Deadly Dealings | FULL EPISODE | The New Detectives

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in Miami it looks like a burglary gone wrong at least that's what the murderer hold but two detectives if the clues reveal the truth a man dies in the flames of his burning truck but the real crime scene is miles away can forensics prove that connection investigators grappled with a double homicide [Music] the sole eyewitness reports the victims were killed by a ninja assassin some kill out of hatred some do it for love but for others murder is all in a day's work their services are available to anyone willing to pay the price for their deadly feelings [Music] [Music] in the early morning hours of March 7th 1986 police received a call from the home of Stan and Joyce Cohen in Coconut Grove Florida at 5:25 a.m. Joyce had frantically dialed 911 an intruder had entered their home Stan Cohen a 52 year old owner of a construction company had been shot four times in the head he was pronounced dead at the scene I'm a psychic detective Baldy leading the investigation was John spear when I arrived at the scene I met Joyce Cohen there was only two people in the house according to Joyce Cohen when this homicide occurred now my teachings and my beliefs are when you have two people in a house or a room or anywhere and one of them ends up dead you should suspect the other person until your suspicions are relieved suspicions can only take an investigator so far and they ultimately mean nothing in a court of law the truth is told through the evidence meantime the medical examiner conducted an autopsy on Stan Cohen he ruled gunshot as the official cause of death he was told the victim was killed between 5:15 and 5:20 that morning he had no reason to question it while the forensics team swarmed the Cohen's house Joyce went to the police station she agreed to a routine swab test for gunpowder residue any shots the traces of gunshot residue while awaiting the results she gave her statement according to Joyce she and Stan were awakened by a noise downstairs Stan picked up his gun and the two went to investigate a quick search of the house showed nothing amiss relieved the couple returned to bed but Joyce claimed she couldn't sleep so she went back downstairs at approximately 5:00 a.m. a friend called from Colorado as they were talking she heard a noise in the kitchen she noticed the glass in the kitchen door was broken she said she hung up from her friend then she saw a figure running downstairs and out the door she ran upstairs to check on Stan she found him bleeding in bed she couldn't rouse him she dialed 9-1-1 when I advised her that there were some inconsistencies in this particular story that she told me about the homicide it irritated her she demanded that the forensics team immediately leave her house and not return without a search warrant she said she didn't want any of her husband's things taken nor touched detective Speer couldn't understand her hostile reaction now if a loved one of mine or anybody else that I would know was killed I think they would cooperate 100% with the police to me she was not cooperating to Speer it seems she knew more than she was letting on until the warrant position investigators were locked out of Cohen's house four hours later the paperwork came through Joyce Cohen was presented with the warrant and the team swung back into action they went inside to dust for fingerprints Joyce was called back to the police station to continue her interrogation by now the residue tests on her hands had come back from the lab they were positive showing she'd had contact with gunpowder she calmly provided detectives with an explanation when she discovered her husband's body in the bed she grabbed him and a pillow and possibly that's what caused her to have the gunshot powder residue on her hands investigators made a note of her response and pressed on they noticed that her story changed slightly from her first interview now instead of saying that her friend called from Colorado at 5:00 a.m. she said it was closer to 3:00 a.m. that left a gap of two hours between the time of the break-in and her call to 911 mean nothing for everything it was too early to tell the evidence was still being gathered outside the house police discovered a gun in the gartner it was taken to the Miami Police crime scene investigations unit where it was examined by technical supervisor Silvia Romans after photographing the weapon she tried to raise fingerprints upon fuming the gun I found some evidence of fingerprints they weren't of much value but the most significant thing that I found was that it appeared the gun had been wiped down ballistics showed that it was the weapon that killed Stan Cohen because it was one of the victims own guns it seemed like a dead end except it bore one tiny clue Romans found a shred of paper facial tissue caught between the frame and the grip it suggested the gun had been wiped clean with a tissue it also suggested another clue to look for [Music] samples of facial tissue were collected from around the house in a trash can in the back bathroom down