Wish I Built This Car Ramp Years Ago

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have you ever needed to work on your car then a good set of car ramps is a necessity but a long set of metal ramps like this well a lot of times get in the way whenever you're trying to work under the car and once this High won't work with a lot of cars so let's see if we can build a set of ramps with a better design first off they need to be wide enough to handle a regular Tire plus cars are heavy so it has to be able to handle all that weight and it would be awesome if we could swing part of it out of the way so we could get under the car easier now would it be possible to do all this for under twenty dollars let's give it a try and just like we were showing with our model I think we should build this out of wood since it is very strong and easily available and since we're trying to find a happy medium between tire size and cost I think we should go with a 2x8 at roughly seven and a quarter inches as you work for most Vehicles plus they're one and a half inches thick we only need a few layers to raise up most cars now I've done a bunch of calculations off screen to save you some time we should be able to build these ramps with two two by eight by tens these boards cost just under eight dollars a piece at my local store so we're still well under that 20 goal now I'm going to use a miter saw to make these Cuts but you can use a circular saw or even a hand salt that's all you have just make sure your cuts are as close to 90 degrees as possible both of these boards are going to be cut into eight pieces with possibly a little bit of scrap left over each one will have one at 28 inches one at 16 inches 4 at 15 inches one at eight inches and one at three inches now after making all the cuts I do have some left over it's about four inches long and I'm sure some of you are probably thinking why didn't I just add this to the longest board well I have a good reason for that and I'll show you in a little bit on some wood ramps you'll find a 45 degree cut here along this Edge to help the tires go up a little bit easier but a tire can easily climb a two by so I don't think it's necessary to keep from mixing up these boards let's separate these into two piles over here I have all the 15 inches and the three inch and the rest in the second pile now stack two to 15 inch boards together and make sure they're as Square as possible otherwise this right here could cause problems later if by chance you have clamps this can help you with the next step and if not you can always just put some body weight on it now using some two and a half inch screws we're going to secure these together I'd suggest using at least four then repeat that process with the third and fourth board to create four layers on one of the top ends of your stack we want to attach the three inch board but before we screw this together being that this piece is so short it's a good idea if we can pre-drill those holes so there's very little chance of it cracking now let's do this first to the side and start on the second starting with the longest board we're going to take the 16 inch board set it on top we're going to set it to one side just like we did before making sure everything is nice and straight and that's secured in place then we want to attach the eight inch board on top of the 16 making sure it's flush on the same end and straight as well now this is the time to test fit it together and make sure that it's going to fit we want to make sure it is pretty close as long as there's no major gaps in here when you push it together that's okay if there's a pretty good Gap in there then you may want to take this apart and re-screw it together making sure it is flush as possible that right there that should work great before you go any further this is a good time to cut and assemble the second ramp if you haven't done so already foreign now to secure this assembly together I'm going to be using some old door hinges I found these at a local yard sale you can find these at yard sales or even flea markets they don't have to look pretty as long as they still function really well and just like many door hinges the ones I purchased are not exactly flat along the back Edge when you lay them on a flat surface you can see a slight little hump on each side so I took a hammer in my homemade Anvil and pounded them as flat as I could get them this will now allow me to line them up on the side of the ramps much easier to keep the ramps from moving around while we're installing the hinges I'd suggest clamping them together if you don't happen to have a clamp you can have somebody possibly stand on it for you or maybe even like a ratchet strap we're not trying to push these together really really tight we just don't want them to move around while we're putting that hinge in now that we have the hinge installed let's give this a test oh yeah that's gonna work awesome now before you run over and install the second hinge let's think this out we need to make sure that both of these pivot out and away from the car so the hinges are going to be on opposite sides of the ramps otherwise one of them might pivot underneath the car and that's going to be an even bigger problem than just in the way now that we have both hinges on let's look back at the budget we set a 20 maximum for this project we have just under 16 in the wood and these hinges cost about a dollar a piece at the yard sale so we're at the 18. since we have two dollars left I want to add a simple safety feature to these on the side of the ramps without the hinges I'm going to install these little hooks right here on the second level now it's going to do two things for you first off whenever you're trying to move the ramps around they'll be less likely for them to open up on you and just be difficult and two whenever you're trying to drive the car up on the ramp it'll be less likely for them to start to swing out of the way and just be a little bit safer and I got these for just under a dollar a piece foreign oh yeah that's so much better and with the hinges and the hooks in place it's now ready to take out and test oh wait I almost forgot remember that little scrap I had earlier when I was cutting everything off and I said some people would probably say why don't we just add it to the bottom length make it a little bit longer let me show you why if you were to have that extra added length when you were going to store these away you wouldn't easily be able to flip them upside down and have them in one nice even surface this way it's out of your way you can keep them nice and compact you can lay them down like this or you can turn them on end either way great way to storm [Music] [Applause] whenever you're going to use this it's also a good idea to chalk your back wheels foreign [Music] [Music] sharks did their job and there we go we were actually able to make a heavy duty set of car ramps for under 20 and if you can think of any other ideas to make these ramps even better or just change them up however you would like please put that in the comments I'd love to hear your ideas and I'm sure everybody else would as well and if you like this project you might like this one as well
Channel: Specific Love Creations
Views: 3,397,205
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Keywords: car ramps, wood car ramps, how to build car ramps, simple car ramps, car ramps diy, diy car ramps, diy car ramps wood, diy wooden car ramps, car ramps for low cars, homemade car ramps, how to make car ramps, how to make car ramps out of wood, how to make car ramps from wood, how to make wooden car ramps, how to build car ramps out of wood, making car ramps, car repair, best car ramps, wooden car ramps, car ramp, wood ramps for car
Id: 2tMp_IBvlbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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