Winning a Game on Every Build in 1 Video...

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slashing playmaking shooting shot creating post-scoring Rim protecting lockdown defense glass cleaning all different ways for builds to perform or succeed but in what ways can we combine these play styles to create builds that can be game breaking well today we are going to find out because we are playing on every build in this video like And subscribe if you're excited what is good YouTube it's your boy Henry AKA Double H back at it with yet another Banger y'all boys and girls do me a favor and click that like button down below for me and for all my new or newer viewers hit that subscribe button because 81 percent of y'all that be watching are not subscribed and we on this road to one Milli come on now now today we are going to be showcasing some crazy op builds and some that you might have never seen before we're also gonna find out if I could play on every build in the game and another thing to know is that I'm gonna be playing with different animations jump shots and builds that I am not familiar with every single game because I want to be on k6 account so shout out to q6 for letting me use his builds that he created in today's video but without further Ado let's get into it the first build we got today is a six foot eight Burley max weight max wingspan post scoring playmaker this is definitely an odd build to say the least with almost all of its finishing stuff that's upgraded with an 86 dunk for contact dunks while also being able to post hook with an 83 3-pointer 89 ball handle 88 perimeter defense 93 block and a lower acceleration than most builds this build is obviously running post score and play making takeover with a batch count of 30 21 19 and 19 totaling out to 89 total badges so let's go ahead and get into the gameplay and find out how good this first build really is all right we get it into game number one look at me I'm like bulky and stuff like I'm a big six eight build we playing against this dude he's got he's got this okay he's low-key getting tribute with it he kind of looks like a tryhard look at this see what we're working with here but as you can see I'm clearly still on the same build that 6-8 post score probably never seen this bill before is a pretty rare build I feel like go to your level 40. oh nah bro we played a sweat on the first game okay okay we gotta go crazy come on come on it starts with a stop we gotta get a stop this dude probably only got six nine meta build we're on this 6'8 fast boat that post score that I've never played on before okay oh my God okay he's got that he's got the where's that that Jordan does this build is an 80 speed and 71 acceleration it's not the fastest so it's gonna be kind of hard to play defense I feel like but we have good defensive ratings yo how is that open the 88 perimeter defense bro I don't know what happened there but we're good we're gonna get a stop we're chilling we're gonna get a stop right here come on I'm putting on the clamps I'm putting on them clams yes sir I don't care who we're playing against I don't care who we're playing against he's pump faking out here okay we're gonna really have to lock in like I don't know if I'm gonna be able to show all this builds abilities I don't know what I'm doing right there but we're just got to score what we get because we're playing a sweat let's go ahead take the dunk hey come on now oh we hanging on that right oh was that just talking crazy right there can't be giving this dude the ball a lot because if we do we're gonna end up losing but look at this build kick dribble 89 ball handle we just hit him to spin back easy dunk come on man we gotta show a lot of different things while also being able to beat this dude at the same time because obviously he's a Sweat Right you back it off though I'm shooting that oh in that that's green oh we you guys we got double take already play making post scoring take over we gotta get an ankle breaker we gotta get an angle Burger come on now yo yo yo like I'm always accidentally running out of bounds doing 2K making me do moves I'm not trying to do we gotta stop though we gotta stop come on now the good thing about post scoring takeover is it definitely like makes your defense like better especially interiorly so that's good right there but come on we're just gonna take the dunk we're just gonna take the dunk let's go easy dunk all right we we have post scoring takeover so maybe we can't get an ankle breaker we're gonna take it to the post come on now we got no stamina no energy bars guess what we're just gonna hook it I've never shot a hook but great come on yo that was too easy yo post hooking is really easy in this game hold on I'm trying to get an ankle breaker but like they not giving us nothing like come on man we're going to the hook again we're going to the hook oh my God okay 13 he played good defense on them I'm gonna lock up come on you're not scoring again well no we're here we're here come on that's that postcard d That's that post score defense you not scoring in the paint on me come on yo can I better get an angle Burger this game like I swear hold on what is my player doing we'll take the lab we'll take the left all right this build is pretty nasty with takeover I can't lie if he's gonna back off of me though oh my God he's leaving me low key he's leaving me from Deep from Deep that's that's come on I could do it all I can hook I can dunk I can shoot and hopefully I can put you on the floor of this video too like 2K give me an ankle breaker then why why 2K hate it why 2K hate it give me that dunk hey we're green and dunks too this Bill gets contact dunks don't forget 86 driving dunk trying to get an ankle breaker but 2k not giving me no animations like oh my God that was bad shot bad shot okay that's not me that's not me that's not the Bill's fault that's on me that's a user error the defense we're there we're there we're there how is that open like am I not there oh he's got double take sharp and lock take kind of the meta most people run those tanks I'm not gonna lie we're here though oh my God what is he doing he made that okay okay we locking that up we know what you want to do we know you want to shoot that we're there he's selling he's nervous he knows if he gives up the ball again it's over and now it's over come on come here come here that's green that is green Angel breaker for game this six eight fat post score is like that write this build out of 10. I'm not gonna lie to we're gonna get into an extra game with this build and show up a couple more highlights with it because it's that nasty and that good subscribe to the channel right now if y'all think this build is tough because I'm not gonna lie to you I think this bill will be going crazy like it could dribble it's got the 89 ball handle it can play defense 88 per defense 93 block it can literally post hook yeah we played another game as you can see right here and I was going crazy like this bill only has a 71 acceleration but I feel like I was moving mad faster than like 75 Super Bowl 89 ball handle you can also Drive 86 driving down from the contact dunks 83 3-pointer This Bill can't really do it all and post playmaking Tech just makes it that much better I mean look at me I'm streaming from Deep I'm drop slipping I'm post hook and I'm dunking I'm dribbling look at crab getting into the paint post hook I mean this build can really