Woman Brutally Murdered After Leaving Bachelorette Party — The Story of Kaylee Sawyer

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police and security officers are supposed to be people that we can trust they are supposed to help us in our most vulnerable moments keep us safe and take care of the community but what happens when they don't do that and instead they commit horrifying crimes that leave people absolutely heartbroken and traumatized today's case is one that happened back in 2016 and I want you guys to prepare yourselves and get ready because this one is going to be a long one hey guys I'm Annie Elise this is tend to life let's jump thank you [Music] thank you 23 year old Kaylee Ann Sawyer was born to Julie Van Cleave and Jamie Sawyer on March 2nd 1993. her parents divorced while she was still young but they both went on to remarry and Kaylee was close to both of her parents and her stepparents her dad Jamie married a Woman by the name of Crystal and her mom Julie married a man named Chris she was also the first grandchild the oldest and the only girl in her immediate family so you can imagine that Kaylee was just gushed over all the time Kaylee was also a big sister to four younger brothers Zach Cody Jaden and Caleb when Kaylee was little she couldn't say Kaylee Sawyer so she started referring to herself as KK foyer the name KK stuck and she was lovingly called that by her family all growing up and growing up she was sweet always happy always smiling and brought joy to everyone around her she absolutely loved it to read and her favorite book was oh the Places you all go by Dr Seuss the people in her life felt extremely lucky to know such an amazing girl Kaylee was a high school cheerleader and had many friends as well oftentimes her parents would kind of have to reel her in a little bit because if they gave her an inch she'd run a mile she loved to just live life to the fullest all the time and she was a very kind sweet and happy girl in 2016 Kaylee was living the life of a normal 23 year old during the day she was a dental assistant at a dental practice called Aubry dental and she was also attending school at Central Orange Community College and she wanted to become a dentist one day herself growing up she had always wanted to be a brain surgeon but as an adult she realized that she really just wanted to be a dentist in 2016 she had been dating her boyfriend Cameron Rheem Hoffer for two years the two of them seemed very happy and in love with each other they were even planning on getting engaged and married in the future people who knew couple were just immensely happy for them especially Kaylee's family they just adored Cameron Kaylee and Cameron lived it together in Bend Oregon in an apartment near the college campus it was a very nice upscale safe area and it was often patrolled by security officers on July 23 2016 Kaylee attended her friend Lisa's bachelorette party now Kaylee initially wasn't going to go and had told people that she was going to be out of town but at the very last minute she decided she wanted to go so Kaylee met her friends at a country western bar called Mavericks in downtown Bend just after 8 PM Kaylee was having a blast she was having fun wearing a little black dress and just looked so cute after a while the bachelorette party was winding down a little bit early and some of the friends decided to go home around 10 30 PM but Kaylee was still having fun and she was also a little bit tipsy so she wasn't ready to go home yet not quite yet which we've all been there so she she and another friend decided that they were going to continue to party and they went to another bar downtown at the second bar Kaylee had a few more drinks and she was dancing with a guy that she had just met a friend saw Kaylee doing that and texted Cameron to let him know what was going on so shortly after midnight Cameron went to the bar to pick Kaylee up and it's kind of unclear exactly how that happened as some Reports say that Cameron went after receiving the text message and other Reports say that Kaylee called him to come get her just after midnight there are also reports that Kaylee texted the friend who texted Cameron to apologize for her behavior regardless of how Cameron got there we know that he picked Kaylee up but on the way home the two of them had an argument presumably about what had gone down at the bar when they returned to their apartment complex Cameron parked the car and Kaylee was apparently still fuming from the argument so Cameron went up to the apartment to let Kaylee just hang out in the car and cool down about 10 min minutes later Cameron went back down to check on Kaylee but she was no longer there she apparently had left to go on a walk to let off some steam and to think now this wasn't unusual for Kaylee to do when she was upset but sadly in this day and age doing so in the middle of the night isn't always the safest Choice as we have learned let alone when you're intoxicated so camera tried texting Kaylee around 12 30. he said where are you please come home and talk to me at least you're being unfair Kaylee responded are you kidding what a joke I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you to which Cameron responded I don't get how you can say that and Kaylee responded if you wanted me you could have but you don't care if you cared even a little bit you know where I am sorry I'm not as important as your phone Cameron responded Kaylee please just come home to be with me I don't want to play this game I'll start searching but please help me out Kaylee then told Cameron that her phone was about to die at the that point Cameron told her that he had driven slowly up and down College way and didn't see her so Kaylee sent one final text to him saying are you kidding because that's bullshit goodbye phone off and Cameron responded to Kaylee Kaylee please I think it's important to note that while that was yes a heated text thread it doesn't necessarily Define their relationship because according to everyone they had a great relationship but as we know with alcohol flowing things sometimes can escalate quickly and you're not always thinking the most rationally and on Cameron's end hearing that Kaylee had danced with another man I'm sure it hurt his feelings and probably upset him also keep in mind that they were still in their early 20s at this point so the way they handled that conflict is much different than older people probably would now I do not agree with the fact that Cameron left Kaylee like that when she was so heavily intoxicated and when they were arguing but as we know hindsight is 20 20. so anyways when Cameron woke up in the morning Kaylee was not in bed with him nor was she in the apartment Cameron tried to call her but her phone was still off he thought maybe she was at a friend's house and her phone had died but time passed Kaylee's phone was still dead and Cameron became extremely concerned