Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Let's Play Part 1: Village of Calamity

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what is happening young cowboy here and welcome to part one of our let's play for whoa long Fallen Dynasty this is a game that I have been super excited for it's actually one of my most anticipated games of the year um for those that don't know this game takes place in the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history I grew up playing a lot of Dynasty Warriors which also takes place in that period so it's a part of history that I'm very fond of uh just just a really cool time in general but either way this game of course is going to be taking a look at that time in history but with a delicious fast-paced combat inspired by things like sekiro Neo you know obviously these Souls games so either way this should be a really good time I went ahead and booted the game up just to check a couple things in advance make sure everything was going smooth uh Graphics we have quality set to Max we're gonna go 60 FPS kick that off kick off uh motion blur because we don't need that at all and then as for language the game has three languages we got English Japanese and Chinese I'll probably do English for the walkthrough but as you all know I am a weeb at heart and even though this game takes place in Chinese history um you know the desert Japanese so I think it makes sense anyway so we're playing in Japanese um yeah besides that everything else is is pretty good so let's get to it Jump On In oh I'm excited like honestly this this and armor core six are probably the biggest games this year for me Thai yeah foreign just like Dynasty Warriors baby kicking things off with the yellow Turbo [Music] [Music] well first person Sword action you gotta imagine that the whole game played for his first the sword I feel like it would be so disorienting after a while good there's a VR sword games foreign I was actually watching the uh it was this weirdo all right so I made my character already let me see I should be able to just like load it in uh rest of that saved load yeah there we go weep Cowboy how's he looking so yeah earlier uh took time to make my character and just kind of booted in check controls but I've skipped all the cut scenes so I haven't seen any of the cutscenes I think it looks pretty good I wasn't able to uh to find the exact haircut that I have but you know a uh a fade top knot that's that's pretty close so weeb Cowboy you know as opposed to me taking the the uh 17 or so minutes it would have taken to make my character uh did it save the voice too yet yep that's my voice we're good weeb cowboy is ready to go oh why do you gotta have that tongue action like that foreign we'll fight our way up ahead I managed to make it to the uh I got to the very the very first um morale Tower and that's where I stopped I was like all right and I went back watched the video audio levels all sounded good everything was running smooth this is the deflect tutorial yeah you can double tap at the Dodge uh it's gonna be Earth element let's go for that actually this is gonna hit harder whatever I'll try it though [Music] man does this change it doesn't okay it's good to know so loot seems to be preset because that was there uh when I was first running through this as well so looks like it's gonna make things really really easy from the perspective of making the walk through and we have the critical bow tutorial s foreign thank you and the Battle Flag uh so for the let's play series go ahead and get that that's the deluxe edition stop for the the let's play series we're gonna be focusing on a Wizardry build so to start I'm gonna have to focus up my uh Focus up metal because that's gonna Focus Wizardry we're also going to put on that that pre-order stuff it's a let's play so I'm not worried about it on the floor uh by who set which looks pretty sick as you can see there's also the zoo K set it's more of like a phoenix but yeah this set has a bunch of stuff for like Spirit attack and toxin um so this is basically where I got to on the uh I don't want to say initial run but whatever you wanna whatever you want to describe it and there's a dude up ahead that I haven't messed with yet but I'm not sure if I want to so I found this and then I was like okay a little bit of exploring she's a level 15 you know get a critical [Music] God I'm not hurting him at all oh yeah yeah yeah attack him attack him but if we do this together we do it together we can possibly do it oh no oh this is bad oh here it's really bad foreign [Music] I think we can actually do this with like just a little bit of luck let's go let's go wow I was like oh man it's down I'm getting something good for this no I got I got some crappy groups you're saying something about loot so probably something this whole wow that's better than the the stuff I got from killing the dude uh watch I like died of the fire just trying to cross it no but that was close all right let's see so uh item you fragment keyflake um erase if that'll that'll stay even if they're gone so I can just use these as I find them ah it's rest and let's pump up all this stuff into let's get wood up a little more you're in one Wizardry spell for each of the five phases and I have enough for another level before that though let's take a look at our spells what's battle prep Battle Flag customization oh I haven't done this at all uh um we got patterns I can't read I don't know what any of this stuff says on different colors I feel like there's probably more patterns I unlocked besides just like Chinese characters that one looks like a little dude that's running kind of all right so we'll just we'll ignore the flag stuff for now uh Wizardry spells alone okay increases automatic recovery during low spirit and decrease automatic depletion during High Spirit and I think this means that we need one in wood or two in a wood for that lightning bolt a locked on target or at a point certain distance in front of you a fire bolt a moat of fire versus an eruption of flames Earth we have Rock Spike I remember not liking that