Woke Hollywood Ruined Marvel ft. Nerdrotic & Donut Operator | Unsubscribe Podcast Clips

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any any other thing where creative is involved is death by committee yes y it's just like people who have never succeeded at something who just got a board position that are that are putting their [ __ ] input where it doesn't belong well they're like he he my joke will be funny yeah my dad said so who runs the company oh yeah my dad own yeah my dad owns Nintendo yeah no it's it's you're right and it's a thousand times worse now I don't know like how far back you worked on but it's all committee I mean that's what pretty much destroyed Marvel but if you go and look at your average crap Star Trek episode that comes out uh last one I reviewed I counted 21 producers oh my God producers so we have one director 21 producers what the [ __ ] are all these producers sitting around doing you know if they were doing coke it would make sense like that would make sense but I yeah it's just uh people glomming on they want their name attached their name attached to it if it's successful so we had we shot an entire season of our show I've showed like one episode to you yeah those and then [ __ ] happened we had to refilm season one and then do the changes for it and because season the original season one that wasn't aired [ __ ] season one would have worked oh it was so good I was so pissed I was like this it was one of the few I hate watching my own CH when I can watch it I'm like this is good are you allowed to say the name yeah brother Brothers in Arms brothers in arms so to my understanding of what happened they took a show called brothers in arms and then decided that guns are too political so we'll take out the arms of brothers in arms but keep the name so you'll just do random military [ __ ] this he's not [ __ ] joking so this do a military show without the guns is what the hell this is a gun show at first for History Channel this is a gun show on the History Channel that pivoted because well Vegas shooting happened yeah and then after that they were like we can't have a gun show and you're like what so we watched all of it I was like yo this is like an actual I was [ __ ] proud of it I was like holy [ __ ] and then like we got bad news we have to refilm it all I'm like what are we uh military restoration show now I what I barely know how to build a gun I'm supposed to restore a tank now and then we'll do the jokes around that and then the guns will be like secondary it's just Rocko and you and it's your show and I didn't watch the last three shows because they were so bad my own TV show that was airing I was like I don't even care about my number I'm GNA just turn that TV off and walk away do so do you see that happening in like Hollywood right now there's just like too many [ __ ] producers and yes people just trying to turn it around because of the political Spectrum or like the social Spectrum yes I there they don't want to really fix anything they they they've got Hollywood has gotten way too woke they they've recognized that now um but they were on like a bender for a good four years where they thought everything they were doing was right uh but like with Marvel in particular they W they started out like with Iron Man there was no script so they just kind of but that's John FAO you have Robert Downey Jr ad living these are two like f he fought for Robert Downey Junior cuz he was I was just going to bring that up I'm sorry like earlier I was just going to bring that up cuz it's like the the [ __ ] it's the opposite of the death by producer thing because you have like basically any good [ __ ] startup you have somebody with a vision like John favro you've got like a good like little like rag tag crew who pulls off a massive multi hundred million dollar movie out of [ __ ] thin air and then everybody comes along and ride the coattails and [ __ ] ruins it yeah and they thought that that kind of set the template of like how the the Marvel method for there's a Marvel method in comics and and now there was one for movies where they can just like ah we can change [ __ ] at the end doesn't matter and it worked for a little while because they had a really cohesive unit they had Joss weed in there uh edar Wright these are people who were kind of guiding the way who were like really knew what they were doing talented talented directors talented directors talented actors characters people gave a [ __ ] about then after endgame uh you know Hollywood starts going crazy and Kevin feige comes out and says we're going to put as many women as we are men in the MCU it's like why who even brought brought that up well nobody was talking about that nobody was talking about it it's he got embarrassed by a Wonder Woman Like Wonder Woman did well like the one DC movie that did well he got embarrassed by it so he's like we're going to bring a c I didn't my Wonder Woman it was all right like it was all right yeah there's no reason to destroy the MCU but that's what he did he brought in Captain Marvel who has never been popular in the comics she was when she was