WOODLAND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY | Golden Ears Provincial Park | British Columbia

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[Music] right I've put my welly boots on which can only mean one thing actually it doesn't mean anything I just put my welly boots on now I've really missed the boat on this one the last I guess week week or so several days we've had this inversion where we've had lots of moisture in the air lots of fog warm air I warmed temperatures up in the mountains which was kind of like when I was up at Mount Seymour it was quite warm and colder air in the valleys and I've been putting it off putting it off to get out here and of course the day that I decide to come out and photograph the fog there's no fog or very little fog so I've come out to Golden Ears Provincial Park again to another area that I haven't been to for a very long time and I thought well you know what rather than just not bother at all I thought I'd come out here and really try to challenge myself to to get some images so this vlog could be either quite long or really really short so the area that I've I've come out to is it's actually second growth which are a lot of Golden Ears years anyway but what's neat about this area here and I think you can kind of see the trees behind me they're all very uniform and there's some some Bracken ferns here that they've they're not golden anymore they've gone brown but they look kind of neat contrasted against the the green moss and there's actually a little bit of fog in the area so it does really give it some nice you know a theory or feel to it and actually just looking down the trail right now it looks it really looks really quite nice just behind me Here I am many many years ago I came out here and took an image with my 4x5 which I'll post right up here and I think I might have put it in one of my other videos and it's a really popular image I call it second chance because it's protected second-growth forest because now that's in provincial park and it's one of my best-selling images I do a number of shows throughout the year like half vancouver i did a show in the art Expo in New York last year and yeah that's one of my pop most popular photographs it just has so much depth has cool tones and the backgrounds with fog and then it has warmer tones in the foreground and they took the image just round here somewhere and the reason why it has such nice warm tones in the foreground is just over here there's a clearing so you get direct sunlight coming through that clearing or warm light but then in the background way down there it's it's dense forest so it's it's very much in the shade and so you have that that nice contrast and even now they look at the scene now it has that nice kind of glow to it so I'm gonna see if I can find something a little bit different than than that image it is difficult in here because it's this again there's no real center of interest so you have to find something to kind of draw people in so that's the challenge today and if I have time and I might go down to that the mossy trees again and see if I can find something in there again because the the ferns haven't been flattened yet by the snow we haven't had any snow yeah we haven't had any snow in this area yet so the ferns are still looking half decent the sort ferns anyway right and see what I can find in here [Music] well I really lucked out it's really pretty in here right now the fog is great cuz on the way here it didn't look promising at all so just goes to show that you know a bit of perseverance pays off sometimes I think I found a composition already there's some really beautiful backlit Bracken ferns just kind of back here and of course with the the mist and the fog it kind of really had separation to the trees so I still have to kind of maneuver around so that the you know the trees don't kind of merge in with the ones in the background but the fog really helps with that and it's a pretty simple composition just a number of lines or trees and then backlit motsi kind of branches with the the Bracken ferns are a kind of a backlit a little bit and then course we've got some fog in the background but it looks like it's slowly clearing so I'm gonna have to move pretty quickly with this one because there's some other compositions over here that I want to give a go as well but yeah this is really really quite nice right lucky the other thing I have to be a bit a little bit careful of it's really spongy down here so the tripod is moving very easily so I'm I've put the cable release on just to make sure and even locking up the mirror sometimes helps with any kind of vibrations you might get from the shutter the biggest challenges has been trying to find a spot for my tea you know because the moss is so spongy and is hard to find a firm place for it [Music] of course I I found that one composition and and then I couldn't find anything else I think I think I might have found something else I really like the light looking that way for the reasons that I talked about a little bit earlier they have that nice cool kind of tone in the background with the fog and then because we've got some direct light or warmer light coming in from this gap in the in the woods here it's a really nice contrast but I just can't seem to find anything looking that way I really love these ferns just backlit like this so I'm just going to go with those for now and it was just gorgeous but I I've put on a break through circular polarizer which incidentally I'm really digging but in this case I got a feeling it looks better without the polarizer sometimes I like a little bit of glare on the leaves because it it fills in dark areas in the frame okay if you get rid of all the glare then sometimes there's you know there's there's no kind of separation between the undergrowth and and leaves and such so I'm going to take a number of images with the polarizer and then I'll take some without the polarizer and then just choose the best ones from from that group anyway I'm gonna continue with this composition and then see if I can find anything further in the woods here [Music] okay now the fog has kind of dissipated which is a real shame because there it really had a nice kind of blue cast to it but the light in here is still still pretty good so and the colors are so vibrant right now I don't know if it's because I've just been seeing a