Wire Wrap Chainmaille Necklace Master Class

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hey everybody i'm yvonne williams with back to earth creations and in this video we are designing and crafting a well i guess i've already i've already designed it it's a necklace it this could also be a circlet but i'm hoping that the process that i share with you all here can be used for whatever crafting ifs for whatever craftiness you're up to so um all of the tools and materials that um i'm using will be down in the video description below i'd show them to you now but i'm not entirely certain what all it's going to take so i'm just going to introduce the stuff to you as we go so we are beginning with one of the labradorite cabochons that we sell on our website back to earth creations shameless self promotion and we have added a groove to it i'm sure that you can modify this and i'll explain to you how as we go um to not need a groove there are ways of going about doing that but i just absolutely love our groovy cabs and the with this design i think it will lend itself really nicely to years and years and years of long wear and tear and use on this uh on this piece so we're going to begin and i before i explain all of this i'm just going to kind of show a piece by well i guess i should explain it for shouldn't i they make a little bit more sense so here in the center is the stone with a chain male bezel and then i'm going to be doing a two-wire five two beat weave so it's like well there'll be ten on this point here where it's bent but it'll be like weave five around one two around both five around one two around both and i'll explain all of this as we go this outermost wire will terminate in a beautiful little spiral hopefully that's going to be hammered and that's going to be happening on both sides this second wire is going to be terminated you'll see it follows there we've got a loop we've got a spiral and all of this is going to be woven to the chain mail along like as it goes and that's again happening on both sides [Music] now i'm experiencing a complication because i kind of changed the design a little bit so we're going to be adding in a third wire i think here around our piece so that way the third wire the one innermost that is not pictured but will be there comes up and over and ends there and then we're adding in a fourth piece of wire across the top here all of the wire that i'm using is a solid 16 gauge um this does tarnish you could use the non tarnish but i'm going to be doing some torch work and i'm going to be doing some hammering in different things um so that's why i'm going with the bear copper but then i'm going to be wrapping it in a copper core silver plated uh non-tarnish wire uh the uh the person i'm making this for i don't want it to ever have to be like polished or it won't be tarnishing or anything so other than the little bit of bare copper that we'll be showing uh all of it's going to be this titanium toned i'm also going to be including possibly a little faceted bicone crystal bead up here at the top i have it drawn with a couple of little copper beads we'll see if that happens i don't know yet and we're going to be finishing the necklace with um links like a wire wrapped link using silver toned wire in the same tone as what we're doing our weaving little copper copper flower bead caps into labradorite beads joined together with more silver like probably aluminum or stainless steel rings probably these ones here that i have off to the side which are 20 gauge 1 8 inch rings from the ringlord.com this is not sponsored they're just a company i've been you know buying stuff from and using their products for over a decade and i do recommend them so now we're going to begin with weaving some chain mail this video is a project video so i'm not going to be going too in depth on the half persian three and one that we're doing here but i do have other tutorials that are just about half person three and one i will have them down in the video description and that way if you guys have any questions hopefully i'll be able to help you out with that what we have going on here and i'm going to zoom in [Music] a little bit hopefully that'll be uh helpful the first ring we are going to have one open with two closed on it so what i have set up over here on the side is like 50 rings with one open and one closed on it like how we have here but the first ring is going to have two closed rings on it and then i'm going to close it i would never recommend to someone that their first time weaving this be in um this small of a ring size but i am just demonstrating for because you could just skip this step entirely and carry on with the piece with it being grooved so you can see how i've stacked them like this and then i'm going to hook through one and then two like so like very blurry there we go um again uh oops well that jumped right off there didn't it please refer to our tutorial videos on this weave if you've not woven it before this is this tutorial is definitely this video at least is definitely a intermediate to advanced design um but i still think stuff like this could be useful for uh beginners or even if you don't do wire wrapping or chainmail it may just be a fun video to watch so we have that woven and i'm going to very carefully come in here it can be a bit tricky looking through two and closing it and i'm going to repeat this until i have enough to do the full perimeter of our stone so i am going to do that off camera and for the third or fourth time i am going to recommend if you are new to chainmail or maybe you're a very experienced wire rapper but um you haven't worked with chainmail before there are a lot of tutorials out there not just by me about half version three and one and i do hope that they'll be helpful to you but it was the only way i could think of that i could get this effect that i'd like to go with like go for um around the bezel [Music] like or rather kind of that style of a bezel and so we're gonna do that and then i'll meet you guys back here whenever i get that woven so i'm still just weaving along and i had caught myself and was like you know this might be a useful tip to y'all i get questions quite a bit about how do i you know how do i how do you know how much you know you need to leave how long do you need to make your bezel and so much of how i go about that especially with non-calibrated pieces where you know um sometimes if i'm using a stone like a blank glass that i've gotten from like amazon or something uh it'll be 30 by 22 millimeters it'd be pretty exact like factory standard to that and i'll know that in a certain ring size it takes 24 rings or units like repetitions of the design to go all the way around on pieces like this i have no idea so i just weave and then hold it up and measure it i'm like okay so this was about half so i think this is going to have taken you know 40 or 50 rings to go around and so i kind of eyeball it and then whenever i feel like i'm getting close i keep testing it and then i just fine tune it so i'm gonna come back we'll meet you guys back here whenever we get to the end and we'll see if we can get it fit perfectly so i've gotten the bezel to where it's almost complete and i'm just going to line it up onto the tip of the teardrop and i've found personally it's a lot easier and more accurate to measure on the curve of a stone as opposed to the point so it looks like i'm eyeballing it i'm gonna do two more rings like two more repetitions of the pattern but i'm still going to add one on test fit it and then add another on and test fit it because you never know it's like measure thrice okay i'm gonna try to join that so one ring i one ring additional i think i'm going to try to join it now the last string that i do in a design like you're in the half version three in one i oops i always have the just a single open ring with no closed rings uh suspended on it so i'm going to grab hold hook through those two and this is if starting the weave isn't tricky enough this is the part where i really lose a lot of folks because they're like that's challenging yes it is even after all this time this is not easy for me so i'm just going to hook through that last ring so to demonstrate i'm gonna try to get the camera to work with me as much as possible so hooking through boop as though a sound effect helps if it helps do it so i'm going to close it and it's not going to look like much right now but it'll get there and so now you can see how these rings are misaligned if i take this ring and kind of nudge it to where it sits above this one is stacked above on this one because you'll notice there's a repetition a pattern going trying so hard to get it to be in focus okay you notice that pattern so we want this ring to follow in line with that pattern because if we turn this there's a pattern happening there as well so i want to hook this ring through just this ring again i recognize this is not a good job of explaining this i highly recommend going to one of our tutorials that's specifically over this is just one very small portion of this whole video so i didn't want to take too much time demonstrating this so i have that ring open and oops my pliers slipped which is always nice and you see i've hooked this is our open ring here you can see i've hooked through right there and i'm going to close it this is a very tricky size uh of ring to use there is actually one ring size smaller than this that i'll weave this pattern in but that's a bit a bit of madness truly uh so okay we joined it let's see if it fits i'm going to carefully place the tip first and i like to press my bezel on and over from the front because you can see on the back it has that like corner whereas on the front it's nice and rounded now if you're doing this with a cab that is not grooved and it fits yo it fits if you were doing this with a cab that is not grooved i would recommend filling in the back with devcon 5-minute epoxy this is my favorite one to use for applications like that because it's thick enough and durable enough it gets the job done but it doesn't always ooze over to the front and if it does it's not too rough to clean up um but today we're going to be used taking advantage of that we have that groove in there so let me set these rings off to the side so i hopefully don't mess them up because if you're watching this video if you're watching this video and you'd like to see another project i am working on a companion piece to this of a bracelet and i'm going to be making the chain mail bezel for that one as well so be sure to subscribe to our channel if you'd like to see more videos like this one as well as subscribe to our newsletter on our website back to earth creations that's our email it's just back to earthcreations.com but if you have any questions you can leave them down in the comments or you can send us an email at backtruthcreations yahoo.com so i'm going to pull um two full arms bands so i'm five foot four so it's about five feet of this 26 gauge silver plated titanium wire from parawire.com two full arm spans so there's one and then [Music] two and i'm going to line up two of the ends and then i'm gonna find the middle so that's roughly the middle of the wire and i'm going to kind of make an x in our wire like that and i'm going to brace with my finger and thumb and then just twist once twice thrice and four times there's one end and what's that doing is it's stabilizing our wire to then be nestled into the groove you know i'm actually going to do that at the point it's a lot easier to make it centered up on the point and now we can take this wire settle it into the groove of our cap and i'm trading sides and i want to honor that center line of the stone so i'm going to do my first twist check and make sure that it's centered along you know between you know just the center line and i'm going to grab with my bent nose pliers and i'm going to twist very carefully because if we overdo this it can bite through the wire this is a thinner wire and then we can twist it with our fingers but i just want enough that there is no wiggle of the stone in that wire okay so that's this is everything from here is pure experimentation so cross your fingers with me guys let's hope this works um i'm going to just pick a random spot along the length of our bezel that we've made and i'm going to thread these two wires through boop and boop oops that's what i was worried about with a lot of wire on the table like this it's easy to get snagged on something so you can see they're both coming through one of these center spots and i'm just going to slide that down all the way down to our cab and that's going to be stabilized to where it'll hold the bezel on at that tip and then i'm going to try to find where it lines up it looks like the wires would very happily go through this part of the wire or of the bezel yes okay so i'm gonna double check it make sure it will okay and so i'm gonna just thread one wire and then the second wire through oops bump the tripod get used to that we have obviously the most professional quality videos no we don't we try though we do our best okay so that's started through it seems to it seems to have worked y'all sorry i had to durability test it so it does shift off a little bit but i think that's going to be just fine because this is going to be attached to some stiff wire so yeah we