Witcher Is Ending⚔️ Larian's New IP🏆 Mistborn Deckbuilding Game👀~FN~

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this video is brought to you by Kobo welcome welcome welcome everybody to another episode of fantasy news I am your D shevel Goblin host Daniel Green and today we have an update on my book yes the books are being sent out and I've seen you all on Twitter and Instagram you're getting your neon ghosts and I'm so happy about it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside but on top of that if you have been looking to get your hands on a copy of neon go didn't necessarily want to back the kickstarter or get the extra bonus content there you just want a physical copy of my book it is now available on shop. rthm mark.com the reason we're not putting it on Amazon is wraith Mark is a company that has pretty thin margins because they print and higher quality they don't just overseas it to places where it's really cheap without being mean and Amazon can take up to as much as 30% when a book is sold so we check out through Shopify an app I'm sure we're all familiar with but just go to shop. RM mark.com and yeah you can pick up a copy of neon ghost here too or check out the audio book and the next Kickstarter for my re-release of the first two lawful Times books re-edited and put into one supreme Deluxe Definitive Edition that Kickstarter is going live soon and you can get notified by following the link in the description down below but now into our first piece of news still from wraith Mark actually because their Kickstarter for Rage of dragons is live a book that is near and dear to my heart here on the channel one of the first Indie books I ever picked up and is a large part of the reason why we continue to promote Indie books on the channel Evan winter proved to me that Indie authors can not only be good but great and so if you would like to get a long overdue deluxe edition I can personally guarantee that wraith Mark is going to be one of the best on the market ever and again congratulations to Evan winter for going through the self-pub process getting picked up by orbit and continuing to be an author who gives advice to so many when it comes to how to find success in the Indie scene he's a golden path for us to follow and I big shout out to Evan but that brings us to our first cover reveal of the day because we had the cover revealed for Interstellar megga Chef by lanaa oh dyslexia lak shiman lakim lakaran Kayla can you help me you you're bilingual I need you how do you say this last name lakaran thank you so much I love bilingual people you uh you mean literally I take it this book will be released November of 2024 and is described as Feast Your Eyes Upon the deliciously delightful cover of interstellar Mega chef with cover art by Sam greton think the Great British Bake Off in space yeah I know that got Kayla and I's attention we're both British breakoff hoes and the cover I think fairly intentionally is giving like major Douglas Adams Vibe so neat I love me some absurdest science fiction but if you are a cosmere fan you probably do not want to miss our first major look at the upcoming brotherwise made mistborn deck building game I am fully going to admit as someone who just in the last year has gotten into Magic the Gathering I do not have too much to say on these aside from just the Art and Design absolutely flows with what we've seen from the cosmere before I'm not entirely sure what can I infer from these combat elements that are in here so anyone who might be a bit more familiar with like the consistent features of various deck building games and stuff let me know your thoughts in the comments down below this is unfortunately a bit of a gap of knowledge for me but this takes us to our first very serious piece of fantasy news this week we have received an update for the ongoing lawsuit between Hatchet and the internet archive and this came from a blog post from the internet archive where they have once again reinstated in their final brief before this actually gets picked up today the internet archive has taken a decisive final step in our ongoing battle for libraries digital rights by submitting the final appell it reply brief in Hatchet V internet archive I tried to read through the 40 page legal jargon official statement but I found that the actual statement they've put for the public at the bottom of this blog post does a better job than I probably would of summarizing it all so we have an actual note from Brewster K founder and digital librarian of the internet archive resolving this should be easy just sell ebooks to libraries so we can own Preserve and lend them to one person at a time this is a battle for the soul of libraries in the digital age this process has taken nearly four years to work through the legal system and in that time we've often fielded the question why should I care about this lawsuit by restricting libraries ability to lend books they own digitally the Publishers license only business model and litigation strategies perpetuate inequality in access to knowledge throughout this legal battle internet archive has remained steadfast in our mission to defend the core values of libraries preserve access and education this fight is not just about protecting the internet archives digital lending program it's about standing up for the digital rights of all libraries and ensuring that future Generations have equal access to the wealth of knowledge contained within them now this of course comes after the Publishers filed a brief opposing the internet archives appeal in this case and it's unfortunately something we're going to have to see play out in the courts it's a complex issue I personally side on the side of the internet