Selecting Wood and Making a Cutting Board | Woodcraft 101 - Austin, Texas

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[Music] I've heard some great things about the wood craft store in Austin Texas so I figured I'd head down there check things out for myself and see what I can learn always looking to add to my woodworking skills [Music] so this is what we're gonna make this is nice beautiful cutting board it's a face grain cutting board nice and then how do we where do we start well the first thing we do is we pick out rough lumber but I've brought in some pieces that we don't necessarily want to have but we want to see the defects in these so that when we go to pick out our lumber we'll know what we're looking for okay so each one of these is a different example of warp it is there's like more tops of war this one here looks it's real pretty it's a nice board but it's twisted it's got a real little twist yeah it's really big twisting that's good use my glasses if you need to but there's a check here uh-huh on this side and there's a check down here on this side so if you see a board like this that's checking on one end on this side and one end on this side no matter how pretty that board is put it back seriously even if it's flat dead-on and you just think that's the board I want to cut those off you won't that board will check again and it will twist it will yes that's good to know so this is a piece of firewood so if there's a check on one end and not the other and then on the opposite side it's it's that correct correct well that's good to know what's up with this one this board right here is a really nice board it's nice for straight grain but it's got a cup that's going through the or just rather than his face look at that you can see it it sweeps like this and in our project we want to try to keep these boards as thick as we can we could probably get this board flatter but we're gonna have to take off maybe a quarter of an inch and take the risk of this board cupping again really yes so we would probably rather not use that that board in this one this one right here is an example of a board that has a real pretty face on it but remember boards are two-faced and you've got a lot of defects on this side you've got a huge check on that side so this board is not probably going to be usable for our projects okay let's stay away from that and then we got this example this board right here is has two problems you can see if you look down the face of this board you can see a pretty strong bow yep that's the third type of warp is a bow so that one's got a real strong bow you might be able to use this if you were cutting it into smaller sections but the top that we're gonna I've already preset a 40 inch piece so we're gonna need it to have less of above than that okay and what's the other problem with this one the other problem is if you look down usually when you have a real strong bow and a board you're gonna have a real strong crook and a crook is a bow that's in the edge oh okay okay so you've got a real sweep side yeah yeah so again you could probably cut that out that would be the more usable because you can probably straighten that crook out but the bow if you're using a longer piece you can find better huh and now in this example it looks like I'm getting better at my speed up guys let me walnut that's American walnut Purpleheart that is cherry that is but who is anyone's pronounce yes maple curly make curly maple and this is darker than this but this looks like one month ago me and walnut the real hybrid of Wilma no ice this is pretty yes this grows this is a forest of would most Peruvian is plantation oh okay okay okay so it has a straighter grain it grows faster whereas this came from a forest out of South Carolina I got you and when we're selecting wood is there any species we don't want to use for a cutting board or can we just use wherever we want we brought in a couple of pieces I'm gonna use this is an ebony ebony you usually can't get in very big pieces so that's one of the ones it is worthy dentist - it's beautiful yeah it's not one you can usually get in a big enough piece but you could use it for a smaller one if you want it to right yeah I'd be real small super tiny yeah yeah okay cheese or something this is a piece wingait way in it I wouldn't use that because it's splintery oh this is a real splintering wood and you're gonna be cutting on it and you don't want people getting splinters in their mouth yeah this is a spotted piece of wood anytime you're in a cutting board you probably don't want to use something spalted because what that is is mold that gets in there so you probably don't want to have that with food right it makes sense this is a piece of teak this is a real pretty piece of teak teak is the one of the costlier woods you probably wouldn't want to work this into your cutting board you'd want to do bigger outside projects this is an outdoor kind of wood okay so you would probably want to use it for something like that alright well let's head over to the lumber area let's do it and pull some rough I'm ready [Music] all right so this is actually this where do we go next the first thing we got to do is determine we already look for war but now we need to get some chalk