O'Sullivan v Murphy Final 2017 UK Championship

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seems to play this afternoon expectations of this match very very high especially no doubt in the conga box Pemberley then is Taylor all set we certainly are hazel a very good afternoon everyone and welcome to final day at the Barbican the home of the UK's Nuka Championship what a prospect we have for you here this afternoon [Music] beautiful trophy what an atmosphere Ronnie won the toss and he's going to get the final underway and looking at both players at the top Shawn mercy save his every minute he was taking all the crowd in and he's that sort of you know he wants to remember every match players can he's that sort of character who tried absolutely always on you just informed the referee to make sure the photographer said tripods he doesn't want them moving around at the bottom of the tables that Ronnie O'Sullivan to break what's ahead what the coldest tennis I mean ball players have been in fantastic form I don't think Ronnie has played anywhere near his best but in patches he's played very well I'm sure it's been very prolific last couple of matches in particular well I did he's a semi-final against Ryan day five of the frames he won with one visit and almost clinched the match with one visit he was awesome in the semi-final but that was a wide or has he flipped it [Applause] long way off the pot as you can see but what a trick shot that was I like the shot he's gonna play an X cam he's gonna bring the pink in to play it was knocked on to the side cushion he play a safety shot and bring that back into play so he wants to keep things open yes I think both players want to keep the game that's what the beste they're running I think in the safety department might just have the edge on Sean Murphy and it's gonna have to be good today because I'm not opening read his break building and particularly as long patan over the week dennis has been top quality Sean Murphy's that's a misjudgment they're just slid off the cushion slightly and didn't hit the Reds as he intended so first proper chance Falls to Sean but he'd like to take that again one can he just get through to the pink maybe he was hoping to be on the black here he's very fortunate there just being just about cuts in it goes back in a spot and I'm sure pots into this bottom right hand corner pocket as well so good chance yeah already Hey and you mentioned their can about tactical and safety player there'll be one very interested spectator I'm sure watching this final a certain losing six times former world champion Ray Reardon who has worked with both these players so I'm sure he'll be enjoying this and I hope you're keeping wild right one of the great masters of the tactical game these two guys are great masters of a great building game 20 meld that was this a plant if it is slice a fortune for Shawn walk yourself right in this frame it's three little slices of Fortune already well there's not that one run much too far it might work to his advantage 27 being the Reds up when he pops this just glanced off them 27 straight on the blue but there's one to the right of the pink that's on and there might be one to the left of the pink that is also reportable 32 maybe naughty thready that one to the left of the plane the pink isn't available but he's the wrong side of the blue again a little bit straight may have to screw back towards this right-center and take one of these Reds down there this bottom right hand corner pocket 38 doesn't have to do too much with the cue ball can hold for the black doesn't have the best angle on the black yeah it's looking at that red imagine to see if it would go into the left middle pocket but you'd have to be very precise the one at the left of the little triangle might go as round 46 oh that's good curing he's carried on where he left off last evening against Ryan Day but what he did as I mentioned he won the frames with one visit can he start this final with one visit yes jumper decided atop his show every now and again around 4050 just before the win in line you make trouble in miss pot just out of nowhere he didn't do that against Ryan Day last night that was the impressive team he kept his concentration and that's what you see - gonna have to do on this final he's kin almost to that point now just another for the Reds in colors 53 but he's absolutely buzzing around the table average shot time to 16 seconds with that to action of Shawn's you can see the tip of the cue comes right back on those six shots right back to his thumb virtually not so much on the little short yachtsman even their sniff is required already so he is gonna win this opening for him with one visit just what you want to think the opening frame of a final particularly against possibly the best player except the side of the game me setting out your intent straightaway shall no fear I'm taking the opportunity when you've got it great stared here for Shaun Murphy 74 can we see a century 75 he's had four so far in this year's Ben Tre you care championship we've had 95 centuries so far this year that's going some 82 eighty-three Sean's me at 441 centuries 37 last 9023 this year 91 finished a little straight on the blue but the way he's cueing you wouldn't think that is a problem oh he's over screwed too though but the best in the world with the rest just the screen needed for the century absolutely brilliant public killing as well if we've seen him for a long long time valise he said he's having a great season this is fort final last to finals one that champion a champion super stuff 116 well it may be cold outside but it's hot here in the Barbican that's for sure to be 23 by one friend to me Shawn Murphy to break Shawn breaks off in the second frame two Reds at the bottom of the pack runner will calm down have a quick look if they plant into this bottom left-hand corner pocket looks pretty close as we look what it looks as if you can make this yes into the slow down pretty good and it was a plaque in the first film that fill in for Shaun Murphy's rescue when he was slightly out of position so full second Freeman already had a couple of plants that Reds in a good spot verify the back of the pack for a couple of shots time my just pot red black and not go into the red just leave himself on that one this available and then he kept a split the Reds off that 13 so if he gets nicely onto that red and a couple of shots time those Reds could be open that looks pretty good to me flank thriller possibly screw work a screw back might be his option here [Applause] it's straight on the Bluebird just watch the side spin as soon as it hits the cushion to get away from the pack and get up towards that blue just a little bit straight on the blue it could take the pink and go back into the pack of you wishes I'd be taking a chance here to split Oh where's the cue ball gone it's gone in the pocket wow that's unlucky Ronnie O'Sullivan 21 Shawn Murphy 6 yay needed to hit that red full ball and once you catch them half ball as always the chance you can go into either corner pocket it's still a bit unlucky test for a Shawn Murphy special here there's not many better in the game at this type of shot than Shawn Murphy three for don't think I've ever seen that stat 12 seconds average short time night that's very quick okay chose you I have confident Sean is gone around the table now an interesting shot may be a common operating seventy-eighth get a nice angle on the block a couple of rads available 80 nice opportunity to go into those four Reds he'll still be on the red to the right of the four into the corner pocket and that's a perfect look 20 fun for red cent applied a twenty six never anything else any harder and this wouldn't have dropped in but he's hampered slightly again as we show you the red wobble a couple of times just a bit of a distraction that bread there [Applause] that was the problem there just that red was just a little awkward one well now it's very early in this match but it's important I feel for Ronnie to six show his intent as well in this final but unlucky with his forced chance of course didn't get a chance in the first frame seven and wouldn't it be absolutely brilliant if both players play at the top of the form 13 to final we could have here just over screwed the cue ball slightly wanted to be a bit straighter on this wrap for the the black to follow it's gonna be short on the blue again 14 [Applause] [Music] it's mostly left at the brown but that was what he needed to get the angle to get on the red [Applause] it's gonna need that awkward Red Hat's clothes today my hand side cushion but if he put this red get on the pink he can get close really close behind that red 27 would have liked to be in a bit straighter on this rap but he can leave the cue ball somewhere just above the pink spot drop the pink into the right center and get very close to the red that's close to her right side cushion 28 just didn't have a nice angle on the pink to get close to a 34 this maybe frame ball and Shawn's only help we're getting back to the table yeah a pop at the pink in the left side of the pocket that's why he's come away from the cushion and needing the rest yeah easy on the cushion with the rest we certainly have this is a great response felt Ronnie really it's a wendice frame at this visit just it to show 44 Shaunda anything you can do I can do as well this is gonna be a cracker great response 47 fifty-one 56 62 [Applause] Ronnie O'Sullivan one shall Morphy one up in after this in the afternoon and maybe want to get their money back for not sitting down long enough it's it's gonna be it's gonna be break after break I feel bring it on break off from Rami there there's a view through the crowd here at the bargain center and there's one spectator there who'd be very very proud she's sitting on the front row watching her granddad refereed the final that's Paul Colliers granddaughter there Tegan lesser I stuffed the chance here veronique this red is on wants to put this off to cushions and try and leave a nice angle on the black it's gotta be low on it I even just hold our phone cushion that's a badness [Music] one once again a chance to see the coop our Sean Murphy here what's this he doesn't with such ease hate he didn't want to catch that rather he had a coffin me and bunch they would have all opened up I think he can avoid handling the yellow here when plotting this certainly doesn't want to career into the yellow yeah it was thin enough night and even though there's what three or four loose Reds he might go into the pink again very very attacking as Sean this time Sean's unlucky one of the pink full ball but very unlucky to plant a red in that was a better shot that I looked that strike twist off the cushion dig down on the cue ball now nice little Kalinin to trade rads above the black hole for a ran into at a corner pocket it's okay eight yeah just I'm gonna look me put this red and come back for the black easier to stay on the blue but blue the Reds just a little bit more difficult so come back for the black here I do well doesn't have to play a cannon here but couldn't play kinda just into the two Reds directly above the black here again sixteen this is target 70 before his opponent will require a snooker wouldn't a couple of shots he has deserve just absolutely traffic Denis but it's amazing the way these two players are playing a little bit of good fortune a bad fortune is going to make