The $18,000 Fake Basic Training Bootcamp ft. The Fat Electrician & AngryCops | Unsubscribe Podcast

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this video has taken me two months to make it's 40 minutes long it's posting today so it'll be out already so you'll be able to see it there is a group of men that go out and do fake basic trainings oh my God I'm not done oh I know where this is going and I am labored breath the the video starts off with me talking about a couple different groups that do it and then it focuses on I'd say the last twoth thirds on this group called MDK M Death kill uh that's the modern day night project oh my God murder death Kill by the way that's great reference oh my God and there is a specific instructor in it named Stephen and Stephen uh was a marine from like 1996 to 2001 and screams at people and treats them like [ __ ] and goes off the Rockers and Stephen if you're watching uh you're upset because you never stayed in the military to fight alongside your friends after 9/11 happened you coward also [ __ ] you Nea grass Tyson yeah so I dislike him cuz he's a jizz and all these people are grifting off of the military experience and I'll give you a specific example of why their jizz is grifting off the military experience is they have a bell like Navy Seals like in Buds and they have stamped on it US Navy and the the turds that pay $18,000 to get yelled at for 3 Days by these idiots will ring the bell when they quit just like the Navy Seals and they're all pieces of [ __ ] and I dislike them this is [ __ ] Bonkers I so I I know exactly what you're talking about cuz they started popping up on my [ __ ] 18 Grand and I I looked it up and I was like and I scroll through the comments and most of them are like reasonable like us like dude just enlist like it's if you want to get yelled at by another dude just [ __ ] you get paid to do that L get paid to do it and uh most of them are like that but every once in a while you get someone who obviously paid and like went through the whole process says cuz they're like welcome to the club brothers and like you're a part of a A Higher Learning and I was just like this is the greatest scam I've ever seen my wife she was talking to me about she's like it's perfect because if they succeed it's because the program made them succeed but if they fail it's because they weren't ready to make the [ __ ] change I like which is the up thing because the program is supposed to make you better not force you to fail it's a grip sorry I'm soet I just like you've been working on it for 2 months and you are so [ __ ] stoked minutes long and I I don't I I mean I don't I hold back a little bit I make sure to say things appropriately because I don't want to get like get some cease and assist order from these [ __ ] but oh unfortunately there are some high uh the guy that runs MDK the owner also has different offshoots some of the offshoots are legitimate and they like they teach people like skills you pay like 10 grand for I think he's a and unfortunately some of his offshoots have out standing veterans in them because I don't think they're aware of how much of a and a grifter this guy is unfortunately one of the offshoot businesses from this the the owner of this Jizzy MDK has a good training regiment thing I'll say good I don't really know everything about it but it it seems to be a more pay to learn skills not to get the [ __ ] kicked out of you and Tim Kennedy teaches firearms training in it oh yeah so that seemed okay the training seemed good worthwhile for the money you're having special operators crazy skilled dudes teach you for a substantial amount of money how they work and do the things and hey if you're going to pay I don't know how much money it was for that school and you're going to have the crem DOA crem of people that have been involved in it I can understand that purchase you're learning you're you're learning from the best and you've got money to spend cuz you're [ __ ] loaded hey that's cool I if I could have enough money to have Chuck Norris teach me karate I'd [ __ ] do it right basically the same thing especially with that hat right that's his only rule these colors don't run and but what I what I I want those veterans and people to see is that the owner that owns both of those two things is such a piece of [ __ ] that you should just [ __ ] stay away from him because all he cares about is the money in the bottom line which as a business I understand but you're willing to sacrifice the veteran space for it and then the veterans that are there and stay there Stephen you bald piece of [ __ ] are grifters and they know they can they can just [ __ ] off they can absolutely [ __ ] off their turds you your veteran status has been revoked it's like John Wick you're no longer consecrated grounds and he's the one deploy right what's that one of them didn't do he got out the guy Steve specifically in his bio says uh he was a marine from 2000 1996 to like 2001 and he's like and he's the psychopath that has absolutely no control over himself doesn't know what he's doing doesn't know how a lead doesn't know what any what what he's doing all he knows is like oh my job is to make you [ __ ] suffer like I'm sick of fan and he and guess what you left in 2001 you left when you could have stayed in and fought alongside your brothers in Afghanistan against the Taliban but no