lot of gray and white lately but the greens are just so intense in here and with these kind of golden all the brownish color ferns kind of somewhat backlit it looks well to my eyes it looks really good but whether it'll translate onto into an image I'm not really sure composition is a little bit haphazard it's a little bit chaotic the only thing that it really has going for it is the light and the the tree trunks are quite uniform so that's kind of nice okay so this is the composition that I currently have you can see that there's some really great soft side lighting coming in there which I really like because it gives the the seen some definition and depth and what I've tried to do is compose it in such a way that the trees are somewhat separated so that they're not merging with one another and of course we have the nice moss in the foreground in the ferns and I've put on a circular polarizer again just to kind of saturate those colors just a little bit it's a little bit busy but it does have these really great tree trunks that form a nice you know a really nice uniform pattern [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I've driven up the road a little bit to where I was just a moment ago and this is an area that might be familiar to some of you I've done a number of videos in here the last being what's my bag video series that I did I really love this area it's used to be an amphitheater these through slideshows and such but that's long gone but there's all these vine maples but the light is just fantastic right now I've got fog rolling in and then now and then the Sun will come out so we have been beams of light now I have set up a composition back here with these arching maples here but I'm not sure if it's going to work or not it might be a bit too busy but I'll take a few shots and post them in the video and you guys can let me know if they're if they're too busy if they don't work or if they do work or whatever [Music] [Music] [Music] and just like that the mist is gone it didn't last very long at all Wow just kind of went it's gone probably because the Sun came out for a bit just burnt it right off really quickly and now the clouds have kind of moved in so I did manage to get a few quick shots of back let's Massey branches I don't want to faff around with a video camera otherwise I might miss it so I I took a quick couple of shots that I'll post in a minute now what I'm looking for right now is I call them wallpaper shots so just more or less a pattern with no center of interest but just a pattern of it could be of anything in this case it's a pattern of these mossy trees I've managed to find an area where you can't see any of the background like bright spots in the background I'm looking straight across just waiting for the the sun's peak tail again just waiting for the the Sun to stop backlighting some of the branches here cuz a little bit too contrast you without that mist some people like wallpaper shots I quite like them but they're not everybody's cup of tea if you're not really sure what I'm on about I'll post it with the other the other images and you can get a good look on what I what I'm talking about I'll even put a little little label on it wallpaper image right just wait for the light to settle down a bit and I'll take my wallpaper shots okay while I'm waiting for the light to cooperate I just wanted to pass on a quick tip especially to those of you that might be just starting out seriously in photography this is something that I harp on about quite a lot and that is light I'm always going on about how poor the light is are on waiting for the light and to be honest with you as a you know a nature landscape photographer my primary subject really is all about light personally I'm not so hung up on the actual subject matter itself I usually go for things that are illuminated in quality light whether that be trees snow mountains or whatever and for myself I found that has improved my photography tenfold I go out and I think okay so what type of lighting lighting am I having today and then go for subjects that will look good in that type of lighting as far as I'm concerned there are three elements that make up a really great photograph the first one and probably the most important one is light you have to have light now good light bad light I mean you could go to the most exotic place on earth but with poor light it's not going to help your photograph just because you're in a fantastic area and then on the opposite side of that you could go to an area that isn't so thrilling to photograph in normal conditions but if you get that special light then it can elevate it to something that's just incredible so light is extremely important so first being light then composition and third subject matter if they don't necessarily always have to go in that order but I would always put to light at the top of the list and if you just concentrate on that then I guarantee your photographs will improve very quickly that's my take anyway I don't want to sound like a preacher right okay so talking of light the light I want for this image is working out pretty good right now so I'm going to take a picture of it [Music] [Music] [Music] well thank you for following me has I chased the light today actually turned out much better than I thought it was going to be when I left Vancouver this morning it looked pretty grey and not terribly exciting but the light was in my favor today so now whether I got any great images will see I you know it's funny I'll often get images back from a trip and I'll look at them and I have kind of a lackluster response to them and it takes a little while to for them to grow on me so raven anyway thank you again for watching the video and if you enjoyed it please be sure to give me a thumbs up and if you enjoy or you want to see more content in the future be sure to subscribe alright until next time thanks ever so much bye bye you [Music] you
Channel: Adam Gibbs
Views: 30,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography tips and techniques, landscape photography, landscape photography tips, landscape photography blog, landscape photography composition, nature photography blog, nature photography tips and tricks, epic landscape photography, nature photography, dji mavic pro, drones
Id: -_cIExgwENI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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