Women Arise 2016: Day 2, Sessions 4, 5 - Carrie Pickett, Speaker Panel

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and so as we continue on this afternoon I want to introduce carry ticket to you Carrie Carrie is one of our instructors at Kara's Bible College she was in ministry in Russia for 11 years and they started a Bible School over there Carrie went over there as a youngster single and and started a Bible College she's an amazing woman of God so you're never too young the vision is never too big and right now she and her husband Mike have returned to the United States with their two young children and they're part of ministering to our international locations of Karis Bible College they have great leadership and so I know Carrie is gonna bless you with what she has to say so let's give Carrie a warm welcome [Applause] [Music] all right hallelujah all right I get to round out this so I'm gonna load you up and shoot you out all right so this is awesome hasn't this been great amen you know you were here for such a time as this it was not a mistake amen and I you know just in preparing for this conference and praying about it and just seeing the different people that were coming I just really saw that people were coming with expectant hearts amen and God always wants to meet not just what we're expecting but far above amen all that we could ask think or imagine amen so like Aaron was saying my name is Carrie Pickett and I Greta was a graduate from Charis here in 1999 I was 21 years old when I moved to Russia and my husband and I just returned this last June so I was in Russia for 16 years actually and this last year we've been to the stay in the States and so this is my 17th year working with Andreo and Karis Bible colleges and I love it I love this ministry and it's a privilege to stand before you and just share how good god is amen and that he can use anybody hallelujah so my testimony and I just love what everybody has been sharing what barb with Kathy been sharing and just been getting in worship today that you know God has created us for a special purpose and one of the things you know I was just praying about and Laurie had given me a word and as I was listening to everybody was again okay how does this all fit together and and I see how God's bringing it together so I'm excited about what we're going to do here in this last session but before that I'm gonna give something away so I have three things here and these are three courses and and we have some in the back so many up sold already so whatever is left on the table that's what's there so but we also have a brochure so if you want to get some more we have a way you can contact us but these are three courses this is a course called unraveled called understanding God's love for you and this is a life changing course this is an eight hour series on God's love but it's not about how you can love God more it's not about how you can do more from that's not what this course is about it's about God's love for you not your love for God so many times people get confused in the love of God well you know if I love God I'm gonna I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna fast and I'm gonna work with children hallelujah and if I love God I'm gonna do this and you know how much we do depends on how much God will bless us that's what a lot of people believe and this is really gonna show you it's not about what you do for God it's what God has done for you amen and if you can get a revelation of God's love you are set that becomes your foundation for everything becomes the foundation for your identity in Christ your authority in Christ cos you know that you are loved of the father so who would like this amen and have fun you men all right amen so the next one is called lifestyle of intimacy you know we talk about relationship with God and we and we know we're supposed to abide in him and we know it's just so you know worship Him but sometimes just the practical aspects how do I build relationship with God and you know it's not just reading your Bible and praying and worshiping and there those are amazing dynamics but it's how we do them we don't just check off you know read my three chapters check it off and whoo hallelujah I live the rest of the day for myself you know it's about learning how to abide in him and have a lifestyle of intimacy not moments but lifestyle into me so this is going to talk about how you learn how to fellowship with God and hear his voice so amen who would like this one alright alright this is a course this is the course that I had taught in in leadership school it's called the joy of living in your vision amen and for a lot of people they believe this is a call of God on their lives but they just don't know how to start and how to step in it so this is really a practical guide of how to discover the call of God on your life there's certain feelings and emotions and desires you have but how do you put them into motion what are some of the first steps how do you counter the attacks and lies of the enemy as you're moving into your vision so this is called the joy of living in your vision and I will give that to you to give away alright she's putting them in her back pocket amen no fistfights ladies all right you're welcome amen so I have another course we just had some technical difficulties so we weren't able to get it duplicated but I have another course called surviving people how to live out healthy conflict resolution amen you know how you survive people you have to resolve the conflict within you first your own heart your own attitude your own emotions your own expectations amen resolve those things put them in the hands of God and then you can start to really build healthy relationships with people because you begin to build them out of the foundation of your relationship with God so that we had some technical difficulties with but if you go to the back table you can grab this it gives our information to our ministry we're called equip Ministries International we had put that ministry together a number of years ago and my husband and I first got married because our desire is to help people get started in ministry and that means being a mom being a business owner being a pastor whatever God's called you to that is your ministry amen and so just really equipping you and helping you with that so grab that from the back amen so what I want to do I first I want to just say thank you as well to Aaron for putting this conference together you had a team amen and Aaron has is this quiet warrior that has fought for you to get it not just to be one afternoon and not just one night it's two nights now and soon will be three and four hallelujah you know can you imagine when that big buildings done and there's a thousand women over there worshiping the Lord a man they better put some good supports in because we're gonna bring the roof down okay so I'm just excited so Aaron thank you so much and she just brought a team together and it's just amazing team and also on a recognized bar Barb and Lawson where my pastors growing up so I was eager ten-year-old girl when they first moved to Kit Carson and they just poured the Word of God into me amen yes and I was I was 10 years old 10 11 years old babysitting their kids and so that was that was fun so I get to enjoy the fruit of that as well amen I want to talk about something really important just as we close out today you know we've been talking and you know Kathy was talking about being a you know last night session being a a woman who knows God's will we're not que sera sera you know because if we are que sera sera than the enemy's like well okay well let me just throw some things your way and you know when we know the good and pleasing and perfect will of God I think that's just such an awesome promise of God that we can know the perfect will of God what a gift we don't have to be women they're like I have no idea I don't know I'm just gonna survive I'm just gonna try to get my to-do list done today right we can actually live with purpose knowing this is where I'm supposed to be and so when we're doing when we're setting our hands to things they are prospering amen I was thinking about this as I was coming into town today there's a phrase in Russian called as ol attire zolotoy rog key and it's a Russian back there it's a having golden hands Zola things in China golden woman basically that everything she do she she's good at doing she's talented at doing and I just thought you know that is the body of Christ as women you have an anointing at what you do and we read it took day in Psalms chapter one that whatever you do will prosper a man and that's awesome and we hear that and I was blessed by that last night you know barb sharing today that we were designed that we were workmanship that were the favorites of God and we have the power of the word within us and then Cathy finished up talking about you know being perfected we're already perfect on the inside but we're being perfected and so I'm listening out and this is this is awesome are getting encouraged and we're getting built up so what I want to do before we go today is I just want to let you know that the enemy tries to come immediately to steal the word and to tell you that yes that was good but look at really look at you I mean come on look at you and the enemy is gonna try to bring these lies and so I want to talk about fear today I want talk about you know so many times the enemy tries to bring this fear and and and we hear this message of hope and a hearts grab onto our spirit gets so excited but then right there the enemy's trying to lie to us and I want us to recognize the attacks of the enemy amen because when you recognize his lies especially by having the word in you that's how you refute the lives of the enemies so we recognize it it's not just oh well this is my life and my family situations are que sera sera so leaving here going no I I know God's plan for my life so you know the devil is all about fear and I don't want to cry Lord okay this is just mean God talking okay I don't want to cry okay just in case you know I'm not a woman that lives in fear and I ask such a great foundation such a great relationship with God I just praise God that I was told that you know I could base my life on the Word of God so I just have not lived with fear and even when I went to Russia as a single woman I was like whoa yeah and so I just don't I just never struggled with fear and this last year was extremely hard different attacks that had cam since we had gotten back to the states and was I almost a year ago we lost a baby oh gosh I didn't want to cross and go I knew God was gonna have me share this with