Winning The War Within // Levi Lusko

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well hello to shoreline City Church from all of us here at fresh life we are so excited Jenny my wife and I were just thrilled that we would get the chance to be a part of what God is doing this weekend all across your church and so hello to every single location across shoreline City Church to North Dallas Mockingbird station Antigua Bishop arts Oak Cliff hello and in White Rock who could forget about White Rock come on every location say hello to everybody and if you're a gasps new visiting for a second third time thanks for being here thanks for being alongside the journey for coming to church it takes a big step of faith to come to a church for the first time so come on thank you for being here as your pastor said so graciously my name is Levi and I'm part of a a church called fresh life and we're just so thrilled from across the country getting to watch what happens is you guys take land and reach new people and expand and grow and fight for for your church to be a place where people who don't know Jesus or are far from God or without hope in this world could come and learn about the gospel and discover their giftings and move into all that God house for you so we're thrilled Jenny and I had the chance to meet your pastors at a retreat and event for leaders called ILM and we just from the moment we met them of course you guys are like yet we know all about that we serve at it every year and really all those of you we met who are serving from shoreline city were so incredible so caring my daughter Olivia was him specifically I could talk about a lot of things but she was specifically impacted by the time that she had being a part of that event and just the way you guys serve as a church for other churches around the country to be blessed and benefited by is really quite inspiring and I can guarantee you God's gonna bless you for the way that you're a blessing to so many others life-giving leaders are sometimes shouldn't be so hard to find but really you guys you guys stand out early and unique just the the radiance of the love of life you have love of God and love of others so thanks for being a blessing to us you made our lives better you made our world better and so to have the chance to speak into this exciting special season that you're in as you guys are really saying god we want to mobilize we want to take new land that's so important for churches to foster and of course you guys began in 2012 and so these now going on eight years of ministry that you've been a part of to continue to maintain that spirit will be the perpetual challenge because as it's been said that any church anywhere in the world is always at any given moment in one of three phases either your risk-taking your care taking or your undertaking and if we don't stay in that mode of fight that mode of expansion that mode of reach and challenge and being uncomfortably comfortable with a discomfort if you don't stay there putting it all in again going all out again then inevitably you move to the mobile you got it you got to take care of what's there you got to take care of what you have you got to just try it your treat care taking and if you get to that mode that it won't be long before the Undertaker is needed so my prayer for you all would be that you perpetually remain in a state of going all in a fighting tough reach more people and take more ground and and God will bless you as you do that but of course the problem is when whenever God's people mobilized so does the opposition and you can see that all across the scripture anybody who's doing something significant for God you watch just like clockwork all of a sudden there's infighting there's out fighting there's there's all of a sudden difficulty I think about the story of Nehemiah and just this vision let's build really a lot like your pastors just they've just come to Dallas with the spirit that says let's build let's rise up and build let's let's rebuild the broken places listen let's get this fixed over here let's touch let's be a church that doesn't exist for ourselves and and of course in the book of Nehemiah the moment that happens there's sanballat there's Tobias there's the there's the fighting there's the bickering there's the threats there's the difficulty there's the people getting exhausted and so we have to really recognize that if we're willing to be complacent and willing to be lukewarm the enemy is not really going to mess with us and he'll pretty I'll leave you alone my pastor grown-up used to say that if the devil's not been messing with you lately that's not a good thing really there should be a sort of spirit of I want to poke the devil in the eye a little bit and nothing makes him matter then people come in to know jesus nothing makes the enemy matter than a church that's evangelistic the devil doesn't really care if you do a potluck I'm convinced he doesn't really care if we're just gonna sort of really you know in an unhealthy way focused on discipleship which at times can be a code for telling the world to go to hell right there were a church really focused on discipleship that's that's what we sort of say when we're not really living evangelistically because there's nothing deeper than people who are headed to hell coming to life in Christ there's nothing what it who is better who was better at disciple than Jesus Christ and how did he disciple did he sit him down and take him through book studies over and over again oh he said let's go read some lost people come on Nicodemus wants a meeting come on let's go over this this woman here that they're about to stone to death don't you ever let anybody tell you that we have to choose between discipleship or evangelism evangelism is discipleship you say to the person come with me we're gonna go reach somebody come with me let's go touch some of us let's continue to stay in that spirit and