too much in the beta Quake bound that's four no not quick about enhance defense okay so that's super poise uh repression crush and he's hit we'll recover from Spirit disruption slower for a period of time or poison bubbles and then we have Frost Lance or Cloud stance um let's do well I have one of each um so I'll pick up poison bubbles for you I'm thinking loud stance will be more useful after the wood let's do that so we'll run like two Buffs and then that's weird why is it like uh it's actually I think that's a cost so I think based on this I think blasting flare is actually going to be stronger than Fireball because 4 11 versus 254. so let's do blasting flare it's like a combustion and then on Earth um there's deathly ball Gap there so you'll pick up this for now and I'm not going to use it all right so um Let's do let's do a blasting flare here and then I'll do poison and then I'll do my my two Buffs now I'm gonna need to get point in each of those to use them so one there only can go one here for now and then and then my next point would go here so that I could actually use that spell in the meantime uh we can we can try out rock Spike C see if it's any good I remember it not being very good in the and all the demos but 17 15 . it seems like it's kind of a slow startup yeah I'm not sure I feel about that that's that's chunky actually you know what real fast just because we're this this seems like a good opportunity let's just abuse this dude with spells you are going to be our test dummy oh wow yeah okay I don't like that that's like directly on top of me because it seems like it knocks back but it's also like immediately on top of you so I'm gonna go ahead and just I'm gonna take you off right now uh you and me are not gonna be friends fire looked really good but let's let's try it again so the fire knocks back but it also chunks was I let me try let me try the Earth again foreign right now fire just seems like yeah you want to do you want to do match damage on what you want there's something about it yeah it's I don't know it's weird there's there's something about how that the Rocks like I don't know I don't like Rockstar very much let's try the the toxin bubble though foreign just throwing a poison puddle at him poison nerds he's dead so based on I mean given this very early very very early um maybe I don't even want Cloud stance don't even need that I should have gone for the other Earth thing man the the Poise armor the Poise armor would have been good um based on what I'm saying I wonder maybe I could Rock like a poison and poison and fire type setup the other thing is like if I'm going all into metal there's certain stuff that that'll level up a little bunch of goodies over there so that's the way of progress is up that hill take it uphill hang on a second here's a piece of candy that I missed now I'm thinking about it I remember seeing this when I was when I was playing before and I never got it foreign uh it's probably nothing but it's that and there's something up on a roof there it is fragment we got here the Bandit guard [Music] knowing that I can just like Sprint through the fire just like a side path foreign okay um the map is is indicating I should go that way but what's up this way foreign let me go back oh it's a dead end okay what was going the right way so one of the things with this game is as you plant those flags it's going to increase your your total morale level which is a sense think of it like a temporary um a temporary level that you are like a temperate character level I mean I am going to pick up Earth's through water because it's going to be equipment weight too so that's that's going to be useful um you know your your power your power level for that level so right now my character can see in the top right I have a power level of like six and a seven you can see in the center of the screen I'm at seven so these guys are only four so I'm just gonna be an absolute bully but if you wanted to like speed around three [ __ ] you could Gary just you know burned through the level and be a supervillain level about it because I can just beast mode and stuff see I go up there you cannot perform martial arts in your spirit gauge decreases the lower limit the type will differ depending on the weapon prayer weapons have two so the attack you already saw him again foreign being so aggressive I haven't even like gotten parries yet I'm just like murder foreign so now my my fortitude my permanent rank is seven whereas my current rank is also seven this means even if I die I think I stay at seven no matter what oh man yeah dude those those it's literally combustion oh white wooden cudgel and yellow turban Champion helmet let's see how that pedal is 94 . the pole arm is still try that out um I think anything's gonna be better than the the pre-order stuff being level four though these might wow yeah um let's see so more defense more physical resist more Spirit defense this is more in tune with fire whereas this is more in tune with that but these have haste upon deflection health Spirit attack damage toxin resist these do put me into a heavier weight threshold which is actually rolling but I think I'm okay with that I'm not like I'm not against being a more of a thick boy y'all know me I represent the thick boy gang um let's want to level before I have enough I do all right Wizardry learn spells when do I when do I get to learn more spells I should I should have just picked up enhanced defense that's I like can I refund this point I mean I had to get that sooner or later because I do want to get deathly bog I remember that was insane in all the demos I played but want that but um yeah I don't know how I feel about Cloud stance I'm just kind of like yeah that's whatever um let's go level up um let's put a point into fire for now I do you know let me look at the more advanced spells real quick and see what what like what I want to work towards so in metal we have cloud that looks cool so I can work towards five to get that about fire 10 8 12. cone Fireballs at three three two four six damn so yeah um and I'm not really that worried about