you amen and I bless I think my sister my sister's over here Oh Lord and I remembered that the morning I was losing the baby sheet and I was crying because I thought I'm not supposed to cry that's a lack of faith amen and she just said you know pers tears are just liquid prayers and I was like that is a sermon right there liquid prayers well Jesus I'm gonna start praying that's yeah amen I really have a healed heart it's just it's a tender spot how many of you have tender spots things that have happened and you know God is good a man it's just tender and I praise God that he's not just a God of grace he's a God of love and mercy and kindness amen and so anyway ha I think Jesus all right I think we're done uh-huh anyway uh and I you know it's really interesting because I began to notice that there were subtle fears that began to camp come in and this is one of the things I just want to tell you is because so many times the enemy is trying to bring certain fears that you don't even realize they're going against the Word of God you know and so when we talk about arising as women some of the things that keep us from arising is certain fears like I want it but what about this well what if this happens with what what if this doesn't work right and so there's the certain fears that try to hold us back from those things that God is wanting to do and I noticed for me and I didn't even realize this you know after I had lost the baby I had put on about I don't know 15 maybe 20 pounds praise God Gerda soon because I'm hiding it right now mm-hmm sorry for the men in the room and and and I I just couldn't get back on my exercise schedule because boy win right when I started working out I mean one-handed push-ups I can get it done right but um I just couldn't get back into it and I was like what is wrong with me and I realized and the Lord just showed me one day he said well you know if you because I wanted to lose the weight so we could have another baby he said you're not losing the weight because you're still feel fearful that it might happen again and I didn't even realize that was a lie that I had believed you know don't take this action because then it will lead to this or could lead to that and you just have these different lies that come and one of the things I just want to do is just address these lies and just talk about how do you fight the lies and attacks the enemy because the thing is is that fear is always attached to the life amen he is the father of all lies so when he lies to you it's just to bring fear it's just to bring doubt into your life you know we have this the devil is about fear you know the fear of the unknown well I don't know what's gonna happen right how many of you like to know exactly what's gonna happen amen because we want to what control it amen mm-hmm I think I'm talking to a bunch of women in here okay we have a fear of what might go wrong well if I do this this could go wrong and this could go wrong and because we want things to be what perfect okay fear of being disappointed right we don't want to be disappointed again we want everything to be just beautiful and just it's it meets my expectations and here's the thing in and and the Lord just really has spoken so I've just been meditating on this phrase you know this last couple couple probably this last four or five days you know with so many times we have expectations expectations of what our marriage is supposed to look like expectations of what being a mother supposed to look like expectations of what it means to be a ministry or being Church or be a daughter of all these expectations and the enemy is always about trying to destroy your expectations so that you lose hope and instead of living with expectations I want to have an expectant heart because God doesn't want us to put limitations on him Lord I want it to be like this this this this and this instead we should go Lord I want your will to be done in my life so Lord I'm just wide open I want what you have for me amen and then you know what I don't have to fight disappointment because I'm gonna be so blessed by the bigger picture and the better blessings and the greater promises because I've allowed God to work in my life versus saying okay I want you to do it now and this way in this way amen we also have the fear of not being enough so many times there's this fear of you know I'm not enough I'm not enough for my husband I could be better for my children you know I I read these blogs of super women and I'm just like you have time to blog I'm like wow Lord bless him you know III left before I came to the conference yesterday and my daughter was projectile vomiting before I came here this morning she thrown up three times and my son bless his heart had messed his diaper so much it filled up three cracks three cracks on the couch okay I will remain humble amen so yes nice life just happens and you think all this how do I get all this together and sometimes you feel like I'm not good enough I'm fear of not good enough some people start talking about being supernatural and world changes you're like really I can't get my carpet vacuumed right and so you put all these expectations upon yourself and I just want us to say you know why God loves you he knows exactly where you are and His grace is more than enough I don't have to fear these things we don't have to fear that God won't choose you to do his work so many times we look at ourselves and we want to be used by God but we compare ourselves to the people around us so well you know why would God choose me and there's a fear of well I'm just not qualified and as we've learned we have been qualified we have been equipped we have been transformed amen but what I want to talk about today is how do we understand and live out of that fear and so what I want you to do is I want you to turn to a first John chapter 4 when we talk about fear you know so many times people say well the opposite of fear is faith you seem to have faith but the opposite of fear is not faith the opposite of fear is love a man praise God my kids build aren't apple juice on my Bible and the pages are sticking it is a miracle I am put together today amen so hallelujah first John chapter 4 ok let's start in verse 16 so we have come to know and to believe and I'm reading out of the ESV the English standard version so we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us god is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God in him by this is love perfected with us so that we might have confidence for the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear for fear has to do with torment and whoever fears has not been perfected in love these are powerful verses amen I love this in verse 16 so we have come to know and believe the love of God there's two sermons right there come to know Amen it's a discovery process of knowing God's love but you know what you're the only one who can choose to believe it Amen God loves you unconditionally but it's a place where you and I as we come to hear about God's love we study about God's love we have to choose to believe you know what I am loved of God every bubble in me amen I am loved of God hallelujah because that is your foundation to be able to rebuke every fear because the enemy you know if how many of you have fears all right Amen we're honest in here in those fears you know so many times when I have a fear about some of the Lord's just like Kerry in this place whether it's prosperity or you know you're struggling with finances and you're fearful what's gonna happen in the future or you're fearful about relationships or you're fearful about you know what if God doesn't heal me and what if I die and God just saying listen it's in that area if you're experiencing fear you just don't have a revelation of how much I love you because if we can get a revelation of how much he loves us then when the enemy tries to bring up that fear and you say no I'm loved I am his favorite he has provided these things it gives you a platform to rebuke fear amen so we talk about that unravel we talk about in that course on unravel just how to grow and how to know and believe the love of God for you because the enemy is telling you all the time that you know you're not enough so therefore to God you're not enough and if you want God to really love you you need to do more that's just religion and that's just a lies and attacks of the enemy amen so and we understand this a perfect love casts out fear so that we can truly what our eyes we can truly say you know what I am anointed and I am filled with the power of the Spirit of God and I do have wisdom for every situation remember when I had my first daughter I have a daughter Eliana she's six years old and I have a son Michael he's three and I remember I got a card when I first had the baby you know I've raised giving us presents and gifts and stuff like that and this card I kept this card and was in her baby book because you get a lot of cards but this card I kept because she said she wrote in there she says you're the mom God gave her to you therefore you have wisdom to raise her and I was like a man she's mine right therefore God has given me wisdom to racer and I have wisdom and went on say you have wisdom for every season amen the things that God has placed within your lives your marriage your children your business your education your friendships you have the whiz to live within what God has given you amen you have the wisdom for every season of your life not your own wisdom hallelujah cuz as women we can try it's so easy to try to do things in our own strength and our own multi-tasking super power abilities right amen I am a professional plates flipped plate spinner amen can't even say it amen you're gonna have so many things that you're doing but God's giving you wisdom because you are anointed because it's not just about you it's about something greater within you and I want to talk about how do we live in the power of getting out of fear and how do we surrender to what God has for us and you know I was talking about I was talking in a class one night here and I was talking about surrender and so many times when we surrender and like things go to God you know we're like okay Lord I just need to surrender this and I need to let this go to you God also spoke to me really quickly and he just said carry what about surrendering the things that you've let and grab ahold of you see so many times we think I've got to surrender what I've held on to but so many times we've let things attach themselves to us right and I'm not talking about you know marriage or children but there something's just attitudes and disappointments we've allowed themselves to attach themselves