Women Who Kill | FULL EPISODE | The New Detectives

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a National Guardsman is shocked by the sleepless [Music] investigators believe it's an accident at first a newlywed almost becomes a widow as her husband lingers near death as doctors raced to save him detectives suspect someone was trying to kill him with kindness investigating a business man's murder on a country road detectives find themselves in meshed in a tangle of lies and few real clues in search of answers they hit the library sometimes the least likely suspects are the most likely candidates for committing murder this hole called fairer sex has been unfairly overlooked when accusations fly but old stereotypes are being shattered by women who kill [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now in the United States more than three thousand criminals sit on death row for murder only 42 of them are women it's easy to assume that women aren't as inclined to lethal violence but maybe women are simply better at getting away with it shielded by our wrong assumptions about what constitutes a killer but once the manicured finger of suspicion points to them it's up to forensic investigators to prove their guilt early on february 1st 1988 paramedics in the Durham County North Carolina Sheriff's Office were called to the home of Barbara and Russell stager there had been a terrible accident Russell stager had been shot in the head while he slept a 25 caliber semi-automatic pistol and a spent shell casing lay next to him on the bed [Music] through her tears Barbara stager explained what happened groggy would sleep she had accidentally fumbled with a gun used for protecting their home against burglars she had brushed the trigger the pistol had fired though critically wounded Russell stager was still alive [Music] doctors did everything they could for stager but within hours the grim prognosis was clear [Music] barber was told her husband of nine years had no hope of recovery she signed a consent form to take him off life support [Music] Russell stager died that afternoon without regaining consciousness the whole community mourned his loss stager had been well respected in Durham as the high school baseball team's head coach once when the budget for bats and gloves was cut he took a stand for the team and donated his own money to make up the shortfall when stager wasn't defending his players he was defending his country as a staff sergeant in the National Guard police were prepared to list his death an accident but his first wife Lynne snow wasn't so sure she went to police with her suspicions she'd remained friends with Russell and told her that his relationship with Barbara had soured even thought when he feared for his safety - she urged police not to dismiss the case so quickly according to snow Russell said the Barbara stager had a ruinous appetite for cash clothes and jewelry and Russell was never sure where she was getting all her money to check on the first wife's story investigators questioned other friends of the victim he received the best training he learned from his fellow National Guardsman as Russell stager was a firearms instructor and extremely cautious around guns [Music] to police captain Ricky Buchanan the questions raised weren't enough to keep the investigation open nobody with that kind of knowledge about weapons with a slip of one under their pillow particularly not locked not caught and the safety off nobody right mind us but that was that was what would have had to happen if you believe Barbara's story Buchanan wasn't sure he believed it anymore it was time to look at the widow more closely investigators found that arrest warrants have been issued on Barbara stager for her chronic check bouncing she had even thought her husband's name on checks and loan applications but each time she somehow managed to pay off her debts and dodge a conviction then she would borrow and spend even more leading to ever more devious ways of getting the cash she craved she'd written a book called untimely death about a man who accidentally killed himself though it was fiction it was based on Barbara's experience with her first husband Larry Ford he died in a freak shooting accident one year before Barbara married Russell stager through her writing Barbara had found a way to cash in on the tragedy she sent it to the pub Doubleday publisher as I recall they sent her rejection letter but then she took the logo off of the rejection letter and taped it onto a sheet of paper and typed out an acceptance letter where she was going to get I think maybe $25,000 advance on the book using the forged letter as collateral Barbara stager secured a bank loan but curious friends called the publisher to get the books release date and learned it was rejected when Russell found out he managed to forgive Barbara she returned the $25,000 in the bank didn't prosecute but to detectives it seemed that a new target placed squarely in the crosshairs of her ambition 25,000 would be small change compared to Russell staggers life insurance when all his policies were added up his death would net this two-time Widow on more than $200,000 Barbara stager was known to lie for money Buchanan suspected she would kill for it he knew she fired the fatal bullet now he had to prove it was no accident Barbara had told police she didn't know how to shoot a gun but Russell staggers friends disagree they said Barbara was an excellent shot the victim himself had taught her it appeared that his lessons main event turned against him [Music] investigators knew that if they could find more inconsistencies in barbra story they could build their case they interviewed all the paramedics police officers and doctors who had heard Barbara's account of the accident but no one had gotten the same story from her she told paramedics she had reached for the gun when a