the hall from the murder scene detectives found a soil tissue with black residue on it it was sent to the lab the lab was not able to determine whether in fact the tissue that was found on the gun was an exact match to the tissue that I had submitted to the lab however the tissue did have gunshot residue and it also had the mucus of Joyce Cohen [Music] blood in the nasal mucus matched Joyce Cohen's blood type it strongly suggested that Joyce had shot her husband then wiped down the gun with this tissue but facial tissue makes flimsy evidence to win his case Speer needed something more substantial what he got was a confession from someone who wasn't even a suspect in the case against Joyce Cohen Miami police were hampered by lack of solid evidence but one month after Stan Cohen was murdered the investigation took an unexpected turn a career burglar named Frank mag Lyon was arrested for a separate crime he knew about the Cohen murder and wanted to strike a deal we learned that he and two other companions assisted in this homicide and were paid to do this homicide by Stanley Cohen's wife Joyce Cohen Magglio knew things that only someone involved could have known so it was clear he was telling the truth but even this startling confession didn't assure Joyce Cohen's conviction on the stand it would come down to the words of a grieving widow versus the testimony of a career criminal feeling he didn't have enough evidence to get a conviction Speer spent two years chasing the other men Magglio and implicated but they wouldn't crack he had to rely solely on mag Leone and the forensic evidence to prove Joyce Cohen's involvement according to mag Lyon Joyce met him and the others at a restaurant to plan the hit Joyce had it all mapped out it was supposed to look like a burglary gone bad they were to arrive at the house between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. and used Stan's own gun to kill him magli own story had one nagging inconsistency the time of the hit phone records showed that Joyce called 911 not 3:00 a.m. they also showed that her friends called from Colorado shortly before the 9-1-1 call around 5:00 it didn't make sense for Joyce to wait two hours to call police and yet 3 a.m. is also the time Joyce gave in her second statement what seemed like a possible slip of the tongue suddenly became pivotal to the case police suspected that Joyce may have waited in order to create her alibi they followed that lead they learned that a guest at a neighbor's house was awakened on the night of the murder by what sounded like gunshots he recalled looking at the clock it was around 3:00 a.m. the information supported Spears theory but even this report was nothing more than circumstantial to truly determine the time of death he needed the testimony of the victim Stanley Cohen originally the medical examiner had no reason to doubt the time of death according to Joyce Cohen and listed it at 5:30 now determining the time of death was more tricky the body had long since been buried all that remained were photos taken upon its arrival at the medical examiner's office hours after death blood settles in the lowest portions of the body in a process called lividity the pooling blood creates telltale red marks from the extent of the lividity marks a medical examiner can estimate the time of death Joyce Cohen's lawyers hired an expert witness who requested copies of the autopsy photos he determined there was no lividity when the pictures were taken meaning the victim was killed shortly after 5:00 a.m. as Joyce originally asserted but because the defense was viewing second-generation reprints of the photos the subtleties of the images were lost testifying for the prosecution the medical examiner went back to his original photographs the lividity was apparent meaning the victim was killed around 3:00 a.m. Joyce had waited two hours to call the police proving she was part of the conspiracy to kill her husband magli owns testimony put into question the time of death the autopsy photos confirmed his story the forensics worked on the spatha facial tissue further proved Joyce Cohen's connection to her husband's murder at the prearranged time magley own and his team arrived at Cohen's house she was awake and let them in they already knew where to find Stanley's gun they went to the bedroom [Music] shot him four times then ran out on the way they drop the gun Joyce picked it up wiped it down with the tissue and threw it out the window into the garden she then perhaps blew her nose on the tissue and disposed of it in the Far bathroom although it was never proven she may have arranged with her friends in Colorado to call her thereby establishing her alibi unfortunately the friends called too late or there was some confusion over the time zones Colorado being two hours earlier than Florida her own alibi betrayed her Joyce Cohen received 40 years for murder and conspiracy to commit murder Frank Magli own received 10 years the co-conspirators were also rounded up and received sentences of no less than 39 years murderers are optimists always believing they can get away with it but