archive surprise the internet archiv is assisting the judge in the previous case misunderstood the law when it came to what exactly they're trying to preserve and maintain the distribution of but the last statement I've actually been able to find from hatchet's legal team from Terren heart their General Council was the publisher plaintiffs and AAP community stand behind the District Court's clear opinion on the case establishing that the internet archives industrial scale formatting shifting activities constitutes copyright infringement consistent with ample other precedent that defines the clear boundaries of fair use and first sale Provisions Deborah and Susan please pay attention so yeah there are big names at play here and this is a complex issue I know where I side on it I'm always kind of fighting for libraries in my little heart but I understand that corporations and money is going to money so where do you fall on this rather complex topic let me know in the comments down below and please keep any discussion civil but in some more fun cow slish SL news we got an update from Le I I always want to call them leandrin from Wheel of Time that's not right we got an update from larryan Studios from the last episode of fantasy news where we actually covered them and uh it looks like they're going to be trying to shift towards their own original Ip there was some question in the last episode of fantasy news about whether or not they would be attached to a gargantuan existing one or do something themselves well we have gotten that answer and I was actually previously in favor of them laoding onto a grand fantasy epic we all know and love like powder Mage or something and going there but the comments kind of convinced me otherwise and seeing them have complete control on whatever system and IP they're going to be developing when we've seen such a talented creative team before is really exciting so thank you for changing my mind comments and uh yeah looking forward to see whatever they will do next now that we know it's definitely not going to be Boulder's Gate and then finally in the opposite of shocking news it looks like The Witcher series is going to come to a close after season 5 and I know it has been a rocky road for this show it does still have its fans and I would like to just say to anyone who happens to be watching who was involved in the show in any way shape or form it's really impressive to get to a season 5 no matter how many speed bumps you hit along the way I personally didn't love the show till its end I think I stopped watching at season 3 but it's commendable that this effort was made and uh I hope we can all learn some lessons from it and uh look back on it fondly in years to come right and I'm at least curious to see what Liam himsworth geralt's going to be in season 4 we're going to get two seasons of his so maybe it will like win over fans and this could be a pretty cool ending here's to being optimistic but if I haven't satiated you with delicious book covers yet don't worry cuz we got three more coming from the broken binding for Andy Weir fans if you're a fan of the Martian emis or project Hail Mary it looks like broken binding is going to be coming out with a set that might be my new favorite broken binding covers these look great I just need to see if the Malin complete set is going to one over top it that's the only reason you hear any hesitation in my voice but for now this is my favorite broken binding set extraordinarily well done to whoever your art director is and to the artist Ray Mullen I didn't have words did you see that I tried to think of a word and my brain stopped that's how impressive I am impressed I was Jesus and once again for cosmere fans and Wheel of Time fans I'm happy to say that both series were just represented in forbes' 30 greatest book series of all time list and this wasn't even a specifically fantasy sci-fi tailored list though notably it was quite heavily uh stacked with those genres and we saw several other notable entries as well and I'll go over some of the placements for those sci-fi fantasy great now kicking off the list at number 30 we had the expanse by James sa Corey the author Duo and that's honestly a little low in my opinion but I respect it being here in any way shape or form we had Southern reach at 29 mistborn at 28 the Red Rising Saga at 27 hell yeah the bartimus trilogy at 25 the king killer Chronicles at 24 rera Revelations at 23 Witcher at 22 the Bulgarian at 21 Earth sea cycle at 20 Goosebumps at 18 Dresden Files at 17 Percy Jackson at 16 the foundation series at 14 hitchhiker's guide at 13 His Dark Materials at 12 hell yeah Kayla W Dark Tower at 11: Wheel of Time at 10 disc world at 9 Song of Ice and Fire at 8 Outlander at 7 50 Shades at 6 which I didn't know notice I might pass through of this list that is a choice you are legally allowed to make the Hunger Games at 5 Twilight at 4: The Chronicles of Narnia at 3 Lord of the Rings at 2 and Harry Potter at one and uh upon reexamination of this list and by that I mean actually fully scrolling through to see where everything was aside from just Wheel of Time and missor it's got some good inclusions it's completely in the wrong order and overall I give a b d my D+ I'll give it a D+ it's a it's a D+ of a list I'm much more disappointed by this going through it than I thought I'd be GH spitting in the face of that though we also had the folio Society release their summer catalog for 2024 which notably for me at least included Jonathan strange and Mr norell and song of Achilles and I I really just want to use this as an excuse to recommend song of Achilles by meline mil meline Miller meline Miller I see a lot of people asking for like classic inspired fantasy