he tried to contact Kaylee's friends thinking that maybe she was with them he even went to Kaylee's friend's houses to look for her Kaylee's mom Julie was out of town on her way back from a trip and her dad Jamie and stepmom Crystal were at church when Cameron began trying to reach Jamie now at that point Cameron didn't know if he was overreacting or freaking out for no reason he just couldn't find her and Jamie didn't initially think anything of it he thought that it had just been a bad night and she probably just went to a friend's house and remember Kaylee had also been known to go for walks and really just remove herself when things would get heated so that was even more of a reason why they thought maybe she had just gone to a friend's house or something something of that nature to just blow off some steam wait it out but Cameron was still freaked out so he had even called Kaylee's Grandma Sharon and gone to Kaylee's mom Julie's house with no one knowing where Kaylee was and time just continuing to pass Cameron called 9-1-1 hi um I'm not sure if this is quite the right number to call last night I got home from the bars with my girlfriend and she got upset at me and ran off and I chased her and wasn't able to find her and I still haven't heard from her her phone's off I called all her family and they haven't heard from her so I'm wondering what you recommend I do okay where was she last seen at um College Way in the parking lot yeah yes we live there together and what's the apartment number and this is her address as well the RV Pines yes okay okay and it was last night yeah at what time uh it was like one o'clock in the morning take out walking or something from the doctors like she was mad yeah she was yeah she was mad at me so I walked inside and told her to come meet me in there when she's like calm down and then I went back out in 10 minutes and she was gone and I called her a few times and she said she was walking down the street and then I guess she said her phone is about to die and then she I couldn't get all the rest of that haven't heard from her since off my foot yes what's her last name Sawyer s-a-w-y-e-r yes first name Kaylee k-a-y o um March 2nd 1993. and she's got her phone with her uh she did last I saw her but it's been dead all day I imagine she would charge it um let me look at my phone real quick all right do you know what carrier it is yeah um it is Verizon and does she have a vehicle is it parked in the parking lot or she has a vehicle that's parked at her friend's house and I've been over there and talked to her friend and she hasn't heard from her either and the vehicle's still there yep what's the color make and model it's a Subaru Impreza and it's like a dark grayish blue do you have another plate on it um I don't know yes any idea where she would go or I don't know I figured she'd go where her car was to her best friends or her mom's and I've been over to both talked to her dad and I just haven't heard anything from anybody known us yeah not today she has worked tomorrow at Aubrey Dental no no I know Kaylee's mom also ended up calling 9-1-1 that day yes I makes you have an officer call me my daughter is missing and she is over 23 but she has um epilepsy and some medical issues what's the address missing from um you know it's her boyfriend's um she and her boyfriend they live up at the Regency by cocc I don't have the exact address okay are you able to get it I am driving up there right now to talk with him and see what's going on so I can call back with that but he her boyfriend did call and the police officer said well you know just keep looking for and what's the phone number you would have called from do you know oh gosh okay do you know Cam's phone number okay all right what is your name my name is Julie j-u-l-i last name van Cleve v-a-n-c-l-e-a-v-e and your phone number okay I'm gonna have the officer who spoke with her boyfriend earlier give you a call okay that would be awesome thank you so much you're welcome bye-bye bye-bye her parents seem to be worried that police weren't taking Cameron's call very seriously in the call I'm sure you heard Julie speak about Kaylee having epilepsy while Kaylee seizures were well managed often times someone having a medical issue of that sort will get more attention on their case and efforts to find them especially if they are in need of medication so throughout Sunday Kaylee's friends were also looking for her as well but she never came home that night either and despite people continuously trying to reach her her phone just still wasn't turning back on it was going to voicemail over and over and over again which for a 23 year old is not typical people rely on their phones they usually always have them nearby and I would even say it stresses a lot of people out if their phone dies so Kaylee not plugging it in even just to talk to her parents which is something she always did was concerning as each hour passed the level of worry was continuing to increase by this point they had already made a missing persons poster and they had community members also searching for Kaylee Julie and her husband had been driving around for hours looking for Kaylee and they had even gone to the college and to Kaylee and Cameron's apartment the police told her to go home and that they would give it to the detectives on Monday which was the following day so at 7 30 PM Kaylee was put into the database as a missing and Endangered Person after not being heard from or seen for over 18 hours officers then interviewed Cameron the boyfriend now obviously when someone is missing the first person usually looked into or asked questions is their partner at first his story was causing some questions to be had but Cameron really did seem genuine in his concern over Kaylee he was so Cooperative he allowed them to look at his phone his computer his car and really anything that they needed so he was pretty quickly ruled out some of Kaylee's friends were also interviewed and they were quickly ruled out as well police also thought there was a chance that Kaylee went to meet up with that guy that she had met at the bar and danced with so they tracked this guy down and he told the police he didn't even get Kaylee's phone number and their interact action was also just super casual just two people hanging out like I said Kaylee was very reliable she also enjoyed her job and she didn't miss showing up to work ever so when Kaylee didn't show up at work the next day on July 25th that is when people really started to freak out she clearly hadn't just been with a friend cooling down something must have really happened for her to not show up for a scheduled work day people were frantically looking for Clues and also getting pings under Kaylee's Apple ID they were rushing to follow up on those pings but just as quickly as the pings brought a glimmer of hope that lead was gone when they realized it was one of Kaylee's old films that