and the moment we turn inward as a church we stop being able to be used by God in the way he wants us to because the marching orders for the church have not changed for 2,000 years it's going to all the world and preach the gospel to every creature that's what he wants us to be doing when he returns and doing so in whatever sphere of Industry he's called us to occupy Jesus said in Luke's Gospel occupy until I come and that's how you should see yourself showing up for work I don't I don't care if you work at Davis Street espresso and you you pull shots this should be the best shot to anybody's ever had right they should be the best coffee writer Oak Cliff bicycle shop I'm just using all the references from the area of Dallas I'm familiar with right we could talk Highland Park too I guess I got some favorite stores over there as well but but you think about whatever it is if you work in aerospace or you work in tech or you work in you know insurance you you should be the best at what you do and that's what gives your witness credibility let me tell you something if you're lazy and crappy at your job if your pastor doesn't regularly steak crappie just don't worry he'll be back in a couple short weeks but if your crappy at your job just go ahead and don't tell anybody you're a Christian if you if you cut corners and you're lazy and you phone it in and you you do a half bottom-2 job [Music] don't even bother telling anybody you're a believer but if you absolutely crush if you slay if you kill if what you do is optimized an excellent and and wonderful then go ahead and and do that to the glory of God and know that people are gonna be wanting to know from you what your secret is what your story is and you'll be able to say well no big deal the God who made the world they did a pretty good job about it last time I saw the Grand Canyon last time I flew over the Pacific Ocean he did a pretty good job when he made the world he lives in me he lives in you and so if I'm gonna do anything I'm gonna go all out and the cross is our primary motivating factor for excellence because Jesus on the cross went all out he went all out God did not spare his son but freely offered him up for us all and if my God didn't go all it didn't didn't hold back but he went all out then y'all I'm gonna go all-in I'm gonna do everything I can to the glory of God I'm gonna give my a-game effort all the time I'm never givin the JV go-ahead in boys I'm telling you something every Sunday every week every battle every fight every opportunity every phone call every call we got a you got to give everything to God because we only get one go-around of this life and so we have to know that there's going to be opposition opposition is table stakes for doing something great for God if you get if you get bothered every time someone criticizes you if you get bought like you I get bothered when people say oh he can't even say they were criticized properly but if you can't handle the heat y'all get out of the kitchen come on somebody right I learned that on a big dog shirt when I was in sixth grade right if you can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen remember big dogs the things we used to wear I used to be obsessed with those shirts that said no fear right right yeah the hyper colored shirts you touch him they would change color a little bit Massimo and Stussy right it was it was it was a big thing what shirts you got to wear a middle school I the man middle-school was so long ago but but I did so vividly partially and this is what I want to talk to you a little bit about partially because it was so challenging for me I had a and this is gonna segue but I promise you I had a real hard time in middle school because I move states move schools and didn't have any friends and in fifth grade I was a big deal man I wish you could have met me in fifth grade you would be like dang if you saw me jump out of the swings because that was like the big deal in fifth grade you would swing you get going in the swing I could do a backflip out of the swing nail it except one time I broke my arm on my birthday doing that trick so I did I ended up in the emergency room while my friends were out my birthday party eating my cake never got any of that cake either that's one of several terrible birthday stories another one is when I convinced my younger brother to play hide-and-go-seek with me on the roof and I was days before my birthday party we were very young my parents discovered what we were doing I had convinced him to do it he was much younger than me of course and they took away my birthday party for that they said your punishment you're losing your whole birthday party so I'm actually to this day you're younger than I should be because they took that birthday away but but there are these kids at school I really wanted to like me I really wanted to except me he really wanted to let me sit with him at lunch and let me hang out with them and they were kind of potheads and skaters and you know they were they were super loose with girls and it was it was not not the crew that you should want to be around period but but that was the group that that I I wanted to like me and so I'd hang out at the periphery and they tolerated it to a point but they also gave me a designation that sort of spoke to the fact that my fifth-grade version of myself had stayed in the fifth grade version of myself meanwhile all of these guys began to grow taller and get bigger and get armpit hair right I didn't have any armpit hair I would always change in gym class with my arms down right you girls you don't understand what I'm talking about you got your first armpit hairs you shaved them right off you fools right with what what I wouldn't have given for an armpit hair back in the day man but I had buck teeth and I had a bowl cut and I had glasses and so they called me rat boy and for for a long time that was I was they let me kind of hang with them somewhat