Get Ahead of Yourself | Pastor Levi Lusko

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hey thanks so much for watching this message from fresh Life Church we're so grateful to all of you who join us on all of our online platforms here on this YouTube channel and if this is your first time checking out fresh life a very special welcome view we appreciate you being a part of this today we're releasing a message that Pastor Levi taught back in 2017 on this same week in 2017 so three years ago this week from our keep the change series it's so resonated with us as a church we wanted to make it available to you again so enjoy the message they keep the change series has been all about change we talked about picking the right change we talked about the power for change we talked about a plan for change and then we talked in the fourth installment about protecting the change once you get it protecting your progress because changing is only half the battle you got to protect what's changed this last message I've been so excited the whole time to preach I've just been looking forward to looking forward to it thinking about it a lot and and I want to talk about the potential that change unleashes the potential that change unleashes and that is more change and that brilliant its unleashed through the change that we achieve and then keep it it unlocks new change and that's really the the reward of it and that's what makes change so precious makes it so precious because of what what it opens us up to first samuel 17 and 21 are you there let me catch you up because both of these are episodes in the life of david david who's like one of the most famous people in the bible ice out of jesus we know more about david than we know about anybody else and david in 1st Samuel 17 is about to engage in his first televised fight arguably his most famous moment and one of the most emblematic stories in the Bible and I'm talking of course about the day that he fought a giant named Goliath now you should know that in that day sometimes when nations had a conflict or had some sort of a rift they would at times elect to solve it on the battlefield but instead of all of them engaging in warfare they would each pick a champion they would each basically pick a gladiator and send them to the center and they would fight and they would say whether this was a border dispute or fighting over water rights or whatever it was that whatever happens here in the middle is what we're gonna respect as as the victor in this dispute in this argument it was basically like a super bloody form of paper-rock-scissors right so whatever happens to us that's the outcome and so that's what's happening the Philistines they picked the tallest strongest guy they have which is of course what you would do and he goes out to the center there at a place called the Valley of Elah you can still go there to this day I was super psyched the first time I got to stand in the valley of Elam looking around him just picturing it cuz you those natural hills on both sides and I'm imagining you know that it was Israelites over here the Philistines over there you know what I did i I wasn't sure I was supposed to but when no one was looking I I got down and I grabbed a smooth stone and I looked tests like maybe this is the one stuck it in my pocket and and I was I was excited about that I was hoping they wouldn't ask about it at customs later but but when I when I was getting back on the bus I overheard the tour guide saying I to bring you back up here sometime late at night when the when they the Israeli Department of Tourism brings the huge dump truck full of smooth stones and dumps them back out for all the suckers who threw my rock on the ground made in China what the heck anyhow so that's what was going down David how did he end up fighting Goliath that's a good question because he wasn't even a soldier he was a shepherd he wasn't even supposed to be there that day the only reason he was even theirs cuz he was doing what his dad told him to do here's the crazy thing his dad said hey I need you to deliver some food to your brothers so he's just bringing food to his brothers and as he's carrying the food the Bible says he brought loaves of bread and hunks of cheese right so basically glorified pizza delivery boy right just pizza piss bread and cheese he's just bringing the pizza to his brothers and he overhears Goliath making fun of the troops making fun of this for us because no one had chosen to go fight not a single person so day after day after day he's down there going who's gonna fight who can find me right what you got and no one is going and he's saying God your God can't do anything your cause is the work he's just belittling God belittling the name of the Lord and David Cruz Evans says is anybody gonna go fight that enormous Lee disrespectful giant down there in the middle of a valley who's gonna fight him how could you guys let him talk about our God that way and she just saying they're going like if no one else gonna I'll go do it and and he doesn't say anything about Goliath size doesn't say anything about how difficult there be and his mind is like if this is if this needs to be done I'm willing to do it if no one's gonna do it all fall over he all his mana I'll go and they put me and I'll go and do this thing and his brothers his brothers and and saw no one no one takes him seriously they all think that he's going towards his funeral and everyone's trying to talk him out of it but for David David it's just as simple as he saw the invisible so he was able to do the impossible he he knew if God if God was for him then who could be against him and so for him it was just it was as simple as walking forth so so he chooses to