barking dog made her think a prowler was near the house she told someone else that her son's alarm had awakened her when the gun had gone off she'd been putting it away blessed her husband think the boy was a burglar [Music] Barbara stager was spinning a tangle of Lies even she wouldn't sort out but police had a plan to snare her in her own way to catch a killer investigators set an ingenious trap to get Russell staggers widow to stick to a story they asked Barbara stager to reenact the accident for them she was happy to oblige when detectives asked if they could videotape the demonstration he said yes once again she shot her husband on Monday and she crawled back in that bed on Friday and I really don't think a person under normal circumstances would do that if it was an accidental shooting and she reenact it for us and it was no emotion no hesitation this time Barbara said that while in a sleepy haze she had pulled out the pistol heard the noise shop could figure out what was sort of realized what had happened she put on her glasses and turned on the light she cradled her husband's head in her lap trying to revive him when paramedics arrived the victim still lay as if you were asleep without ever having been moved it was clear to authorities that Russell stager had received no first aid from his wife in fact between the time she phoned for help and the arrival of the paramedics she had gotten dressed all while her husband lay dying after her taped performance the only thing she wanted to know was how the insurance companies would know her husband's death was an accident she wouldn't see a dime until such a ruling was officially on the books actives told her a little paperwork still remained with that they left what they wanted on videotape I didn't give her any indication that she made me a happy man by any means and when I left there she was certain that it was gonna be declared an accidental death but I need once you were enacted that we had her detectives studied the videotape of Barbara stagers reenactment with an eye toward finding inconsistencies she had told him the gun had gone off while she held it low next to the bed forensic science told a different story the bullet pierced the lower right portion of the victims skull and struck above the left eye based on his position this suggested that the gun was tilted downward but the way Barbara described the accident the bullet would have moved in an upward trajectory and it indicated to us that she was above and behind Russ at the time she pulls trigger that wasn't the only problem with the pantomime if the pistol had fired under the bedsheets as Barbara said there would have been powder burns on the fabric none were found that suggests that the gun was fired at a distance from the bed and yet the cartridge casing was lying next to the victim nothing was adding up but all of it pointed to Barbara's guilt are you it didn't stop there police learned that within hours of reenacting the incident she and two family members presented the victims will for probate though it was signed by Russell stager it was witnessed by members of Barbara's immediate family the clerk recalled that Barbara showed little emotion during the process when detectives learned how quickly Barbara had tried to push the document through they examined it as potential evidence [Music] investigators compared the signature on the will to the victims national guard papers [Music] they found that the will had definitely been forged it was just one more page in Barbara's trail of worthless paper [Music] the inheritance and the insurance money may have been her motive for killing her husband or she may have just been eager to cash in on Russell's accident police needed a more tangible clue to link her to the intentional murder of her husband attention focused on the curious proximity of the shell casing to the victim's body the gun was taken to the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation time lab in Raleigh experts here evaluate more than 30,000 pieces of evidence annually for state local federal and military law enforcement agencies in test-firing staggers gun investigators found that the blood casing ejects at least three and a half feet from the weapon there was no logical way it could have landed so close to the victors head unless Barbara had looted after she fired [Music] police learned that similar questions were raised during the death investigation of her first husband 10 years earlier [Music] according to reports at the time of her first husband's death police noted that the position of the shell casing was suspicious but it wasn't documented well enough to make a case for homicide it looked like Barbara was up to her old tricks this time she wasn't going to get away with it investigators felt they had developed a strong case against Barbara stager but the most compelling piece of evidence was found miles from the scene one of Russell staggers former students found an audio cassette in the high school gym when it was played his brother recognized the voice of his ex coach Russell stager [Applause] or that wait a minute wait now you said something they took the tape to police on it Russell stager poured out his apprehensions about his wife from her compulsive spending to the death of her first husband and his creeping suspicion that he might be next the table coupled with the crime lab bullet evidence was enough to bring the case to trial the prosecution carefully laid out the motives and the events leading to Russell staggers death barbarous financial problems had come to a head [Music] without a massive infusion of cash she would face bankruptcy one morning when the pressure became too great Barbara stager rose and took careful aim [Music] the forensic evidence was telling the actual bullet trajectory did not agree with Barbara stager story neither did the seychelles ejection