but they would call me that name and they would believe me and it got real bad and I actually ended up having to be hospitalized for a short little stint because of some of the things that came about from the physical abuse and the bullying that took place and went down and and you know of course you'd have to be a psychologist to know that that sort of trauma leaves an impact on you not just physically but also emotionally and psychologically and that's the first time I can remember really developing masks developing different masks that I would you know sort of construct and then perfect and then pull out for the appropriate occasion when I didn't feel sufficient when I didn't feel secure and who God made me to be and so I needed to put something together to present myself to the world and I guess the reason I tell you the story is because the title of my message is winning the war within winning the war within because if you're gonna mobilize and do all that God's called you to do which let me just speak over you prophetically Shoreline City I has not seen and ear has not heard even the smallest percentage of what God intends to do through you what God dreams to do of to do for you what what God has had in his heart and on his mind from before the foundation of the world to do in your church to do in your city to reach Dallas that's just to start to touch Texas to spread out across this country your leaders are not only of course great pastors within your house and leading a phenomenal team and of course a part of an amazing move of God within your church but also God has seen fit to race them up and give them platform an opportunity beyond the four walls of your church and and then we just say that to the degree that you come in on a weekend and no I wish pastor or was preach I wish I wish I wish they were here I wish let me tell you something the way that you also released them to they're calling the way that you see what they're doing across the country in the world as a reflection of what he's doing through your house I'm telling you God will bless all of you as he blesses then he'll bless all of you as the anointing that's on their lives runs down like the Bible says is where there's unity there's oil running down the beard of Aaron down to the dress of Aaron down to the skirt into the feet of her I'm telling you head shoulders knees and toes the entire body of Christ gets blessed when you serve and protect your leaders like God is you to pray for them release them encourage them and pray for their kids as well because the mantle that's upon them while it's a joy for them to do and they do it effortlessly it seems it is a heavy thing to to live out your calling into to have the demand that's on their lives not only nationally but but internationally as well but as you do all that you're doing as you mobilize the enemy will also attack you from within and my experience has been that the battles that come from within are the most sinister and the hardest to spot and perhaps the most dangerous because we know to be on guard for the devil we know to be on guard for the wiles of the Satan of the other of the wicked one right of course he's he's like a lion he roams to and fro on the earth and he's wanting that we know that we're sort of like dukes up you know you know you go into these things like a little bit like what you learn you take some shots and you learn you take some sucker punches and you learn I've learned I've had to learn that Mondays are for me a day where I'm out of low you pour it out all day Sunday it can be real easy I find myself on a bad week up to in the morning on Sunday nights hard to come down hard to wind down and so on those Mondays and I'm dumb sleep-deprived and I've poured out and that's just a day where I I sort of learned that that Mondays I'm gonna know thing No thank you devil I'm gonna fill my heart up twice as much I'm gonna I've already I've already you know a normal Monday by noon listening to three or four sermons I've had a great time of Jesus I've got myself a good time walking out walking out the frustrations walking out the stress walking out whether it's a good week or a bad week it's hard as a pastor you know no matter how good the Sunday morning message was you got to get pregnant again on Monday right and note no one wants to have a baby and get a pregnant the next day but that's what it feels like sometimes to creatively pour out but then I got to get inspired again there's there's another Sunday coming and and so I've had to learn to keep the shield up and you will learn that as you serve Jesus for a while to be on guard from the enemy's attack but why no one ever told me was that the most difficult fight I was gonna face was within it was not just the battle that came from the lusts of the flesh in the lust of the eyes but it was it was it was that own battle I was dealing with it wasn't just the devil coming at me from without it was also my own fallen nature attacking me self sabotaging me from the inside and I I began to think when I really was starting to struggle with this that I was crazy or I was the only one or or I was just some sort of freak or maybe it was unfit for doing anything great for God until I came across Paul the Apostle admitting that he deals with the exact same thing so you're not crazy and I'm not crazy or if we are we're not the only crazy ones and Paul the Apostle who my gosh this guy Paul are you kidding me Paul who wrote 13 books of the Bible what do you do this week write 13 this dude wrote the book of first Corinthians you know I'm saying this guy this guy was so bad to the bone that people would try and get in front of his shadow like if he was walking by they'd be like Oh give me in front of Paul shadow I just want the shadow of Paul to fall on me now maybe it wasn't anything to do with Paul her shadow maybe it was the face of believing that this man of God that getting under his shadow