Women's Ordination's and Biblica Hermeneutics

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hello I'm dr. Langston Sylvester and welcome to this edition of religiously incorrect where we deal with major issues of the day and today we are dealing with a major issue a hot topic right now within the seventh-day Adventist Church regarding women's ordination religiously incorrect is going to tackle this we're not going to tackle it probably in the way you think that many others are tackling it but come on with me let's begin this process I am well aware of the visceral level that people have a feeling in regards to this issue of women's ordination many feel that women are suppressed oppressed not only by society but by the church and now it's time for their do many many are taking sides and and it's almost sad I'm almost sad and because it's an it's become more than an issue of of what is the the correct interpretation of the Bible but has become an issue that has polarized that is polarizing the church on one side or the other if you are for women's ordination if you are for women being ordained in the church you are viewed by the other group as basing things on culture not taking scripture seriously and that you are chasing after the world and if you are if you are not in favor of women's ordination you are perceived as stuck in the 1800's or someone who is in ancient civilization you are perceived as someone who perceives women as should only be naked pregnant and barefoot in the home and so these perceptions are very difficult to overcome and so judgments are being made upon each group where I believe that the issue is either one I believe both perspectives are incorrect I believe that they're sincere Christians that on both sides so how do we tackle this how do we deal with this issue in the church well first let me begin by by addressing it from a socio-economic religio-political perspective in the 1970s the seventh-day adventists seminary opened their doors to two women being educated for the pastor at ministry now I believe that once you educate a person whether male or female for a particular vocation the next step is that you're gonna have to hire them so in the 1970s the doors of the seminary were opened to women being educated not simply as Bible workers but as pastors in the gospel ministry and if you're going to educate women to be pastors of Augusta in the gospel ministry the next step is that you're going to have to hire them and so women were educated and thus women were hired well if you're going to educate them if you're going to hire them the next logical step will be that you must ordain them and so from a socio-economic standpoint it makes sense that women would be ordained from a religion political standpoint from looking at the church as a religious simply an organizational structure looking at the church as a political structure we can say that this is a calling we can say that God has called us but in actuality we have presidents secretaries treasurer's ministerial directors the church operates via nominating committees and steering committees and boards and business these are we have departments in the church the various ministries are entitled and and the nomenclature that is used is departments that that is verbage that you can find at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC and that is political this there's a political aspect to this of hiring and firing and so if we are going to be honest the if this we look at this from a holistic standpoint socio-economic religio-political standpoint should women be ordained I declare absolutely but then there's another issue the theological the biblical and this is where the issue is hot this is where the issue has polarized sides this is where the issue has bifurcated the church to one camp or the other let's look at the theological standpoint theological standpoint there are many issues many perspectives that are use and I would dare say that some of the perspectives or the the hermeneutics that is being used to justify women's ordination I cannot agree with one of the uses the Bible that that is being used is Galatians chapter three verses 28 and 29 if ye then be in Christ then ye of Abraham's seed and ears to the promise and there's neither male nor female Jew nor Greek bond nor free for all one in Christ Jesus does that text justify ordination for those who believe that women's ordination is biblical one of the texts that is being used and purported to support this is Galatians 3:28 and 29 there's not neither male nor female bond nor free Jew nor Gentile for all of one in Christ Jesus if he be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed and ear according to the promise but does this text deal with ordination I believe that this text does not deal with ordination it is dealing with salvation it is dealing with the Covenant it is dealing that Christ fulfill all that he said he would all that scripture said he would and if you belong to Christ then you belong and have all the promises according to what was given to Abraham this text in no way purports to justify or validate the issue of ordination and as such should not be used I've heard other examples being used of Jeremiah 1:5 that to purport that we all are ordained because God told Jeremiah he called him and anointed him and ordained him when he was in the womb well this is a call in an or ordination of of a prophet is everyone a prophet then Ephesians chapter 4 is being used to support the issue of women's ordination and and it says in Ephesians let me turn there in regards to the gifts of the church in Ephesians 4 verse 11 and he himself gave some to be apostles some prophets some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the Saints for the work of ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ and I was even asked the question is Ephesians 4:11 gender-specific is it is it only men that can receive the