pattern when the district attorney played the haunting tape of Russell stager suspicions it's sealed Barbara's face I had a traumatic impact hearing didn't in court I mean this is the first time that I know of that a homicide victim actually had his day in court and testified from the witness thing because it was it was just as he of rushing blamed self was like the Barbara stager may have dreamed of gold she was led away in Chains of Steel based on the forensic evidence she was convicted of the first-degree murder of her husband and sentenced to life in prison a shooting death leaves obvious clues behind but killing with kindness can go undetected sometimes for years in April of 1989 Reverend white lures his new wife Blanche we're driving home to North Carolina after their honeymoon it was a second marriage for both of them they were happy to be making a fresh start all was wedded bliss until on the Cape May Lewis Ferry the Reverend Moore fell gravely ill [Music] Blanche drove her husband home to winston-salem determined to nurse him back to health no sweetheart she was a fine cook and thought that some of her good food would do the trick [Music] dispel rhetoric her new husband's condition grew worse finally he was rushed to the hospital suffering from severe abdominal cramps his doctor believed he had come down with an intestinal flu but the Reverend told him his symptoms began shortly after he cleaned his garage of old household chemicals he believed that something there had made him he'll or perhaps it was the chemicals he recently sprayed on his lawn doctors performed a series of tests to determine what he may have been exposed to the results reveal the shocking level of arsenic [Music] because arsenic poisoning is uncommon North Carolina's chief medical examiner john butts was called to investigate where the toxin may have come from he didn't believe it could have entered Reverend Moore's system from cleaning his garage arsenic is used in some fungicides insecticides and so there are possibilities for for unintentional or accidental poisonings but they're they're quite rare arsenic is a highly toxic metallic element everyone has traces of it in their body but Reverend Moore demonstrated an almost superhuman tolerance to it he consumed enough to kill 10 men it would be almost impossible to accidentally ingest that much of the poison there are certain medications that do contain arsenic they're usually mainly in veterinary medicine against certain types of parasites but but there are very very few medications that almost no medications will be used in this country for humans that would contain arsenic his family gathered at his bedside not sure if the Reverend would survive one of the highest levels of arsenic poisoning on record I he regained his strength fortified by some of his new wife's home cooking the fact that he'd survived this long suggested that he built up a tolerance through many small doses over a period of time in other words he may have been systematically poisoned his ordeal wasn't over yet further tests show that his arsenic levels were increasing while he lay in the hospital suspecting foul play the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation cleared Reverend Moore's room and posted a guard at the door how am i haff ask everyone to leave the room the patient was to eat no more food brought from outside the hospital [Music] investigators had every indication that he was being poisoned by someone he knew someone he trusted perhaps even someone in his own family their first suspect was his son couple of biochemist couple weeks he'd hurt her know how to do it error but he didn't have the opportunity to administer the poison this is Rick in a rush to get with my news demo while police worked to protect Reverend Moore the hospital staff worked to cure him he was treated with a collating agent compound that bonded with the arsenic in his body to flush it out of his system the treatment was as painful as the poison meantime investigators interviewed him to determine some clue about who might have been poisoning him as the conversation turned to his family Moore described his courtship with Blanche one detail caught the detectives attention Blanche's previous boyfriend Raymond read and died of a disease with all the symptoms of a serious stomach flu symptoms very similar to what the Reverend was suffering from investigators began to delve into anything suspicious good morning Blanche how are you the admit her former boyfriend Raymond Reid while working in the grocery store he managed they have been together for 15 years when Reed was diagnosed with guillain barre syndrome the debilitating nerve disease that attacks the spinal cord it begins as numbness and can progress to paralysis and sometimes death but another frightening aspect of dion beret is that it's the most common misdiagnosis for long term arsenic poisoning to test that theory investigators requested Reed's complete medical records while they waited they collected a sample of Reverend Moore's hair to see how long he's been poisoned more if you're taken close that hair can be a very valuable of substance for testing in cases of arsenic poisoning because as the hair grows any arsenic that's present in the blood at that time will get deposited into the roots of the hair like a modern-day Delilah Blanche stone in the state's case against her but when she brought her brother to the hospital to give Reverend Warren [Music] investigators had already gathered the sample they needed when Reverend Moore's hair was tested it was polluted with arsenic from follicle to tip meaning he'd been fed a steady diet of the toxin he'd had two large doses seven and eight months earlier in November in December 1988 he'd spent time in the hospital but the poison went undetected the same couldn't be said for Raymond Reed when his medical records arrived