Wizards of Wood | Full Documentary | SLICE

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the lumber industry in Madagascar is low-tech there are no machines elbow grease does the work in Marg Unga on the northwest coast all the lumber men as a team honoree recognized and appreciated for their woodworking skills these carpenters joiners and cabinet makers were driven from the curse nearly three centuries ago by rivals and took refuge in the islands central islands money is scarce among the safa Malory many young men resort to seasonal emigration [Music] Desiree and rally left their mountains for a season of sowing [Music] this evening they're loading the last truck of the season the two men are worn out they can't wait to go home [Music] Valon Amin and a comment in Arcadia now Sanna Sanna for marginal humble men are paid at the end of each month the boss deducts advances which are not much the seminary don't need much money to live most often they sleep on the worksite in deep and for the last month's were rely and Desiree each receive two hundred thousand re Aires about 80 euro this a meal re re never Morrison's auntie mom are you not equal to eat after working for three months each one returns to his village with 200 euros the National Road number seven that crosses the island from north to south is in good condition but it still takes the minibus two or three days to reach and to etch the last stop 800 kilometers away [Music] it's hard to imagine that not so long ago this road went through a primary forest filled with exceptional plants and animals that no longer exist the deforestation of Madagascar is one of the most disturbing in the tropics and twitch is a city of a thousand people perched at an altitude of 1,300 meters this is the gateway to the seminary's land and the administrative centre for some 50 villages which are only accessible on foot far steeper and sometimes dangerous paths it's late rely and Desiree will spend the night in an twedge sleeping in a shop where the craftsmen sell their work among G realize huncle it's already there as Fe who runs the shop is worried the large pieces are not selling it hmm rely has had a wood chest for three years it's magnificent no one's buying it for Tom Lehman contagionism and idea sergeant is a cave of apparently an eternity I suppose Horner the art of the zetas Mallory was unknown until the 1960s the anthropologists who studied these little-known people discovered an astonishing woodcraft in culture memory translate the principles that guide their lives into poetic extremely subtle geometric patterns Dada Mundi suggests creating an association the would determine prices everyone listens to the jovial 72 year old as he went to school attentive to others interested in everything tireless despite his age dad emoji is fully committed to support in the community finally someone on the Cushman Yashiro Hetty jihun only season two manner of waters ahead in the morning Desiree brulee and dad emoji separate at the stone monument built to honor the ancients Desiree heads north he will join his father and two younger brothers who are working in the forest as for rely and dad emoji they returned to the village of Kyoto [Music] the forest once covered all the land they're crossing ten times people had burned the mountain to plant corn today the land is sterile just before que toda the women are working in the fields that aman she immediately starts in on his campaign he wants to convince the villagers that burning the mountain destroys the land and leads to famine basically a Coliseum teacher before the Ambassador hablas a folk in 2002 scripta Satyarthi fortune love me I'm for mocking and inhumanity of human do alumna from Haryana [Music] [Laughter] [Music] que todo is a typical seminary village sitting on a rocky outcrop between two steep valleys it's not as isolated as many others the few dozen houses in Quito don't are in perfect condition because the 300 inhabitants of the village maintained the culture of their people against all odds [Music] realize children haven't seen their father for three months yet they don't fling their arms around him to the foreigner surprised at such restraint the seminary say the physical displays are not part of their customs realize wife is not here she's ill and in bed at her parents house in a nearby village Brandeis sister-in-law is taking care of the children husband is still in mahjong go dad emoji is worried about it er sir she's not afraid that he'll meet another woman I'm not afraid I am the first wife forgotten Liberty you have dipped in water but if he brings another woman here if he brings her into the house I wouldn't stand for I would go home to my parents I'll go live somewhere else [Applause] [Music] the men are gathered in chief Raya man's home to decide on the construction of a new house the village hasn't experienced such an event in 20 years as a fan honoré house lasts at least a century he not in tanana Senate can turn an agenda great Inanna director a car indefinitely - Africa Bologna Nina - katana for Marquis [Music] accordingly a certain city suggested idiom literally koalas all reserve Syria interfere I need me new file appear not now and dipp'd rivetti lasagna