gift of the Spirit I will hold off before I answer that question the issue at hand therefore is the issue of biblical hermeneutics how do we interpret the scripture what do we use what tools do we use to interpret the scripture you we can make the scripture say anything how are we being accurate in our use and interpretation of the scripture this is critical this is critical there are others who say that the Old Testament was male chauvinistic the Old Testament sub subjugated women the Old Testament was a high Arkell system but when Christ came and he established the church he changed that system well I'm not sure if I can if I can agree with that we believe well I believe in the entire Bible being inspired by God I believe that Jesus is the Lamb of God slain from foundation of the world that means the plan of salvation was from the beginning that that God did not have a new way of saving people when Jesus came as opposed to an old way in the Old Testament that everything was leading up and pointing to Christ dying the methodologies the practices everything that was being used was meant for our understanding Paul says all these things regarding the children of Israel were written unto you as an example to whom the ends of the world has come this is the issue how do we interpret Scripture how do we deal with the male/female relationship does the Bible have anything to say about that is the church suppressing and oppressing women if they do not choose to ordain them is the church going against the Word of God if they do choose to ordain women it is not a slight and easy issue individuals have already made statements that they will leave the church if the church votes to ordain women and what does that say to the other group if the church chooses not to ordain women will women then begin leaving well other ministers begin leaving it is not a light issue whatsoever so how do we interpret scripture I believe that we interpret Scripture by what the Bible says line upon line precept upon precept that we have to contextualize what the text is saying I believe that we have to use a type versus anti-type that in the Old Testament of shadows that they pointed to Christ but the methodologies use had to support what the church would then look to so let's go at this many people believe that the Bible is silent on the issue of women's ordination and they believe that since the Bible is silent and does not prohibit explicitly women's ordination then the church should be able to ordain women other individuals believe that the Bible does speak about women being ordained in that no woman has ever been ordained in the Old Testament or the New Testament which one is right one thing is for certain we cannot make a principle or establish a practice based on what the Bible doesn't say are you with me we cannot establish something based on what the Bible does not say we have to establish our practices based on the example or what the Bible says other individuals try to use or use Joel chapter 2 verse 28 as an aspect that in the latter days God would call women to the ordained ministry however Joel 2:22 does not deal with that it says your young men shall have vision your old men shall dream dreams he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh and it includes men and women and when we go to Acts chapter 2 we see that Peter at Pentecost sees the Pentecostal experience as a fulfillment of Joel chapter 2 and verse 28 the question is then did the church or did the early church and the apostles ordain any woman at that time the answer is unequivocally no even though that was a Pentecostal experience of fulfillment of Joel chapter 2 verse 28 and even though women spoke in tongues they were 120 up in the upper room and all of them were not men Mary was there Mary the mother of Jesus was there other women were there and and and so the Holy Spirit fell upon them as well and yet there's no record of any of them being ordained to the pastor it to head over a church what does that mean what do we have to say about that why wouldn't the Bible make that clear there are other individuals who say wasn't time that the Bible it was a culture where women were oppressed women was suppressed that the men were holding the women down is that really the Bible that you read I don't read that in the Bible I read women very active in in ministry in the New Testament church I read that Philip had four daughters who were evangelists that is clear the Bible states that I read where a Priscilla the wife of Aquila was even one who taught Apollo's and the Apostle Paul I read about Phoebe and jr. I read about Tabitha I read about daucus I read about individuals who were involved in the church life leaders in the church ministers of the church and yet there is no aspect of them being ordained is the Bible contradicting itself if the Ministry of the church is based on gifts do the gifts of the church undermine the order of the church how can Paul write what he wrote in Ephesians for that to the church he gave some apostles some prophets some pastors some tea how can he write this and that the leadership of the church is a gift base and then at the same time write what he wrote in first Timothy chapter 2 and chapter 3 and what he wrote in first in Titus chapter 1 verses 5 to 9 let me read that for you let me begin with Titus he says in Titus chapter 1 for this reason I left you in Crete that you should set in order the things that are lacking and ordain elders in every city as I commanded you if a man is blameless the husband of one wife having faithful children not accused of discipline dissipation or insubordination for a bishop must be blameless a steward of God not self will not quick-tempered not given to wine not violent not greedy for money but hospitable a love of what is good sober minded just holy self-control holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convict those who work who contradict that's