such a vast difference because they're going to punish that bit of bad luck you don't mind losing a frame if you've played a bad shot but Romney had a bit of misfortune going in our flat he was opening the pack previously 25 and Chiron had it in this room thirty-two 33 it's not perfect this is over screw that want to be a bit straighter on the blue drop on the two Reds near the pink spot harder one just to the right of the pink spot in the open he doesn't have an ideal angle I'm just blue here it's a little kiss off the blue here well no he's okay those two yards that was a very interesting choice of shot previously when he took the brown and the blue is a much easier pot but he knew if he got the brown right he could get perfect position forty-three 44 anyone watching snooger for the first time we think one of these again this is these two players are making it look ridiculously easy it's such a tough game 49 first Ryan just over 10 minutes second frame just over 11 we're only gone 50 eight minutes for this frame and it's almost over he's only a couple of pots away pot success 95 or 96 percent amazing surely that can't continue but the way they're going at might 57 58 sniffing music as you can see and coming up to 30 minutes just over 30 minutes yep I think we can head off with Steve Davis and do a bit of Christmas shopping Kemp 65 some absolute pleasure to sit and watch this 73-74 a great quote from ploy of Everton many years ago when he was watching fantastic match ladies like crucible snooker from the godson that's what we're being treated to so far in this one mistake and you're sitting in your chair for the rest of the frame he's already made one century so far in this year's championship 91 neil Robertson has made eight centuries 94 142 still the highest Michael White has got that 98 Ronnie is made 913 centuries in his career 913 Steve peaches there were watching Rami 2700 each a the facility amazing the second century of them new chat Murphy porns it is to actually have your own shot process and make it the same for every shot Shaun Murphy definitely does that but watch Ronnie O'Sullivan lays down on the shot just start going on shooting back of it was four words he's not happy where there was killing so he puts in a couple more just and all of a sudden that's he gets you find the groove and then he plays the shot he wasn't happy with how he was going backwards and forwards but that's different from when Shaun Murphy was on the black isn't it John yeah I mean John didn't quite take enough to come down and played it exactly the same places maybe you're back on the black thirty middle slightly hampered with the red so sure Ronnie took a little bit more time there managed to get over the the problem they had and Shawn didn't manage to do it but it's just interesting I mean he's supposed to play the same speed all the time but there's some shot that wants a bit of respect a little bit of attention okay last one before the interval so last ran before the mid-session interval I'm super faster you see it just over 32 minutes be interesting to see how Shawn response to that century break he's got an early long read to go out it's a Shaun Murphy special so he sat out that last room can he start with a good long pot I think that answers your question Dennis my pot that was just look at the reaction on the cue ball it's actually Elvis crude it I'd love to get onto that read just below the black if you can [Applause] good pot take a choice of Red's they take this one incident bottom left-hand corner pocket back up for blue or pink and we won't go into the pack here the campus not on the spot sod up red just below the black possibly be his next target and the an awkward pact flow into from the black that's why Sean's just having a little wander around as planning his route thirteen well I think if anybody in the game Dennis can split this pack with Cooper it's definitely this man lots of topspin on the cue ball here nice got up and have a look at the angle just make sure he's comfortable it's a bit unlucky it was always gonna be a difficult pack to go into played the shot well just needed a little Trey smaller side he needed to hit that 20 red there full ball and it caused it half ball Shawn Murphy 20 [Applause] just caught that all wrong far too thin but not easy to show you the shot again he wanted that a little bit thicker to avoid the cannon on the black but he's hampered he might just be able to get on the pinky yeah he could one [Applause] will the pink pasteles bottom left-hand corner pocket take it will you can put the red into the right-center leave a nice angle on the pink bring some more red into play 8mr gone down for the yellow to go into the red so lots of left hand side yellow I'm hit pink and Red's he looked at that shot on that you said cam but this is much more difficult but he's so good at this type of shot gotta get it just right though and that was the problem he didn't quite catch the Reds as he intended just off the pink first you sure you coming across the pink was away from the Reds don't think he's mr. trick there Dennis that pink was clearly on that send a break I'd be disappointed that it didn't make more from that opportunity and this is a bit short with his safety 10 that's not good it's nice to just relax and watch a little bit of tactical and safety player because those three opening frames are incredible 123 I'm Shawn 62 and a hundred and three from raw meat with very little safety play there was just one mistake and it was over the frame not quite sure I think it this red is portable you said when I look at leaving the cue ball down descended a table but I think if he Clips that red on the outside I think can pot it and still avoid the Reds play it as a shot to nothing doesn't like it yeah don't blame her for taking a bit of time over this one mid-session dove was coming up he'd like to be two frames all he's got a thirty point advantage he knows if he makes one mistake here he could be going to the end of of three one behind that's why he's giving this plenty of thought could take the one that's closest the pocket just try and drop it in and you'll have the pink until you up the corner pocket but this is a big shot that's the problem when you play it at that place it doesn't go in it's gonna be over the pocket it's got slightly a rally but for people who had a bit of fortune there eight it's not straightforward right there sitting here I'm not Pink's a little awkward you might just pop that it'll go up onto the brown spot but it clears the path for this right corner pocket so that was a good plan to get that out of the way in fact there's enough room on the pink spot 15 not sure if it's tied it up but he's on the black here nicely anyway 61 little cannon here black into the red just above it into the left decided to go into the pack disturb them but it's not too bad we've got a red to the right center ready three you had the play a similar type of game for these two players they love to get the balls open as soon as they can and if they get a chance for that type of shop they certainly go for it that's amazing 97% 24p Ronnie O'Sullivan 95% Rochelle Murphy I don't think I've seen that before we Ronnie just taking a little bit more time than usual he knows the importance of winning this frame this chance we've gone into the mid-session in to the lead 30 31:3 easy rates available to Rami and those two to the right are almost touching one of them might be available 38 39 I'm absolute wonderful display from both players here 46 that's one of these okay 40 satellite quality you miss one ball that's it really a chair for the rest of the frame now we'll find out where the top red of those to the facial Dennis will part into the left-center yeah if not he's gonna have to be perfect here to get the cannon from the black to the Reds need rather 55 not play the cannon but the angle is left on the black he's gonna have to play something very special he's just looking now to see if it'll go can he find that gap what a shot [Applause] it's a great effort wasn't a big target behind Brown don't pinky q-ball Ronnie O'Sullivan 62 just a short bit sharper get a good 22 point lead and this is a terrific shot because he's brought that into player that red and if he's covered beers I've always 32 behind Shaun Murphy might just have gone favorite for this room because Ronnie's not only two got to negotiate the snooker he's got to get it safe and that's not safe all of a sudden new favorite for this fourth frame it was Ronnie shot when he got on the 'black to get to those two difficult Reds when he just left himself out of position and had to go all the way around the table one yeah that was the attempt to go all the way around the table but it was the shot previously that left him having to try that probably player down for the pink here hey yeah it'll be ground out because I don't think he's on the angle he'd like the pink back on its spot it would make the clearance easier but I think he needed the white a little bit further towards the yellow to do that man what a mess of Steel this will be for Sean Murphy it looked like he was gonna get a chance 12 14 he's gonna have to put them all with the pink in the brown spot not straightforward 17 brown to blue and then blue the pink will be the key 20 was dropped up really well it's upside of the Blue Parrot if he leaves the right angle on this pink to get back for the black I know it's early days Denis book could be a very pivotal frame Ronnie for all money was looking like going into the interval to frame leader this looks absolutely perfect what has he seen it's the little fly just on the cloth Wow there it is it's on its back as well out back on its feet again Sean's knock [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Shawn Murphy that cleared up and we're all squared two frames each absolutely brilliant I think here that win that Shawn Murphy had over runner solving the final the champion champ is really giving them the belief they can beat run in these big match isn't it absolutely Steven and he's just got other and stronger a week so Ronnie O'Sullivan who breaks off left-handed once again [Applause] cueball Shawn Murphy will be taking this on [Applause] and obviously that that's why you know is this is gonna happen more often than not absolutely fabulous long pole perfect angle in a blue fill in the face and to the pink Spidey's red zipper I just hope not block up the black just move the black good contact in the pain yeah six I see as the paints only with plum fill in the face very unfortunate when you hit them properly you deserve to be in one [Music] is the best release it was in my opinion so it's like very rare mess it was here's a tricky one it lots to think about very aggressive shop this is the way it plays file show Murphy for that's incredible so careless for professional snooker player anyone to do that thank you it's almost tricky arraignment down the cueball like that any slightest trace of unwanted side it's gonna move the cue ball one I sadly didn't play for blue to the yellow pocket [Applause] six obviously like to get the black back into play what was that a play for that red that's just below the black spot we has got an angle in the gloom I don't know why he's reluctant to play that right he just doesn't fancy in that block along the cushion 12 [Applause] thirteen again it's got lovely Hangul in the blue to play for that read completely ignore now at the