Wood that Bends???? Bending wood a modern approach a new material

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welcome to my channel now I get the chance to see some amazing products some amazing tools and all things carpentry joinery and building related and every now and then something comes across my sort of vision and I think to myself this is something new and this is something different and I'm going to tell the story about bendable wood no it's not a joke it's vendable wood now I've had a little look at this product and they're I'm lucky enough to have a quick demonstration of exactly what this wood is all about and I just felt it was so valuable to show you let me give you an example quickly of where I would have used bendy wood so ham rails we have made by five AIS CNC it used to be made for example by skilled craft people who would spend months sometimes creating beautiful handrails unfortunately as people get older and retire those skills aren't getting transferred to the new generation of Trades people and cross people so we need other Solutions and yes you can have some amazing 5axis CNC machines which involve going out on site taking a scan sending all that information back to the machine manufacturing the parts getting them back on out on site quite often if I'm doing a renovation there may be a curved bit of skirting and for me to just do that curved bit of skirting takes time it takes effort and this is a perfectly modern solution for that so I'm going to show you exactly how it works it's pretty ingenious and find out how it's made and what it is [Applause] [Applause] Ella oh hi Ella nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm fascinated by your product much it's unbelievable so tell me basically how it works so basically the product um it's very simple you need to heat up the product and then it kind of activates yeah so we use the very simple um heat gun yes so this is a heat gun you're going to go and get in the DIY store this isn't an expensive bit of K it's the cheapest one and you are happy with the cheapest one you should be happy with the cheapest one um so um okay so we just need to I'll just show apply some heat I already heat it once yeah but we as a company we recommend uh to heat it up to eight times yeah because that's the best so you can reheat it and reshake it up to eight times correct correct yes so basically when yeah so right now it's very flexible yes please go ahead it's incredible isn't it so tell us exactly what's in it what's what's it made of so um It's Made of sawdust 96% uh sawdust plus special glue that we have um developed developed exactly and what makes it flexible and with this product you can go this way as well not just not just like this go yes whichever way you want if you hit it and you can you can correct rotate it around a radius and and how long will it take before it stays this is a very small sample so about already in your hands if I'm not applying any heat it will start hardening up so you will feel it yeah slowly because it's cooling down anyway so you you will know you will feel it and then if you need let's say right now we are not using any Force remember right now it's already hardening you you feel it yeah you don't use Force it's just you feel it it's incredible isn't it so gent it up if I heat it up I I'll will show you again it will be more flexible just a little bit because it's already warm but it just needs a little bit so again it's more you can you don't use Force but you can go up to this point now you don't use any Force you don't want any split or anything on edges right so okay so basically it's all about being gentle okay and it only takes a matter of 10 minutes or so or 10 or 15 minutes to work this up to a temperature gently okay this is not an expensive machine and you can actually form some amazing things so let me just clarify exactly what we might use this for in the UK we have lots of beautiful period properties and quite often in Grand halls or living rooms sometimes they would round over the the skirting or the Ary tra I mean look at this to get this done on a spindle molder okay circular is going to cost time and money okay this material it could be machined straight and formed around the corner a carpenter on site like me can do the work at that time it's incredible did yeah I did it myself we used this actually on this side yes and it was on Saturday uh so we just it was straight when we uh brought because yes cuz most of the things we we brought it straight and then we've done it here so and look at some of these examples that you can see here so this is actually like a mopstick Hamil and it's actually been heated and tied into a knot so I think that explains exactly what this product is all about again is a is an archit tray but we've done it to extreme you obviously you wouldn't yeah no I mean well some some of the Carpenters I know may make that without trying so um there you go it's absolutely amazing tell us about how big the boards are so uh we have uh actually on that board uh you've got different thicknesses and um there is one length um so it's 2 440 right now but we've got two depths uh well actually um 1 one0 mm and 225 and there one all similar to skirting sizes and AR sizes because the initial idea was the skirting like I've got one here and the comparison you know so uh how the traditional way yeah it's unbelievable okay so I'm pretty sold on this product now how how does one buy it cuz I don't see this in my shops uh yeah so basically we have a shop and workshop well actually Warehouse um uh and where we produce in London we are from West London it's in greenford area so but it can be done online CU normally um if you're far away we send it all over uh in the UK it's amazing it looks like MDF it feels like MDF it probably paints like MDF as well which is what we used to but it's not MDF remember but it's not MDF but it will butt up against a bit of MDF absolutely perfectly I think that this is one of those innovations that comes along every now and then which really helps us as trades people and the thing is that you know you can't put a price on just how easy that is [Applause] so I hear you won an award what was this award so basically it was um the best innovation in show we won um it was 5 years ago as as far as I remember after Co basically um it was UK construction week we were surprised as well when they approached us yeah basically they they they rewarded us for the best Innovation we always are very busy actually wherever we go and people are seriously interested so it's it's amazing Ella I'll leave you to it I can see you having a busy day on the stand thank you so much I hope you enjoyed that thanks for watching me I'll catch you all again soon [Music]
Channel: Robin Clevett
Views: 54,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood that bends, Robin Clevett, bending wood, how to bend wood, wood bending, bendy wood, bending timber, bend, bending wood furniture, bending wood for a cane, roofing square, hinge jig, The Big Build, Bender, wood that bends in, wood bending steamer, wood bending vacuum
Id: CkObGR4iCyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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