Winslow Arizona - La Posada Hotel Museum

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foreign TV guess what today is July 1st you know what that means road trip here we go and we're off gonna jump on I-40 gonna do some freeway this morning some I-40 interstate right into the Sun so I'm not going to film a bunch of this once we get past Flagstaff kick the cameras on we're gonna make a really cool stop at Winslow check out some stuff I missed a bunch last time I was going through there our goal today is to get over to Holbrook Arizona and the journey is starting like right now sit back and enjoy the ride [Music] Fourth of July weekend traffic it is brutal out here but we're doing it matter of fact I'm gonna stop we're gonna drive through uh Williams want to stop grab a cup of coffee take a break but once we get over to Winslow we're going to do a little bit of exploring there's a little Shell gas station always stop right up here at the Williams exit here it is here [Music] okay we'll cut through town pick back up I-40 yeah that traffic I knew it would be bad but oh my goodness you know when I first left uh Kingman it was about normal I thought okay and as soon as I started getting up a little farther by the time I get up segment oh my goodness the floodgates open but this is the start gonna be on the road for at least 100 days so this is the start of it I figured uh Holbrook would be a good layover tonight that's about 230 miles let me catch my breath get ready and then uh tomorrow July 2nd we're gonna head on into New Mexico gonna cut through on some back roads thought that'd be a cool stop too and right here is the welcome to Williams Gateway sign plus I mounted a camera on the back check out the view from the back of the van how's that not bad huh gonna add a lot more features this year to the videos not only the 360 camera we're going to try that up in Winslow plus different mountings on the van get different perspectives as we travel through some of these towns kind of empty but it's early this is uh we're right on old Route 66 here Williams is absolutely famous for it just past that big Safeway that's about doing place to get food you know there's boondocking everywhere we're not that far from Grand Canyon up here but I'm really looking forward to this trip got it pretty much mapped out until I get up to Sturgis we'll be in Sturgis August about the third second or third will arrive in Sturgis be there for about a week and then we're heading east figured we'd do some exploring through New Mexico for the next week or so and then we're gonna head up into the Colorado Rockies so all kinds of cool stuff coming up on rver TV look at the old towns you know there's a bunch of motels here the old style route 66. a lot of people stop here is the experience you know Route 66 is traveled by car as much as they are RVs motorcycles the whole routes like 2200 miles big murals on the buildings there that guy didn't read the sign says stop huh holiday weekend they are out in force Old Brick style buildings love this town I'm thinking uh next year we might do the whole Route 66 start in California and go all the way to Chicago it's kind of on the plans we'll see and happy Fourth of July it's coming up in a couple days huh time you see this will probably be the fourth this video will probably get posted on the fourth videos will be a few days behind that's as fast as I can edit okay that's it for Williams back on I-40 next stop Winslow I was in Winslow about a year ago and all I did was catch the statues on the corner there's a big hotel if it's open we're gonna go explore it Museum all kinds of cool stuff all right jump back on uh I-40 if you went straight this is probably one of the most busiest roads straight up is about 50 miles is the Grand Canyon every bus every tourist takes this exit that's the only way to get up there all right made it through Flagstaff one much to see you know the interstate this is probably the biggest chunk got about 300 miles of I-40 I have to travel to get out of state I'm kind of stuck there's nothing to get around it right up here the Twin Arrows I'm gonna stop grab a little fuel they're usually one of the cheaper places along the interstate to grab some diesel Twin Arrows is old abandoned on the right trading posts on the left there's a massive Casino I've done a video about this probably a couple times exit coming up okay we'll stop grab a little bit of fuel [Music] [Applause] pump and Diesel look how fast that thing's spinning still less than four bucks along the interstate isn't bad part of the casino here it is a massive you can actually poop dock in your parking lot here I've done it a couple times works out pretty good can see the van is a mess already fully loaded computers gloves everything camera gear we're ready for the summer not bad huh even bought a little ice chest keep some cold drinks right behind me okay this is a casino it is getting hot we're under a excessive heat warning here okay almost done jump back on I-40 we're close to Winslow we got about I don't know less than 30 miles 25 30 miles you know this is a kind of a cool stretch of i-42 there's a couple exits everything's abandoned but there's a ton of History here all kinds of all the ruins part of the old Route 66 Highway still uh there some old bridges plus you got the meteor crater up here all right make a left here we go again [Music] I believe it's called two guns there's old ruins over there you can actually hike around and explore there's an old abandoned gas station yeah two guns there it is a lot of truckers they like stop they'll sleep over they're in a big lot look how flat you know you leave the Mountains Arizona but in elevation we're still up here we're uh five six thousand feet in elevation here definitely Snow Country [Music] then here's Meteor Crater where you see those trees there on the right I've stayed there a few times that's an RV park meteor crater RV Park and about six seven miles back is where that massive meteor crater the big meteor hit 50 000 years ago that is definitely a must-see must do I've done several videos on there exit 233 really cool stop it's something to see [Music] [Music] there's a look I made a quick stop there's I-40 and then way out there see that mound that's the meteor crater that's how big that thing is in a big flat area there's always a lot of controversy if it was a volcano or meteor but they've determined it was meteor look at the traffic there's your holiday traffic on Interstate 40. on the eastern part of Arizona okay let's head on into Winslow what do you