How to Run an Overnight Burn

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[Music] when starting a fire you need to think about what is happening in your flue at the start the flu is full of cold air which is dense and acts like a plug as you generate heat and smoke from the fire the smoke can't get through the plug so it sits in the fire box and can smother your fire to remove the plug you need a hot kindling fire to help heat the fluke start by scrunching up newspaper or placing fire lighters around sticks and twigs no thicker than your fingers you can form either a teepee or a criss-cross pattern for the kindling remembering to allow for airflow between the pieces to generate the fire light the newspaper and all the fire lighters in a few different spots ensure that your air slide is completely open and leave your doors slightly ajar wait for your kindle and catch the light if you're producing a lot of smoke at this step you may need drier kindling if you have a vogue navara turning your fan on at this step and closing the door will help get the fire going quickly once it takes you can check to make sure the fire is ready to be built if you're able to close the door and the fire stays bright and the flames sit up this means your flu is hot and active and ready to start building the fire if the flames start to slow and meander this means it needs a bit more air or fuel to heat the flu carefully insert some slightly larger pieces of hardwood on top these should be about the size of your wrist depending on how well the fire is burning you may need to leave the door slightly ajar for a bit longer at this point once these are alight and are producing embers commence adding larger hardwood pieces increasing in size for a visual reference move from wood the size of your forearm to wood the size of your bicep toward the size of your thigh if you don't follow this order then the larger logs on a small fire will just smoke and smother the fire remember that logs should always run front to back not left to right to avoid blocking off primary air and reduce the risk of a log falling forward and breaking your glass to prepare for an overnight burn it is best to reduce the air to the fire at least 30 minutes before setting it up to reduce the heat in the box before putting in your nighttime logs once it starts slowing down insert as many large logs into the fireplace as you can front to back this step requires a bit of a test and adjust as every fire will be different with how much wood and air you need to achieve an overnight burn in the morning there'll be red embers left in the fire box from the night's burn to restart your fire move the coals together with a poker and insert a handful of kindling and a small piece of hardwood the heat in the fire box should be enough to light the wood however if not place a couple of pieces of newspaper or firelighters back in the firebox to get it going again continue to add more hardwood until you reach the desired temperature if you have a vogue navara turning your fan on at this step and closing the door will help get the fire going quickly again
Channel: Mr Stoves
Views: 189,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5oledpf2ocU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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