investigators made an alarming discovery he'd been done in by a Clara at one point during his hospitalization his doctors had ordered a test for heavy metals but the results were temporarily lost in a blizzard of paperwork in the interim Reid died three years later when detectives were looking into Blanche Moore's past doctors and police finally saw those results Raymond Reid had been poisoned it appeared that Blanche was seasoning their dishes with more than just sugar and spice in North Carolina investigators suspected that Blanche Moore was a serial poisoner according to Forsyth County District Attorney Vincent Rabil Moore had profited from the death of her boyfriend Raymond Reed she got him to put her into his will during the time that he was in the hospital being poisoned she was almost destitute financially and until mr. Reed died detectives had only suspicions to guide the doctor if Blanche had really poisoned Rios the evidence was buried with him now investigators literally had to dig for what they needed to make their case though arsenic poisoning is rarely suspected it is easy to find once you know what to look for the element lingers in the body long after it's finished its deadly work the SBI got permission to exhume Reed's body well the major trail by that arsenic leaves is that it doesn't go away arsenic binds to the tissues it's a it's a heavy described as a heavy metal it's an element it's sort of the ideal thing to have to go look for because it will be there a large recently consumed dose of arsenic will show up in stomach x-rays another telltale sign can appear as discolored bands running across fingernails and toenails Reid's body bore these marks the most accurate way to determine the presence of arsenic in remains is to perform the ranch tests in the medical examiner's office tissue samples were taken from the body of Reid the samples were then dissolved in acid [Music] and a copper wire was placed in the resulting solution if arsenic is present it will attach to the wire turning it black [Music] the test was positive judging from Reid's hair samples he had been poisoned for six months before he died further tests confirmed the diagnosis but when we ran the concentrations of arsenic on his tissues that he had very high levels and certainly in levels that were associated with toxicity fatal fatal levels potentially lethal levels investigators now had two poisoned men and one of them was dead the only link between them was Blanche wore to Blanche's friends disappeared to be a run of bad luck but two detectives Blanche seemed very lucky indeed to have dodged suspicion for so long once Reid had gone on to his reward Blanche inherited hers $80,000 but weed wasn't necessarily her first victim investigators learned that 13 years before Reid's illness her first husband James and Taylor also died a mysterious lingering death his body was exhumed it to tested positive for arsenic poisoning the pattern was and refuted that in Blanche's world it appeared that the way to a man's heart and then his money was through his stomach but Blanche's current husband reverend war was even bigger game his insurance and assets made him worth a quarter of a million dollars dead but she couldn't collect it yet reverend war was still fighting for his life doctors usually do not suspect poisoning until it is too late but unlike Taylor and Reid Reverend war lived to count his blessings the forensic evidence helped agents follow Blanche's well-worn trail of murder she lured her victims to their deaths pretending to nurture them during their moment of need Blanche kept bringing food to read until she killed him Douglas she had planned to serve Reverend Moore the same fate even though the minister's health no longer hung in the balance the state's case against his wife certainly did they needed to prove she was a serial playing I've had and we were very much concerned that she would weave her web of deceit and charm with the jury and convinced them that she was not to blame hi mrs. Moore starting with her arrest for the murders of James Taylor and Raymond Reed she refuted all charges claiming she was the victim of a massive conspiracy when she took the stand she denied bringing any food outside the hospital and accused many nurses and doctors of lying about her and accused them of falsifying medical records that were created at the time which reported that she was feeding the patients food from home more than 50 witnesses from several hospitals clearly remembered Blanche's facade of things culinary largesse in truth Blanche had been cooking like a fiend her own testimony cued the jury that she was lying but it took careful forensic analysis of all the evidence to prove it do you want to know Blanche or was convicted of first degree murder for poisoning Raymond Reed since you give me she was also indicted for assault with a deadly weapon upon Reverend floor he survived the attack and was soon divorced from his murderous bride [Music] but Blanche Moore was fated to get a dose of her own medicine the judge sentenced her to death by her choice of poison gas for the lethal injection because she was already on death row she wasn't prosecuted for the death of her first husband James Taylor 60% of women who killed use poison it destroys the victim from within while it preserves the killer's veneer of innocence but the most subtle murderer is one who never even goes to the scene of the crime On January 21st 1992 a difficult land and air search for a missing man near Kingston North Carolina came to a gruesome end authorities have finally found the body of Billy white a successful life insurance salesman he had been gunned down next to his band on a lonely dirt road the victims pockets were turned inside out his wallet was empty at first planet robbery appeared to be the motive State Bureau of Investigation special agent Ken raper was called to the