3 LEVELS of Cutting Boards - Beginner to PRO Build

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we know every woodworker in the world has built a cutting board so me and these two clowns are gonna show yin's three ways to make cutting boards let's go for this cutting board i'm gonna be using scrap water from around the shop it's gonna be long grain with a beveled edge it's gonna be quick easy and fun so now i got all my pieces cut out on the table saw just kind of figuring out my orientation probably play around with this for like five minutes figure out where it goes where and then we're going to go back over to planer make them all the same thickness get a nice tight glue up let sit overnight come back to it and we should have a cutting board [Music] got her out clamps she's a little uneven so i went ahead off camera scraped off the glue if a chisel just save our planer i mean you can run it through the planer like that but we take care of our tools here and it's not mine so i don't want to make john angry going to do that then i'm going to go back to the table saw square it up and then finally put some chamfer or a miter a chamfer chamfer on it and give it a nice clean look put oil on it and she's done [Music] take water spray board let it dry sand it again oil you're done intermediate level end grain cutting board juice groove walnut handles it's gonna be awesome step one mill the lumber [Music] all right so we went through the milling process and made perfect squares by milling them at the same setting setting them all through then rotating 90 degrees and setting them through again now that i have perfect squares i i'm going to play around here and just kind of see what patterns i like you know maybe i don't like those two being next to each other play with it and i also want to be conscious of my grain direction and kind of have them all in a way that makes a safe glue up or a smart glue up rather so now that i have everything kind of laid out we're going to go ahead and we're going to use titebond 3. the reason we're using typebond 3 is it's the only one that's waterproof and if i'm not mistaken it's the only one that is safe for food contact safe flip to the best my cutting board is now out of clamps i'm going to take some of this little bit of glue dab label off of it and then i'm just going to go in the thickness planer and it's going to go on table saw we're going to take these squares and make them into more squares then we're going to glue those squares up into other squares and then we'll have a square cutting board you're square to do the end grain cutting board we now have to take this board cut it up a bunch of ways and then turn all those pieces on their ends we have end grain i cut a perfectly square edge on it already using this slidey thingy now i'm going to go ahead and use the fence as my reference and i want to make these perfect cubes just because that's what i want to do and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take it put it vertically slide the fence over so it's against the blade make sure it's not too tight make sure it slides through just right and now when i cut it this way it'll make a bunch of perfect little cubes just the tip that one's free [Music] so before we get into any more juiciness with these amazing cutting boards myself and the boys are building i want to tell you real quick about this week's sponsor bespoke post bespoke post is a subscription service that you can sign up and get really cool stuff based on your personal liking shipped directly to your house here i've got my first subscription which is their forge box it's a really cool product it's worth about 70 and you only pay about 45 bucks a month and like i said shipped directly to your house they have tons of categories you can get into everything from cigars to liquor cooking the outdoors you name it they probably got something for you it's a really cool way to get new things for a discount awesome brand really stoked to be working with them on this project if you guys want to check out more from bespoke post i've got a link down in the description now let's get back to these killer cutting boards the glue up is done now we just need to sand give it a handle give it some round overs give it a juice groove and oil it let's do it let's go juice groove time i did a little bit of math figured out how wide our little spacers need to be so we'll rip down some strips that'll go flat here put up some little sidewalls so a router would have some some little bumpers just like bowling when you were a kid maybe even still i don't know i'm not very good at bowling then a little with the router and we'll be juicy let's see how she looks son jordan what do you think it's like my girl what jordan you're fired [Music] [Music] [Music] the boys crushed it so now it's time for daddy and by daddy i mean the most expensive and ridiculously elaborate and uh stupid project i could come up with we're gonna use some of these walnut scraps a little bit of this eight quarter maple that i got here let's go [Music] now that i've got a bunch of sticks cut that took way longer than i think anything i've ever milled in my entire life we are going to build two boards identical in uh reflection that makes sense nope don't worry about it it'll all make sense when you're when you're all drunk all right we got a bajillion pieces here and i think now is time we glue the bajillion everything is oriented the way i want it so hopefully this goes smoothly [Music] so now that i have the big blocks semi-glued call that a glue up we got to make another end grain glue up to go inside a third end grain glue up so two more end grain glue ups padouk this should be awesome is there something on my face why are you so close [Music] [Applause] yes if you were curious i look like a christmas tree because it is the holidays we've got some brand new merchandise available if you want to get squirrely this holiday season this is available down below now to important matters the cutting board we're all dry and i'm a dumbass pardon my french i made this board based on some measurements i found online and that said it should end at around 20.12 so it's like 28 and 8 inches wide this thing's almost 22 inches wide and i only have a 20 inch planer so we have to flatten it on the cnc and then we can just get back to doing what we were doing thank goodness for options all right so now things are about to get squirrely like a traditional end grain cutting board we're going to rip a bunch of strips off of this but then we're going to flip the strips on their vertical and then cut those strips into smaller strips and all of those strips are then going to be stripped down on the drum sander to be the perfect width of strip and no strippers were harmed in the making of this build can you get a stripper in this instance you're the one making the strips i think i would be the stripper in this instance if i'm the person who's making the strips and then stripping down the strips in order to strip all right strip away strip away [Music] all right we're mocking this thing up because it is getting quite confusing and we have so many parts and then we're gonna run them through the drum sander to get everything to be the perfect thickness and then we'll glue this thing up [Music] this thing looks kind of like we intended it to um i'm pretty happy with it it doesn't look great on camera it looks so much better on camera so we're going with it now it's time for what what we're going to call the most annoying globe of my life see you ends tomorrow [Music] she's super flat she's super flat here's a tip from john and sam if you need a flat reference surface always use something made of cast iron we use our table saw whether it's chairs small tables or something like this cutting board you can use a cast iron skillet if you're making tiny things maybe i don't know but there's your tip cast iron for flatness [Music] so this thing's looking sick now that it's kind of flat i don't even know if i want to do the uh i don't know if i want to do the inlay but i'm going to sand it to 120 grit and then and then just make a decision i think so to sanding [Music] so as you can see the handles are cut i've always kind of done my handles like this i don't know why i like them i like a little more than um the way sam did his but both are great unfortunately though i'm not great enough to figure out how i wanted to do the inlay for this and i wanted to do an epic inlay that had inlays within inlays with an inlays and instead of ruining this we're just going to forego it because we still think it looks sick so all that is left is a little sanding and uh getting some oil on this thing so it can pop because that's what happens when you put oil on cutting boards is they literally explode so i'll wish me luck [Applause] all right so it's sanded to 220 now it's time for the water pop if you're not familiar with a water pop what it does is it helps the grain in the wood stand up the pro tip for the water pop though is this one don't saturate it it's not swimming and then two you can dry it with a blowtorch instead of waiting for it to dry [Applause] and now for glorious finish b-roll [Applause] [Applause] and that's gonna be a wrap on this one uh the boys did a great job i think i know which one's my favorite we want to know which one you guys think is yours i'm gonna have to concede and say in the last two projects sam had definitely the best design uh jordan wasn't here for the first one so i'll take the crown on that but we definitely want to know what you guys think and what more three-way builds you guys want to see leave a comment down below and then go watch this three-way video right here
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 558,118
Rating: 4.8754439 out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, Cutting board, DIY cutting Boards, cutting boards designs, cutting board finish, cutting board oil, cutting board juice groove, cutting board end grain, Woodworking cutting board, Easy Woodworking project, 3 Levels project
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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