Withered Bonnie Plush DIY (No Sewing!)

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[Music] all right everyone so today I'm gonna be showing you guys yet again how to make another plush this time I'm gonna show you how to make one of my favorite ones that I've made withered Bonnie so let's just begin the last one just like I did let's begin this just like I did with the last one so I'm gonna show you guys the materials you need first I do recommend you get all the materials that I have it'll make your withered Bonnie look the best that he can be so first and foremost the most obvious thing you can probably already figured out you're gonna need a Bonnie plush pretty obvious yep second thing you're gonna need is of course your hot glue gun always useful you know put out glue glue things on always gonna need that and I always recommend having a plate or something underneath it just so that you don't burn our table next of all and this isn't even more obvious you're gonna need lots of glue sticks especially on this plush because this plush is 100% no sewing you're not gonna need to sell anything so if you don't know how to sew or you don't know how to do any of that it's perfectly fine because I'm going to show you guys how you can make a pretty decent looking withered Bonnie plush without doing any song so now let's go into the fabrics that you'll need first you're gonna need some black I'd recommend having a big piece of black about that big that looks good then you're gonna need some red i'd recommend having about that much red that should be fine you're gonna need some gray i got some dark right here the gray is gonna be for the endoskeleton but i got a different color gray just to show you guys some alternatives that you can do and then last of all you're gonna need some white so yeah guys that's everything you're gonna need you might also need some blue but i don't have any extra blue so we're just gonna go without the blue today so next thing you might want to buy is these wires these are the wires that I put in the arms of my plushie so that they can move their arms around well if you look very bendy you can pose them so you might want to buy some of these and I'll tell you guys in a sec why you should buy these so there's the company and everything they're pretty cheap I buy these in really really big amounts because they're cheap and they're useful and you're gonna need it you might not need it for this plush but for future policies that I review and show you how to make you might need it so let me show you the last few things you're gonna need one more thing you're gonna need a big piece of cardboard about that big literally just cutting the side off of a cardboard box should be enough and then you're gonna need some markers you're gonna need silver I'd recommend silver I'd recommend gold are kind of a brown and then just a couple blacks maybe even one block as long as it has enough ink so without further ado I think you should write alright so first thing we're gonna want to do with our bonnie is cut the muzzle off so as you all know Bonnie's a withered Bonnie is obviously missing a face so we're gonna start by cutting off his nose this little light patch the muzzle so what I would recommend doing just start is I would recommend cutting a little hole right between his eyes right above his nose there and then start cutting along there until you cut the until you cut the thread that is holding the muzzle to the face so get to about there did we get it not yet let me cut one more time there we go you're gonna start getting stuffing guys so let me push it a little bit that takes a second but you want to make sure you're right at the nose so let me keep cutting keep pushing my scissors in to it alright guys so as you can see here I have finally reached where the seam separates I made a little hole there but that should be fine just make sure you don't cut too far out in the head so now you can see the muzzle is starting to separate and all you need to do is just keep cutting the thread all the way around the nose you don't want to cut the actual fabric at least not this part because if there's not on if you cut it out too much of it off you will not be able to put his face in and it's gonna look really goofy so I'm gonna go ahead and cut that little part off because that is taking up space well let me just go ahead and cut out the rest of the muzzle alright guys so as you can see now the head is completely separated from the muzzle here the only thing holding it in still is gonna be this little strange piece of fabric all you're gonna need to do is really just cut that off okay all you need to cut it off I'd pull out all the stuffing now so you can see that little piece is still gonna be in there and now I've got ourselves boning a stupid bunny so let's go ahead I want to pull out all the little excess pieces of thread that are still in there now from us completely obliterating his face let me push out all of the stuffing sorry push out all the stuffing it kind of fold his head inside out for a second there and then you're gonna see the tops of the ears so if you look at the ears here you can see that they are connected by these little plastic things the reason I had the wire before is because if you really wanted you could cut a hole up into the ear and you could put a wire up in there so that the ear could Bend and flop down but it is not necessary you guys don't have to do that and I'm not going to for the sake of this time at the time of the video so let's just leave that out so I'm gonna cut off all the little excess pieces now just to make it look better especially the ones around