did the thing oh oh that's oh so excited okay next step we oh i need this please pardon my excitement if it defends you you clicked on my face so that's how far we've gotten in the design wow wow so now we are going to cut three wires and then a fourth let's start with the easy one this fourth wire up here that it looks like is going to be bit of a bend right there about that long but i would like to give it maybe an inch more it probably doesn't need an inch like a half an inch more because i'm going to be torching this down now we're just going to be using a little butane kitchen torch for like i don't know torch and stuff in the kitchen i guess and melting the ends like heating them up so they ball up and then i'm going to be hammering it out to get you know we probably don't even need let's see if we can accomplish this with just a hammer i'm gonna challenge myself i mean all of this is a challenge but i'm gonna extra challenge myself in which case i'm not going to need that extra length but if this doesn't work then we can um then we can try balling up the wire with a torch and going from there okay so i have grabbed there's some moss on it um i've grabbed my steel block that's on a rubber base and a 13-ounce jeweler's hammer that's a dual-headed i'm using the slightly domed chasing head i think it is loud noises okay um and actually before we get straight to hammer i think we can come through and kind of round this down a little if you have like a burr cup or something of the sort that might be helpful to you but i'm just going to come through and if our wire is shaped like this like if that's the end of our wire um or even if we snipped it and it's shaped like that so it has that pinch i want to come through and shave it down to where it looks like that from all sides i hope that makes sense and that may actually be easier with if we do a pinched end because i don't know if you can tell but here on this end that's where our wire cutters snipped with like the pinchy side and then this is the end where they snipped with their flesh side so i'm going to see how each of those goes because that we may have a preference in the future because really this one looks like two of the sides are already where we want them to be and you could use like a dremel or something for this but i'm just going to hold that with my pliers or try to this feels kind of clumsy because i haven't done it before but it's okay to be new at something it's okay it's very okay to be bad at something or clumsy or you know that's the only way that we get better okay so that's smoothed down okay so there we go effort points fair effort for sure i'm definitely i think going to have to like polish this i'm scuffing it up so bad but that's that's fine this is what we're doing there we go maybe out yeah it's just as easy without holding it with the pliers that just made it even clumsier i thought it might give me a better grip but that doesn't seem to have been the case excellent okay so now i'm going to loud noises and maybe zooming in a bit i'm going gonna hit and then we'll see how it looks i think that's exactly how i wanted it just just dished out a little bit okay time to try that on the other end and i want to keep the ends like on the same plane there we go okay oh that one came out pretty nice actually doing the shaping beforehand made me happy very good okay setting that off to the side now okay oh good okay okay so there's there's one wire you know i shouldn't have set all the stuff off to the side because i was just going to need it again let me find the middle which if we zoom out here on the edge of my table i do have a little ruler notched in let me make it equidistant there we go so that looks like the middle you can actually use like an i don't know an actual ruler um and get like good results but i'm just living my best life and i'm gonna use that part of my pliers and i'm going to push up just a little bit and i'm going to come through on this side push up just a little bit and this may be perfect for using my bracelet pliers and giving just a very slight curve i really like these pliers from whenever i want to be slightly consistent they help me to bend even stiffer wire a little more consistently than what i can accomplish with just my hands oh crap i was supposed to put a bead on that well maybe we'll change the design okay yeah we'll just change the design oh no and you know and i have the instructions right in front of me like the the template boo okay that's fine these are the hurdles we run into you and i i don't even know i don't know before i modify the design too much this could just be considered a prototype piece because we will see how it plays out in the final assembly so i'm going to pull off let's see 12 inches of this 16 gauge bare copper and then another 12 inches of the 16 gauge bare copper and then another let's say 2 3 4 five six seven eight nine inches no let's make it ten ten inches for our three layers of wire and i am going to be using just my flat nose pliers for this i'm going to find about the middle on each of these three wires that we've just cut and you can see there's a little bit of a natural curve from where it was on the spool i'm going to begin bending against that curve to about maybe a 30 to 45 degree angle and i'm going to try to square that up on both sides like just making sure that the wire is nice and straight so there's one and don't have to be perfect the copper wire from pear wire is very affordable so i'm not seeing a point in being stingy with myself especially whenever it's an experimentation piece you really want to give yourself some wiggle room to uh you know experiment freely and bend come through because you can kind of see one side's a little bit sharper than the other but if you come in and you can really tighten up that bend and what i do is i just get my flat nose pliers right up into the corn into the crook of the bend and then smoosh it okay so let's see how these three fit together i'm pretty pleased with how these three fit together and coming out of the tip now we're still gonna have all of this wire here so bear with me i'm gonna be getting tangled on all sorts of stuff bend that one off to the side and bend that one off to the side and it looks like i can undo once and twice so that where these 26 gauge wires emerge from the bezel they're already diverged and this one's actually going to be the outermost wire i think that'll be all right and we'll have this one be the innermost i think will they still fit together nicely they sure will excellent so now we can position this i'm actually i'm just making trouble for myself by having all of these pliers directly where my wire is going to want to travel so i'm just positioning this i love that it's protruded a bit just me if you don't want that you can spread your wires just a little bit yeah oh that's even better and then i'm going to wrap once twice thrice four and five and i'm going to try to get just a nice tight coiling around that there we go and then i'm gonna for the sake of striving for symmetry um i'm gonna come around and do that on the same side or same thing on the other side rather okay oh it's tricky everything wants to wiggle around on me we've got this you could tape it but uh i don't know where my tape is so so there's one and i'm just using my fingernail to cinch down wait that's good so that actually makes it look like three didn't it it's a bit blurry let's see if we can do something about that just one two three four and five rotations very cool making sure it's still sitting nice i love that already i love it you guys and now i'm going to [Music] go like one and that just that makes it look like two beats already around those two and so i'm going to come up in between these two wires if you can see what's happening there and good news is we'll be repeating this a lot so bear with me coming around to the other side and so i'm going to wrap there's one over both there's two over both pushing and smushing with my fingers and then i'm going to bring our weaving wire between these two 16 gauge checking the alignment of everything and now i'm going to put on this third wire like so we could have hammered these first i'm going to try to do that after the fact and we'll see how it works out so there's two wraps around both smushing that with my thumb and then i'm gonna wrap come down around this third wire there's one oops oh they're all tangled so there's yep that's one okay and then two and now i'm going to stitch through no i'm not i'm gonna do one okay whenever they're getting all tangled let's make life a little easier for ourselves bend this wire up just a little bend this wire up just a little less and bend this wire down and now we have a little bit clearer of a position of each of our wires and you'll notice i did that more towards the end not up by where we're weaving i want to keep that nice and straight so we did one two and then i'm going to stitch through [Music] just back side of our half persian three and one right there so you see how that's it's not going through both which we could do that if we wanted to i think i just want the back side that way this will sit a little bit more three-dimensionally it pushes the whole design a little forward so i've stitched once through mmm that there of makes a gap doesn't it let's see if that's remember to be remitted remember remediable remedial let's see if we can fix it um there's a little bit of a gap so i am going to looks like doing three stitches might be oh wow that's really in there though in it so let's just get our pliers in there oops do i have a t-pin or oh here's a head pin made with some lampwork glass on the end so i'm just trying to get that space opened up a little without messing up the wire proving more difficult than i thought it would be honestly rummaging for my bins to see if i have a tool that might prove useful here's some pliers some super fine nose okay here we go normally i don't recommend this because i don't want to be putting stress on our wire but i also really want this piece to be like just exceptional so okay i have enough that i can get my fingers in there i'm gonna pull that out so we did two rotations so i'm gonna do a third rotation around and you know let's do a fourth as well just to really not just use up that wire that i've kind of kinked and overworked a bit but i really want all of these wires that we're weaving to be very very snug and tucked in with each other so hooking back through where we just had then sewing this through like that making sure there's no kinks it's looking pretty good and so that makes our fifth stitch and you can see it slid off that's okay we'll keep working with that as we go and if it proves to be a problem um we'll do something different so now we're going to go one and two sorry i don't know how well y'all can hear it but it sounds like somebody's beating the crap out of their yard with a lawnmower of course but that's fine this is life so there's one and two like that and then there's one and two around that 16 gauge you could use an 18 gauge for this as well i really like the density of the 16 gauge i think it's i think it's just really nice and then there's let's see if we can do two on this one one and two and then smush that down nice and tight nice and nice and tight with our fingers and it looks like i could stitch through this next loop right there so it looks like we're going to have a stitch in every single link of this bezel and i think that's going to be just fine so let's test it out and see because that's going to give our bezel a whole lot of rigidity as well so you can see just right through just the back side and that's why i should tidy up the workspace this will can and will snag everything on your work surface normally whenever i'm working and not shooting a tutorial i'm working in my lap so the table is reserved for all my tools and stuff but i'm like kind of hunched over in my chair um so it's one two that was three and there's four and five squishing that down so you can kind of see how that's coming along and then we just repeat this there's one and two smashing with our fingernails and then coming in between our core wires there's one and two and coming all the way around all three and then just snagging two there's one and two and again this has kind of wiggled its way off that's okay because worst case scenario y'all if this experiment doesn't work out for me when it's all said and done i can flip it over and use some of that defcon part epoxy or five minute epoxy it's a two part not a five i've never seen it five part epoxy that's just complicated um or i could use just a touch of e6000 or just whatever strikes my fancy but i am going to try this without adhesive just to see how it goes so i'm going to repeat this on both sides all the way up to the top which just to demonstrate again i am going to do it one more time on the other side because we might catch a different angle so there's again how they're all kind of crisscrossed there's no need in that bend that one off that way bend this one up that way and now we can very clearly see where our wire is going to go so there's two round two coming around if this is wire one two and three wires one two and three and we're coming around wires one and two twice smooshing that down nice and tight and then coming around just wire one that's once