Game of Thrones : Ruined in Season 7, Killed in Season 8.

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there has been a flood of videos about the eighth season of Game of Thrones being a disappointment this video will explore how the last season was sabotage by seasons that preceded it over the years Game of Thrones has had several subplots of significantly lower quality than the main storyline the sand snakes come to mind while they were horribly awkward to watch most of these had little effect on the main plot and so can be easily forgotten sadly this also applies for subplots at a great potential but we'll wasted prematurely the butchering at Stannis's arc is an example will bring up later none of these undermine the last season as much as this moment from season 7 which represents a point of no return from which the series could never recover this is the moment that ensured the show's conclusion would be a catastrophe so sticking to the army of the Dead is nothing but a story what if we prove her wrong so bring the dead to her we don't have to bring the whole army knew one soldier why would Danny agree to convince Cersei when she could crush her take the throne and move on remember her dragons had ambushed a Lannister army confiscated the booty they had sacked from Highgarden and burned the tallies for serving sir see the Lannisters know their position is weak hot dragon burnt a thousand wagons Cersei understands this why would Danny need peace from her Daenerys wants to meet an armistice Cersei is in no position to attack Danny could have marched north and Cersei couldn't have stopped her if she wanted to why does Danny feel the need to are Cersei for a ceasefire when the Lannisters are in no position to continue hostilities why does Cersei need to know her enemy is preoccupied elsewhere and won't attacker and worst of all why is tyrion the one who came up with his harebrained scheme he used to be one of the smartest characters on the show at least when it was adapting from the books just look at how he pinpointed pie sellers Cersei spy in season two I was giving the princess to the Greyjoy's I told Littlefinger that I planned to Wed her to Robin Arryn I told no one that I was offering her to the Dornish no one but you how did he go from crafting schemes like this to throwing away victories seeking peace with a defeated foe and allowing her to regroup and recover this should have been a sign of worse writing to come no I'll tell ya when I saw a [ __ ] eye astark sitting around a campfire with three guys and one of those guys was a celebrity musician who just happened to have a guest appearance on the show that's when I knew this show had turned to [ __ ] and the second big indicator was a random swearing for just for the sake of swearing you know dropping f-bombs and sea bombs everywhere it wasn't contextual it was Jess but let's be edgy and swear you could tell right then the quality of the writing had dropped from coming from a brilliant author to a bunch of college graduates it's like letting a fourteen-year-old kid direct the next Transformers movie well the big bangs and explosions that's also her may hang on that's Michael Bay if this stupid armistice didn't derail Game of Thrones future as a series the next episode ensure the final season would be nothing short of a trainwreck Jon Snow and his merry band of idiots proceeded with their ill-conceived plan of capturing a zombie beyond the wall and predictably they get overwhelmed and Danny arrives with their dragons to evacuate them from the consequences of their unnecessary idiocy and for some inexplicable reason Johnny snowman doesn't hop on the evacuation dragon and continues fighting zombie grunts on foot why to allow the night king enough time to kill one of the dragons so we can reanimate it into his service an episode later even this doesn't convince Johnny snowman to get on the lander dragon and somehow he survives plunging into freezing water and even manages to find the strength to resurface as he immune to hypothermia like Danny is to fire is this an innate resistance of Starks or just stuck Targaryen hybrids the plot armor is ridiculous and just removes all tension when characters face similar situations in future episodes if the showrunners don't want to kill John I shouldn't have written him into dangerous situations this just leads to viewers being desensitized as they know from previous experience that the protagonists have been written to survive no matter what the night king construct a flying dragon but not one that is just taking off from the surface guess his javelins aren't magically guided after all so how did he hit the first one what was the purpose of this episode beyond getting a zombie to convince an untrustworthy foe who is one battle away from defeat to get John to bend the knee to give the night king of Dragon why so he could destroy the wall of course Tormentum barrack survived that's the plot armor again which continues to be a major distraction in the final season though this is just one of several problems the first two episodes of season eight weren't too bad though they could have done without Arya scenes these just seemed like