Titus 1 5 to 9 then in 1st Timothy chapter 2 he says some troubling works troubling words for the 21st century he says let a woman learn in silence with all subjection and operate he says I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over man but to be in silence for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived fell into transgression nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith love and holiness with self-control now let me pause here and let me ask a question is Paul speaking from a culture based perspective here is Paul establishing something that he did not receive as a command from the Lord and is establishing an order based on his context his cultural context of the time I do not believe so we have evidence when Paul is making a statement that he did not receive from the Lord he says so in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 regarding marriage marriage and single he says this I did not receive as a command what I'm about to tell you did not come from the Lord but because I believe I am with the Lord and I'm close the Lord I believe the instruction I'm giving you is correct he makes that claim in first Corinthians chapter 7 that he did not receive what he's about to write as a command from the Lord even though he thinks in his sound judgment yet in 1st Timothy chapter 2 in chapter 3 he makes no claim he makes no claim that this is his perspective he makes no claim that this is his cultural context he is stating this as a command from God it's very troubling indeed is God male chauvinistic is God does God look at women as second-class citizens I do not believe so but I do believe that God is a God of order and his gifts does not undermine his order are you with me now in in 1st Timothy chapter 3 says this is a faithful saying if a man desires the position of a bishop he desires a good work a bishop must then be blameless the husband of one wife temperate sober-minded of good behavior hospitable able to teach not given to wine not violent not greedy for money but gentle not quarrelsome not covetous one who rules his own house well having his children in submission with all reverence for if a man does not know how to rule his own house how he will he take care of the Church of God right there that text in 1st Timothy chapter 3 and verse 5 makes it clear connects the church with the home that the qualification of leadership as a bishop in the Church of God is how one runs its home someone is saying right now well doctor Sylvester the church is a mess because not only do we have witness pastors but we have pastors who have been divorced that are pastoring and if you're going to be faithful to this text dr. Sylvester then the church is already wrong for back for for ordaining and allowing pastors who have been divorced to pastor and what I what I would say to you is you are correct I agree I do not believe that a person who has been divorced should be a pastor in the Church of God ooh that is very harsh and I would declare to you if I were ever and my wife and I were ever to divorce I would still engage in ministry but I would not remain in the pastor at ministry my conscious wouldn't let me I'm sure I'm gonna get email and letters about that statement another one said well then he has to have children yes that family well the Greek word for man in this text is an ear it would have been so easy if Paul used the word anthropos the generic term for mankind which would include women but he does not use anthropos he uses an ear and in an ear there's the potential even though it's a single a man could be single he has the potential to have children and be married well well pastor you're just making that up is there any example that we have that a single man served as an elder as in the past as a pastor we do absolutely we have Timothy Timothy himself when he engaged and and became a part of the ministry was not a married young man and so we have an example that an ear does refer to a married man but a single man who has the potential to get married but never to a female well past Sylvester what you're saying sounds like you are on the side of of women not being ordained well I would say to you then you're not hearing me clearly clearly what I am saying is that we must be true to the Word of God we must be honest to the Word of God if someone can show me that the Word of God that there's something that justifies women being ordained as pastors in the Word of God I'm all for it my greater issue is our biblical hermeneutics how are we interpreting the scripture some people want to just read Ephesians 4 and verse 11 and say well that settles it for me it's gifts well the gifts again does not undermine the yes do not undermine the order of God God does have an order and what does he expect why does he give us this order what where does the Old Testament play into this does the Old Testament play into this why did why were only men selected to be priests why were only men selected to be the leaders in the sanctuary why were only men some people want to say well we have the priesthood of all believers now well I would share with you that the priesthood of all believers when we quote first Peter chapter 2 and verse 9 for you are royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people Peter is simply quoting exodus 19 so the concept of the priesthood of all believers is an Old Testament concept the children of Israel the nation of Israel the entire nation was to be a priest to the rest of the nations to God they were to intercede and mediate to the other nations and so that included women but when it came to within the Israelite community only the men could be priests why was that established by the culture of the time the men of the time I don't believe so that was established by God why would God establish this in the past and then eradicate it in the future I don't know I don't have that answer if you have that answer email me