go and do this but before he does notice look at this this is verse 40 it says 4 same in 17 he took his staff in his hand because he's a shepherd all he has is a shepherd's staff shepherd's crook and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook and put them in a shepherd's bag in a pouch which he had and his sling was in his hand and he drew near to the Philistine pause right there your attention please before David goes to fight the Giant once he got permission to do so notice he goes to a brook and he fills up a pouch that he carried a shepherd's pouch with rocks for the fight now that's interesting to me because it's not something that you can do standing on your two feet you can't stand and grab rocks out of a brook what did he have to do he had to get down on his knees so now here he is here's the picture he's in a quiet place with a gurgling Brook there in front of him and he's on his knees putting things in a bag for what he needed in a coming difficulty and I wonder if you understand how important it is to bow before life's battles that she would have the mentality to get on your knees in a pose of worship before you get into situations that are like war that there's just something to be said I think sometimes we go into life with our pouch empty because we haven't had the time on our knees to fill up with peace to fill up with strength to receive what God knows we're gonna need we get to the battle and we reach our hand into our pouch and we have nothing there because we weren't intentional to put the things into the pouch that we would need for the coming difficulty those who are wise get down on their knees before the day gets going get out on their knees before life's demands start to catch up to you you gotta be in a mode of receiving before you can go and transmit but that's not my message I just I just thought that was interesting and then he gets to the valley Glide still talking smack he sees David coming he's insulted he's insulted because he doesn't even have a beard he's like who is a beardless warrior coming at me I'm a beard Yeah right he's like obsessed with facial hair ruddy he's just didn't have a beard and he's alum I'll feed your body to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field if you're stupid enough to come towards me and and David says you're all talk and you think that you're you got the stuff he goes but I don't come to you with sword I don't come to you with spear I come to you in the name of the Lord and today he is gonna deliver you into my hand I'm gonna cut your head off that's what David said because God's gonna deliver you to me I'm gonna cut your head off aren't you glad you came to church and so in verse 48 it says so it was when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David that David hurried and ran everyone say ran toward the army to meet the Philistine then David put his hand in his bag and he pulled out a stone took out a stone and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead so that the stone sank into his forehead and he fell on his face to the earth so David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone and struck the Philistine and killed him but there was no sword in the hand of David there was no sword in the hand of David altogether there was no sword in the hand of David how you gonna be cutting someone's head off if you don't even have a sword can you imagine the time that would take with your bare hands try not to picture it there for David ran and stood over the Philistine took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it and when the Philistine saw that their champion was dead they fled that's the first episode the second is in chapter 21 and those just a couple pages turning in your scriptures it's several years that have passed by in David's life what has happened in the meantime well he became a general in the armies of Israel he became the son-in-law to the king part of winning this battle whoever was willing to go do it was gonna get a marry King Saul's daughter not just that though their family would not pay taxes for the rest of their life hashtag must be nice right and and not only that but there was this military prestige that went with it and so from this moment David was opened up to fighting battle after battle after battle leading the nation of Israel onto the battlefield and he was a valiant general he was a valiant warrior God blessed David as he did on this day God blessed him every day and he began to do so well fighting battles for King Saul whom he always respected who he always honored that people began to sing Saul has only ever killed thousands but this new guy this hasta David he's killed tens of thousands and when Saul heard that now David didn't write the song David was doing this for Saul by the way but an insecure person will always detest someone else being blessed even if they're doing it for you even if they're doing your bidding right and and and so those we often have said who have given up on their dreams will always present you for living yours and David was living this dream of following God and doing what God wanted Saul had given up on that dream he he was living not for the God's name he was living for Saul's name and and so God was taking power away from Saul and Saul hated that and so Saul resented David as he walked with God with a clean heart before the Lord and so Saul began to actually try and hurt David try and take David out at this point we're about to jump into Saul had made six attempts on David's life ranging from casual to far more methodical far more like almost met business the first couple times like Oh hahaha he threw his beer at me that's weird right I was playing a song for you and like