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wonder woman 1984 is a no good very bad awful inconsistent logically void terrible paced mess of a film that teaches you that rape is a good thing it is quite embarrassing how awful this movie really is see i'm usually a very articulate guy but even i have a hard time scripting this video because there's so much broken in this movie it is stressful to think about it's like saying i'm gonna eat an entire blue whale well yeah it's possible it's gonna take a lot of time in multiple sittings to get through the whole thing because of how much you gotta digest and not in the good way it would take me hours to point out everything that is bad in this movie and frankly this movie does not deserve hours of my time it is abundantly clear that the scriptwriters did not care about their movie so why should i care to give them the same amount of energy that i would a normal bad movie instead i'm just gonna hit on the highlights of the things i think are the most wrong with this abomination of cinema then let you go on your merry way because frankly the faster i can get through this video the faster i get to stop thinking about this awful movie but before i get into the things i dislike about the movie i'm gonna talk about a few things i actually like about it point one pedro pascal pedro pascal is literally the only good thing in this movie full stop while his character is inconsistent half the movie pedro pascal does an excellent job portraying his character he knows when he has to ham up the performance just to really fit in that sleazy scummy salesman role he knows when to take the roll down a more darker serious path to fit with the scenes with his son and he knows when to ham it up to be the really good evil villain honestly if this movie were just edited down to just the clips of pedro pascal i would be a much happier person and this movie would be a lot better because while everything in this movie made no sense pedro pascal's performance was good enough to put a smile on my face sadly that is all the praise i can give this movie pedro pascal does really good everything else is so fundamentally broken so let's get into that point number two max lloyd another big issue with this movie is the fact we don't really understand what max lloyd wants at the start of this movie it stated that he wants to be this great man who wants to be successful and take care of his son the issue is we don't really understand what he means by being a great man does he mean being truthful does he mean being successful on his own merits prepare to get answers to none of these questions because the movie skirts around it the entire run time the second issue is halfway through the movie he has gotten everything he wants he's already become extremely successful he's obtained the majority of the oil industry he's taking care of his son because the amount of money he has if you define a great man as one that's being successful then he's done all of those things so what exactly does he keep granting wishes for he just keeps handing out wishes like oprah you get a wish you get a wish you get a wish everybody gets a wish but why why does everyone need to keep getting wishes why does he feel the need to go on national television in order to touch a bunch of people to grant them wishes shouldn't the movie end halfway through because he's finished his quest i am so confused point three gal gadot so we go from a really good performance to a really bad one i was extremely disappointed in galaga doe in this movie i don't know if it's her fault the director's fault or the writer's fault but for some reason she cannot emote at all in this movie and when she does it is lackluster at best i mean moments like [Music] i pray that this true [Music] should have a strong emotional impact on the audience but instead they fall flat on their face i know this is personal but i can't feel the same impact that the writers want me to have because her acting is so stale here and honestly the sad part is that that scene is the best she does in this movie she is such a plank the entirety of the movie and it's so boring to watch which is honestly really shocking because she does fine in the fast and furious movies and she does fine in the first wonder woman movie i have no clue what happened here but this might be one of the biggest regressions in an actor i've ever seen like you've seen over her career how she steadily got better until she gets to wonder woman when she's actually pretty good and then falls off a cliff with easily her worst performance in wonder woman 1984. it's really hard for people to get invested into your movie when your lead protagonist acts like this [Laughter] i honestly don't even think this is gal gadot's fault i think this has to do with the material she was given or the directing because she does good in other movies but not only is her acting broken her character has one of the biggest character assassinations i think i might have ever seen in a movie point four wonder woman rapes a man this scene makes my blood boil the more i think about it i don't want to give away too much personal information because this channel isn't about my personal life and stuff i've been through but let's just say as someone who's experienced some unwanted sexual encounters in the past this made me really mad seeing this in a movie essentially the premise of the movie is that there's this magical wishing stone which grants you one wish wonder woman's one wish is that she can bring steve trevor back to life so you would think that the movie would just bring steve trevor back right just bring it back to life materialize him do something normal