moment just don't think he fancies that black along the cushion 18 nineteen now Ronnie would rather have left the red over the green pocket has some talk insurance policy but he's gonna have to play for it this time he would have loved to have gotten straightish on the red into the left-hand black pocket and screwed through those Reds back up for the blue and for leaving this road over the pocket but that's not an option now 20 fiery unusually for Ronnie O'Sullivan just lost his cue ball a bit there thirty rescue the situation is still low on the blue may look at yellow just depends on the natural angle to get render back off brown and green using three cushions to get on the red that Peter was just talking about a second ago and I think this has all caused by is reliability three to play for the redness of the black spot and get the black into play Ronnie O'Sullivan 33 slightly surprised Estee even though Ronnie turned down the red into the left corner you could have sent the white off the other roads and play via shot to nothing back to bulk yeah he's it there's not a risk-taker runner Sullivan on the table really I think he's got tremendous respect also for his opponent yes it's amazing how these top pliers see the table differently you know if this was Sean Murphy playing this shot you'd be taking the long red and screwing back to balck he's got tremendous cue power on you apply a shot to nothing if he can but almost certainly you'll be looking for a top quality safety shot here the fact that Sean Murphy's long pond is so good is putting pressure on Ronnie's safety play in the end he's gonna pop himself the trouble he's gonna tear that red sore left corner he didn't want to play that shot that's one of the reasons he missed it he never fancied it or else he would have got down straightaway and played it sure maybe playing for the black here [Applause] lovely use of right hand side they're good positional shot here and it'd be favorite for the frame seven that's why I was slightly surprised that he played for the blue in taking the first red he could have stunned off the side cushion with a touch of right hand side and he had a great chance of getting on the black after pot in the first red but I send a break grumble short movie seven so instead of the first four frames when I was at least a break of 62 two centuries this rim the first scrappy affair of this final come the end of the day these ones could prove very important to you will be happy at all [Applause] [Music] his long game really is incredible it's tremendous curing that from so close to the cushion as well he gets such great control now Sean's left row near one cushion escape to the red it's on tight on the cushion that's a bit careless I wouldn't expect Shawn to gain advantage from here okay run in a snooker again just stun the right away tie it into the black looks from here like he's got the angle everything goes different from down at the table I think the problem with that shot Steven is that he's gonna have to hit it quite hard and if you over hit so he could possibly leave a red to the center but that's not the best of safety shots from Sean Murphy he definitely doesn't he never has done and very similar to myself doesn't put the same amount of concentration and focus into safety shots as it does into pots well if this red goes into the left-hand black pocket which I think it does I was thinking of the red above that that if it applied with pace the cue ball would have been going down towards the brown and yellow so nobody surprised that he took that one that this is not an easy safety shot here for Ronnie O'Sullivan [Applause] [Music] mmm I have to say I think you did but this isn't easy this black fortunate to be on it but not a gimme yeah hey I did it the red the fake he's definitely not planning on coming in the black great chance no to tie his fifth frame already 24 points in front sixteen 17 24 [Applause] the colic stage don't expect me to miss this black 32 thirty just a very average 97% pot success right Steven yeah 89 there's 1900 of 93 not bad performance in a final 39 Sean himself is 94% credible standard so far well the greens not in [Applause] yeah all the frames count when they make century rapes or take three or four chances and it's a very interesting frame to say I think of the two players run yourself and definitely puts more thought and then takes Shaun Murphy to break their Shaun Murphy you have to see it's probably the more consistent long Potter so it makes for a very interesting when it gets to the safety bottles Malus you wouldn't expect that as a step this is pure taking this on [Applause] and that is what is putting pressure and run ourselves and save the game as soon as it doesn't get that q-ball I had a glue to the bolt cushion her head and Sean Murphy seems to part one eight No and I think we know what shots coming up next yeah more imperative no to hit that pink fill in the face because there's a bit of gap between the pink and the Reds again a fantastic again Ronnie O'Sullivan 5 let's look here to see if there's anything you know it doesn't look obvious sometimes you can see straight away but that was no obvious very unfortunate you could you could if you really looked how you can I think if you look too hard you can see things all over the place and the day just got to play the rate shot sometimes with Ronnie went in that last frame because they're on the plane another three phrase Shawn wants a lead going into tonight he's going to win all three that's a psychology these little mini sessions six what's a way to stop know if it's gonna stop sharp Paris this red is looking at two right corner he could play with pace left-hand side in between yellow and brown two cushions into the five Reds eleven 12 it's gonna have to do something note it could even play into the the Reds and the cushion here but officer disturbed something to carry this break on and hit the brown it's not the way to go about it seventeen was a little bit surprised even that you didn't play with topspin and left hand side there it was always did gonna be difficult to play the screw shot with right hand side and he wouldn't be getting as much pace into the cue ball by playing it that way Ronnie O'Sullivan seventeen [Applause] [Applause] from Arne O'Sullivan very very well judged needed to catch the red that he played very very thin played it with lots of right hand side difficult decision for Shaun Murphy here because if he plays to land on the red to the left of the black spot near the black cushion maybe leaving a red into the right-center and if you play the to cushion escape it needs to be thick so similar shot to be played before that's very well judged [Applause] mmm I wonder this is a tempter for Shaun Murphy you'd have to play with a lot of left hand side to take the cue pop a straight line so no it's risky you know for Shaun and it just needs to be a little bit careful with this safety shop because he could cannon into the two Reds behind the black spot and push your red towards the right corner and that's why he played it very thin and that is an excellent safety shot well bro including the whole cushion but I was an excellent contact on the red I'm Shawn Murphy 230 hits the brown too thick it has the red in the right cushion that was very well played Sean's coming down to look at the pink so right - right cornerstone off the seat cushion for the pink - the same pocket it needs to get it the fast the shorties playing [Applause] you're surprised when he misses this that's a first you know bad safety show that Ronnie's played in this room and look what happens it's very demoralizing front of phones and Stephen isn't it when you see the other player knocking long balls inconsistently like that seven week frame this for Sean Murphy they're all that they're all important obviously but he doesn't want to be gone into tonight's second session but you know way behind okay bought this players can still lead to put into tonight's session but neither player wants to give us an advantage 14 both players have tremendous presence at the table 20 Shaun Murphy very aggressive very positive and Ronny very dominant in his own way almost in a an artistic fashion 21 you'd love to play for the boys here it's a right corner you get straight in the black or just a little bit high you could put the black cannon the two Reds away there together and leave himself on the open one to left corner possibly too much angle for that note the pink is gonna go back in this one spot after this oh yeah well that was risky and K was a good shot to play but very aggressive 33 they do well to find that gap again just trace of right-hand side in the cue ball didn't follow the natural angle of the cushion Shawn Murphy 33 [Applause] we communicate very well to avoid the double kiss there that had to be very very thin sure may try to get the cue ball on the green here but again he needs to be careful not to push her red over the right corner what a relaxing [Applause] Wow Shawn Murphy for this red is still potable well this right does cut but one is hampered by the green perhaps an excellent shot I mean the yellow looks yellow to write my the looks up I love the angle to go into the three Reds but I don't think he's gonna play that at this stage of our UK final but an exhibition there in practice that was a show a bit plain what's a topspin [Applause] I think Ronnie can get through to this to pot it [Applause] possibly come off the cushion here into the Black Sun lucky seven okay ii read the one that's directly bein the black spot nothing on the thinner fat and stucco Sean behind the black obviously not the angle that was incredible amazing pop have to be so accurate down the cushions and at that pace that was amazing obviously played with a degree of safety but still a fabulous pot I mean the pace he played out they'd missed it he'd left her hanging over the pocket you can see the thought has gone into what looks like a pretty simple safety shop the father Ronnie's been into it only off Sullivan eight and in the end there's a poor one I think got a rather light left Sean with a shot at the red tight under the boat cushion that's and then snooker in there this is a tough safety shot and I wouldn't blame Sean for playing the double kiss here back to bulk if he plays the cue ball below the bottom of the cue ball at the bottom of the white the red won't come too far away from the cushion and the cue ball go back to the baulk end but if he decides to play that shot he needs to make sure he hits the red bang in the middle otherwise it will double kiss and the red will go to the side Wow that was a very very dangerous shot to play and he played it poorly one and her hindsight is a wonderful thing Steven but I thought if he played the double kiss there he can't possibly leave the red q-ball went behind green and brown here yeah as I said I agree if any of them was much attention to safety shots as Ronnie does I think that's just a game II plays it's not the best one from Ronnie O'Sullivan I mean this is virtual a gimme five Shawn Murphy the way he's been putting these may not be in the green to if he pops the yellow in the middle of the pocket is on that green see here's the left knuckle which push the cue ball and a wider angle really careful Shaun Murphy a big frame this could be a bad one to lose and this is not an easy safety shot wants to avoid a double kiss that was quite a clever shot he made sure he