contact me I haven't heard any one given answer to that some people say well the headship issue was a result of sin the headship of the man came as a result of sin again I do not read that in Scripture what I read in Scripture is that he made them male and female and he made the male Adam first and the female Adam second yes her name was Adam as well according to Genesis 5:2 and male and female created he them and called their name Adam and so God made the male Adam first why the distinction if we're going to eradicate the aspect of male and female if Galatians 3:28 and 29 the way it's being interpreted is correct that there's neither male nor female and apply that to ordination then why would God make male and female in the first place it has to be because that is going to represent him so the relationship between the male and the female ultimately is going to represent God this is the issue at hand how is God represented what does God look like and his church God's church is to rightly represent him in the relationship between the male and the female why did Jesus come as a male why is God called the Father why doesn't the Bible call him mother God why didn't Jesus come as a female these questions must be answered and settled in each believers mind hmm so what do we do some people say that the Old Testament that was for a time the sanctuary was for a time it was to point those practices those ceremonies those rituals were not permanent they were just there for a time well seventh-day Adventists then would be in trouble if the Old Testament writings were simply for a time and finding their fulfillment in Christ which I agree with it finds its fulfillment in Christ if it just what time the practices were for a time then the laws must be for a time the practices uphold the laws and if the practices are going to be done away with then the laws of null and no effect if we're going to declare that the Levitical priesthood is done away with then all the Levitical laws are done away with how do seventh-day Adventists then justify keeping the health laws not eating pork not eating shrimp in an other shellfish not not eating unclean Birds unclean how do the seventh-day adventists justify keeping those laws if the Levitical laws are done away with how do seventh-day adventists justify keeping the Sabbath well well that's the ten commandments dr. Sylvester everybody knows that's the ten commandments I agree with you that's the Ten Commandments but it was given to a people in the wilderness in a particular culture at a particular time and it was not until sin took place that it was enunciated the way it was in the in in in Exodus 20 secondly in Exodus 20 why do we stop it those Ten Commandments the Bible continues with other commands after those ten why do we highlight those ten and just those ten we have to our biblical hermeneutics must be clear and must be consistent and this is the point I want to make whatever position and side you fall on you're fine with me and whatever hermeneutics you use to get to that understanding and position is fine but one thing you have to do is be consistent you must be consistent in your interpretation of Scripture you cannot say I'm defining this culturally but the commandments are not culturally based you cannot say that what about tithe the first person to return time that we know of was Abraham to Melchizedek how come tide wasn't mentioned before that why do we still return tithe now the new testament is silent on tithe the new testament does not say anything about tithe except from matthew 23 the the the the believers were to just give liberally they sold their houses they sold various things that they had and laid it at the Apostles feet there's no mention of tithe why do we still maintain a Old Testament practice in the seventh-day Adventist Church if those practices we declare are done away with because they were shadows whatever biblical hermeneutics you use you must be consistent relationships I will declare relationships is the key and relationship must be based on truth and if truth is relative then the relationship is relative our relationship with God cannot be a relative relationship it cannot be that he's this way one time and he's this way another time he was that way then he was this way now there are other denominations that believe in dispensationalism and are therefore more consistent than we they declared that God was saving the Jewish people via law they were he was saving the Jewish people or the Old Testament people via another means and not based on grace by faith by grace I do not believe that and I do not believe seven day Adventists believe that that we are saved by grace through faith not just in the old in the new testament but in the old testament noah found grace in the sight of god when David sinned his sin with Bathsheba he did not go and slay a lamb or goat he fell down and said have mercy upon me O God according to thy loving-kindness according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly for my sin and purge me for my iniquity against thee and the only have I done this evil wash me with hyssop and I shall be clean purge me and I shall be whiter than snow create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me that was also in the Old Testament not just the New Testament mercy is in the Old Testament forgiveness is in the Old Testament they were not saved by law they were saved by grace grace and faith in the one and the Messiah that would come and we are saved by grace through faith in the Messiah that has come they were not saved by law and us by grace we I believe that the Bible is one book sixty-six books but really one book not a different methodology not a different practice not a different hierarchy now that is what I believe that may not be what you believe but whatever you believe you have to settle it for yourself let's go back and take an example or take the argument in that Galatians 3 for