Wood Stove Tips And Tricks | How To Start A Fire The First Time, Every Time!

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welcome back to the homestead everyone welcome back to the channel one of the most difficult things to do is get a fire started in one of these new EPA approved wood stoves today we're going to show you how to start that fire the first time every time stay with us [Music] so there are a few basic rules to follow to start off making a great fire on the first shot and that is one we're gonna leave our door cracked open we're gonna draw extra air in through the door we want all of our controls open we run our damper open and we need to leave that door open for proper draw to begin with but once that fire takes hold you can close that off all right number two we need perfectly seasoned wood dry seasoned wood if you're trying to do this with green wood it's not gonna work it's not good for your stove anyway so always remember dry season wood okay first things first we are gonna take our biggest logs and we're gonna place them here on the bottom now that is completely contradictory to what we all learned growing up in building a campfire right building a teepee or the log cabin style older wood stoves you were able to do that but not these newer stoves part of the reason is is they have these pipes along the top that are used for air circulation and air intake and it's these are set up just a little bit differently than those older stoves so essentially we want to build this fire in Reverse kind of weird I know but stay with me on this so like I said we're gonna take our two biggest logs that we're gonna start the fire with and we're gonna put them here on the bottom now that is also contradicting the fact that you're starting with large wood usually you start with kindling we're gonna add the kindling but we're also gonna have that large wood in there now we want it in this V pattern like this because we want air to circulate around the back and around the outside of the fire right here from here we are gonna start with our paper so our paper is going to go right here inside of V and we don't have to do too much of that because next we're gonna add a layer of cardboard now it's no big deal if you don't have the cardboard but it helps out a lot we're gonna stick a decent amount of this cardboard here at the top now we want to leave some air gaps like with anything you'll want to that air to circulate through there but we also want to take that off the top we also want to have enough material to get this thing going we're gonna add some small pieces of kindling on top of that so this is actually like building one of our old fires here we can make this little log cabin structure up here and it doesn't have to be perfect we can add some more cardboard on top of that like this and now we're actually going to put some larger pieces right directly on the top of it we're gonna span that right there we're gonna give that a little breathing room as well there's some medium-sized pieces and right on the top we're gonna put another larger piece of wood now we have a smaller stove here and so our wood is cut at 1 foot sections instead of normal 16 inches you get when you buy firewood or you process it yourself we have 1 foot sections here and that is perfect for this this little wood pro 1500 but we're gonna you see we've got a lot of large wood on the outside here we've got our kindling here in the middle and let's light this baby up you're gonna see this go first time every time it's awesome and Oh pshh I light it in a few different places if you have to light a a piece of wood to get it in there do that get it in the back but it'll catch pretty darn quick let me tell you okay we're gonna get that closed so it creates a nice heats that pipe up really quick and creates a nice draft and gets that that pipe heated up so it pulls it out quickly that's also why we're leaving this door open a little bit so we can get that draft going up you can see how quickly that has started it's gonna take a while to get all that fuel burned up here at the top but right away we've got our flame high and it's starting to work with the the inlet tubes on the top of the stove now you can see in just a short short period of time that you've got nice hot coals right in the center of that V what that's gonna help do is catch those larger exterior logs on fire quickly and build our fire so we can build our fire faster and also across the top you can see some serious coals getting going that serious heat coming up on top of those bigger pieces on the top it's really starting to heat this fire up super fast look at this fire is roaring and it's only been a few minutes I was so frustrated when I first got this stove because I just could not get it started I was sitting here in front of the stove for a half an hour 45 minutes trying those old methods those old Boy Scout methods and you know the methods my dad taught me the methods I used actually my uncle's old-school wood stove just don't work in these new stoves I was so happy to find this method online from a gentleman in England and I thank you so much that guy helped me out and we've got a roaring fire the first time every time now and I'm so happy I don't have to sit here forever we do have to leave the door open for a little while probably 15 minutes give or take but that's it so do it this way it'll save you a lot of headache also we want you to be here with us on a permanent basis so go down below hit that subscribe button hit the little notification bell and then after that hit all notifications leave us a comment in the comment section below go visit us on our website country living experience com visit us on all of our social media platforms you name it we've got it except for Twitter I'm not big Twitter guy no big deal anyway thank you have a great day and we'll see you next week on the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Country Living Experience: A Homesteading Journey
Views: 297,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a fire, fire starting, wood stove, wood stove tips and tricks, how to start a fire in a wood burning stove, wood stove fire starting tips and tricks, wood stove fire starting trick, wood stove fire starting tricks, Best way to start a fire in a wood burning stove, wood stove secondary combustion, wood stove fire starting, wood burning stove, wood fire starting tip, starting a fire in a wood stove
Id: YNidEAavLlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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