was gonna bless him what that would happen to Jesus people would reach out and touch the hem of His garment there was nothing special about the hem of that dude's garment but he would say to people as you have believed so let it be to you I'm telling you to a surprisingly large degree God has given us control of the checkbook when it comes to our face of what we're willing to accomplish someone one time said his name was his name rhyme with sturgeon so if you're a church person you know this deal was official right this dude named Iran was sturgeon he said if you believe got a little he'll bless you a little but if you believe him to the hilt he will bless you to the full and he said those three words let it be long before Paul McCartney sang him y'all he said let it be should we call the rule of God's kingdom because God will let it be according to your faith and it's crazy how true this is you know you wake up and you go you go another day hump day Wednesday nothing interesting ever happens to me and you know what 9 times out of 10 you'll be you'll be proved right nothing will happen to you you could walk into your church on a Sunday go yeah I don't really like this this is out of key oh this this worship experience isn't as well attended as the other which I had come to be 11 o'clock at bad Mockingbird station you know what you see I'm saying you you'll be proved right because God is power into your tongue he's put power into how you speak as you believe as you speak so it will be done for you so you could wake up and go oh this day I'm already behind on my bills huh I need to send these calls I did it uh and I wish I had a bigger apartment and and I wish I had a nicer car you know what you'll begin to see how you speak so you see your car is crappy you'll see your job is restrictive you'll see the promotion that someone else got that you didn't get you'll begin to see your husband is lazy you'll begin to see your kids as as too noisy but if you choose to speak in faith if you choose to say I'm thankful I got a car I'm thankful I got a job I'm thankful that this worship experience is going to be one where God's gonna touch me oh I believe I'm telling you your whole life will transform around you because you said so you said so God made the world by speaking let there be light and there was as you speak so you see now of course they'll twist this I'm not saying you get to say my cars a Maserati and your Honda Accord now it's a Maserati but what I'm saying is if we're willing to speak in face the life that Jesus died for us to live if we're willing to believe that we're not common we're not ordinary we were chosen from before the world was made we're anointed and appointed if we choose to believe that we are loved that we are filled we are empowered we are sent out it transforms everything and so Paul who wrote 13 books of the Bible did all this great stuff for God yet what did he say this is Romans chapter 7 verse 15 I'm reading out of the passion translation he said I am a mystery to my mouth all can you relate to that I'm a mystery to me the problem is where we try and explain to people how to interact with us and talk to us and and sometimes we need to be honest enough to go you know I know you don't get me right now but I don't get me either so that makes two of us Paul said I'm a mystery to me before I want to do what is right but I end up doing what my moral instincts condemn it begins what winning the war within by admitting there is a battle because you can't win a war you won't admit to being in so we have to choose to say like Paul you know what I am a mystery to me and there is a battle within there is a fallen nature God did save me and seal me and one day he's gonna glorify me but in the meantime there's this icky middle called sanctification which is the rub which is the hardest part which is where this fleshly nature that's still there it doesn't have power over us but it's still there it seeks to influence us it seeks to boss us around so what you have to do is you have to say to your fleshly nature hey Bossypants you're not the boss of me right it's like a someone who's been fired from a job but they're still walking around the company you know holding the world's best boss mug you know like grinning like Michael Scott like making lame jokes trying to get everybody to to chuckle right and he's telling hey I need you to be in a - and you know and you're used to doing what he said he was the boss right that's your fleshly nature it's still there it just doesn't have power anymore but your muscle memory is honed - to jump when it says jump to crawl when it says crawl to Google when it says Google to scroll when it says scroll to pull your validation well from what people in your life are saying about you or the photos that they're tagging you in or not tagging you it what your your fleshly nature wants you to live an inward focused narcissistic miserable life where you have your masks in your closet and you pull out the appropriate mask for this moment oh do I need my validation mask do you like me do you know the vacation I just went on do you see how much money I spent to be at this resort did you see my photo with the pina colada I was in did you notice that it was that was that was in Mexico y'all that was the Bahamas did you notice did you notice am i enough now am i enough now do you like me now am i okay now is my church big enough now did you see that shot at me with preaching to this video hey my okay now do ya my worst it now my worth what are we all asking am i lovely am i loveable am i enough am i worthy because our fleshly nature is telling us what to do and we were so used to doing whatever it said when it was in charge when we didn't have a spirit man activated but the Bible says we were given new nature we were given a new birth we were given a new citizenship our feet are still on this planet but our citizenship is in heaven where Christ is and