Miss Marvel but not as Captain Marvel go watch my videos on that it kind of breaks it down and yeah he he like half the characters became women and it what that wasn't the issue the issue is like what they did to the remaining Legacy male characters and nerds give a [ __ ] about this stuff and by the way they're the ones who pay for everything so uh Kevin got rid of all the talent and went down this weird MCU Highway and uh they they oversaturated with uh with you know Disney plus coming out which I call D+ during covid uh Bob Iger by the way uh left resigned from being a CEO right before Co started that was weird that was a weird timing they got brought right the [ __ ] back in got right back in right when Co was over really weird how that happened weird play Strange play there had a big scapegoat for all the stuff that they were trying Bob chapek and yeah like that and that's and it's overproduced content Bob Iger even came out and blamed um the director for Captain Marvel this was this is a famous one I've done a couple of maybe four videos on this so Nia a Costa was a inexperienced director they brought in for Captain Marvel and uh you know Hollywood Now cast directors they don't they don't hire them so they can prance around go look we got this woman of color directing a woman of color this is a has never directed a superhero movie on a Thursday in September so that's that's what they keep doing and directing if directing is the hardest [ __ ] thing you can do it is not something easy or you can just toss somebody in all people do not understand you're wrangling [ __ ] cats you're wrangling cats and you are trying to get your vision and you have to tell people to shut the [ __ ] up it's why Tarantino does a Tarantino is like what's on the [ __ ] script read the [ __ ] script or your your your different directors and how they cover down if you break that or you're just having people based off of not talent but just whatever else you are going to have a piece of [ __ ] at the end like because they're not going to get the best action they're going to change or cave to oh who was it there was one person going to film something and it was a short with a lot of money behind it and I remember the actor was like yeah they let us change the script as we see it I was like that is going to [ __ ] bomb they're like why I was like you just told me your director cave to you I would I was like as a director I would have told you to [ __ ] off you're not changing my script or my vision [ __ ] off they're like uhoh and it came out and [ __ ] bombed because of that cuz a director's position is it's like Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson did did how many years of previs going into that it started in '97 I want to say would it come out in like 01 it came out in 2001 yeah so I want to say like they really started the process in 97 yeah uh that was a lot of time a lot and then you have what you're talking about which is NE aosta comes in and this is just the latest example by the way Marvel had been doing this pretty much since endgame they're bringing in inexperienced controllable director so these films can be produced now and not directed and they can parade people out going look at we got the first Asian person uh direct supero it's all formulaic and um I haven't given a [ __ ] about anything since [ __ ] Iron Man Died I don't [ __ ] care neither is anybody else so the Marvels I feel like they kind of knew that like they kind of built everything up to it and then it just kind of and then they blame Co for all the failures if they would have just the fans they blame the fans too yeah and if they would have let it breathe in game if in game would have happened you took an actual break push off to another one and then really Drive okay what is the next step into this world you would had hyper success instead of like let's we need new Captain America we need the She-Hulk we need and you're like who hold the [ __ ] on let's reel back no okay no reeling back okay go on well one you don't kill Iron Man or cap that was stupid like you recast him that's dumb it's just like why would you do that yeah well they kind of I I guess they kind of did recast Captain America but I they did it in a really odd way did uh they gave it to Sam Wilson the Falcon who uh if if you follow the Winter Soldier storyline it's supposed to go to Bucky the sh sheld was supposed to go to Bucky it should have gone to Bucky should have gone to Bucky's part of his Redemption Arc exactly like I don't I don't it's not like oh Falcon's black blah blah blah it's like Steve Rogers back later in the comics so like old yeah they like he's he was old for a while and then you know they brought him back they have Steve Rogers is Captain America that I mean there's nothing wrong with that you just recast him like Bond you you do that but um so back to n Costa she ends up leaving the project early and then Bob Iger throws her under the bus on a big New York Times thing and says well our director didn't have enough uh didn't have enough supervision from Executives so basically you said your your your female of