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[Music] now we are here on the subject of marital breakthrough what is our objective in this service we want to fast number one discover the source of all marital challenges where does it come from you can't change the fruit until you get to the root where does it come from number two objective we want to actual eyes we want to show you how to actualize your marital destiny for those in line for miracle marriages and of course number three we want to show you how to enjoy your glorious marital home for those already married so everybody's covered all children should be in children's church because this section now let's begin what is the source of all Marita challenges behind our marital challenges is the oppression of the devil period behind all marital challenges is the oppression of the devil officials of the six and verse 12 he says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places so the battle is not a physical one some six eight and verse six is a God said that the Saudi tree in families he said it bring that out those which are bound with chains but the rebellious dry dwell in dryland Matthew 13 and verse 28 he said there an enemy has done this the servants said unto Him without them that we go and gather them up behind every destruction is an unseen force and instead of focusing only on the destruction let's get to the root so we can change the fruit upon those misunderstandings is set on behind it why he would just block the mind of a man from understanding anything humanity if you're like Talk Talk it will be coming here I'm going there and sometimes misinterpreted who is doing that they are men who can not understand anything they are very educated very Leonard the wife is just making a simple statement he can draw a thesis an enemy has done it now lift your hands any home under any crisis the crisis is over say man because we are standing the God forever ever DOS you will soon discover marriage is not by beauty there are many beautiful women who have not been seen you know this way so some of you these things look very strange I have heard of somebody before a woman full blown woman when she passes people see a man the person I ended up - I didn't know you a woman Yoga is not makeup is favor heed that find that a wife findeth a good thing and a certain word so the wife must smell fever must look fever must be there are some women the moment you speak favor disappears you must make carry off ever to be found by enema I don't care who the man is when the man comes across a woman carrying something he doesn't like it would disappear so the woman is supposed to be the epitome of Fievel carry the look of fever the man who sees life better by connecting with you as science or my wife we then go to school together nobody connected or spoon you can see if everyone know I was a pastor when I saw her I looked truly in fact I saw from the congregation [Applause] I saw many other women I said no you don't carry fever I look at my life now everywhere from one nation to the other civil don't you want to marry like me [Applause] stop checking Facebook someone to cut that's where I found my wife so you don't become fishless so behind all marital challenges is the oppression of the devil but where we are lighted by the world our deliverance from the hold of the path of darkness becomes automatic the entrance of Die Ward Givet light some 1 1 9 verse 130 Isaiah 60 verse 1 2 3 arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee for behold the darkness shall cover deer and gross darkness the people but the Lord but the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee and the Gentiles shall come to delight and keep to the brightness of their racing John chapter 1 was 1 to 5 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made he said it was for in him was life and the life was the light of men oh my god and I love this fight I'm the light shine it in the darkness and darkness is confused by it comprehended it not cannot understand what is happening the only solution to darkness is light it's light so let's not celebrate that the devil is more behind it go for light and place the devil where he belongs and where does he belong where does it belong where does it belong lift your heads whether the devil likes it or not you will actual eyes your glorious Mary Tedesco so does the sauce now what we must understand that every child of God that desires to be married has the god-given right you don't need to beg the devil for it it's a right so enjoy it from the beginning God showed us that by giving it to Adam is right the day you were born was the day you're born was corrected so to every woman hear hear me you are from a man when God was going to make the woman he opened the man so every woman has a husband God is not just going to create you also don't be distracted by another and one's own yawn is coming stop looking as I wish I married a man stop that you are from someone well don't look it's bull you will know when / look it's fresh it's a right don't go begging anybody to help you money as long as you're alive you are God is too detailed to keep you detained God is full detail to keep you detained there's one scripture I was going to read today just because of time about 12 verses that scripture will scare you now Jesus is the Son of God true do you believe that is Jesus Son of God now do you know that Jesus is not just the Son of God but the Son of Man I sign my Bible waitressed Jesus to Edom by lineage God is too detailed nothing catches God by surprise he knew Jesus was to be Saints the day Adam was born and you will see the son of this the son of this the son of this the son of this who was the son of Edom and then the Bible says and Edom was the son of God - did you are not subpoenaed God that is confused is it a God as you know you need to get money is it a god didn't already make provisions for it now ed McDevitt trying to trample on your manifest destiny I arrest them right now the Meritor destiny shall be actually in the name of Jesus our Father is the marriage maker we are not permitted to be marriage beggars Genesis chapter 2 verse 21 to 23 we see there how God conducted the first wedding marriage is a good thing so don't pretend that you don't want it and if you are already married on you are now enjoying it is supposed to be a good thing so begin to enjoy it it's a new day for you now how do you actually is your glorious Marita destiny number one beloved with God because the the smell of favor comes from him God has so favored an unlikely woman that the most unimaginable man will be running after her I will not be able to sleep it's from God if you try to address favor it will show say boys from God so you better love the one who has your favor but kalila for women be in love with God stop running after mother passes man I'm not sure you hear these