and twice let's see that really needs a good smush though doesn't it and if you're having difficulty getting your fingernails in there to smush just use your pliers i'm not squeezing down on the core wires as much as i'm just squeezing it just enough that it catches the lip that that lip of those weaving wires that are there so there's one too now finding the end so that we can stitch through boop just right there wiggle wiggle so you can see where it's at and then i'm going to pull through nice and tight and that counts as our third stitch and i want to do five in between each of the design so it's four and five now i'm going to get in here with my pliers smoosh it not to the core wire but just smushing it down the length of the core wire because it actually looks like it's a little snagged on the chainmail actually sometimes you need to make some space there in between the wire and the chainmail to get it to settle down where you want it to go then we'll go around wires one and two twice and then around wires or between one and two to go around two and three i hope that makes sense so there's that and now weaving this way some more there's one and two smash and then just around the one wire so there's one and two and it looks like i am going to skip that one fortunately with this being on the back side you can't really see there in the front on the front of the chain mail where those connection stitches are so it really gives us a little bit of leeway to do them where they're needed as opposed to well this is the pattern so i'll just do one there because that way if it if we start varying from the pattern as we do um it'll be all right it's a lot more subtle it's like a hidden stitch just there on the back side so now we can also come in and smush and literally smooshing onto the core wires now just tightening up those weaving that we had done and smush smoosh mush mush so much there we go so that's how it's coming along so now i'm going to continue this up all the way around until we start to get to the top whenever i get to the shoulders i'll start bending it in i may need you guys back here for that but let's continue on okay so i have come through and we're starting to run a little low on our wire right over here so i'm working on the other side of the pendant coming around now the curved shoulder of the piece and this is experimental and i'm discovering the stone does not stay put quite the way i would have liked so all we need is a little stabilization across um you know across this back side to keep it from turning and getting shifted about and such and i was looking at the possibility of stabilizing here at the tip where i feel like it is very likely to come kind of undone and you don't have to use a charm like this or any charm really you could just use more wire and do like how i'm going to show here shortly but i found this component that fit just about perfectly there on the back side and what i'm going to do is using my wire snips some sturdy wire snips i'm going to just snip one side come around and snip the other side and i have a little file here that i'm gonna now this is a pewter alloy charm that i got i'm pretty sure off of amazon and like a mixed kit but if you're worried about it tarnishing you can go over with some mod podge hard coat or some clear resin [Music] nail polish if you're into that i find the hard coat holds up really really well but yeah just kind of sanding or filing off that point and now we have a nice round disc that we can use and after i finish getting kind of to the same equidistant on both sides we'll start splicing in more wire as well as embedding this onto the back which i think is just going to be super cool like i'm so excited about this piece you guys okay pushing all of that off to the side again um we've wrapped continuing our design up i'm gonna thread through i need to do and again things are getting kind of tangly that's okay there's one and two and i'm going to hook through right here let me see if zooming in isn't helpful let's see if it is rather wiggling so you can see where it's at just coming right through there so that's our third wrap and four and five and then i'm going to wrap two around two there's one and two and then two around the next two there's one and two and then two around the first two again one and two it's mushing time because i went very badly for this to all stay nice and put my tip keeps wanting to slide through the back so i'm trying to be mindful of that i don't want this to be shifting the wire off like distorting the frame and it is of course a tangled mess of wire but that's fine so we've done those two and then there's one and two and you can smush every single every single stitch if you like i like to just curve around a bit at a time as we go there's one two oh i went the wrong way on that didn't i so there's yep two and then three and then four give it another smoosh now i'm going to stitch through right here and then coming around it can it can feel so tricky to navigate y'all like if you feel if you're following along or doing something similar of your own you can feel very very but that's all right like sometimes all the wires just makes my eyes cross and it's okay to set down a project go do something else for a while maybe take a day or two off even maybe take a week off do what you need to do and then come back to it fresh and i think you'll surprise yourself one two oh that one's all kinds of muddy so i'm gonna smush it and it looks a lot better i haven't smushed these in a while i'm gonna come in and just get them nice and flat with my flat nose pliers you could also use nylon drawer pliers if you have them and this is coming along really nicely now also the great thing about doing something like this is you can count nine for symmetry so i've got one more before i'm the same on both sides so there's one there's two i think i'm gonna leave it at two and then do my bind stitch so there's one two coming through right there that's three and then we have four and five then two around two it's nothing if not repetitive y'all but man you can really kind of get into the flow of it and just the zone there's one two and then one and two and we did finish on this side on um our five stitches so i'm going gonna finish it on the five stitches on this side as well so there's one and two i think i'm gonna go three and four encourage that around just a little bit further and then hook through right there and do that fifth stitch like so very cool very cool indeed okay so now and you can see our wires actually pretty close to the same length as each other too not too shabby so now i'm going to pull off another full arm span of the 26 gauge wire and we can come in and test fit this one more time gosh if it's just perfect i love it like i couldn't have planned that better about this teardrop figure out how you would like your component oriented and now i am going to remove that for now but i just want to come through and see if i can on like the back here hook through um like so looks like we're going to need a really sharp little hook so i've made our little hook and i'm coming up like three or four loops from the tip there we go and now i can grab the tip of that with my pliers and start pulling through um before we go too far though i realize i'm out of frame we're gonna do that same thing to the other side and we could actually be clever and use a tool so our round nose pliers make a nice little hook and then come down equidistant to the other side hook around that was much easier and oops gripping it and pulling so now we can try to pull the wires to make them equidistant i'm using that right a lot make them the same length not equidistant it's like that sounds like a good word keep using this word i don't think it means what you think it means equilateral or is that just for triangles i don't know it's only english it's only my mother tongue you wouldn't expect me to know what the words mean so now we've come just across the tip there and already this is going to serve a great function of keeping everything from shifting around and i'm doing this in lieu of i don't feel like using the glue like i don't wanna and now we can find our component put it in there like that and if we had a cute little like celtic bead or something that we wanted to use or maybe a bugle bead we could put that across the tip i don't know just whatever we felt like i suppose and i'm going to turn this and i'm gonna what am i gonna do i'm gonna make this in line with the center line okay and i'm going to bend this wire off to the side it can feel very gosh there's like there is a lot going on in my hand right now and my brain is trying to keep up but you don't have to worry about all this other jumble of wire we're just worrying about this component that fits almost a little too snugly to be able to comfortably um make things make things work okay so i found the end of my wire and i'm going to hook through the same spot on both sides so i've looped through and pulled down a bit so i've looped through right here and pulled down a bit now where do we want this located because that is a crucial next step so i think i'm going to loop through right here so i'm going to want to put that hook in place again and i realize i'm probably making things significantly more complicated than they need to be but in that just part of the process yes right there the hook hooked more than i bargained for there we go oops loud noises sorry getting my finer tipped pliers i don't know why i didn't make a bigger hook there we go well i actually snagged it in my fingernail that worked just fine and this is putting a lot of stress on my wire so i'm trying to have it not do that as much trying to also not snag every other wire in existence along the way now i'm not going to pull it down completely tight yet because i do want to be able to do that same thing here on the other side i'm going to make sure that that hook is in place over here and comparing we can kind of count there's one two three four it's on the fifth ring from where we went through over here so i'm gonna go one two three four there's the fifth ring it looks a little too hooky and i lost my spot okay one two three four fifth ring hook oh that was so easy i love it whenever they go like smoothly so nice keeping the wire from snagging other wires so feet in and of itself bringing this around i want that to lay just so and pull tight and pull tight excellent and then it just nestles in where it goes oh that's nice okay but that's just one stitch we get to do that a bunch now um oh boy i'm actually going to be lazy and jump a bit i'm going to go all the way up here and oh maybe if we do a big enough hook where's my bigger mandrel pliers that's it i'm using almost every single pair of pliers at my desk so i've used the eight millimeter section to do a loop here so i almost hate to cover up any part of the stone and i i paused for a bit to really you know think do i want to to do this or do i want to use you know uh an epoxy and i think i'm gonna keep going with this but it's okay to have doubts or second guess yourself or you know stop and pause for consideration because you never know what ideas you might come up with in the meantime so i'm going to try to hook through right there excuse me excuse me and just grip oh it's getting away from me there it goes i'm just gonna grip and pull again trying to keep this from snagging the whole mess up here and just pulling through and that seems to be holding pretty well because again this isn't structural so much as it's just a very gentle support but it's not you know this part in particular doesn't have to be super duper ultra mighty you know joined together in the crazy most secure way so that eight millimeter seemed to work pretty well so i'm going to do that again on the other side put those pliers up there where they go out of the way and i'm aiming for like right here so let's see if we can manage that so i'm gonna pop the stone out just a bit to give ourselves some room not the stone but the celtic knot charm and there we are i'm gonna see if i can grab it nope maybe we can feed it a little bit further yes there we go make sure i still have the correct wire in hand [Music] the very impressive putt-putts of a bike driving by [Music] and there we go i actually kind of like that i can hide the wire in the curve of the celtic knot but now i mean that i mean if we tug on it a bit but we haven't secured it much further so i think that's going to work out y'all okay let me tidy up again and so from here we get to proceed a bit because again our wire that's protruding out the top that this is these two wires are the bezel wires so we do at least need to stabilize them they got a little bit work hardened a little bit um tangled and kinked but i still think they're usable and i've had folks recommend to me and say that they use successfully in their own work like a kumihimo bobbin for to put their wire on i've never had much success with that i find i just work hard and end up work harding it hardening it more than maybe what it needed um but again that's just my experience so if something works for you do that you know like there is in no right or wrong way the wrong way is what doesn't work for you the right way is what does work for you so i've done an extra stitch right there but i think i think it'll be okay and