Woke Disney CEO Bob Iger To SELL ENTIRE COMPANY?! + Snow White is a Massive Disaster

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what's up everyone it's indemion and since the nuclear explosion that is the Hollywood strike has happened the going-ons over at Disney have gone from worse to horrible I'll be covering things like Disney being potentially sold those snow white photos and much more so let's get started to begin I want to look at an article that just recently went live titled CEO Bob Iger considering selling streaming services and other assets may even try to sell entire Disney company while some may see this as hyperbole it seems that it's anything but that this comes off the presses where Hollywood insiders have exposed Bob Iger as the person who said Studios should starve out the strikes Iger even said that he's willing to let his workers lose their homes in protests than give in to their demands naturally as you'd expect that went over about as well as you think anyway recently where those writer strikes comments went viral from Iger was quoted saying that many of Disney's stations may not be core to its future and that he would be open to selling them Iger says that platforms like cable TV are on the decline and that platforms that they own like ABC FX and freeform could be up for grabs in the near future companies selling their assets is nothing new of course but in Disney's case a lot of its mistakes seem to be things they could have avoided had they not been morons with their content in the last quarter alone Disney plus has lost over 4 million subscribers and its box office failures have resulted in over 1 billion dollars in losses as if that wasn't bad enough Disney plus has also lost the company around 800 million dollars in losses as well due to underperforming and it looks like the only other platform Disney is willing to keep is Hulu which it plans to combine fully with Disney plus later this year but the problem there is that Disney doesn't fully own Hulu with Comcast owning 33 of the platform so if Disney wants to fully own Hulu Comcast's Baseline accepting offer is 27 point 5 billion dollars which is almost seven times what Disney paid for Star Wars to put it into perspective for you just so you understand how expensive this acquisition would be Disney's net worth is roughly 108 billion as of the end of 2022 and it's likely less now since of all the massive failures that they've suffered so if Bob Iger wants to fully control Hulu he'd have to spend roughly one-fourth of Disney's entire value in order to fully own it and if Hulu ends up being not worth the price it could very well lead to the death of Disney as we know it I'm gonna be straight with you fellas it ain't looking good for Disney it's definitely a far cry from their profits in the last 10 years back then Disney bought Star Wars Marvel and Pixar under iger's control and those purchases led to a 33 increase in Disney's overall value since buying those properties or roughly 24.3 billion dollars in Revenue if you want exact numbers but comparing the the Disney of 2010 to 2019 to now is two different companies and it looks like Bob Iger and his executives are bleeding money at such a staggering rate they may not have to sell single IPS or platforms but the entire Corporation at some point and I know you're thinking who the hell can afford Disney who has that much money to throw around like that well believe it or not the most likely purchaser of Disney is none other than Apple Bob Iger has said in the past that Apple buying Disney was simply speculation and was nothing but rumors but according to the rap.com which claims an executive within Disney Elite info stating that the deal is very likely still on the table this Insider claims if Disney was sold to Apple it would be in their words cementing Bob iger's Legacy and would be the Pinnacle deal for the ultimate deal maker this possible acquisition is actually not that crazy since Bob Iger was quoted just last year saying I believe that if Steve Jobs were still alive we would have come bind our companies or at least discuss the possibility very seriously a Disney Apple combination would result in a corporation so powerful it would Trump anything made in existence from a Content perspective there would simply be no comparison that could compete with the monolithic might of an acquisition of this magnitude and just to put some numbers in front of you in case you don't believe Apple could buy Disney as of April 2023 Apple's market cap was estimated at 2.629 trillion dollars which is almost 26 times bigger than Disney right now and to really show you its possibility Apple has reported as of December 31st 2022 that they have around 55 billion dollars in cash just sitting around that they're doing nothing with which is almost half of what Disney is worth they literally just have that money sitting there doing nothing because Apple doesn't need it so if Apple were to buy Disney it would like likely barely even make a dent in their bank account and a joint combination of apple and Disney will be Beyond ultimate in terms of value and worth and since Disney is dying from their moronic failures as of late I'm sure Apple could even reduce the price even more and then buy them at a steal and it looks like I was underselling Apple because recently on June 30th The Wall Street Journal published an article titled apple is the world's first three trillion dollar company so they have roughly 30 times the