scene he didn't have much to go on it appeared had been shot twice once in the chest and once in his lower left side was a shotgun thought at times it's probably double-aught buck or maybe triple off buck but there were no shell casings at the scene the only clue left behind was a single tire track in the mud near the victim's head it was carefully photographed from all angles for comparison in case the suspects car was found investigators spoke with the victim's wife Sylvia white she told them she believed her husband was killed on his way to see a new client Sylvia sometimes worked as her husband secretary she told police that a man named Timmy Connors had called her about buying a large insurance policy she had referred Connors to her husband so he could close the sale it was well known that Billy would drive anywhere to meet a client his eagerness might have led him to his death there's a nice guy a little bit quiet police interview none had ever seen counters and Sylvia's only contact with him had been over the phone it wasn't much to go on but the mysterious client was the only lead police had the SBI reached out to the community for tips and television and newspaper ads before long an anonymous informant called the police with a tip he told them that a thin longhaired carpenter had been soliciting people to murder Billy White the informant told them the construction site where this person worked but he didn't know the man's name what are you working on investigators went to the construction site but how no one who matched the description at the same time investigators worked with local law enforcement to go through mug shots hoping to make an ID police learned while give you any members of Sylvia White's family that she had hired a man named Linwood Taylor you should do some work for her taylor's mugshot matched the description investigators also found that he worked at the job site mentioned by the informer then Taylor was called in for questioning and at first he denied knowing the whites what investigators knew that was alive and told him so eventually he confessed to committing the murder he said the motive was money he was hired to kill Billy Dwight Dwight he admitted that the person who planned the whole thing was Sylvia white SBI agent Eric Smith was present for the tailor's interview he said he had known Sylvia white for about a year and that during that time she had told them stories of her husband's poor treatment he had abused her and things of that nature mr. Taylor said he developed a lot of sympathy for Miss Sylvia white but at this time when we interviewed him he said a lot of the the stories or scenarios she had given him he didn't believe any longer Taylor alleged that Sylvia had offered the $20,000 and a minivan if he would kill her husband he said he would do it but couldn't muster the courage Sylvia grew impatient then she divulged a secret to him she basically told him if he couldn't do it she'd do it herself that she had done it before and she had had a stepchild that she felt wasn't right so she put a bag over its head until it stopped breathing her death was Olivia steps on with two years earlier a mental tribute to insulin if toler's allegations about Sylvia were true then the grieving widow would be unmasked as a cold-hearted killer who would stop at nothing to achieve her ends she came to me now they had to gather tangible proof that she was involved in the killings in Taylors confession he told police that his uncle Ernest Basden er was also involved in the murder of Billy white the bastard was here well mr. Bassman thanks for coming in ok orange have a seat baz Dhin was called to the station yesterday at first he denied killing the insurance salesman comes back and any but then like his brain he realized that honesty is the best policy he too confessed to the killing he told investigators that he had pulled the trigger himself he had needed the money Sylvia White's money now police had two independent confessions and both of them implicated the victims Widow her money had paid for her husband's assassins but it couldn't buy their silence agents still had to back up the confession with solid evidence okay we're on the case Sylvia white all they had to link the men to the crime where the tire tracks lifted from the scene a search warrant was obtained to examine the tires on Linwood Taylor's cars they towed a Cutlass and a Camaro and when I arrived I walked over and looked at the tire treads the tires themselves on both vehicles and and then determined that we need to take the ones off of the Camaro that they indeed were consistent with the tread design that I had observed at the scene that day an SPI laboratory examination of his tire treads confirmed that Taylor's car had been at the scene of the murder next detectives went to Taylor's house where they uncovered treasure among the trash at Taylor's house the crime scene investigators went out and what they found was a trash pile in the rear where trash had been burned and they were able to discover the remaining portions of several shotgun shells in the fire the plastic portion had been burned destroyed but the brass casing was still there presumably these were the spent shells missing from the murder scene the SBI seized the shelves for analysis but they still didn't have the murder weapon Taylor and Basden said they had cut up the shotgun with a hacksaw embedded it in a bucket of cement and pulled it off a bridge we went out to the Neuse River area and the divers went in the water and within five to ten minutes they had located the bucket on the north side of the bridge just as mr. Taylor had described a filled with cement now police literally had concrete evidence to support Taylor's story but they still had to prove it was the murder weapon because it could no longer be fired similar guns were test fired at the SBI lab ballistic