get it very often um it's kind of a weird spawn because you're already in the middle of the map you're not going to immediately run into somebody but no matter which direction you go there's a very high chance that somebody could rotate towards you so if I get this spawn and I head towards the sniper along the Rocks right here and I head through the middle then anybody that spawned along the wall or on the this side of Sawmill they could be rotating towards the middle of the map in which case I'm going to run into them over here by the Rocks if you head up then you could have that spawn that's right up here like we just mentioned as well as you're going to have the USC spawns you're going to have the spawns up over by abandoned Village so if they start running down and you're running up towards abandoned Village you might meet in the middle of the woods um you could also run and go towards the the engagement that's going to be taking place over by either the checkpoint or by ZB um also very possible is you can run into the woods across the road right here um all those spawns on the South Side are going to have to move in this way so it requires playing a little slow um I don't like this spawn very much cuz you do have to play slow I like to play aggressive but if you play slow and you get onto that side um you're going to catch some people rotating to you uh let's head over by the barrel Rock the second middle location is going to be over here by the barrel Rock um there is the overl rock along with the wall leading down towards the ZB this spawn is also kind of located in the middle because all those spawns that are on this side of the the the road typically don't cross the road so fear to get shot they'll typically come along this way and then end up through here so it's kind of one of those locations that if you want to take advantage of rotating early into lumber mill maybe you want to get Sturman before anybody can get there or if you want to go get to the middle side of the map um you want to head up towards usack cuz you have to go up there for tasks where you want to loot um this kind of a decision you whoever spawns here kind of can do whatever they want they can camp they can set up and wait for somebody to rotate to them um pretty good spawn just depends on what you're here for it's either a good spawn um or it could be a very boring spawn let's head down by ZB okay this is the ZB spawn for zb14 this is a really good spawn that if you want to just run down hit it and get out quickly um you can pretty much loot it before anybody else shows up the main dangers of this spawn is you're going to have somebody that's going to spawn down there by the scav house um probably going to have somebody that's going to spawn on the other side of the hill over there might maybe even attachment house um with this spawn you're probably not going to have the one that's over here by the barrels but you could have the one that's in the middle over by the top side of lumber by the sniper Rock if I'm looking for an engagement here typically I'm going to be running across and I'm going to meet whoever is going to attachment house I either want to loot attachment house and take all the the goodies that are going to be located there or I want to take the engagement and then take the goodies if you're not looking for an engagement then it's just easiest to move up to the top side of the map going towards the middle if you do move up the North Way really the only spawns you have to worry out for are the going to be the one over by the sniper Rock like we just spoke about or the spawn that's up on the hill that has the option of going to USC or back down towards the middle all right let's head over by scav house okay our next spawn is just above scav house so right now we're on the left side of scav house scav house is right right there outskirts is down that way and then ZB extract where we just were is up this way um with this spawn you're going to be pretty easy to run straight into zb14 um you're probably not going to have the zb14 spawn because it's too close but you'll probably have the spawn with the barrels that just on the other side of the road um probably going to have the attachment spawn right over here um maybe even the one that's over on the top side of the hill over there this isn't really a spawn I like to get aggressive on um it's more of a let me move out of this position and get to an angle to where I can play aggressive usually right here I'm going to head up towards um zb14 maybe I hit cb14 maybe I'm going to head all the way up to usek um even though you're pretty far from here a lot of times if you sprint to USAC um since the left side of this map doesn't have very many spawns you can pretty much make it all the way up to USC without an issue if you're quick about it you can actually make it there for the engagement and clean up pretty nicely um but other than that it's more of a just get out of this location so that way whoever's scanning the area doesn't snipe you and then you can go and get to whatever task you need to do there's really not a reason to be on this part of the map anyways unless you're getting out all right let's go down by the landmines okay the next two locations that I'm going to talk about is the outskirts spawn that's going to be located right there by extract as well as all the way down here in the left side by the landmines um there is the scav house so now we're below the scav house the last spawn that we were at was just right up over here and then ZB is further up and then more and more and more um the same thing with this spawn that was right over here um this isn't a very good spawn to get aggressive at you're literally tucked into the corner with both this spawn and this spawn um you're going to have the ZB spawn that's right up there you're probably going to have the attachment spawn that's right over there probably even the scab checkpoint spawn that's over there so this is kind of one of those spawns that you want to be just careful maybe don't full Sprint the entire time until you're in the middle of the map check your angles look around ZB be careful once you get the ZB be careful once you get near attachment house um those are going to be your most dangerous areas if I was looking to get out of here the easiest I would either take the edge and come along the spawns that we're about to talk about or I would go up along this way along the edge and then go up towards USC or around the barrel Rock and then into the middle of the map okay your last two spawns are going to be located on the left side of the lake uh down here by the mines and then just a little bit up along the lake as you're heading toward attachment house right now we are across the road from scav house there scav house right there I mean really if you get either of these two spawns it doesn't really matter why I'm here the first thing I'm doing is I'm just going to run straight up into the woods right here this is probably going to be my attachment spawn um I'm going to go hit attachment get all the Scopes items that I need to get out of there um once I hit attachment house there's a lot of angles that if you want to still set up and wait for somebody to come to you you can H hang out around attachment house very good chance that someone's going to see it um one of the other spawns is like right here um attachment house is right there all you got to do is go ahead run in there hit the table hit the ammo a lot of good ammo that a lot of people leave this bottom side all of these spawns aren't really good spawns for fighting off a rip this is more of a let me just survive the opening 5 minutes and then we'll play play off of whatever else that we hear or see but I hope you guys enjoyed the video I do have more videos that are coming out right now the trend that I'm doing is I'm doing a guide map and then following that up immediately with a spawn guide for that map as well make sure you subscribe so that way you're notified when those videos come out I want to thank you guys for all the support you guys have been amazing we are already at 400 subscribers which is absolutely insane but I hope you guys like the video hope you guys are loving the content if I missed anything please drop down in the comments let me know what you guys thought and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Thiickolas_TV
Views: 2,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tarkov pvp tips, tarkov pvp gameplay, how to get better at tarkov, how to get better at tarkov pvp, how to get better at tarkov solo, escape from tarkov pvp tips, escape from tarkov pvp guide, tarkov tips, tarkov new player guide, tarkov beginners guide, escape from tarkov beginners guide, tarkov beginners guide 2024, tarkov solo guide, tarkov solo tips, tarkov solo anxiety, tarkov solo, woods guide tarkov, woods spawn guide, woods spawns tarkov, woods tips tarkov
Id: ntcdVlW0984
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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