Wipe That Smirk Off

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did you or did you not indicate that you loved your mother I'm not asking you if you love your mother I'm asking you if you indicated it I don't remember so you can tell us for example what kind of coffee you bought that Starbucks back on June 3rd 2008 but you can't tell us what you said yesterday or the day before I always got the same drink at Starbucks and when you went over to his house you indicated that not or you did something and that nobody came to the door right I don't I went to his house a lot in August and I did not so he went around the back then to look right I would run the back to get in you went around the back then right yes and when you went around the back you're telling us what around the back to get in right yes but when you got to the back to get in you started to look at what was going on right I glanced in as I was walking to the sliding glass door you did walk in and you were looking at those doors all right I did not walk in then you work for outside looking in right yes never whatever right no I run out of the backyard you never went in yes or no I said no and when you went and looked you saw something that upset you right yes you saw mr. Alexander right I didn't notice them yes videos did you see him during that encounter I did I said no and inside that house there was a female right yes what's the name of the Pina he didn't tell me your name on it and so you could have just left that situation alone but you decided to confront him anyway right of course and the reason that you did it is because you were jealous right no and did you remember what you lied about yes yeah do you remember that you lied about the killing of Travis Alexander right yes and that you know is a change for what you said the day before right yes and it was a drastic change right yes it was a totally change because that was you were that right yes you knew that that would be important right yes and in fact what you were trying to do is because the detective had already told you about the fingerprints and he um I think he did yes and he also told you about the hair that was there correct yes you guys talked about DNA analysis didn't you he yes and you talked about that he showed you the photograph with a foot in it with your foot in it do you remember that yes so after he showed and you don't deny the fact your foot in the photograph do you I don't deny it and after he told you that that's when you changed your story didn't you yes because in you changed her story to conform with the forensic evidence that he was telling you about right that's faith and that was because you wanted to make up a story that come forward with that with what he was telling you right yes as much as possible because you did not want any consequences with regard to the killing of Travis Alexander right I wasn't concerned about consequences at that point man do you think it's a good excuse to lie just because this detective is giving you some forensic evidence no but it's a good the lie if you want to get out of whatever you are being talked about right that wasn't my goal so well what's your goal to go to prison mmm not physical prison on earth no well man was her goal so you're full with not to go to prison then right it wasn't that goal of mine I can say and in fact that was something that you were trying to avoid right I don't know I was trying to kill myself I think yeah you said that many times that you tried to kill yourself right I don't know that many but I've read pound at a time that I do you set it more than three four or five times right perhaps and in fact one of the things that you told us about was that well when you were in the Maricopa County Jail that you tried to kill yourself right you know a Siskiyou County Jesus do you County Jail so you do remember that and that when you try to do that you took some Advil do you remember telling us about that yes and that what you did then is you took some razor right yes and that you cut yourself right it was a nick it was in there and because it's posed so much that you said not this is not the way for me to go right I didn't say that and you said it's telling that's why you stopped isn't that what your direct testimony was that night yes right and that's the night that I'm talking to you about right yes I'm not talking to you about any other night ever it sounded like you were no yeah just to be clear I'm not talking about any other night Emma do you understand that okay I understand that and you Nick yourself and it hurt right yes and I think you the word that you use stunts right yes to use your standard manner of how you stop because it's done can you imagine how much it must have hurt mr. Alexander when you stuck that knife right into his chest that really must argumentative just
Channel: Bryon Wilson
Views: 1,792,413
Rating: 4.5317173 out of 5
Keywords: jodi arias, smirk, juan martinez, travis alexander, arias trial
Id: 8YBpsvwjMKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 21 2014
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