Witch Camping Food is the Best? - Taste Test

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what's up everybody welcome back tomorrow bird to over 60 is number 13 so today I'm going to taste test input I have three different burns out here which one is the best let's find out but thai and mac and cheese right here that sounds delicious this one is Alpine air veggie burrito bowl and this one lies breathable and this one is own meal pasta fagioli and what is this vegetable stew with beef sounds delicious okay let's prepare everything in the back on all of them help easy instruction ok we're going to start it with this one to open it up see what's inside Wow interesting what is that no way it comes with the snacks there is spices peanuts - lime Wow this is school mountain house definitely don't have that and we got here peanut butter amazing and what else we got here let's find out this is stayed up mac and cheese it says add two cups of boiling water 48 milliliters and wait 15-20 minutes takes a while to warm up this thing I'll say this about right and then we close it off this one already has lots of lots of spices should be south that looks delicious but nevertheless we're gonna add on some spices anyways and I guess we dumped in all the spices and this going to be 500 milliliters of boiling water 15 to 20 minutes what takes a long time to cook and woah this is stone the spices actually killing me a little bit by the way you really want to mix everything up because if you don't if there's gonna be a lot of delight pieces okay let's do this one now let's see what's inside this one is ready to go don't have to take anything out there is a lice and what your vegetables two cups 500 milliliters that takes a lot of water about this much I'll say that's about two tops and not a big deal a little bit too much lipid too less and let's see what this one does two cups of water 10 to 12 minutes so this one's a lot faster being preferred but they don't have any kind of peanut butter [Applause] that's about 2 cups of water make sure it's closed all the way and then we can mix it up and now we're going to put to the test this one let's just open it and they move all the contents so I'm pretty excited to see what's inside no way this is like mie this is crazy this is the first time I see camping food that is set up with a spoon Wow what is that heating element there is already heating element so we can actually heat everything up with actual cold water we don't even need hot water that's insane Wow so y'all know how mi REE works you stick this thing inside yeah then we would add a little bit of water not too much it probably says how much water you have to add 3 to 5 ounces of liquid till the fuel line or check this out there's already hold on here so this team is going to come out Wow never seen a camping food like that for so both of these foods are face dried this one I don't think it's phased right it's like mie type a deal I wonder if I put hot water will the heating element will work anyways let's find out because I don't have any popular with me you know what oh it works really well nevermind oh let's close it so it doesn't matter what kind of what are you going to put cold or hot it's going to work and I see in my book this camping food is the best because I never seen camping food setup with the heating element so that's why you can eat a little warm food without going to start the fire or burning the camping stove I love it I can't believe this camping food comes with fork and everything Wow check this out same thing heating element I'll go put it back in the ziplock bag you know what the fuel line is down here so you want to fill it up with water up to here that's it and does not have to be hot water woo it is really hot now we wait three to five minutes that's it by the way don't forget to mix everything up once in a while do this other Mis because you don't want any of the dry food inside there it is still very very hot this one I'm going to eat first because it's ten to twelve minutes that's all we have to wait okay wait a bold flavor chicken I think it's ready it feels pretty hot let's open it up Wow look at that food that looks delicious so much flavor this is crazy okay this is what it looks like on the inside and the best part is like you don't even need a plate you can eat it out of the bag I can taste a lot of beans a lot of spices that can taste chicken analyse reminds me of a popcorn or ice well good thumbs up for me for this temple food I never had that before and I would not mind it turn out more flavors and stuff where do you put it a ball probably going to be the same as the other one except not gonna have any chicken look at much it's steaming it's crazy so yeah take the five minutes and your food is ready whew mmm this smells like onions and stuff why'd you eat it tastes good but you know what I like chicken a lot better but this is very very good a little bit spicy so you know this two are pretty good I like it okay next is fat tie I wonder what this burnt is going to taste like looks like there's a lot of eggs and spices and I can see a bunch of McCowan inside there a wild card on this is loose delicious [Applause] it's hot oh wow this is Sawa I guess it's supposed to be sour sour and spicy [Applause] this is good but kind of too spicy I might like mac and cheese way better this is what market cheese turn out to be like mmm no yeah it's funny that I like mac and cheese better than but tire I don't know why because who does not like most in truth it's cheese him it has a lot of I'm not flavour after the pot type it tastes almost sweet to me hmm Martin is a very good definitely recommend okay let's move on to this one woohoo it's still steaming like crazy Oh hot it's been three to five minutes we can take it out look how much steam there's so much earlier said stop steaming so bill died this past abated cursed it's funny that I was time to test it out there camping food it turned out into my food this is so cool does this look like a picture this one looks a lot more put icing that's for sure they go pastor widget Cheers this one is spicy missus over good action let's see what this one is a lot about vegetable stew we're the beef I think I would like this one a little bit better because there's meat again does this looks like this picture not so much but again it's not about presentation that's about you hunger you in the first let taste it I see beef I see potatoes green beans mmm yeah that pasta stew with beef is way better than this vegetable stew a pasta fetch it anyway all right this is the most out of all of the Somalis Martin juice and this one is my favorite so hot yeah this is definitely the best let me do another shot of this but ty I just so sour and spicy oh I like it but it's not my favorite and toddler stuck us so good you know it just has too much rice these two camping food actually tastes like camping food this thing tastes like home food honestly out of the bag ready to go hmm how many colors does this thing have no way it says hundred and seventy colors wow this is so awesome yeah biggest two winners are here mac and cheese and this camping food especially this flavor vegetable stew with beef but again the little Vina I didn't even expect it you know when you go to the store and you try to pick out camping food they all look alike but turns out to be this one is set up set up like mie they just don't have X a bunch of stuff stayed up just one meal without any snacks just with a spoon salt and pepper so this is honestly my favorite it's so easy and you don't have to have any kind of fire to heat up your food love this thing so much anyways guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below which camping food do you prefer the most if you like to go camping and of course don't forget to thumbs up this video subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: Taras Kul
Views: 259,600
Rating: 4.8902354 out of 5
Keywords: Taras kul, taras, origamy768, Witch Camping Food is Best, Taste Test, Camping Food, Food Taste Test, Food, Camping
Id: My5v9Iw9JRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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