nope you would be completely wrong what happens is instead of just bringing him back to life they download his consciousness into another man's body so while wonder woman sees steve trevor everyone else sees the man whose body steve trevor's consciousness is hosting so all of the actions in this movie are of steve trevor's not of the man who has been possessed okay so he is in no place to consent to anything okay so wonder woman and steve trevor have sex and because this other man is not conscious he has been taken over by a different consciousness he is in no place to consent to this this man was raped this is basically the same as if wonder woman got some guy at a bar drunk and then took him back to his place and then had sex with them while he was drunk and wonder woman was sober in that scenario the man would be in no situation where he can consent to this so let's dig into this even further what if this man has a girlfriend what if this man after being possessed by steve trevor goes back home and the girlfriend figures out that he's been having an affair when really it wasn't him or what if this person even worse has a wife what if this person has a family what if this person is you know a little bit more conservative in his values and wants to save himself for marriage well wonder woman has ruined this person's life if any of those things are true so instead of just bringing steve trevor back from the dead they put him in a new person's body and wonder woman violates that person's body and makes me so utterly sick and frustrated that not only this happened in the movie but this movie plays it off as a joke i'm completely and utterly baffled that this was allowed to make it into the final cut of a movie it's one thing if this was the deleted scene from captain marvel when she beats up a dude for trying to flirt with them that would be one thing because that means they filmed it they were conscious and realized that this wasn't a good look so they removed it from the movie it would still be a bad look but it wouldn't be as bad but no this was blatantly put into their movie and it's played off as a joke i shouldn't probably go and figure out how a stone brought my boyfriend back in someone else's body this is blatantly one of the biggest character assassinations of all time this tells you so much about wonder woman as a character that she is knowing what is happening what she is doing and she does it anyways it blows my mind not enough people are talking about this there's been a few major news outlets talking about it but nowhere near enough people was talking about this please start talking about the fact that wonder woman raped a man point five the stupid stone nothing about this stone makes any sense whatsoever and it blows my mind that this was in the final draft of a script so here are the rules of the stone that are stated in the movie you can get anything you want from this stone all you have to do is wish but you only get one wish but once you wish for that thing the stone will take away the thing that is most valuable to you and you can renounce your wish and everything will go back to normal if you do but here's the first problem with this wouldn't the thing that you value the most be the thing that you wished for because think about it you're given this magical stone and you can ask it for anything anything in the entire world you can ask it to make you famous you can ask it for a lamborghini or on a more serious note what if your grandma has a brain tumor and you're like i want my grandma to live you can ask the stone to make the tumor go away you can ask the stone for the one thing that has been festering in your mind the entirety of your life that you finally can get because you have that one wish so i think there's a strong argument to make that whatever you wish for is probably the thing you value the most so if the thing you value the most is the thing you wish for wouldn't that mean the stone would also take away the thing that you wished for so more specifically in diana's case the thing that she clearly values the most is steve trevor it's been like 60 to 70 years since the first wonder woman happened okay and she is still thinking about this man even before the stone was introduced in this movie the movie tells you how much diana misses steve so she would clearly do anything to get him back so wouldn't the things she valued the most be steve trevor and if that's the case wouldn't the stone take that away from her or at least not grant that wish even then this is one of the smallest issues the stone has another issue with the stone is that max lloyd gets the stone and when he does he asks to become the stone itself also i want to just play you this scene to show you how weird and bad the line delivery was here i wish to be you the dream stone itself and i don't think the line delivery is bad because of pedro pascal i think the line itself is just super weird i don't know how you can make that work see at first i didn't have an issue with this because in my mind it was just kind of like another way of asking for more wishes but then the more i thought about it the more i realized why didn't you just ask for more wishes in the first place wouldn't this have made everything so much easier think about it instead of him just having to manipulate people into wishing for stuff for him he could just wish for anything he wanted multiple times and he'd be successful but that's not the point the point is he has to become literally the stone itself and it doesn't turn him into the stone he just absorbs its powers at the end of the movie despite the fact that you're only supposed to get one wish max lloyd grants barbara a second