to us and we've allowed it to become our identity and so you know what I'm just gonna say I surrender those things I surrender those attitudes I give that to the Lord you can arise and who God's called you to be and arise in that transformation work that we were talking about early and arise in that equipped part of you amen so because so many times if you look at yourself and say you know I'm not equipped I look at the people around me and there's so much you have so much more experience such a better testimony and we're always again trying to disqualify ourselves listen God has not disqualified you the cross qualified you to be a child of God Amen so we just have to look to the cross to see what he has done for us allelujah so what I want to talk about as well you know to get out of fear is when we realize just who we are in the spirit and you know it's such a simple message but it is life-changing if we can understand who we are in the spirit because it is from that place we understand I'm equipped it's from that place we understand that I am perfect right so your spirit is perfect when you became born-again the Spirit of God came to live inside of you hallelujah the fullness of the kingdom lives within you look at your neighbor and said you are full amen you are full notice we didn't say look at your neighbors say you're full of it amen hallelujah you are full of the Spirit of God amen and so many times we look at the mirror and we're judging ourselves and our potential and our opportunities by what we see in the mirror and you're not supposed to be looking in this earthly natural mirror you're not supposed to be looking at yourself through the opinions and viewpoint and perspective of the people around you hallelujah that'll catch you up not you up and spit you out Amen but when we've realized Amen this is our mere Amen I look into this perfect law of Liberty I like that law of Liberty amen this brings freedom this doesn't bring condemnation this doesn't bring bondage this doesn't bring shame it brings Liberty Amen I look into this and I see what I am you see what you are saying this is who I am in the spirit so I can look at this word and say Amen hallelujah that's who I am when you realize this is who you are in the spirit turn to psalms 119 verse 41 and 42 and this is a powerful verse when we talk about how do we respond to the devil right and we respond with this word we respond with this mirror no no no I know who I really am Psalms 119 verse 41 and 42 says let your steadfast love come to me O Lord your salvation according to your promise then shall I have an answer for him who taunts me for I trust in the word Amen you say no I believe what the word says love me so I have an answer hallelujah I can tell fear every question mark that comes up the devil's big on question marks well what if question mark and then we live within that question mark and we never move out of it praise God you can have an answer so you don't have to live with the questions over you can know the good and pleasing and perfect will of God and you have an answer because you know the Word of God this is who I really am so because this word says on that's how I can arise and I can rebuke every lie that comes against me I can speak life and prosperity over my finances and over my children I can speak unity and vision into my marriage amen I can speak healing to my body and to my relationships because you have an answer and it's coming from the Word of God so all the scriptures that Barbara sharing today about the Word of God those are vital amen that our trust is in the word because that is showing us who we really are in the spirit I want to I want to share three or four key scriptures with you and these have been scriptures that God has spoke to me oh my goodness for years because again so many times we look at ourselves and we disqualify ourselves because of what we see in the natural but we have to gain get a picture of who we are in the spirit because if you can get that picture of who you are in the spirit then you start to live not only boldly what's the word not only boldly but I mean your I got it ferocious amen where you standing up in your taking ground you're not just gardening trying to frantically keep your ground from sinking Amen you're taking ground amen it's not just your household that's being saved amen friends and family and and people in your kids school and you're taking ground you're seeing the enemy be defeated Exodus chapter 31 verse 3 I love this this is you know he was talking a story about the tabernacle was being built in and God was giving skills to the people who needed to build the tabernacle I was talking about one particular man here and he said this in verse 3 he says and I have filled him talking about this craftsman okay I have filled him with the Spirit of God with ability and intelligence with knowledge and all craftsmanship when I read that I was like that's about me amen you are filled with the Spirit of God and so when you feel like you don't have the skills or the ability or the talent or wisdom I want you to put this verse up on your mirror and start declaring yourself you know what I am filled because I'm filled with the spirit I have ability I have intelligence I have knowledge and I have all craftsmanship to do what I'm called to do whether that's being a mom or that they're doing business whether you're in ministry whatever God's called you do you can do it with ability intelligence and craftsmanship because you have the Word of God you have the Spirit of God living inside of you amen that's awesome hallelujah Isaiah chapter 48 I have these written in the front of my Bible so when I start to look at myself God says would you look in the front of your Bible and remember what I about you Isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 thus says the Lord your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel I am the Lord your God who teaches you to prophet who leads you in the way you should go that's a good promise right there I like that I am the Lord your God not you you're not God honesty's you know women's confidence not long ago and as I said it I thought man that's good God said you know your place is not on the throne your place is on my lap you're still you're still near the throne hallelujah it's just you realize it's not your throne hmm hallelujah your place is not on the throne your place is on his lap because there you receive all the direction that you need all the peace that you need amen that's where you hear the father said this is how I see you this is how I made you this is how I love you and it's on his lap that's your tender spots get strong again amen and your tender spots become places of great platform of testimony amen where you're able to say this is my victory this is what God has done and this is how good he is Amen we don't get healed when we're out by ourselves we get healed and we're on his lap we get hole in his presence that's why it's not supposed to be I visit you for 20 minutes shunting all of us on the bus on the love asunder shuttle about to check check check three chapters okay Jesus I'm off bless me protect me and dear Lord fill my checkbook amen so Lord make everything in this day prosper as I do it in my own strength my own wisdom my own ability and my own emotions amen no that's not that's not what the relationship is about that's not how we become people that our whole whole women amen whole in the body of Christ we have such an amazing place in the body of Christ as women and our husbands and the men around us have such an incredible place in the kingdom and the body of Christ you don't have to be in competition with anybody amen this is off-track by just like the Lord says to say this you know what you don't have to prove yourself as a woman that will says nothing about proving yourself as a woman amen it's not one you know I'm gonna show them I'm just anointed as any man up there I can lead just as good or better you know what don't let pride enter into your heart you do not need to prove yourself a man your identity is and not how much better you are than anyone else around you your identity is how good and how big God is within you that has to be our identity amen and then you don't have to you don't have to prove yourself amen you just let God flow through you hallelujah I mean I had women you know come to me and be like man you know and and I I lived in Russia for 16 years right and they call it Mother Russia for a reason that country is run by the strongest women I have ever met amen World War 2 decimated the population of men in st. Petersburg alone where I lived for almost 12 years there are seven women to every man amen and they are desperate for a man if you're not 20 if you are not married by 20 you are an old maid if you do not have children and not married by 21 well then you need to go out find a man get pregnant just so you'll have someone who will take care of you but they're strong women the church is led by thousands and thousands of strong women and you know there is still the spirit that said you know as women we got to prove ourselves we're just as big and just as great just as mighty as the men I said you know it's not a had nothing to do it being a woman or being a man it's about being a child of God it's about being a person of the Word of God amen and your gifts will make room for you the Spirit of God will make room for you there's so there's people in here today they feel like you have gotten passed over that you have not been promoted that you have sacrificed and you have given for so long and you're tired and you're saying god when is my reward where is my reward and God says I have seen your heart I have seen your labor and keep your heart soft because in my time I will shine through you this is not about you says the Lord it's about me but to keep our eyes on Jesus amen turn to Isaiah chapter 33 verses 5 and 6 it says the Lord is exalted for he dwells on high he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness and I love this and he will be the stability of your times how many of you ever had it just a crazy week that melted into a crazy month that became a crazy decade amen and you just feel like you're constantly behind I love the scripture because I could just be like Lord you are the stability of my times amen he is the strength of your day he wants to be the leader of your to-do list hallelujah he'll be the stability of your time's abundance of salvation wisdom and knowledge the fear of the Lord is science treasure amen he'll be the stability of your times you don't have to fear what's coming or what you don't have control of you said lord I thank you you are the