that's not kind but David would just duck and just keep playing he would duck and just keep playing he would just duck he would never grab the spear out and throw it back he would just duck and keep playing he would dodge this beer and keep playing dodge this beer and keep working dodge this beer and ki doing what God wanted him to do and some of you that's what you need to do someone's throw in a spear you dodge it and get to work what do you expect of course they're gonna throw a spear you're doing what God wants you to do it's going to invite opposition it's going to invite criticism it's going to bring blowback and pushback on what do you want just dodged the spear and keep going don't get a bitter spirit don't get a wounded you know kind of thing going inside of you don't start throwing spears back either physically or with your words just dodged the spear and keep going but then eventually it became clear this was not gonna stop this was not gonna end well if it came down to it David would actually end up probably kill and saw you know if push came to shove so david knew he needed to get out of there wise counsel in his life confirmed that by the way we preached the whole message one time called deciphering the arrows on how jonathan helped him to decipher the meaning of the madness in this moment and helped him determine should I stay or should I go now none of us had should make those sorts of decisions lightly considering a job change a move this that or the other right we should we should very carefully with wise counsel voices in our life speaking into our life and and and to do that and so David had Jonathan say yeah you do need to get out of here this is not going good my father is maniac he's actually gonna kill you and so david knew he needed to go but he had he had no time to pack a bag he had to get out of there in the night and he would be gone for when it all came down to it almost a decade he would spend on the run as a fugitive okay and and so the question is of course where's where's he gonna go where does he go first she go to cave does it go does he go hide over here is it good and gety where to see where does he go where does he go the answer is he goes to a place called Knob everyone say nob interestingly nob is where they kept the Ark of the Covenant in that day nob is where the tabernacle was set up in that day knob is where a hymn elect the high priest was at knob was where the school of priests was was that knob was essentially a decision on David's part to once again before the battle of this running began get down on his knees in front of a stream and receive some things they he would need for the difficulty that was about to come I guess you could say David got himself to church that's what he decided to do he Selma get myself down at this brook I want some things in my pouch for what was to come so David had some friends with him when they got to nod they asked to him elect the high priest they said yo could we have something to eat we're hungry wherever I being a fugitive the full Harrison Ford thing is exhausting I didn't kill my wife Tommy Lee joint I don't care right it dives off the water tower anybody anybody no fine whatever fine it's on Netflix so listen he's hungry and hey Malik says I would love to feed you I would love to feed you and all your friends actually but I can't I don't have anything I don't have anything for you except for the showbread translation communion crackers I just got boxes and boxes but that's not a good look you're in the in the Chuck in the communion wine he eaten the crackers that just seems a little bit sacrilegious right but you know what you don't him elected he gave him the showbread he gave him this this holy bread that was part of the whole ceremony and ritual in that day and and some people would frown at that too shouldn't be that's not what it's for only priests were supposed to show bread and then only after it was their ceremony Lee standing for this length of time etc etc but here's what we know about this whole story in the New Testament Jesus he pointed back to and said hem Lux the man a hammerlock knew that God's priority is never over religious procedure it's always over the saving of lives and sometimes grace is messy and sometimes if a teenager didn't get pregnant be great if that person didn't have to get that divorce but you know what those who represent Jesus always need to be in the business of giving out that grace we're not trying to cross all the T's and dot all the i's Jesus did on the cross what we could never do ourselves we want people in need to receive the grace that Jesus died for them to have and it doesn't always fit rigidly with women with it within what we wish it would it would look like and sew a hem elect new hate on this day that the priority here is is is saving lives and so he gay he made a decision he made the call and he he gave the bread to David so David's in the maze man they they're happy they got carbs in them they're there they're fired up to head out but before they left David have one last question and now I got to bring you to First Samuel 21 verse 8 and look what it says here it says and David said to a hymn elec is there not here on hand a spear or maybe a sword for I have brought neither my sword nor my weapons with me I guess you could say there was no sword in the hand of David on this day for the King's business required haste that is a very creative telling of the truth David verse 9 so the priest said the sword of Goliath the Philistine whom you killed in the Valley of Elah there it is wrapped in a cloth behind the ephah that's a religious garment if you will take that take it for there is no other except that one here and David said there is