about wood stuff like lightning that's those look like they're kind of heavy lifts I mean the the Barb conductor is all the way up at eight that's not happening uh I used to remember this being insane in the demo but that's at 40 that's a long time from now on Earth August 15. yeah we're going to focus on um I'm gonna focus on fire and Metal I wonder what's down here Boss Arena if I've ever seen one foreign [Applause] my turn for the offensive beat him up yeah beat a monkey or this money [Applause] seems to be the uh [Music] this seems to be the uh the combo I go for regular and then I finish with my spirit oh get out played go in with the spirit hit him with the combustion into the face burn let's go man he's cooking them look at that single children [Music] that's so it's like an amaretta Stone I didn't think we were gonna fight the second phase version so soon 9s [Applause] [Music] but I remember it's real God that's been a minute I remember being able to whoop your ass I had I had a lot of fights about this guy back in the demo I had him down to muscle memory but this isn't looking good so far foreign thank you problem is I don't have the healing for this bro foreign [Music] dragon my Dude Looks So Regal in this opening armor it's ridiculous what is happening right now oh God that dude did he just like illusion and he corrupted it [Laughter] what even just happened he so he showed up disguised as me approached 9s murdered him stole his dragon and then ripped something from my amulet and dipped out that was King long isn't he one of the uh the Azure Dragon King long also known it's one of the Dragon gods represents the Mount of katonic forces of the five Region's highest ladies he's also one of the four symbols of the Chinese constellations [Music] foreign Club of Polaris Mount dongshan I think this is actually where we uh I think this is the demo Zone that I played let me run ahead slightly and I'll be able to tell you tiger seal this looks like the demo region that I played supplies recruit to co-op uh with supplies bye okay I can buy Arrow crossbow core repeating crossbow Coral very knife poison throwing knife 3000 I pop the fire pots uh increase the amount of spirit you obtain after you use five minerals powder prevent your morale rank from dropping when you die it's expensive though uh and I can sell wow 5 000 a pop for old weapons I don't want anymore that's that's not bad 3 000 a pop for per piece of armor inflation ain't hitting well long that's for sure uh character directory foreign black is of Unknown Origin although almost 100 years old uh yeah I do definitely evil and this dude looks like he's gonna be creepy as hell to fight an attic UI it's a demon resembling a cross between a human and a tiger also called tiger saying in reference to Chinese lore when humans divide by tigers become spirits that think yeah that was it was not easy let's look at the stuff that we got though as a set bone a set bonus is a set special effects can be obtained by putting multiple pieces the more you clip the more effects that are granted that's part of the yellow Heaven Must rise scent Journal of man bandana it's going to give me Earth Attunement and fire tomb and mainly attack Spirit damage would face spear consumption I mean this has good stuff uh special effect details no I want to see oh that's weird I just noticed I have PlayStation buttons on my default hang on uh control settings oh there we go this this is this what controller I have okay so put that on gestures or character menu okay now that makes more sense and I saw a description okay I want to see right all by equipment set bonus hang on well I got I got a couple pieces of it let me general of man gauntlets they also have General man Greaves spirit game from normal attacks I wish I could see the full set there should be there's got to be a way right is how that would be uh be really weird if it's just like yeah you get a set bonus and I'm like okay what what is that set bonus uh you got to have the whole set on to know like that doesn't make sense I mean stat wise this is pretty solid no it's resistance it's gonna be 12. that's going to be six six twelve so resistances across the board are going to be better with it I think the buyer who is still going to be superior for the time being man where was that this thing great Club of Polaris Boulder Glide Mountain strike lightning damage Stone attack power God I think it's big what is it so I wonder what the uh what moveset does it have oh God I just noticed that we we got the second we went into like Frame City there the hammer the unga was too strong the Uncle Buck here was like oh drop your frames yeah let me pull that over I hope it hasn't been doing that the whole whole time we've been playing so that would be really sad but yeah also I'm gonna pull up uh task manager here see what kind of performance we're getting various things though performance I mean we're looking good I don't know why we were framing out for a second actually I think I do it's because I set my my encoder just slow instead of medium recently probably what is causing that um let's go here though what did I say I said I wanted this to four let me check my my spells where was I going I have points to spend too uh venomous discharge is five fog will cause damage so I need five and then get that up to like three foreign thank you okay let me uh go ahead a little bit let's see what we're working with here and yeah I'm pretty sure oh this is definitely the place for the demo it's just a full-size version of it wow saying slow all right that's cool [Music] I don't know why I can't use something's up with my magic why is it all disabled music Ally like the blood splatter on my mask foreign [Music] to assist you through reinforcements all right so I gotta figure out what's going on with my happened to my magic why I can't equip anything like it's equipped but none of it's active enemies that defeat players on other battlefields may appear on your Battlefield as Vengeance targets the details of the defeated player can be checked at their burial flag a Vengeance Target will have a