reality has a way of catching up with them one fact at a time on a sleepy Saturday morning in August 1988 a driver on a rural road outside of Oklahoma City was startled by the sight of a burning truck he got out to take a better look curiosity turned to horror when he saw the body of a man lying on the driver's side of the cab his leg dangling out of the open door after the fire department quenched the blaze Oklahoma City police investigated the scene the vehicle was annihilated a man was dead while police traced the vehicle to determine who the victim was the Sheriff's Department received a call from a woman whose husband hadn't returned from work Marilyn Plantz an Oklahoma City housewife told the sheriff that her husband Jim a newspaper press room supervisor should have been home two hours ago she was distraught it wasn't like him to be late Marilyn said that she'd last seen her husband at dinner the night before it was just like any other evening after the meal he went off to work he mentioned nothing about having to stay late the make and model of Jim planes' truck matched the burned vehicle later dental records prove the victim was indeed Jim plans city officials were left with a sorry task of telling Marilyn Plantz that her husband had died in a horrible accident but investigators weren't entirely convinced it was an accident a spot of blood found on the road behind the truck raised questions from the condition of the truck itself investigators quickly ruled out mechanical failure or a cigarette mishap as the source of the fire lieutenant Ralph Gibson led the investigation we found that there was a rag cotton rag and partially a burn in the gas tank indicated like someone tried to set it on fire to blow it up the actual fire was so hot that gasoline or something in that order was used that a burn so hot the glass actually melted in the vehicle the ferocity of the blaze gave investigators reason to suspect that the truck was intentionally torched the autopsy fueled those suspicions it revealed that plants suffered head trauma and broken forearms but his truck showed no signs of collision suggesting he was beaten then placed into the vehicle the gases in his lungs showed he was still alive when the truck was set ablaze the case officially became a homicide to find the killer Gibson first needed to find the motive Gibson learned from plants as employer that the victim had recently increased his company life insurance from fifty thousand to two hundred ninety thousand dollars he had a separate policy for an additional $20,000 dead Jim plants was worth more than three hundred thousand dollars the increase in insurance definitely got my attention as a motive for a homicide the beneficiary of the money was Jim's wife Marilyn Plantz it didn't seem likely that the young mother would be strong enough to beat her husband to the threshold of death and then drag him into his truck investigators asked her the routine questions about the state of her marriage her financial situation any enemies her husband may have had her answers were equally routine no motives or enemies came out of the conversation it began to look as though plants may have been the victim of a random act of violence Gibson persisted in the investigation as a routine we do when a work homicides I do a background investigation on the victim and associates and their vehicles upon checking Marilyn Plantz his vehicle I determined that it was talked about a week prior driving the car was a man named Clifford Bryson Marilyn Plantz was the passenger police wanted to know if they witnessed the theft a pickup truck that just occurred Bryson said he thought he recognized the driver it was a man named Roderick Ferris with nothing else to go on investigators followed this tenuous lead and decided to talk to Ferris there I didn't have far to go Ferris was in the city jail charged with stealing the truck perhaps he'd be willing to swap information for a more lenient sentence I asked him did he know Marilyn Plantz and he said yes he did know Marilyn he said what strange she offered him $10,000 to kill her husband he claimed it in since he was in the city jail he had no knowledge that he had been murdered thanks to Ferris the cast of characters in this deadly drama began to be revealed Ferris said Marilyn made the same offer to Clifford Bryson he said that Bryson and Marilyn were having an affair Bryson was called in for questioning and the finger-pointing continued at first Bryson claimed to have limited knowledge about the incident but as the interrogation continued he admitted that he knew about it beforehand he wasn't involved he said the man they were after was named clinton mckimble Bryson was arrested as an accomplice in short order Clinton with Tyndall was also brought in questioned and arrested he admitted that both he and Bryce and were the participants that they were solicited by Marilyn Plantz to kill Marilyn's husband Jim they waited inside the house beat him with baseball bats unconscious took him to 50th and sooner and setting the fire when the smoke cleared Gilbert had confessions from the murderers