none like it give it to me I'll preach to you from these two seemingly disparate episodes that are completely connected a message that I'm calling get ahead of yourself get ahead of yourself you could jot that down David in the first episode sort of got ahead of Goliath got a head the head of Goliath but what he didn't know was that in doing so he was actually getting ahead of himself fine find five people around you shove them and tell him get ahead of yourself that's your assignment get ahead of yourself come on shovel get ahead of yourself get ahead of yourself if you're watching on the internet you shove yourself get ahead of get ahead of yourself not known a home on second that's generally speaking frowned upon isn't it don't people tell you have it haven't you had someone to eat now don't get ahead of yourself now right like you're a kid and you just started piano lessons and you had to pick a song for the recital and you pick like Beethoven's fifth and you just learned the scales and they're like you know maybe maybe a different song maybe maybe mary had a little lamb might be more like you're getting a little ahead of yours so that's good advice in a certain sense right like first date you start pinning wedding dresses on Pinterest and might scare them off make the board private at least I mean come on it's like every time you pin something it goes to Facebook right yeah undateable right on your forehead or you know you you you you you buy a brand new car cuz you're pretty sure you're gonna get a big bonus this year yikes right don't get ahead of yourself right there's some wisdom to that in lots of different ways of not getting the cart before the horse but in another sense if someone ever tells you don't get ahead of yourself that's also really bad advice in a different way because the Bible says in proverbs chapter 4 that we're supposed to ponder the path of our feet ponder the path of your feet and let all of your waist be established what does that mean it means don't live your life so close up to it just all up in the details all up in the trees that you don't take some time to look at the forest of what's happening and you can't ponder the paths of your feet the big thing is where are you going where do you want to go if you stay with yourself you have to get up ahead of yourself and ask the question where do I want to get to and is the path that I'm on going to to take me there so there is some some tremendous wisdom that comes from from zooming back and and and looking up ahead and charting a course to where you believe that God wants you to go you got to get ahead of yourself because for so many of us I'm afraid that we're okay with just getting by just getting by the dictionary defines getting by as succeeding with this least effort as possible succeeding with as least effort as possible the least possible effort in other words just kind of you know getting by how you doing I don't getting by you know sose doing okay nope no complaints right I texted someone where he says it how you doing they said I'm alive I'm a lot I'm alive right what is what did they say this ain't given by and I think sometimes we settle for that spiritually speaking we settle for that perhaps financially we settle for that in our work life we we settle for just just getting by just surviving you know sort of thing the cool of living hand-to-mouth paycheck to paycheck but what I would tell you is that God doesn't want you just to get by wants you to get ahead he wants you to be the head and not the tail to be the owner and not the the length of the one who's borrowing he wants you to be from above and not from beneath he wants to anoint your head with oil he wants your cut listen to me so run over I wonder if there's anybody who would say I don't want to just get by I want what God wants for me I want what Jesus died for me to have I want I believe I'm that Satan's gonna be crushed swiftly under my feet I believe my my name is is on a table setting in heaven I believe I've been given the Holy Spirit I believe there's a calling on my life I believe there's land I'm meant to take a Giants I'm meant to drive out I'm not settling for getting by I want to get ahead I want to see all that God has for me lift out the exceedingly abundantly beyond anything we could ask or think or even imagine things come true I want to I don't want to live a life that is explained by by the things that have happened I want to live a life this miraculous I want to be going that shouldn't have happened this door should have been opened how is God doing this how is God blessing me in this way I I want to get ahead I want you to go I want you to get ahead I want your family to be strong not saying there's not going to be lean season sort of times or desert periods but that even in the midst of those so you just have a sense of momentum you have a sense of God's up to something you have a sensitive I'm in training I'm being prepared and God is here and he's teaching me things in the fire and he's teaching me things in the difficult seasons this that you you believe that even in even when you feel like it's a setback that it's actually a setup that you're getting ahead even in in trial you're still more than a conqueror do you believe that do you still believe that nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus there needs to be that zeal that marked our early days where we were just happy to be saved and we believed anything was possible when we were a child and we said to like I want to be an astronaut and we did when did you quit dreaming when did you quit believing when did you just accept that this is just as good as it's ever gonna get I believe that God wants you to experience his provision