i've trimmed it because that wire was just so short we were not going to be able to do too much more with it so now i'm going to using the wire that we've bound on our charm with making sure the charm is nice and secure we are fixing to make things even more secure so there's one and two we're gonna do another repetition of all this there's one and two trying to not tangle too much but it's difficult or tricky because as we come around the top these top wires are going to want to be crossed even more so what we're going to do is i'm actually just going to embrace the chaos embrace the disaster and so now by crossing them fully they're no longer in each other's way hopefully so where do we leave off there's one two smoosh mush mush and then coming through right there there's one and two you can still get our bent nose pliers in there and give it a smoosh and then go once and twice looks like i got off somewhere and i'm kind of weaving in the other direction so i'd like to course correct this is a great opportunity for that so even though it goes against the just looping that i've been doing i'm just going to feed up from behind on which one am i going to do on this loop here pull it on through you can see that kind of twisted things a little bit right there but that's okay you can take our pliers and press that down to where we want it to be and now we can make a little loop so that's three four and five smush and that's looking pretty sharp i think okay i'm going to continue then just two more repetitions on this side i think and three on this side to complete well actually i would like to demonstrate to you how we kind of splice in the new wire on this side too just in case we missed something or just in case things go a little different than how they did on the first side okay so for this one yeah i think that's nicely bound off we will snip just as close as we can using the tip of our bent nose pliers i'm going to burnish it down and then check for pokey bits that are meant to be hacked thank goodness last thing you want is something pokey poking okay so now we're going to be coming up and through so there's one and two and then one and two smooshed and one and two smoosh mushrooms and then one and two again i find myself weaving in kind of the opposite direction of what i was earlier so i'm gonna i'm gonna just roll with it i think this time yeah see what happens maybe that even though that's my preferred method it might not be the best for you so now we feed in through the front to come out here on the back side you kind of see how that is fading through grab with our pliers if that's easier for you you pull a bit so you have enough to get your hand on so that's our third wire yeah i think i might even like that better and there's four and the reason why i think i like this better is as i come around i have more room to get my finger in there to push the wire into its place and five okay yes i'm going to do two more repetitions or or am i um let's take another look at our pattern so let's see so this outermost wire was going to end in a spiral i think we may like to start doing that soon so i'm going to just start kind of encouraging a little bit of a curve on these ones these outermost wires something if you really want some help making them symmetrical you could use a ring mandrel i'm using around a size three to curve it off to the side because if you use reference points like that last weave that we did that last stitch around and then the same size mandrel and it's like okay i'm going to bend it around until it touches the pendant and i'm going to keep my mandrel from exceeding past that line like of that wire that can really help you just those reference points can really help you get little sides like that okay so because we may end up snipping this side to match this one and coiling them in i'm going to put this back over the wire keeps brushing itself on it and i feel very sensitive to that noise right now so this is definitely coming out just a tad bigger than in the design but that is okay um right on so then from here we could do let me figure out what's what again i'm going to zoom out because i feel like i'm all over the place i'm the kind of person who loves to have a plan so that i can deviate wildly from it so then i'm going to go around both there's one and two and then one [Music] bring it around to the front and stitch it through maybe if i can hold on to it one two stitches for three maybe can we yeah we can just kind of when in doubt smush it out [Music] hello tangled mess we meet again there we go that's three and then [Music] four and then five until that stabilized nicely just trying to figure out what it is exactly that i want to do before proceeding too much further now let's do that same thing on the other side then so there is one two and then one i'm starting to get a little blister right there two three four and five oh i didn't stabilize it shoot so i'm back stitching one in two we'll bring it back to the front for four and then oh that's a pretty good position for stitching yeah spin it right on through pull on through making sure it doesn't kink there at the end because it's gonna wanna especially since we had just done our fifth stitch and then fifth stitch and then we can kind of curve this one up i think i'm going to take a break and see what comes to me hey y'all it for me it's the following day for you hopefully it's still the same video um so i've been thinking a lot and i kind of started redesigning and tinkering a little bit because this isn't quite coming out like how i thought it would so this was the original design and what's going on is i wasn't quite able to get this as tight up into the shoulders as i thought i could um so really let's i may still be able to do that because i was messing about with this is another one of the cabs off of our website backtruthcreations.com and i had grooved it and i i made some chainmail because i wanted to be able to have the option of setting it in that if maybe that would look a little better or maybe if i liked the way that looked better i don't know i may just turn it into a ring because that might be cool too um but i don't i don't know yet so i've also brought onto my desk some 18 gauge half round in the titanium tone which is the same as the 26 gauges i'm using so let's see okay gotta move the coffee out of the way okay because i'd also thought i was kind of sketching out a little bit um so coming through here if maybe i did like a figure eight weave through there and then some coiling it's like figure eight and then some coiling and still attaching this piece up top kind of like that although i may hammer that out a little bit more you might be able i i don't know so options but again i wanted to share the design process with y'all because sometimes this isn't what we planned but this is what is happening so let's roll with it and we'll see what happens so i do think i'm going to just continue with a how does it come around one two three four five so i'm just gonna yeah keep shaping this around to the top i'm gonna try to get it to where it's lined up with the center line um and then bend these two up so they're like that and then if these are the two wires like the part that's coming up this way is going to have the half round wrapping those two pieces together and so i'm going to get that far and then see what happens because that part is kind of the same whichever design i end up going with so we've done the five rotations so i'm going to loop through stitch it to our chainmail base which i absolutely love the half persian three one three in one because it does give me something that a very nice attachment point for um binding everything together also something else that would be really cool for this if you're not into the chain like if you don't like the way the train mail looks or you don't like leaving it is you could use this gallery wire it's copper gallery wire that i get off of amazon they do also have this at like rio grande and fire mountain gems in a few different places in sterling silver so if you don't like copper you can go that route as well um but this stuff is super nice um it's so nice that i've gotten to the point that like a rather i think it's so nice it's affordable enough but it's one of those things that it's so precious that i never use it cause i'm like oh i love this stuff it's like well if i loved it so much i should use it more instead of hoarding it but that's my own crafter complications to have to work through like do you all ever do that where it's like i love this bead so much that i shall never use it in anything and it's like no use it go ahead and life's too short use the bead three four five was that five yeah that was five and then bringing it around so that hopefully the lighting's a little bit better today as well but i'm just gonna stitch through that half version three and one again the wire's starting to get quite overworked but it's still working so i'm gonna keep doing it and now i think i've got just enough space to do five more before i'm in line with where the wire that's nestled into the groove of the cab protrude like exits from the bezel yep because you can see that's where that's coming out i hesitate to cut my wire just yet because i can always decide to cut it later but i am going to bring my flat nose pliers in and line them up right there and then do as sharp of a bend as i can manage and things are probably going to be getting a little crowded in here but that should be we'll figure it out and actually pull these center wires uh forward a bit just so that i can see where i'm going and i'm going to try to thread this through yep right there like that if you're able to see so i'm going to wiggle the wire a bit wiggle wiggle that way you can see so again this can be kind of tricky and i honestly don't expect this to be a tutorial that uh to be followed to the letter but again if i could just share the core techniques and the idea of it with y'all then i i hope that you'll be able to take it and use it in your own ways to maybe help you with your own design processes or if you're if you're able to follow it to the letter um then it came out a lot it's a much better tutorial than i thought it would be because i'm i'm worried at this point but i'm also sewing because i had considered scrapping the tutorial um and like finishing the prototype piece and then reshooting it but this is for one of my beloved nieces and i really wanted to capture the whole experience um because i'm feeling very inspired and happy and really enjoying making this so i figure i'll let it be what it is so i've threaded through right there we did an additional five rotations and stitch oh this is such a tangled disaster it's okay bring this up and around so then we're going to go one two three four five and i'm going to find the end of my wire and then i'm going to stitch through the next there we go and so again it's it's not necessarily particular about which part of the half persian three and one you're threading through um you may find you have your own preference about those sorts of things what i think is important is to be consistent about it because the more consistent you are the more it's going to look on purpose and intentional and if that pattern's there then you know even if it's not what you had originally planned it'll still look on purpose okay so then we're gonna bend this down just a little bit more so i can get a nice tight connection with that wire and then i'm gonna do our last two three four five but yeah the uh the summers when our nieces come and stay with us are the happiest time of my life so it's really nice to be just experiencing this and getting this to make or getting to make stuff for them and just enjoying myself there are a few things in life better than having a couple of having some faye children running a muck in your house okay so things are getting crowded that's okay i'm going to shift those two center wires out of the way i'm trying to be careful to not um oops tangled on the tripod to not bend them around too much because i don't want things getting work hardened because i need that wire to remain to keep its integrity but i also need it not to not be in the way so i'm gonna okay it may it's gonna be a better idea i think for me to bend this the 90 degrees before um threading it through just because there's too much going on and in the way right now so i'm gripping firmly and you'll notice hopefully with my pliers i don't have my pliers at the exact tip because i don't want to risk my pliers slipping off and pinching the copper because i don't feel like dealing with that right now okay so we bent it before i go any further oh thank goodness it's actually centered oh that's nice relief on that one okay so now maybe i can get this through right there nope sometimes you have to snip off the overused end of your wire and that's okay and that kind of gives you a fresh yep nope no wonder it was so easy it wasn't threaded through okay try it one more time i'm gonna put a little bit of that hook in there and sometimes it's just tricky you guys let's see i have a t-pin i'm going to try to make a little bit of space using it much in this using the pin much in the same way that i would use like a leather awl to just widen where i want the wire to go make sure there are no blockages in the way [Music] ah