was being used by a friend as a tablet Kaylee's Apple ID just hadn't yet been removed from that device while they were still trying to locate Kaylee the most unsuspecting thing happened a Woman by the name of Isabel poncellara came into the Redmond police station now Isabelle was a newer police officer are in Bend Oregon herself so she was somewhat of a familiar face kind of like a colleague you could say since sometimes neighboring police stations would work together but she wasn't scheduled to be in the station at that time and she was specifically requesting to talk to the supervisor Isabelle's husband Edwin moved to the United States at 11 years old from Honduras he had gotten an associate's degree in criminal justice and was working as a security officer for Central Oregon Community College they ended up doing a second interview with Isabel where they learned a lot of new information Edwin was working the night shift from somewhere around 3 pm to 2 or 2 30 a.m on the night of the 23rd into the 24th now apparently the two of them had talked a little bit during his shift they had mostly texted about a PowerPoint slideshow that Edwin had created and wanted Isabelle to fix anyways Isabelle went to bed around midnight and claimed to wake up somewhere around 7 30 or 8AM a.m and by that point Edwin was home and in bed with her they had a usual routine of getting up and going to church together on Sundays and the plan that Sunday was no different they got up got ready and headed to church in their Jeep Edwin was extremely religious too he never missed Church unless he absolutely had to he was very devout in studying his Bible and all of the things that went along with his church going but there was one thing that was different that Sunday morning Edwin was being very quiet and he was kind of also being standoffish toward his wife Isabel usually he would rub her head and show her affection throughout the church service but at church that day he hadn't done any of that after church Isabel confronted him about how he was acting but she didn't push it and kind of just let it go Isabelle had also noticed that his car windows were cracked while parked at their house which was unusual but Edwin told her that it was just always hot and she she didn't think anything else about it so the two of them grabbed Pizza Hut and went home to watch Netflix for the afternoon Edwin then suggested that they go see a movie so they went and saw a horror movie called lights out and they went with Edwin's cousin named Vinnie after the movie they walked around for a little bit dropped Vinnie off went home showered had intimate relations and then went to bed on the 25th that same day that Kaylee didn't show up for work Edwin got out of bed at 10 30 and went to the living room where Isabelle was watching TV Isabelle noticed his eyes were very teary so she asked him what was wrong and turned off the TV to give him her full attention he then proceeded to tell her that he had hit a woman with his work card during his previous shift and that he panicked and hid the body Isabelle was trying to get more information from him but he really wouldn't say anything else and he was just pacing back and forth in her mind she thought if this was an accident why wouldn't he have just told somebody Edwin then grabbed her gone out of her purse and said he had to go and on his way out he told her that the woman's stuff was in the shed so Isabelle went into the shed and she saw all of the stuff and a little while later is when she went to the police station Isabelle was highly emotional during the interview and it was very clear that she had nothing to do with what had happened to this woman that Edwin had hit since you made a Dicky it was seen that like I wasn't pulling my dad like kept feeling like it felt like a movie languages what was it making any sense to me but when I saw this stuff I'm like oh fuck as you never said what all he said was he hit her and he panicked it never said [Music] it doesn't make any sense did he say why not happen now police could not believe what they had just heard Not only was it a disturbing story in itself but add in that he was a security officer whose job was to help people and keep people safe and he had a degree in criminal justice and confessed to his wife who is also a police officer why on Earth would he hide her body now at this point Isabelle didn't know where he would be headed but said that maybe he'd be headed toward California it wasn't too hard for the officers to start putting pieces together very quickly they had been looking for this young girl named Kaylee and now they have someone saying that a woman was hit and her body was hidden they then put out an alert for all officers to be looking out for his silver Altima they were able to get a search warrant for Edwin and Isabella's home and in the shed they found a trash bag when they looked in the trash bag they found a few things including a blood-soaked green purse high heels a wallet and a passport which all belonged to Kaylee and the passport she had been using as an ID during the bachelorette party there was also another plastic bag where they found a clump of blonde hair that had blood all inside of it and a boulder that had blood all over it they also found his work uniform which was covered in blood and as if that wasn't enough they found the creepiest poster board inside that shed there was literally a poster board full of things about the railroad killer now the railroad killer is a serial killer who murdered at least 15 people in the 1990s he would hop on and off freight trains and murder people only one woman survived after he beat her took advantage of her in a sexual violating way and then left her to die this person is just an awful human being but Edwin apparently had done a project on him and had even put a printed off photo of a victim's body on there he had written on there that the killer always killed with a blunt force trauma and with a weapon of opportunity so obviously at this point the investigators red flags were going off if she had just been hit by a car why would there be a boulder with blood all over it what about the bloody hair and the Bloody purse it became increasingly clear that this couldn't have just been an accidental car versus person incident the case had to change now from a missing person's case to a homicide case they reached out to the FBI for assistance and they also had to let Kaylee's family know about this status change two detectives showed up at Kaylee's dad at Jamie's house Jamie spoke with them and then returned it to his bedroom where his wife Crystal was Jamie told her my worst nightmares have just come true and then told her that it was now a homicide case the same news was also delivered to Kaylee's mom Julie there was a search scheduled for Kaylee scheduled the following Morning Jaime and Crystal were scheduled to attend but they were not supposed