cook something up like it's got the gerbils needed look at this lamp like it's a dumb tough build I'm not gonna lie so yeah let me know what y'all think of this bill rated one to ten for me in the comment section but anyways let's move on to build number two now here is build number two go ahead and drop like in the video right now if you have never seen this bill before because visually yeah it's looking a little short right now and that's because it is short this is a five foot eight play-making lockdown with its highest stats being a 95 steal 95 acceleration and an 89 ball handle now don't get me wrong it has some other good stats looking at 80 driving dunk 81 driving lap 85 three ball and even in the 80s speed in the 87 perimeter defense now of course this build is running playmaking and lockdown takeovers this bill is a badge count of 22 26 23 and 27 giving it a total of 98 total badges but now it's time to put this bill to the test all right man we are in game number two with build number two I mean bro I'm looking so short but a level 31 gold tier okay and you see we got the five foot eight playmaking lockdown out here yo I mean I'm not five seven but I may as well be this is basically the minimum height in the game but we do get ball first thank God we just need to get what we can get yo are you are you serious the first play Ronnie the first play that's how y'all okay thank God he missed yo they're really cheating me like we already got ripped once this game okay oh my God I didn't mean to do that yeah we gotta take our buckets this is bad this is actually bad I have no energy oh my God please I missed it oh my God now this is bad this is actually going really bad all right get this top get a stop I don't know how we're gonna get a stop even though this is a play lock like I'm five eight and y'all know that 2K favors height so please miss please miss you Miss oh my God no I didn't get it yo I gotta get those boards I'm there I'm there I'm there I'm here I'm here you missed you missed we got a contest too come on that's that 87 forever defense let's get right okay we gotta get a bucket we gotta get our first bucket hey you jumping oh my god get the get the left yeah I didn't get one let's go let's go we just need to take our buckets yo he's playing mad High I'm gonna take the two I'm about to take the two he's playing mad high on me come on hey we got the bunnies on this bill 80 driving dunk okay you know we ain't gonna get no contacts but hey we get up there we look behind the bag let's go oh my you step you're not stepping off you're not stepping off that's green come on respect the jump shot my boy this is bad we got like no stamina I'm not shooting that I'm going to the basket hey yo I'm not gonna lie we can't be giving up the ball like if I give him the ball I can actually like get score on really really I have an 89 ball handle and I'm getting ripped like this are we serious and now he's Rim running I'm not gonna lie we might not touch the ball again he has takeover now and he's Rim running again like I don't blame him too cause I'm five eight you you should be running me I'm five eight that paint is looking so sweet and look at there's another layer I don't know what to do bro like he's not gonna mess with takeover like I don't know what this dude took over he's taking over a Gili Middle School game or something because he's like two for eight I missed again let's go all right come on we got he's out of bounds come on that's green that's great let's go baby 12 to 8. Yo are we serious dude I've gotten ripped to three times in the game just started damn near like okay he's not making that he's making that oh my God shoot nothing oh my God nah that's bad that's actually bad not being able to score on a five eight dude he's insane he's jumping hold on hold on I got no energy we need to finish something this is bad we're boxed I'm not gonna lie two seconds yeah we're shocking this possession oh no man nah we're losing this game there's no way we come out with a win on this one this is really bad it's so hard to play defense on this build come on please please oh no I'm gonna lose I don't know what to do do I play high do I play low like I'm so confused right now all right we're here we're here we're here come on I'm just I'm playing with him yes that's clamps I gotta contest come here give me it let's go boom I cannot give her the ball again he is reaching so much yeah I knew he was going to spam again so I just picked easy room like I literally knew every time I do that behind the back he reaches all right now we got take over play making lockdown to take over you already know five eight play lock hold on oh you reaching again look at how much he's reaching like God damn y'all see that green I miss no come here give me give me channel late yo the jump shot is so weird on this build because it's five eight yo this dude is spamming bro give me the two oh my god I've never seen someone spam so much and he's getting rewarded for it too he has like three steals another reach like I want to break his angles but I mean like he's reaching so much hold on hold this three ball hold that three hold that green come on man one more bucket one more oh my God where are you going where are you going guys oh my God that's what you gave first Samuel drop a like on the video right now if you hate dudes that play like that dude spamming x square all game long anyway subscribe to the channel if you messing with this 5A Play Lock let's move on to build number three build number three is here and this is almost the exact opposite of the last build because this build is a lot taller as you can see this is a seven foot three shot creating score with some of its best stats being a 99 post control giving it Hall of Fame quick First Step a 93 block 85 rebound and even an 82 three-pointer now another Style I want to point out is it's 56 ball handle because as you're going to see in this gameplay this build gets some crazy ankles despite this rating now obviously this build is rocking shot creating and post-scoring takeovers with a badge count of 28 21 15 and 20 giving it a total of 84 badges let's go ahead and get to the gameplay because I think y'all are gonna be surprised with this one game number three is here as you can clearly see we are on our seven foot three shot creating post score and it's time to lock in we're not starting with ball this game and I gotta show what this build is made of this is the first time I've obviously ever played on this build as he makes though okay he's great in that we did get a good contest on that I mean we are seven through like Max wingspan so we're gonna get some pretty good perimeter contests even though we stay like a little down like right there yeah I'm gonna get a contest on that even though I was playing low on him so that's a plus with this build okay here we go we get a lock in hold on let's take it to the post we are seven foot three like we should be able to just baby him come on get out the way get out the way easy draw step come on man like this build is gonna be moving pretty fast with takeover into the seven three look at it like this oh my God like we're a little okay hey we slamming that down too this bill can do a little bit of everything at seven through which is kind of crazy oh my gosh where are you yo I missed it yo I'm trolling okay it does have an 82 three-pointer but I gotta adjust to these oh yeah I was not on