got the greens thanks ooh not let's played Ronnie O'Sullivan three well some of the times you would play cushion first here but cue ball take to the side cushion I don't think you can play the shot again that was a very dangerous shot to play very dangerous okay it's not gonna be straightforward clearance pink to black Michael just gonna need a very good angle in the pink what's that cue ball to stop now oh I mean they couldn't pick up the cue ball with his hand and place it any better look at the angle to drop and a black [Applause] [Applause] you this afternoon's session Ronnie O'Sullivan to break two very big frames now Shawn Murphy doesn't want to be six two down and going into tonight's session so a worst case scenario when one of these remaining two frames [Applause] running my class similar shot here there's a chance of this going in off the black [Applause] yeah for me I think the difference between these two the two players both to the best players in the world but the difference between the both of them here is I don't think Shaun can be Ronnie below his best I think the other way around Ronnie can beat Shawn below his absolute best I think there lies the difference one sure may well have flipped the red into the corner but if he takes this brown on this is horrible this is really miserable hmm well this point is cute or is going to leave the cue ball no so ya think even Shawn is gonna refuse this Brown 42 II don't very smelly before two up it might have been tempted before - II don't know Ronnie can play the red which is closest to the blue here I thinking we trying to get the cue ball back in a similar position to where it is now he plays this shot so well normally and it's so difficult he's digging down such a left-hand side and that's the line as he got the pace he has [Applause] there's been a few but that's one of the shots of the match so far Wow and the Miss Ronnie O'Sullivan full Ronnie just coming around to an interested party where that cue balls be replaced thank you foul and a Miss Ronnie O'Sullivan for I'm gonna get a warning note Shawn morphate from the referee because he can't get through to the main bunch Reds yeah okay after warning now if you don't have to read this time Lord the frame okay if it comes off the cushion the red is playing comes with a cushion dead weight I mean that's a shot but obviously not now because if he misses eight loses a frame you know surprise it didn't look at that one first he's in real trouble now some sort of pot Moff he's not left the red nearest to live corner it could have been worse [Applause] yeah great pot to the middle and finished up with a nice angle in the blue choice of three or four Reds it's a right corner to drop on possibly even a choice of two or three two right middle this goes well on a chance for the frame six seven it's always fascinating to see how running goes about his break building and when the table is difficult and the balls are covering each other there really is nobody better in the game 12 but I think you heard the groan when I was about 12 he can't believe he's missed that nobody signing up a pot until left corner there is a path it runs the back of the Reds quite an aggressive shot Joyce he's under pressure no Shawn morphine this match this is a big opportunity to take advantage here feel if you can't win in one visit it goes such a boost of confidence going to the last frame of the session I'll be safe brought out a book in the light back in its spot yeah because you can see I don't think the black is going to be available to any corner pocket so no point in playing for the black just concentrate on pink and blue 7 you have to play for the bar a little bit surprised I don't get the pink back in its spot would be a better way of going around it thirteen 14 that was very well controlled never easy when you're digging down into the cue ball like that make it look easy it wasn't that's a lovely little cannon as well 20 21 big moments in this match for sure Murphy twenty-seven twenty-eight 33 thirty-four how well did it have that the reaction of the cueball was just incredible just timing yeah we've been a lot of players struggle with that shot Stephen it doesn't seem to match 41 to Shaun Murphy if he does end up getting straight on the ball and he has to use the tremendous cue power that he's got I agree with you completely times are born unbelievably well 42 but then every now and then he does that it gets too much into it to prove that red near that left cushion was very clumsy there's pressure on this 4950 sometimes when they punch Joe they don't go in any harder I'd have to say I'm surprised it went in anyway but any harder definitely wouldn't of 57 red color red needed so I would say out for the blue they're not red near the yellow pocket 58 want it to be to stop short of the blue so you get close to this red it doesn't want to be playing frame ball from distance okay no good has been today but you want to make frame balls as easy as possible make them unmissable so 44 ahead that's red 63 to leave I saw a Vanina snooker I'd love to put another color after this red to stop running great performance that's great I'm Shawn Murphy under pressure he needed it very well played - Snickers so - all and may come back to the table 69 unless this red goes in show my feet 69 [Applause] under extreme pressure how the great break the frames no over I Reds in a good position honestly we can get in the black or pink here [Applause] on the pink means there's no - Snickers - tie seven Ronnie O'Sullivan seven [Applause] [Music] so accent from the short month but just when you needed a the message was framed to this afternoon session it's it's sunny gonna find balance enough but you've got to get the ball quickly stuff ball cushion more often a knot and glue that you book okay here we go it's the last of the afternoon that incidentally the last final they played was in the champion of champions it went for all as well before at Shaun Murphy really took off in the evening session to win so it's kind of deja vu as far as that's concerned at the moment but this is a key frame in this final you you must think absolutely hazel such an important frame and an excellent safety shot immediately I'm Shaun Murphy yeah what Shaun Murphy and this goes only taps his cue and appreciation for that part he knew your honor someone was playing that yeah five threes is doable Shaun Murphy was to finish five through down it definitely didn't want to lose both the last two frames and b6 to don't I think that would have been too much five think you can just get to the edge of the pack stay on this road to right corner yeah just a little wall took his eye of the pot a little 5 you can see right things about that just completely took his eye off the pot concentrate on the cannon on the pack as we always 95 percent of Ronnie's misses a fin I was same again just concentration wasn't pressure that one one well chill Murphy's got a couple of open Reds it but will he go into the pack he's very very aggressive wait Phil Murphy ate some surprising whenever Sean Murphy misses with a rest that wasn't easy luckily for Sean the Reds come back across the table and stayed over that left corner second chance for a Sullivan to bounce one I'm not surprising it surprised if his timing has been affected Stephen the way he punched the table there his right there must be throbbing right now what a shot eyes runny punching the table and frustration disappointment played the double this being played today where the cue ball is he's left everything in for Shawn I mean eyes doubles goes you know pretty easy but still never certainties 11 surely he's not going about another 12 chance go by maybe going to the bunch again stay in this red to left corner just open these Reds up of it yeah wow that's incredible you still on this red is not a hundred times over 100 you would just leave a simple red to left core and I think he's still on it is a relief into the two heads above the black 27:28 thirty-five thirty-six that's pretty good one pop success sorry anywhere between 70 and 80% is quite happy with can't separate the players and the safety to century breaks so far I'd be surprised if there was no more before the end of this final 38 Sophie's played for the cue ball there it looks edgy looks desperate to get this frame other goes this wasn't the cleanest of pots forty-four 45 looks to be pretty straighten this black my thing the red at the bottom of the floor of the pot to the left middle just a mite of screwing the cue ball to somewhere where it is now fifty-two on the other than 52 no twist in this first session thank you one good pop an angle on a color was a big shot are to be perfectly honest Ronnie's been very unfortunate to leave that red there he had to play the red with pace to try and play as a shot to nothing look at a cue pal there of Shawn Murphy that is absolutely incredible Spenny generates here it's amazing this requires very precise positional show that's the left-hand side this is a great shot this is a great shot ah is he on this race what a fantastic effort that was six [Applause] Ronnie O'Sullivan has had two very good chances to have this frame in the bag this will hurt 12 a little bit more angle on your blue then is for it to be comfortably easy on the red it's all no problem look at this point and a break like this you want everything as easy as possible 18 up for the blue under hit it 19 sort of angle has he got on the pink we straight down to the shops there must be good absolute pinpoint position in this great year 25 [Applause] a session of snicker this has been for absolutely everything 30 you would obviously have given Shawn Murphy virtually this clearance by now if it wasn't for the black bean whereas 34 once it'd be as close to that black as possible and if possibly not cutting it back the way into the pocket if anything Street are a little bit high doesn't want that cue ball under cushion says he finds not nice and nothing but low no it's amend this recession an incredible thing for sure lovely to steal in the end the lives are lost two friends in the venture tonight the session of the final on square for frames each of the UK pride a possible 11 frames you can a sort it all out and in the book seats this evening we say hello to former world champions canned already and John Parrott do you think we're all set for a close one here fellas good very well be hazel good evening everybody wonderful atmosphere wonderful venue and she feeling wonderful players and one that worked yeah the night frame what a nut missus they and it is wonderful Barbican Hall here in York fantastic crowd I think this could go all the way John yep the precarious for Sean well he dug in deep and that last frame was absolutely fabulous to pinch pot success you can see ninety-four percent each which is very high on pot success was surprised you would think I mean okay when he's brilliant to the long game but the way Shawn's been knocking him in this week you thought about it not much between them I certainly isn't in the safety hmm shot to take on first shot the evening but he'll be happy with it nice kiss kept the red and cue ball safe what about you John what I think that so did mid-session interval so they came out there at the right time you know after the forefront at the a-frames particularly for Ronnie he was looking he's getting a little bit annoyed with himself he banged the table and he would have been