Winning Chance Lost | Ronnie O'Sullivan vs Ali Carter | 2023 International Championship QF

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back underway in frame four Ali car's broken off trailing 21 has left a potential red here oh beautiful as I say his long game this week has been really encouraging there's already quite a few Reds in play here black on it SP chance to get away here early in this Frame from The Carter breakoff five six 13 140 he's had six enturies in the tournament 21 22 29 30 just Pig asking for a little bit of time 36 37 certainly that opening red that s of unscrewed him will bring about some confidence or it might well do 42 if he can get high angle on the blue that will be the next part of the equation yeah well as he's just off straight he'll try and power it in one cushion it's not the usual way to go into the bunch but I think he's the only one he has unless there's a plant there's the shot oh he's played it well isn't he but it's just a difficult route he might be on the left hand red through the Gap 48 you don't always fancy getting on the red from that shot but I think he has 49 keeps looking across I'm not sure if he's I don't think he was looking at the scores because I think he knows what's required here he pop a lot more balls but just you know they're just coming away from the match table every now and then 55 once again the split has not gone ideal one up the table down into the yellow pocket hampered queuing on he stayed down it he wasn't entirely sure one or two of the members of the audience seems to think it was going to go in well how significant could that be there's plenty still on here couple of frames ago Carter had a chance at a clearance he missed the initial red didn't get any further one he's got this chance again he SED the last opportunity this one isn't taken either it would be a uncomfortable few minutes as they went for the mid session because it is a proper chance five by the same token of Sullivan will be frustrated that he hasn't sealed this Frame either lots of work to do you'll need plenty you'll need a lot from here not just up toing including anything just every ball 1 May a little glance of the other two Reds here to bring them into play yeah that's a lovely shot that's solved one potential problem that he had getting on those two Reds what a chance combination of being delighted to make it two each but also at this stage the pressure of it not actually doing so from here just wonder if this could ultimately be about blue to Pink yeah I think you're probably right of course they didn't be comes from almost from brown to Blue if you finish 36 straight on the blue you haven't got a shot at all on the pink so those few shots in a row will probably be the deciding factor in this Frame 37 42 44 it is all about getting on that ping but the two shots that precede it also pie of that jigsaw the ideal angle on the blue just top side slide angle not a very big angle and definitely not straight Heely gone short stish that's good 56 he should get this but he did miss an absolute sitter into that pocket a red that was easier than this it's all come down yeah to the last two balls he broke off left a long red which solivan knocked in was going well took on a difficult red on 60 and the question was could Ali Carter make the clearance and there's the answer big moment in the match it looked like 310 Sullivan and then you felt he could race up into the distance but Carter has pegged him back they're the sort of breaks that really make differences in big matches 2-2 at the mid session in interval one goodness me again I I'll say that I don't think he he ped it cleanly the red an early shout for a possible sty mate here with the red in bulk I can't see the player wanted to take an undue risk increasing chance of a rra here one look across catching the other one's eye they might be sending the balls back for a rack the red up the table is the culprit really it's no one wants to take a risk and play the safety shot to bulk understandably well if anything Ronnie showed a little bit of lack of patience there because it was hard to think what was how that was all going to unfold and in the end he's taken a risk and he's left his chance one tried to avoid the blank but now that he's glanced off it onto the blue it's not bad seven eight just feels like there's even more tension after the clearance he made in that fourth frame 13 14 19 yeah could have C on onto the blue there which would have perhaps given him an angle to just go into those Reds just feel that playing on the pink was more beneficial when resp spotted does the red Go pass the pink to six bit of a stry old frame early wasn't it with all those tips tipping up into the red and not really looking like the frame was going anywhere think one just lost the patient first to continue understand really thought perhaps there could have been a rra in this Frame But ultimately Ali Carter has taken his chance when it's come but he's not a few in front still it's a good shot he's on that middle red goodness to the left corner I mean he couldn't hardly have put the keyo in a better spot still isn't delighted with it though yeah he knew that he was making contact with the other red but he wanted to just screw back through it almost and again up for the yellow so the points aren't really mounting up but he's still in control more importantly 38 39 car is start to look really good here highly focused as well on every shot 45 if he slips past that red on the pink it was an excellent shot but he hasn't quite achieved all of the aims there yes he's on the pink playing that pink over the top of a red with theil W moving away from the Reds not much fun really cut that I must be honest on the thin side of the polling angle another red wanted it be hard fought this Frame if he can take it well now in the last frame Carter made a great clearance canos Sullivan returned the favor that