and SHINee and Shannon rational Here Come me here a few to share a calm life the Inafune doc were Metallica re making a fetus are irritable g5 in Germany services are mana wanna haemophilia George Anya shall I know sunblock alien or kanafeh happy Norma unleash average Satya reform attorney general region conveniently Russia and Iran [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it won't be miss from Patara love of apathy to look at each other currency at a time which other car numeric IRA cd-rom montage quoi ta-da Vittoria Colonna one for Walker from Piazza one Tanana de mama from Matthew so Farrah so Zephyr memory have been Christians for nearly a century yet they've not given up the traditions that underpin their identity the future owner of the house sacrifices a zebu to placate the spirits of the ancestors so that they intercede with God for the construction to be successful the sacrifice is a ritual celebration it's also a social gesture the zebu is shared among all the families in the village an offering of meat is certainly reason for a feast because they don't eat it every day but it's also a sign of recognition and respect if a resident didn't receive his share he would feel insulted his very existence denier did for us commentary to make a nose we need the forest but the forest is starting to disappear too much what is going to happen to future generations Dinka Paro [Music] the Chiefs questions are not abstract the Zephyr Malory houses are created entirely from the forest know what was before cutting down the first tree Rakuten must make a ritual offering to the ancestors sir miss you who fool Akhenaten decision in afar ha fetus only la historia toe Tajin vamp in union are a Tahitian activist ara and an official I'm an adult right and full of a carrion Bay Roku to her spread cane alcohol on the trunk garden Tchaikovsky Cathy now it's the men's turn to share the alcohol a horrible rotgut distilled in the villages oh I don't know dad emoji looks as enthusiastic as a condemned prisoner swallowing his last glass that's for a go to the trees to be cut down are selected according to the dimensions of the house to be built the framing wood is not a valuable tree but it's good wood noble wood the Zephyr man reworked by I and they have to have a sure hand to go with it the felling area is a 90 minute walk from Quito doe animal labour doesn't exist among the safa battery the men carry everything on their back [Music] [Applause] [Music] much father a two-day walk away Desiree has met up with the men of his family his brother Victor his younger brother solo his father jean-marie jean-marie brought solo to the side to teach him how to carve a bowl from a trunk of rosewood d I don't know Daniel Emil Kapaun yet contrary to what you might think the bowl is not cut lengthwise from the trunk but crosswise syndrome of yahwah they use the axe to remove the ring of light wood to reveal the darker colors of the core [Applause] the lemurs have come to see you on earth's making such a racket in the first the zapper man we don't hunt these fairly tame small primates as they're convinced that the spirits of the ancestors ride them leap along with them from branch to branch the trees cut as close as possible to the ground to obtain the widest section of the trunk it takes one man about two days to clear a large tree rose wood along with ebony is one of the most valuable trees in the Malagasy forest very dense and extremely hard it's good to work with it's one of the sculptors favorite woods [Music] [Music] before being at Epsilon [Music] delivered annually [Music] solo is facing the moment of truth carving the curve of the bowl using an axe Joe Murray watches his young son anxiously a poorly placed blow and they'll have to make the balls smaller solos fairly skilled that the concentration required by the apprenticeship wears him out quickly [Music] Joe Murray would rather let Victor take over expensive and generous jean-marie talks non-stop he'll talk about anything and everything his sons listen beautifully keep their thoughts to themselves ostia us in Douglas fir bark on it by Harrison with Rica autumn tea farts Niall a tea cup this is a lasagna deceived in Pula i ratatatat neither taken iike ye seek a here near new mckarrick IRA SIM card wa ta ha sure I'm laughing me hard via the Shipra gateway 6s aftman ear but also from an evil Manoa dad Ilana dear the house boola I'm vilify mahashiv hula Idol and onion on the cooker now a feed by the Hoffa [Music] [Applause] [Music] in key todo jean has picked up the plane and started the finished work on the beams dat fffe rikudou requires clean smooth surfaces but Joel's hand is not sure the master encourages his young student to use easy sweeping movements John doesn't realize it but Rikuo is teaching him about the Zephyr Mallory house threw his body he teaches him that the house is the expression of the forest the extension of the family that it is made to last even if it's a Shack abandoned for years even if it's about to collapse here no one would ever think of tearing down a crumbling old house [Music] there won't be a single nail or screw in the house just a few pegs if necessary the joints are perfect and frames rarely have to be