color director you're didn't have enough adult supervision and this was for the Marvels this was for the Marvels yeah and to come out there and say that publicly and roll the bus over is like hor I mean she did a terrible job and she blamed fans so I don't really care I don't have a dog in this fight I just got my popcorn out and this you're like wow you just hit that pedestrian they were a piece of [ __ ] but like still hit him still hit this team is cannibalizing itself what the [ __ ] so it's all falling apart now and then uh you know a bunch of us have been saying this since endgame we're like if you go this Captain Marvel route it's it's going to be very bad for you because uh we you did the same crap in the comic books that we read and the the American comic book industry is dead the superhero is dead like every kid's reading manga now every kid's watching anime they're playing video games they're not you know reading Captain America or Spider-Man or any of that well I feel like the Nerds went [ __ ] woke like everybody right now that's like in the [ __ ] comic book space that like the creative space the creative space it it'ss all a bunch of [ __ ] either 90 LBS or 290 pound [ __ ] nerd 490 lb that like that are all just like virtue signaling to people that they think they can [ __ ] work girlfriends bringing in work girlfriends and uh as my good friend Jeremy from Geeks gamer says Those Who preach the most have the most to hide usually it's because they're a bunch of freaks uh and they have a lot of uh check that man's internet history yeah that goes back to [ __ ] us talking about twitch earlier like you know like me me getting banned for saying one word like that's that's what all the mods are on Twitch from what I've seen ban me if you want I don't stream anymore [ __ ] you what is that down it you get to see how it I love the nerd culture i how it was and how it is as a core it's just the loud vocal ones now I don't truly believe they are nerds well there there's a difference to it's like there I like I love nerds I hate nerd culture right I even love nerd culture culture I mean if you want like the new nerd culture I wouldn't want any part of this garbage they they're trying to call nerd so we're trying to preserve the old one there's a great documentary out there I'm gonna plug my friend if you don't mind Chris Gore used to be on a show called attack of the show G4 oh my God godamn remember know g4v holy [ __ ] so he did he did a documentary of that era and and kind of the end of it uh called attack of the dock it is on YouTube you can watch it for free uh with commercials it's the best documentary I've seen in 10 years it's about new tab don't click away it's about new tab uh and it's it's uh a love letter to the nerd culture that basically died uh a few years ago and hopefully it comes back that's what we're trying to preserve because it was fun it used to be fun we we didn't care what your politics were don't give a [ __ ] we just cared about Olivia m yeah and lot of ol in that by the way web Morgan web that's OG that was a a name I have not heard in a long time a long time the only girl I've waited in line to get an autograph that was like me before anything I was like I'm the way to my first packs and I was like I was dressed as Solid Snake at that and she's like I like this outfit she's like I was like thank you sign that cool walk away how old were you I was unfortunately still like 2 six or seven at that point somewhat forgivable somewhat from I watched her since I was like 12 I was like hey this this person I the attack of the show was great that was like that was the like the the the peak time for nerd culture was up until about 2013 and 14 God that's how I would that's how I would track like pay attention to video games that I couldn't afford back then I was like man I can't play the game but I I'll watch the [ __ ] out of somebody talk about whether or not it's good oh man this is dope [ __ ] man I it sucks that the nerd culture is where every it's no different thing in the gaming culture you had that mass flood of mobile games everyone was in a quote unquote gamer or just very basic and like I'm a gamer same for anime right now fortnite and I'm not a gatekeeper I want people to consume this media it is just understand the culture behind yeah that's nerds are very welcoming people they will share as a matter of fact overshare everything with you that they love called autism it is so you ask about their favorite favorite train your [ __ ] you're screwed oh you're on a live stream and you say the word anime you will get 90 minutes of anime recommendations which is awesome that's the way it's supposed to be but uh the the activist culture that has come in which is basically uh a bunch of dudes and women who took women study best way to holy [ __ ] I never thought about that that is now how I will describe that that's that's what um games uh media I call them access media so the game the gaming media entertainment media has all become activism so and they frame everything every review every article on like say you're writing a story about American history