Women's Pole Vault Final | Belgrade 2017

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well now the third field event final of the afternoon about to get underway 13 women in this pole final straight final there you see the european championship records both held by russia's elena isabelle well no russians in this final the reasons which are very well known amongst the world of athletics now we see the names of the 13 women in amongst them the olympic champion stephanie from greece so representing the czech republic romana malachova [Applause] two-time czech indoor champion he's the swedish champion former world junior record holder angelica benson [Music] belarus it's the belarus champion irina jakarta finnish outdoor record holder nina in amsterdam out the european outdoor championships last summer the favorite the european leader greece's stephanie almost exactly a month ago [Applause] [Music] the second of three swedes the very talented 17 year old lisa gunderson [Applause] and the second fin the world junior record holder vilma [Music] balkan indoor champion tina multiple american collegiate titles when she was in the united states and as you've probably heard the infield announcer announcing european under 23 silver medalist two years ago [Music] a late edition you got clearance only a few days ago ukraine's mirna improved to a personal best of 451 this winter germany's [Music] and the world junior champion from last summer angelico moser 2015 european athletics and rising star as well yes her season's best is only 4 51 although she does have a personal best of 462. brings it down two more attempts for the czech volta she has had quite a lot of competition this year and she has been consistently good over this height and more or several occasions nevertheless i think you're right it is a rather ambitious move to come in at this height i can't see quite what the value would have been [Applause] lisa ryzich also will be coming in at this height she passed at 4 25 10 women over 425 nobody out to the competition so far so angelica benson on the runway bronze medalist two years ago in prague bronze medalist outdoors in amsterdam last summer had a very very starred junior career no problems there for benson a nice fault indeed she was originally going to pass these championships but obviously felt herself in such good shape that she made a fairly late decision to compete yeah she's only had one outing so far this year when she took the swedish indoor title and i think that was what was governing her thoughts she was just going to wait and see how that progressed and indeed it went very well got a nice clearance of 4 meters 60 and thought well nothing to lose by coming here now back training in sweden after sojourning france working with renault lavini's coach thankfully out of hospital spent some time there after that tumble in the 400 meter semis as we look at edina jakaotsan had a failure at 425 and now a failure at 4 meters 40. yakowsevich well second recently in madrid equalled her personal best of 450 this year four times the belarus indoor champion hasn't ever had a major championship medal either in the junior or under 23 ranks but did make the final of last year's european championships and here's another finalist from amsterdam mina nikkonen 28 years of age big championship somewhat of an erratic jumper didn't make the final at either the 212 or 216 olympics and a few other major championship disappointments as well 461. [Applause] taking our time getting prepared nickelodeon last time now she's got the clearance to go good solid jump there nicely clear this is greasy's 2016 olympic champion stephanie well she had one failure in the first jump of the competition no problems there though soaring clearance for stefan edie [Music] that makes it six women over 455. i mentioned the four who had first time clearances before benson from sweden kalopko ukraine ryzich germany and mayer second swede clear the first time attempt at 4 55. joining stephanie d over with the second attempt was from finland but still another eight women in this competition as we look at the third swede lisa gunison gonna turn the youngest in this field still just 17 years of age oh great vault from gunnison that's a personal best that's four centimeters onto her personal best everything just clicked into place there with that vault [Music] [Music] [Applause] well she was fifth in the european junior championships as a 16 year old and here we look at another very talented teenager bill momerto no what's that a little bit out of order so gunnerson on her tools around europe this year actually won the french indoor title as a guest murto can't join her competitor nickernan so far but has one more attempt at this height well that's equity stephanie going clear first attempt tap four meters 65. already over that height as well is lisa reizish the european silver medalist last summer in amsterdam still seven women in this competition first time failures for angelica banks and and man [Music] stephanie shaken off the cobwebs that saw her fail first time at 455. nicely over there and she's the european leader by some margin [Music] well one of three swedes still in this competition lisa gunderson setting a personal best of 455. [Applause] [Applause] well not a bad ball from gunnison i need to check my statistics actually i think that 455 may well be a world indoor youth best [Music] the ariba shot coopers bube and lopez [Applause] well that's marina klipko second failure there at 465. well the pole vault going on the long jump we've just had tornaya's taking the lead we rather left you hanging on with the question you asked of course about uh luka vietsky in the shot and the answer is yes a polish national record the previous one was thomas mizki's 2172 we were there istanbul for the world indoors when he took the bronze indeed i was fairly sure majeski never threw over 22 meters so [Music] i wasn't quite sure because he threw so close to 22 meters on a number of occasions both indoors handouts if she does clear 465 on a final attempt that would be a personal best equal their personal best going over 455. [Music] so at the moment still just two women over 465 that's lisa ryzich from germany and the olympic champion ekaterini stephanie from greece angelica benson well got a bronze medal at the europeans outdoors last summer indoors two years ago in prague she's in third place at the moment because she had a set of clearances without failures up to and including 4 55. no she won't progress in this competition still has a chance of being on the podium