we got it okay and again i'm gonna kinda try to wiggle wiggle wiggle so you can see where that wire has come out and then making sure our wires are all laying like they're happy to be there cool cool okay so so that steps done and now from here we can kind of look at this because i could i mean i can't backtrack right now because i've already done all that weaving but i could continue this design and follow the original oops bump in the tripod i could follow the original you know because that came together so i would do the half round joined and then i would bring this wire in a little bit more and then bend it out but it may still end up looking pretty cool even if i follow with the original to have this stone here but i don't know i mean the lab is so perfect on its own i feel that i don't know if i want to complicate things up at the top so also where'd the stones go i was gonna put one of these i don't actually know if that's any if i prefer that anymore than the amethyst you know what we may end up doing is instead of wrapping this in the half round we may do a twist do a figure eight we've like do like um a bail that the twist then just lays over and then make it into a whole necklace hmm i'm gonna get this uh i'm not gonna do the twist i want there to be more silver so i'm specifically going to be using this 18 gauge half round titanium tone because i think the half round itself gives a lot of really nice texture too to a piece so i'm going to bend those ones forward i'm going to bend those ones back just giving myself a little bit more space to exist pulling all of my 26 gauge off to my left side or whichever side for you is a little bit more out of the way and then i'm going to do my first wrap making it just as about as tight as i can get by hand and then i'm going to grab with my pliers and kind of cinch it down a little bit more and then i'm going to hand wrap some more but i'm going to actually lift that back up because i want this trimmed to where it will be centered in the back like i want the wire terminating on what will be the back side just because it looks very sharp i think to uh if you can't see where the ends are okay coming through i had a little bit of a twist in my half round so i'm just smoothing that out now i'm gonna give this a smoosh boop and then press it down make sure it's very nice and positioned just as good as we can get it i'm gonna get all my pliers out of the way and i actually i'm going to pull it up more towards the end of my working core wires because i feel like that gives me a little bit more space to have control and get these coils nice and snug next to each other and i'm trying to maintain consistent tension that's something that will come with practice and if you just place your coils you don't want them overlapping on each other but you definitely want them to be like like really side by side if you have space in between them then whenever you smush it you're not gonna it'll be kind of like knuckles it won't be completely straight and tidy edges though sometimes it just doesn't work out sometimes it does work out um embrace the chaos but working on your tension can be very helpful with that okay now i'm going to push this down my wire and i'm going to come in and give it some smooshes smoosh smush smush smush and then i'm also going to take and i'm not gripping super hard this way on my pliers i'm gripping just enough but then i'm pressing with the sides to kind of compress all of the coiling we've just done i'm gonna move this i feel like it's messing with the balance on my shading on the camera so again there's a little bit trying to make it easy to you can also just do this where i'm guiding the wire on with my fingers and then just twisting the pendant i wouldn't recommend using like a drill for something like this because i mean if you've ever tried doing coils and stuff with a drill there are very specific instances where it's actually beneficial a lot of the rest of the time you're kind of making more problems for yourself because i mean you put in all this work why would you want to put this in a drill and and have it uh you tangle up or get weird and so i don't trust my skills with a drill you may be a completely different story but that's why um for me i'm always encouraging folks to build up your base technique so that yeah being able to do it with a drill is really nice but what if you don't have a drill if you're still able to do it with your hands then i feel like that's a really nice skill to have in your toolbox there you go and yeah i feel like i've gone farther than i should because i don't know i was planning on just attaching some links i'm not making like a bail that like folds over so i may not have actually needed all of that hmm so i don't know maybe we'll do a bill that folds over i'm kinda evolving um what we're doing here because we could have this and then weave these ones together just a little bit and have them come in a little bit more and this could still finish in a spiral on the shoulders okay let's see let's experiment a little with the second grooved stone so i'm going to continue that twist up just enough because i need something to resist against whenever we put the stone or whenever we put the wire in the groove okay so it joins together pretty pretty nicely actually like having a little bit of that silver tone in the back glimmering through from the wrapping that we've done so that's pretty neat let's try it with the chain mail on so i'm finding both ends of the wire and i'm going to thread in just picking a random spot since there's no teardrop point that we need to be mindful of we'll be able to shift this around any way that we need to i think so this bit is going to be pushed forward a little bit more than like this cat the top cap would be sitting forward a little bit more which might give some really cool dimension excuse me yeah i think i'm gonna do this and if we hate it we can just cut it all off but we'll figure it out okay so looking and seeing where the center point is coming through okay because we can actually count before we get the stone in so i'm coming through right there so it's one is the one we're coming through two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 crap it's not even what do i do oh no [Music] um was it 21 so i'm going to try something big math time i'm going to place this in and i'm still going to try to make the twist be happening directly across from where the first twist is you know honoring that center line for symmetry's sake and we've got one no that's not centered up at all there's one and okay so we've done that twist so now i'm gonna have it split instead of going through one ring because really it's subtle enough we should be able to do it through one ring right like maybe yeah we'll do it through one ring it's not going to be perfectly centered but see if that makes if that's like super noticeable it's honestly at this point i don't even know if this is going to um it's very fiddly i'm not gonna lie very fiddly because again i'm trying to get the wire to go through like the center i'm gonna wiggle the wire so you can see where it's sitting wiggle wiggle wiggle oh boy oh boy oh i'm making a mess that's okay so let's see if we can do this without completely battering up the wire and now i'm going to try to it's particularly difficult whenever it's this small of a setting because oh my gosh it worked so far um but whenever it's this small of a setting um sometimes it can get picky and finicky oh my gosh okay and it actually worked out really well i think that it's off to one side because then that will allow us to we could kind of wrap around here and it will still look centered but our wire yeah okay well i'm gonna embrace it and go with it i feel very lucky that it worked at all so picking my battles twisting that wire and nestling it kind of in between the half round speaking of that half round i hate to do this but i think i'm going to have to snip it maybe unwrap now also it's very difficult for me personally to salvage half round wire once i've done this but this is a perfect base for making one of those super cute like bird nest rings so i'm gonna snip right there because it makes it all crinkly and weird and that's exactly what i'm looking for whenever i make wire bird nests so i want it to be all crinkly and weird and a bit random and chaos mess um because now from here we can take this and we can split these off in either direction and we can use these two wires that originated all the way down here like when it came up around the groove and came up through here around the groove and now we can coil or weave up here to our heart's content okay so now let's see we may want to keep these guys off to the side because we could do a really pretty like figure eight weave between these two shoulders because these two wires are still sticking out from right there they feel like we can okay so if you can see where it's protruding from right here this is the wire that we finished up that coiling with i'm just going to come around like that and i'm going to try to start a figure eight weave so there's one in two let's see if zooming in is going to be any use i'm going to try really hard to stay in frame bear with me so one and two and then coming around because if you see i had exited on this side of the wire so i'm going to wrap around on the back side and i'm going to go one and two and three because this wire is traveling farther than this wire and i want them to keep pace with each other so it's going to take a lot smaller of a distance to travel boop as opposed to being on that far outer edge before i get too much further though i don't like that wire being on the front that wire right there see how it's kind of sitting so before i get too into it i'm going to go ahead and unwind what we just did and also if the wire is going to break now would be the time so then i'm actually going to start on this wire with one oh yeah that's much better and two and i'm going to come around to the front and i'm going to go like one i think i may want these wires closer to each other when we're starting yeah it's like it'll give us a more dramatic a more dynamic change if we go from narrow to wide so that's one and two i'm coming around to this side and then going one two three [Music] and then coming around and go in that's one and two coming to the front it's one two three making sure everything's sitting next to each other looking good so then there's one and two and then one two and three i'm going to flip this over because that might give you a better look at what we're doing and i'm also going to start shrinking that away so that we can get a nice wider uh tapering okay so then we've got there's one and two and then we've got one two three and then [Music] there's one and two and then there's one two and three open one and two now we're going to need to go through and stabilize this onto the front here because i don't want this to be um worn and like it get caught on the side because it's only held really by those two 26 gauge wires that are surrounding the stone i think stabilizing the sides like how we did down here is going to be a good idea so i'm going to come around we've got one two and i'm going to do a stitch just through the side there just pick whichever loop is closest for you on your project that's what that's my thought process is which one is closest so and then three so now we have a little secret stitch there and then one and two and then one two three i'm gonna do four on that one and then one and two then one two three four it's really eating up the wire you can see i've only got maybe nine or ten inches left then one two and one two three four and then one and two one two three four in today's episode of yvonne can count thank you public education system um i'll actually thank you mom for teaching me to count but before i go too much further on this side i want to start matching on the other because also i'm not entirely certain how we're going to be finishing this off like uh so i kind of want to turn it into like an entire like butterfly but it is supposed to be a wearable necklace and i don't know how my niece feels about wearing an entire giant um wire butterfly on her as a necklace um but it might actually end up being a really cool wall hanging so we'll see um so i'm going to start off again same way as we did on the other one with this wire that's exiting on the back and it come round and go one and two and then i'm gonna come across that same figure eight pattern which we do have a tutorial here on youtube a wire wrapping master class on the figure eight weaving and we cover just making a heart but man it's a lot of practice and we show how to splice in new wire and all sorts of troubleshooting and stuff like i feel like that's a tutorial i wish i had access to whenever i was learning to wire wrap so i do hope that it can be helpful to y'all so if you're having trouble with figure eight wrapping i really recommend checking that out as well as there are a lot of really good tutorials here on youtube y'all by all sorts of folks so you browse around my teaching style may not be what vibes best with you and that's okay like it's most important to me that you learn what you're seeking to learn if i'm not the best teacher for you i hope you find somebody who is so that you can do that thing that