very disappointed to lose that last frame finish the session all squares that I haven't a to frame lead [Applause] one massive is extremely unlucky what a pot that was my sins at the heart of the pocket but I think the cue ball has sneaked past the green he can't have the yellow all he can do is tuck him up sure Murphy one yeah I agree with you kinda think it's just getting a little bit edgy to win that last frame Ronnie doesn't matter how much experience you've got and how many times you've won tournaments it's just human nature that you wanna try and take a 5-3 lead instead of four each and mighty played a double in the last frame in the afternoon it's okay taking a chance but you just forced it a bit but it went in but ultimately couldn't win the frame in one visit and he didn't look too pleased with himself when he left the auditorium touch a morsel shark could just play away from the red open taboc trying to cover the pack with the green hasn't done so just be careful money's gonna be a little bit careful here just does not go red towards us bottom left-hand corner pocket just want your mother that yellow is quite a nice target down there you can get him behind it that's his intention he's getting close beautiful shot and pace as well just puts that little bit of pressure on these safety shots the difference just ours the difference being close to the cushion John are just being a little bit short of it it's such a big difference and cueing tell me what I was a big shot to take on though Ken another cousin lot like there was a natural gap even if you depotted it to get round there no it had to go in so first good chance it's Ronnie O'Sullivan this evening yeah I'm sure after this blue that'll be red and get that black back on the spot as soon as possible six shake it a head tells me that this Redis bit straight wanted a little angle or you could have just standard in and get behind the black at para into middle couldn't do that that angle seven 12 come a little in the middle of everything they're really the red that's a back of the pack they can't really stood up I think he might flick off the red the bottom of the bunch so he's just looking there to see if you could drop it in and come on the pink left-handed which of course he's brilliant at that's what he's gonna play 30 I think pink will go on to the black spot then the spot might be occupied so that will help yeah pink spots things covert song goes on hi available nice angle after pot in this red now for the pink be straight into the Reds just the book the pink play nice little cannon here yeah it didn't have to hit that hair just played it a wonderful little soft cannon there and it's just open up three or four Reds there lovely touch wasn't her that cannons that one freeze is a more ball so beautiful touch 27 this runs slightly too far with that one I'd like to have played the pink and screwed out for the Reds into the same pocket so might have to play another cannon now bottom on the cue ball just to hold it off those two Reds we sound it nicely 33 34 played that nicely I'm sure that the bottom read of the five will pollen today the st. pocket he's just parted out red so he doesn't have to disturb any rats here well sided with the angle to try and bring everything into play could have been nicer forty touching ball he's playing away here so the touching bullet isn't the problem it's just tricky little red this is a great contribution already from Ronnie settle down really well so I'll come a while to totally get the cue ball in this break but he's got it now and you'd be very surprised if doesn't the first frame gone this evening forty seven two lovely little shots into boat middle pockets they're just holding the cue ball that's all about you feel this man has it in abundance good start for Ronnie this just exactly what he needed 54 fifty-five yeah this lovely break of course all from Sean's open attempt at a read here which was certainly very attacking couldn't really see a natural gap through but he missed it by a mile you have to sit and suffer sixty-eighth that's such a fast I had today the very from the very first frame 10 min a frame a lab maminta frame was a second just over 10 minutes for the next and the longest frame of the first date where there's 24 minutes 75 I'm just coming up to 10 minutes for this frame and well will Shawn come back [Applause] and takes this open and playing delayed shot marking again by one it's five times to four but if you came masters and world titles Ronnie one behind in the chase and of course Steve Davis his record and this championship of six could be equaled tonight Ronnie is often protested this week that it's not records that's driving him on but how important in terms of a legacy and a life in a career are these records as far as you're concerned Steven yeah you go through your career and like obviously I had Steve was it there was the benchmark for me and you go through your career you have targets I had targets and I never had the fact that I wanted to beat Steve's records uronic can see how it likes it but he doesn't care in everything when he gets that tail what does it look like it doesn't care I don't think so he won't you wants to win and you know perhaps when winning lead he doesn't you know he's got other things in his life but but he's a winner he's a sportsman and there's no doubt in my mind that he knows how many's got he knows how many listing Fe to break okay the natural evolution of things in sport as in life things move on but is Ronnie gonna make it to the 18th major title tonight no if he keeps hitting it like you did in the first famous evening there's a very good chance of that happening I was a lovely breaking of 75 effortless wonderful cue ball control [Applause] and he's focused and he's playing well that's where he's at his best out in the arena front of a big crowd loves nothing more than competing better safety bet you breathe a sigh of relief when he got the gap just bottom red was caught but very difficult concentrate more on the cue ball and making sure of a good safety but he hasn't got a closed set up ball cushion and again our prize for guessing what Shawn's gonna do here yeah and this is tell us something Mona cuz he's had a couple of ghosts tonight first one went in the last one he missed big shot considering you just gone the frame behind mm that's as far as he's missed one all week I'm right across that and that's Orion a nice target that yellow and brown around being knocked off its spot towards the yellow it's a pretty good if you got the right contact off the side of the puck just put a whole line up there as you said it's a pretty good target Jonah he's played it very very well and dude maybe mind the gap and I can get through there I just have to swerve it a little bit to hit the ready once but unlucky there Shawn I was a good shot you played by deliberately playing down that side of the table I fit because the pink is blocking the edge of the Reds so he's now you can't go down one side of the table looks like another long pause attempt [Applause] once again a little bit unlucky there dude about a nice to kiss than that yeah BC de red go and just for that football kiss on the pinky would have been nicely on the blue that's tremendous tremendous shot actually get into the cue ball too much wanted to beyond the bottom of the two Reds just the right of the black spot some queuing that wasn't I mean he's got some work on the cue ball so actually popped that and screw right back to where he is not too many players have you playing that shot on the circuit just looks like a safety now not the best okay it's close to this ball crushing but guys left to right just below the pink spot and straight forward this one yeah he played the wrong red there didn't he two Reds that are to the right of the pink spots if he plays off that thin goes down in between green and blue he certainly cuts off one side of the pack so he's not only not done that he's left two shots or nothing here it's not on the yellow there's no prize for guessing these next shots gonna be left himself open for that one Shawn it was a great pop by Ronnie but there's a little game of chess went there he sort of played the wrong piece and made the wrong move older is a possible shot here who's got to be so precise he's got to get the cue ball off one side cushion between red and blue on to the next side cushion trial and then this red behind a black spot foul and a Miss Ronnie O'Sullivan four just needs to square it up a little bit off the first cushion now has he left one of these Reds if he's left the red arm just no point and Ronnie putting them back in yeah the red was on and he could use the yellow rag yeah I'm afraid he's just been he's been out thought or himself thought himself that's yo Murphy and that little exchange just by playing off the wrong red yes he's been severely punished by Ronnie knocking it in but it was the chance that he had and at the level you play at is those little things now and again that can cost you frames for it's just China workout miss plan of attack it's not straightforward all those Reds on the one side of the table obviously Pink's off its spot he's just got to try and negotiate somewhere he can get and just get that black straight on to a spot as quickly as possible you usually sort it out there's only concerned here get on a red get the black on its spot try and win the frame because I'll be able to win it playing on the ball colors of the blue this is too hard he needs a bit of look here I've been extremely fortunate there and if he can play a little screw here in behind the pink well we screwed off the red instead couldn't do that shot was on a bounce if it's not and if he could have played a little screw and drop the pink in the middle not easy I know but you need to have had two Reds on the right-hand side which he could have played off one and he'd been on the back so it obviously wasn't on because either played it doesn't miss a trick [Applause] good blue is 15 you could kill for this red and try and screw back up for the blue or pink here yes brilliant great 60 now he's keeping it going it's hard work at the moment for them just really awkward chance to try and drop this in just hold it just about cuz he was trying to hold the cue ball them use the jaw 21 yep just went in off the right hand side that's this is just an incredible break at the moment because he just keeps knocking balls in trying to keep it going and that was an amazing shot there to get into the white he's got blue pinky pink is quite tricky but it would certainly be nicely on the red into the same pocket we can put the blue in and our Balkan you're looking at the red this close to the pink in fact boat redspot twenty-seven [Music] when you have Sullivan 27 after all the typical part seas potted he's missed pretty straight one now what can Shawn do here one he's got a couple of Reds he can play on but he loved to have had that cue ball a little higher used to pop the blue and come down closer to the next red so he's purposely he's held the spot so blue will go up onto the black spot good thinking six seven to the right of the cue ball there and then he can play on to the black that was a very good thinking from Shawn there hold in that spot 12 I'm just wondering can he play a little cannon one pot in this red if you can cannon the red just to the left at a black off the cushion stay on the black well obviously didn't have the