the block that's good that's a good contest that's a good contest um but what like I was saying earlier like this build has a slower jump shot and a 7-3 I gotta adjust to these like heights and different times of the jump shots so I missed that but it's okay we get the easy lay all right come on come on I'm getting my three here I'm getting my three here stop oh my God stop playing with me y'all watching this shot it's okay I was okay we're gonna get a stop he's gonna miss that he's gonna miss that yep he's shooting from 2D bro he's getting nervous out here he's literally getting nervous come on we go we take this one to the bucket let's get this one the bucket spin lay oh my God Double Take Over shot creating post scoring takeover it's time to go crazy post pain post hop shot great come on man here real come on bit fade oh my God I missed no yo I just broke him on that yo we might have to spam that move I'm not gonna lie shot creating take over again the ankle breaker there yo I still can't believe I missed that no we're gonna hit that shot in this video bro I completely missed China like that was on me okay let's get a stop here we up five come on we here you're not making that no look bro the perimeter defense on this build is so good at 7-3 like I get so many contests I want to get on like a six five all right here we go come on we're taking it to the rack again we taking it to the rack again spin move oh my God we slamming that down yo this build looking like a seven foot three honest all right we're doing that we're doing the spin fade again we're doing the spin fade this possession hold on oh my God he's already jumping he's already jumping hold on hey where are you going where are you going touch that floor touch that floor my boy this build is seven foot three and we out here okay I missed that but we out here breaking ankles okay I played around with this dude too much like he's getting the ball a lot we can't allow that like he he's he's making his threes now no no we can't lose this game bro he's missing that he's missing that yo he's not missing right now I gotta get this ball back before my takeover ends too like I gotta showcase how crazy this build is because I've already know when it's insane because I'm already doing what I'm doing now at seven three and I just touched the building imagine if I mastered this build uh he's clapping he's not making that no you have no energy and you shot a heavy like what are you doing bro yeah all right come on spin back where you going we shooting over those anyways we shoot over those that's green finally bro I got the jump shot down we chilling now hold on we going back to that ankle breaker fade I'm earning on I'm already knowing yo oh my gosh this build is nasty now we gotta we gotta take advantage of this takeover post fade stop playing with me post fade come on you can't check me you can't guard me I'm seven three I'm too much for you hold on we're going back to the post back to the post give me a second oh my God he's jumping Oh my he already knows it's over he knows it's over yo he jumped at the okay okay he's not making that okay he's making that okay we just need one stop and we're out of here he's go all right back to the post we're just gonna We seven three we got a paint match get out here get out here I'm slamming that down on you this 7-3 shot credit post tour is pretty glitchy subscribe to the channel if you agree with me I mean we're breaking ankles we're dribbling the 56 ball handle we're shooting we're playing good defense we can post up we can do it all let's move on to build number four build number four is here and this time we have a six foot six point guard or what I like to call these six foot six play lock with its best stats being a 95 steal 92 ball handle and even in an 89 acceleration at six foot six now it also gets contact dunks of the 86 driving dunk and a good enough three-pointer for silver Asian threes with an 83 three-pointer now this build is obviously rocking play Mickey and lockdown takeovers with a batch count of 16 22 23 and 24. pulling up to 85 total badges so let's go ahead and see six foot six playmaker can really break ankles we are in Game number four with this six six pure playmaker is he leaving me open yo we're dunking on him okay well yo how did I miss that give me the ball back leave me open what is he doing it's an easy green like is he serious is he seriously Gonna Leave Me open and 83 three-pointers more than enough my boy like what why is he leaving me open that's great what are you doing I ended up playing the rest of this game but I'm not gonna show the entire game because this dude was just simply not guarding me we were just getting wide open threes I started messing around and trying to get contact dunks on him and we ended up winning the game so instead of just showing me this whole game of this dude just not guarding me and just playing bad defense we're gonna go ahead and hop into another game on this 6-6 Play Lock and we end up playing against a level 40 so it should be a lot better gameplay a lot better game to watch and a lot better game to see what this build is really like anyways let's get into the next game with this building all right we are actually playing a level 40 again another level 40 another sweat we got our six six play log out here of course you already seen the build you already know what it's capable of all right let's get it we can't get with the balling I don't know if I'm gonna show off the build like crazy this game I'm just gonna get what the defense gives us you know what I'm saying we gotta win this game easy two he's jumping come on we're taking the dump all right we're locked in let's go yes sir look at this bill can dribble so fast bro come on oh my God I have no adrenaline already that's bad yeah this is bad seven seconds oh no three yo what am I gonna do yeah that's bad and he's gonna score that yup okay off to a bad start we give her the ball a little earlier than we I would have wanted to but oh my god let's go D yo he made that 2K no you can't do this bro you can't do this don't don't bail this dude out now come on dude has Slasher in his name I'm knowing he's Rim running look I'm there yo ain't no way this dude is forcefully Rim running in the slasher in his name this is so bad bad look he's missing that yo and he's making his shots all right we need to stop just one stop is all we need and then we can't get over the ball I'm here that's a bad shot no way give me the word let's go come on we just gotta stop that's we got our stop that's all we needed now we just need to get to 21 points we got no energy again five seconds oh my God I got it yo this is bad he's low-key playing a really good defense on me all right come on where you at spin back he jumping come on my God what am I doing I'm selling give me the oh good yo this dude just pushed me out the way now we're getting another stop come on that's clapped we know you want a rim run that's box give me take over stop playing with my defense bro it's a play lot for a reason we gonna play rock down defense we're here we're here we get an angle bird yo how many times am I actually gonna do that bro I swear they need to like make this court bigger or something because I'm not even trying to run out of bounds and I'm running out of Bounce over here you missed though it doesn't matter this dude's a slasher in his in his gamertag he's got to be a rim Runner he ain't