his power and a life that is that is unexplainable humanly speaking just everyday you're waking up feeling like you're on a heavenly mission here on earth and even when it hurts he's there and he's working and he has a plan but listen to me to get ahead in that way you have to get ahead of yourself ponder the path of your feet and make wise decisions now that will pay off later and David is proof how did David have a sword to receive at knob the answer is because he took it out of a giant's hand in ela and today we have the power to affect things - to begin things that eventually will bless us and come back to haunt us in the best possible way you don't have to get to the future not like what you find waiting for you there because scripture says we reap what we sow that means if we begin making wise decisions in a moment we can believe that it eventually will lead to a supernatural harvest eventually and I've preached this whole message to get to tell you this what you fight through will one day fight for you the sword taken from Goliath and 17 it's in David's hand in 21 arming him for a mission that he eventually would have to go on so we need to open our eyes to look at youth to look at any season we're in that's the chance to plant something here that will be shade for us over here and I got four takeaway truths for you as you unleash the potential of change which is more change which is this over here is connected to that over therefore take away truths from David here in this story the first is this jotted down be courageous be courageous I love that the Bible says David ran toward Goliath because that's irrational if I'm a shepherd boy about to fight a train man-of-war I will slowly watch your life if I'm gonna do it at all I'm gonna do it very slowly and I think some of us approach changed that way we slowly moved towards change but God puts his finger on the spot and says that's the spot and you got to respond on the spot there's just got to be that pep in your step that says obeying right now running toward the thing that scares me running towards being uncomfortable because if you don't run towards it you'll talk yourself out of it on the way as you saunter I think you just got a barrel towards it and commit yourself you just kind of sometimes damn the torpedoes and burn them bridges you just got to put something inside of you that says I'm going to initiate this conflict I'm going to I'm gonna declare war in this moment you have to fight that battle on your terms which which says I'm a provoked it right now I'm not gonna give myself the chance to talk myself out of this decision I'm gonna be courageous I encourage you to live a life where you're constantly picking a fight with yourself picking a fight with yourself I'm noticing as I watch myself like a hawk I'm reverting over here I'm shifting over there I'm sliding over here and you know no no no no this is not that my life's too short and too precious and what God did to get me here meant too much and his name is at stake here no no no no I'm opening a fight I'm gonna run to the wards that John I'm a run of awards that John not quell tomorrow I'll think about well eventually no if he's if he says that's the spot on the spot let's go we have to be courageous courage to do that it takes courage it takes the Holy Spirit putting that steel inside your spine and you just run towards that thing believing it will lead to blessing eventually what I fight through now will eventually fight for me but I gotta have that fight in my spirit that says I'm gonna run towards the thing that scares me I guess I'm trying to say you got a run toward the roar because it's a trap to run away from it that's the first thing you gotta be courageous fight the battle on your terms meaning now bust let's do it now second thing jot this down be generous be generous David didn't receive the sword at Nob just because he took it from Goliath's hands he did it's true I said it a moment goes true David received the sword at Nob and 21 because he pulled it out of Goliath's hands in 17 is that true but but that's not enough you don't get a sword from Goliath here and receive it over here unless something happened in the middle you follow me David received the sword into his hands at Nob not just because he took it out of Goliath's hands at ela but because somewhere in between he put the sword into God's hands because what did not represent church what did not represent the dwelling place of God now the god lives in heaven he lives everywhere God is wherever you're not and wherever you are I know excedrin it's a product placement for excedrin but God said the tabernacle will represent me with you here you can meet with me here it's a sanctuary here it's a refuge here it's port in a storm it's a harbor it's a place to come in and and then and be collected and be built up and then go back out right so so David David gave the sword obviously to God at some point now here's what's interesting he kept it goliaths armor we know that the text tells us right after he killed Goliath look it says this David took the head of the Philistine well he also kept the head that's weird he kept Goliath's head and eventually brought it to Jerusalem many people believed where he buried it would eventually be called Calvary or the place of the skull that that's where he buried Goliath's head and that's where Jesus actually also died but would you know this he put his armor in his tent okay check this out the tabernacle was a tent the armor went to David's tent the sword went to God's tent the armor which is everything after the sword David gotta keep spoils of war right but the sword which was the the tip of the spear I guess you could say of what Goliath had in his