race morale rate if they're having a dragon cure pot you can raise your own morale uh uh is that the morale Target that killed him foreign I want to figure out what's going on with my my magic foreign number of tiger seals to call Friendly Warriors and have them assist you in clearing battlefields as long as the aid gauge is not completely depleted you will have to revive them when their HP Falls to zero I can have his value and he has the Spear the boldness set and spirit game from deflecting I wonder is that do I receive that Warrior effect from having him along it's weird they've like all they're all grayed out no wait wait wait wait what the heck oh I'm dumb it's my morale level it's my morale level so I require a morale level of three uh three that requires seven that requires three perfect that is that is why I need to have some base morale before I can start just clappity clapping cheeks with my stuff um they're really dumb now uh we could start with Firebolt and I will have enhanced defense ready to go okay I'm dumb I'm very dumb it's okay no you know what no I'm not dumb it's brand new game lots of new systems to learn so uh between the two of you this has C and D this has dce it actually kind of aligns with the the elements I'm rocking foreign you know cute I think I just like skipped past a bunch of dudes to just plant to plant a Battle Flag yeah go ahead and plant this right here boost me up to two this is probably the way I go bullying me thank you and that fire fire is very puny laughs yeah so I could have gone boom boom boom and fought them instead I snuck around and I grabbed this right over here any hidden goodies I got well oh throwing weapons so this is the town but it looked like I was supposed to go the other way so much exploration so many paths to take okay so this does dead end and I have to go into that town area we're gonna go a little bit longer trying to go for for an hour on this first episode to really give you all a a big look at what the game is like with the final product oh well it works so far my only concern is that that weird hiccup where I was like playing around with the big staff and all of a sudden I got framing but I think that's I think that's an OBS setting that I have on that I'm not supposed to disable that after this headshot that you can um no BS you can like pick your encoding speed and I was you know if you're watching the uh the ultimate reborn you know I was messing around with a different codec the av1 codec which is it's nice I found out Adobe doesn't support it so then I dropped it switched back to MP4 and I was like well man the quality was looking so good maybe actually for a different encodies but usually for YouTube videos you would do when you select your speed you would go for like fastest which is fine because the differences are usually negligible um because I have a really good PC I've had my medium for a while but I accidentally put it on slow and slow encoding is like what I would use it's like what you would be using if you were trying to like produce an actual movie and it had to be like really really tight uh which is grossly excessive for for a YouTube video because the it's going to be lost in compression alone essentially so by using using the slow encoder just for for the content I do for Let's Plays just ain't worth it hello fortitude rank increased all spells unlocked myself anyway drop that back down to drop that back to medium and that'll uh we'll address that issue man this thing just it was this beefy any hope I had of being like yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna use fast weapons the game's like what if we give you big stick with spikes and I'm like yeah yeah I like big stick with spiders big stick with spikes very pretty weapons followers followers share their Spirit performing a fatal strike on one of them to reduce their Spirit gauge the stronger an enemy bound to a spirit conjunction the more the spirit cage will be reduced foreign see see I'm really liking the verticality on these levels it seems a lot more natural than the verticality of uh I like Neo as well that is some kind of corrupted Tower thingy yeah damn bro dude's got that fortnite aim um here the marking flag 42 ranked to six foreign foreign [Music] foreign damage foreign [Music] whatever tonight don't you worry about it I will beat all those yellow turbans down thank you honestly man this the staff puts the anger and Bunga this thing is crazy uh so how do I how do I do my throwing weapons so I picked up throwing knives and picked up apples arranged weapons but I don't see so that stops that I don't know how we would actually use them play around a bit all right um either way let's uh pump a point there we're gonna wrap things up here for now this seems like a a good spot to uh to close on out you know we just just cleared that just got a new tower we're gonna get rid of that one Firebolt spell that didn't feel that good um Let's do let's keep enhanced defense there and then up here I'll rock Unstoppable force and then blasting flare and then the new venomous discharge that I picked up so yeah we're gonna close things out here I want to check this this first video make sure there weren't any frame drops besides that one little weird Point uh y'all stay tuned and I will catch y'all soon with more well long Fallen Dynasty
Channel: FightinCowboy
Views: 189,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Lets Play, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Walkthrough, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Gameplay Walkthrough, Wo Long, wo long fallen dynasty, wo long fallen dynasty gameplay, wo long gameplay, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Fightincowboy, Wo Long FightinCowboy, Walkthrough, Lets Play, Wo Long Part 1, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Part 1, Wo Long PC Gameplay, Wo Long PS5 Gameplay, Wo Long Series X Gameplay, wo long: fallen dynasty, fightincowboy, fighting cowboy, soulslike, fallen dynasty
Id: tw0qM1bJYlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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