meaning like the AA and I think this is probably the best modern example of that at least I've come across in recent years that also includes a bunch of great lgbtq plus representation all right put down your tiny pitchforks I'll talk about it we've gotten the first fulllength trailer for the upcoming tales of the sh a Lord of the Rings game and I I'm seeing very mixed reaction to this some people seem to just be excited to spend some time in the Shire with some great music growing some crops and going to some parties and I don't blame those people cuz that's pretty much the only thing the game showed us others are questioning the art style which you can argue is trying to be like intentionally a specific way but I would say these character models look rough and I'm still not seeing a whole lot of what to do aside from just like basic fishing mechanics I I'm not saying this is going to be bad and I'm not immediately just like totally out but I will note that this feels like to me it should have been released like a decade ago it just seems like late to the part it's ra that's rather Hobbit appropriate though maybe this has all been a marketing strategy but if we're talking about Lord of the Rings and video games that takes us so smoothly into our next story where embracer group the company that currently owns a lot of the IP rights for producing Lord of the Rings products is apparently going to be splitting into three different companies osodi group coffee stain and friends and middle-ear Enterprises and friends with one of those clearly being now dedicated to just making Lord of the Rings games with the IP rights they have been not not been given they purchased and I really am not entirely sure how I feel about this hopefully it means we see a higher caliber of Lord of the Rings output uh with a greater focus in the future though I'm not exactly going to be holding my breath for that and this video is made in partnership with Cobo I'm well aware that we just did a review of a Kobo V Kindle here on the Channel I want to make it absolutely apparent that that video was conceptualized and written before we actually had a relationship with Kobo it was actually when I had to scrap the video and redo it because they released their new line and we got in touch with Kobo let me put it this way if you're going to be afraid that I have a conflict of interest promoting uh Kobo now just be aware that my dislike of Kindle is of far greater concern than the fact that they have uh agreed to do a charity project with me because I pretty much made it clear in my like review write up email with them that I was like you guys don't get to affect this at all I'm going to be honest but yes this video is brought to you by Kobo and their two new products the Cobo Libra color and the Kobo Clara color and these are the first major e-readers in the market that are able to display manga and comics in all of their glory and book covers and stuff like that which just kind of makes a nicer experience see that looks pretty good it also comes with Bluetooth technology so you can also use it to listen to your books and if you are one of those individuals unlike myself who enjoys using a stylist to highlight and draw within their books I'm currently dating someone who takes a ridiculous amount of notes in their books this will allow you to stop filling up all them Pages Kayla my God and instead they have all kinds of notebook features built into the device so you can keep it clean and organized in one location and an evil boyfriend can't come through and just pull out one random tab that you'll never be able to find the spot for I just really did that K I'm so sorry they even included that this thing is waterproof for 60 Minutes up to 3 feet of water oh that's for parents I just realized that's for parents who have a kid who would go thunk it out with built-in support for being able to hook into a library card you also are not restricted like some other ecosystems may try to do to you with a Cobo and this can become your ultimate e-reader experience on the beach in bed on a walk however you decide to use it just be sure to check out the link in the description down below and uh give Kobo a try that way you don't have to support certain uh real world super villains back to the video but we're going to go ahead and finish on off this fantasy news with two beats of quickie news one yes Fallout has been renewed for a season 2 over at Prime and I'm really excited to see that I thought season one was solidly good and I think season 2 has been set by season 1 to have a really good chance of being great and I'm hoping I'm right there and then finally calling back to earlier in the video when we had some Andy weird news the Ryan goling project hmy adaptation which has been given a release date of March 20th of 2026 which is well off and I would be a little cautious to see that probably move a bit in the meantime but if you're a giant Andy wear fan I bestow upon the a good bit of KNE news but slant rhymed to knees but this has just been your latest episode of fantasy news like And subscribe if you not already and I'm happy to say you can just go to shark.com and pick up a copy of neon ghost through Shopify without any additional hurdles through the links in the description down below and a big thank you to Kobo for sponsoring today's video and agreeing to pay me by doing a bunch of Charity together more about that coming soon I'm really excited to show you what we're doing here in Boston have a good one y'all peace [Music]
Channel: Daniel Greene
Views: 50,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b5dOJwXYNcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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