value that Disney has as of right now so the possibility is very likely that this could happen Apple CEO Tim Cook even said recently during an Investor's call in April and I quote we're always looking to buy companies we acquire a lot of smaller companies and we'll continue to do that to add more talent to the IP we don't discount anything big if the opportunity presents itself I won't be looking at our inventory with you on this call but we're always looking end quote and honestly Disney being sold outright to Apple is likely going to be a possibility since recently photos have leaked from the Snow White live-action remake and good Lord do they look awful originally Disney tried to claim the leaked photos weren't real but since the internet backlash has been so severe they caved in and went yeah they're real well no Sherlock fans are clowning Disney because the Seven Dwarves are well they're not dwarves I can tell you that much well all right one of them is at least but the rest of them are just normal sized people who I wouldn't doubt identify as multiple genders and whatever else is currently cool to do right now Snow White's Rachel zegler was also spotted in her outfit and people are confused why Snow White is being played by a woman who doesn't fit the character at all since Snow White is explained as Skin as white as snow and all that but none of this surprises me after what Disney has been doing lately with their other remix oh yeah by the way the Little Mermaid bombed but who cares let's keep making fun of Snow White although it was confirmed the ACT dressed as Snow White in those leaked photos is not Rachel zegler but a double maybe Disney is trying to cut costs and get filming done by recording whatever they can without showing the actor's face I don't know man Disney isn't exactly known for their good business decisions lately as this video already proves Gal Gadot who plays the evil queen said that Snow White in this remake won't be pining for the prince's love but will instead be dreaming of herself becoming a future leader like her father told her she would become so yeah Snow White won't be saved by the prince she doesn't want love she'll just be another Mary Sue Disney heroine who wants to fight the patriarchy and has seven dwarves that are not dwarves because apparently calling Little People dwarves is problematic now but a lot of people are wondering why the hell is Disney making the doors regular people well the reasoning might be because of the actor Peter Dinklage you know the guy who played Tyrion in Game of Thrones Annie was also the ghost in Destiny for a little bit until they erased him because he was too expensive anyway Dinklage back in 2022 was on the Marc Maron podcast where he blasted Hollywood for its offensive portrayal of little people in media Dinklage was asked by Mark about the Snow White remake mind you this was well before the film was being made but anyway to which Dinklage said and I quote well you know it's really Progressive to cast a literally no offense to anyone but I was a little taken aback by they're very proud to cast a Latina actress as Snow White while you're still telling the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs take a step back and look at what you're doing there it makes no sense to me because you're Progressive in one way but you're still making that backward story of the Seven Dwarves living in a cave what are you doing have I done nothing to advance the cause for my soapbox I guess I'm not loud enough I don't know what studio that is but they were so proud of that and all love and respect to the actress and to the people who thought they were doing the right thing but I'm just like what are you doing end quote while what Dinklage says here might actually be the reason why the Snow White dwarves are not dwarves there's been a lot of criticism too since commenters find it interesting how Dinklage made his career playing role specifically designed for little people like himself but now that he's reached the peak of his career having made millions and become successful now suddenly the very opportunity and roles that led to him achieving success are suddenly problematic basically Dinklage is being accused of kicking the ladder down only after he's achieved success and his comments of Disney casting little people as dwarves does nothing to help his community in fact his comments are likely going to cost many other upcoming actors like him that will have opportunities ripped from them because of dinklage's issue with it which again he had no problem profiting from himself in the past it's the classic victim mindset mentality and believing that you're so special that no one body should be able to achieve success like you have thanks to dinklage's moronic statements those six dwarf acting roles are now closed off to new potential dwarf-like actors and he probably robbed the opportunity for others like him just because it hurts his feelings so now not only does a snow white remake look absolutely awful and ridiculous but actual hard-working actors who could have benefited from the work like Dinklage had are now robbed of opportunity I hate it when people think like this man that things are only problematic or wrong once you've used the very same things you call out to gain success it's like that idubbbz guy where he used edgy content to rise himself to fame then kick the ladder down saying nobody else should do what he did because it's now problematic people like this