but he had only their word that Marilyn was the mastermind unless he could find some physical evidence to back that up she would go free police had every reason to suspect that Marilyn Plantz planned her husband's murder problem was they couldn't prove it confronted by police she denied everything a search warrant was served on her house the alleged scene of the crime investigators pulled back what looked like a new area rug it concealed spots and bleach stains on the wall to wall carpet below they cut the carpet revealing what resembled bloodstains soaked into the padding it was collected for testing in the lab tiny telltale spatters on the draperies and wall also were collected in the child's bedroom closet - stained baseball bats were found Bryson told police that after they burned the truck they returned to Marilyn's house because their clothes were covered with blood Marilyn gave them the victims clothes to wear they bundled their own clothes in a bag and disposed of them in a creek a half-mile from the plants his home to corroborate bryson and mckimble story the creek was searched for evidence the odds of finding this evidence were actually against us because we had several days of rain in the creek as well the diligent team managed to find the clothing the evidence from the creek and the plants home was bagged tagged and sent to the DNA serology laboratory of the Oklahoma City police there each piece was scrutinized to see if it contained blood and if that blood match that of Jim plants only then would bryson and mckimble zyk out be proved the outcome of the case rested on the shoulders of forensic chemist supervisor Joyce Gilchrist but some of the evidence didn't look hopeful I was very surprised that when the evidence was submitted to our laboratory from the clothing it was taken from a creek the request was made by detective Gibson for me to see if I could find any blood or bloodstains on the clothing cold running water is the best way to remove bloodstains the clothing had been in the current for over a week Gilchrist was fighting the odds she knew the chances of detecting blood let alone typing it would be slim to find traces of blood Gilchrist used luminol which makes bloodstains glow in the dark the luminol solution must be mixed just before use and applied right away it was sprayed onto the jeans then the lights were extinguished the faint glow provided a glimmer of hope the blood hadn't washed away now she had to see if its proteins were intact enough to identify whose it was before the advent of DNA testing investigators relied on blood typing which is less precise to determine the blood type on the evidence Gilchrist used a technique called absorption illusion bloodied threads from the genes were glued into small wells using ordinary nail polish then human antiserum was added it was incubated overnight under controlled temperature next day the blood was tested for its type a B for Oh surprisingly the tests on the blood were a success despite its time under water the blood was in good enough condition to reveal that it was Type A the same as jimp lenses the results were encouraging but not conclusive because type A blood is shared by millions of people to be certain the blood was the victims it was subjected to a more complex test for enzymes specific to his blood the chances of anyone else having the same set of enzymes are slim proteins are added to the samples drawn across by an electric current the samples react creating light and dark bands if the bands on the sample matched the bands created by the victim's blood gilchrist could be certain the unknown sample is plants his blood she had a match the blood on the jeans was undeniably the victims this part of the killer story checked out they did such a good job of wrapping the garments that they protected that blood for us so that when it went into the water the the blood was protected from being washed away by the water itself and the when the items were found by our investigators and then brought back to the laboratory to be analyzed I could make an association back to the victim very easily according to bryson and mckimble the murder occurred at planes' house the blood evidence collected there suggested this was so it was Gilchrist's job to prove it beyond a doubt the blood collected from the carpet walls and drapery were not as conspicuous as the blood on the clothing but the tiny droplets were in much better shape the same tests were performed on these samples the results came quickly the blood belonged to Jim plants the murder had obviously occurred in the plants his home just as bryson and mckimble had said now Gibson had to prove that Marilyn plants knew about it she was called in for an interview she denied just about everything that at first she didn't know any of the other two participants being Bryce and Hema Kimball then during the interview again she changed the story to fit the facts as she learned that we knew more than what she thought Marilyn insisted that she was asleep until about 8:00 a.m. she never heard her husband come home heard no commotion if bryson and mckimble