shooting come on now we're not giving up the ball again hold on let me get a quick three ball I'm already knowing he's in a sag off hold on be backing it up you not you're not stepping up I'm great enough sample come on man tie again yo yo he ripped me with Play Take what is wrong with this game we had a game earlier in the video where I kept getting ripped I have played take to get yo this dude is so box yo my defense on this building is way too good 89 acceleration oh my God ankles bro touch the earth now we really starting to cook up now like where is this dude going where is he going oh oh yo where is he going bro is running one way I was running the other come on now yo I'm gonna keep it 100 this level 40 slasher can't keep up with me he can't he cannot keep up hold on we're gonna hit him with the oh my god oh I missed we have lockdown takeover we are a play lock for a reason we're gonna get a stop we gotta believe in the defense okay look at he no he doesn't want to shoot he's not shooting this no more he is not shooting this ball that's clamped no way oh my God I thought they almost gave that to him yo yo he's ripped yo 2K if you let this dude rip me dude is spamming like nah I gotta get my dunk bro he is spamming too much hold on hold on a minute two give me the two where are you going bro where are you going that's another two we're getting you we're off this court we're not playing around with this dude no more game point he's not expecting it we're hitting him with a walk back three watch watch four watch four watch four you're not gonna expect it walk back where are you going that's green that's green that's green get on my court come on now these level 40s they not messing with your boy they not drop a like for another W let's move on to the next Bills build number five is here and this time we have a six foot seven build now this build is gonna be a lot different than the other builds because this is a six foot seven pure lockdown Menace build with its best stats being a 99 steal 97 perimeter defense a 92 offensive rebound and an 87 block now it does have some decent offensive stats to get 86 driving Duncan at 85 three ball but something I would like to point out is it has a 37 ball handle in a 37's Buick ball so this build really isn't supposed to be the ball handler whatsoever obviously this build is running lock and rim take and the batch count is 13 22-7 and 43. yes 43 defensive badges holding up to 85 total bet is over half of them being defensive let's bring this menace to the 1v1 court all right as you can see we're still on the six foot seven lockdown build pure lockdown literally this build was made to play defense and that's what we're gonna do in this game but we also gotta score the ball too with a 20 what was it like a 35 ball handle something like that anyways oh my God I mean yo I already got ripped oh we were fumbling with the balls like five seconds into the play look at this defense though this dude is gonna have some trouble I'm not gonna lie he might not score that's how bad it's gonna get he might not score the ball hold on that's green that's green come on now E5 three balls that's that's obviously because I can't unlock any of them Yo oh my God I'm from with the ball this is bad yo this build is so bad at dribbling oh no six seconds what do we do oh my God please we're going for the dunk hey okay I can definitely score on this building I used to be a center back in the day when that those bills didn't have drill moves like I could get my buckets when I need to come on oh and I greened it bro I'm out of bounds I mean it doesn't matter though because he's not gonna score like you're look at that loose ball go and get it just just enough for we're here we're here 99 steel 97 per defense 87 block nope that's off 83 into your defense yep keep falling let me know drop a link in the video right now if we should just like give him the ball once again to 19 just keep giving the ball until like he grades out or something like I might have to do that get a quick little free ball because clearly he's sagging off so hold on give me a second come on now green stop playing with me we gotta see if we could fade too can we fade on this build double booger fade okay that's all that's up yeah it's not that bad be the board give me the board let's go oh God give me the two hey okay like really the only thing though this build can't do is dribble it can do everything else it just can't dribble like look it's fumbling the ball and stuff doesn't really have any sigs but you could do something look at that Jason said if hop stuff like oh my God oh my God like we literally cooked that play like I don't really have any drill ones but you could do like hop steps you can do like snatches you can do some things like that any build can do look at Trey Ball like who are you go I missed I missed I missed I missed I missed he's not scoring your box you're never scoring the ball ever he hit the side of the backboard he's giving up he's literally giving up that's another tray ball I'm literally about to just keep giving this ball get out of the ball still we shot eight for ten three for five but 200 turnovers remember that stat line because I'm literally going to walk out of my house and keep giving this guy the ball over and over and over and he's not gonna be able to score okay so let's see what happens he's definitely not gonna win that's for sure maybe he'll get like one run or something okay there there's there's his room but I'm going to keep playing defense until we grade him out he will get graded from this game or I will lose there's no other option look at he's shooting that note like you're contested I get the ball I'm going right back up and look at now he's cold he's reaching because he's cold yeah if I go up before I take the ball out of like out of to the red line then it doesn't count as a shot attempt and I just give him the ball back right back speaking of that uh we just got another block let's go out of bounds yo dude is really like gonna get hey this is about to be bad oh my God give me that yo this is bad I'm going right out of bounds too my boy look he's dancing he's dancing what you gonna do when you're in all Box come on you're not scoring you're not scoring yeah resort to posting up and that's not gonna work either because I got good interior defense and I got Rim protecting together you're not making this shot you're not making it give me the ball yeah oh my God he fouled and out of bounds I go yo is he AFK now the reason we're throwing I'm gonna push him out of balance oh my God I'm push him out of bounds yo bro really thought he could go AFK on me nope not today you you get another turnover and we're giving you the ball now he's back and we're giving you the ball right back my boy the AF King again we just gonna push you out of bounds again oh give me the yo this is oh my God I'm wrestling with the ball bro this is bad this is bullying this has to be bowling yo did he quit like is he just not he okay he's here he's I don't know what he's doing he's got to be raging him as he like threw his controller or something uh he's posting up again resorting to the post up that's just not gonna work you're not gonna score on me with these takeovers by posting up did he just put what the yo now what is he doing bro what now this dude actually stands no chance of not getting graded out that's crazy look at him he's posting up again this is a whole