and I've got some and we need to mark our side that's got the warp on it okay so we're gonna look down the face of this board and we picked out the better boards so this doesn't have much warp on any face but I can see a little bit on this side so we're gonna mark that side and we're gonna go down the entire face of the board with a piece of chalk and I'll show you why we did that when we get to that point okay we're also gonna check the edge so this is the side that's got the crook in it because every board does usually so we're gonna mark this side because we need these markings to keep us when we start prepping the wood we know how to set it up on the machines okay okay so looking at that one do you see any warp it looks like it goes this way a little let's check it I see this side as the boat side you want to check that again Eric oh yeah I do now I do now down there yeah so let's mark that face as the side that's got the warp in it so again we're gonna go across the entire place check the edge now turn it flat and put down the ends do you see any more is there a little bit going this way on the show so this is a pretty straight board so I think we're good we could use either edge through your face first this definitely goes this way so this is our boat side so that's the side we want to mark check your edge I think this looks pretty straight there you don't mind me double check the net course okay this is has a really strong crook yeah all I see is down there some roughness well you can't see that Bo in that edge put it up against something wide can you see it now uh yeah it's real strong yeah now I can see it yeah it was easier to put it on though why you need to remember your glasses and it's downs I'm gonna give my glasses out okay so we're gonna mark that now we go one more I'm not doing a good job with this I'm not what are you doing alright you don't have much experience at it no okay so look down the face first which sides got there's gonna be a concave and a convex which is the bow okay this side just like this let's see yep you got that right sure we're gonna mark that unnecessary you're 50/50 let me see now check the edge I'm gonna do like this yeah it helps to put it on something where you can have a contrast I think so see it here and I'll double check again yep your rough nice job I'm getting better a couple more thousand I'll be fine all right so now we got shotgun this no one now we got to take it and cut it into our lengths and I'm pre-selected a length it's 41 inches 41 that's what we're gonna take it to our chops off all right and then after we cut it to length after we cut it to length and we're gonna come over here to our jointer and we're gonna start working on getting our boards flat because flat boards is woodworking anything else is carpentry it's not I like that too this is woodworking I'm teaching you would work this is what I want to learn I want to learn how to get go from rough to flat board we're gonna do it all right so we'll cut these two lengths go to the jointer from the jointer we're gonna do later thickness that's where we get thickness now most people come in and buy a planer because they think it's gonna give them flat boards a planer doesn't give you flat boards the planer gives you parallel thickness okay good to know good to know all right let's take this down to the chop chop [Music] Sadie I've got no experience on the jointer so can you show me what I need to do to use one probably bad all right yeah I can so you protect the square you want to make sure that your fence is Square to your table and that's perfect and that's good so that's what we want okay so that's your starting point so now this machine gives you two things it's gonna give you a flat edge on your board where the was uh-huh and it's gonna give you a flat face just one thing where the bow was okay just one face and now are we gonna do anything about that depth is coming up later the UH they undercut the definite cut the sixteenth of an inch is what I've got to set out small passes is better the thing with woodworking that everybody needs to remember is you can always make another cut but you can't never put wood back right take the time I like that I can't never put the wood bad you can't I like that [Music] okay so we've got a flat edge this looks alright that looks great so how do we do with discipline okay since this was the concave down here this is gonna be convex like that so that's not gonna happen with the jointer because if you try to run it through the door all you're gonna do is rock it through and you're never gonna get it flat okay so we're gonna have to go over to the table saw and the table saw now becomes part of the Palfrey right right you see Stuart pounds these two repels now the table is gonna have to be brought in to the phone okay we're gonna have to have that in my my past estimation I call these the big three okay you got to have the big three to do woodworking or else it's carpentry okay all right so we're gonna run this up against our fence we are we're gonna take her it'll off the ways we are and we've got a little smaller jointer so what we're gonna have to do this is obviously more than eight inches yeah we're gonna have to cut this board down okay so what width are we