are insufferable to me and Disney now likely has another box office bomb on their hands since nobody's gonna want to watch Snow White and the six normally sized people and their dwarf friend in theaters but this is what I'm mean when I say that virtue signaling is always Hollow and ruins the creative medium and it's frustrating that it's always done by people who've used these advantages themselves if Dinklage really cared about Hollywood exploiting little people for stereotypical roles then he should give all the money he made from those roles to Charities but we know he won't because morons like him only virtue signal to get virtual pats on the back from other morons who are just as stupid as they are but on the bright side apple is probably happy about Snow White likely bombing because it'll mean they'll be able to buy Disney for even less money once it bombs in theaters I guess to close out this video I want to look at a quick story where Disney is bringing back Miss Marvel even though she literally just died in the comics at the end of that comic Cyclops hints that Miss Marvel will come back since she's a mutant and kirkoa which is where mutants live can revive them it's really stupid anyway the actor who plays Miss Marvel is going to write the book and it'll likely bomb and nobody will care Iman villani who plays Miss Marvel said quote this was way scarier than joining the MCU for me those projects feel like they live in their own Dimension so I guess I can separate myself easier but you can hold a comic book I've never ridden anything before in my entire life but I have read many Comics so I just wrote what I would want to read I was given a very professional tool to write what is essentially my own fan fiction end quote so we're getting a book from somebody who's never written anything before in their life about a character they played in a show that nobody watched like I'm not kidding Miss Marvel had the lowest ratings of all the MCU shows on Disney plus but maybe it'll be dethroned by secret Invasion which is also terrible I'm actually watching that show but only while I edit videos I also watch secret Invasion on mutes and even then I feel like Disney's wasting my time did you know Nick Fury is married to a scroll you're right who cares anymore the MCU is dead you want to know how dead it is Miss Mar Marvel debuted at 775 000 views secret Invasion debuted just under a million views the budget for secret invasion was 212 million dollars dude there's YouTubers out there in their bedrooms getting more views on a single video than a major Network series that broadcasts globally people just don't really care anymore and I can't blame them for it but due to diminishing returns Bob Iger also said recently that Disney will be reducing their content output stating that the quantity of content being made is tiring out audiences Iger also stated that Disney has been assessing how many sequels each Marvel character will be getting in the future and that now is the time to explore newness within the brand but let's be real the MCU was at its peak when it was held up by Legacy characters that people love we now live in a world where Iron Man is dead as hell and Steve Rogers is clapping Peggy Carter's cheeks instead of saving the world although who could blame him really the only thing Marvel could really do besides higher competent writers and directors like they used to is just to reboot the whole damn thing Kang the Conqueror is clearly not driving ticket sales the same way Thanos did not to mention Disney is pushing characters nobody cares about like Miss Marvel and Captain Marvel down everyone's throats I firmly believe when the Marvel's debuts this fall it's going to be a massive box office bomb for Disney and the Damage Control surrounding it will be like nothing we've seen before they'll blame the audience and call them racist and sexist because they refuse to watch a movie starring three women but the truth is that nobody cares about these characters I don't want to see Captain Marvel girl bossing I want to see Steve Rogers as Captain America leading the Avengers into battle again I don't care about Echo give me Iron Man making jokes and beating up bad guys but maybe I'm asking too much these days since the age of Marvel and the Disney I loved is but a memory of what it is today so maybe like Iron Man dying it's time for Disney to just sell itself to Apple maybe they can fix things but I guess we'll see won't we but that's what I got for you today Disney's on fire yet again Snow White looks terrible and Peter Dinklage is a what else is new right yeah I know people in Hollywood are stupid anyway let me know what you think as always like the video to help the channel out and subscribe to give my life meaning have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 204,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diversity, men media, critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, RK Outpost, woke media, post woke, nerdrotic, white people, woke disney, Star Wars, disney is dying, Kathleen Kennedy, Star Wars sold, disney selling Star Wars, disney woke, why no one likes woke characters, Henry Cavill, Witcher season 3, Witcher season 3 review, writer strike, actor strike, Oppenheimer, barbie, Hollywood strike, bob Iger, writers guild ai, she hulk writer, Snow White, AI, Guild, Peter Dinklage
Id: 4Iwd_b63Jto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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