was frame Ball but it stayed out one that was actually a very sweet piece of queing he stroked it in just problem getting from black to Red just awward King though isn't it even with the rest well this is not a great moment for something to be uh not an unscheduled break at this stage it's an important shot this if he can get from black to Red I think the referee mentioned something about the lighting or it there but Ronnie was not put off by anything until he was told to stop playing well you never like to see a player put off by a situation or distracted he's got the part but he's gone too far on it nine well it's not really his sort of shot to just play the pink play the blue slowly enough to just reach the pocket that's why he's played it the way he has every shot is a problem at this stage he keep feeling his one shot away from clearing [Applause] not even there this is not perfect either I suspect if he knocks the brown in then that will be the last awkward shot he's playing yellow Instead This is as significant if not more so than the last friend that Carter stole 19 well what an intriguing contest it's turning into this clearance has not been straightforward but you feel it is now with the last three balls on their spots 31 yeah it felt like the elements were against him there was a brief break in play every R he got on was difficult but he's kept the break alive somehow another big clearance in this match this time made by Ron O Sullivan Ali Carter missed frame ball to lead [Applause] 3-2 there's player view always think it's very informative of exactly what it looks like on the other end of the table and you've got an awkward safety shot looking for a thin Edge or anything to get you back to bulk it's not always an easy route he's just trying to drop onto the red which is he's playing it's pretty unusual way to play the shot and push the red itself on don't really understand that shot because Sullivan's right-handed he might have a dart at this down the cushion they not the tightest thought that was an OD decision to make just going in very easily I could see it on maybe the tighter table we saw at the British Open in cheltam but I think down there if you leave sort of a ball on players going to be very tempted to knock it in as oan did there three four so just kick his foot out as if that would help in some way just a fraction further down he'd be on the red I think the balls have run a little awkwardly in this match we're not seeing a like a barage of huge breaks as we have in other matches this week you get days like that is's now a good chance if you could open up a couple of frames lead 18 but again just over doing the last shot fractionally on the blue played that well just Dro it in 21 22 this time short of pace as you saw his head do dip a little bit after he hit the ball [Music] 27 solivan 27 yeah I think that'll be frustrating for him because he just wasn't getting on the balls as usual [Music] again turning into one of those afternoons where neither player can quite Break Free [Applause] yeah well sometimes as annoying as it will be that he's gone it off you know he not actually a terrible [Applause] result [Applause] oh that's an absolute screen on [Applause] the that's as good as it gets at long range yeah good kiss as well five [Applause] six well all day they've struggled to get the correct angle on the blue these two 11 12 on we go then Ali Carter with his chance here S car didn't play that last shot very well he should really need the rest he dropping the blue in but he's recovered it 18 we be it you things things comeing a cost you know he's that to end up going to bulk so he's just getting out of position shot by shot again 20 21 28 it's just really annoying isn't it for both players I'm sure the frustration is evident just finishing out of position slightly and in the end you miss a PO and I didn't expect him to miss that one but it's just a buildup I think [Applause] one depends on The Two Reds of course in fact that's the key to the frame how they now the angle to split them but he has to bring them into play and one shot here that is successful is likely to be a frame winner it's kind of an afternoon and nothing like that is happening the frame lives on SOL 15 might be the worst shot to end the break but it's still very much second prize he wanted to get the frame one there oh dear that's a big mistake and you heard the queue banged into the floor one 18 in front with hard to foree him not clearing up here or getting over the line it's not been a great frame this but it might be a very significant one gter had his chance missed a very comfortable red to left corner actually Carter just react on that last shot leaving the red on he's going to be too clear at 4-2 19 Without Really flowing at all but he did make that excellent clearance in the last frame that has made a big difference in this match Carter at that point was definitely on top 34 so O Sullivan may be starting to make his move here again he had to dig in in that frame but he got the result who's looking for his two from the semis leading 42 one well that's well played is he on the the black eight eight it's looking like a match of missed opportunities for Carter this could be an excellent chance again for a Sullivan if he can knock this red in a little tricky but as D said earlier he's not really scoring in big numbers High break was the was in the frame he lost so that's the one missing piece of eight N 16 1 a lot of people I spoke to said that they thought that if a s one's going to lose to anybody this week it would be the man he's playing [Music] today2 23 30 31 just a little bit awkward here if he can just run through an escape oh dear that's really sloppy that's very sloppy for my salivan that'll annoy him because he got down and just hit it he was thinking about the cannon on the green and he totally ignored the pot and that's an old school thing to do something