killed the victim in her home it was totally without her knowledge Gibson had to prove that the new area rug wasn't the only thing lying in the plants his home he knew that Marilyn was trying to cover up her involvement in her husband's murder the new rug could be his most damning piece of evidence I was trying to find a way to link her to the purchase that rug because it was a new rug so I checked with the manufacturer of the rug and they told me one the primary carrier was Walmart and there was a Walmart just a few blocks from Marilyn's house so I've got a subpoena for the bank records of Marilyn Plantz and when I went through the bank records I found a check to Walmart on the day of the killing Gibson visited the store manager who retrieved the original receipt from Marilyn's purchase the itemized document showed that on the date of the murder she made two purchases a soft drink and an area rug the transaction occurred at 9:00 11:00 a.m. this is a girl who just report her husband missing and she goes and buy all right I'll have Nichole however 11 minutes after her store opens didn't shop a whole lot either the purchase of the rug was proof that Marilyn Plantz had full willful knowledge of the murder of her husband according to what police could discern when Jim plants came home from work that morning Marilyn's lover Clifton Bryson and his friend Clinton with Kimball were already there [Music] waiting to bludgeon him with baseball bats [Music] while Marilyn cleaned up the house the two men put the victim's body into his truck drove it to the remote Road doused it with gasoline and set it afire the victim should have been dead but he wasn't he made one futile attempt to flee the flames then he was consumed the truck should have exploded destroying the evidence but it didn't the three conspired to kill mr. plans for the insurance money the Kimble did it for forty five thousand dollars that he was promised his share the other two were going to take the rest of the money moved to Texas and went off to this particular insurance proceeds instead Marilyn Plantz and Clifton Bryson were sentenced to death clinton mckimble received life in prison [Music] many so-called perfect crimes are spoiled by the confessions of a participant a single word from a reliable source can send a solid alibi crashing to the ground it was the night of September 25th 1985 Yom Kippur the Jewish Day of Atonement had drawn to a close Vera and Gerald Woodman marked its passing at a dinner party at the home of Vera's sister in Bel Air California after bidding goodnight to their hosts the couple climbed into their car for the 15-minute drive to their condo in Brentwood they didn't know that their movements were being watched that they were heading into a trap [Music] Gerald Woodman was a self-made man earning his fortune with his plastics business he and Veera were married 45 years and raised three sons and two daughters though he was 67 years old that had undergone bypass surgery he was still energetic and refused to retire you make a right on his way toward wealth Woodman had evidently made some enemies [Music] the Woodman's pulled into their parking spot in the condo garage at about 10:30 p.m. but they never made it out of their car the ringing gunshots drew the attention of one of the residents who raced to see what the commotion was he caught only a glimpse of a single figure shrouded in black as it vanished into the darkness he called the police to describe what he'd seen la detectives Richard grunts Lee and Jack holder were assigned to the case holder knew it was going to be a tough one I received a call at home from my lieutenant Edie Henderson he advised me that we had a double homicide in West Los Angeles part of LA and that the suspect was described as a ninja warrior the media pounced on the image of a ninja assassin on the prowl in West LA the description was bolstered by the discovery of bare footprints at the murder scene but the murders relied more on firepower than martial arts investigators eventually surmised that the ninja garb was just a disguise and the footprints were made by the witness the media still clung to the ninja image Gerald had been shot once at close range Veera had been shot two times police found no shell casings so they knew the weapon was a revolver ballistics determined it was a 357 magnum a uniquely powerful weapon the motive for the crime wasn't immediately clear Gerald still had his wallet beerus still wore her jewels nothing in the car seemed to have been touched or taken to Richard Crosley the crime smacked of a professional hit so since no property was missing from either Vera or Gerald at that time and it appeared that the robbery was not a motive things crept into our mind that all of a sudden this could possibly be a murder for hire because hired killers have no connection to the victim they're harder to catch and because the person who orders the killing can do it from a distance and has time to establish an alibi he's harder to convict investigators needed to work the case from two angles first they would have to process all the evidence at the