kind of messages yes this range we are going to enter deep my time will finish deep but I will finish you will know that this thing's not what I thought Romans 8:28 everything is in the Bible Romans 8:24 we know say with me I know louder I know louder I know what together so good today laughs God so marriage can't work I'm focusing on the area now for those who are yet to be married love God so marriage can number two be committed to kingdom advancement and divorce this is the truth if you can't do it before you're married when you have children you may have a challenge win it so do it now when do you do it when do you do it you can see when I get married when I see the man that God sent me you start having children you may not be able to do what you could have done them so your seed of kingdom advancement and there was in the now in the now in the now Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and how many things are manifest all things including marriage shall be added unto you here it is if God's matter matters to you you matter you matter to God if God's matter matters to you your mother will matter to God I'll say it again if God's matter matters to you your mother will matter to God we are trying to make their mother matter to God when God's mater doesn't matter to them if God will give you focus then give him focus there is nothing you need including marriage that don't cannot make up only one day what your mother was matter to God his madam was matter to you for your mother to matter to him shout hallelujah number three be in faith nothing wavering nothing wavering be in faith be in faith don't get to the point where I wonder will it happen it must happen be in faith that is you are not shifting your ground so with God how many things are possible mark 9:23 mark 11:23 we're ready document a testimony in the first service of a woman that got married at 48 all things are possible as long as your faith says yes God will not say no number for this one is very practical be well pride many of you are the first three the idea but you are too proud beware of pride but a man there are men who are so proud that any woman I speak to said not this kind of man there are women who are so proud that no man will come to you when they look at you from a design say this woman no will be prayed at tongues they will be running proverb 1533 let's talk the truth so you can be free proverbs 15 33 the fear of the Lord is instruction of wisdom and before her know is what at your level nobody can talk with you and they want to money I know somebody personally this one is even so my realtor to me very proud she still no merit and now she's almost 50 the shoulders like this nobody even man oh dear did she finish them you say you till now no marriage is it the devil is it the devil I say she lived with us now so pray eyes every time but married if you know here truth will be limited that one is in I'm not even the one this one is you don't be problem the one [Applause] especially women Hebrews 13:4 is the truth you yet true today Hebrews 13:4 marriage is honorable in all but before her know is humility a man comes to you to propose to you while you are looking at what he has you don't have vision it's not what a person has is what they will be I believe you caught that one number five be receptive to the prophetic word believe in a lot of God so shall be established believe also is prophets so shall prosper so when we proclaim over you that you'll be married believe it we live in a prophetic war and then I saw that these five points are there to help you actualize your glorious merited destination hallelujah shout aloud hallelujah now how do I enjoy your glorious marital home this is section for those who are already married number one be on fire Leviticus 6 11 to 12 it talks about the wood will lead in the fire the altar shall ever be born in there are some people that way Jim G before they got married but now there is no Jim Jim no more prayer they prayed marriage now their marriage they already called here it is there also manages being broken on a daily basis so you must keep the fire Bonnie don't just a lot of people wake up any hands that roaming around without talking to God flesh and that begins from the man if everybody sees you are praying they will start praying some may your wife wake you up to pray and then just switch the gear you can lead your family that way when I say switch the gaze which again sleep every man is supposed to be the prophet of his house every member of the family takes a cue from you every trouble man is always in such of a true leader I'm not talking of women who also like to lead their husbands but the man must set the pace for the fire in the house to keep money to enjoy your marital home number to be responsible fast emotive 508 if any provide not for who you see he's there okay and specially for those of who is outsold he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel I know both should play their responsibilities where the man for your home to enjoy a continuous breakthrough keep providing keep what where you are ask for money don't turn it into arguments keep providing when you are asked don't start spraying or speaking that's why the time to pray does it tend to provide don't tell your wife these scriptures who are standing on that's left to you and go I'm not saying the woman shouldn't walk but for you to enjoy America break even when the woman is walking she wants your money so don't be eyeing a job you better I believe for y'all be what be what I've heard of a man when the wife will ask him for some things he will start putting the mandate that's not a man we don't talk about these things in church our marriages are dying you think everything is speaking in Telugu xie ba ba ba deco I've thought that you dip your hand in your pocket and provide we don't use spirit to buy things number three this one now there shouldn't be any child here to enjoy your glorious marital home I beg you the intimate the world let people feel you outside but let nobody feel inside don't use you are anointed to harass your wife or harass your children de I will show you from the Bible be intimate you know intimate is this America I should know what I'm talking about do you know what intimate means Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 I can't give you five healthy scriptures in your head with husband is this in the Bible you are not more spiritual than God it's not number no home we'll continue to enjoy breakthrough but we suffer break down we're husband and wife don't sleep again together do you understand what I'm saying you are quiet you don't hear this in church Genesis 2:24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and so on and they shall become one flesh one flesh there means intimate sexual ubiduo ladies are you more spirituality I'm pitch in the water many men in the church are not