reinforced with a wedge [Music] tell that old [Music] in the Safa binary culture there are no plans on paper houses are first of all built in the imagination the principles of building the techniques the skills are transmitted directly from one carpenter to another on sculptor to another one generation to another if this transmission is broken an entire way of life ends a vision of people and things disappears [Music] Desiree has decided to carve his own balls he selected his rosewood tree the Magnificent tall tree 150 years old cutting down a tree even one as regal as Desiree's rosewood is not a wound inflicted on the forest felling the tree opens up a window bringing in light younger trees can then thrive in its place Desiree will use the entire fallen tree he will carve a series of progressively smaller bowls from the trunk covers honey pots statuettes the scraps will be used as planks for chests sorrow is now trying to use the wood chisel the bowl is taking shape it takes three weeks but for a single man working from night to morning in rain or dry weather to carve a good sized bowl [Music] Samina living in the forest with just a sloping roof of branches and leaves as shelter is hard for everyone insects and leeches torment men to a feverish so I was doing well the boys gifted with a good hand Edie 32 me I'm carving bowls demands a great deal of rigor it requires strong self-control one wrong move would leave an indelible mark that would considerably lower the value of this magnificent piece [Music] a new section of the mountain around Kyoto has been cleared the villagers burned before planting the Hat sack in other words slash and burn farming satins dad emoji but he doesn't get angry in the past dad emoji used to burn his fields just like everyone else [Music] the women start planting corn almost before the ground cools off the first harvest on such a steep slope will be good then running water carries off the soil and another patch of the mountain becomes sterile [Music] the forest continues to provide word to construct the house [Music] The Carpenters assemble a section of wall on the ground a window frame that fits perfectly into the wood structure [Music] oh oh as the friendly old spirit of Kyoto at emoji keeps an eye on the project ja oh inertia but enough now to know come fun overnight teach auntie number not to talk titty tennis are limiting us to maintain even a community of tea a contraction akavir not a generality all the outside services of the word are carved Rakuten teaches Jo about the structure of the patterns so that the design will be coherent the meaning must be immediately clear oh yeah sure you know for making a fragile any fajita facade fajita fafa me she to find affectionate only night comes early in the forest the evenings are long anxious to return home Joe Mary and his sons work by the light of the fire and only rarely by candlelight because of the cost it's always the same needle in the camp rice seasoned with pepper the water comes from the stream hi monkey stand firm am I looking - ah ha - Louise I need to Erin emissions were born at the end monkey before the rose wood trees were near the village the work wasn't hard okay now that I have children we have to go farther to find rosewood trees laughter no I can afford one only shoe role I'm teaching soda how to work with the Rosewood you may but in the future if we're going to still carve bowls I might have to think about using other trees in the same family as rosewood from one knee trees that are high the women have braided bramble they decorate the cable this is their only contribution to the house Emmanuelle a talented sculptor teaches Jean how to carve a shuttle [Music] the door an essential element will be carved by and require a true artist [Music] [Music] [Music] joy is struggling laborious Lee with his old knife the wood suffers [Music] it'll take Jo many years before he'll be able to carve as expertly as and require assuming he has the talent [Music] et honey the patent is carved in the wood of the Safa Malory homes are not religious they express my social order and the interrelationship of the inhabitants the omission right boo boo retail kill kill Cooper 1001 deer the middle circle is the patriarch the pre NIT come meet each on occasion and that's the whole family month the members of this family not independent even if the members are scattered the family still remains connected we see it in the designs here here and here they're all collectively naughty naughty naughty dear me fan dry easily hit the lines now man they're parallel Niram shooter in a deacon smite see what does this mean they are straight they say that the seminary not bright people in everything they do we are upright people don't [Music] [Music] solo has finished his boat he's tackling the final difficult but he's carving the handles from the rosewood bowl is an essential item among the seminary implements the woman of the house keeps her rice supplies for the week in this bowl solo has done very well in his apprenticeship Jean Marie's relieved his youngest son is now capable of earning a living Oh sighing Lam Meem annoys you charge these amateurs eeriness and the way they shine ten is having a muffin we do