to tell anyone that the case had now turned into a homicide investigation instead they knew that they were going to have to go and help everybody else who thought that they were looking for a living Kaylee while her parents knew that they were actually looking for Kaylee's body it is just so beyond heartbreaking to think about so meanwhile while all of that was happening Edwin was still on the loose still on the Run they needed to find him and they needed to find him fast but he was in the wind and Not only was he on the run but his crime spree had just started Edwin had switched cars out at his parents house meaning that he no longer was in that Nissan Altima that everybody was looking for and he had now driven to Salem and parked outside of a Ross Dress for Less store on the evening of the 25th there he was waiting for his perfect opportunity that opportunity came when he saw a 19 year old Andrea alone in her car Andrea was on her phone taking a Snapchat photo after a long day at work suddenly someone was up against Andrea's car window what she thought was maybe a co-worker playing a prank on her turned out to be Edwin Edwin forced his hand into her barely cracked passenger window and unlocked the door he took the opportunity to use his gun threaten her and force her to start driving him her car was on empty so they had to stop for gas and he warned her that if she made eye contact with anyone he would shoot them and it would be all her fault she begged him to just take her car but he didn't want that he wanted her car and her not too long into the drive he explained it that she would be taking him to California however just an hour later he started to get really freaked out he was worried that she was driving too fast and that she would get pulled over so he swapped places with her but not before handcuffing her so that she could not Escape during the drive Edwin had told her that he had killed Kaylee and was even showing her news reports about Kaylee so I can't even imagine the amount of fear that she was already experiencing being kidnapped but then especially when he had told her that he had killed someone and now she was handcuffed and literally had zero way out of the situation he was even trying to ask her personal questions about her life but she was smart and refused to tell him anything knowing that he could potentially harm her family members they stopped driving that evening and planned to sleep at a hotel in Oregon before Crossing into California the next day while checking into the hotel around 11 40 p.m Edwin made it seem like Andrea was his partner he had warned her ahead of time that if she did anything to try and get help he would kill her too so once in the room Edwin showered while Andrea was handcuffed to the bathroom door with a shirt over her head then he tried to get her to shower but she refused he forced her to take sleeping pills and even told her if she didn't take them he had syringes to put it inside of her then Edwin started making of course unwanted advances toward Andrea who was handcuffed to the bed he began by licking her earlobe and asking her if she was a virgin but seriously thank goodness she had an alarm set on her phone that happened to go right off at that very moment and when he questioned her what that alarm was for she told him it was a reminder to take her medications for a very harmful STD that she had of course he was questioning her about the STD but she just kept making it sound more and more awful all in efforts to keep him from taking advantage of her and thankfully it worked he ended up leaving her alone but shortly after that someone called Edwin and it freaked him out again he told Andrea that they had to go he was convinced that helicopters were Now searching for him so they got back in the car and started driving around 1 30 a.m but Andrea's car broke down in Yreka California it had been leaking oil since before Edwin kidnapped Andrea and she knew at some point it was going to give out so Edwin was scrambling and had to Now find another car so around 5 a.m on the 26th he entered a Super 8 motel room where a 73 year old man named Jack Levy was Jack had actually stayed in that motel in that small town many times prior when Jack screamed for help Edwin shot him in the stomach before fleeing the scene and taking Andrea with him however when he fled he didn't have Jack's car keys so now was Plan B he needed to find another car Edwin decided a close-by gas station was the best place to find a car there an unsuspecting couple their son and two grandkids were getting gas and using the restroom they were on a road trip driving back to LA after having gone on a trip to Canada the grandfather and Son were inside the gas station but the grandmother and two grandsons were in the car Edwin opened their car door shoved Andrea in and pointed a gun at the grandson in the driver's seat saying drive or I will shoot while they were driving Edwin point blank asked them if they ever had the urge to kill then he confessed to killing Kaylee and then shooting Jack at that hotel when attempting to take his car now it's important to say that while Jack was in critical care he did end up Surviving and recovering the grandmother was in the back seat screaming hysterically in her native language of Farsi Edwin told the grandson to make her shut the hell up or he would shoot and then he took her phone to make sure that she hadn't called 9-1-1 but this poor woman's grandsons didn't really know how to calm her down they didn't even know how to speak Farsi after the boys asked he agreed to let the grandmother and grandsons go on the side of the road where they were ultimately found around 5 40 am but he still would not let Andrea go he told her he needed her in case the police shot at him essentially he was planning to throw her in front of him and let her get shot instead of him but he also had a bulletproof vest on so Andrea was like the double protection for him as they kept driving he took Andrea's phone and recorded a video while forcing her to continue driving hi everybody uh I just want to say that [Music] I apologize for everything I've done most likely I'm gonna get caught and uh sorry about that girl my bad girl in Central Oregon and I asked when I met family members um Andrea that she's fine and she will be fine because uh so far she's been going uh what I've been going to do you know and and if you guys are wondering uh if I have done dirty things to her no all right I'm not that kind of guy and I just I used to kill that other girl you know regret it I regret gilner you know she's kept screaming and I haven't signed her forever so you know like I say she's still fine we're driving and she'll be home pretty soon I'm sorry to her grandma and her family members to her boyfriend sorry everything that I caught okay and you'll see her pretty soon okay tell the cops that not to shoot us because we shoot us and that's not