the side of the mouth like there's gonna be little bits like this that just hang off and you don't need those there so now you can see he's pretty much empty but obviously he still has eyes he still has his withered bunny or pre withered Ponty eyes so we're gonna want to go ahead and cut off the rest of his face so let me look at mine here as you can see my withered paani is very flat but I needed it to be flat so that it could be very far back wither bonnie has a very very long bottom jaw and it goes out very far it's not forward it's not that much far forward it's very very far back so you're gonna have to sag face it being flat if you want it to actually look accurate so what I did and I'll show you guys now is if you look the top of the head is just to where the ears are so we're gonna cut all the way back to about this line here about this line and we're gonna do that on both sides so let's go ahead I'm gonna cut let me cut the jaw this might be a little tricky guys I might need some polishing up it might not work the first few times so I'll make sure that you you watch closely so I'm gonna cut up the line cut all the way up and then you want to just brush right over the top of his eyes just right over the top for now we'll go back it's always good to cut it too small because you can always cut it bigger but you cannot cut it you if you cut it too big you cannot cut it smaller so you always want to go a little bits at a time so let me look here now I just need to go down from here this is a little tricky because there is no stuffing inside him so nothing is holding this up so you're gonna want to hold it up with your hands when you cut his face open just like that like that there we go so it may look a little messy now and it may look a little strange but this is what we want it to look like so there we go so remember I said that it goes back to all the way to about his ears so all we're gonna want to do for that is we just want to cut off a little bit of the front a little bit off there and then it looks pretty good I'd say so obviously it doesn't look good right now but once we start adding the rest in it should look good golden so I would say the first thing that we should start with is definitely the the part on the end the head that is gonna be hard and that's where this comes in so I'd recommend you get your cardboard here kind of piece about that big you want to fold it about that much try to fold it down the middle if you can mine's a little wonky let me try to line up the ends and then fold it down that looks pretty good so you want to fold it like that you want to get your withered Bonnie and you just want to put this in and you just want to see how big it should be you want to look at the back of his head stretch out the back so that you can see about how big it should be and then I want you guys to cut just how much so you fold it I'm gonna cut it down here I'm gonna cut down this alright and then I'm gonna cut curves into it just like that so curves on each side now this might be a little bit too small and I might end up having to do it again and that's perfectly fine guys I didn't do mine on the first try so now you just want to see if it lines up it looks a little tall looks a little tall but it looks about the right width so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna cut this off and out cut off one piece and then I'm gonna shorten the bottom a little bit and then I'm gonna try it on the top jaw or I mean I guess on the face it looks pretty good and then I'm gonna line it up with the bottom maybe it works better for the bottom which I think it might actually be better for the bottom so so that means that first thing we got to do is we got to cover this in black film so this is how I do it so let's move the camera down here and I'll show you guys so get your black felt I told you you need about this much make sure if it's double like one side is usually kind of soft while the other side is way more fluffy make sure you glue it onto the fluffy side because the fluffy side is going to not look good with their money so all you need to do is get this put some glue all the way around the edge just like that then maybe just a little bit in the middle and then just slap it down right on there all right looks pretty good so far I might need to grab some more felt for this actually but so let that sit for a second let me grab a hot glue stick and then this is what we need to do next so you want to take your withered Bonnie's a little cardboard piece here you want to put glue all the way around the edge on the side of the fabric so just like that hold on glue sticks being kind of annoying all right and then you just want to put some in the middle just like that so I'd recommend doing around the edge too just like that and then all you need to do this is very simple you just need to grab the side fold it over on its face and just push the sides in so then the two pieces will glue together around the edge and you won't see any cardboard sticking out so just wait for that so now we just need to wait for that to dry well we wait for that to dry I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how you can do just the minor details on his body so let's do the buttons first I just need to grab scissors here cut a tiny pissah piece of our black here and then fold it in half and then all you need to do just cut obviously just two little circles out this part it should not be hard they should part should be very easy if you have any trouble this part I don't know what you're doing so so there we go we got two little pieces of black all you do is just put a little dab of glue on a