wish which is mind-bogglingly stupid because we understand the movie's logic to this point means that you can't grant another wish right but that's besides the point barbara asks to become an apex predator no i mean i don't think she meant this like i literally want to become a cat person i think she just meant this as i want to be the best i want to be the top dog the number one the most attractive you know the most powerful the most famous but nope she literally becomes an apex predator she literally becomes a cheater person so how come when max lloyd asks to literally become a stone he doesn't but when barbara figuratively asks to become a cheetah person she becomes a literal cheetah person it makes no sense and this still isn't even the worst part so once again it's established that you can ask the stone for anything but in return it will take away the thing that you value the most and max lloyd has become the stone so when people ask him for a wish then in return he should get the thing they value for the most right you would be wrong instead max lloyd can just take whatever he wants take this egyptian prince for example max grants him his wish of getting his land back as well as building a wall around his kingdom but what max gets in return is his bodyguards clearly this egyptian prince doesn't care about his bodyguards what he cares about is his power via his land his oil and the wall that he builds around to create sovereignty he doesn't care about his bodyguards but clearly since this movie has no logic to it max can just take whatever he wants because rules are meant to be broken but here is my favorite issue with the stone this is my absolute favorite issue with the stone because the subtext it tells you with how it grants its wishes is that the only thing that makes diana cool is her powers let me explain so barbara's wish is to be as cool as diana and the stone grants this wish by giving her diana super powers and also giving her the attention that diana gets she doesn't get any of diana's characteristics she just gets her powers and the amount of attention that she gets so according to the movie's logic because this is what is given to barbara does that mean what makes diana so cool is the fact that she has superpowers and people take notice of her so none of her characteristics are really what at her core make diana a good person or cool the only thing that makes diana cool is the fact that she has superpowers and a magic lasso that is very reductive of a movie that's supposed to be empowering to women i thought the whole point of wonder woman's character was she was a great person that just so happened to have these super powers you were mistaken what makes wonder woman so cool is the fact that she has superpowers well to be fair i guess she did rape someone earlier so why would you want to be like her point six the action of this movie is absolutely laughable i could go through every single action scene in this movie and show you why the mall scene doesn't work the high speed chase in saudi arabia doesn't work but instead i just want to talk to you about my favorite scene in this movie the airport scene it is my favorite because of how laughably awful it is okay so for some reason the smithsonian has a private airport where they can steal planes from wonder woman thinks it's a great idea to go ahead and steal planes from this place and fly over to the middle east despite the fact that she should completely know how dumb of an idea this is and that it should never work in the first place she completely forgets that radar is a thing until they get into the jet because the plot needs her to be dumb in order to get the plot moving forward on top of that steve trevor a world war one pilot can now fly a 1980s jet do you understand how little sense that makes that's kind of like me saying the little girl down the street that rides her bike with the training wheels on can now drive a motorcycle it makes literally no sense on top of that wonder woman can now just make things invisible how convenient it's almost like they needed that to happen in order for them to get away to make up for the fact that she forgot that radar was a thing then she makes the ship invisible but the real big issue here is we can clearly see that the plane isn't massless okay it's one thing if that meaning that the plane was invisible meant that it no longer had any mass because then the radar system wouldn't work but instead it just means that you no longer can see it to the naked eye we know this because it interacts with clouds when it passes through it as well as the fireworks which means that the radar should absolutely still be picking this up because how radar works is it sends a signal out then the signal bounces back to the radar to indicate that there is something in that area so the radar should still absolutely be picking up that there is a plane in the air and they should still be doing something to try to get the plane out of the air my absolute favorite thing about this scene though is the fact that there are fireworks just randomly starting to go off and you're just like why are there fireworks going off and then diana just magically remembers that it's fourth of july she literally just goes oh yeah it's fourth of july so let me get this straight she forgets that radar is the thing in this scene she forgets that she can turn things invisible in this scene and she forgets that 4th of july is a thing in this scene only to remember all three of those things because of plot convenience she should definitely know that is 4th of july because for my people who are not americans it's a national holiday you have the day off like there's no reason she