scene to catch the gunman then they'd have to compile a list of the Woodman's enemies to find out who ordered the hit they determined that the killers entered the garage by cutting a chain that secured a gate apparently two pieces of chain-link ended up in a nearby planter where they were recovered it wasn't a lot to go on but detectives knew that if they did their job right this tiny clue could be the first link in a chain of evidence that would lead to the killer in West LA two chain fragments were the only clues in the Woodman double homicide they bore no fingerprints they were brought to the LAPD's scientific investigations division for further analysis a low-power comparison microscope revealed that the scratches and imperfections on both pieces were continuous showing there were two halves of the same link the shape of the cut helped supervising criminalist Bill Llewellyn surmise the kind of tool used to make the cut I was further able to examine the pieces of chain link and determined that a tool that might have been used to cut the chain link would have been a bolt cutter while the physical evidence was being gathered police looked for a motive for the killings neighbors had told police that Gerald Woodman was involved with racehorses and gambling he might have gotten in over his head a look into his gambling debts turned up nothing in fact he'd done well he had no outstanding debts but another motive may have stood closer to home bureau Woodman's daughter and sister had an interesting story to tell they immediately proceeded to tell us about the dispute that had arisen between Gerald and his two older sons Neil and Stewart Woodman involving the takeover of the family business by the sons they were very intense and adamant that that that Neil and Stewart had killed their parents Gerald Woodman had built Manchester products his plastics company from scratch when he had a heart attack he entrusted it to his sons Neil and Stewart at the helm the sons rested the majority stock away from their father shutting him out Gerald spent most of his savings trying to win the company back the ensuing hatred split the family Neil and Stewart were no longer welcome at family functions Gerald and borough were not allowed to see their grandchildren everyone police spoke to gave the same story about the animosity that centered around the Woodman boys finally it was time to speak to them directly the brothers agreed to meet investigators at their Attorney's office now anytime that you want to interview a family member regarding their parents death why in the world you're going to get an attorney right then and then I think Jack and I decided these guys are involved now how we gonna prove it while Crutchley and holder pondered where to gather their next clue it walked in the door two former LA cops who moonlighted as security guards paid police a visit they said that a man named Steve hummock who was employed by Neil Woodman had recently hired them to keep Gerald and Vera Woodman away from their grandsons Bar Mitzvah the former police officers told investigators that hammock had given them some harsh instructions we would been told that mr. hammock had made the statement during a breakfast meeting prior to the bar mitzvah that meal had told Steve what are you gonna do if he comes around and this Steven replied that he would waste him a background check on Steve hummock revealed that he was a former LA cop who had been fired after less than one year on the force he was now living in Las Vegas and was under FBI surveillance for drug trafficking he and a business associate had flown from Las Vegas to LA the day before the killings and had returned to Vegas the day after placing hammock in Los Angeles on the night of the murders was a start but la is a big city anomic could have gone anywhere police learned that his brother Robert hammock lived less than four miles from the crime scene we also discovered that Robert hammock was involved in a traffic accident the night of the murders within a half a block of the murders this seemed like more than a coincidence tommix accident took place in the alley behind the Woodman's condo Robert hammocks record also showed that three months before the murders he had been questioned by police for apparently loitering around birra and Gerald's building it was the date of the Woodman's anniversary one of the few times Veera Woodman left the condo investigators suspected that the Woodman boys had hired the hummus to kill their parents it would take more than the evidence at hand to prove it federal agents had already put traces on Steve comics phone in Las Vegas many of the calls were to his brother to the Woodman's sons homes and office and two pay phones near their houses phone records for all of the suspects were analyzed they showed up flurry of activity just before the murders and looking at those records and our records we started putting everything together that there was all kinds of conversations linking these suspects to each other it was enough to obtain a search warrant for Steve hammocks apartment there they found copious Diaries