when he appears that we will appear with him in glory so we have to go you're bossy but you ain't the boss Amin y'all we're under new management come on there's been a hostile takeover somebody acquired the hostile takeover is where our company is bought but but the majority of the people in the company v'n sometimes a lot of the shareholders didn't want to sell but it was bought anyway because the price was right and guess what that's exactly what happened to you the price was right it wasn't gold it wasn't silver it was the precious blood of Jesus Christ as though a lamb without blemish without SpA the price was right come on tell your neighbor the price was right he shed his blood he proved his love he cares about you we walk around going does he love me does he love me not does he love me does he love me not he says look at the scars in my hands touch the the hole in my side I love you I love you I bought you I bought you you weren't a white elephant gift that he got stuck with my accident he opened it up and went oh oh you did that when you were in college oh you think that sometimes about your kids oh oh you watched that when you're on the business trip without your spouse oh I want nothing to do with you we get trapped into thinking that God somehow is offended and shocked and he's almost telling the angels like I'm so sorry I can't believe I brought them into the family let me tell you something he knew every dark thing you would ever do before you did it he knew every dark thing you would ever do while he was hanging on the cross and that's why he paid for your sin he purchased you out of death he bought you out of slavery he liked it so he put a ring on it that's why he put a robe on your shoulders that's why he brought he knew about what you did when you were a prodigal he knew what you did when you in that faraway city wasting your inheritance with prostitutes and wanton living but he also knows what you're capable of when you come to yourself but here's the danger you can't come to yourself by yourself you need the church you need God's people up in your corner you need family around you to motivate you to holy living to speak into you the warrior that you are the king that you are the queen that you are the royalty that's in you you need you need us around you to knock off the rough edges a knife can't sharpen itself by itself and you can't become yourself by yourself it wasn't until he left the pigs and left the prostitutes and left the party and came home that the text says he came to himself and that's why I'm telling you the connection to the local church is going to be the difference maker in the progress you make between this war that you're waging with yourself and losing it and winning it it's got to be in connection with God's people you're loco if you're rolling solo you got to get up into one of the shoreline city small groups you got to get into the family you got to get on the team you got to begin to bump into each other you'll get frustrated you'll get hurt you'll get skipped over you'll get neglected someone will be rude guess what that's a good thing Dietrich Bonhoeffer said one time the church is a place of broken dreams and that's a good thing because only when the church fails to be what we wished it was only when our leaders disappoint it's only in those moments when the humanity of each other knocks into each other can we then lean into the grace of God and lean into the Spirit of God and fight for what God wants to do instead of running away from it which would be so easy only we would stay the same you got to declare war on that part of you that wants to pull away from conflict and it said bear down and have the difficult conversations and and lean in to the coaching leaned into the leadership lean into the people in your life who loved you enough to tell you that's messy and that's holding you back here's where you could be if you just responded well to Authority but every time we we bring this up it's like oh well you don't know and I don't know it's like you know what basically you're self identifying as someone who has hit their ceiling you've smashed into a lid to the extent that that you don't respond well to those speaking life into you trying to help you you hold yourself back and stunt your own growth but if you be open to the fact that there's a war going on for all of us against the the version of ourselves that we don't want to be for me it's that middle school Levi I call him evil Levi who found out he wasn't enough which isn't true by the way and was listening to the wrong voices and trying to please the wrong people and then begin coping and doing these things to tell the world I'm enough and now all of a sudden I'm at the whim of my feelings and that's why it's so easy to fall into a bad mood you know the funny thing to me about a bad mood is you know it should be as simple as you had some wrong thoughts you caught those thoughts and now you're out of it but for me the funk that comes over me when I've shifted into a bad mood is so difficult to course-correct from I don't know if that's you at all or if I'm in a church full of people with halos and I mistakenly showed up in a black shirt and I shouldn't be here invited to the party but but the reality is for me I have bad days and bad moments and low moments and times for I've said the wrong thing and done the wrong thing and then it's become a pattern and now it's like well you know what I've been in it it's easier to stay in it there's always tomorrow this is always next week I think the enemy wants to tell us that you know sort of like clutching the fact that you know the new mercies from lamentations they supposedly come at sunrise you know there's mercies are new there they come every morning as compassion still not that's true but not the only time you can get new mercies it's not like it's dependent on the clock at 11:59 central and that's when the new mercies come too