gonna cut these two we're gonna cut it about seven and a half so are we gonna go right to seven and a half close okay yeah remember we I factored in some air room I gave us a little bit wider board a little bit longer boards so that we can play with it okay all right so we head over to table saw [Music] okay so all that we have left now is this one face right all right we're gonna run these through the thickness planer and it's gonna give us a parallel thickness thickness thickness and that's what we're going for now we've got a flat side here because we ran it through the jointer right we chalked our side that we knew we had to cut so once we run it through here as a as it gets this board the same thickness it's gonna flatten it and it's gonna give us a perfectly flat board and that's what we want flat boards are woodworking everything else is carpentry right right and because of the way this machine operates just got feed rollers on one side and then the cutters on the top correct so whatever is on that feed side is your flat side right and your cutter side needs to be the side that you chopped right right right okay yes so where do we go how do we set up this machine okay it has a it has a guide that you can use but I use sight and sound we're gonna have to figure out the thickness of these boards okay first and that's what we're the calipers come into play I'm CalPERS this is a fractional version this is my preference on on calipers there's also a digital version for the guys that you know want to do it quicker higher do it kind of old-school so I come back and I measure these boards there might be a difference in thickness along the length of the board because the board's uneven but generally you can get it this is probably our thickest we're here what's this one measurement that's measuring a little over an inch in the middle an inch on the sides okay so this one here it's about 7/8 okay about 7/8 this one here is a little over seven eight over seven so that's gonna be our nickel two kisses this one here is over here but less than 7/8 there so this is gonna be our narrowest that's our narrows board okay so this is the order they're gonna run in like that so you always run around from your thickness to your thinness because one of the golden rules is you can take more off but you can't put it back right can't weld this No so how do you set up the machine from here now that we know the order that we're gonna do this in okay so this is the flat side that we know is good so we're gonna put it down okay we're gonna put this into our machine we've lowered the table we're gonna turn it on I do it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I'm trying to make it easy I put it into fractions I do the twelve o'clock three o'clock six o'clock nine o'clock okay now we're going to take heavier cuts because we know we want to come down to a certain width and we need to get there we can probably take care of your cuts but we want to keep these as thick as we can okay so we're only going to come down to this so we're going to move up about forty-five and then we're going to take the backlash you called it yep we're gonna take that out and now we're gonna run this board [Music] the winner does accept on the other side doesn't matter on a player you know you gotta cut back a standard 45 and 15 [Music] the grass [Music] so this stuff is flat it is and somewhat square and somewhere close close and the reason why I say that is because wood moves there's some movement in wood when you mill it it's gonna move a little bit yeah see even now they're not even though we sent them all the all back through I could feel variation yeah yes it's it's moving just a little bit you need to give it a rest period so normally you'd want to rest this before we'd want to arrest them okay okay and at this point really we could make whatever we want because it's milled lumber we went from rough to something that's milled we could okay how do we move ahead with our cutting board project so we're gonna take these strips over to the table saw I let anyone design whatever board they want just as long as they keep it within a certain perimeter that we've set so 13 inches say that's in the classes you teach it is okay so these are from that's what these are from so I tell them stay within that width design it yourself glue it up okay so the the next step would be to go to the table saw and rip these down to different thicknesses and we're designing a pattern okay and I'll let them pick whichever species they want okay I got you can you give me any tips for thickness here anything I should know about like should I go with the three inch or two or you know when you when you go to your glue up the thicker boards tend to glue up better than the thinner boards okay what does that mean better they need more time okay more time is needed if you're gonna use thinner slices you need more time I got you or you need to give that glue a lot more time to set up and make sure it's locked it yes okay and that's kind of what happened here is it went from these to these these might have been from previous classes and that one got shorter because it broke apart here and this one got shorter in several ways because we were using thin strips I got it need it