filler in a season that couldn't afford to waste time time that could have been used to expand the scene wherein John reveals he's a Targaryen to Danny the episode does show Danny to be skeptical of Sam and bran being the basis of this claim as she recognizes save a reason to be biased sadly the conversation is cut short as the episode is about to run out of time the next episode the long night has already been torn apart by youtubers first terrible battle strategies here's just a brief summary of their arguments why would you place your siege weapons in the open on the front line outside the castles protective walls where did the red witch come from at the beginning of the zombie fight we know there was a whole wall of zombies right there but she's been hanging out with a knight king or something why would you send your light cavalry to charge to their deaths against the foe that can resurrect them to fight against you why didn't they like the trench before the zombies reach the defenders why didn't the defenders have cauldrons of burning oil that could be poured onto climbing zombies again the knight King cannot hit a target that has just taken off the surface but it's no trouble hitting a dragon that was already flying at a significantly greater distance perhaps Dany has a protective aura around her the grants have mount to a plot armor and I thought dragon glass was meant to be able to stop zombies from being resurrected saws the whole point of gathering all the dragon glass and making all the dragon glass weapons how does John get through this undead horde the writers didn't know either so they cut the camera to the next scene they really shouldn't have written him into these situations if they couldn't figure out how to get him out of it even Dinklage saw the stupidity and retreating to the crypts to hide from a necromancer nobody thought of that he's bringing all the dead people back to life and they put the women and children in a crypt with all the dead people so you're in he's smart but it's not that smart why doesn't Denny's dragon take off what does a stay in the ground and allow zombies to climb aboard because it looks [ __ ] awesome all the characters are being swarmed by zombies but that's okay the previous episodes are torture they're going to survive that's the plot armor again the undead dragon brought a wall down in seconds but can't melt a few rocks what is the night king waiting for why is he just staring at bran why is Jon getting into a shouting contest with an undead dragon instead of I don't know using his sword where did I you come from why is she yelling how does she get past the zombie horde it would have been far more believable had she been perched in that tree and dropped down onto the night king death from above like in video games if that wasn't on the table she could have shot a dragon glass from a crossbow this wouldn't have required her to unrealistically sneak past a zombie battalion well maybe she just made herself faceless you know the whole invisible thing she put on those zombies face and made herself one of them there's so many ways the writers could have made this believable this episode could have been much better oh well on to the next he climbed on the [ __ ] dragon and fought what kind of person climbs in a [ __ ] dragon you did don't you remember the golden company has arrived in King's Landing courtesy of the Greyjoy fleet he'll be an idiot to forget this Danny how'd it broaden get past all the guards with that crossbow is there no security in Winterfell the men of my family don't do well in the capital well well that was the case when the writers were adapting off the books times have changed what if there's someone else so the stocks don't keep their words anymore all right then if we marry them they could rule together you could try telling her this the first shot fired find its mark it's the chest the third lands right on its neck a very narrow target these scorpions had the guide a precision of heat-seeking missiles was urines fleet hiding behind rocks did the bolts phase through solid rock Huron had no trouble hitting a distant Tiger with his first shot but could not hit a much closer target flying directly at him well there's Danny's plot armor again if a dragon rider yells and screams enemy accuracy is reduced by 50% or maybe her yell diverse beliefs they bolts like flares divert heat seekers I'm just impressed those scorpions managed to fire that far I mean physics speaking this death was as unnecessary as it was contrived if the writers wanted to kill the dragon they could have had its death feel more natural while also being a turning point in reaching the ending they wanted more on that later they could rule together as king and queen why haven't you suggested this to her already Tyrion used to be such an interesting character his lines used to be witty and hilarious I'm not questioning your honor I'm denying its existence not dull and generic as they are now at a certain point you choose a person you believe in and you fight for that person I believe in our queen she'll make the right choice it's like the writers don't know what to do with him but couldn't kill him for fear of