Women's 3m Springboard Diving Final | Rio 2016 Replay
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Channel: Olympics
Views: 5,441,096
Rating: 4.6900287 out of 5
Keywords: Olympics, Summer Olympics, Rio 2016 Olympics, Diving, womens, tingmao shi, Rio Replay, Silver, Gold, o16:athlete=1097556, Diving Rio 2016, Rio Olympics, o16:lang=en, o16:ty=athlete, Sport, Olympic Games, Juegos Olímpicos, he zi, Champion, IOC, Bronze, 3m springboard, 2016 Olympics, 3m, Olympic Diving, Rio 2016, o16:ty=event, o16:event=DVW003101, o16:athlete=1098902
Id: JU5j3dgk2WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2016
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