my fault [Music] sorry everybody bye after taking the video Edwin told Andrea to post it on Facebook and write a caption saying murderer on the loose Andrea didn't want it posted on her feed though she was feeling embarrassed about the whole situation and didn't want any of her Facebook friends including family previous teachers pastors Etc to see it hearing that she was embarrassed makes me even more sad for her because embarrassment was the last thing that she should have had to feel in that moment but because she didn't want to post it she once again had another smart idea she posted it but with the settings changed to only me which meant that nobody else could see it besides her at some point they had also switched drivers again and Edwin was back to driving it is said that Edwin also called Isabelle around that time and she was trying to get him to turn himself in they also apparently were able to get a cell phone ping on the I-5 freeway near Redding California so a Chase was started and at 6 40 AM Edwin called 9-1-1 on himself the 9-1-1 call is really long so I will play a couple of parts of it here right now for you 911 emergency reporting Lara and I'm the guy on interstate interstate five well in a high speed I I know you guys have the Shopper on me already yeah and yeah I just want to say I am going to turn myself in okay where are you at okay I'm on I-5 uh I think close to reading if I'm right so you know I I wanted for murder in the state of Oregon okay Edwin where are you at right now can you stop I am going to stop once ahead reading once I'm in Redding I'm gonna stop I said can you tell me where you are right now I have no idea okay uh oh let's see there's a sign right here 50 miles from Redding from Corning yeah 50 miles from Corning 50 miles uh south or north of Corning are you by yourself or no I have someone with me I kidnapped her in Oregon she's innocent uh her name is Andrea what's your last name I'll let you I'll let her give her a laugh if you can call her family okay you can just give me a second what's your name hello yeah hi what's your name Andrea Andrea what's your last name name m-a-e-s okay are you hurt at all Andrea no no okay I want to ask you a favor so have that much okay yeah so you tell them not to be rough on me because you know I can probably breathe right now all right so that's all I wanted to say is that a medical or yeah well I I think so I'm gonna need my inhaler I forgot my inhaler at home you know I went all over all over uh Salem Oregon looking for for an inhaler but I guess they don't sell it you know behind the counter or out of Counter so the fact that his main concern was his inhaler is just mind-boggling to me like sir you killed a 23 year old girl kidnapped a 19 year old shot another man and kidnapped three other people and your inhaler is the biggest concern here like get a grip Katie Sawyer at Bend Oregon what's the girl's name Katie what lawyer Sawyer yes or Squire Maybe and she was from Bend Oregon yeah I just want to say that it was an accident I uh so I work for campus quality safety there and he was really drunk and I didn't see her and I run her over okay and then uh after that you know I I just uh she was still breathing and then she was screaming and I decided to silence her forever okay and I am very remorseful for that and you know I know I know this is being recorded and you know I just want to say to the family uh Kaylee that you know I am sorry I'm sorry for what I did to her and in time I will tell him where the body is you know I will just that way she can rest in peace let me know or just have this recorded where it is no I I remember okay so I mean hopefully the police doesn't shoot me you know and I'll I'll survive you know yeah Edwin told the operator that there were notes left on his car which he had left at the Ross parking lot when he kidnapped Andrea he ended up pulling over after talking with the 911 operator for about 13 minutes he handed the phone to Andrea who was absolutely terrified of what was happening and I have to say that the 911 operator was incredible her responses and ability to stay calm I really think played a massive part in why Edwin decided to pull over I truly believe that had she said a couple of things differently he may not have stopped and the outcome could have been very different so after Edwin pulled over he got out of the car and he was arrested just before 7am [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] step over to your right [Applause] [Music] away from traffic drop down to your knees don't move [Music] and Andrea was actually taken into custody too after his arrest Edwin was interrogated for six hours while he was being detained in California they read him his Miranda rights and his consoler rights he did not ask for an attorney at that time and began giving information freely he drew them a map telling them where they could find Kaylee's body the location he shared was on Highway 126 across the street from a mailbox which read 18700 while they were searching his house they had found his Bible which was clearly very much so used and appeared to be used often so they really tried to tie his religion into all of this and his habits of being a man of God into their efforts Edwin initially claimed that he had accidentally hit Kaylee what happened man like to straight up what happened so I was putting words and I was going to turn South on College Way on the d4lot is going to transcend on the not enter area there and as you can see her she was wearing all black so I was in a hurry so it was my fault and I wasn't expecting anybody you know at that time of night so I just churn and and I mean I didn't hit her that hard I used bumper with the patrol car jumped through with the front rack and she fell down and at first I thought you know first you know it's all I killed me but I didn't hit her that hard so I got off the car and she was really drunk and then she looks at me and then she started screaming she started screaming I don't use it so I panic and I just incredible oh shut up shut up shut up she passed out put it on the back of the patrol car driver up the B12 lot and then I was panicking I didn't know what to do she already serious she saw her face so I opened the door and that's when she came back she started screaming again so he growled at the chuckle it's a strong screen so I threw her down and do that I drive her body behind the tree there and he eventually admitted to violating Kaylee in a sexual way and his reasoning he gave them was that she was already dead but Edwin wasn't done talking he then changed his story to have him mistaking her for a prostitute and intentionally picking her up and getting her in the back seat he then confirmed that the prostitute version of his story meant that he had never hit her with the car however considering the nature of the community and the likelihood of encountering intoxicated students