angle I would have been handy still in good position here I just try to promote that read a little closer to the pocket make it a bit easier 20 you knew you had the option of the read it's closest to the black spot as well it's available 21 excellent show 28 points are level for Red's for blacks would do it or three blacks in the blue yeah it's just checking the school that he nice to you quite right he's just got to get rid of all these four Reds and so far he's negotiated these really well this chance will be annoying Ronnie because he did so much of the hard work to get the balls in better position then he misses the the one you wouldn't expect in some ways he's sort of half tied to the table up for Shawn to come in even though he's taking these very well he's gonna finish low on this black comparative day leaves himself a nice angle it's a good shot 37 he's interested if he's got an angle he could you could play on the one on the right-hand side cushion now if he wanted he doesn't have to he decided to take that one sometimes when you're in those situations you just got the perfect angle the first time so you could play the led the other way t4 so it's plain ball 45 virtually dead wait for the cue ball lands tight to the side cushion this has been an excellent break so far just 152 you know this is the important shot of the frame excellent this is another frame that will hold Ronnie he's lost a couple of frames already in his final that he should have won and they may be the difference when it gets down today a lot of stages of this much that remains to be saying but as you said Johnny did harder I had walk in this frame just to miss that straight for here Hispanics on all week the trains meet at 30 40 and 50 breaks and throw in lifelines to his opponent but today it's been the opposite he's had a few chances from Ronnie and he's been well up to the task this has been a superb break 66 concentration has been spot on 65 got some great foils in the UK Championships over the years and this is already pretty want to be a little why not much between ball players here 74 you miss the ball you're gonna sit in the chair 88 in the frame show these times that was Ronnie O'Sullivan was in first look like he was going to take the frame with Shaun Murphy for the break of AC number I'll square it again it's five all refrain to say the relevance of the cracking Sunday night final you know I'm not as sure as the both players I playing some really good stuff hugely impressed with Murphy and that last ring wonderful break and he's like confidence all week Janus to him some of the earlier rounds and have to be quite as clinical got away with a few mistakes that he made but whilst you still in you can win and he's improved in every round he certainly did and the semi-final concentration was much better it's been really good today when he's at his peak he is a handful as Ron he's finding out he's an excellent aggressive safety shot there from Shawn more he's put money in a difficult position here these two Reds have made or with to bring the cue ball down the left hand side of the table well it's a cracking show that was absolutely brilliant there is emotion no margin for error there whatsoever behind that red just below the black played it to perfection just have a look at this just had to miss that red towards the bulk fantastic yeah Sean can see the red that on the right hand side past the yellow but the problem with that going up and down is just got to make sure it doesn't get a cannon with the red that's below it Holden le that he's looking at it now nice to shot you'd be playing straight away he's just got to make sure you get the right contact with her it's a little bit thicker than it should be playing normally and don't want to get the cannon on the other red that's why he's deliberating yeah over a minute of thinking time don't blame him missing this company he can be sitting down for a while know what happen he was gonna play there's a player a little better than that just catching the jaw had fur marching brother really candidly exactly dead and this could have been a lot easier for Ronnie he's admissible I played it well down into a blind pocket just cured it beautifully well if he's on that red to the left of the on its own which he is that is a lovely letter shot he's played there got it right in the gap and now much chance that make a better break than it would have been if he hadn't been on that was a really good link shot he played should be okay just to drop this red in and all of a sudden and a couple of shots from looking on promising he's got the black out in the open superb 13 20 we saw from the previous car camera angle - thank you bottom red of that bunch does part so I decided to go into him always knowing that he'll be always on this red on the right-hand side yeah clever shot can didn't screw this one just stand up and left forward momentum on the cube or as opposed to bringing it back knew that he'd have this red on the right hand side so look leave it a shot that was opened a few balls out behind and he's got him to himself a positional shot has been an absolutely wonderful little break so far there's another lovely little shot wasn't it didn't have to play that with pace just judge the cannon on that 86 now full well he was on the red into this left-hand corner polka 7 Stephen was in the studio before saying he didn't think on his break building was up to as much today well it is here this has been wonderful lovely touch so many clever little shots and I'm gonna go right back to the green the green was perfectly played 45 yeah just a beautiful weight on this cube or just have a look at this pinpoint accuracy fifty-two fifty-three I just like their safety shot you play John you know how to set this up we had Sean had Ronnie in a lot of trouble 60 played a wonderful safety shot to get out of it and put Sean wack in a lot of trouble and he couldn't get out of it and because of that these are the fruits of his labor absolutely brilliant such knowledge he's in proper stroke in this break he's hit these 60 Hale of Lisbon an economy a vat of effort in this break hardly touched the cue ball just been on a string [Applause] [Music] you think I'll go down the club and do that myself we all know it's much more difficult than that wonderful and he's up for a fight that's for sure enjoying every minute of this high break I think it's 142 why Michael White and wonder what I see watching tonight could possibly go if he takes blacks with all these reds 84 hmm he's not interesting and how easy and how fluent and how deaf that touches he had in this breaker keyboard hardly moved 91 92 ninety-eight near Robertson eight centuries ronnie has made a trend centrist this will be number nine and the 98 of this year's UK championship [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Ronnie O'Sullivan he goes back into the lead once more and this much it's now running O'Sullivan six show Murphy five enjoy while you're in it but yeah I mean this is this is what you're a snooker player for for occasions like this this is these are the kind of things that a miss I do I do think you sort of become over the years of playing this game a bit of an adrenaline junkie so is this is why you play it because all your senses will be heightened when you're out there adrenalin certainly flowing out there for these guys no no joy there so Donnie with the long pot but it's alright that he's messed has gone safe cue balls gone stuck on the green so it's only a safety shot and I agree with Steve the good point that he made about you keep asking the question when you go one ahead all the time it's putting more and more pressure certainly as you get nearer to the winning post yeah but in fairness John and one thing Shawna's being coming up but all the questions the answers to the questions that he's been asked it's been chilling on France it's all nicely dis much she really is grossing sure for both the players as well as the audience yeah no I'm saying is he nice for him to get his nose in film somewhere through the match and put the pressure on Ronnie to win the next frame such an incredibly high standard up in the 90s way up in the 90s for the pot success safeties not bad either it's been a an excellent final movie has so far so I bit short with the cue ball but at least he didn't knock it red towards the corner I staggered up behind a green here and the baulk cushion wants to avoid that Brown if you can't anytime y'all can get us hand on the table and there's a red that's potable generally takes it on I think use with this from I use the color coming from so well I'm in the middle pocket is so we know forward to hit that that good and go in there a little bit unlucky wonderful strike again [Applause] [Music] nice over the safety so far tonight has been spot on yeah and this is trouble I don't know whether he can get past the brown on the right-hand side we can't even even if you can see that red he can't play the dump shot and lived a cue ball up here because there's a red on the left of the pot yep he's an all saucy he might be taking a while to think of this one I'll just put a line up there I'm not quite sure whether he can get that line he's having a look at this shot when it's very difficult might be the only thing he's got and it was could have come out worse he's had a bit of a result they're only wearing off that cushion was a chance for Ronnie O'Sullivan but killing so difficult I think is as well can he knock two Reds up in the ball carrier which is even worse because only play safe on to one of them still got the other one there he's decided that's all he can do is drop onto that yeah certainly other result there Shawn because of the yellow and brown he can't really play that shot where you you hit the stun you stun the first red into the second one and send them both up the table can't really play that look if yellow and brown went there you could play that shot done it famine both Reds had end up and table you've got to be careful you don't catch the ball color now there you go it's still alright there was no way both threads were gonna get down the table he's left a straightforward shot here for on your solo and he can well a couple of shots he can leave the cue ball behind the yellow or try and get that cue ball tight behind the gray in here and knock the red back up towards the bunch he doesn't play that too well as he left this red you may have that's tight it's very close to the blue this cue ball very close which is why he's looking at maybe swerving it I must cut the shot Shawn's been in a bit of bother well it's rolling off is it gonna go in the pocket if it does he's gonna leave him a shout-out for few as if that the gone it'd have been big trouble coming down the table gets about two thirds down the way and then indicates right Shawn and this is a real problem now to get this back in exactly the right place that it was before suppose it's alright if he's gonna play the same shotgun yeah but no ID likelihood her at that pace key Bonnie could tend to roll off unless he plays the red on the way down and try and play the Dom shot mmm-hmm I suppose you play this now do you allow a little bit for it rolling that way the next time he's gonna play the bump shot here as long as he doesn't get the double kiss Ron you can hold for the pink here to the left Santa if not gonna go off for the blue you could just about hold one red left at a pink spot will