stability of my times and because of that when you tell me to do something I can arise and do it because I'm arising on the foundation of you amen I'm arising on the abundance of your salvation that is within me so I'm not gonna look to the things of the flesh but I'm gonna look to the things of the Spirit because that's going to be my strength and my wisdom and the ability that comes out of me amen there's a verse in job job chapter 23 verses 13 and 14 he says but he is unchanging and who can turn him back what he desires that he does this part here for he will complete that which he appoints for me and many such things are in his mind you know there is a call of God on your life amen and we talk about our heisting and being everything that God's called us to be he says I have many things appointed for you you know as we as we kind of lived through this year and just again that tender spot of my heart it's amazing the other subtle fears that started to come in I wasn't fearful about losing my family but just the thought of losing any my husband or my other children just brought me to tears I mean I was on the verge of tears just every moment and I was just like what is this Lord my strength my hope everything is in the Word of God now it's just like why what's going on here and although just said you know there's just fears just just real subtle things and I just really feel like the Lord wants to some of you know exactly what your fears are you know and you let them be and be what holds you back and if I can be so bold as to say an excuse so many times our fear we let that be an excuse from really stepping out and doing what we know God has called us to do we have this fear of that we're not going to be accepted or not going to be looked at or we're gonna look this foolish and so use that as excuse to never step out am i speaking to anybody in here today amen and praise God he is the answer amen so we don't have to bring excuses we can just say lord I don't know how to respond but I'm not gonna use an excuse about myself anymore somehow turn to your word and I'm gonna let that establish my heart because lord I believe that you've appointed me for more there's so much there's so much more that God has for your life and weevil so many times we allowed these fears and these excuses to put the boundaries on the power of the Spirit with inside of us and you know the Holy Spirit is such a gentleman he will not force himself amen he will not make you do what he says he will not make you live for him or fall in love with him he is a God who pursues us but he's a God who does not force us he pursues us and says I want to woo you would you allow yourself to be wooed would you allow yourself to be loved by me to so many times and I have and I've worked with so many individuals and women who say I listen to all these sermons and I want that but then they look back at their flesh and say but how can God work with this when God looks at you he does not see this hallelujah he sees his spirits amen when God looks at you he gets excited about you oh yeah when you wake up in the morning you know like Cathy was saying we wake up tomorrow Oh Lord I am so spiritual right now amen you have those moments you wake up in your leg wow I'm anointed and then you get frustrated and you're like I'm a worm the enemy is terrified that you truly become the city on the hill he's terrified Oh Lord well one woman can do get a thousand together oh my gosh amen he's his whole goal is to get your eyes off of who you are in the spirit because it's when your eyes are on who you are in the spirit then you start to walk what after the spirit Romans chapter eight five and six is for those who set their mind on the things of the Spirit they shall walk after the things of the Spirit paraphrase but those who set their mind on the things of the flesh what will walk after the flesh so if you see the flesh in your life and frustration then we have two Psalms there where on my eyes what have I set my eyes upon when I think of setting your eyes upon something I'm not talking about a vague okay yeah okay sure got okay yeah all right well I'm talking about an intense focus where you say I surrender and I set my focus on my priority on you god I set my eyes on Who I am in the spirit and some people say well I don't even know who I am and the spirit how can I operate and get free from fear and be who God's called me to be when I don't even know what yes the Spirit of God loves me what does that mean get in this hallelujah whenever I get a new Bible which I think I'm in need of uh-huh I always started in Ephesians it's the first book I go to and I start marking that baby up amen and just I love Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians I remember when I was memorizing it when I was a kid you know God's eternal Power Company Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians man your power is who knows tune those books amen you start to realize what grace is done for you and the power that lives within you and the heritance of the Spirit of God with inside of you so that you can live as an example within this world because just as much as God wants to do so much in you he also wants to do so much out of you because as much as Paul talked about the grace of God you know what else he talked about be an example set an example follow my example as I follow Christ amen be fragrance in this world to those who are believers and to those who are perishing do not look down on yourself because you are young but set in a example to the believers in your life your love your faith your speech and your period he says you can have such a non-fire life that the believers around you go man you make me want more God amen because if your brothers and sisters are not being blessed by you I guarantee the people at the grocery store aren't either amen there's something that God wants to so stir up within you and activate within you a man Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 only have a few more minutes here how many have you been blessed by these last two days amen let's not as grown women of God live with a youth camp mentality but go we go we're on fire I'm gonna stop drugs and I'm gonna stop chasing after boys hallelujah amen our life has changed in that week and then we come back home and we get involved in just life and fights with our sister and chores from our mom and dad and Joe demonstrate you know remember those who remember youth camp you know we're gonna live for God and then you know two months later where's my Bible right as grown women let's not do that either amen let's not all right let's not confine and limit our relationship and the stirring of what God's wanting to do in our hearts to this two days amen or the next retreat there's so many people I see follow conferences and they follow retreats because they need their emotions stirred up they need encouragement but they don't know how to live in it every day and God says I am with you guys I've given you the Spirit of God you have the Holy Spirit within you that said I promise to lead you and guide you amen I just love that and I just I have such a relationship with the Holy Spirit so many times in my day I'm like Holy Spirit would you please remind me to pray today amen I'm just being real you know as I'm scrubbing the floor and throw up off the floor God's like this would get time to pray amen hallelujah folding laundry doing bills is even you could be praying in the spirit right now shut off the radio amen talk to the Lord and man he wants to create a lifestyle of intimacy with you so we're not running after emotions but we're learning how to live in a depth of intimacy with God and so our identity becomes established in that relationship so when the enemy tries to bring lies and the pinions and fear you say no I know who I really am because when I when I make mistakes when you make mistakes we can stop and say wait a minute I know who I am I know how Jesus sees me right now so I will arise on that revelation and I will continue to go on I will arise on what the Word of God says I will arise on truth because that is my foundation I love what Andrew says and he was sharing this we there was a breaking the silence livecast that Andrew did and if you did not see that I'm going to encourage you to go to the archives and look at that conference it was powerful about our place as the body of Christ it's men women in this generation and this government and this time it's not a mistake you were born for such a time as this God needs bold people right now he needs uncompromising people right now filled with the love of God amen not not not no at all people Amen people filled women filled with the love of God hallelujah but any said this he says you know we live in freedom based on the truth that we know right so that's why it's so important that you make your relationship with God the absolute priority and you set your mind on the things of the Spirit because as you spend time in that word as you spend time saying this is who I really am Holy Spirit lead me guide me teach me bring these things back to my remembrance you know what happens then from that level of truth you start to live in that freedom amen we should have such teachable hungry hearts it says Lord teach me I want to know more Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 because we have ten seconds nine eight seven okay these chapter three verse 20 amen not to him who is able to do far more abundantly than we could ask or think according to what the power at work within us you have the Spirit of God therefore you have the ability to overcome every lie and every doubt and every fear in every boundary that tries to tell you that you can't arise you will arise and shine because the Spirit of God Himself the fullness of the Godhead bodily the fullness of the kingdom of God amen the Lion of the tribe of Judah Jehovah Rapha the healer the provider lives within you it's not you trying to give more of God it's looking and saying father I thank you that you are here so teach me amen so that I can walk in that freedom Amen father I just thank you for your power that is at work within us and lord I distinct you that we would not be distracted by the lies limp enemy we would not let our focus and our gaze be taken away from who we are in the spirit I thank you that the flesh in all of its greatness and success or in all of its failures neither one of those things deter us from the greater revelation of who you are within us and learn from that revelation I thank you that we arise and we stand and we say I am a child of God I am a daughter of God I am victorious because of these spirit so we look at ourselves