that everybody's done but you at this point salivan could not afford to do that now really hurt salivan if Carter goes on to win the frame here six seven [Applause] 12 13 19 20 you could screw into The Two Reds but the way the day's been going might not get the best result out of that shot no that's fine that is absolutely fine so now your eyes are drawn up to where the yellow is in relation to the green and we'll need all of those 28 so there's still work to be done I think in an Ideal World here we' play on the green take the green up the table back onto his own spot well well he's missed that soter 35 that becomes a problem for a Sullivan to deal with now disappointed but not really sharing any emotion there Carter I think R's interested in playing the green if he could you know the blue is an absolute natural look to get onto the yellow so he's thinking the same way I was mentioning earlier on put that green back on his own spot so the journey is shorter for position from yellow green and brown great shot well thought [Applause] out these Fram just won't go away you know they lingering on with mistakes continuing to be made really tried to go in didn't it the hand of the referee is just trying to keep people still in the audience good shot again no angle at all to get from green to Brown that's a terrific shot really considering the mistakes we've seen and the difficulty the match was sort of petering out from his perspective nice so eight in front he will still need the pink yeah and he's not quite right on the blue taking a away from the pink but that's a nice recovery it seems I keep thinking about that shot that salivan missed that red to right middle when he was can in the green he played it just a bit half-heartedly to be honest Alli Carter has got him back into contention here as I say the match looked like it was going away from him in a big way but he stepped in 43 he's found a wide angle on that good enough shot well both players having a lot of difficulty with the route back to safety back to the bulk end I tell you that might be the worst out come one well good shot there Carter yes it feels like things have just sort of shifted back again towards Ali Carter this time it's been hard work today but remember the game only looks easy because the players are so good it's a hard game and there is a definite little springing car to step now who's looking a bit fed up earlier but things have changed after that last frame for sure 70 and just Landing behind the two red so it looked like Sullivan was going to go 5-2 up quite honestly I mean if he was to lose this match I'm sure that shot would be the one that he'd remember not saying he will lose still in front 33 40 41 well those two Reds looked like there might be a plant you won't need them of course if he can get onto the red he's quite straight on this he could possibly force a little bit of an angle dear what's he down there he was gone nowhere he could have screwed back and maybe played the pl at the point where he just needed one more red Harter 47 that shy played on the pink where the KE just stopped dead in the worst place of all you thinking about that one especially now that he's missed or has he hang on a minute wow no one knew I thought it might drop in actually he to be honest he missed it by a mile the original pot so he lost all control of everything he's got to get onto his color here [Applause] one it's best to take something as high value as you can be looking for more points than two I think for this red this gives him a bit of breathing space playing the pink I think he had no choice there seven eight 14 yeah was just walking away at the end he didn't think it would drop well what a funny old match it's turned into I mean Carter is snooker but you just feel that he's going to Swerve it round and pot it the only thing that would worry him would be if he played it that way would be to follow the Q ball in this should be getable any contact of course going to see it Go in yeah that was never really much of a problem [Applause] eight 45 in 35 on and he's seen enough well it's turned around it's turned around in a big way O Sullivan was looking good for 5-2 this match is anyone's he coming in at a fairly high angle and he's hit the wrong ball hit the [Music] pink coming at a different angle this time well he not the ready tried to hit goodness me what's going to happen next in this match there's been a number of errors that just gra the a jaw that was not so difficult to hit well we had all these centuries Haven we all we over 100 here at the venue this match between two tremendous break Builders we've seen nothing anywhere near a century a strange old match yeah and the fact that the overwhelming response to the audience there was laughter and he must be feeling the better of the two right now because he looks certain to go 5-2 down both players must know that there's possibly a Miss from themselves just around the corner because it's been like that no player has broke three in one frames in a single visit eight 16 into the bunch perhaps here need a bit of luck he's not playing it playing on the loose r in the middle of the pack which is fair enough to be honest think if you go into the bunch right now you're likely to knock something in it's been that kind of afternoon evening 22 into the Reds then well I skimmed off them again that sort of sums up in the afternoon really 29 Harter 29 [Applause] doesn't go on the black spot or its own spots up on to the brown so slightly unusual set of balls here where they're placed eight now he's son of going to spring into life because I think he just took his foot off the pedal when he looked like he was going to really surge away it's not like him to do that but he certainly did this afternoon it's not as if he wouldn't dearly love to beat Ali Carter I'm pretty sure he would 50 now the problem with the six Reds and just the way they're placed is going