pot on the pink goes back in a spot and that will clear the pink a little bit yeah it's not by chance this is a two or three shots this could be very nice I think I'm out of being tempted if I'd have been shown to play the same shot a gun can be played before I know it rolled a little bit hey wait it was awkward this is just a perfect situation here for Ronnie O'Sullivan just their series of soft little screws and stones around the pink spot we saw have Goodis watch him for 18 I was in the last frame doesn't have too much work to do with the cue ball here just stay around the pink 15 yesterday one of those practice routines used to put up the new when you were learning to play the game and you take the blue block off this up two spots take them off the table and just put the pink on and throw a load of red around and teaches you to play position just on the one call 91 22 I'm fairness it's never a bad ball as for pockets it can go in just over crew screwed that cue ball slow yeah just playing for a read into this bottom right-hand corner pocket still on the red but can't hold for the pink this time it's funny when you just lose the cue ball and end up having two or three shots afterwards are you scrapping to get it back that's what's happened there played a lovely little screw shot and the angle is run inside there he's come up a little bit short for the blue [Applause] 34 35 almost of is it hitting the ball too well at the moment she's getting so much work in it screw back off the pink a little bit too far a little bit too far there he's just hitting it so good even left-handed he's hitting it's a good 40 this is tricky stay in the black here I always played it with a bit of pace [Applause] this is marvelous back in prime position now yeah Boise trying and this brake can't force but to get a to frame lead going into the interval 48 the miniature and made that mistake and there's been an inevitability about this break you could see his focus the way struck it 54 ok had to go up come round for the blue in the middle of the break negotiated that it's just hitting the ball like a dream now 55 61 just come up a little bit short he thought he had a bit more on the cue ball there to come over him back I played the plant I need a value in it lovely shot I just knew when he came to the table just the way the situation of the rare 69 as you said he just ran out position once but once he was back in it was 70 it was inevitable D about it great break it looked like for a small only sickness afternoon session he'd lost his focus but he's family got a pack tonight [Applause] to the midsection Lee by seven frames the five now to the commentary box now for the conclusion is match and John characters going to seamlessly go into that seat in the studio erroneous our boat needs three more for a record equaling 6 UK crown what if anything can Sean Murphy do in the closing stages of this year's final let's find out then it's Taylor Stevens on his way to join Thank You hazel he's a fast mover it won't take them long and it's Ronny spotted something on the white Turk Paul Collier referee faiths read it and we're ready attention again and the Reds coming up this time as the green covered it I think it has there's still one to the right corner now you can see that Mont Blanc tauf came Sean Murphy mocking one of his specials one great start for Sean after the mid-session interval and he could do with this opening frame here he drops three frames behind against from the O'Sullivan via tall order they had a brilliant final in the champion of champions reign winning ten eight that could well be the score again but for who that's the question not quite enough room I don't think it's a little bit of an awkward leader any spotting at the pink here wasn't looks to be enough room between the Reds but obviously not on a direct line behind the black and blue spot I'm not touching the red I've often you get a round of applause for these spotting a ball but development a letter a good chance here and it's got to be careful with the cannon on the paint but should be guaranteed position while I say it should be guaranteed position is he on this one that's amazing that was a little lapse in concentration there that cannon that he pled and a break Shawn Murphy 18 just needed the football contact and he was guaranteed to be on a couple of Reds and he just slid off the pink and very disappointing Matt from Shawn's point of view [Applause] Stephen Andrews just made it to the commentary box a little bit out of breath yeah really looking forward to this final session generally sold and keep the hammer down just before you come in Stephen you're on your way up Shawn was in amongst them and he played a very careless positional shot plan a little cannon on the pink you we're on your way back to the commentary box have a look at this hmm you could say a possible careless safety shot you have to say in all this a couple of friends wasn't stuck running solving I start to get on top in every department [Applause] I haven't missed many of those mutts for sure [Applause] Wow he doesn't need me to tell them that it cannot afford to throw up these chances then drag possibly a touch a right-hand side just push the cue ball over to the left one [Music] it was a strange one I don't think he was safe expecting to screw off the cushion them in behind that red along the cushion exciting this write-up for brown be a bonus if we get through the gaps I blew but it doesn't look like it they're far from easy at the moment add a little bit of work to do here to get a few more and play on a few shots time 14 21 well that's his intentions he's looking at the black and he's now looking at the pink so he can play for either color to them disturb the Reds yd2 won't be happy without okay you can screw off the cushion for the loose red but you wanted to go into the bunch while that red was there 29 it just has to be cared for the three Reds are in a line right above the black if he hits that red full bowl you could stick on that and you're nothing whenever an easy back to go into not 37 even with his terrific cue part but this one might just go to the middle pocket it's easier now to play the cannon not quite as awkward whirring titles in five four Shawn Murphy has to be said this is the biggest lead either Blair's had run able to go in and win this frame three frames [Applause] leads against any player but trying to chase down her own O'Sullivan I made your final basically just kind of Ford to miss any more shots Dennis nope no unforced errors well I had a 76 in the frame before the mid-session interval in the century and the frame before that 49 fifty-one more good positional shot and the frame should be his and the lead should be three frames and it's not perfect full let's ride the scoreboard he's still well short it's gonna have to head up the table again a little awkward now these three Reds is looking at the possibility of a plant now that would be a bonus because they're blocking each other into the right corner and the Pink's stopping one from popping into the left corner yeah the plants there and with them being close together he make sure he gets the correct contact eight on the first read because could squeeze it slightly so he must be spot-on with this [Applause] [Music] that's another frame safe sixty says fund a gear has near Dennis and the extra gear just to pull away [Applause] 7071 seventy-six this looks like the end will be Romeo Sullivan's 10th century and this year's better a UK championship 81 and if he does make the century it'll be 99 and this year's UK that's going some 90 96 - 76 - century our lives just cannot make a mistake you can't otherwise this fell it will punish you or only coming to the table needing two more frames for the win Shawn gonna continue to attack it literally cannot afford to miss any more pots in this final if he wants to win good start it can be a silly game at times were showed to the ready mist in the previous room his sitter playing with a little bit of drag and then he gets down and knocks that beautiful long one in to give himself a chance here Peruvian cueing now he's won at the back that might be available because he's fairly straight on this black well it obviously it doesn't pop because he's playing this long red 16 to get back on the black up into the yellow pocket good cueing screw through these Reds 24 25 red in the back of the bunch goes to the same pocket you're looking for and that's it again because they're a nice bunch to go into a huge target I forget a level with a black he's always got that red near the left middle for above insurance okay so I read to the left corner can follow through of two cushions and this is v black and without red over the middle pocket 40 when he goes into the bunch that's a little bit of insurance so what not a key shop coming up topspin touch a right hand side into those two Reds up off the black oh I don't think he's on anything unless that red squeezes into the left middle well it must be tight love it'll go and there's a slight angle I can play the cue ball into any area here for a choice I read into right corner or that read over the left middle they see all the reds are cool to the right corner bass mr. black oh dear Shawn Shawn was he possibly thinking about the one for seven to much Dennis yeah he definitely will have that at the back of his mind there you could tell the way he played the red in the middle pocket but he very rarely misses with the rest but how costly is that miss going to be one I would say one word Dennis very he may well be right Steven okay maybe forty points behind but night was definitely a new favorite for this frame I think that one near the middle pocket in the right side of the tables it's not sixteen not easy really he's got a long way to go before he gets to that he's already had a little glance at that red so I chose you how many shots ahead he's thinking yeah it's one of them shots right behind it you can just drop it in for the blue but any distance it'll be a very tough pop you probably leave that red to last because obviously dropping out in the blue easy to get up for the yellow 24 25 it's just over screwed that by a couple of edges no problem 32 and a few shots time that circularity love to put the white in the middle of that 39 I always took the opportunity to bring it into play and that's just enough [Music] [Applause] funny how he changed his plan there Stephen with being straight on that rail he took the opportunity to screw right back and just flick it out a touch 45 yeah that shows what he's always thinking the snooker breehn he realized the angle he had in the red was perfect just to flick the red he knew exactly how he was going to contact that red he knew the angle he had he recognized it and executed the shot perfectly he's never looked in doubt with this clearance 53 54 Wow this is just perfect snooker that he's playing at the moment from five all he as I said earlier he's going through the gears now 59 61 sixty-four you've done very little wrong a couple of small errors but that was all it took [Applause] 73 well you can't do much about this this is just no miss snooker he's playing at the moment [Applause] one by nine frames to five it doesn't have any pressure running in the same motor did the start of the session or when he was one no behind yeah you could expect him to play some decent stuff from here on in but to running ourselves is very good at closing out