in the mirror saying whoa you are righteous and you are redeemed and you are beautiful and you are filled with ability intelligence wisdom craftsmanship father I think that you are the stability of our times and in our marriages and our homes and in our finances and in our health or we love you or bless your name amen hallelujah well thank you everyone this has been a privilege to minister to you I'll pass it back to Aaron as they're setting up for the Q&A I just want to let you know that we're gonna do the question and answer session but I really want to encourage you to stay don't leave before that's over we're gonna have a time after that of prophetic ministry and worship and you don't want to miss it out out on it so we want to encourage you to stay for that will be moving into that as they're preparing here I want to remind you that the Resource Center will be open afterwards and as we go through this time we're gonna I'm going to moderate it we're gonna ask the questions that you've turned into to us and I believe God has continued revelation you know we may have 50 cards or 20 cards but I bet there's 20 people for every question we have that would like to know that same answer and so we're gonna hear what the Spirit of God has to say through Cathy and Barbara and Kerry as we get ready to move into that time have you enjoyed today has God ministered to your heart that's awesome Cathy and Barbara and Kari would you come up here and join me please okay y'all ready are you ready to hear some answers okay this first one says I am a single woman would it be unwise to begin a relationship with a man that respects my heart for God but doesn't want his own relationship with God is there scripture on this single woman in the Word of God says do not be unequally yoked and even if they respect your relationship and they respect religion you know you cannot build a home on a rock one of you on the rock and one of you on the sand because when the storm comes who's gonna fall apart the whole house because especially if you're marrying someone you're submitting not just your future children and family but the very call of God on your life in that marriage and you want someone who's gonna love God more than they will ever love you amen and your heart may be lonely and your heart may even feel love for this person and you may feel even that God you know it's just it's such a God story there's so much possibility you know what you wait amen do not let your self be driven by being a desperate woman for love because if you will allow God he wants to do something that's supernatural in in your life and God only wants to give you someone who can lead you and strengthen you and cause even your relationship with God to be more amen I'll just finish it off by saying marriage is not the time to be an evangelist I remember Lawson used to say when I was growing up he says no missionary Dayton Carey I know you're called to be a missionary but no missionary dating I think that if you have if you're believing for a husband and you're single you should have a checklist and and the very top of that list should be he loves God and he knows God and the second things he has he should have beautiful eyelashes or or maybe he's rich but you know no matter what it has to start at the top that got yes to know God and love God because everything else can fall into place if you have that common understanding you know adjusting our first Oh Zbornak we weren't saved when we got married we were heathens and so I really can't speak to that in that way but if I had to do it over again and if I was born again I know today I'm so glad that Jesse and I have this common relationship that we both love God and even when we mess up you know we have this little thing that we always do we don't go to bed angry and we watched this movie years ago called Schindler's List and and we like this we like the old movies like I told you last night but we take little snippets from different movies and one from Schindler's List was how Schindler got the combat on who was killing people shooting them with his rifle from the balcony he would he told him how it was more divine to pardon so he was you know practicing pardoning people rather than killing them randomly and so we take that little part from that movie and even though Jesse may do something and actually I think I thought of this anyway I said I pardon you and so we pardoned each other sometimes we don't always get it right but we made sure that we don't let the Sun go down on our wrath because wrath does come even between a relationship in a marriage even though you both know the Lord so think how much more difficult it would be if you would be connected with someone who didn't serve God or no God so dating does lead to marriage so it would be great to get it right from the beginning all right I have a woman here who says I've always felt my calling was to be a wife and a mother when my husband left me you have three children I felt lost I continued with my calling of being a mom but now that my children ago got grown I have no idea what my calling is how do I find my calling when my original one has gone away I would say that as a parent what you did you just from what I'm hearing is you did very successfully as parents we want to raise our children to become adults and so I would say you did that part that season of your life very well we do have different seasons but it doesn't change who we are in Christ ultimately we get our identity you know Kerry has talked a lot about this you know our identity from Christ and there are different seasons but it hasn't changed that part of you and made me what Barr was saying earlier too you know I think sometimes you think okay this is a season now what's next and you know it you're always going to see just receive direction from your time with the Lord and so I'm just gonna say you know sometimes since I've been spending time with the Lord and asking him what I'm supposed to do please understand that wherever you are is part of the influence so I would look around to your friends and family that are around you this is still part of your call praise God those kids are gonna have baby someday and you're gonna be a grandma but understand that you know out of your relationship with God that's your identity because so many times I'm just for those of you that maybe are currently in that mom season you know being a mom and a wife is a huge part of our ministry and an amazing gift amen it is a gift of God you get to raise up the next generation hallelujah what amazing honor but still that is not your identity don't lose your identity of a daughter of being a daughter of God to being a wife and a mother because if you can be truly understanding your identity in Christ then your ability to be a daughter and to be a wife and to be a mother comes out of that and then also the same time God is creating still new abilities in you and wisdom and experience within you so you always have a platform to minister to other people and barb said earlier what are you passionate about what were those three questions you asked earlier I just what what are you what are you good at and what brings you joy and where do you feel a need where do you see a need and you know I went from a single woman to a married woman to a house full of boys and then an empty-nester and as Carrie mentioned they they get married and we start multiplying again and then they want to spend time with you again and so you know we do have these different seasons but it doesn't change that very special place you know with our Lord that he is ultimately our source and we get our identity from from him and just you know as you mentioned God will give you wisdom for that season in your life so I have a couple of questions here that kind of run along the same vein and and I'm gonna read parts of both of them if we can just get kind of a feel that says what do you do when you've prayed and believe for something it has not come to pass your children have seen you pray and stand they'd see God didn't come through and so their faith wavers because of the lack of manifestation and this other one is what do you do if you lose a loved one maybe who had cancer and you stood and you believed but they still went home to be with the Lord how do you keep standing for that how do you have that foundation or go back to that those two questions what would you say to those ladies well we always ever has the most I'm gonna leave that to the one who has the most SAP in her that's not an insult to the first part of the question let me start there I was we chatted a little bit about this in the back and I thought of Joshua and Caleb you know the message from God was that they would go into the Promised Land and many times and when God gives us a word we are affected by those that we are that that's around us Joshua and Caleb believed God they had faith that the spirit of faith but yet they had to roam around in that wilderness for forty years with this rebellious generation but at the end of that time Caleb says give me my Mountain he still had God's promise on his mind so you can't look at how think be focused on how things look and give up and it doesn't matter what people say what matters is what God said and the children will still watch you stand in the middle of it I have a memory of a church who in Dallas Texas whose was believing for a property the entire church went out and marched around this property they were believing God for and it didn't happen and someone else bought the property in and they could have gotten discouraged but instead they held on to God and believed God and maybe a year or so later a better piece of property came up with them that's better deal and and they have a great victory statement and built a brand-new Church there the point being that even when the enemy comes to attack and tried to stop or tell you that that vision won't come to pass God oh and your story today about the Jesus is Lord whole thing you know even when you you have that vision and you do what God tells you to do the enemy will come in as a flood try to pull you off or stop it you can't be discouraged just believe that if God said it it will come to pass but we need to believe it amen and you know the word says God is not slack concerning his promises so it comes back to you know I know my god and even if I don't see all the things even if I don't see all the answers right away I know my God and my trust is in his word and Ephesians says you know having done all the stand you what stands you just keep standing and I think that that is such a testimony because so many people give up and if you can keep standing and not give up