stomach slip that boy on there looks nice like that and then you're gonna want to this one looks a little bit shaggy let me cut off the bits that look weird I think I got it all it looks relatively round now I'd say so let me get one there then put that boy on the stomach that is a little bit of a strange button it's kind of falling apart but that's just because it's a super fluffy fabric so you can solve that problem just wanna cut little pieces off cut off pieces of the fluff that you don't like there and get rid of that and you got yourself some pretty good buttons so next thing I think it's pretty easy and probably self-explanatory you just need to draw some withering onto him just like this make sure you shade it nicely so you can't see any purple underneath I want to be pretty dark add little slits like this just so it looks like it's ripped and torn you might want to ask Funko doesn't usually do that much detail on their plushies so just add a little bits of detail you don't need to do very much I put maybe one on top of the arm one on the back what's fold is floppy head up one on the back like that looks pretty good and I'd say there you go got a withered body will move on to this arm after I get done with the face so I think now our face should be pretty dry it takes a little bit but I can work with it while it's still kind of wet so you want to cut it out right at the edge so that you guys will see what happens when I cut it right at the edge of where you glued it and you'll see you can't really see any of the any of the cardboard because I cut and I glued them those two pieces together over it so that's just sealing the cardboard in a little pocket of fabric so there we go looks pretty nice now let's compare it looks pretty much about the same size as my old one now let's put it on the face here looks pretty good I'd say you might want to put that on the bottom jaw let me look at how that looks you always want to compare because one might look better for one part of the head I think I think this is gonna be the top job because it's a little too big so once look here looks pretty good we might even have space to stuff it in the back so let me just grab some stuffing we actually came out with enough space this time guys which is pretty good I guess second time's the charm so let me just stick some stuffing back there you want to put it in there just like that and then you'd see it's a little bit lumpy in the back so it doesn't look completely flat like mine does so all you need to do to glue it I would recommend starting with just putting some around the edge here always make sure your parents help because it's easy to burn yourself put some on the top of the ears little ear joints and then just just keep loading some in I know it looks like a lot but you want to make sure this stays input and it doesn't come apart you want it to seem like a real plush so there we go I think that's really good so let's just stick him in you want to make sure the sides wrap around nicely make sure it's nice and glued steel sticks out a little bit in the back even though it is glued it will be a little flat but I think that looks some good so let's just do that and then one more thing I'd recommend doing is going ahead and just putting a little bit of glue around the edge just so that there's no openings and then you want to push the sides just a little bit just so that they get glued and we're gonna wait for him to dry I will be back alright guys so now we should do the bottom jaw so we're gonna go ahead grab this piece that we cut earlier we're gonna look at how it looks on our withered Bonnie and if you're wondering what's with the little pieces of glue there we will deal with those in a second they don't hurt anything so let's get our piece looks a little bit too low Morty I got that looks pretty good might be a little too short now I think that's I think that's good actually looks like a good length and if you're wondering if why it looks so gross we're just waiting for it to dry so we can fix it up make it look nice and smooth so let's go ahead let's get our fabric here make sure we have the fluffy side for support then you want to go ahead three two one go push it down all the way around the edges and maybe even get your scissors and kind of line it just so that it glues nicely together so you should be able to see it through the fabric there we'll just leave that to dry then we're gonna grab our friend over here you see he's got these little strands of glue these aren't fully dry dried yet but obviously they're not gonna be able to come off now so I have a solution for those if you want to fix that you can always just cut another circle there like a piece of black and stick that on there but it does not matter because we're gonna be putting the gray face on there anyway which is what I think we should do in a second here another thing I want to point out I was thinking of this journeyer if you guys want to figure out different ways to put withering on him you can always just cut withering out of fabric so if we just got a little piece of withering here and just kind of cut a little scraggly piece like that I mean that looks like pretty nice piece of withering if you guys just wanted to like you know just glue it glue it onto him glue it onto his back I think it serves pretty good as a little piece of withering although I do feel like Sharpie is way better so if you guys have Sharpie definitely use it but if you don't have Sharpie for whatever reason I I think that's a pretty good solution so now we're gonna want to make sure that there's no stuffing sticking out because we're just about ready to glue in