you're looking for so we've got one two coming through here one two three coming around one two one two three coming around one two and i'm gonna go one two and then do that secret stitch just right through there whichever one is closest come on camera don't fail me now so that would be our three and then i'm gonna do a four and i love doing this on the back side of the half portion three in one because even if i didn't do the secret stitch on the same spot on both sides you can't really tell i mean you're really going to have to look in there and see that i did this one like one stitch down from the other side i think personally i think that's going to be all right if anybody's losing their mind you can do it different on yours one two one two three four and then one two then one two three four and one two checking for symmetry i am going to go ahead and trim this one to be the same length as on the other side and also this side has where i snipped using this side of the wire snips so i want the tips to be the same and even oriented the same like the way that the cut was made i want it to be on the same plane it still looks a bit longer so i'm going to come in here and there we go you could measure it if you're into that clearly i'm not but yeah that's the best way of getting things to be symmetrical is to actually measure it but here we are two three four one two one two three four i'm going to do a few more stitches i'm starting to really run really low on wire two one two three four one more one two one two three four okay so it's looking pretty good like i'm pretty pleased so far um again this is nothing like i had originally planned but that's fine i'm going to leave these two short wires and i think i'm going to pull off just a bit more just an arm span really of the 26 gauge because i want to come in on these bits and coil that way i can make spirals that are coiled or spirals that are made out of coiled wire rather because again i wanted the dominant uh metal tone in this to be silver actually so right now it looks very copper heavy but that's fine because i'm also going to be treating this with a liver of sulfur all the silver and stainless steel um or rather the enameled silver in stainless steel that i'm using won't be affected a bit but it will bring the copper to a nice different tone and we will be doing that in this video just coming through there smushing down that little bit off the end and then just coiling which it can be tricky sometimes there we go on how to get your hand in where it needs to be and i'm not really counting i'm just making sure my coils are next to each other and i'm just working here at the end i can switch it out a little bit more that way i can there we go and then you can see how we've just pushed that up to where the other coiling left off okay so i want to bring this within about five millimeters to the end of the wire and then i'm going to snip just as flush as i can use my bent nose pliers to smush that loose end down no pokey bits and now we're going to do that same thing on the other side so again just binding off like this pulling it out just a bit so i can comfortably move my hand one side's always a little easier than the other or a little more difficult than the other and i'm just i'm choosing to just snip that one instead of training the tail down for no other reason that's just what i feel like doing now whenever i'm coiling i aim for where my coils are tight side to side as opposed to when there's a little bit of space there because whenever you smush that back down sometimes it's just doesn't come out quite as tight as what it would i'm not too worried about it but that is something that you can troubleshoot and if you're having problems um that might be something to work on because nobody else gets to judge if your piece is perfect or not you're the artist on this one you're the one who is bringing your vision into reality so whenever if you feel like you're being critical of your pieces i think it's very important to be constructively critical so instead of being like oh well it's not right well what's not right about it what would you you know what would you have done differently you know and really if you're going to pick it apart pick it apart in a constructive manner and you know that way you're not tearing yourself down you're not tearing your work down you're you know learning you're pinpointing because now if you know well my coiling needs to be more even now you know what you need to practice and work on because otherwise you're just being counterproductive and what's the point in that like really okay so now from here i'm gonna go ahead and try to make those spirals because if i hate it then now's the like i'd rather deal with that now than later so i'm going to grab our wire kind of is not quite as close to the tip of the wire as i can get but it's close pretty close to the tip of the pliers because again i don't want my pliers slipping off and pinching the wire because i don't feel like dealing with trying to file that down and stuff but i am going to try to make a little loop and then i'm going to come in cutting at an angle i'm going to take this like that and i'm going to snip be very careful you don't get yourself in the face but do you see how that gave it like a nice little tip that's kind of curled that i otherwise i'd have a hard time trying to get that to happen with just my pliers [Music] but now you can bring it in and you have a very nice little spiral going and i'm gonna keep bringing it in just enough until my pliers are starting to get in the way and then i'm going to coil that in with my hand and i love it okay perfect but that's how i've always admired in other folks's work how they get such nice like tips and stuff and i think if i had done that and then like filed it perfect but this is good enough for me right now so i'm using about three or four three millimeters maybe three or four millimeters up the barrel of my pliers and then just curling that around nicely let's see how it has that little bit of a straight spot i'm just gonna come in at an angle oh i needed that way too far well maybe it'll still work though as always practice practice practice so that one's not as perfect but i'll deal maybe if we undo it so i'm gonna come closer to the tip of my pliers and try to force it a bit but usually if it doesn't happen first go i just let it go well that's just me and now i'm going to grip with my fingers and start coiling this in we're trying to i think i like that pretty well so now an important question to ask myself is i'm going to put a bead right there and i think i do to go run again [Music] so i have a little tin of more beads over here and i have these really pretty little flashy six millimeter labradorites i want to zoom back out because it doesn't seem as blurry that way and i'm just going to thread that on and then i'm going to thread it through the coiling on the spiral and then see if i can get it to nestle into the uh the weaving we may open it up a little bit just to see and it may actually be better for me to come in oh yeah from the back side there we go because then we'll be able to settle it in nicely i like that a lot and now i can just keep coiling at least three to five times again trying to make sure that the wire disappears into our previously existing coiling which that can take it can be a little tricky may even require some smooshing but to be able to get this to successfully happen you need um all of your wire to have traveled in the same direction so you might need to fiddle with it a bit but once you get the hang of it and if your coiling was very tight you may have complications just getting it to find its fit because we could come in here and try to open things up a little bit okay i think that's going to be as far as i can get it on this side but i don't know if that's [Music] quite good enough okay by uncoiling or unspiraling the coiled wire a little bit it loosened it up just enough that i can kind of get those wires to settle in and it definitely makes a little bit more room for your pliers so that you can kind of encourage things along and now i'm going to snip it and try to tuck that end shu we what an adventure this has been so far and it's not even done yet so now i'm going to just use my fingers to coil that back in pretty pleased i want to make sure that that isn't a pokey audi no pokken very good okay so now we get to do that same thing on the other side and i really hope i have enough wire i should picking a pretty bead which is kind of hard to do because all of them are so pretty okay so i'm going to thread on our six millimeter labradorite i'm gonna go ahead and make my life a little bit easier and just go ahead and open that up some and i think on this one that's the direction our wire was traveling yep so that would be three so i can get it to nestle in comfortably if you don't have enough wire to hold on to you can use your pliers save your fingers the trouble four maybe i could have done a slightly looser coiling yeah there we go maybe no there it goes just nestling in because you gotta keep them like very parallel and boop just pops right in like that and then give it a snip give it a smoosh and then spiral it back in very cool so from here what do we want to do because i'm thinking i could coil on here and spiral it around yup that's what i'm doing okay so we're going to do more coiling more coiling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. boop and snip in the end on this one i don't know why i was counting it's just like if i go upstairs i'm counting how many stairs it's just what i do like it's i'm not good at math or anything but i just count stuff so i don't know what to make of that but here we are yeah that's going to look pretty neat i think hopefully [Music] before i do any kind of shaping with the wire though i'm going to leave the core wire straight i'm just going to do the coiling and i'm going to do it on both sides and make sure that i have the same length of it so i'm going to use up this bit of wire that was left over from coiling these guys so i have no idea how much this wire was like the length of it we're gonna see how far it gets me keeping it smushed and i'm going to try to leave myself about a half inch from the end of our core wire maybe a solid two centimeters we'll see bad drat okay so it occurs to me now to check uh this wire is significantly shorter than this one so crud i'm gonna measure it yeah we are sitting at two and a half inches from here to the tip so i'm gonna measure on the other side i've got two and a quarter worth of coiling so i'm not going to cut anything yet but i am going to pull off another arm span and sort everything out of the way and coil time get that all smushed and tucked away i really hope that she likes how this comes out and just trying to keep it consistent and if you find yourself working in just little increments of like five coils and then smoosh that's okay like you'll build up that just practice practice practice you guys and you'll you'll get this you really will okay i'm going to measure from the edge of the bead gosh the flash on that lab y'all like how i don't even know how to handle this um so we're at from the edge of the bead we're at two and almost a quarter so over here we're at two and a little over a quarter so i'm gonna remove about this much of the coiling like if you can see how i divided that off so then i'm just gonna the value of some nice sharp tipped cutters for sure just pull that off smush that bit down i'm going to snip this one there we go set that wire off to the side and now i'm going to snip equidistant from the coiling to the tip on both on the other side i want those to match okay so now from here something that we have to keep in mind is whenever you bend your wire it's going to get a little bit of an expansion so it's going to push the coil towards the tip so that's just something to be mindful of so i'm going to carefully see how much it already shifted carefully bringing that around and i'm going to do that on both sides and i'm using the bead itself as my mandrel to shape and i have to say i'm very pleased with that result and i'm not certain yet what i want to do with these ends because part of me wants to bring it down all the way join it and then coil back up um we will see i like how you can make it look like its eyes are turning okay so now we have up here do we do more spirals do i spiral those in that way do i do more beads right there i don't know let's start by using up this wire um faux show it has been along for the ride i hope it still works now unfortunately with this one i can't just bring it to the end where gonna be binding it off here now also i had forgotten we have this oh yeah okay i'm gonna undo a little bit of coiling and i'm just gonna straighten that out with my fingernail i don't wanna work harden it too much hmm okay um how do i want to bind this can i fit a bead on there like just i don't know oh my little my amethyst popped up we'll have to keep an eye on that i think once everything is stabilized and i'm not torquing and twisting things around um it should be okay let's see if i am able to put a nice little copper bead that didn't really sit flat though i also think i have like some little celtic knot beads i wonder if that'll still fit on the end no all right then [Music] you