fan backlash it's a shame what he's been reduced to she's hateful and so am i what who do you hate such a weird line for Jamie if he wanted to return to Cersei why didn't he depart sooner why did he choose to say his senses guessed other channels have already explored how this ruins Jaime's arc so he won't dwell on him here I think he just wanted to bang the virgin and and leave but then she got all clingy please what does Cersei stop her archers from shooting Tyrion dead she tried so hard to have him killed at his trial and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth and you will know the debt is paid well that was when the show was being adapted from the books things have changed their characters have grown dumber case in point why doesn't Cersei fire a Scorpion's at Danny and have written you this would have been her only chance to win the war Danny only has a handful of soldiers all within range of the scorpions if the naval assassination on the other Dragon is anything to go by all so is it just me or does Cersei feel under warming as a villain she's an idiot and if father knew it I distrust you because you're not as smart as you think you are she was foolish enough to empower the faith militants just to imprison Tyrell and was dumb enough to get captured herself soon after she's too stupid to be a rival of Danny she's reminiscent of what Tywin said to Tyrion you are an ill-made spiteful little creature full of envy lust and low cunning was the actor for Cersei even there for season eight or did they just CG her character standing there staring at a window for six episodes right there Cersei again standing there staring out the window what now she's on the balcony at the front gate staring down to Danny but now she's back in her loft staring out the window [ __ ] do something you know who would have been a better adversary Stannis if the writers hadn't ruined his arc in earlier seasons hypothetically he could have defeated Ramsay with John by his side after he was later resurrected and freed from his vows he never made sense how Stannis cut down the wildling army without taking any casualties and then lost to Ramsay sortie John would have been warden of the north as Stannis promised pledge me your service in your eyes again as John Stark Lord of Winterfell so we would still have asked for Danny's dragons to aid in the fight against the zombies Danny demands Jon swear fealty to her in exchange for her assistance against the night king the ceasefire between Danny and Kings Landing would have made much more sense like Cersei Stannis would promise to send his forces to defend Winterfell against the dead though he would keep his promise unlike Cersei after the dead are defeated John would have a hard choice between the two as he Oh Stannis for saving the Nights Watch and Dany for saving Winterfell with her dragons Stannis could have worked well as an obstacle to Danny's return it was a Baratheon that deposed her family and she'd have to win the throne by defeating a Baratheon it would have completed a perfect cycle but alas that's not the road the riders chose what is Cersei free standing so close to miss Andes so close to the edge she could easily grab Cersei and jump her hands are tied in front of her not behind her back why doesn't she so she tells her she's gonna die anyway if you have any last words now is the time on to the next episode Faris would never be so brazen with treason in earlier seasons like Tyrion Varys is another character the writers have dumbed down to an idiot when the show was being adapted off the books Faris was extremely careful even while betraying the house who was working for he took a stand as a witness against Tyrion so his sympathies would remain a secret and wouldn't make him a suspect after he helped Tyrion escape later someone has betrayed me yes Paris this is the same man who sent us general Slynt for betrayal in earlier seasons seeing as you betrayed the last hand of the King well I just wouldn't feel safe with you lurking about how many hands have you betrayed pycelle that was book Tyrion the Indies Tyrion is a blustering idiot because you told him to spread secrets that could destroy your own queen Danny tells Tyrion he betrayed her too so why didn't she kill him when she kills Varys Queen Cersei why has an ru told anyone about her abilities Tyrion condemned his Savior to death for treason barely 20 minutes ago he followed that up with committing treason himself a few fans believe this makes sense as Tyrion is returning Jaime's favor I disagree this is just lazy writing recycling an event from earlier seasons with the roles reversed to be honest I never really cared much for them innocent or otherwise this is the same character that said this commanded you it seems the writers kind of forgot about that but the fans certainly haven't forgotten other channels have already analyzed the battle scene in depth so will just summarize their points the Dothraki have respawned or maybe they didn't die in the first place well maybe they're all just a bunch of chickenshits and when they rode into the darkness they all pissed off did they desert the Battle of Winterfell do they snuff their flames