Wolves "Laughing" Outside Our Tent - Hot Tent Hammock Camping in Deep Snow

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Luke here at the aggro boys YouTube channel and me and my son Jake we're taking my snow dog out into the Wilderness of Alaska to go winter camping in a hammock hot tent we're going to be eating some amazing food having a great time and trying not to get eaten by wolves come along with a ride it's gonna be a good time [Music] foreign buddy you ready to go yeah foreign foreign [Music] don't worry I'll make another hole so we're gonna make the hole bigger as big as a large tent do you like this hole foreign yeah it's okay foreign what do you think Jake is this a nice tent all right Jake should we go get some firewood you got a perfect place oh yeah that's a nice dead tree right there can you take this one back all right you like a little Snowshoe hair you can float right on the snow thank you good good job [Music] all right okay questions we got a nice bison hide here help make it nice and cozy it's the homie touches that make a difference scoot up over here oh you got tons of snow yeah oh yeah there you go foreign [Music] how about hot dogs that sound good all right let's do it oh look at this that's how they used to all right daddy oh those for us those are for us you want your button warm all right you ready for a hot dog all right [Music] hey is that a good hot dog you know what daddy's gonna have on his hot dog sauerkraut here try a little sauerkraut yeah some kids just don't appreciate pickled cabbage the mustard on here all right two more hot dogs coming up no okay okay I think Jacob's feeling better now he's got some food in them a little bit cold Jake you're very cold the stove isn't quite uh heating this place up very well is it let's get all warmed up now just make sure you stay away from the stove I don't want you to roll up against it yeah it takes a little while to warm up a sleeping bag well we got Jacob snuggled up in his bag so I'm gonna start cutting some firewood we need to get this fire properly going foreign so all this wood is wet and frozen so we just put it up on top of here to dry and then whenever we need to soak the fire we take from the dry pile well the firewood's all cut and I've got everything brought into the tent and the sun's about to set I think it's time to batten down the hatches and tuck it in for the night foreign starting to set so I'm pulling out my lights for filming I really like these bicycle lights this is what I use for my flood lighting when I'm filming at night and when I'm winter camping I'm always filming at night it's bright but the fireplace turned around so I can work on it a bit you hear that foreign it's getting time let's make some dinner I gotta get all the Bison hairs out of my pot all right for dinner tonight I'm making a traditional Swiss camping food fondue traditional fondue is pretty simple you melt a bunch of shredded cheese over a low heat you add a splash of white wine and then you dip whatever you want in it traditionally bread and potatoes and meat and stuff like that some cheeses work better than others Fontina gouda gruyere are really good fondue cheeses so I took a little bit of each and mixed together now I'm not much of a wine drinker so I just use white vinegar or white wine vinegar and you get the same results these little hot tent stoves actually work really well for making fondue because they're a nice temperature just want to add a little bit of cheese at a time don't throw it all in at once I've got some veggies and meat I want to put in the fondue and I'm just gonna stack these up on the stove let them warm up nice [Music] look at this Jacob look at that look at this the tee string you want to try yourself yeah what do you think buddy it's good oh oh you want some broccoli look at that over here why don't you hold it like this it's nice and toasty you're you bring your oh that's so good brussels sprouts got them seasoned with a little sea salt and olive oil [Music] we got some meatballs you want a meatball Hey Jake do you want some chocolate milk yeah totally all right we gotta keep little boys happy otherwise they won't go camping with me you try that out is that good icy cold chocolatey milk foreign potatoes and cheese is an excellent combination wow I am so full of cheese and that was delicious but I have got to stop eating I am I am full oh all right Jake you want me to put you up in the hammock all right Jake where are you oh there you are on flashlight are you are you warm in there yeah yeah I got Jacob up in the hammock we got dinner in our belly so we're just hanging out and talking and enjoying an evening well since you're awake do you want to eat s'mores it's gonna be a slow roast marshmallow all right check that beauty out that is a good marshmallow right there I got a little bottle of Hershey chocolate syrup here dig you want that I might have gigabyte hmm you like that you all done oh all right Jake you going to bed now all right got this nice bottle of boiling water to keep my sleeping bag warm but I'm not quite ready to go to bed so uh just gonna put it right there on that note I think I'm gonna get my bed set up always try to put something in between the stove and my sleeping bag in case I roll around in the night I don't want that sleeping bag even touching that stove it'll melt a hole or worse yet catch on fire go sleep and I'll see you guys in the morning well it's about 8 A.M so I'm gonna get the fire going and start getting some breakfast made before I get the stove lit I've got to get some of this stuff put away especially my sleeping bag if my sleeping bag gets even close to the stove it'll burn a hole that actually happened on a camping trip about a year and a half ago and it burned a hole right in the foot of my bag took five months to get it repaired foreign well this is my first time using this hot 10 and I've got kind of mixed feelings about it some of the big cons is that it's not that warm it doesn't really seal up properly at the end so it's a bit drafty and this is really spacious for being only a one maybe two man tent so it's a large area to heat up but that being said it's a very unique hot tent and there really isn't anything else like it on the market if you want a hot tent where you can string a hammock this is kind of it also you really shouldn't think of it as a tent it's just a tarp with a stove Jack on it I bought this thing about a year ago so I can't remember what I paid for it or where I bought it but I'll go ahead and put a link in the video description below in case anybody wants to learn more about it you think you're awake you want to go back in the hammock okay well you jumped out last night you promised not to do that again gotta use my inridge to send a message to my wife let her know we didn't give you my wolves some frozen oil bacon eggs and bagels you take you want some bacon come up here it's like feeding my pet moray eel let's go all right guys now we got breakfast out of the way I think it's time to clean up and get the sled packed up look at that just completely melted that oh foreign up the wound here from losing feathers on our way home I think that'll be enough to just keep it safe foreign it's time to get this little boy home Hey Jake you okay in there foreign you ready to go home and kiss Mommy yes [Music] let's go home and see Mama I'm Gonna Get You Too Much [Music] here let me take him inside I finished kissing you too much every time I do one of these campouts I gotta dry out all my gear so I have all these clamps around and I'll just clamp and hang up all my tents and my mats and my tarps and it even works with Buffalo hides foreign all right you got that hung up and drying gotta pull out all my blades and let them dry before I put them away I gotta go through and charge up all my headlamps my camera lights my GPS tracker all that stuff I use this 10 Port USB block you gotta pull my saw apart let it dry every time I do one of these videos packing and unpacking cleaning and repairing my gear takes up almost an entire day it's like a whole process and I do it every week I keep all my sleeping bags in their storage sack so they stay nice and puffy I'm gonna try some of this Tenacious Tape all right it's not pretty but I'll keep it from losing more feathers until summer time then I can send it into the company and have it fixed properly oh there's so much bits of bacon and bread crumbs in here well listen I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video as much as we enjoyed filming it if you want to see more videos from the outdoor Boys YouTube channel don't forget to click subscribe we put out new videos every Saturday morning we'll see you guys then if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor Boys YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning hit that Bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 3,758,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hammock, hammock camping, hammock tent, hammock hot tent, hot tent, hot tent camping, winter camping, camping, outside camping, camping in snow, cold weather camping, deep snow camping, hammock camping in cold, hot tent review, camping with kids, wild animals, wolves laughing, scary camping experiences, remote camping, snowdog camping, snowdog compact, back country camping, dispersed camping, taking kids camping, campfire cooking, fondue recipe
Id: MxzSdZ7uobI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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