guard that's not gonna work my boy give me that he is at a D minus right now so he's very close to grading out oh yeah we pushing oh my God he's back we're we're here we're here we're here yo he really tried he really tried he's the Airborne to lay up yo yo he's his airport away I've been missed again this is getting so bad I'm here I'm here you're not scoring give me the ball just give me the ball I'll take you right back you're going right back to cold bro got off Gold by getting his own rebound on an air ball layup the time is take okay he just got a dung okay we can't let this dude get no get back that's for sure yo he is going right by me okay so let's go ahead and play back he's probably just gonna force it we here yup you're not scoring again yep that's a bad shot that's contested this bill has too many badges for you to be shooting at we're giving it right back to rip in the comment section for our boy crazy that's a horrible shot and he's created out we really just graded him out no that's bad bro and just like that we're gonna have to end it on his AI a little tray ball hey subscribe to the channel if you think and agree with me that this build is a complete Menace to Society but as you can see we're still on the six foot seven lockdown build pure lockdown literally this build was made to play defense and that's what we're gonna do in this game but we also gotta score the ball too with a 20 what was like a 35 ball handle something like that anyways oh my God I mean what yo I already got ripped I mean we were fumbling with the ball like five seconds into the play look at this defense though this dude is gonna have some trouble I'm not gonna lie he might not score that's how bad it's gonna get he might not score the ball hold on that's green that's green come on now p53 ball that that's that's too easy for me oh my God where is he going yo yo I I getting cooked with a 37 ball handle is crazy my boy I ain't gonna lie I got literally default six on obviously because I can't unlock any of them Yo oh my god look I'm pumped with the ball this is bad yo this build is so bad at dribbling oh no six seconds what do we do oh my God please we're going for the dunk hey okay I can definitely score on this building I used to be a center back in the day when that those builds didn't have drill moves so I could get my get my buckets when I need to come on and I greened it bro I'm out of bounds I mean it doesn't matter though because he's not gonna score like you're look at that loose ball go and get it just just enough before we're here we're here 99 steel 97 perimeter defense 87 block nope that's off 83 interior defense yep keep falling let me know drop a link in the video right now if we should just like give him the ball once again to 19 just keep giving the ball until like he grades out or something like I might have to do that get a quick little free ball because clearly he's sagging off so hold on give me a second come on now green stop playing with me we gotta see if we can fade too can we fade on this build Devon bugger fade okay that's all that's up yeah it's not that bad give me the board give me the board let's go oh God give me the two hey okay like really the only thing that this build can't do is dribble it can do everything else it just can't dribble like look it's fumbling the ball and stuff doesn't really have any sigs but you could do something look at that Jason saved him hop stuff like oh my God like we literally cooked that play like I don't really have any dribbles but you could do like hop steps you can do like snatches you can do some things like that any build can do look at tray ball like who are you go I missed I missed I missed I missed I missed he's not scoring your box you're never scoring the ball ever he hit the side of the backboard he's giving up he's literally giving up that's another tray ball I'm literally about to just keep doing this ball get out of the ball so good we shot eight for ten three for five by two turnovers remember that stat line because I'm literally going to walk out of bounds and keep giving this guy the ball over and over and over and he's not gonna be able to score okay so let's see what happens he's definitely not gonna win that's for sure maybe he'll get like one run or something okay there there's there's his room but I'm going to keep playing defense until we grade him out he will get graded from this game or I will lose there's no other option look at he's shooting that note like you're contested I get the ball I'm going right back up and look at now he's cold he's reaching because he's cold yeah if I go up before I take the ball out of like out of to the red line then it doesn't count as a shot attempt and I just give him the ball back right back speaking of that uh we just got another block let's go out of bounds yo dude is really like gonna get hey this is gonna be bad oh my God give me that yo this is bad I'm going right out of bounds too my boy look he's dancing he's dancing what you gonna do when you're in a Box come on you're not scoring you're not scoring yeah resort to posting up and that's not gonna work either because I got good interior defense and I got Rim protecting takeover you're not making the shot you're not making it give me the ball yeah oh my God he fouled and out of bounds I go yo is he AFK nah we're reaching we're throwing I'm gonna push him out of bounds oh my God I'm pushed him out of bounds yo bro really thought he could go AFK on me nope not today you you getting another turnover and we're giving you the ball now he's back and we're giving you the ball right back my boy the AFK again we just gonna push you out of bounds again oh give me the yo this is oh my God I'm wrestling with the ball bro this is bad this is bullying this has to be bowling yo did he quit like is he just not he okay he's here he's I don't know what he's doing he's got to be raging him as he like threw his controller or something uh he's posting up again resorting to the post up that's just not gonna work you're not gonna score on me with these takeovers by posting up did he just put what the yo now what is he doing bro what now this dude actually stands no chance of not getting graded out that's crazy look at him he's posting up again this is a whole guard that's not gonna work my boy give me that he is at a D minus right now so he's very close to grading out yeah we pushing oh my God he's back we're here we're here we're here yo he really tried he really tried he's Airborne to lay up yo yo he just Airborne to lay up and missed again this is getting so bad I'm here I'm here you're not scoring give me the ball just give me the ball I'll take you right back you're going right back to cold bro got off Gold by getting his own rebound on an air ball layup the time is take okay he just got a dung okay we can't let this dude get no get back that's for sure yo he is going right by me okay so let's go ahead and play back he's probably just gonna force it we here yup you're not scoring again yep that's a bad shot that's contested this bill has too many badges for you to be shooting at we're giving it right back to rip in the comment section for our boy crazy that's a horrible shot and he's created out we really just graded him out no that's bad bro and just like that we're gonna have to end it on his AI a little tray ball hey subscribe to the channel if you think and agree with me that this build is a complete Menace