The Weakest Dinosaur Debunking You've Ever Seen!

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[Music] there are many conspiracies out there in the world of YouTube but for some reason this one keeps popping up time after time I should know why yes the great big dinosaur hoax is back as we take our second look into the world of dinosaur deniers thank you for joining me my name is Simon down and you found yourself smack bang in the middle of another Tim for Tuesday episode today's video is from a channel called Christians against dinosaurs and the presenter in question has an issue with the amount of food required to keep a dinosaur going interesting I'm sure she's got some pertinent reasons as to why let's find out oh hi hi I wasn't just sat here staring you honest didn't see you there Oh in that case then I've just arrived just doing a little bit of reading nice love Brachiosaurus tell me more about it I like doing a little bit of reading before bed every night especially on dinosaurs oh you're going to bed okay no problem I'll read mine that I should let you know that I prefer to call them dinosaur a lie oh we stood up did you say dinosaur lie I will say that from an early age I was indoctrinated to believe in dinosaur eggs and this dinosaur lie the paleontologist kind of cooked up for us to get themselves millions and millions of dollars but don't think that's their primary reason for doing it if it was me the best part about the job would be the actual discovery that's going on so at the end of the day who actually was reading these books on dinosaurs and seeing all these accounts of these fossils that came out were put together to make these animals and I was really intrigued by them for a very long time and I mean if you look at the science of these dinosaurs they're unlike anything else alive today indeed the largest dinosaur ever discovered is the Argentinosaurus it is said to have been almost 40 metres long and weighed as much as 100 metric tons Wow so it makes you think oh wow how come the animals now are in that size and your thought process kind of goes along from there what it does but not in the ways yours does there's a couple of reasons as to why the animals back then was so big and today they're not the first is oxygen content in the atmosphere in the past the percentage of oxygen in the air was higher which allowed animals to grow bigger bodies there are experiments going on right now where scientists are growing dragonflies in an oxygen-rich environment and getting them to grow 15% larger the second reason is our old friend time according to a room called copes rule and most tend to get larger the more time are allowed to evolve then you get a mass extinction the larger ones get wiped out and the smaller ones carry on the last mass extinction was 65 million years ago not really enough time to get some super-sized animals I will share with you Brachiosaurus is 23 metric tons and 75 feet long it's a big dinosaur right indeed it was thinking about how massive that I'm sorry you'd wonder well how much would that dinosaur have to eat every single day in order to survive any guesses 167 veggie burgers 264 jacket potatoes 1358 corn on the cops 1,000 pounds every day Wow okay so that's around 450 kilograms to put that into perspective here's the mountain from Game of Thrones lifting 450 kilograms [Music] [Applause] 1,000 pounds of the actual plant life that they need every single day okay well they're big dinosaurs so they have big heads so maybe no the Brachiosaurus actually has a tiny hat their head it's more on par with the size of yours or mine here is a picture of a Brachiosaurus with its head altered to the size of yours or mine that was a fake fact right there wasn't it so imagine that amount of food that massive amount of food going into your mouth every single day it's a lot of food for you and I but for a Brachiosaurus which by your own admission weighs around 23 tons it's about 2% of its body weight I weigh around 190 pounds breakfast lunch and dinner for me consists about four pounds of food which is guess what about 2% of my body weight if you really want to feel sorry for an animal check out the hummingbird this poor bugger needs to eat 200 percent of its body weight each day just to get out of the nest each morning now take it to recount that the Brachiosaurus know Mahler's they were only working with incisors right no canine no mowers this is true Brachiosaurus did only have one type of tooth a spoon shape one but that's all they needed they literally use them to strip the leaves off branches and then they just swallowed without any kind of grinding or shredding mechanism in their mouth they had to consume 1,000 pounds of plant life every single day now in order to think about that you need approximately the way that plant life is scattered and was scattered in those times two point five square miles of distance covered every single day by an animal that they anticipate walked at about 0.02 miles per hour I do not know where you pulled that one from point zero two miles per hour is actually around one centimeter per second I think they were able to do a bit faster than that experts estimate their true speed to be around six to ten miles per hour point or two miles per hour abuse that size had to travel 2.5 square miles in order to consume the amount of food they needed to eat every single day let's work out our hard that must have been for the Brachiosaurus 2.5 square miles is about 1.6 miles by 1.6 miles even if the Brachiosaurus was walking at its slowest estimate of 6 miles per hour it would only have taken 16 minutes at that speed to do that distance hardly a pilgrimage for lunch is it it's not possible it's not possible for these animals they would have had to eaten from the time they woke up in the morning to the time they went to bed at night and they still wouldn't have had enough to support their massive body size well no I just proved they could have done it before their mid morning belly grumble it doesn't make sense it does it couldn't have happened really and at the time scientists are saying there was 65% all plant eaters 35 percent meat-eaters the ratios don't add up well 6 5 percent and 35 percent equals 100% so I'd say they might chop quite well none of it makes any sense these dinosaurs could not support their body weight by eating plant life alone without these grinding mechanisms in their mouth there wasn't enough time in the day so I asked you you saying that atheist just did well that was fun wasn't it I do not know where these people get their facts from my family fortunes buzzer is on overtime at the moment right that about wraps up for another Tim for Tuesday I'm really enjoying these ones at the mo and I'm looking for a bit more inspiration so if you guys out there have got any weird or wacky conspiracies you want me to take a look at please do let me know at Twitter I'm on at Simon dam thank you all for watching I have been Simon dan please do like and subscribe if you enjoyed this there is just enough time left to say congratulations to Miles Davis for reaching his 1000 subscriber mark he does some fantastic flat earth debunking you must check him out I'll leave the link to his channel in the description I'll see you all Friday where apparently a flat earther has got on to a talk show until then you
Channel: SciManDan
Views: 338,228
Rating: 4.9199371 out of 5
Keywords: Dinosaur Hoax, were dinosaurs real, dinosaurs, tinfoil tuesday, dinosaur conspiracies, earth science, dinosaur fossils, conspiracy, popular science
Id: N7Nu3tf5IZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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