the new piece so you just want to make sure there's no stuffing in there make sure there's nothing pointing out because that will look weird if he has stuffing sticking out between his mouth so let's grab our piece over here it may not be done drying but it's still stuck together so let's cut it right at the edge all right so just stick that in his mouth then you want to pull the mouth it looks like it may be a little bit long but you can always stick it this is what I do I stick it underneath the top part of the head and then you kind of just push it under so that it kind of fits under there and then you want to pull this if it still doesn't reach all the way around which it should be able to it looks like it's fitting for me but if it still doesn't you can go ahead take it out and then you can just cut a little bit off and I think I'm gonna cut about that much because it's still not fitting for me it's better to have it too big than too small guys just remember that better too big and too small so there we go that looks pretty fit so far we're just gonna want to go ahead and put some glue in the bottom there let me just put one line of glue just about like that looks good let me push that up there we go always make sure always make sure that there's little bits hanging over the top so that you can glue those on to the side as so but those are not glued on yet so let's go ahead let's push that farther under and then let's put some glue around the corner so you want to put a very little amount because there's not much fabric on here it go so just kind of push it onto the side you don't fold it over I wouldn't recommend folding it over I just recommend gluing it on to the side like that and then once it's dry you can go ahead and cut off all that excess and then you've got yourself a pretty good base head so let's put a piece of blew right in the middle of the mouth there because if you have those two connected like that it won't um then backwards or it won't bend forward it'll be pretty sturdy like that so you want to make sure those are glued together at a 90 degree angle otherwise it's going to look very win so this Blizzard Bonnie I'm realizing right now kind of has a tall head and he kind of has a short jaw but I think he'll turn out pretty nice in the end so he looks pretty good so far let's just wait for him to dry I'll get back to you guys when that has happened all right so he's glowing so I'm gonna go ahead and I want to show you guys how we do the rest of the face so first we're gonna start with the endoskeleton in the back of the head you just need to get your gray here maybe cut a piece I'd say about that big that should be more than enough cut it all the way down looks pretty good as you see one side is fluffier than the other so I'm going to use the less fluffy side fold it in half cut about here and then cut up put out very large as you can see so let's make it a little small smaller cut about there fold it out still tiny bit big this time I'm not going to fold it in half I'm just gonna cut it down one side so that we do not cut it too much that should be where we want to get so let me cut it a little bit on the top because it seems a little too small too tall sorry a little bit too tall silk ice you want to make sure you get this just the right size otherwise he'll his head will be a little too small too big so there you go alright so now I'm gonna cut one more time down the side here but this time when I go back down I'm gonna cut off a little bit like that so you cut it just to the side you cut in down and then try to smooth it out and it'll look like that I'd recommend rounding off the top parts here that's what I did like that and then there you've got the inside of the head so let me go ahead get some glue this does not need too much glue you could just put it around the edge make sure it's not drip on your table or your hands for that matter so I'm shaking because glue so there we go as you can see he's got his endo head now so that was pretty simple now we need to do the eyes this is how I'd recommend doing the eyes open he fill up any feel again let's just leave him this is how I recommend doing the eyes like I did before get a big enough piece fold it in half once again and then cut two pretty big circles out of the black so they're here his eyes let me put little pieces of glue down for them here that should be good go to singing out the puddle just that it glues nicely make sure you have the flat side out of the fabric make sure they're not too close together either there you go so you've got two nice black eyes now now you want to get is the red you won't need a big piece for this maybe like that much like that much for the red just fold in half cut two little red circles out do that cute so let's make him look adorable so put one eye in looks good I would always recommend putting the glue on the back of the eye rather than putting it on what you're gonna glue it on but I'm only doing this today because I can't I can't really use both my hands at this angle with a camera in front of me so I kind of just have to do it like this so there we go there are his eyes if you want to add a little pupils like I did you can they're not very hard to do all you need to do is cut out two little white circles and then you put them in the corners of the eyes I'm not gonna do it for this one because I'm gonna show you guys you can still make it without the pupils or the little white glistening dots but you can add those so I'm gonna show you guys how you make the endoskeleton mouth now as you see my withered Bonnie has little endoskeleton mouth sticking up there so you want to get your gray