no you didn't you're a coward and now instead of being with your Bros and being like you know we went through battle together it was it was real and we fought the Taliban that attacked us you yell at overpaid teenagers and grown ass men and pretend like you're hard suck my dick go run a marathon I don't give a if you're shredded and 58 years old on trt up your ass you're a turd you're aing turd bro I went to their website cuz after after enough I was like how do they convince these [ __ ] idiots to do this so I clicked on their website and I want to say about 70 times on one page it said flip the switch did you see that too it's like when you're ready to flip the switch come join us and be the elite so you can flip the switch and then you're going to flip the switch I was likeo bro there it literally says flip the switch on their website like 70 [ __ ] times if you have to I seen one video and I always say it like this if you have to yell and say you are the leader you're you are not the leader up top that is that is I'm in charge if you say that a you have zero respect and you are [ __ ] I'm literally waiting for the thumbnail to come out so that I can post it today a dude I'm excited I know what I'm watching on my oh I know everyone's like okay you're going to download that what time's it come out Rich dude like the second this is dead I'm so hot I'm hot right now if you watch my video and you see the stupid [ __ ] this bald ass [ __ ] Steve does you're you're just like you you're you're a raging dick without a hole to go into and that's all you are and then the biggest thing that pisses me off is just it's just it just pisses me off so much he's like I'm a big trunk strange man I just comp youing left before 911 and didn't come back [ __ ] you [ __ ] you God you're gonna be angry cops in this video no I'm pretty I have to I have to stay even killed until the end and then the end I say words the end I say some words we got the round brown back out and everything no no no it's it's like 45 minutes I couldn't do the I mean I could scream for 45 minutes that's really not that hard but uh no no I did like a breakdown because I didn't want people thinking that I was one of these [ __ ] screaming because I can't control myself I had to do a breakdown of it and be like here you go here you go this guy's got a valid you know social media following this guy doesn't this guy's a piece of [ __ ] this guy buys his followers these people are paying this much I'm so glad I finally met rich in person you know you know years what was it two years ago we roasted each other we had a little roast battle and then Tik Tok took everything [ __ ] down oh yeah it was it was it was gloves on it was pretty it was pretty kid nice people yeah people reported our [ __ ] for bullying yeah I roasted Tik Tok it [ __ ] trash so I roasted him he roasted me it was a good time I hope TK Tok gets banned oh yeah it was almost there good I'm I'm now more than you on Tik Tok I have 1.4 million I really hope it gets banned now I didn't know that but I super hope it gets banned [ __ ] you hlc like this ends it do you even post on Tik Tok I'm still mad about these idiots in fake basic training I can't not focus I I can't this is your tism when you get mad at something you're so stupid it's so stupid they're taking advantage of idiots oh I could not that is one thing I've never understood is the idea of paying for leadership course to that degree if it's like Elon Musk I'm like okay hboy wants he's going to teach me business for three days I'm paying 18 Grand however much I'm like he knows his [ __ ] obviously he knows his [ __ ] I'm going to learn something if homeboy starts yelling at me like I do not like like I get it I in the video I say I get it it's people that weren't in that want the veteran status right what is the veteran stat status mean it means this right we all deployed we all get each other we all we all understand the difficults we went through even though they might have been different there's there's a Brotherhood we back each other up there's government and non-government organizations that want to help us because of the things that we went through there is there it's it's um it's one of those things it's trauma bonding right that's it's trauma bonding so there and also this sounds really lame and I I I I cringe at saying it we're like the warrior class of the unit States because we've all been deployed uh we signed our name on the line to do it only 29 [ __ ] all of you sh [ __ ] on you made me make me happy brought me back to happiness good now yeah yeah I'm okay now don't worry in a minute we're going to bring up that Marine that embezzled all that money and had a fake Purple Heart those guys are those guys are LM can you imagine just like sitting around like a table with a bunch of Bros and they're like what if we did like basic trading and they're like we should have a bell like the like the uh like the seals to like oh [ __ ] it let's they have a wall of tomahawks what's up with that did you see the wall of tomahawks they have was that for graduating classes tomahawks are cool oh oh here we go I hate my unit was the tomahawks we got so much now they call us tomies tomies somebody died in in their training what they killed the dude see that's what I thought it was somebody died right somebody died and they're still do they're still going on so $118,000 for like a dude and there's like 20 dudes in each class if not more and you couldn't have like a medical personnel there to like assist him that's that's unfortunate they're getting sued currently wait they didn't have medical I don't know if they did or didn't they don't show anybody with even a [ __ ] Med pouch right well even well even then in the video I talk about like as a drill sergeant like these want to be drill sergeant screaming at people like even as a drill sergeant we go through like medical training to make sure we can identify what's going on with somebody like rabdo oh yeah rabo and extreme if you don't know what rabdo it is extremely deadly it is the overexertion of muscles your proteins can't break down so then uh your kidneys struggle and that's why you pee out blood or a really dark urine and then your body just shuts down your body starts like eating away your muscle my lieutenant had it [ __ ] terrible for you and it it's extremely hard to get to that point we didn't see much of it military was the only time you really seen it until CrossFit came out then we seen a huge verge of rabdo with Crossfit because it was like oh don't worry about this we'll just [ __ ] you push through it you push through fun yeah then you over exert yourself even if you're already physically fit you can overexert yourself to an extreme and then you can dude some people get rabos so [ __ ] easy I had one dude um I I did one workout session this is personal training you I was [ __ ] locked in he's like I don't work out I was like okay this will be easy I had him do 10 or 10 body squats up and down four times it was like four sets of that we'll do some push-ups we'll do light jump rope I was easing him into workout and I was like okay here is just uh and then diet I got a call from him I was like he was like man I I can't move I was like man we did a really light day he's like should my pee look like this I was like uh send a picture send it I was like oh bro you got rabo what the [ __ ] you barely did anything and I had him go to the ER and then they loaded him up with uh IVs and everything and they were like oh that was actually really close to kidney failure that's how bad rabo is you will [ __ ] die you can come back and be okay but there are some points where you cannot and then your body's like changed forever and now you can do like the minimal physical activity because your body will just break down you're like just tear itself down [ __ ] nut and they're just pushing people into that where I didn't know someone died from someone passed away and there's a suit going against them and Steve and Steve Steve is named in it Steve is named didn't and I have a nice little cut of Steve like being super upset and being like my job is to kill you well you succeeded Steve you [ __ ] did it you did it you could you couldn't do it to a [ __ ] Afghan in the Taliban but you did it to somebody in the United States United States citizen good job what if you don't if you don't need a veteran like none of us judge if you've not joined the military like I give a [ __ ] if you don't deploy I don't give a [ __ ] I usually say you're one of the Smart Ones my dumb ass didn't have a choice I was like b i a GED I'm pooring Mexican I can shoot guns war I got $1,800 a month like it's a very bad paycheck it was an experience that I it wish upon anyone and then I got back I'm like okay hauh now I tell everyone don't do that or join the Air Force like be smart do that you're just sitting in your car I've never I'm not once in my [ __ ] life to be like if you haven't joined the military yet you know what you can do pay 10 grand do a 5-day course oh my God to get smok out and you will be such a leader after that [ __ ] no never in my [ __ ] life would I say that to anyone one of them got a tattoo on his arm it's it's like a whole upper sleeve and it's his graduating class of like six or seven guys like running through the sand holding like their class flag it looks like a [ __ ] seal tattoo like a buds Class Tattoo I'm telling you that guy's going to get his ass kicked if he goes into the right Club in San Diego he's going to be like what are you what class were you in like oh I was in this class buds you were in class 002 for buds that's like in the 60s no no not buds man it was kind of like buds we had to ring a bell we had ring a bell we had pretty much the same thing we had this Marine that got out and cowed before you know you know 911 his one right now he's watching this episode like [ __ ] it's the cringiest [ __ ] ever it looks like a really good tattoo but it's just like it's like getting a really beautiful tattoo of yourself getting pegged right like like
Channel: Unsubscribe Clips
Views: 133,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air force, angry cops, army, brandon herrera, comedy, comedy podcast, corridor, corridor crew, donut operator, fat electrician, fat electrician reaction, memes, military, podcast, reaction, the fat electrician, unsubscribe, us army, us military, unsubscribe podcast, donut operator podcast, military stories, fat electrician podcast, military podcast, funny, youtuber podcast, history, world war 2, ww2, habitual linecrosser, unsubscribe clips, basic training, bootcamp, alpha, camp, male
Id: OdkOhKROsT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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