hands what Goliath said he was gonna chop David's head off with David said I don't come at you with a sword at all I come to you name of the Lord and and so eventually he was able to take Goliath's sword out and and he cut his head off with it but as his way of saying god this was you not me god this is your glory not mine God this is your kingdom and not David's Kingdom I want to give you the sword it was sort of like a tie through the armor he got to keep right but the store went to the Lord the idea is I'm gonna seek you first the kingdom of God everything you've given me my job though air in my lungs the power to do this it's all for you you could take it away I could lose my body I could lose my health I could lose my job but still God I'm gonna get the first thing I'm gonna take the best thing out of all this and I'm gonna lay it down didn't have to but he wanted to honor God he gave Goliath sword as a spoil of war to say I'm gonna put God first not don't check this out had he not given the sword to the Lord he would not have had a sword on this day to receive he didn't know when he was giving it to God he was actually investing in his future he had no idea that that on the run he wouldn't have any weapon at all he had he not given this sort to God and I think so many times when we're giving we only see humanly speaking it leaving our hands we don't see what's triggering in heaven and that is God receiving the excuse he's looking for to bless you and provide for you and take care of you and meet all your needs in Christ Jesus in the coming days and I wrote this question down and I wrote it down for me and I wrote it down for you and I just felt so strongly that we all need to ask ourselves this question what does my lack of giving keep God from giving me I must say it again because it was it was really good what does my lack of giving keep God from giving me when I withhold what I'm actually doing is I'm I'm shutting windows that God wants to open over my life and David gave the sword not knowing that God was gonna hang on to it for a while and then give it back to him when he needed it the most and I believe the same for you so we gotta be courageous we got to pick that fight we got to fight the battle on our terms not only so it can't Goliath isn't alive to hurt us in the future but that what we take from him will be able to help us in the future so we're gonna be courageous but we're also gonna be generous we're gonna live the life of generosity constantly sowing seeds constantly doing good constantly giving back to God constantly honoring him believing then that's gonna lead to the receiving that he has promised for us that was we give we receive and as we give it's waiting for us in heaven and as we give he does good with it along the way as well so we're gonna be generous there's a third we're also gonna be constant we're gonna be constant like David was you know the definition of constant in the dictionary is to be unchangingly faithful and dependable unchangingly faithful and dependable are you a dependable person are you a kind of person when you say you're gonna be there you're gonna be there are you the kind of person who in one situation you're the same guys you are in another situation are you are you the sort of person where if you're asked about someone that you don't like in one situation you you won't say anything about them but in the other you will just run your mouth run your mouth or are you unchangingly faithful and dependable I see and David it didn't matter where he was it didn't matter whether people were watching it didn't matter what the situation was like David's pretty much gonna do what David's gonna do right David's gonna sing a song David's gonna fight a battle Dave is gonna defend a flock like David's just Shepherd poet warrior through and through and through and that's just how he rolled so so yeah you get David in front of cheering thousands in the Valley of Elah and he's gonna set his cheese and bread down and he's gonna grab himself some stones like he did it a thousand times and he's gonna go up there and in the name of the Lord he's gonna whoop whatever is messing with the flock but but you put David in a different situation where he's by himself he's doing a job none of his brothers wanted him just wanted to do and he's doing something that kept him back from cool things sometimes didn't get invited to hang out with a priest Conover are you comfortable in your own skin or does that bother you that kind of thing didn't gonna buy that do you always sit around wishing you were in a situation you weren't in while it meanwhile you miss out on the opportunity to be in the room you're currently in scroll scroll didn't come by to that didn't oh wow that must be nice scroll are you or you open your eyes and go Here I am right now Here I am right now thank you that I'm with the people I'm with thank you that I have the things that I have thank you for them thank you for your blessings and David's that Dave is like whatever people they're people these sheep and II wash right on you know and then what happens he's watching a flock and something comes it's not a 9 foot tall giant this time it's just a bear right it's just a lion that's what he told Saul later on how hiss was his rationale for why he should be able to fight Goliath he said look your servant killed will lie on one time I killed a bear too and this uncircumcised Philistine is gonna be no different than them the way I see it like how logical is that lion bear uncircumcised philistine it's just are they're all the same they're messing with a flock right we don't know if the lion or the bear was circumcised we have no details about that the text doesn't tell us at all but