that's a huge testimony and you know the aspect of you know healing and stuff you know there there are people that you know you're praying for you're believing for and your faith is activated and I just want to encourage you that praise God you have faith and you have power and more than just praying for someone else well I just really feel like this is a key word sometimes we can pray and we can believe for someone but they don't have any foundation they don't have any root with themselves or they have a they're living in the freedom of the truth that they know so one of our our goals is not just to pray but it's all such a disciple it's also to share the word with people a man and maybe you don't know how to teach healing by something in the back go online get them to hear something I remember hearing a story about you know a man that was going to pray for his mother and you know Hospice was gonna come in she's gonna die come say your good-byes and what was awesome they took three days and just brought in authority of the believer and they had he had his mom just listen to it for three days she just listened to it he goes mom mom what do you think and she said I want it I believe it she it's your mom I know all right your husband told me that story it's a so you know what when you put the word so that they have something to grab their faith has something to grab a hold of not just my faith for them but you have the ability to teach the word preach the word Paul told Timothy preach the word because that is the seed that brings life that is the truth that brings freedom amen so if there's somebody you're standing for and praying for that is awesome and they're as a power in that and you do have authority but also know that you've been given the authority to what teach the good news spread the good news not just to pray for people but to teach them the truth so they have something to stand on for themselves and just to respond to the second part of well what what about when we believed in our loved one you know died and I'm assuming went on to heaven you know I had a sister she died when she was 19 my mother was my best friend and the one who taught me all about faith and she was just in her early sixties when she died and so you say well why do you preach healing and why do you expect to see people healed it's because it's in the word those circumstances didn't change God's Word how how do I go on with hope and joy and great expectancy the Bible says we don't mourn as someone who has no hope and so my sister and mom aren't gone or aren't lost they're not right here for me to see them and talk to them but I know where they are they still exist and they are alive they are alive forever in the presence of Almighty God where I will spend eternity with them and that's what gives me the joy at the end of the day that's the picture I have of where they are they have no sense of loss no sense of separation for me no pain whatsoever because they are in the presence of God and that's where you keep your hope and joy so what are some practical ways with everything that's going on the world with video games and movies and TV and friends what are practical ways you can train your children to love the Word of God I'll share something and then we know Carrie's going to be very present and in the moment that was and I love that and I'm sure you have a granddaughter we all are around children praise God but I really believe the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy I believe it's I just taught this it's either Deuteronomy 3 or Deuteronomy 6 but it says parents get the word in you then diligently teach them to your children and it says how to do it when you walk when you sit when you talk you're going to look at that for me it's do to ride like I said either six or three but it says when you walk when you talk in other words it's a lifestyle of not law we talked about it if you're passionate about something what do you do when you get together with people you talk about it so if I'm passionate about God and just declaring again I talked about declaring his marvelous works that's going to be contagious with your faith and it would just be like with my boys we might be out at the park and we would see a squiggly wiggly caterpillar and then I would see a butterfly and you know we'd see the cocoon and I would just explain to them that's what it means to get saved that's what it means to be transformed it's talking to them on their level and it's about celebrating God not about you better read your Bible or else so anyway that's just some of the practical things that we did in our home one of the practical things I can say is that you know I'd never read the Bible before I got born again and my little daughter was like a year and a half old so we learned the Bible together and I think that my passion for learning got transferred to her early on we would tell stories and we would read the word together and I think that's the most important thing they need to see you in love with Jesus putting God first not the sports event first or everything else you know because when thing tragedy hits the soccer fields not gonna come and help yeah I know that's just a passion I have anyway put God first and let them see how important it is but still have fun and don't make it like you were saying a difficult thing I like the word in in Genesis chapter 18 verse 19 it's the words that God get talked about Abraham and the reason that he chose Abraham it says it's because I know him that he will teach his household and his family as servants to how it says to keep the way of the Lord and do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring his good promise to to the earth too because that's how God's gets his promises done and so he's looking for us to stand for him and teach it to our children while we walk while we sleep at night when we pray our pray the prayers and and and teach them funny thing is that Jody always knew that every Christmas she'd get a biblical gift she was looking for those other little fun toys but she always got a Bible or something like that that was always what was gonna happen because God was so first and foremost in our life and that's like it's a practical thing it's paid off she's working with us in the ministry she's 45 years old and a true joy of our life you know when the Bible says you know abide in me and I will abide in you it's the same way if you make your making God every part of your decision in your day and it's just gonna overflow out of you you know when we see an ambulance go down the road well Jesus we just thank you that right now whoever is sick that you just be with them you give them peace there's no fear we thank you for your healing power and wisdom for the paramedics amen and the kids are amen in the back you know and that you know they're in school of my daughter's in school Christian school and they have a memory verse every week and it was so awesome they were in the bathtub the other night right and so it with these memory verses we've made them songs you know so we make them a song and I sing songs to them every night before they go to bed so you start adding these scripture songs every night and so I come in at Allianz like mom come in here and I go in there in there in the bathtub playing and stuff and she's like trust in the Lord and my little three-year-old goes with all your hearts and my daughter says and lean not he goes on your own understanding and she's in all your ways and goes submit to him she goes and he will do it to pass and I was like I'm doing a good job amen so you just you just make it make it real make it consistent if you just make it about Sundays then they will only know a Sunday guard you got a you got to show how to abide in him with every decision and that's how it just becomes their lifestyle as well so I have a lady whose four-year-old daughter is courage curious about speaking in tongues how young or old should a child be or can they be to be born again and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit I just think that's exciting I just like what I mentioned earlier I will pour my spirit on all flesh and it doesn't ever say a certain age it's funny how we rationalize but I would say if they're asking about it then they're thinking about it and they know that God exists and they want to be a part of it it's exciting it is you know I have a driver that I've met David and Paula who may be in this building now but they have a granddaughter I think lives in Tulsa they showed me a video of her and we were driving to church last night I think it was last night or back coming back from the service of their little granddaughters sitting in there speaking in tongues now I'm not positive if she was just mimicking something she'd her parents ditch this child loves the things of the Spirit and so I believe that you know just as Cornelius this whole household as the word was being proclaimed the whole household the Bible talks about began preaching he began speaking in tongues they could have been little kids there I mean I'm not limiting God got the and just think about the testimony of that four year old one day that they'll be able to say you know when I was four years old I got filled with the Holy Ghost and I've been going for God ever since they may be like 50 I got I got saved when I was six years old I got spirit-filled when I was seven I knew that God had called me to be a missionary and to be a teacher of the word when I was ten years I knew it there is no question and so you know don't underestimate the way that God speaks to our children don't just say oh well when they're older you know they'll you know they have the ability to understand those things now because there is no sighs to the Spirit of God you know doesn't I say oh you're little so I'm gonna be little within you and your big sana be big with you it is the Spirit of God so let's not limit it to you yeah and let's just think about how far back it went for John the Baptist being filled with the Holy Ghost in his mother's womb in Elizabeth's oh hello no limit okay we have a 17 year old who says how do I not get tripped up but stay on fire for God how do I step out into God's call in my life and get over self focus into obedience see Carrie crying it's it that today and her sermon yeah I you know I I was saying when we were reading that question even in the back I said you know even by that question it shows me you're on the right track amen because you're saying how do I not get tripped up how do I follow God how do I you know you just keep falling in love with him that's how you fulfill the call of God in your life that's how you keep from being distracted