out before stopping the charge and breaking into a route have they returned to atone for the desertion this is the mental gymnastics required to make sense of what these riders are showing us Euron went from killing one dragon and forcing the other to flee with a dozen ships to losing an entire fleet to the dragon that had fled earlier they projectile speed seems to have been nerfed significantly since the last episode dragon fire is an explosive that can destroy stone gates now in the battle for Winterfell a sustained stream of fire could have melt a rock perhaps demolition crew should use flamethrowers instead of dynamite or maybe there was a bunch of red barrels next to each scorpion I'll bring your head to say a second kisser what is your on have against Jaime again hang on how did he wash ashore at Jaime's exact location Jaime shouldn't survive this let alone walk the miles with this wound other channels have already explored how ridiculous it is for the bills to be the trigger for Danny's madness let's hear the riders explain themselves going to do what she did and then she sees the red keep which is to her the home that her family built when they first came over to this country 300 years ago so why doesn't she go for the red cape it's in that moment on the walls of King's Landing where she's looking at that symbol of everything that was taken from her when she makes the decision to to make this personal personal with who Cersei or with the civilians Cersei is in the red keep what has Danny not immediately attack the red keep why waste their time attacking civilians what allows Cersei time to escape because it's [ __ ] awesome forty minutes of a dragon fly around blowing [ __ ] up now kind of think of it I was a bit tired of it after five minutes if Danny had to go mad because of the bells this would have been a much better way to go about it Danny hears the bells thinks the city is surrendered and heads for the red keep however as she gets close Rygel is shot down by ballista bolts she realizes the bells were a ruse to lure her dragons into the Scorpions range Cersei merrily feigned her surrender so her army would let their guard down the dragon's death becomes the driver of Danny's madness and works much better than dying to urines dozen ships additionally having two dragons that weren't established to be countered by scorpions mates the destruction of Euron's fleet much more believable Danny gates sir see the benefit of the doubt in believing her when she rung the bills and this costs her her dragon she vows not to be merciful again and burns the red keeper top her last dragon giving Cersei a far more satisfying death than what the show went with any death is better than being crushed by falling rubble I actually thought that when Cersei and Jaime were crushed by the rubble they'd actually escaped and then when Tyrion goes down there in the next episode he clears some rubble and realized that they got away but no it was just a lead-in to a 10 minutes obscene imagine if Tyrion discovered that they had escaped they weren't crushed by rubble what would he do would he tell Danny or would he keep his mouth shut Danny didn't even get visual confirmation of her enemies demise a hypothetical episode would give her this but she would still be unsatisfied if Cersei feigned her surrender the people went along with it this would explain why she starts attacking civilians when you're there on the ground with Arya who's one of the people we care the most about then everything takes on that much more of an edge no it doesn't because he made it clear the main characters have impenetrable plot armor so are you is just a camera now why couldn't it be Tyrion it would make more sense as he wanted to search for his brother but instead ru adventures all the way into the middle of the castle just to turn around and go back again and then the ending with the white horse and the ride off into the sunset what was that for because it looks [ __ ] awesome the entire episode with just a bunch of good-looking cinematics with no context or reason it's like the writers made a list of all the [ __ ] awesome things I wanted to happen in the episode drag and blowing [ __ ] up check battles in the middle of the city check hound vs. mountain check drag and blow and [ __ ] up and if we put that one ah do it again check blowing more [ __ ] up check civilians getting crushed yep check more civilians being crushed check dragon blowing [ __ ] up they'll be got that one put it again check riding off into the [ __ ] sunset check what ten minutes left to go on the episode slow-mo it great more filler that means nothing it's out of time for this you've given yourselves one more episode to wrap things up you could have had more time but you refused it on to the next episode the finale and you slaughtered a city the writers kind of forgot that this is the same character said this I wonder how you came to that conclusion we need your sword before you see the prisoner lest you kill the traitor who will most likely be sentenced to death I've betrayed my closest friend and watched him burn now varus's ashes can tell my ashes see I told you the writers know their writing is