walking home late at night the detectives knew he was lying about him thinking that she was a prostitute so they called him out on his clear deceit and told him they knew that he knew he was going to kill her from the moment that he saw her they then continued to use his religious beliefs as a tactic I respect you enough Edwin at this point that I I've asked you for detail and now I'm going to give you my else okay those are the cold hard facts does God still love you will he forgive you will he bring you back into his heart will he questions you have to answer for yourself but the truth of the matter is that her blood cries out man that her life is gone it will never be replaced the truth of the fact is this what you mustook for a hooker was an absolute Angel was the apple of her mom and dad's eye was the breath that they breathed that they spent and cultivated all their life raising and growing and she is gone forever with your semen all over her that's the truth man okay it's brutal it's hard to say it's hard to sit in here but you gotta face it before you can look your God in the eye I ask for that forgiveness and be able to receive it after they got him all worked up in the interrogation he then spoke about his urges to kill so throughout my life have struggled with somehow the urge Kim but what has helped me not develop that innocence because I'm not married my wife it kind of dissipated because I have I have something to look forward he had even told them that at one point he planned to kill an ex-girlfriend's uncle but that he never had followed through during his time in the interrogation room Edwin had written letters for Kaylee's parents at the request of the detective the detective then encouraged Edwin to read them is this addressed to Dad I think it would play pretty well on recording if we read this out loud it might show some of your emotion might show for me to read it I would love you to read it thank you sir I'd be trying to ask Katie for forgiveness but I would think her soul here's my crying because God doesn't allowed the devil talk to angels however I know Katie hears you and if you find it in your heart please ask or forgive me please I beg you please I know that I will spend the rest of my life asking God to forgive me but I don't think he will serve it this is directed to her dad I'm not sure what your name is but I grew up for a fact that you loved your daughter I read something that you were desperate looking for her that touch the little part I have Within Me I say a little hard a little bit because it may like don't have a heart please forgive me Spirit please forgive me and please ask your wife to forgive me too I feel you I fail my community I feel everyone including my family I am really sorry I beg you and then like me doesn't this serve the gel I had and I won't ever have it again at some point in the interview Edwin also mentioned his cousin Melvin calling him Vin and I believe this is the same person that he went to the movies with that day and he said that VIN helped him move Kaylee's body while detectives in California were pressing Edwin for details the district attorney for Deschutes County in Oregon announced that Edwin was found with a woman in the car with him and he was being charged with murder and they also said that they had found a body a couple of hours later they told the community that Andrea was actually a victim and was in the process of being released from jail she was reunited with her family after that and she had to have been absolutely traumatized not only from the kidnapping but from initially being treated like a criminal as well it's just so awful while in jail for over 12 hours just to name a few things they had to fingerprint her strip search her they questioned her and took her mug shot they had told her she'd see a judge the following week after being transported now I understand that they had to rule things out but I also think that they could have handled things a little bit differently given her emotional state and especially given the fact that Edwin had repeatedly said on the phone that he had kidnapped her one sad detail to note is that when Kaylee's parents had been notified that Edwin was in custody after the chase they were told there was a woman in the car heartbreakingly Julie initially thought that Andrea might have been Kaylee which is just so awful to think about the body that the D.A had said that they found did end up being identified as Kaylee's body her body had been found in the location that Edwin gave it was placed over some rocks and because of the way her body was placed the detective who initially found her thought that she was alive and trying to crawl up the Rocks but when he checked for a pulse he was not able to find one Kaylee's autopsy revealed that she had died from blunt force trauma her skull was fractured and there were also signs of strangulation and other injuries Edwin had an arraignment for his charges in California which included attempted murder kidnapping carjacking and assault with a firearm however he was eventually transferred back to Oregon to face charges for the murder of Kaylee the court process was complex as there were now two States involved and charges from things that happened in both States not only that but his attorneys were arguing that his six-hour interrogation and confession should be thrown out there were a couple of reasons for that the first one was that Edwin had apparently asked for an attorney when he got to the Tehama County Jail in California but the people working in the jail didn't really understand that he was asking for an attorney right then they thought he was asking more about the order in which things go and not only that but apparently in California there is a law that when someone is arrested and brought to jail they have the right to three calls in the first three hours Edwin was not given those three calls which according to his attorney was a violation of his rights he had even complained about the attorney situation on the phone with Isabel hey man what are you doing well here trying to put my life back together so when you were coming earlier there's obviously like it was getting disconnected so I had to prepare the cost to just know that I get through some issues down but I think I guess you figure it out or I'm not sure no I didn't can you uh can you advise my parents on that well if they pick up they're not they totally turn off the phone but yeah so right now I see that all my rights have been violated because an attorney hasn't been appointed to me although you know they they read my right when I got here they're like I keep asking for an attorney and there is no attorney because for me to be transferred to Oregon and that's going to take a while all I want all I want is a lawyer that's all I want I want a freaking lawyer because my rights will be right later right now and a lawyer was supposed to be