to Society we are at build number six now and this build is a six foot five pure slasher now looking at the stats here yes 6'5 Max wingspan with its best stats being a 99 driving dunk and if you have a sleeve on it gets to a hundred driving dunk with a 92 ball handle and a 94 acceleration so obviously a super fast slasher now a couple other notable attributes it has a 73 3-pointer which people are clearly blinded by this overpowered build system we have this year that is more than enough to Green open in 2K and an 86 perimeter defense with pretty low defensive stats other than that now obviously this boat is Rocky slashing takeover and also sharp takeover as well the badge count is 25 10 19 and 12. totally out to only 66 badges total for this build let's go ahead and see this bill can throw it down all right man we are in the game with the 6-5 pure slasher we gotta get it we gotta dunk on someone's head bro it's simple I don't know what this dude's fit is but he's about to get messed up as you can see we clearly got the slasher build out here of course and we're played a high level gold tier okay so we got some decent competition as well all right we do not start with ball first so of course we need a stop y'all saw the builds defense I mean really the best thing 86 permanent defense has a 70 hey but we gotta stop I'm saying and I'll take it oh my God we can't we get ribs here okay I would just be like y'all can call me a river out of this game I don't care I'm a 99 driving though okay we gotta see this thing in action with a quick drop to the start of the game if he leaves me open I'm gonna have to spark it like he's already back it off he's already backing off hold on hold on that's a tray ball that's it okay that's not me okay that's not the bill I shot a late I'll give you the ball back do it okay that's his ball okay we're good we're good we're good this is probably our worst offensive build we're gonna play on this video but I'm not gonna let him score hold on okay no we're gonna let him score all right we're gonna get this ball back he's just he's a rim running too he don't he don't want to shoot give me that that's that's a box all right now it's time to go crazy yo he is reaching he did not like giving up the ball right there hold on you leaving me open that's green that's great I don't care if it says 73 three-pointer I got double takeover already hold on spin bag work okay that's bad I'm gonna activate it that's green that's great yeah we backed up because I thought he thought I was too deep no 73 three-pointer I don't care bro we gotta take now we really about to dunk on this dude's head we gotta get a poster hold on go to the rack okay we're gonna be using the dunk meter but you know we didn't we didn't get a contact right there but we have a 99 driving dug okay he's sitting the paint that's where we want you that's where oh my oh he's on the ground to what I missed ah man he stole it yo like I'm stumbling out of yo come on 2K why is 2K hating on me and he's shooting that like why did 2K just hate on me I have my contact done and they just took it away from me it's okay we got it right back we got plenty of time hold on to the over floor get up get up oh disrespectful that's all I gotta say about that damn we moving too fast for we moving too fast for this boy oh my God it's not this dude is not gonna have a good day once this game is over with it's not looking good for him green this build is a pure slasher for a reason you're not stopping it we're not going to the rack I mean just like that it's already 18-2 like this game's going by super fast because you can't stop this slasher you can't stop it this build's actually tough like this is a fun build to use 99 driving dug it's two op let's make it like an early get off the core that was a nice fast game drop a like of the video if you mess with this pure slasher build we on to the next one build number seven is here and this one's a little crazy a sharp shooting shot Creator now as you can see this build is six foot one with its best stats being a 96 three-pointer 92 ball handle 96 acceleration a couple other notable stats is it has an 86 driving dunk so it does get contacts but its defense is really bad like look at the defensive stats almost non-existent the obviously this build is running Sharp Shooting and shot creating takeover now obviously this build is running Sharp Shooting and shot creating takeover the badge count is 21 34-25 and 9 which brings us to a total of 89 total badges let's go ahead and see if I can even miss with this build or if I can even get a stop all right man we're in the game with a six foot one shot shooting shot creating obviously this build is very good offensively so it's gonna be interesting if we could play defense or get a stop and when you have to hope for a Miss I can shoot the 73 3-point I can shoot with an 80 to 82.85 a 96 that's crazy you can't forget this bill is a 77 lab and an 86 driving dunk so I can drive to the basket as well super fast build too like look at look I'm going to the basket that's lay it don't matter if it's contested I'm making those all right hopefully I don't miss the first shot though because this the jump shot is probably pretty fast because I'm six one um you know I mean changing builds throughout this video so oh my God bro I miss I missed okay that's bad that's bad I'm not missing for the rest of the game okay I promise I won't miss I hopefully we can get a stop okay that's bad he just made a late yeah defense with this build is mostly praying than actually playing defense like we're just got the prey just shoots and misses what up I mean he does not want to shoot I'm he's wide open I mean we see why he doesn't want to shoot oh Lord I am not missing anymore we not gonna miss with this build 96 3-pointer come on that's in there let's go there's one green the green window has to be massive on this build especially when I get together like what is he he's already giving up he's already given up come on I got gold Limitless on this build double takeover we got sharp and shot credit we just not missed it anymore I'm not gonna lie and we have 90s acceleration so we're super fast looking that's great I already know I already know what's going I already know it's going in we're gonna get another room we're gonna get another that's great that's a midi too that's too easy now I think about it with both sharp and shot takeovers with a 96 three-pointer takeovers boost your attitudes I probably have well over a 103.0 right now probably like over 110 like it easier to give it up that's another green I feel bad like you can't guard this build another fade another green but if you give up the ball against this build you're probably not gonna get it back unless I just make like a massive mistake another green that's an easy game that's too easy this build is too easy to play on offensively we only missed one shot so I ended up playing another game on the 6-1 sharp shot cruder subscribe to the channel drop a like on the video If you guys think this build is nasty with it offensively you see we get a stop on the first play and I'm just gonna spoil it right now this dude ended up not getting the ball back again I I wanted to get a game where I shot perfect so this is the second game I ended up playing you see we get a three we get the ball again we shoot another three that's green this build is really crazy and mathematically yes this build in takeover