you just set your eyes upon him and then he's so beautiful and he's so real and he's so much bigger than anything else that you're like I only want that amen and so you just spend every day with him and every day he leads you step-by-step and he may not show you you know the next 10 years him he just show you the next step and that's what you need to just walk in just walk in obedience to the next step and you'll be at the right place at the right time doing the right thing I just say I know when I was a teenager I had a friend and we were just constantly hopping in the car and going to just you know just Holy Ghost spirit field means it wasn't even youth camps it was regular church our parents had nothing to do with it no one else was I'm telling us what to do we were just so excited to just learn more and just have that relationship ourselves with God it was it was something in us that loved him and wanted to know more and we did that on her own we were self-motivated nobody was dragging us to do it or telling us and tell like what Carrie said if you're if you're asking that question you're on the right track so praise God so this is a question I'm going to put two of them together again regarding husbands and and I know a lot of men struggle with looking at other women and pornography but this says I'm going to put these two together that husband's like to look at other women sometimes they say God designed women to be beautiful so he designed men to look at them but it's hurtful when he looks at women up and down and he's looking at him and following him around the corner and how did God make a man but then also my husband loves another one as my husband loves porn and thinks there's nothing wrong with it what do I do so can we address those a couple of those questions in regards to husbands there's just a part of me I'm just gonna say part of me just says poke out their eyes we will let the more mature woman answer this one you know I believe these even no matter what these husbands say they know it's not right the holy ghost is still the Holy Ghost and he still convicts people of sin and sometimes no matter what you say they're gonna think what they want to think so this has to be something that you may just have to hit in tongues hit your knees and pray I really remember praying from my praying as pray as though they're unsaved but if they're doing things that are definitely like someone that's not safe that's what I would do how if I'd be in that situation I remember praying for my husband and the word taught me that the the enemy comes to blind people they're blinded to the truth so I would pray lord I pray that his eyes would be open to the knowledge of the truth that you would bring laborers across his path but it's a spiritual warfare that will have to have to happen but you have to stand for writing if he says it's okay you say no it's not and you'll be Oh God will give you the words to say at the right time if you're praying and seeking Him but you have to stand for what's right and it's hurtful it's a very selfish thing for a man to be doing that it's right yeah we you as women we look at another woman and we say oh isn't she beautiful and it doesn't she look nice today but we leave it there and a man can look at a woman and say isn't she beautiful doesn't she look nice today but this scanning up and down you know there's other thoughts going on and Jesus talked about if you just look up upon a woman in the wrong way to lust you've committed the act and so it's a spirit thing that's going on there and he needs to get delivered from that and I would if it was my husband I'd be laying hands on him in the night and rebuking the devil as I have authority over him and for him he cannot come and invade my home so stand your ground as a woman of God be patient though walk in love don't be the holy ghost and trust God to work that thing out if you love him and God's leading you to believe for him then don't judge every act and even if he's he's trying and he slips back be patient be loving and God will draw you even closer through through this but there has to be a time well he'll have to wreck she's doing it wrong maybe you can arrange for him to meet with your pastor he needs to meet with other men that are godly men or maybe you can pray for someone with an influence like that to come into his life to help reinforce what you are praying and saying and I think I'll just add something to that you know with what she was saying and everything she said is absolutely right and to be able to do that you also need to guard your heart because again the enemy it's not just an attack against your husband he's trying to also bring an attack against you so it recognized that this isn't just about your husband it's also about you because he tries to tell you oh well you're not good enough or he tries to hit your identity and your confidence right and and and and cause an offended heart within you and it's hard to pray for somebody and have grace with them when you have an offended heart right when you despise them for what they do and how they've hurt you so number one you need to guard your heart and keep your heart sensitive before the Lord so that you can pray and you can pray life and victory and the Spirit of God over them because if you're just like oh Jesus get them God you just nail them to the wall I mean you're not praying according to the Word of God you're praying out of your own hurt and you're trying to declare you know your judgment and your justice and your condemnation on them and that doesn't have power so guard your heart number one and say lord I just deal with my heart of how I see him because you have to be able to see him after the spirit like we said earlier because if you just see him after the flesh then you're always going to be disappointed and you're always gonna get hurt but if you can see Lord let me see him with your eyes of your spirit so I can see him as the man of God you see him to be and so I can speak that life over him so he begins to see himself that way okay so we had several questions on on working in ministry and so one was do you have any wisdom or counsel for a young couple that wants to be in ministry together and also how do you balance the role of wife in ministry or how do you balance the role of mother wife in in ministry huh could you address those questions please I'll just start what I believe is number one our relationship with God is very important and then the second one would be my spouse the third would be my children and then after that's the ministry but I like how dr. Lester Sumrall put it he's like again really it's it's your heart and your children your husband they know where they stand in your heart sometimes it's especially as pastors things come up and it doesn't mean that you don't love your family but they really know what place they have in your heart and that's just really what we've done and I I know where I the place I am in my husband's heart he's a he's a very busy man and loves to go but you know it's it's all about the the priorities of God first spouse children than the ministry and then like I say they know that place in your heart so when things do come up yeah I was just thinking about when my daughter was just a young I think she may have been seven or eight years old we started out in ministry but I believe God calls families and my daughter fully understood it not just these meetings where he was gone Sunday through Wednesday traveling every week gone and she she wrote an article years later when she was helping with her my magazine and because I asked her to write something for June he was Father's Day can you just draft an article for me I'm the editor she's like the assistant editor we're always doing deadlines but okay she says now she titled the order article is party time is every time dad's home and I never really got it till then when she wrote that because when dad would come home for Friday nights we always had pizza and and and you know fun food and fun things but nacho-cheese but while he was out of town it was soup and salad and TV dinners but we look forward to when he was coming back rather than the fact that he was leaving I don't remember any memory where she resented that he left although she could have taken that and looking back from her article and things she said at the time which you know we just day-to-day do what we have to do don't think about how how it's all affecting I remember comments she would say go get him saved and totally behind the evangelistic work that we were called to do so God calls families and so God was first in all of our lives and we were committed to do what he called us to do and so she she just has been always been a blessing it hasn't been an issue I know it's an issue in many homes but I think it's important that every member of the family needs to recognize that we're called together and and God separated us for the work he's called us to do and we all have our part within the family to play and that's pretty much my answer I would just say you know we have raised our children that you know mom and dad are missionaries or ministers of the word and so are they and I think it's you have to be real careful not to define ministry as just you know what I'm doing things for God but ministry is just your whole life a man it's you know going to what people call a secular job that is ministry you know when you go to your school that is ministry so I think it's really teaching our kids what ministry is it is an overflow of your relationship with God that it's life of God coming out of you wherever you are that's ministry you're called to be a minister and so and one of the things we do with our children is instead of just saying oh I've got to go do this and I got to go do this I give the why you know I'm going because you know what mom's gonna mom and dad are going tonight to teach at the drug rehab center cuz these are men that the devil has lied to and he tried to kill them and they didn't know the truth and we're going them to share Jesus with them and then they're gonna they're gonna live and they're not gonna die isn't that awesome that's what we get to do so it's giving the why not just I have a meeting I have to do this I have to do that and so you're second place no it's the why and then also I think you know not every opportunity is something you're supposed to take be careful on what you say yes to and what you commit to and knowing your priorities knowing that your your marriage and your family because if you if your marriage your family starts facing difficulties it does impact them but also understand the condemnation of the enemy then brings to you as