appointed to me from from the moment I asked for it earlier and I've been asking for lawyers since I got basically booked us uh yesterday or whenever that was two days ago I don't know what day it is today I'm not even know what time it is I love you so just so let's follow us okay I'm I'm doing what I could do for you just give me that freaking yes the views are gonna get here something you can you talk to you yeah okay okay so it's getting it's getting done yes no right now right now I'm being I'm being possibly uh in prison you know at this time you know I'm not even know why I'm being by why I'm being booked for I you know they haven't told me these are your charges or anything like that you know the judge ended up ruling that the six-hour interrogation and confession could not be used in the trial which I can only imagine was devastating for both her family and law enforcement who were still working so diligently on the case and trying to ensure that Kaylee received Justice the death penalty was being sought in Edwin's case and in any case evidence is crucial but especially when the death penalty is on the table however there was still one confessional piece of evidence that could be used remember the notes that Edwin had mentioned on the 9-1-1 call well when law enforcement had gone to that Ross Dress for Less location in Salem while Edwin was being interviewed in California they did find two notes one of the notes read the place I killed her is on the B12 lot run her over on College Way while the other note said this note is to say I'm sorry for taking her life one eight seven zero zero to her dad I'm sorry to her mom I'm sorry it was an accident she screamed and I had to silence her my intention was not forever to my wife I'm sorry I will forever love you thankfully Kaylee's family never had to sit through a trial that would undoubtedly have been brutal and likely almost impossible to get through because Kaylee's body had been deemed unrecognizable by law enforcement her parents had been advised not to look at any photos of her from after she was found I'm sure had the case gone to trial there would have been photos shown in the courtroom which would have just added another layer of pain in this in January of 2018 18 months after Kaylee's murder and nine months before the trial was scheduled to start Edwin pled guilty to aggravated murder and robbery he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole multiple loved ones of Kaylee's shared very emotional impact statements before he was sentenced even though they did not have to sit through a trial they were not happy that he was not receiving the death penalty which in my opinion is totally understandable three of the most impactful statements came from Julie her mother Kaylee's Grandpa Jim and a close family friend named Doug Gray during their statements Kaylee's mom Julie said I'll always be the mother of a murder victim but your mother will always be the mother of a murderer and a rapist Kaylee's Grandpa also spoke and he spoke about his three wishes number one to have our Kaylee back with us alive and well and pursuing her life number two I wish to have this piece of garbage the defendant sense to death of what he's done to Mike Haley and number three I wish the court system and the state of Oregon would just hand him over to me and allow me to administer the death sentence then he said he will die in prison and it will be a lifetime experience for him he'll probably wish he'd been given a death sentence wrought in Hell scumbag their family friend Jim's speech was also one that was highly emotional and Edwin gave his own Spiel at the sentencing where he said today I've seen your pain today I've seen your anger I don't have much to say to you at this moment I only have a single prayer but someday I would like to speak to whomever is willing to listen and then dramatically he prayed a prayer [Music] tonight I'll ask you please all this broken heart of this community exactly how Kaylee got into the patrol car is still unclear but Kaylee ended up trapped in Edwin's campus security vehicle equipped with an enclosed cage in the back which meant there was no way that Kaylee could Escape over time more details have come out specifically in a podcast that was released by a local news channel in Oregon Kaylee's loved ones including her parents participated in the podcast the podcast explained that once Kaylee was in the car Edwin offered her money in exchange for sex when she said no he began insulting her before taking her phone and her purse Kaylee was screaming and Edwin was worried that he would be caught he then choked her until she was unconscious he began driving to a remote parking lot on campus called B12 which was a long windy road Kaylee woke back up and was clearly fighting she was trying to climb through the little window in the middle of the cage divider and she was reaching for the sirens and the lights Edwin then choked her again until she was unconscious dragged her out of the car and hit her in the head with the boulder when he thought she was dead he brutally violated her in a gruesome sexual way but Kaylee was not dead at that point and Edwin was not done with his evil plan he then dragged her behind a tree and hit her again but this time with a much larger Boulder he left Kaylee there for dead while he went to shower and clean his car before the end of his shift he even talked to a co-worker when he was done he went back in his own car and he wrapped her bleeding head in a plastic bag before placing her body in his trunk he then dropped her off to the place she was eventually found at and headed home to continue on with his life like nothing had happened in April of 2019 Edwin was sentenced for abducting and terrorizing Andrea in the sentencing hearing Andrea spoke now there is no audio of Andrea's impact statement because cameras were not allowed however part of what she said reads you thought you stole my life from me but I'm not a victim I'm a Survivor I'm a warrior I'm stronger than I've ever been and you're going to rot where you you belong Andrea also said I am a survivor I did conquer you and I defeated you I am moving past this and moving on with my life my mom raised me to be this beautiful strong confident person and I feel a part of that was taken from me when all of this happened now I am starting to refine myself and regain that person again Edwin's attorney was trying to argue for a 20-year sentence which is typical for the charges that he had received he also called Edwin's crime spree a Enigma and brought up Edwin's diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy which is a genetic condition that causes muscle weakness and wasting over time Edwin and his mother have both been diagnosed with it and when I did some of my own research on the diagnosis I learned that sometimes people who have it experience things like mental fatigue daytime sleepiness