to come into play 21 now screwing into the little Gap between the Reds oh goodness me I mean you see the position of the balls there I can't believe he's not finished on one he's unlucky and you could understand the reaction as a say I mean it's been you know pretty pretty bruising stuff really the things that have gone wrong so all he could do was play safe the last thing he wanted to do quarter to 11 in the evening here in tianin still quite a bit of mileage in this one you fancy [Applause] well he's playing the brown it's going to be a thin pot it's not easy this got to screw it I think it's a great shot that really is he's in a really good position to get the lies on that last shot yeah he's trying to make something happen maybe that little frustration in a way it's helped him just get on the front foot again 1 apologies I don't know what's happened to the score graphic hopefully that will [Music] return 20 56 well those SC scores aren't right I can tell you that now because uh 27 well we're not sure about the scores actually because might have been they putting just looking back a few minutes some of Ronnie's points seem to be going there's been some kind of a misunderstanding 33 we saw the frustration earlier when he didn't land on a red he banged his q but then he got down he knocked in a great red now he needs this red for 54 so he's just found something at the right time and once again it's advantage of Sullivan 4 well oh solivan will be hoping to win 6'4 but if it ends up a decid you wonder what sort of frame it's going to be based on the match it's been a strange old business really but o solivan since that first reaction maybe he did need that maybe he needed to let out some emotion either way he's won the frame just feels like there's a bit more energy about him now but he maybe broken free of the shackles a bit with this contribution yeah he's got something out of his system there but more importantly he's won the frame 54 y we staying there wondering if he's going to leave him severely hampered but he didn't then there's a sort of Swit of the queue I don't think Carter was pleased with that so many shots have just gone into positions where the next shot is tricky oh well they broke up a treat this time but there's still not an easy next threed good job going fractionally too far on the blue and nothing will go to the right corner 40 oh dear he misjudged that by quite a long way over screwed it the in off didn't really ever seem like a factor in that shot got to be honest [Music] pulling with the shot he's played there and I think he's done well just to keep things safe well because he got so close it has stayed over the pocket so oh Sullivan has some sort of chance here shot to nothing but the red has stayed over the pocket is the problem [Applause] one can he see the winning line because here is a real chance s eight 14 15 it's not a good shot to hit the blue but actually for once he's nudged it into to a fairly promising position to the point where he could get him over the line as hard as you could hit that I think because it's quite an acute angle to the middle 26 27 that's where you're pleased to make 50 55 or something like that which takes you very close to the winning line 33 34 40 41 he can be unplayable but even if he's not playing his best he's still hard to beat as we've seeing here yeah that's true and he's not always been the the most difficult to beat you know in other words you won see a John Higgins or Mark Selby win with their BC game but I think he's become better at doing it 52 53 just needs this pink and one more red 59 looks to be the [Applause] one ooh well that that next shot would have definitely been the one and he's still angry even though it would take a a turn around for Carter to somehow win this Frame he's Furious isn't he but Carter does need two Snookers one well that smile is masking a lot of pain something's got to go in here there was a chance today certainly to get the win over this man which is uh well rare as hen teeth for Ry [Applause] Carter this one sort of Big Shot here six in behind the black and the red round next to a bolt color I mean it's hard but being horrid shot to hit if you got the shot right where's the red going to finish is the question it's really what we want to know well if he could have got the red just lying right next to the green or yellow this would have been a nasty position to be in for Sullivan he saw Ronnie sitting down there and he he wasn't I think he did one he looked quite annoyed with himself that he' missed that previous ball it's a great effort this isn't it it was a horrid SN here but at least he hasn't left a free ball or he was never going to either where the red landed that's a really good effort the only thing he's done though is he actually pushed that black into a position which is no good to him at all but it was a great try I think Ry was annoyed when he broke down there cuz he knows that there's you know that once in a 50 or 100 he's going to have to pay for a mistake like that in this position his opponent will get Snookers oh no don't want it in well it sort of sums things up really yeah thanks a lot snooker Gods well if he doesn't put his color here I'm pretty sure there'll be a handshake because there'll be extra Snookers required so um well he's knocked it in at every credit he's hanging on by his fingernails here five har Carter five F there it is the concession it was a tough match they both struggled for long periods there was some dramatic frames some steals plenty of drama in the end it's ronia Sullivan extends the record against Ali Carter 17 wins to one [Music] here
Channel: Cesar Muroya
Views: 410,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snooker, snooker 2023
Id: Y88BlyqGKws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 11sec (2951 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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