know neither male nor fear there's now neither male nor female well how do we apply that in our day in the 21st century with the same-sex marriage issue if there's no male or female in Christ I can now use that text to justify same-sex marriage because if marriage and if God is doing away with the distinction of roles between the male and female in the church or in the home then there is no question or qualms about two men or two women getting married you see the road that this can go down based on your biblical hermeneutics I pray that you would settle your hermeneutics a friend of mine dr. Keith Augustus Burton shared with me that there may be another perspective that the issue may not be a issue of ordination but the issue may be an issue of officier ssin is the is the church ready for women to officiate in the capacity of pastors in the church well that's another perspective ordination or officiate officier ssin the issue that I'm dealing with right now is ordination other texts are use Romans chapter 16 is used to justify that Phoebe was a deacon let's look at that Romans chapter 16 it says I commend to you Phoebe our sister so we know it's a woman who is a servant of the church in Ken Korea now your your your your kid your King James mace a deacon the word used there is diagnosed so here is a female who is a diagnosed a deacon we say well she's a deacon well diagnosed the first time diagnosed is used in the New Testament is in the Gospel of John chapter 2 and verse 9 and there in John chapter 2 verse 9 is the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee and when the wine went out he called servants he called diakonos servants that is what a deacon is that is what Paul uses here in Romans is he declaring Phoebe as the head of the church is he declared Phoebe as ordained I don't know but it is inconsistent if he is with his other writings it also says that you may receive her in the lord in a manner worthy of the Saints and assist her in whatever business she has in need of you for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also greet priscilla and aquila my fellow workers in Christ who risked their own necks for my life to whom not only I give thanks but also the churches and the joy of the Gentiles likewise greet the church that is in their house greet my beloved Epiphanes who is the first fruit of a ki - to Christ greet Mary who labored much for us green and Draconis and junior my countrymen and my fellow prisoners who have note among the Apostles who also were in Christ before me and the list goes on Paul recognizes women I want to make it clear that women were engaged in ministry according to the Bible in the New Testament there is no one that can say that women were not engaged in the life of the church in the New Testament unequivocally the question is do we have evidence that at any point they were ordained as leaders in the church another person says that the word ordination in in the Latin or in the Greek was or inácio and was more of a political in the church began to to conduct the business not based on the scripture but based on how it was done in the Roman Empire and therefore the the the practice of ordination has pagan roots well I don't know if it has pagan roots I do know that ordination is biblical I do know I we may have gone astray in the practice of ordination but the fact the aspect of ordination as a principle established by the Word of God is there Jesus ordained and this is where I want to end I want to end with Jesus the greatest radical of any time not just his time Jesus the one who elevates everyone he meets Jesus the one who challenges everyone he meets what did Jesus do did where was Jesus where where does Jesus fall in his relationship with women Bible says in mark chapter three he went up on a mountain and called to himself those who he himself wanted those who he wanted and they came up to him then he appointed twelve he ordained twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons Simon and the list goes on he names twelve Jesus ordained twelve will some a saying right now well that was to the apostolate and not to the pastor it well that might be true but he is establishing his church and in establishing his church by the methods and the practice that he utilizes he is establishing the methods and the practice that his church should also utilize he ordains twelve men and one of them was a devil he cast Seven Devils out of Mary surely he could have ordained her why didn't Jesus ordain Mary why didn't the Apostles ordain Mary after Judas committed suicide and they had to replace him in the apostolate why didn't the Apostles replace Judas with Mary or why didn't they replace Judas with Mary the mother of Jesus or why didn't they replace Judas with Joanna or Cuza or Susanna why didn't they replace Judas with one of those women I mean for sure Mary fit the bill of fulfilling the apostolate position she walked with Jesus she was a follower of Jesus Jesus called her to preach where after the resurrection she was the first one that that that witnessed the resurrected Christ and he gave her the Commission to go to the disciples to tell them that he had been risen if anyone qualified it was Mary and yet the Apostles did not place Judas with her were they male chauvinistic were they culturally contextualized to their time I do not believe so I do not believe so these are hard questions these are serious questions Jesus in his day was a radical Jesus was so radical they accused him of breaking the Sabbath Jesus was so radical when they told him he couldn't do something he did it just for the purpose just because they told him he couldn't do it that's how radical Jesus was and do we mean to declare that he left off the relationship or the position or lifting women up in his day I do not believe so Jesus did elevate the women of his day he did make them of one with men in Salvation he did show them that they had a place