well how ises it relate to now like how you know uh are you exposing the colonizers or some crap like that instead of like showing something for what it is I just ad yeah I just want to tell you a story but um that's where Dei comes in uh Dei is kind of effed up everything over the last 10 years uh they were very open about it a few years ago they're not so they're kind of trying to hide hide their internet history now um and we've had the Black Rock founder come out in 2017 saying we want to force behaviors and we're going to do it through corporate culture which in turn turns into Hollywood we have the new Oscar rules DIY uh diversity equity and uh inclusion oh this is actually that rating program that yeah yeah sweet baby an [ __ ] doors fall off of airplanes now watch this Cody do you know what this is no I know exactly what it is okay if for the viewers out there cuz I didn't I just learned this like as of a week ago or two weeks ago I was like this makes so much more sense cuz we've we have experienced different sides of this but seeing how it's affecting everything and then hearing about it and then reading and doing research I was like oh this is a [ __ ] thing holy [ __ ] and it's been a thing and it's been um creeping into every institution in America I mean I just cover nerd and pop culture so like it's silly stuff but like culture affect business we've seen it culture really isn't silly uh polit politics is Downstream from culture as Andrew B Breitbart said right yeah so um your your it affects your kids who are watching Tik Tok who are playing these games who are reading these comic books who are watching these movies it affects adults uh it affects everyone and again I just keep it in the in the entertainment space but when it gets serious is when it gets into our schools which it's already infiltrated and destroyed uh and it gets into things like uh flying planes and now you know we make the joke but that's what Dei does it doesn't bring Equity it makes people question that now it makes you are you a diversity higher or did you get here on Merit now we don't know and that's effed up for everybody that's up and like just the last 24 hours you know I used to live in San Francisco SFO plane was flying I I don't know if this happened in a day or the last couple of days but a tire fell off a plane all CR the United flight crushed a bunch of cars in the parking lot and then in Houston yesterday playing you know the landing gear collapses I mean I I'm sure it's all this has all just been a giant coincidence uh right when Dei is being forced in by Black Rock and that they're just one of them yeah those and black rock is an investor for I don't know any I'm not a financial analyst but they they have a lot of influence uh more they control the they can they they have more influence than the president they control quite so like I will say this like there's there's a bit of a media thing like anytime something gets popularized and like people know that people are clicking on certain things mhm just like you have like the Myrtle bead shark attacks right you know it could be a year where it's like this is totally statistically average this happens all the time nobody just talks about it but they hear like you know oh shark attacks record shark attacks and everybody does articles on it even though it's like a statistically insignificant uh or it's not not an anomaly about that like you know and maybe the shit's been happening all the time with planes and things like that but now finding out now it's just kind of like now it's in the news and things like that but at the same time you're 100% correct like organization like Black Rock have a shitload of political influence they have a shitload of influence over just culture in general because they own controlling interests or interest in general in so many [ __ ] aspects of our life I feel like I'm on [ __ ] Fox right now well it's are you doing your political thing right now I I might be I really don't like it it's a really easy it's an easy Google search to see uh how much stock Black Rock owns in Disney Warner Brothers Amazon Netflix just go look it's it's damn near the majority and every also on open Secrets and different you know places like that you can see how much Black Rock has invested in politicians like for example Tony Gonzalez it's very weird you can look this all up on Google it's so crazy so crazy it's just easy Google search d
Channel: Unsubscribe Clips
Views: 104,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air force, angry cops, army, brandon herrera, comedy, comedy podcast, corridor, corridor crew, donut operator, fat electrician, fat electrician reaction, memes, military, podcast, reaction, the fat electrician, unsubscribe, us army, us military, unsubscribe podcast, donut operator podcast, military stories, fat electrician podcast, military podcast, comedians, tiktoks, shorts, funny, joe rogan, youtuber podcast, history, world war 2, ww2, nerdrotic, friday night tights, marvel, woke, culture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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