Witness a Staggering Leap of Tinfoil Logic!

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[Applause] [Music] did you know that the u.s. is apparently only 50% the size we are told hello all and welcome along to another episode of Tim for tuesdays with me simon and dan yes that was a youtuber jason Maggard making the incredible claim that the u.s. is not as big as we think you may recognize the name actually Jason made an appearance in the very first flat earth fail compilation here's a reminder if you go down here to keep town which is way below the equator it is at 18 degrees east in Cape Town though I've always been taught that the Sun sets earlier in the East than in the West due to the rotation of the earth you can see that the Sun is not setting for another 50 minutes his blistering display of logic and reason was so good back then but I thought I'd go back and take a look to see what he was up to now and boy he wasn't disappointed the whole thing starts at a local airfield yeah traffic on the freeways beating him [Music] easily calculated that's an interesting statement okay let's continue [Music] since it is Stas closer to Sasha's shadow and their Angus versus the cars on oh yeah okay you're tracking the plane shadow fair enough I can't see it on the video but I'll take your word for it [Music] I did know that yes however if we take a look at the very first frame of your video where you've zoomed in on the plane you're looking at you can see that this is not a jet it's a light aircraft these planes are considerably slower than Jets so it's not surprising that their speed is similar to the cars on the road below at this point [Music] much faster than the cars now that's a jet [Music] he's going like three times the speed at our last one twice float16 Jackie might be also huh [Music] there's a certain age 60 you think that that jet you just filmed was only going 60 miles per hour come on even though straight afterwards you said it's hard to gauge [Music] he's got about a hundred now it's about a hundred brilliant you've not got a clue at all see those corporate jets and he can really open up great [Music] [Music] so this is a diagram he's made that shows all the distances involved according to his best guess let's keep this in mind and we'll refer to it again later [Music] behind [Music] oh man you lost come on you'll get it next time you but what is this lunatic doing racing planes [Music] okay so across that distance you have raged forty miles per hour great [Music] [Music] I'm a friend who's a pilot he reliably informed me that this particular plane is a Learjet he also told me that they have a landing airspeed of around a hundred and thirty miles per hour thanks James so his estimate of three times is a fair one let's move on [Music] okay I shall right let's refer back to Jason's drawing remember this is his own representation of the scene so Jason's SUV did the 240 feet at an average speed of 40 miles per hour 240 feet is 120 second of a mile so if we do 1 over 22 is the distance and divide that by 40 miles an hour we get 0.0011 36 hours let's multiply that by 3600 and it gives us 4.1 seconds now as the plane completed its course in roughly the same time and we can come up with an approximate ground speed the planes course was 430 feet so we convert that to miles and divide that by our time in hours and that gives us an approximate speed of around 80 miles per hour it's important to remember a couple of things here though one Jason's dimensions are not entirely accurate just a 10-person error could change our result more importantly though air speed is not always the same as ground speed if there was a 25 mile mile per hour headwind here that means air speed will be a hundred and five miles per hour much closer to the landing speed we're looking for [Music] now it didn't look that fast but as we've just seen your calculations do not show the plane at a speed three times slower than it should be you may not know he was racing you but he was probably well aware that the maniac in a black SUV was giving it son in a car park hang on I thought it was three times slower where's the fifty percent come from [Music] now come on some extremely poor evidence collected by you was conducting a woeful experiment does not prove that the US is 50% smaller than we what my dry cleanings done already I told me to take a week and it's only been three days I knew they were saying fishy about that suit clearly it's smaller than I thought must be a kid's one as I was saying it does not prove that the u.s. is 50% smaller than we thought [Music] yeah thanks Dave for showing Jason a thing or two maybe we should take a sneaky look at your channel as well so there we have it according to Jason the USA is only half the size we are told it is because he raced a landing jet in his SUV Wow even I can't keep a straight face on that one right that about wraps it up for another Tim for Tuesday thank you so much for watching please please please do like and subscribe if you enjoyed it I'll see you all on Friday where we look at a video that's been made especially for us heliocentric believers see all them bye
Channel: SciManDan
Views: 911,774
Rating: 4.8882341 out of 5
Keywords: conspiracies, conspiracy theory, plane speeds, USA, how big is the US, how fast are planes, jet speed hoax, plane speed hoax, popular science, biggest conspiracy
Id: qb3SUe0XhcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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