equal equal in the kingdom of God but equality in the kingdom of God does not mean equality or sameness in the function in the church the text says to some he gave his apostles that means not to everyone to some he gave as prophets that means not everyone is a prophet to some he gave pastors that means not everyone could be a pastor if the enemy of our souls if the devil is going to attack the Church of the Living God how do we think he is going to attack it well I would declare to you he would attack it the way he attacked it at the beginning how did he attack our first parents how did he attack them at the beginning he has mastered his plan but he has not changed his methodology Eve did not just sin at the tree by taking the fruit what the enemy of our souls did is that he split the relationship between the male and the female between the man and the woman between the husband and the wife he split them and he caused Eve to think that she could act independent of her husband independent do we have any of those aspects taking place today how do we interpret first Corinthians 11 that God is the head of Christ Christ the head of man and man the head of woman that is not husband the head of wife that's man the head of woman to be sure the Bible says some things hard to swallow to be sure the Bible says some things that make our 21st century mind cringe to dare repeat much less read but do we believe in the Word of God as the infallible Word of God not necessarily the in every but the infallible Word of God or do we believe that everything that we read that makes us uncomfortable needs to be culturally understood ultimately I believe God is going to take care of his church ultimately I believe the prophetic word declares that the church will apostatize that the church will fall away from her first love and that's why God leaves a remnant we believe in the remnant motif those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus those who follow the Word of God both Old Testament and New Testament Jesus says in John 5:39 ye searched the scriptures and in them he think he have life but they are they that testify of me and he was not speaking of the New Testament at that time he was speaking of the Old Testament the Old Testament has the gospel it is not the New Testament that has the gospel it is Genesis to Revelation that is the everlasting gospel and we must settle this for ourselves and so if it's one Bible if Genesis to Revelation represents the unique singular purpose and will of God then we must then do battle and do and settle for ourselves with the things that are hard for us to swallow or we interpret it from a culturally contextualized aspect is this going to settle the debate absolutely not there will be those who will shoot potholes through anything that I've said and I welcome it what I will say is that my heart is torn from the perspective that individuals who disagree who honestly disagree cannot still manifest love to each other if your position causes you to hate your brother if your whatever position you you hold causes you to judge the other well you can't come and preach anymore at my church or you cannot work with me anymore because you're you're in favor of women's ordination or you cannot come and work with me anymore because you are not in favor of women's ordination then I will declare the devil has already succeeded we must be bigger than this we must be able to disagree with each other without stopped without hating each other we must be able to sit down at the table and discuss dialogue and yay even debate with each other because mature people know how to stay on the issue at hand without it becoming personal no one no one can dictate someone else's conscience no one can tell me what I have to believe and no one can tell you what you have to believe we have to stand on the Word of God as best as we know it but this issue that the church is now dealing with is splitting the church it is causing people not to be able to love each other not to be able to talk to each other to look down upon each other and camps are being created there's a petition for those to sign on Facebook to speak against those who are in favor of women's ordination the conference is already hiring and ordaining women against what the church the world church's policy on the issue is and both are wrong both are destroying the unity of the church but we cannot have unity if it is not established on truth and to establish something on truth we must take a position of humility humble humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time I pray that you will go back and study your word of God I pray that you will go back and determine and decide what is the will and purpose of God in your life I hope and pray that you can agree to disagree with people and still love them I pray that you will not tear yourself away from those who disagree with you but you would even draw closer to those who disagree with you to show the magnanimity of your spirit Jesus the Spirit of Christ the mind of Christ is to be able to draw close to those who may oppose you or even disagree with you that's what Jesus did and if we say we are like him if we say we are manifesting him then should we not manifest him in this aspect thank you for joining me this day on religiously incorrect as I said we may not have solved the issue but I pray that it's a step closer in us being able to dialogue together as brothers and sisters may God bless you until our next time
Channel: Lanston Sylvester
Views: 21,521
Rating: 4.4535518 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Lanston Sylvester, Seventh Day Adventist, Hermeneutics, Women's Ordination, Religion, Preaching, DeMello Video & Photo Services, DeMello Video, Stockton, California
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 58sec (2878 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2012
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