though four other women having third attempts at this height well unlike the men's competition this in terms of death perhaps a little bit disappointing at this stage of course ryzich and stephanie very capable of going right the way into the 470s and beyond well after her 460 at the swedish indoor championships she was probably expecting to clear this height so minan number of failures earlier in the competition she's down in sixth at the moment this would be an indoor best for nikon four centimeters above anything she's cleared undercover so far in her career [Applause] well a good attempt there but it wasn't to be brought the bar down finishes in sixth place [Music] foreign well quick discussion with the coach i'd like to see some action i've got nikki for all on the end of the long jump runway i'm gonna be looking out for that as we switch back to this uh interesting call yes another swede on the runway this is michaela mayer currently lying in fifth place just to remind you just two women over 465 at the moment [Applause] taking in time [Applause] that's a personal best of 460. and she's out of the competition finishing in fifth place well that means the one woman remaining to vote the ukraine bolter marina klipko who was only added to this competition to fill the quota just over a week ago he's guaranteed a medal if she fails she gets shares the bronze with angelica benson if she clears she goes on to contest 470 with lisa reizish and ekitorini stephanie [Music] well the discussions continue while the shot put goes on and the high jump in the heptathlon and the long jumper for some reason there's a delay on the long jump the cone is just sitting on the runway and nikiforov has been standing at the end of the runway waiting to go must be some measuring problem or something well [Applause] mourinho 10 centimeters above her personal best which she equalled when she went clear at 455. so she needs a big vault but she's guaranteed a medal which certainly wasn't expected at the start of the afternoon [Applause] well that was a very very committed very good effort indeed bags of hype the timing was a little bit off but she shares the bronze with angelica benson as we switch to lisa rizich first attempt at four meters 70 ryzich over [Applause] good clearance there from the german guaranteed a medal silver or gold [Music] 475 research went straight over 470 that is in fact 4.75 [Music] [Applause] ekaterina stephanie has been passing and passing while lisa risis has been clearing the height and she's coming back in this is her first attempt at four meters eighty has passed 470 475 after watching reiswich go clear at those heights isaac failed at 480 on a first attempt and stephanie it stays up she goes clear that puts her into pole position if your pardon the pun well silva yesterday in the men's pole vault for phillip edis it's certainly guaranteed a silver today now what's lisa isaac going to do how does she respond to that we look at the replay and i can tell you in the arena the bar is still trembling she hit it quite hard but it was a downward force it didn't push it off the outright and it hasn't stopped moving yet well brilliant stefan edie and the american sandy boris talked about an unforgiving bar in rio where the heights were very modest this i think is the quite the reverse it's still moving looking over to our left here that's been a good 15 seconds worth of twitching there uh she's a fine competitor isn't she oh yeah it's a bit brave to pass both 470 and 475. i have to say she must have been a little alarmed perhaps by resource going clear second failure at this height for corollary as we see lisa ryzich well lisa right finishes with 4.75 she did take her third attempt at 485 but a silver medal once again falling on from her silver in amsterdam last year so good competition indeed uh indoor personal best for ryzich 475 no nowhere near does tend to be slightly deflating when you see ekaterini stephanie d clearing 480 485 straight off so a silver medal one of many medals germany have won and will continue to win at these championships as peter was saying just a moment ago slightly disappointing the bronze only decided at 4 55 shared between hiloco from ukraine and benson from sweden good vaulting from the first two now stephanie putting this up to a world leading 491 [Applause] so now back in the pole vault where we just saw ekaterini stephanie d go over 480 just a few minutes ago edging over with that bar twitching up and down for a good 15 seconds or more this is her first attempt at 485. lisa risich has failed at this height and once again that was almost a repeat performance just look at that bouncing up and down well that's a european lead for stephanie improves on her 482 from the mill rose games in new york she's a terrific competitor in addition will we just talk about her olympic title she also took the european title in amsterdam last year and going back a few years she's got world junior and world youth gold medals to her name as well [Music] well really a fantastic competitor and a fantastic technician as well and 485 for stephanie so one last chance for easy to wonder she'll put the bar even higher she's got nothing to lose [Applause] 1500 i think full marks to berglund as well look in the um because he did everything he had to i mean lewandowski is a little bit too much for the moment but um you know berlin's young and coming through and he did everything that he could do i think 20 years of age it was a very very impressive performance it'd be very intriguing to see what he does outdoors this summer i think we're going to see a big improvement there's the result of the women's pole in the end ekaterini stephanie d the class act getting a european leading height of 485 lisa reizitch taking the silver with a personal best of 475 and then rather a long way down to the bronze medal shared by angelica bergson of sweden and from ukraine
Channel: European Athletics
Views: 19,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2017 Belgrade European Athletics Indoor Championships, 2017 Belgrade European Indoor Championships, 2017 belgrade European Championships, 2017 Belgrade EC, Belgrade European Athletics Indoor Championships, Belgrade European Indoor Championships, Belgrade European Championships, Belgrade EC, European Indoor Championships, European Athletics Indoor Championships, Women's pole vault, Women's High Jump, Katerina Stefanidi 2017, Katerina Stefanidi pole vault, Katerina Stefanidi
Id: e-9UkS2WzsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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