has well over a 110 three-point shot which is kind of crazy you see them faded I'm Greening and this build's just too fast you don't really need to know how to dribble this build you could really just go left right stop go right stop go left and you're just going to be too fast for your Defender because you have a 96 acceleration you see I'm just not missing we end up making him rage quick I'm gonna show the stats at the end just so y'all know that I literally did not miss a shot in this game AI guarded me y'all though AIS actually have amazing defense in this game well it does not matter we're gonna shoot over the AI with with this build because this goes just too nasty with his left fade right base getting shot deep shot it doesn't matter 21-0 we shot a hundred percent didn't miss a single shot let's move on to the next build build number eight is here and this one is wild this is a seven foot play making post score with its best stats being a 99 post control for Hall of Fame quick First Step a 93 block and an 86 driving dunk for contact duns now a couple other notable attributes of course this is 83 three-pointer for silver agent threes and then it's ball handling has a 65 ball handle 65 speed ball as well so this is the fastest seven foot build you can make in the entire game and of course this build is rocking playmaking and post scoring takeovers with a batch count of 28 19 16 and 18. totally up to 85 total badges let's see how this build is moving in game so I would show you all the first game I played on this seven foot post scoring playmaker but this dude I play right here this goats here level 11 ended up rage quitting pretty fast we got him up out here first play I gotta spin back three and from there on out I was just cooking them up and a lot of the times he was just AFK because he was just giving up I don't know if he was surprised that my seven foot bill was moving like this or something or is used to playing post scores that can't dribble or move as fast as I was but yeah he ended up quitting and we ended up 21 on him right quick so anyways so anyways let's just move on to the second game I play on this seven foot post play all right we are in the second game with his post-scoring playmaker we're playing this puffer dude right here he's low-key dripping with it yeah you see we're on the post going playmaker now we do not start with ball first but I do have a 93 block so our defense isn't going to be like horrible we're just gonna be a little on the slow end I have a 69 perimeter defense with a very long wingspan on this bill too okay he's gonna take the dunk he's gonna take the dunk that's fine I was cooking up with this build last game so it's gonna be interesting to see if I can do it again okay he's going crazy I'll give it to him uh defense is suspect right now I'm not gonna lie to you though we gotta get a stop hold on we're gonna make him shoot right here that meter I don't know I'm not confident with this dude's meter we're gonna make him shoot that's box you're gonna have to he's not making a shot display he's not making it that's off give me that that's a block come on he has four seconds to score the ball he's not scoring right here he has definitely has like no energy too he's not making that oh my God yo he almost pulled that all right we got the ball we're not giving it up okay I'm very new to this build just like all the builds I play on this video but hey spin back oh my God where are you going green three wow I did that the I did that the first play of the last game too and it worked we already have takeover as well go to the rack hey easy don't silver limit was take off on a seven foot build is absolutely insane if I get an angle bird that's gonna be crazy he's jumping I'm hooking you jumping I'm grinning the hook come on now where are you going oh my God where are you going we going to the rack we going to the rack that's an easy Jam come on man this Builders create seven foot like y'all got to realize this is a seven foot build it's kind of crazy what you can do on some of these tall builds in this game oh my God give me three oh I missed that I missed that that's late we got the ball back though we got it back hold on hold on we about to get a bucket give him give me a second post spin hold on hold on we're gonna drop Stefan oh my God we paint matching him get out the way 360 standing dunker 180 whatever that was go crazy yeah a lot of people just make six nine builds in this game and that's exactly why I'm not gonna test the six time build in this game in this video because bro it's just so boring like everybody has the same build they don't like go up in height a lot of times and look at oh my God I'm throwing them off me easy Jam yo I threw that down with authority now this build is really crazy like I could shoot from behind the arc I can moment them you see right there oh my God no way cradle I can shoot over those I can dribble a little bit I can hook I can fade I can drop something oh my I can spin in the post out here yo he's really just not guarding me though I got no energy though okay I'm not gonna lie we're gonna have to take him to the post right here no energy let's see if we can get a bucket come on two seconds one second we hooking it that's great oh my gosh this build is too overpowered the seven foot post playmaker who would have thought this build is this crazy oh he's reaching you not stealing the ball I got a Hall of Fame unpluckable on this build what's good with you what's good with you you can't guard me down here you can't guard me down here post Fade Away greed oh my God the post hop shots the face the hooks the threes the drill moves it's too much he's fouling again I'm about to shoot that I'm about to shoot that you give me Twitch oh yeah again yo the jump shot is weird bro I'm going from six ones to seven fluids to six fives like y'all Gotta Give me a break here midnight Oh my he slammed that one down we're here we're here we know he's trying to give me that that's another blog six seconds you're not scoring yo what was that like a midi I was not expecting a mini when I'm not trying to lose this and he's making that oh he's doing no hey he's actually not missing bro 20 to 16. we need a stop now no no no he can't score again if we let him score I don't know how he doesn't have to take over yet it's probably because we blocked him a couple times he's gotta have low energy he's not making that nope that's off that's off that's off get the board get the board come on I'm just taking my guaranteed bucket we're going to the post where this build specializes in seven foot play post Get Out The Way We mashing him easy leg get off the court simple drop a like on the video if you like how a lot of these builds are more unique rather than just watching a six nine build every game Bill's number nine and we have a six foot four play-making shot creator with this builds best stats being a 92 ball handle 94 acceleration at 6'4 and an 86 driving dunk now this build also has an 85 3-pointer and a 92 perimeter defense but the other defensive stats are like very low so this is kind of like one of those 6-1 short guard builds that's very good offensively but instead it's 6'4 with almost Max wingspan and a 92 perimeter defense as well now obviously this build is running playmaking and shot creating takeovers with a badge count of 15 22 25 and 17. giving it a total of 79 total badges let's hop into a game with this