babies like if they mess with the flock that I'm given charge over I'm gonna go take care of whatever is messing with the flock you see and I just love that David's son unswerving and it's dependability right he gets asked to be brought into the to the king's throne room and sing songs right sing songs so yeah I'll sing songs to the King but how about this will you sing songs by yourself when you're just in the middle of nowhere no one's listening do you worship alone right yeah I got told me to tell somebody sing to the sheep you're wondering why you don't get out protect sing to the sheep sing right where you are you bloom where you're planted you be faithful here quit turning on your gifts when people are watching quit turning on your effort when the boss is watching you get you get yourself engaged you get yourself in gear you need to be a self-starter you don't anybody else to tell you what to do get you going you get something inside of you that says this needs to happen I'm gonna show integrity I can put foot performance private I can perform in public I can do things that are small in glamour and unglamorous I can do stuff that's big I can just be faithful I can be constant I can be dependable I love that David got anointed to be king by Samuel by Nathan Nathan is is eventually gonna be the one to coordinator him as king Samuels the one who anointed him as king but but listen to this then dad says go deliver food to your brothers wait a minute dad I'm the king you need to get someone else to deliver food I'm the king and-and-and-and don't you love that in David's spirit he's just as willing to go deliver the the food to his brothers even when he's got this enormous thing he's supposed to be doing he's constant you should be too here's the here's the fourth one team's gonna come on up here we're gonna shut this thing down last thing I want to tell you if we're gonna be like David we got to be loyal we gotta be loyal dave was so loyal to Saul that even when Saul's trying to take him out even when Saul was out of his mind David was still honoring the leadership got put over him David was not just loyal to Saul he was loyal to his friends loyal to Jonathan even after Jonathan was dead he'd look up relatives of Jonathan's to bless for Jonathan's sake but he was also loyal to the Lord and specifically loyal to the house of the Lord loyal to the house of God to the point that he's on the run but he's going to he's mixes his beeline toward the house this was so important to David that one time he said in Psalm 27 one thing I've asked of God if I got one wish from God here it is that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple and what it was his reward for that because that's how he lived moment to moment what was the blessing that came from that well his decision to go to the house of God on stay when he met with ahem elec led him to leaving the house of God with bread for his stomach and a sword for his hand bread for his stomach and a sword for his hand provision and protection a blade and some bread gangster Eugene Peterson said that's always what happens when we come to church his book on the life of David he said he said when we come to the sanctuary what happens is we receive bread for the journey and we receive a sword for the struggle and that's just why it's so powerful to come to God's house with the mentality that says speak God I welcome the word like like David said of the sort there's nothing nothing like it give it to me give me what you want for me give me what you want for me say it speak it whatever it is I'll do it I'll go there I'll be that I'll move that I'll fight that god I want your what you want your will be done your kingdom come god there's nothing like your words there's nothing like your plans so give it to me come on say give it to me we just got to have that mentality that says I welcome the work I give it to me I need that break that blade I need that bread I need the the rod and the staff for the enemies I need you to anoint my head with oil and prepare that table before me I need you to leave me beside the still waters I need you to restore my soul god life is hard and I'm not gonna miss out on gathering together with your people where you're present in the myths cuz I need the blade I need the bread I need the blade I need the bread and with the power of God on our lives no giant can stand I like how Max Lucado put it and we'll end with this in his book facing your Giants he said he said your Goliath doesn't carry sword or shield he brandishes blades of unemployment abandonment sexual abuse or depression your giant doesn't parade up and down the hills of Elah he Prince's through your office your bedroom your classroom he brings bills you can't pay grades you can't make people you can't please whiskey you can't resist pornography you can't refuse a career you can't escape a past you can't shake a future you can't face and you know well the roar of Goliath but he ended it this way he said lift your eyes giant-slayer the God who made a miracle out of David stands ready to make one out of you the truth is the power is in the son of David Jesus Christ who sent His Spirit to fill us through him we can do all things we are more than conquerors where's my overcomers at fresh Life Church if he gives us the and gives us the blade we can leap over a wall we can outrun a trip we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength
Channel: Fresh Life Church
Views: 8,695
Rating: 4.8362575 out of 5
Keywords: fresh life, freshlife, fresh life church, levi lusko, pastor levi, church, church montana, levi lusko sermons
Id: ap31pdfzcsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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