should forget his 4th of july and then they have the bright idea to fly through fireworks even though we know that the ship is not massless at this point it can still take damage if shot at okay we know this but they fly through fireworks because we needed a cool shot for the trailer and then the last thing the cherry on top is the plane that they took would not make it halfway over the atlantic this is a small example of how broken the action is in this movie like there's nothing functional in this scene and this is the same theme through all of the action scenes it's completely nonsensical and broken point seven why does this take place in the 1980s so what exactly is the point of this having take place in the 1980s the only part of this movie that has the 80s aesthetic is the first 30 minutes or so then after that it just falls off a cliff there is no particular reason this movie needs to be set in the 1980s this movie could have taken place in any other decade we could have gotten a cool spunky upbeat cape flick that he went around in the 80s aesthetic which is a beloved era by many people but instead they front loaded all of the 80sness at the beginning of the movie and then they went to the middle east for a big chunk of the movie's runtime the upbeat funky as static of the 1980s does not fit the tone of this movie i think this movie should have been set in the 1960s the 1960s was still kind of a fun decade but also had a lot of grim things going on in it but to me it really just seems like this movie had to take place in the 1980s for marketing reasons they wanted people to come see this movie because of nostalgia look it's 1980s but everyone that came in thinking oh we're going to get a cool 80s adventure definitely got disappointed because there's like no 80s aesthetic in this movie 0.8 this breaks the dc eu so look i'm not a big dc guy i haven't seen half the dc movies but apparently this really messes with the continuity of the dc eu apparently it's established after the first world war wonder woman kind of just goes away and doesn't come back until batman vs superman which alone raises a lot of questions like where was diana during 911 where was she during the cold war where was she during the cuban missile crisis where was she during vietnam where was she during world war ii it sounds like a really crappy thing to do to just not help the world when you clearly could have just because your heart got broken well that's a completely different topic anyways it's established in batman v superman that's after the first world war she just hides away okay and doesn't come back until bvs but instead she literally saves the world in 1984 so that just completely messes up that whole storyline and then it messes with the continuity of the first wonder woman because the first wonder woman has stated that she is not allowed to train at all until she's a teenager in that movie we see her struggle with her training in this movie she's a trial protege that can literally do everything perfectly better than the adults can she literally has not trained it all up to this point and is perfect she can outperform everyone when it comes to running swimming horse riding archery etc so what exactly is the point of her needing training in the first wonder woman movie at all the answer is that she really doesn't because she's a perfect warrior that also rapes people point nine conclusion so yeah this movie is really bad very glad this video is now over because it means i no longer have to think about the stupid god awful terrible no good very bad movie this movie teaches you that rape is fine the only thing that makes wonder woman special is her powers not her character that tells you that you shouldn't get over your booty call from 60 years ago and just stick in the past tells you that wishing for stuff is greedy i mean seriously what if in the third act of the movie one of the people wish that gam gam no longer had the brain tumor does that person now have to redact her wish because of the truth or something like that some of you guys might be surprised to hear that this video is just scratching the surface with the issues with this movie there is so much here that is fundamentally broken with this movie but frankly i think these are the biggest issues and i could not care less to give this movie more time the writers of this movie clearly did not care about their movie i usually don't like saying those words for example a lot of people say that ryan johnson didn't care about the last jedi i strongly disagree with that as you can clearly tell that a lot of love went into that movie but what we got was just awful but this is just next level bad not only does the plot not function it looks ugly the acting is terrible literally there's nothing redeeming about this movie except for the fact that pedro pascal does good this movie is awful i don't want to watch it ever again you shouldn't watch it don't support this kind of bad behavior don't let warner brother steal your money and please let it be known that rape is a bad thing okay i think i'm done peace out take care i hate this movie you
Channel: Nerd-O-Holic
Views: 8,458
Rating: 4.7422681 out of 5
Keywords: ww84, wonder woman 1984 review, wonder wiman review, wonder woman 1984 is bad, rape wonder woman, wonder woman 1984 is garbage, dceu, the Snyder cut, patty jenkins, zach snyder, superman, batman, gal gadot, cheetah, the dream stone, pedro pascal in wonder woman, pedro pascal, micheal keaton, the batman, wonder woman 1984 rape, ww84 rape, wonder woman 1984, wonder woman rape, ww84 sucks
Id: g17TYpaxXhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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