fabric let me grab a piece you want to have a big rectangle of it so I'd recommend cutting about that much out and then I'm gonna cut off this weird edge oh he fell over again strange edge and then I'm gonna cut it again until we have about that so let me put the camera down so you guys can see what I do so we're gonna just get the fluffy side out and then we're just gonna slather this in glue just one side of it only one side guys let me get a glue stick all you need is one side of it lots of glue just lots of blue then you're gonna want to fill that space fill it with glue put that in there then fold it over red at the edge so that you make a double layered piece of fabric then just kind of tap it down if you push it too hard then glue is gonna come out the sides and link on your table so I just recommend pushing it just until it's together and then you want to wait for that to dry it might take a couple minutes for it to dry because it has lots of glue in it so we're gonna leave that be and we're gonna start doing the rest of him so obviously he has his face he has his eyes but he looks a little plain he does need the actual teeth as well so here's what I would do for the actual teeth fun fact it's actually the exact same thing that we did for the endo teeth you get a big piece like this you're gonna wanna let me put the camera up good angle you're gonna want to put it like that you're gonna want to make a big long rectangle of just complete glue it's not that much and you guys probably wondering you probably think it's a waste of glue but trust me this is the best tactic for making non floppy teeth because then you have a very hard yet fluffy piece of fabric it's almost like cardboard it's so hard so if you're wondering obviously I did use cardboard with my withered Bonnie's teeth but this is a better strategy this is what I do with other plushies now so you want to fold it over just flip it around and then you want to Pat it down we're gonna wait for that to dry and we're just gonna get back to you guys all right guys I think this piece is dry enough to start cutting it so let's just go ahead just wanna start cutting that piece out as you can see it's just a little piece of fabric glued together I want to cut it the very edge I made a little bit of too small of a piece so I'm gonna try my best show you guys how to do it even though this piece is kind of small so let's just go ahead we'll cut it straight down the middle first of all then you want to see here that this is gonna be the mouth it's gonna look kind of like that so we should start cutting some teeth into it so start just cutting out little bits like that you do want to each end as you can see that's working pretty well all right sorry if you guys can't see I'm not looking through the camera so I'm looking at my hands so that's what it's gonna look like little pieces like that it's kind of tricky to do it's a little wonky looking it's not as good as mine but you guys might do a better job on your new one yours so there you go you just cut it down and then you've got yourself a little under skeleton mouth pretty simple so now let's get our boon as you can see then he's gonna have a little endo mouth like that so let me just get a of glue across the bottom of it this might be a little tricky so don't put too much because it will drip and it will burn you to death maybe not to death but it will burn you so let's put that in there all right so just let that glue and then he's got an endo mouth you're not really gonna see the end of mouth through the real teeth but you know what it serves a justice for what he has engaged so now let's do the real teeth let's find about where the piece ends it's about here okay let's find about where it ends on this side about there just cut it down and I made this strip very long because sometimes you don't cut a teeth the right size and you just want to make sure that you do so there we go douche so let me get one little piece to start cutting a tooth out make sure we have a good size looks pretty good like that might cut a little bit off the bottom and then you're gonna see that the tooth will look like that we'll have about three on each side so let's just start cutting the right sized teeth for this so about that size and I'm just gonna keep going down the line got three now we got we got five then we got six so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go ahead and cut those all into the right shape and then I'll get back to you guys alright guys so I've got six teeth here so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna find the biggest ones because you always want to have the two biggest ones be the front teeth otherwise it'll look weird if they're in the back so I think this one and this one should be the front ones so let's go ahead and just put little splotches of glue that want to get the tooth stick it right on top there stick another might even want to put a little gap between them because he does have a little gap between the front teeth not a very big one though so actually I'm gonna push those back because it looks kind of weird not think about it so he looks like a hillbilly right now he needs a little bit more teeth so obviously people need teeth don't they so inside tooth there I'm gonna cut this tooth a little bit make it a little bit thinner just so that it fits better that looks good that and then I'm gonna fold that that little piece looks weird here [Music] almost done that looks a little too wide for a tooth let me cut that down looks good so far one more teeth I need to cut down a lot like that I'm gonna stick it in the corner such as that and I think that looks