may be able to do just like a little x yeah why not that seems to have worked ish um [Music] okay so really though what am i doing here because i thought i was gonna do that as like the top [Music] i don't know i'm reconsidering i think i may do a loop and then okay yes okay back to i realized now that none of that probably made sense but i am going to show you what i'm gonna do show me what you got so i'm gonna redo the work that i had done and then i'm done um and my battery is fixing to die so pardon me while i plug in my phone super professional quality tutorials okay [Music] [Music] just getting the coils coiled so i'm going to do this and then i'm going to meet you guys back here when i have both of them coiled to their fullest extent okay so we got both sides coiled i'm gonna measure again just to make sure i'm all covered in cat hair now okay so it's two and a quarter again and i'm measuring from where the wire splits right here about two and a quarter cool wow that worked out really well so i'm going to snip the wire and boop and i'm going to smush the wire and boop around and what i'm thinking of doing is an itsy bitsy spiral which if you put your fingertips together and you hold your wire i'll demonstrate on this piece actually like this and then turn it makes a nice little loop so i'm going to be doing that i'm going to trim this to where it's just a little bit longer i'm going to do that on both sides so there's that and now to do it in the other direction instead of having it facing the piece facing up i'm going to have it facing down there's that okay so now since i don't have half round wire visible from the front i don't think i'm going to be using it to join these two together but i am going to experiment with the possibility of a second spiral around yeah i think i like that and so just encouraging that wire around the perimeter of the first spiral that we made there we go and now i'm going to use our round nose pliers this time i am going as tip close to the tip of the wire and as close to the tip of the pliers as i can and making a little just a little curlicue like that and do that on both sides and i'm using my finger to back it to give me something to resist against because otherwise it can the wire can maybe have a tendency to get weird might grow three-dimensionally maybe oh yeah i love that okay so i am going to join here to here and i'm going to do that by laying my wire on top and splicing in three to five times one hopefully i can do that too these don't look like they're settling in very well so if you're following along you may have wanted to give yourself a little bit of extra room um here off the tip to be able to get things joined together okay so yeah those are starting to settle in nicely there we go then i'm going to do one more nope i don't think it's going to fit me one more and that's okay just making sure everything's nice and smooshed and now i'm going to come in and join this once around both maybe if it's helpful you may be able to actually do a little bit of a split with your fingernail but that doesn't always work for me like it's not always an ideal spot for that so you may get it started with the wire and then come in with either a kind of dull pocket knife or your fingernail just whichever oh it is peeling off my polish but a crafter's manicure for sure and then we can come in and splice it in on this side or it's so much easier whenever you can kind of force it in like uh and it expands off the end but we can trim that back as necessary okay so i'm gonna snip this and then smush it to where it terminates towards the front because i'd rather it terminate on the front side than on the back where it might irritate the skin and then i'm going to snip there and i'm going to smush [Music] oh hey pretty kitty how's it going let me clear your spot you're such a good girl what am i saying you're a monster but i love you there we go she's a sweetie she's been keeping me company while i work on this i had to chase everybody else in the house upstairs so the dogs could be um they're a bit excitable our neighbors are always coming and going okay so i'm gonna just pull a little bit of extra wire here off the end off the tip and i'm gonna snip and then swish it back down that way we can have room to hold our pliers and make it all cute and curly again okay so now on this side i'm going to try to do that same thing so splicing the wire in and this this has proven to be probably the most difficult time i've ever had trying to do this on this piece but that's because i think i've been making all of my coils nice and tight um so maybe don't make them as tight as what you think you need to um if you're planning on doing a whole lot of this oh no honey there she goes okay so i'm gonna try to smush that down okay now getting that curved around a little bit more so we can actually join them together making a little bit of space between the wires so that we can actually get it around and now one two three four and five perfect a few more just to grow on bringing that wire down to where the ends kind of line up and i'm gonna give it a sniff and just mush smoosh and now from here oh boy we are going to curl make some little spirals so gripping again as close to the tip of the wire and as close to the tip of the pliers as i can and i'm actually going to leave my pliers in right there about at this angle because i want there to be a space there for whenever we hook our jump ring on that's the that's going to be the attachment point for that so strategic spacing and with the 16 gauge wire it's definitely sturdy enough that we don't really have to worry about things pulling apart though we could come through and do an attachment point there and an attachment point there that's up to you i think that this will be okay just as is but nobody can decide for you you know that's that's for you to to determine and decide wow wow okay i really love this oh my goodness okay so the next step a brief moment of enjoying it before it's like all right back to work let's go um we are going to use my face is covered in cover and i have no one to blame but myself let me go rummage up some bead caps and some wire i'm going to be using i think an 18 gauge if i can fit it if not then a 20 gauge wire and some cute little antiqued copper bead caps and some little like silver beads maybe or i don't know let me go get the the rest of the stuff for the piece and we'll be back so i'm planning out the neckline for this and y'all would be so proud of me i already made sure all of my beads fit onto the wire and i have plans to have a six millimeter labradorite bead with one of these bead caps that i get from fire mountain gems this is all of the info for that so if you screenshot it you can put in that item number and this is like probably my favorite bead cap on the planet um and i've been hoarding them hopefully they still sell them at fire mountain gems if not i am going to be devastated um like i'm going to have a downright crafter meltdown and then some little two millimeter silver beads on either end and i'm going to zoom in so you can kind of see how that would look and that's going to be on a wire wrapped link that i'm then going to join together with um with more of these same rings that we were using earlier um two for each connection and then i'm just going to be closing it with like securing it with um a lobster claw clasp which i get stainless steel lobster claw clasps off of amazon i'm gonna try to have links to as much of this stuff down in the video description as possible but um bear with me so i'm just placing these out i plan on having five on each side of the necklace that should come up to if it's an inch per unit you know an inch per per link once we have the wire wrapping done then that's five inches on each side so that'll give us 10 inches and then i'm going to finish it with extender chain which is just um some chain from like the ringlord.com and though actually oh you know what we're gonna do we're gonna splice in some chainmail on this that way we don't have to use any pre-made chain because if we're able to do okay yeah that's what we'll do um let me make sure that i actually have enough set out for and i'm just sharing the setup process with y'all because again i might be doing something that seems obvious to all of you but if there's one person out there who's like huh i never thought you're doing it that way and if that's helpful to you then it was worth my time so just pop in those i really hope i have enough of these because i picked all of them that i had okay i do cool cool cool i just can't drop any so i'm not worried about having the bead caps positioned perfectly positioned perfectly but i am just making sure that everything is kind of laid out now the chainmail weave that i'm going to do for along the neckline is a byzantine weave and i'll show you a brief tutorial on how to do that here in this video as well hybrid pieces like this really are just my favorite um okay so now i'm going to set this off to the side and this is a pinch of that same 20 gauge 1 8 inch ring this is what we were using for the half version 3 in one and i'm going to open oh i think eight maybe i don't know it's been a minute let me figure this out one two three whoops four five six seven and eight and then i'm going to close six one two three and since this is directly up against the skin on the very sensitive neck area um four five and six but since it's on a sensitive neck area i do want to make sure that my closures are just as good as possible so now i am going to be using some 20 gauge in the same um titanium tone and i'm going to thread on actually i'm going to cut a segment of one two three four five six inches it's probably more than what i need but i do like to give myself a little bit of wiggle room and i'm doing that mostly because i just set this up and i don't want to make a mess more than i have to i'm coming down about two inches from the end of our wire and making you know i can come down further than that because i only need this much in the middle bend sharp 90 degree and i'm going to be using my mandrel pliers because i want all of my loops to be the exact same size i'm going to be using my um like four millimeter section to make the loop and that is because i do want all of my rings to be able to fit very comfortably into that so we've made our little loop like this i like to leave this on my mandrel pliers and then you can either use your fingers or another pair of pliers and just twist this around once twice and thrice and then i'm going to come in and snip that just like that and now i'm going to thread on our small silver you could use any bead combination for this like this is a great opportunity to get very creative and put in your own personal tastes and designs there we go just like that and now i want to do my bend the same distance that those three coils take up is how far i want right there to be so another 90 degree bend i'm going to position my pliers bring that around so that our loop looks like this put it back on the pliers and then there's one two three and i'm going to snip so i gave us a maybe what four or five inches more than what i needed um no not four or five like three inches more than what we needed but again pear wire is affordable enough that you don't have to be stingy and then i'm positioning it so that our it's all in line nicely whoops oh i'm so glad i didn't land in my work and i like the beads to still be able to move freely because that's going to be very comfortable against your neck as you're wearing it or your skin and i'm going to do all of our links like that and then i'll meet you right back here to do the chain mail assembly because um we'll be joining all of these links together as we leave the mail okay so this is the chain that we're going to be assembling and it is alternate sections of byzantine made with that 20 gauge 1 8 inch linked to the wire wrapped links that we had made and the way that we make the byzantine i'm gonna call it a unit because it's that segment that goes in between each of the wire wrapped pieces is we're gonna have six closed and one two three four five six so an eight open we're going to take one of the open rings and i'm going to put four [Music] closed onto it now there uh aussie male has a lot of really good chain mail tutorials um we have some there's there's a lot of chain mail tutorials out there on youtube you guys as well at mailarsons.org there's some really great written tutorials if that works better for you so if you're having a difficult time i'd recommend checking those out so i put all four on there closed it and then put another open ring through all four again and i'm going to separate it to where it's two links two links and two links just like this i'm gonna take one more open ring hook through two just like that and then put the other two closed onto it and then close that open ring and now we're going to thread another open ring through um through all four again that we just threaded through so i'm gonna hook through one two and then one two you wanna make sure that there's no twists or anything whenever it's all said and done we want it to look like that and so this is where it can start to get tricky and i don't necessarily recommend doing this if if you've never worked with chainmail before like maybe practice a bit before tackling