bad they're they don't roll over because I had extra mercies last Thursday I was on a roll then you know I'm saying but the reality is you can you can hit that button anytime you want request new mercies you can turn that button on the flight attendant oh come on over what I need some new mercies I'm gonna funk I'm I'm not I'm not the version of myself I want to be and God is willing to rush into your life if you're willing to be humble enough to ask for help if you're willing to say uncle and tap out and submit and because the problem with always bowing up and always need to be the guy that has enough and it be the girl that there is enough is is as long as you're like this guy can never anoint you with oil he can only anoint you with oil when you're willing to get down on your knees the Bible says God opposes the proud and he gives grace to the humble so winning the war within begins when we admit there's a battle and we open our lives up to God's health and we open up our lives to the help and the people that are seated to our left and to our right and if this is blessing you and encouragement to you that which I'm talking about hearing in this weekend's message and I hope you'll come back next week as the mobilized series continues God's just gonna continue to speak truce to your heart and truce to your life and it's just gonna get better and better and better and better and you watch us as God just continues to change the world through your church through each of you but let me just say that if this is an encouragement to you like I would love to read more hear more about this I have a whole book on this topic called I declare war four keys to winning the battle with yourself and I share more of my story journey some things that have really been helpful to me even to this very day this very moment things that that would encourage you I believe so check that out this has been sort of the Costco size sample and if you like what you've tasted from your little tiny paper cup the chimichangas are on aisle 17 now but let me as we close just just leave you with one really important thought and that thought is you must not in this battle rely on willpower because you've been given access to God's power don't rely you know because talking about hey we have we have battle the fight and we gotta have just lace up our boots and we gotta sort of like get our gloves on and we gotta you know get our mouth guards fitted right and read we're going to battle I'm gonna I'm gonna battle or I don't wanna be the version of me I don't wanna be is it kind of imply the idea that you're just gonna do it now let me just tell you that there needs to be some aspect of that because in the church world we say stupid things like let go and let God when what we should be saying is trust God and get to work trust God and get embroil up your sleeves like great you got to be willing to you got to be willing to give your all paul said i labor with all my might according to the divine power that is inside of me so it's not one or the other it's not like it's you or god it's not either the lord does it or you're willing to do it it's I believe it's trusting God for what only he can do meanwhile we do everything that we can do and so as you fight this battle this is how I fight my battles we're not just gonna you know do everything we can do we're also gonna trust God for what only he can do which is so much better than willpower and what does that look like practically let me just give you three things before we pray the number one would be gratitude trusting God's power looks like gratitude why well because first Thessalonians says it's his will for our life 5:18 in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you let me encourage you this week to send a text message or a letter telling someone how thankful you are for the contribution they made to you life write your pastor a letter let him know what he's meant to you it will it will cause you to trust in God's power God blesses gratitude number two I would say worship worship don't you miss the worship songs before the messages those are the previews before the movie you need the worship to prepare to prepare you for the word just as much as you need the word to prepare you for the worship and so I would say make sure your worship life is strong because it's impossible to worship and worry at the same time and then number three and finally I would say that you need to tell your story tell your story whatever it is whatever your journey is involve other people in that too whether it's a share your story thing on the website or letting your your campus pastor know what you something that's happened as you tried to tithe share your story so that can be a blessing to the greater Shoreline city church family share your story on your Instagram the things that God speaking to you the brokenness inside of you let the world know what your church has meant to you and and how it's been a benefit to your life so that other people will think man I want that because we're all self motivated so you telling your story of what shoreline cities meant to you on your socials that will cause other people to want to come as well if you have a verse of that pastor oh yes I do revelation 12:11 and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony so yes it's the power of what Jesus is doing but it's also us opening our mouths and speaking but the people of the Lord who have been redeemed say so can't pray for you Jesus bless this church bless their precious leaders give them great vision strength and a fresh filling of your spirit and power as they mobilize to reach lost people until you come back or we die trying in Jesus name we pray amen amen
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 13,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kX-AOP1bKjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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