pretty good for the head so obviously it looks way different than the one I made but it's always gonna look different guys they're always gonna be a little bit different looking because it's just a little bit hard to make this the perfect shape I'm pretty happy with my original one but I think this one is a pretty good doppelganger if I do say so myself the only problem is that his head could be a little wider but other than that he looks great so let's do the last part or the last few parts sorry guys the arm the arm obviously withered Bonnie does not have this arm so honestly all you need to do is just snip snip that arm off you might want to snip I think actually no that's a good it's a good size so then you need to get some black I'm gonna cut a little piece like this you want to try to get a nice square maybe even circle if you can I think that's a pretty good shape there so that should be big enough all you need to do I'd push the stuffing into its arm a little more then you need to stick this inside of there and then just push that in until it covers the edges of the armhole like that so then there's no stuffing showing you spread it out on the inside just so that it does not poke any holes when you glue it honestly that looks pretty good though you might want to cut a little more this arm flap off I'm gonna leave it off I'm gonna leave it for now because it can just be glued down so all you need to do is get it like that put some glue around the edge put some glue in the middle and then just push the arm in till it glues down then you've got yourself a little arm hole there it's a little different than how I did mine I actually sewed mine the little glue or piece on here I didn't actually stick it in I sewed it but I'm only doing it like this because I wanted to promise you guys that you would not have to sew one bit for this plush if you know how to sew and you're good at it then go ahead by all means oh I just burn myself do it this way but I'm gonna continue without sewing in this tutorial so now you've got an armhole he's obviously missing an arm there all you need to do this is pretty simple just cut a little thin strip about that long and then you want to get a little thin strip of gray let me cut it from this piece about that and then put one little dab of glue middle and then stick the middle of this one onto that dab of glue such as that and then you've got yourself a little bundle of wires so all you need to do is put some glue even though he's already got some there and then in but stick that right in the armhole then you've got the wire sticking out for the arms for the arm I guess so yeah guys really simple really simple I think you'll get the hang of it guys one more thing you can do it's not gonna be easy for me to do because I'm running out of ink but you can color in this hand gray so you know just color it with your gray marker or you can color this foot too because he does have a great foot but I don't need to show you guys how to do that close my marker is running out of ink so I can't other than that though we got ourselves a pretty good withered Bonnie here a little bit different looking than the original one I made I want to show you guys another idea I had a few minutes ago for the ears so instead of doing the ears how I did before when before you put the face and you put the wire in what you can actually do is you can snip a tiny little hole the back of his ear here until there's a big enough hole you can stick your scissors in it so let me try to get that hole open little yes I have to keep snipping and then now I believe you should be able to stick your scissors all the way up inside his ear just like that cut the hole little bigger should work now so now you can see my scissors is all the way up inside the ear now you just want to grab your pack of wires all you're gonna need is one let me do that all you're gonna need is one wire just like this I'd recommend folding it in half because the more the better and then try to make sure this is as skinny as you can get it so really bend it and then just try to stick it up into that same spot that your scissors were in just like that let me get it all right might take a second there's a lot of like weird stuff inside these ears so it kind of gets caught on it if you just slowly push it all the way up inside the ear and then you're gonna have a little bit sticking out you can just cut that off just like that and then once that's up in there you can just have a zero permanently bent down like that just like withered Bonnie you can kind of style it around however you want to do it but then it'll stay bent and it won't move around if you want to seal up the hole again just put a little bit of glue on there just wait for that to dry over it because then they will not be able to come out of the ear and those will stay in there permanently so yeah guys really there's nothing else for me to say um that's how you make withered Bonnie let me go let me know in the comments if there's any more you want me to make ours is a little lopsided but I'm pretty happy with him I think he's a good duplicate and I might sell them or something one day so yeah guys um let me know if you guys make one show me in the comments what it looks like if you make one I'm always happy to see what you guys make and without further ado I guess we'll just see you guys in the next video also what should I make next guys I want to do more tutorials
Channel: Five Nights at Froakies
Views: 312,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9EobS6DSafI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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