your big main piece but i'm going to take and hold isolating these two rings on the end and i'm going to let them fall off to the sides like that so it's like opening a book and then i'm going to kind of pinch them so that they're sitting like this if the camera will focus so i'm going to do that again so that you can see so we have our chain and i'm just going to fold each of those rings open and around just like that and then i'm going to split these two and i'm going to hook an open ring through those two so it kind of holds it in this tension like that and onto this open ring i'm going to hook one of our wire wrapped links and then i'm going to close it and then i want to double up what we just did so i've hooked through there and then i'm going to hook through those two and then close so the whole necklace um i have set up kind of where it finishes on this byzantine so i'm going to close that and this is just how i finished the end of it now i am going to pull out an 18 gauge 3 16 ring from this sampler kit that i have by american chainmail i get this on amazon and i actually just love it just for refilling too um because it has all of these different sizes and it's just the perfect little accompaniment to completing your wire wrapped or beaded jewelry or getting into chainmail so this is an 18 gauge 3 16 ring and this is i think a perfect size i'm just going to open it up and hook it through those last two rings i think it's the perfect size for attaching our lobster claw clasp to complete the necklace so i have the 18 gauge 3 16 our lobster claw clasp and then that is attached with a 18 gauge 1 8 inch to our chainmail and that's how i do my closure on it you could use magnetic clasps you could hand make either a toggle and loop or an s clasp or just whatever your preference is uh our preference here was lobster claw clasp so it's very secure it doesn't get too tangled in the hair which that can kind of be tricky when it comes to clasps so i'm going to now repeat a whole bunch of that byzantine to hopefully um if you don't feel like going and watching a tutorial of it hopefully this will be helpful to you but i do recommend a tutorial just because these are quite small rings so we have our segment of the two two chain we're splitting the end letting them fall down the sides splitting like rotating just a bit and dividing them and then hooking through just those two [Music] as pretty as a designer oops i have to move this because the camera is refusing to focus but yeah just like that then i'm going to attach it to our wire wrapped link and close it i love these surgicals or stainless steel rings i'm typically pretty sensitive to metals and i'm able to wear them without any problem very strong very affordable very durable that's a hard combination to beat and then i'm going to split these and just keep doing this in repetition until i have used up the whole length of the bead links that i have repaired and i ended up using 10 segments of byzantine and 10 segments of gemstone and i found whenever we were selling quite a bit out of our booth necklaces in this style gave me a great way of increasing the quality of our pieces you know we weren't having to use pre-mechanized chain but cutting back on if i were to do this entirely out of gemstones that would be pretty expensive and if i were to do it entirely out of chainmail it would have been very time expensive like well time intensive rather but that translates to you know having to charge more because you know of the time investment which has always been and i'd never have a good answer for uh whenever folks ask they're like hey how do you charge for your time and i'm like i don't i don't get paid for my time um like unless we're doing like an auction and something sells really well uh i've never really been able to charge accurately for my time but that's just me and i would probably be able to do a little bit better if i did work in like precious metals and things like that but i just really like not having to spend you know a couple hundred dollars just on the materials to make a necklace you know oops i got ahead of myself and joined two units of byzantine together it's time for another link but you could you could use sterling silver or gold filled or anything like that and all of it just boils down to a matter of marketing for a very long time randy and i's core of our business was traveling to conventions and primarily actually anime conventions because there were quite so many of them like there were like every city seemed to have its own anime convention going on so our main demographic were like teenagers and broke college kids or you know uh the rare adult who would rather shop in person than online and so most of our stuff sold for like five to twenty dollars so uh that really kind of limited how much time i was able to put into a piece but because of y'all here on youtube we're able to completely throw ourselves into a project without having to worry about you know are we going to be able to keep our lights on whenever it sells uh we just get to make the video and be like well it is what it is we get to just enjoy it and i think that's such a huge luxury so thank you guys for that for enabling my artsy fartsiness but um but yeah like i was saying it's either going to be material expensive by using a lot of beads and bead caps and things or it's going to be time intensive so either way it translates into you know uh the investment that you've made in the piece and from there do i not have enough little what did i do wrong here whoops i think i messed up no okay we're good never mind um it's something to consider for your pieces i kind of got derailed and lost that train of thought a while ago i think coming together into the very last segments splitting these two again and splitting them like that then hooking through one two not just to troubleshoot you don't want to hook through those center rings as well you want to isolate just those two that ring and that ring and then coming through if you guys have watched this far into the tutorial thank you so much for hanging out i really do hope that this has been helpful to you whoops flyer slip um if you enjoy our free tutorials and would like to support the creation of more of them please check out all the links down in the video description below and all that okay so now i'm going to pick one two three four more of these small rings because now we get to attach the necklace to the pendant oh i'm excited now the wearer of this necklace is right-handed so that determines which side of the necklace i put the clasp on [Music] so again for your own piece i recommend recommend using your own preference so the side with the clasp i'm going to put on the right side now i'm going to hook one ring through our bead link and one ring around our wire wrapping and then i'm gonna close it and then i'm going to open this one up a little bit more make it easier to get on hook that onto our wire wrapping and then hook it through right there there we go and close it oh didn't mean to water wander out of frame and that's how that joins together now for on the next side opening our ring a little bit further hooking onto our bead link and then hooking onto our wrapping and then hooking through there oops and closing wow wow oh you guys i am personally very very pleased whoa i uh wow do i have it right here next to me i think it's upstairs but i usually keep an example of my very earliest wire wrapping on hand so that i can take a take a rare moment to actually you know pat myself on the back and be like hey vaughn you did good you've grown as an artist who'da thought because now i don't have any it's upstairs on my nightstand but um i remember whenever i was very first starting out making jewelry looking at other people's beautiful work on deviantart and just wishing that man i wish i could make stuff like that well past fun you did it you're making stuff like that good job girl your practice is starting to pay off oh so if you're new to why you're rapping or feeling kind of hard on yourself don't keep at it keep following what brings you joy and you'll get to where you're going but it's an honor to get to make this piece for my niece i hope she enjoys it i hope it holds up well i'm doing something some pretty serious experimenting on the poor guinea pig to see if this um these groovy cabs hold up like this but i do imagine i mean they should i even like how it looks on the back y'all like wow and that's something that was always challenging for me was uh getting the back of the piece to not look like um well horrible really i was trying to think of a nice way of putting it but just looking a mess um kind of like the back of an embroidery or your first time doing cross stitch when your cat gets hold of it but elements that i really like about this are the continuation of the motif of chain mail throughout i think that helps tie the whole piece together if only because of the metal tone sometimes whenever you're using a lot of different components and a lot of different metal oh we forgot to oxidize it shoot okay um i'm going to get a bowl of like hot but not boiling water and i'll be right back oh and a bowl of water with baking soda in it to neutralize okay so um i have some chopsticks here and i'm stirring in a tablespoon of baking soda this is to neutralize because i'm i'm not planning on doing any polishing on this one because i really want like a to really darken down that copper so in about maybe two cups of water and then that is my baking soda chopstick and then here i have liver of sulfur gel which is my absolute favorite i used to use the chunks of liver of sulfur never again this stuff is the bomb diggity y'all but it smells like buds so um kind of keep that in mind i don't want to get any on my hands because my hands will be well kind of stinky and so just a little goes a long way so you saw just that drop and you don't want to be like deep breathing this in either you so now we have our pendant depending on the gemstones that you use you may want to um coat them in like latex or something to protect the finish these guys the labradorite amethyst will be just fine and i'm going to dip this and i'm going to hold it in for a and bit bring it out and take a look it's oxidized a little on that copper you can always dip it in and leave it for longer but on this piece especially since i'm using the enameled silver i don't want to have to do any polishing and so it's starting to get right where i want it to be i'm just going to kind of swish it around a little bit i don't know if that actually helps but i'm impatient and that's perfect that's right where i want it so i won't chunk it into the i leave this out on my porch where nobody can get to it so it can like neutralize itself over time or you can just dump baking soda right into it and then i dump it on my compost swish swish swish in the baking soda water and now from here we have oh yeah a damp piece of jewelry now this is probably the laziest way you could use liver of sulfur um if you want a little bit more control you can actually uh paint the gel directly on to what you're doing but this works just fine for my purposes so there we go see here on the back side we have a little bit of a reaction going on with that charm but that's okay it just rubs right off and i'm going to leave this in an open place to dry out maybe under a fan because it has all that surface area of the wire and stuff so so just like that we have a wire wrapped necklace that i think is the best work i've ever done um very very pleased with it so yeah and what's more it's using groovy cabs y'all oh thank you guys again so much for hanging out with me it was an absolute joy to get to share this project with you um if you have any questions comments or ideas please leave them down below i love hearing from you guys if you were here during the premiere oh my god thank you for coming to the premiere hey um uh if you weren't here for the premiere and you would have liked to have then be sure to sign up for our newsletter because we send out notifications every time we have a new video or live stream or shop update or anything like that oh uh i'm just gonna okay i'm gonna go ogle at this for a bit here's another view at the back for if maybe that'll be helpful to you if you all follow along with any of our tutorials either this one or any other one or even if you just use our cabs in your creations and you'd like to share your work with us tag us on instagram it's back to earth creations with underscores where the spaces would have been links to that again are down in the video description so thank you guys again so much for hanging out until next time happy crafting bye
Channel: Yvonne Williams
Views: 169,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, back to earth creations, yvonne williams, wire wrapping, wire wrapped, wire weaving, beginner jewelry, begginer friendly jewerly design, how to make jewelry, chainmaille, chainmail, chain maille, costumes, fantasy jewely, fantasy costumes, leatherworking for beginners, professional jewelry design, resin casting, resin art, resin jewelry, dragon eyes, dragoneyejewelry, how to paint dragon eyes
Id: HyXsUFQu77c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 8sec (11528 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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