forgetfulness confusion or brain fog and while Edwin maybe did experience that which I don't really know if he did or not I really don't think that that diagnosis has any impact on his urges to terrorize harm and kill people and clearly the judge didn't think so either because he actually sentenced Edwin to a second life sentence to serve which ensures he will absolutely never get out of prison now I'm sure you may be wondering whatever happened to Isabelle Edwin's wife well she actually filed for a divorce just weeks after Kaylee's murder and not only did she file for divorce but she ended up leaving the law enforcement field completely a lot of people placed a blame on her for not calling 9-1-1 right away and instead going to the police station around 30 minutes later they believe that had she called 9-1-1 and also told them Edwin's parents lived in nearby they could have found that Edwin had switched cars earlier known what to look for and possibly stopped his entire crime spree and while that may be true I really don't think that anyone can place a ton of blame on her she didn't harm anyone and you could clearly see how emotional she was in her interview I'm sure that she was in absolute shock when Edwin told her that he had killed a woman now you also probably remember that Edwin mentioned his cousin Vinnie in the interview who helped him move the body and actually law enforcement are still actually searching for this may man whose real name is Melvin Rosalio Perez Mejia they do believe that it is possible that Melvin may have helped move Kaylee's body if they are able to find him and if there is enough evidence they do plan on charging him however they still aren't sure if that will be the case Edwin still has all of those charges in California that he has yet to deal with however it is kind of unclear if he will ever face them after all he's already serving two life sentences in Oregon in 2018 Andrea posted a picture of her side by side with two officers who worked on the case she shared her story in a Facebook post and thanked everyone for their support after Kaylee's death her family filed a lawsuit against the Community College their attorneys argued that other employees were aware of Edwin's fascination with dead people once he had lied and told other employees that he had been a police officer in Honduras his home country and that he had seen bodies all chopped up he had also shown sexually explicit photos and videos to co-workers on numerous occasions of him and a woman he was having an affair with there was even one female employee who refused to ride in a car with him because of how he acted the community college and Kaylee's family ended up settling the lawsuit with the school paying her family two million dollars part of that settlement was planned to go toward a book club that Julie started called KK's readers in honor of Kaylee the program provides books specifically Kaylee's favorite childhood book oh the Places You'll Go to Head Start an early education programs after the settlement Julie did an interview where she spoke about her satisfaction with the settlement but in a way it has brought her back to me you know I everybody that had a hand or a role and this horrible thing that happened to her has been punished and I finally feel that I'm able to grieve my daughter the loss of my daughter and that she gets to drop that tag of Kaylee the murder victim Haley's family also worked on a law called Kaylee's law which was signed by the governor in May of 2019. the law aims to make sure something like this never happens again it's all about getting police and campus security in line making them more accountable and making them trustworthy so that students and communities are safer but unfortunately this isn't the end of the story a man named John Vieira and his accomplice Emily Megan Pickett two 30 year old drug addicts burglarized a self-storage facility in Bend Oregon in 2021 they cut the locks of 18 units one unit that belonged to Julie Kaylee's mom and her husband spend they were remodeling their house and had stored their belongings in that unit the stolen items included two guns and Julie's Coach purse full of jewelry worth more than thirty thousand dollars they brought the stuff back to their room at motel 6. however the items that they deemed worthless including a green glass heart that held some of Kaylee's ashes were tossed in a dumpster behind the motel a month later John was arrested at St Charles Bend hospital he confessed to tossing the heart along with Julie's original wedding ring and a necklace that said stay Kaylee strong he pled guilty to several theft charges among a slew of others Kaylee's mom was at a sentencing and spoke to the court and to This creepy little thief saying you tossed my daughter's body not just once but twice as if she was worthless you probably saw a small green glass heart while rummaging through my purse probably thought it was of no value and threw it away but to me that heart meant everything now I have to come to terms with my daughter being discarded three times despite the hardships and grief that Kaylee's family has faced they continue to move forward and her memory will never be forgotten her Legacy will live on and her boyfriend Cameron seems to be doing well based off of social media although I know that's not exactly the best way of measuring how someone is doing I'm sure that coming to terms with their last conversation and how things ended has been very painful for him but I hope that over time he has realized that it was not his fault it's terrifying to imagine what Kaylee went through what are you supposed to do when the people that are supposed to keep us safe are also Predators it's a scary thought and ultimately in this case it led to Kaylee's tragic and horrifying death and it's also terrifying to think about what Andrea went through and how scary that must have been for her as well and part of me can't help but wonder if in some Twisted Fascination way Edwin was trying to mimic the railroad killer who he had been following and who that poster board was all about what do you think do you think that that was just a coincidence or do you think that that is what planted the seed in his mind to commit these horrific acts let me know what you think thanks so much for tuning in with me today guys I know it was a long one if you appreciated the case coverage please don't forget to give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already so that you don't miss any other True Crime deep Dives and I will be talking with you guys again very soon until the next case stay safe foreign [Music]
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 859,028
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: c4x9L5Fxukw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 34sec (3874 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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