romantic many have seen many of them here in Maryland proverbs 5:18 tonight.if is minded Bible F is in the Bible I will talk it proverbs 5:18 let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice in the wife of the youth let her be as the loving enum Pleasant Road let her breasts satisfy thee how many times am be thou ravished always with hollow most of your knowledge to truth so lamar 7 you know when i go to the books of so no more some people don't believe in it why did God put it in a bad way our movement uses especially men sons of Solomon chapter 7 verse 6 to 12 Mary table brings is not Osprey okay now that you have broken through already married what next this one of my areas Solomon chapter 7 verse 6 how fear will read from by 6 to 12 some company available I'll share and how pleasant allow all love for the lights this die stature is like a palm tree and I breast to clusters of grapes put the next verse I said I will go up to the palm tree I will take hold of the boughs thereof now also their breath shall be as clusters of the vine and the smell of the nose like apple and the roof of the mouth like the best wine of my below that grow it down sweetly causing the lips of those that are sleep to speak I am My Beloved's and his desire is towards me come my beloved let us go forth into the field let us Lodge in the villages next verse let us go up Andy to diviners let us see if the vine flourish whether the 10° appear and the program and bought forth there will I give the some love the married for 20 years you have never read a scripture after the war face fought are you have worn the next thing is you must be you are intimated first Corinthians seven one two five my commitment is a vision Bible teach it 1st Corinthians 7 from Genesis 2 to work to proverbs to Solomon 2 Corinthians you must be insane 1 1st Corinthians 7 verse 1 now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own stop crossing boundaries and let every woman have her oh let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence and likewise the wife onto a husband so he's - there's some women who are guilty of this the wife had no power of her own body husband and likewise also the husband had no power of his own but wife first 5 defraud ye not do it yourselves except if it be for course the contras are fastened a faster faster you must agree that you are fasting is the Bible with consent I've seen I'm not talking of here we have being where men come and see please for three years I've not touched my wife and the woman is Norma that setre tempt you not for what many of you have trapped yourself by defrauding yourselves the reason why God brought man a woman is not just to have children and there are some people their focus is children after children nothing else it's not correct we must change we must you can't use look to confuse me you must tell the person before you change turned up as I'm the 110 you turned up as you must change this is how myself and my wife live our lives you can now be claiming I'm spiritual don't do this nonsense and so on as usual where you have challenges you still come to us to pray for you and we are telling you what we do you are now do ladies your home will not scatter number 4 be flexible be what don't be rigid if you enjoy things have changed from when you married to when they are now so be flexible the part of the justice as a shining light that shines one more to end the perfect day don't always see things from your perspective alone land to sea from people's perspective and I'm talking about your spouse be flexible it is possible that your wife knows the way listen to her it is possible that your husband knows the way woman listen to him if flex will learn to change number five be health conscious be health conscious 3rd John verse 3 said I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth it takes a healthy man to enjoy his wife and it takes a healthy woman to enjoy the husband so take care of yourself don't just eat anyhow listen to this one of my mentors told me said your body is like a car it will last as long as you handle it away from that day I said if my body is a car I better be cautious what you eat is the fluid the body is the car because even where you are Andy will be thinking well so be health-conscious be health-conscious care for your body your wife we enjoy you that way your husband will enjoy you that way no sir now we're married doesn't matter it matters number six be transparent James 5:16 confess their faults one to another and they will be here stop lying up and down be straight if I hope to enjoy harmony there must be transparency this secrecy nobody knows anything about you including your wife or your husband is dangerous be transparent there are homes where they are always respecting themselves the husband is suspecting the wife the wife is respecting themselves common password to your phone nobody knows can I tell you this truth listen to me I'm a very busy man is that true ask all my children you know the password to my phone oh oh there's nothing to hide if his business don't hide to talk any time my wife arrives if even if I'm cancelling I ask you to go that's what you are not my wife finally number seven are you bless these truths we should be hearing it at least every quarter so this one well since I don't know the next merit a breakthrough I'm down I mean you go home I see number seven be progressive started to show thyself approved please learn something new your husband will preciate you that way your wife who appreciates you that way be dynamic don't be static be progressive let your wife know husband see the progress in your daily activities and they will all know you for it shout hallelujah it's a new day for you are you blessed are you so you're blessed rise on your feet right now everybody now here is in case there is anyone's marathon destiny held down by the devil I command you to be loose right now everyone on the any form of said panic or pressure because I've heard of a woman who many men passed her they didn't know she was a woman we are in a wicked war now I decree in case animals mereta destiny is held down like that now be set free in the name of Jesus every form of marital tension in any home now that you know what to do we must bind the strongman I decree every tension in every marital home is hereby deflated and the male that seems like it will end in divorce is now supernaturally restored and the old Madera station from one party to the other even the children feel the tension I stand upon this altar of fire to decree the pension ceases to exist in the name of Jesus Thank You Heavenly Father in Jesus precious name are you blessed this money clap your hand together for Jesus [Music]
Channel: Revival Flames With Isaac Oyedepo
Views: 26,937
Rating: 4.85567 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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