a woman as you're getting ready to ministers else and someone comes I'm having problems in your marriage and you're thinking yeah I know and you don't feel any authority or confidence to minister the word with with authority and power because the enemy's condemning you on your own failings and faults so you just make sure those things are in line right so then then you can minister out of that confidence you can minister out of that authority I just gonna add one more thing that goes along with what they said - I just remembered another thing that we were really watchful over our children whereas people who are just very religious very religious and judgmental and like again I raised three boys we started churches with them and started where there was just nothing but just having three boys they're gonna be full of energy and people would be like well you're the pastors and your kids should be perfect and your kids should be this and and one time we had a great fridge I'll know with an evangelist and this was when her pastor and Kit Carson so our kids were a little and in the sanctuary I mean the meeting was over but people are still there but the lights and the thing she were flicking on and off and one of the board members he had his he was facing us but his back was towards the light switch and he's like pastor you better do something about your kids what was his daughter that was flicking the light switch on and off and so you know I always just let everyone know pastor Lawson was pastor lost and then these were kids these were our sons and they were children and I just want to encourage you if you do feel like you're going to the ministry if children just guard them against people with that just judgemental religious attitude religion will suck the air out of the room and that's just not what we're about I could really relate to that - Jodie we would tell us stories later you know we we she every time we would bring her to meetings she would say somebody would always come and try to give her a word and she was trying to escape from it because trying are they telling or are you gonna preach like your daddy and trying to fit her into their mold of what she thought they should do and she was so bold like her daddy often called her Jesse and a skirt but she would say stuff just to freak him out nama make horror movies and laugh and walk off but we we let her know that we loved her and she didn't have to perform for us and we would always back her and I think it was TD jakes that always said that you know even if his daughter robbed the gas station he'd drive the getaway car he'd be fussing at her and giving her the word the whole time but you have to back your kids they have to know you love them that may be a little too extreme but but you know they're there people that would come up as she was later on they'd say they wanted them to be her wife and she was didn't want to be noticed many times in the crowd because and the enemy does that he'll attack preachers kids sometimes and I didn't realize that till she was much older but some of you probably already know these things but we have to guard their kids let them know they can always come to you that you're always there for them that even if they make a mistake you'll still love them and help them along because the enemy comes to target those kids they are they are had to have a target on their back so our as parents that's our responsibility to be there for them and Jodie always knew we were there for her and you had the question about young people going into ministry just make sure that you are seeking the Lord together you know and that you you take each step because God said to take it because so many times we can get a vision and then we're like all right awesome God and then we write 15 next things that we want to do and how we want to do it and then we start to build it in our own strength and so if you're getting ready to go into ministry feel God's calling you to do it I would just see counselors to seek mentors in your life you know people that you know have been in ministry started ministry find somebody who's maybe doing a like ministry that you're wanting to go into because you're going to receive a lot of great counsel you know if you don't have any mentors I mean praise God for the Holy Spirit so just be careful not to try to do it in your own strength or rush ahead of God and then make sure if you're doing it together that you're in unity because you can't build something if you're both trying to you know build two different directions Kerry and Kathy and Barbara thank you so much this has been really helpful and I want to know I to you if you ask a question and it you didn't feel like it was specifically addressed know that the Holy Spirit is the one that has the answers so you can ask all those questions of him and he'll direct you to the word he'll direct other women to speak into your lives so don't let the enemy say well they didn't answer my question and now I've got to figure it out the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you he answered the answer to every question you can ask and so we want to thank you again ladies and we're gonna move into a time we're gonna transition here for just a minute give them a few minutes to set up but we're gonna move into a time of ministry and so I want to say thank you to the online people who have I'm just gonna interrupt you okay and I can do that because Lord floor director so I just wanna we just wanna honor Aaron because this has been Aaron's vision to bring all these women to here today and all you you women online and I also just want to say what an amazing job she has done because there's a reason there's another beautiful lady on the stage this is Vicki rice and Vicki rice was our registrar here for seven years at Karis Bible College and in August Aaron took Vicki's job so in the midst of planning all this Aaron also has been taking on a new role so we just wanna honor you Aaron and say thank you for your vision for the women [Applause] well thank you very much it was has been my honor and it's the joy of my heart to see all of you here and receiving from the Word of God he loves his daughter so much we're so precious to him and so right now we're gonna kind of wrap up our online presentation so I want to thank everybody who's joined us online that you've enjoyed today I want to pray for you enjoy this worship with us and then here in the auditorium we're going to move into a time of prophetic worship and so I'm going to ask the ladies who have been part of the leadership team and have been praying for you and praying for this time to come forward and we're going to pray and then we're gonna have a couple of songs of worship and then we're gonna move into this time of God's speaking to us and so father I thank you for every woman who has been watching us today the father you are president white where they are thank you Father that you have answered questions that you have set them free that you've given new vision and new hope new plans new energy new strength because now they're relying on you and your strength is inexhaustible so I thank you for those women who feel overwhelmed don't know how to keep going that what they heard today was you have a plan for them they are uniquely designed you want them to shine but it comes from that relationship with you you're where we draw our strength you're where we get our identity you're where we get the power to keep going and to keep loving and keep forgiving and so I thank you Father for it in Jesus name Amen amen [Music] how many of you are so grateful there's power in the name of Jesus why don't you stand with us we're just gonna sing a couple songs just gonna mode of worship and to receive fix our eyes on him just been absolutely amazing just even the wisdom that came from the piano I mean we are blessed women aren't we thank you there is power in the name of Jesus there is in the name of Jesus there is power in the name of Jesus right now to break every chain break every chain break every chain there is [Music] there is [Music] name of Jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain to break every chain break every chain break [Music] Oh fish and sorry [Music] such a he bought a retention see [Music] you [Music] jeez there's [Music] there is [Music] to break every chain break every chain break every chain missing this to heal on my pain heal on my pain heal on my pain you break every chain break every chain break every and you heal on my pain here long heeey laughter we're the army right give er me rising really [Music] we're not followers strong we're at all [Music] oh we're taking territory [Music] to break every chain break every chain break every chain to break every chain break every chain break every chain [Music] bars just gonna lead us in this next song together [Music] [Music] [Music] you can sign the declaration today pull out your phone and go to dependence on God calm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've seen multiple people raised from the dead I've seen blind eyes open deaf ears open because the Word of God painted the picture and I had to see it in my imagination before I saw it in my life Oh tonight was just all fun you know how you hear the scriptures over and over again but each and every time we hear God always giveth revelation for what we mark your calendars and plan to attend the 2017 gospel truth seminar in Riverside California February 9th through the 11th go to a WMI dotnet for a full event details do you want to change the world the reason why we partner with Andrew is because he's getting the truth out and truth is hard to find through partnering with Andrew we were able to care for 100 orphans in the Congo someday in heaven people are going to come up hugged your neck and thank you and you are going to be shocked about when did we ever touch your life and it's through this ministry as you become partners with us you become a partner in every person that we're reaching and we just could not do this without you so we really do appreciate you we do we appreciate our partners every one of you very very much I got rid of the wrong men and women everywhere nothin sometimes a gift can change your life forever once upon a time many years [Music] who comes out a scream come and cheer I'll be home for Christmas [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 2,642
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: Women Arise 2016, Cathy Duplantis, Carrie Pickett
Id: wiovCUEQADo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 53sec (6413 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2016
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