say [Music] thank you here's another cool stop it's an abandoned Trading Post called meteor City has that big dome there used to be a campground someone said they're going to try to restore it but they haven't yet made it here's our first big stop Winslow Arizona standing on the corner we're gonna head downtown a little look at the statues but also I want there's a old hotel that I've missed last time some of you kind folks reminded me about it and there's a museum in there we're gonna go find it and explore all right head on into town this is the old original Highway running through here this is also a big train town you can actually take a Amtrak train ride I know out of Kingman all the way up through Winslow and you turn around go back plus the Amtrak goes all the way into California to have to explore that a little bit more big old church there or Brick Church this is one busy place with the statues down here standing on the corner all right we're getting close to downtown where the statues are that rear camera is a cool view isn't it okay right up here in the left there should be a park there it is this is the main intersection the rock band the Eagles made this famous there's the statues big Route 66 emblem in the intersection to the airport hotel okay get parked we're gonna try the 360 camera down here see how it works for us actually uh today I'm doing all kinds of experiments with cameras so I'm learning too and off to the right here is that old hotel okay here's the historic downtown Winslow all kinds of cool shops you can see with our 360 view you get a lot wider angle catch a lot more of the scenery here I bet this draws millions of people through here you always see a lot a lot of posts a lot of pictures online okay this is a view with a GoPro regular View and now we're gonna go and switch back to the 360 View look how it captures the whole Corner building to building the emblem plus the statues across the street and all the traffic pretty cool huh well let's go over and check out the statues then we're gonna go find that old hotel what an iconic song and an iconic Corner in a town huh and the big mural on the wall the statues the windows they put up top it's all a paint job this is selfie corner love it okay let's walk down the street oh yeah the flat bed forward oh man everything they thought of everything with this song huh there's more cars down here another truck in the street we'll film that but all kinds of cool shops cafes very well thought out very well preserved wouldn't mind having that old truck huh then more murals down there wow it's getting hot it's heating up here I bet it hits 100 degrees here today easily down in Phoenix there's saying 114 115 over the holiday thank you nerves the take it easy emblem on the wall but this is right off I-40 I mean most people drive past Winslow don't you think twice about this so if you're ever traveling through here it's a great stop [Music] you're right here on blend fry Drive downtown Winslow and over here is the official Roadside Attraction sign what'd he say let's head back towards the van you know what else is up here is the world's smallest Church there's like a little walking area in between the buildings well it was here last time when I was here it should still be here but all this area this is history the old building route 66. Route 66 excuse me here it is there you go here's the world's smallest church right on route 66. they got some storyboards in here all the history about Winslow [Music] a lot about the railroads farming ranching in this area dates way back into the 1800s and even before they're kind of hard to read with all the shade and everything but cool little walking area come in you'll get all the history about Winslow [Music] thank you this shade in here feels pretty good perfect place to sit take a break nice bench neat Old Town we say We'll Wander over and get that hotel we'll find it [Music] oh man sure smell that food that smells good they're open Mexican restaurant there's that hotel across the corner very busy road train tracks are straight back behind all these trees here there's the van solar's on charging camera batteries all powered up all on that zone okay this is a hotel called La Posada I hope I pronounced that correctly this thing is ancient historic built back in the early 1900s I checked their website you won't believe who has stayed here the presidents movie stars La Posada Winslow Arizona and it was built back in the Heyday of like the old-time movie stars 1930s they said President Roosevelt stayed here John Wayne Betty Grable you can take the train stop right here Museum this must be their flower garden on the website they list everything that's here can't wait to go inside all nice and colorful and green here in the high desert Winslow if these walls could talk huh well what do you say let's go on in definitely feel the heat heating up July in the desert in Arizona you know elevation of Winslow it's still up there though we're five six thousand feet that's cool huh perfect area to sit out enjoy their Garden low fountains it's like balconies off the rooms maybe huh I wonder if it's haunted okay they told me the Museum's out back and all the big lawn area we'll take a little walk then I'll show you the inside wait do you see the inside of this thing it is something to see I wonder what that thing is there's the train tracks right there pull up in the Amtrak Hop Off grab a room they got a restaurant called The Turquoise room wow lawn everything this is perfect said down this directions like their maintenance buildings big lawn area trees just the size of some of these trees you can see their age huge what do we got here a maze made out of hay bales there you go look at all the birdies they're happy I mean who'd ever think in Winslow you'd have a place like this this is a world-class Hotel like do the test of time huh well looks like we're about at the end of it let's wander back the other side of the property has the Museum on their website it shows it's this is 11 acres that covers huge their website is you're looking it up I really don't know what that is maybe a bell was on there I know who knows looks like the waiting area to catch a train nice and comfy just sit out here and watch the trains go by huh I bet there's been a lot of them okay that building off right is where the museum is nice shaded breezeways nice and cool you can sit out here well I'm sure glad I stopped you have my last Winslow video everyone said you missed it you missed a hotel they are right oh rustic wood bead the ceiling there see um