more time okay because once we rip these down then we're gonna do a glue up and then after that we're gonna sand them and finish them and all that we are all right cool well let's get at it ah [Music] say hey I love how this looks looks great I like the color combination I like wood good species beautiful yeah finish this up we are going to take it over to the planer okay we're gonna run a pass or two just to get it flattened out we're gonna take it from there to the drum sander there we'll take it and get it flat the rest of the way on both sides now why not just doing all on the drum sander because or all on the planer that's a good question we want to be we've got some places here that we need to take a little bit of thickness off and the planer does that quicker okay because the plane girl is like a razor it grabs ahold of that wood and chops it off ah and we can do it quicker we can go to the drum sander we can do it with the drum sander as well but it takes twice as long the drum sander actually teases the fibers up and and flush them down and so you've got two things we want to be aggressive but at the same time we don't want to be aggressive so we've got both we're gonna use both why not why not I've never used a drum sander so oh you're gonna love it yeah yeah you want one gram you're gonna need a joiner a drum sander this is gonna be a good sell you're awesome man so once we're finished with the drum sander what's nice we're gonna take it over to the orbital sander the Festool we're gonna finish it up on the sanding that's more of a polishing okay is what we're gonna do is polish both sides and how I would take that up we're gonna take it up to 120 we're gonna go through three grits okay if we think we want to do more we can but we'll do it it's personal preference oh okay so we'll make that decision when we get there okay and then we'll joint both edges because we might have some blue marks okay that we want to take off then we're gonna take it to the table saw we're gonna square an edge cut it in half square an edge and then from there we're gonna go the router table sweet well let's get started man all right has done yes we are [Music] all right man we're just about done with the router table we are so what are we gonna do here we're gonna put a profile around the edge okay and we're gonna put a handle oh nice yeah then where do we start you're gonna need to pick a top what's gonna be the top of each board okay is there anything in particular I'm looking for mmm they're prettiest I just character yeah whatever your personal preferences so I like this side here that's a good sauce we got that yes this is a sexy side which is the sexy side man that's nice that's the side to use and then on this one here your world I think I'd better because I like this area D alright so we got that both sides are good all right so let's set one of them over here okay we pre-measured this so we've got our stop set to give us about a three inch handle oh okay okay we need to set the fence okay so we're gonna set the piece on the bearing and we're gonna pull the fence in to the piece all the way we're gonna lock that side and we're gonna lock this son okay and so now we know we got a good we're a little bit off somewhere so we need to move in and make sure that we're lock it down that's too far it lock that other one that's better okay can we need to raise that bit up okay and you're going to reference it at zero so each turn back to zero other way clockwise so I'm going to look see keep going keep going keep going keep going up there and we'll start there take that out walk it other way there it is alright let's walk yep okay now this bit is spinning counterclockwise so you want to move into it and go against it you're always moving against the bit when you're honoring anything okay you started here [Music] sandy I got my doctoring close-up you do what's next we're gonna whop these down get any leftover dust off of them and what am i using you're using the cheesecloth pick it up there might be a little bit of residue you can look at your rag and see just a little turn it over in the back side as well in the back side first we'll kind of finish your we use a Merrill all that doesn't have any petroleum okay so it's food say hoot sing yeah the kanji buy anywhere else usually has a petroleum okay you don't what's up so this is where the magic search oh yeah beautiful that curly maple is from the Amish Jonas this is Peruvian this is curly maple this is American walnut from South Carolina these are both Brazilian look at that [Music] [Applause] thank you good job thank you but I agree time [Music]
Channel: A Craftsmans Legacy
Views: 36,607
Rating: 4.8836365 out of 5
Keywords: how to cutting board, wood cutting board, how to make a cutting board for beginners, making a cutting board, beginner cutting board, cuttingboard, cutting board, diy cutting board, how to make a cutting board, cutting board diy, hardwood cutting board, beginner woodworking projects, cutting board oil, cutting boards, woodworking, woodworking cutting board, easy cutting board, roughlumber, cutting board for beginners, Howto, woodcraft
Id: HZW1J9AeVe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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