matches the record books back in once again for a solid 15 Ronnie O'Sullivan to break Wow it's plain and simple what Shawn Murphy has to do is do what he did in the semi-final against Ryan day he won five frames with one visit and that's how many frames he needs here five frames Ronnie just needing the one for victory that's an incredible staff there in 96 percent pot success with Shawn's at 93 Inez certainly opened the game up with that safety shot there Shawn dying up this red to left corner every shot could be his last note and this UK championship final this red does pot to left corner but controlling the cue ball is the issue all right thank you it really is focusing on this one he knows it's all about the cue ball as well as the pot that is a big bonus but maybe it doesn't go well maybe it does go and what a result he's out there Steven well when it's your night as your night but uh normally when you play this well things do happen for you the end the ways played said last four frames I would expect the title to be one at this visit yeah we normally say the toughest friend to win is the one that gets you past the winning post but that's not the case with the top of the tree players like Ronnie O'Sullivan gentleman next to me Stephen Hendry Steve Davis in the studio never had a problem closing a match out 15 just doesn't like kind of these Reds because he thinks is money I have to play a cannon off both of them it's just it's just awkward it's dolphin run herself it takes this long over a pot cinnamon and safety shots do a lot of thinking but over an actual pot this is very unusual for him [Music] where we thought for almost a minute and in the end declared left handed and pushed the black on that was a terrific shot he knew he had to make certain of that that's why he thought the body for so long I mean 24 76 86 and 2 centuries and the last four frames incredible 31 32 if there's anyone in any sport displaying more genius spore than Ronnie O'Sullivan does it snicker I've yet to see it best player I've ever seen well there always was the debate who was the greatest of all time he said and I know you're sitting next to me but I thought Ronnie just overtook you a couple of seasons ago Steve and that's my personal opinion but he's still two world titles behind you 38 forty-three forty-four he's given his opponent a lesson tonight has to be said fifty-one if it needs to flare cannon goes right think it's all over maybe it hasn't gone right the cannon it's finished rather awkward become one in this visit fell under irritate them [Music] a terrific round of applause but he's not quite there yet but he's got one hand on the trophy you'd have to say and with Shawn 59 points behind and three Reds up the other end of the table that doesn't help his cause if he gets a chance he's the ultimate professional this man he'd appreciate the standard that Romney has produced here this evening but he's not finished just yet but one long pot up into the right corner pocket this could be the winning shot just looking to see what he would leave if he takes it on is it there of course [Applause] what a final we've had here it looked like it was going to go all the way the way both players were playing the standard was unbelievable he's just steadying himself [Applause] that's the one he wanted that makes absolutely certain of the final water perform 16 I know he said all that bothered about records but make no mistake he's put so much hard work and practice in for this year's UK championship [Applause] 24:25 it's been a great Championship the clouds of them absolutely fantastic throughout the televised stages and they've been treated to some wonderful snooker as well just clearing the balls up when you've won a major championship [Music] some said yes Ronald forty-four even Sean Murphy was smiling in his seat there 49 [Applause] Davidson you can't he is the 2017 you can't champion it's incredible opening session and when you came back from - for behind - for all what kind of Hope and confidence levels did you bring into this evening yeah though I was really looking forward to the game and came into the whole match knowing that I have to be at my absolute best to be Ronnie over the distance in a tournament that's so big and unfortunately I just wasn't good enough you know in the second session I want to congratulate Ronnie on equaling the six titles by Steve Davis for this tournament it's an absolutely phenomenal achievement about a phenomenal 12 days here in your that the guys here have made it the fans have made every moment just so special you know they've been great all week you know not the ending I wanted but I've had a great time here [Applause] this season there's plenty more to come from you this term I'm sure ladies and gentlemen our runner-up Shaun Murphy and Ronnie O'Sullivan a record equaling 6uk crane a record equaling eighteenth major title both must sound very good to you tonight yeah you know you know I just wanna say well done to Shawn you know he's had a great great tournament he's been you know you've been playing fantastic all season you know had a great fire on Coventry so you know I just want to say well done to Shawn but you know the records are great you know and to equal it I like like Shawn said you know the fans this week have been just been unbelievable you know so just wanna say a massive thank you to them and you know just tried my best all week just to you know there's nothing left you know I'll give everything there is [Applause] you know the UK championship so happy yeah we talked about at home Shawn contested so brilliantly this afternoon it was a wonderful first session but how pleased with the were you were the way you went through the gears from five all to ten five three yeah I mean I mean I think we both can play better you know Shawn missed a few easy balls you know a little bit of bad luck as well and you know and that's all it takes sometimes you know just to you know if the other guy gets a bit momentum the modern game you know most you know a lot players come in four five six frames on the pants so you know it's just her snooker is these days you know it's a tough school you know 24 years ago this gentleman came to the UK championship at the age of 17 and won this one and 24 years you're still winning Ronnie when you look back what does the the Ronnie of now think of the Ronnie of then in terms of how you play the game I don't know I don't think I'm much different really I've just sort of like you know I've just just try to enjoy the game I try to express myself I try to attack the game and you know play the game and I think it should be played and you know and when you get a few battle scars you learn that maybe you can't attack as much all the time so you know I just just I just love playing I love competing and I just can't believe I'm still playing at 42 you know and all these gray ears and all that you know I'm old enough to be most people dad's on the tour are you still playing and he's still winning your champion once again for a sixth time ladies and gentlemen please welcome your presentation party Steve Dawson chief executive or Luca and Alain Olga head of PR at Betway the runner-up receiving a silver medal and a check for 75,000 pounds what a great ambassador for snooker sure Murphy we're receiving a check for a hundred and seventy big ones the trophy under title 2017 that way UK championship [Applause] Ronnie O'Sullivan please two of the three majors in snooker in 2017 he smashed the 900 century mark this season he's cleaned a record equaling 18th major title he is one of the greatest personalities not just in this game but in any game and once again Steve Davis and John pirate he has underlined that he was absolutely magnificent tonight from five all to ten five was as close to perfection on a snooker table as you are likely to see I think he missed one ball he lost one positional shot in the frame that he played and Shaun into a genius even higher than any of the [Applause] absolute leaders I mean amazing something Goethe thought when he was 17 he went for the first time he would be all those years later still and then players hazel have come along they've had careers did finish we've all gone they're off the circuit now he's still here and everyone who turns off who thinks they've got a game of snooker to play he's a match that anybody who stand up and played and he's still the best how much longer how many more majors can he win Steve when you see him in this form it's not gonna be he's not gonna go off the ball really soon I think he's got like two or three more years with he's as long as he's focused he's gonna be there or they're fighting I think the South a thousand centuries he's nailed on and I think somewhere down the line perhaps even another world championship there's a lot of great players in the game will have their say but Ronnie O'Sullivan in good form not just in best form in good form can still win events it's astonishing how well he plays Roger Federer is on 19 major titles on the course Ronnie heads to the Masters next month with a very good chance of equalling that yeah and that Solomon's just absolutely made for him he loves it he's in his hometown he turns up places much go home has a sleep in his own bed comes back wins his next match and he usually ends up winning the trophy lifting it in the air he's won how many sounds you want that one seven to seven well listen there's a very good chance as we age let's let's be honest do you think that he is gonna go for this 7 world titles I mean Stevens there but this is the biggest ask of them all surely in terms of world titles it's got another - to match that what it is and that's tough because it's only one tonot of the year you can try and focus on identifying - it doesn't necessarily work out that way all you can do is get himself in the right frame of mind to turn up for the tournament and see how it goes you know you'd say if he could win - out of the lot next four years that's fantastic achievement with all of the great players including marks they'll be around so it's gonna be difficult for him I'm very briefly a word on Shaun Murphy because this is an exceptional season for him surely there's more to come from the magician that is absolutely more than listen he can look back at that match and just say what could I do because honestly missed one or two balls but the stand that he was playing against tonight was nearly impossible to beat he played really well this week indeed all right well we talked about the Masters and that's where we'll be heading in the new year because Ronnie will be defending the title that he won in great style last January they beat Joe Perry there and he will be defending that title when the Masters gets underway from Sunday the 14th of January and that will be live on the BBC and don't forget that the tickets for next year's UK championship go on sale tomorrow get them fast they go very fast in the meantime have a fantastic Christmas we'll see you in the new year and thanks for being with us bye for now
Channel: GeeCee
Views: 2,670,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2017 UK Championship Snooker, Ronnie O;Sullivan 2018, Ronnie O'Sullivan 2019, O'Sullivan v Murphy Final HD1080p 2017 UK Championship
Id: IfN9nJtiSlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 19sec (13939 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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