straight ahead we made it [Music] wow this property goes on quite a ways look at there Argosy Airstream trailer [Music] okay here we go pretty big building okay let's get started here looks like fine china thank you this must be architectural drawings when they built the place looks like they're adding on there Winslow through the decades look at the old-time pictures I love these old black and white photos [Music] can't even fathom the amount of people have been through here way before the famous song they had an airport here from all the movie stars that stayed here that list is long check this oh there's train going by there you go [Music] wow look at these old wood doors then things are two inches thick must be like a library a reading room nice and cool in here they got it air conditioned [Music] saving history very important just memories history everything hanging on the walls here not only about Winslow about the hotel oh wow there's the train unloading happy uh Travelers gonna stay here this is extremely well done I've been to a lot of museums but nice and bright open with the windows all the people that worked here wow this is when they it sold and someone restored it 1997 they brought it back to life good for them look what it is now absolutely incredible put this on your list well we'll go into the main part of the hotel what the train cars used to look like yeah look at that thickness of that door that thing will be hanging here forever that is solid old hardwood thank you [Music] cool light up there look at this inner in silence depart in peace okay come on in now the lighting's a little dark so if the camera gets a little jumpy I apologize but look at the inside here these old paintings [Music] goodness [Music] huge parlor area with the furniture seating temperature in here is perfect nice and cool who was that old guy there in the mirror but everywhere you look antiques Pictures history this would definitely be cool to stay at least one night wow there's another area up these steps here places spotless to oh wow like a game room big old chess set my goodness of course big old grand piano even the lamps I'm in awe of this place check out this big mural painting huh a little spooky we have lots of fans going so it's not bad in here at all very comfortable what do you think not bad huh and there's no admission it's free to see the museum walk around they have a very nice big gift shop you can buy uh all kinds of stuff too [Music] there's our dining room the turquoise room wow look at that this entire place is a museum just everywhere gorgeous okay back to the band we got miles to do yet well so long Winslow we only got a little over 30 miles to get down to Holbrook that's where I'm going to camp out for the night found an RV park in the park there for the night get some hookups so I can have a little air conditioning we'll jump back up here on I-40 after seeing all that Greenery at that hotel and trees and grass now you look around it's this desert huh foreign okay head straight on down the Holbrook which is another route 66 Town all kinds of old stuff okay our exit's getting close you know Petrified Forest National Park is just past Holbrook about 15 miles Maybe 20. film that a few times that's something to see if you've never done it and then just straight to the South would be uh St John's Show Low all those towns down that direction all right here's our exit that's where I'm gonna spend the night we've traveled a little over uh 230 miles a day 240. since we they started for this be a good first night Pit Stop and our last night in Arizona for a good three months this is part of the old historic Route 66 here although old hotels restaurants some are abandoned and up here on the right there's that wig wall all their rooms are like teepees with old cars sitting out in front that is very famous on route 66. okay up here we're gonna be making a left a lot of stuff here Holbrook is probably their main shopping area for this entire area a lot of stores here [Music] plus once again the Petrified Forest National Park plus all these places around here sell petrified wood it's everywhere around here stuff's heavy okay we're going to be making a left that 180 to the South go down the Show Low St John's but we're just gonna stay on old Route 66 here more of the old buildings back in the Heyday but Arizona they they really promote Route 66 all these towns do pretty cool well with all the stops everything been kind of a long day for me but I'm looking forward I kind of have it mapped out tomorrow when we truck gone into New Mexico we're actually gonna drop south of about 20 miles and go in on uh some State highways and back roads gonna cut through actually Zuni uh reservation look for some cool sights to see once again happy fourth Fourth of July hope everyone's having a good and safe and happy one foreign this is I-40 right up here we're going to cut underneath it I could have taken this exit if I figured we'd drive through uh old town and see the sights a little bit we're looking for okay RV Park I found it online and booked a site for one night should be up here just past this gas station up here yeah well I'll just grab some fuel at that Maverick in the morning don't feel like it now and right up here that big yellow container with the arrow that must be the RV Park let's go on in [Music] we're on the east side of Holbrook but right right at the entrance of i-42 so we can jump right back on now freeway in the morning thank you cool shade trees yay yeah when I booked the site talked to a very nice lady on the phone I think she was the owner very accommodating this looks like the office all right let me get checked in [Music] very cool got site number 10 met the owners they just took this over about a year ago they're working very hard at fixing her up should be a good pit stop for the night [Music] [Music] I almost didn't start the videos until I hit New Mexico but I'm really glad that I slowed it up and took the time and we filmed Winslow and all this today what an epic load trip so far huh [Music] look how vast it is around this area around the town of Holbrook all the way across the Eastern arizonas like this pretty place all right tomorrow we're heading in New Mexico so long Arizona hope you enjoyed the trip today [Music] the journeys are starting talk soon [Music]
Channel: RVerTV
Views: 70,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: la posada hotel, route 66, winslow arizona
Id: JfFmk3psMTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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