Wireguard VPN setup in Unifi Gateways. Could not be easier. How to configure UDM VPN and more

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hello everyone this is Alan from technology moments and welcome back to our videos particularly this dedicated to security and how we can connect remotely to our workplace or to our home using a secure connection like you may have seen in the title in this particular time we're going to use wire guard one of the most recently added to the graphical user interface of UniFi devices there are many ways in which your information can be compromised just by connecting to our data remotely we're not going to discuss that today we're going to watch creating the server creating the client and having access to remote resources there was a time that just using remote desktop connection was enough for us to work securely from a remote location well we all know that that may not longer be the case and those ports are subject of an infinite number of attacks nowadays in many ways bigger companies or even very small deployments needed to have access to their file servers local internets access the directly to your Nas and for many reasons many professionals need to back up immediately their files videos documents or audios to their own private servers even gaining access to the internet through your VPN and make it look to the world as if you were in such remote location is one of the uses that many people can give to vpns for those and many more reasons it is important today to use vpns and we are creating this video today oriented for enthusiasts beginners and tech fans it is it's important also to understand that one of the advantages of this type of connections is that you're going to have the whole traffic encrypted from where you are right now to the Gateway you are connecting right to the point let's create the server first for which we're going to use this UniFi dream machine magnificent UniFi Gateway by the way the example that you're going to watch today can be configured basically in any UniFi Gateway dream machine SE udm Pro UniFi dream machine dream router and such now let's go to creating the client one of the advantages of using UniFi to create your server is that you can actually connect remotely and configure it from the remote location where you're at so let's go to the dream machine where we're going to configure the server uh we're going to go right here to settings and we're going to check first that we have the internet with the primary one you're going to check that in this connection you have a public IP address like you can see right here and then we can continue our VPN server G a let's remember that if you were going to use an openvpn server you needed to have a radius server running you also needed to have a profile right here and you needed to have right here users that we're going to connect remotely right here in VPN we're going to create the VPN server as you can see right here we already have two servers running in this UniFi dream machine we're going to create a third one the third one is going to be created using wire guard we're going to leave this name as you can see right right here it already has created a private and public key we already have a one Associated to my connection and the port let's remember that this port is opened automatically by the UniFi dream machine if you were going to use for example Dynamic DNS right here is where you're going to write the the fqdn of that host we're not going to use it different to openvpn it doesn't use radius we're going to use it right here at the client and right here there are two important considerations you can very quickly download the VPN configuration file using this QR code or just download it right here or you can add an additional layer of security using the pre-shared key then you can download the VPN configuration file this configuration file you're going to want to keep it in a safe place then click on ADD you'll have client one as many clients as you want also do the same once you have created or your clients click on ADD it is the easiest VPN server that you can create in any UniFi console at this point you'll be done something important to note is this let's take a look that once you have created the server you cannot download nor watch the QR code to download the files so you have to download the file immediately after creating the user now let's go to the client computers and set them up by the way it doesn't matter where you are in the world you'll be connected as as if you were nearby let's go then to wire guard.com installation choose the operating system that you have download the installation file run it with default values and settings just import the configuration file to the client computer the one that we just created right here and you'll be ready to connect as you can see right here you can connect and disconnect very quickly you're also going to be able to find the status or the monitor in the taskbar so you can very quickly check if you are connected or not how am I going to connect to the internet well once connected from the remote location having this IP address this is the public IP address where I'm located right now this is just an example you'll be identified as if you were connecting from the main office this means this other IP address now let's take a look at how the bandwidth is affected once connected this is the speed at which I download here normally without any encryption once connected I'll be downloading not only at the speed at which the upload of the main office has as a cap but also it is going to be affected due to the encryption this one is the maximum bandwidth let's remember that this is something also critical when using for example openvpn okay now let's get access to the remote resources how can we have access to all those remote resources that we have well we're going to do it as if we were just sitting nearby we're going to be able to have access to IP PBX servers printers file servers web services either for entertainment or for Remote device configuration once connected you're going to be able to Ping addresses in the remote location as if they were in your same physical Network even remote desktop traffic is encrypted people who use Remote Desktop to gain access to their own computers remotely are going to benefit greatly if for any reason you're trying to access a remote Windows server shers and you can't even if they're connected take a look at our video about which firewall exceptions have to be place in order for you to have access to those chairs from a remote subnet okay guys once again thank you for watching please remember that your huge support is just subscribing to our Channel and liking this video of course if you found it useful see you next time
Channel: Technology Moments
Views: 1,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vpn, unifi vpn, wireguard, wireguard vpn, vpn client, unifi vpn client, how to unifi vpn, remote connection, remote desktop vpn, unifi and wireguard, DREAM ROUTER
Id: E0Pk2pMEOe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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