tests verified Taylor's story about the distance from which white had been shot Taylor and Basden were now firmly implicated but connections between Sylvia white and the conspiracy were still weak Silvia had insisted that she didn't know Taylor yet investigators had witnesses who had seen them together Taylor admitted receiving a partial payment of $1500 from white several days after the murder detectives traced the trail of cash back to its source a friend of the family and business partner of mr. white had given Silvia $1,500 a few days earlier we were able to locate a bank that had cashed that check which mr. white had endorsed mr. Taylor told us that the money he received was in an envelope a banking amelie it was from the same bank that had cashed Sylvia's check Taylor also told police that before Silvia hired him she had tried to kill her husband herself she told him she read up on poisonous plants at the library she tried feeding some to him but they only made him he'll investigators knew that if they could link Soviet two books on poison bottle they'd be able to prove that she intended to kill her husband SBI agents went to the library to search for clues there they found several volumes on poisonous plants one book had missing pages according to the index those pages dealt with water hemlock and poison hemlock plants coming to the area agent Smith had the book analyzed for fingerprints I told him it's a 50-50 shot but it was something that we really needed to connect Miss white to you this murder and he collected it removed her from the library and sent it to the lab a palm print was found inside the book next to the missing pages a comparison with Sylvia whites print showed a perfect match step by step the State Bureau of Investigation built their case against Sylvia White and her co-conspirators the evidence in this case from our SBI laboratory conclusively tied Linwood Taylor as vehicle to the crime scene the story provided by Sylvia white to Linwood Taylor about Timmy Connors we're able to corroborate through interviews the final item was Sylvia White's palm print in the book on poisonous plants in North Carolina that conclusively tied her to the book the collected evidence positively implicated Sylvia white in the death of her husband as the forensic evidence was pieced together the full conspiracy came out Basden said that his nephew Linwood Taylor and approached him about the murder at a party on October of the previous year [Music] ever fell on deaf ears until Basden fell on hard times in January he agreed to do the job for money [Music] Tayler closing his Tim Connors had already established a phone rapport with Billy white counting on the insurance salesman's willingness to go anywhere to clinch a deal Taylor lured his victim to the remote dirt road their Basden ambushed Dwight and pulled the trigger they took the salesman's cabbage and collected the spent shell casings then they fled to Taylor's house where they burned the shelves and their clothing but there was still more evidence to destroy Taylor sawed the shotgun into pieces and embedded them in the cement then they ditched the gun in the river that done Taylor and Basden thought they were in the clear but investigators caught up with them and with Sylvia white the case against the widow was now solid but even so Sylvia white may have gotten away with murder after all at least so far to strengthen their case against her the SBI I checked Taylor's story that sylveon had smothered her stepson ten years earlier we exhumed the body and transported to Chapel Hill and the results of that medical examination revealed injuries to young Billy white that had been sustained prior to his death for which there was no document and medical treatment one of those injuries was a fracture to the skull a plastic bag was also found in the child's windpipe the victim was clearly murdered before the trial for her husband's murder commenced Sylvia White was convicted of the murder of her stepson she received a life sentence but she wasn't out of the woods with Linwood Taylor's confession and the forensic evidence that backed it up Sylvia white had no defense in three she to second degree murder in the death of her husband and was sentenced to another life term plus 10 years Linwood Taylor and Ernest Basden also were convicted of first degree murder Taylor got life for pulling the trigger Basden was sentenced to death Sylvia white took a businesslike approach to killing her husband she hired someone else to do the work for her leaving herself one step removed Blanche Moore and Barbara stager had other techniques for distancing themselves from their crimes Blanche Taylor Moore posed as the nurturing figure as she fed poison to her victims and Barbara stager killed through feigned incompetence staging her murders to look like tragic accidents in each case forensics told a different story women you may not be as outwardly violent as men and be as effective police are just now starting to notice it - but whether a killing is Stalvey or obvious discrete more bloody when forensic science is brought to bear on the case the odds of dreaming of female murderer to justice [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The New Detectives
Views: 855,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The New Detectives, New Detectives, New Detectives Full Episode, Full Episodes, New Detectives Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True Crime Daily, Unsolved, FBI, FBI Files, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Unsolved True Crime, Mystery, Solved, Investigation, Police, Criminal, Forensics, Forensic Science, Science, women, female, female killer, feminism, feminist
Id: yE9TZxevU34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 30sec (3150 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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