detailing his activities but he gave everyone a nickname wrote everything in code investigators were able to crack it one of the things police learned from the diaries was that Stuart Woodman had hired Robert hummock to burglarize his own house so he could collect on the insurance he also stole and torched a company car for the same reason if Tomic was involved with the murder-for-hire he wasn't so rash as to write about it but his books did suggest that his brother Robert was often his partner in crime investigators next served a warrant on Robert Hammonds apartment four miles from the murder scene there they found a new pair of bolt cutters assuming that Robert hammock wouldn't have traveled far to purchase the tool detectives spoke to the clerk at the hardware store just down the street in his apartment the clerk confirmed that the cutter could make short work of chain-link and she recognized hummock from pictures detectives showed her she had sold him the cutter the bolt cutter was sent to the forensics lab to see if it was the tool that sheared the link outside the victims parking garage bill Llewellyn focused his microscope on the minut scrapings or strea on the blades essentially they are the bolt cutters fingerprint they are present on that bull cutter and and no other bolt cutter will have the same set of stripe pattern was really unusual about the bolt cutters in this case is they were virtually brand-new and you could sexually see marks on the jaws of the bolt cutters where they had been used to cut the chain link which may mind John much easier and that I had a very small area in which to focus my examination for the stripe patterns after examining the blade Ellen used it to cut a small piece of lead the soft metal became impressed with the blade stria without damaging the tools cutting surface austria on the led was then compared with the stria on the chain link from the comparison of Australia Llewelyn could determine indisputably that this bolt cutter cut this link the broken chain was the missing link that holder needed it found Robert hammock to the scene of the crime while the phone records and diary entries connected him to the Woodman brothers but without witnesses or motive the case was far from being locked up investigators struggled for six months to build their case against the hammocks and the Woodman brothers and then came a break one of the hammocks partners was arrested for unrelated charges to reduce his sentence he confessed to being a lookout on the night the victims were killed he said that the Woodman brothers ordered the hit that left only the motive on the surface it seemed like the Woodman sons had already gotten what they wanted they'd stolen their father's successful company out from under him why except for sheer hatred would they want to kill their parents the fact was under Neil and Stuart's control the company started to falter arrived badly they were doctoring the books according to detective holder they were desperate they had milked the company for every cent they could they were being audited by the banks and they were about to go under and they couldn't stand the thought of their father seeing them lose and go bankrupt fired by hatred motivated by greed and doomed by incompetence Neil and Stewart Woodman took their father's company and destroyed it Veera Woodman had a half million dollar life insurance policy payable to the company before it wasn't enough to get Manchester products out of debt but it was the only hope the Woodman boys hell holder and Crosley with the help of criminalist Bill Llewellyn had their evidence in place and were ready to arrest and prosecute armed with phone records journal entries my entrance confession and the cut chain link they were able to tell their story of murder for hire was the first time that LAPD had put on a case where they used to mark impressions as evidence the evidence was enough to convince the jury for conspiracy to murder Veera and Gerald Woodman Neil and Stewart Woodman received life in prison Robert hammock life without parole and Steve hammock there may be honor among thieves but the same cannot be said of murderers when the heats turned up confidences are broken partners betrayed and an assassin who's only in it for the money is willing to pay any price to save his own life once he agrees to bargain it's up to forensics to determine the truth of his tale [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The New Detectives
Views: 1,092,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The New Detectives, New Detectives, New Detectives Full Episode, Full Episodes, New Detectives Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True Crime Daily, Unsolved, FBI, FBI Files, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Unsolved True Crime, Mystery, Solved, Investigation, Police, Criminal, Forensics, Forensic Science, Science, murder for hire, Gerald and vera, gerald woodman, vera woodman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 59sec (3179 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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