not know fatten I have in my suit under this epistle Willamette scholarly tradition he he he it's time to deliver the balls now [Music] a final onion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] day is dawning in Kyoto [Music] the men are on the roof tonight the house will have a family the roof is made of split and flattened bamboo poles this creates a very light but waterproof roof characteristics sort by roofers the world over the house is divided into two sections one is for the kitchen the other for sleeping the project went smoothly the spirits of the ancestors were accommodating Napoleon on turns out of northern at 220 at initech Antigua dad emoji brings the first polls to the woman of the new home it's a symbolic act through which the family takes over the house a horn initiative Joe I'm five tonight t channel 1910 apart a failure I'm not an entre Kshatriya news new love moon on cara cara state D to trauma sorry our Tina fall to cool I'm faster I'm also very high Satya eat eternity this house impairs every element in it that makes it the truth after Maneri house money for the rest of my life I will continue to tell all the seminary to do everything they can to perpetuate the tradition of the red zafar manila house I know Jeff my needle gainful I am happy yes very very happy [Applause] [Music] [Music] Joe Murray and his sons will have to walk two days non-stop carrying a load of 35 to 40 kilos over dangerous and unreliable paths to get the precious poles out of the forest [Music] [Music] jean-marie and his boys are in Ambu Sutra the end of their Road Jean d'Arc epithelial trader ordered the pieces Leana negotiations concerned the price which depends on the size of the ball never elephant a Attila has a large velocity well Sookie de novo dere's no Nathan Syria Jim is a la ref you can erode EI alpha comes in Sulochana me write it here Christy it's tangent in administra Hayes it's a deal like all the bets alejo traders Jean d'Arc asks her workers to decorate the bowls [Music] the carvings neither in the bets alejo north as a team a nori style it's kitsch meant for tourists solos first pole will be entirely altered it works out well for Jean d'Arc she'll sell the works to tourists for five to ten times what she paid the tourists don't know anything about the age-old history of these unique pieces [Music] Madame Emmeline director of cultural heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has traveled to ambassador with UNESCO she's setting up local associations to help the seminary promote their art and traditions while earning a living Oh mr. and will Tennyson if he's on time via Nico Savannah tickets and I think a scant in the levy forces of modesty Susanna erratic and a lava tom toner to Misrata tick say it - meat lasagna missile 15 Amitabha and a super Dean and if I zametov ashes of manure oniy for Nia a recipe rename the taffeta so mature said yay not only get the wounded TT limp and as camp animals on the continent if I'm put a Miss Eva Lupo just see kotoba janakute away see the pit bulls and so nice and tagging Fatima pull Sonia know if you know it's anchored nuisance and humble Africa meet Sammy a severe Romney fizzle Peeta yaha - ly ly ly punished eternally our not an efficient manner dear Haruna mugger hi Kieffer butanna in a HIPAA neuroticism Irsay deformation and Lima Cassidy's - cousin MIT virginianus cupola foligno @c @c go by - Finley didn't say in a shanty Ottawa team in the school in a shanty Ottawa team in school the unis cause Anna is not supported he's an element's fula until they were shitty this emission did rivers are all are it say silly disco you need school dharamendra puts little trust in words he has to demonstrate so he shows his gun do you Han Yong glass of Saigon of we talk - our EMT 2005 Peter come the tear emoji has stopped burning inna farms on stabilized land for the sacramentary ought to be perpetuated the old man has planted more than 300 rosewood trees on his property Monica Mandy can you John hang on rockin moolah lava elephant you sayin are you the show my channel bahá'u'lláh ha Muji Maru Naruto Shakira sister Jaya mumbling Foom wanna chat here you pain ie seekers of mine Evie an opinion that that was a general question see mishmash Mancala but another one Rasmus Vita democratical number happiness III is very loose and a few peninsula broke deformity Nia Chandra hija relates on man inertia knee Kazakh Salamis Madeira mijita with a farmer's common sense is curiosity and interest in others is concerned for the community dad emoji is reinventing sustainable development yes the Zephyr mannery art is threatened but thanks to people like dad emoji thanks to Joe Murray and his sons thanks to the younger men their training there's now a real hope of ending the vicious circle that leads these men to destroy their land and their culture in order to eat so that one day the farmers field and the sculptors forest can coexist peacefully in the land of the seminary [Music] [Music]
Channel: SLICE
Views: 945,858
Rating: 4.787075 out of 5
Keywords: documentary, documentaries, shortdoc, shortdocs, slice, slicedocs
Id: lBwlCiW2FOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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