terrible the only explanation is they don't care anymore well that came out of nowhere if the writers wanted John to kill Danny I should have given him a reason it's not bringing the civilians back to life by killing her so that can't be his motive is he punishing her for war crimes he doesn't sound like it the writers had a very compelling reason to drive a wedge between John and Danny son sir the Northwood refused to bow to Danny and she would march on Winterfell to force them to submit John would have to choose between Sansa and Danny he's seen what Danny's done to King's Landing and those Winterfell will suffer the same fate if he doesn't act he regretfully kills Danny to save his sister's the show does hint towards this with the north questioning Danny's authority and resenting John for giving away their independence you left Winterfell at King came back I'm not sure what you are now but sadly the riders gave themselves no time to follow through on developing the seeds into an actual conflict a conflict that would have provided much-needed legitimacy to the ending they wanted instead of attacking its owners killer the dragon helps him by disposing of her corpse Jon Snow put a knife in her heart let the unsullied give him what he deserves had it unsullied no John killed Danny there's no corpse just a bit of blood the unsullied don't have access to DNA analysis so there's only one possibility Jon confessed why he's no man of honor anymore a traitor who stabs his queen is not one who confesses what is grey worm let Jon live he similarly executed Lannister soldiers for following orders but a man who betrays his queen gets to process why is the prisoner allowed to have a say but it's not for you to decide what is the purpose of this council again they said what a son sir have a go say uncle do you wear the crown why do you think I came all this way hang on didn't you say I can never be Lord of anything but you can be king of everything what the hell why is Sam here didn't he give up his title when he joined the Night Watch if bran can hold titles he's the Lord of Winterfell your father's last living tree one son Lord of Winterfell now he gets to decide if they're independent not son sir the north will remain an independent Kingdom and why would the north want independence from the Lord of Winterfell if anybody should be independent it should be the Iron Islands your ancestors defeated ours he took the Iron Islands we ask you to give them back I expect you want me to support your claim to the throne of the Iron Islands Danny agreed to their independence in season 6 episode 9 battle of the bastards what if everyone starts demanding their independence she's not demanding she's asking what doesn't Yara press their claim I swore to follow Daenerys Targaryen I thought I was wise but I wasn't you were when the show was based off the books cannot this man is a criminal he deserves justice that's it that's the extent of your objection it is not enough you just don't leave it at that all right then sir Bronn of the Blackwater Lord of Highgarden Lord paramount of the reach and master of coin wise bran the master of coin the riders want to keep him around for fan service but are too incompetent to figure out in what capacity that's what the Clegane fight was fanservice yeah that's you that's what you've always been really I guess the rod is kind of forgot that the mountain has been played by three different actors but I certainly haven't forgotten I haven't forgotten how good the writing used to be men's laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors since I cannot prove that you are not mine and to teach me humility that gods have condemned me to what you what'll about wearing that proud lion that was my father's sigil and his father's before him it's a shame such a great series had to conclude with such a disappointing ending Game of Thrones deserved better the fans deserved better they made the show the success that it was in the first place it's a shame how the ride has repaid their support with a half-hour [ __ ] show of a final season it's clear their hearts weren't in it they just wanted to get it over with so they could move on to the next project I just wish they handed the show over to someone who would have done it justice it's too late for that now but maybe they'll fix it all up in the spin-off series if you like this video please share it there is more content like this in the way so please like subscribe and press the bell button so you don't miss out
Channel: Overlord Gaming
Views: 114,164
Rating: 4.7801251 out of 5
Keywords: how game of thrones should have ended, game of thrones ending, game of thrones alternate ending, game of thrones writing, game of thrones season 8 ending, david benioff, db weiss, rewriting game of thrones ending, game of thrones finale, game of thrones final episode, rewriting the night king, game of thrones fan fiction, game of thrones, season 8, Jon Snow, Sansa, Dany, Daenerys targaryen, Unsullied, Arya, White Walkers, Song of Ice and Fire, Cersei, Lannister, Tyrion, Jaime, Varys
Id: y3UsmaoD5qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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