build all right we have our 6-4 playmaking shot Critter out here now I haven't used a build like this like this builds acceleration is a whole 94. it's gonna be interesting what this build is like at this kind of height with that high of an acceleration like the highest acceleration I've had is a 95 and those are on 6-1 builds this is a whole six four okay let's get it bro we gotta get a stop and he made it okay okay he one of those that do the y'all know those 1v1 players that do that spin move run off the catch like uh he's one of those this dude plays a lot of ones you can tell stop this is stop he already looking like he haven't oh no he missed he missed he missed let's go let's go we got that we got that oh my God I did not mean to do that I did not mean to do that nah give me the ball back let's go easy Blitz but let me go ahead and get a quick dunk hold on little quick drop all right this should be an easy easy W with this build little three-pointer over those yes sour green cologne all right this build is moving mad fast like look at how fast this build looks I'm old 6'4 easy dunk like you're not guarding the dunk and the three when you're guarding this build we are one off takeover oh he's not giving up I thought yo how many times you want to get ripped in this video guess we gotta get another stop I'm here I'm here you're not getting that REM run I'm here this dude is posting up he is down bad you're not getting that come on that's another stop I'm taking that to the basket I'm taking that to the back okay he blocked you okay good defense I don't know why my God is a quick drop but we got three seconds I'm gonna try to do a spin fade and that did not work at all I literally didn't even mean to do that yo he has take over already this dude is like two for four with three points and he got double takeover make it make sense 2K I'm here I'm here that's boxed he can't even score with takeover this dude is down bad and now he's spam of course he's got lock take now he's gonna start spamming his look at he's spamming all right come on we're gonna have to move fast I mean we do have a 94. oh my God where are you going boy lock take for what now I got a double take them he's not gonna oh my where are you going the behind the back the green oh no he can't guard me let's get another fade in hold on give me a second here momentum yo nah he's lost he is genuinely lost I think he's trying to like predict where I'm going and he's just predicting wrong every time oh is he giving up is he giving up is he giving up right now don't tell me this boy is giving up okay he's back oh my no this building is crazy fast this build should not be this fast I'm telling you that loctang ain't gonna help that lock tick is not gonna help oh my God can I get it can I get an ankle breaker I'm trying to get one I got no energy now all right there's three seconds oh no we're at the force something up is that in it's okay I always get to stop this build has low defensive stats but we have a 92 perimeter defense what is he shooting oh my game's over I'm not gonna lie he's not stopping me two times it's not happening fade green get off the court let's go 6-4 play shot too big too fast too good on to the last build we are on build number 10 which is the final build now none of these builds in this video were those six nine demigods because those builds are just so common in this game but this build is pretty close to one probably even better this is a 6-8 Sharp Shooting rim protector with its best stats being a 92 perimeter defense 89 ball handle 88 block and an 86 driving dunk it also has an 85 three-pointer and look at his defensive stats like all of them are super good this build is obviously running Sharp Shooting and Rib protecting takeover and the badge count is 13 22 23 and 23. giving it a total of 81 badges let's see how really good this build is all right we are in our last and final game against this goat tier who averages 11 points per game and we have our six foot eight Sharp Shooting rim protector out here that really is a defensive Menace that has very good offensive stats as well so this is really a all-around build all right let's see how this 6'8 is moving definitely can run run definitely can shoot definitely can do it all we're going to the rack easy dunk we're slapping the back more than the first play I can already tell this is one of those builds that like anyone can use look at another easy standing dunk this is definitely one of those builds where it's like hard to be bad at this build like you have to be bad at the game to not be good with this building an easy spin back okay I shot that terribly early that's not me but we're gonna get this deal right back cause this build steel is insane all of its defensive stats are insane it literally has an 86 deal 92 perimeter 88 block and I'm not gonna miss either gonna 85-3 now I got double take already like is the game's over the game's already over and it just started another easy dunk come on it doesn't matter look at this build six eight It's Too Tall it's too good we're going to the basket easy dunk I was gonna get a three on that last possession but he was playing me really high so let's see how he's playing me this possession I've gotten a lot of yeah he's leaving me open that's an easy green stop playing with me this bill can do it all don't let me fight let me find out we're really about to get a 21 hour with this build another green like in his mid too he can't guard it God this build is moving this build is moving he's oh that's how he gets the ball I missed Tyler dunk this build does get contacts but I completely missed time to open dunk all right we got Rim tank though yet you're not making that what is he shooting is over for you bro how do we tell you it's over yo can I get a contact okay like come on man I'm trying to put it down on this dude he's reaching still like that's easy dunk for the 21 oh bro oh my God what is my player doing okay oh yo yo y'all didn't see nothing and then he finally scores okay okay we'll give it to him but he's just running right by me all we gotta get this ball back and end this game because this dude should not even be like you know he's not making that he's not the rib tank you're not making that as a little bit heavily it's time to end this dude's game it's time to end his career it's over bro you can't hold this build wide open green get off the court this six eight build is way too much let me know in the comments which one was your favorite build in today's video throughout all 10 builds like And subscribe if you enjoyed the content today we on that road to a million if you enjoyed today's video you're definitely gonna enjoy the one on the screen especially if you like longer videos go check it out
Channel: Double H
Views: 305,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DOUBLE H, DoubleH, DF, NBA2K23, 2K23, build 2k23 current gen, build 2k23, build 2k23 next gen, nba2k23 my career, nba2k23 season 7, nba2k23 best build, nba2k23 best jumpshot, nba2k23 best dribble moves, nba2k23 best build current gen, nba2k23 best build next gen, nba2k23 best build pg, best post scorer build 2k23, best lockdown build 2k23, best slasher build 2k23, best sharpshooter build 2k23, best playmaker build 2k23, playing on every build in 2k23, best build seaon 7, stage, vc
Id: sJVrpx8KfSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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