Making a Build BLINDFOLDED on NBA 2K

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the other day I was just chilling scrolling on YouTube like I usually do and I ran across this video by your boy Tonio and honestly the title really intrigued me he made a build while completely blindfolded on NBA 2k22 and so much in the video and apparently Tonio didn't even come up with the idea himself before I even get into this video man I want to give shout outs to GV man he was the first person I've seen do this video man he made this video like three months ago so I'm here to keep this content Creator's cycle going I did send Antonio a DM to see if it was cool um at the time of me recording this he didn't respond but let's hope he does and gives me the A-Okay to post this I don't even know how well I know the 2K 23 Builder if it was like a 2K 20 to 2K 22 type of Builder bro I know that's like the back of my hand I know that whole pie chart system in and out but on 23 and I've only made a handful of builds and I don't lab up like I used to Young Zack was a bill wizard but the only thing I can rely on to help me are these little earbuds right here I'm gonna try and use the audio cues of the Builder kind of like feel around when I'm going hey uh editing Zach here with some pretty unfortunate news while editing this video I noticed that all of the game chat audio was completely corrupted so you're not gonna hear the sounds in the Builder what I'm hearing through my headphones and you're not going to hear any gameplay audio but that should be fine I just wanted to let you know don't freak out okay it's gonna be fine trust me and a quick disclaimer before I put on this blindfold it is not mine okay I was going through the entire house asking everybody if they had one this is my sister's from when she was like six bro okay so don't make fun of me but it's the blindfold we're going to be using and let's just put this thing on bro it's gonna be very very interesting I don't know how else to prove it but I literally can't see anything got my controller here we go the audio cues are gonna have to carry me okay so I believe we should be starting as a point guard position I think his first name last name right we're gonna go one down this should be positioned I'm trying to make a point guard here so I'm gonna go one over boom here we go point guard this should be handedness give me whatever I'll be fine with like anything for the jersey number uh this doesn't matter and I'm gonna continue so now I should be on the screen where I see height weight wing span all that I believe height is the very first one and I want to make this build a six nine demigod that is what I'm going to make because it's the best chance I have of actually getting a solid build so this should be height at the very top we're just going to Max this out I believe this is the weight all right uh we're gonna minimize this be as fast as we can be we heard the the the visual audio cue not visual I can't see and for the wingspan we're gonna Max this bad boy out what is this is body shape right I can't see I don't know just give me whatever now this is the main thing I'm going to struggle with I have to remember where every single one of the attributes are now the first thing I want to do so this build is not absolute dog we're gonna go all the way down to the very bottom because that's where the stamina is and stamina very very important right so we're gonna Max this out right here and then we're gonna go up to the very tippity top all right this should be close shot this should be you know a little driving layup and this should be driving done the problem with the Builder and not pie charts I can't just max everything out that I want the build would just not be good if I just max everything out to like 99 or high 90s in the older games with the pie charts you can get them to like an 80 and just kind of match the shooting Max of the defensive where you actually want it this Builder is so complex I don't even know what I'm gonna do but to start I think I just do want to Max the uh the driving dunk and you know what that's all I really need for the finishing the driving layup should go up already now I'm gonna go back to the top I'm just gonna come back to the close shots when I think through every single one of these attributes close shot lay up dunk standing dunk post control I believe this should be mid-range I don't really care about that we're just gonna put up the three-pointer and the mid-range should go up automatically I believe um oh okay I maxed it I don't know what braiding is going to but I'm gonna get this maxed okay I think this is free though we can skip over that this should be interior defense defense I think I'm on Perimeter defense no I don't know what I'm starting at this is so weird bro I'm gonna try just you know getting this up to something oh that's Max I want to lower this a little bit because I'm not trying to be a lockdown are you serious my brother let's go right here this deal up a little bit oh my God that's Max two what this is weird bro I know it's putting up like my physicals and um you know what let's skip back let's go down here we should be a stamina I'm gonna go up this should be vertical this should be strength acceleration let's get my Excel up all right let's get this up to like right here I think I put it up a decent amount and this should be speed right so we're gonna put our speed up that's Max okay we're gonna go minus ten and just go all out on Excel get man that's all we need baby this should be my defense rebound I'm gonna go plus ten wait that's maxed what okay um let's put up my offensive rebounds maybe some Block in there I don't know how close I am to finishing this build at all this should be what steal I made so much to go what hold on let me reset uh close shot lay up let's give us some layup all right yeah that's Max don't that's Max right standing done let's get some let's get a little something wait I forgot about ball heads oh my God I just realized I forgot about like all of the play making okay so I'm gonna have to go back down I'll have to reset this is so confusing okay close shot lay up don't standing done post control mid-range three-pointer free throw oh my God I just know all my attributes are all over the place because I completely forgot that playmaking exists it should be passing accuracy this should be ball handle the ball handles Max so the defense I don't even know you know what screw it for the last of my attributes I'm just gonna spend them wherever they can go I think I'm very close to the end I'm gonna go to the very bottom can it let me just finish the build [Music] wait wait okay am I on the next screen now I think this is takeovers I have no idea where the takeovers are gonna be I'm just gonna click this one what are these noises okay I think I'm close to the very end I think the menu just popped up where it's like yo you're gonna make the bills I'm gonna take the blindfold off now uh well that was a mistake I'm just gonna go with shot creating and slasher Moment of Truth though what is the build name called please give me something good come on I made an inside out scorer that's a good sign that is the name of the sixth when I see my actual attributes because I know there's gonna be something I messed up because I can't see bro I'm low-key scared to go over to this progression let's see did I make him six nine okay six nine 185 I unfortunately already like solid takeovers but you know I mean I didn't really put my own brain into it let's see the stats okay we completely missed on our perimeter defense and steal we got the stamina we wanted the shooting's decent we get up to us 82 that's valid oh my God wait is our Duncan 99. oh my god did we get a solid ball handle what does this go up to a 77 that's solid we get the job done the most important thing that I started off with we got we got that block is that go to a 99 interesting but yeah I'm gonna upgrade this build and it's gonna hurt my pockets 246 kvc going down the drain honestly I can't be too upset the build came out pretty solid um but here we go make sure y'all subscribe so I can continue to spend money on dumps it builds please and since I somewhat successfully managed to make a 6-9 demigod build our goal today is to go absolutely undefeated and play perfect we're not losing one game in The Galleon let's get started oh at level 33 98 princess case all right princess cakes show me what you got I think we're playing another six nine demigod this might actually be pretty tough because I'm not an experienced six nine demigod player and he kind of dribbles like me bro he really just plays like me what the hell he's got that heavy step in his bag everyone he's got that Lucas step back the only thing he doesn't have is the pink hair oh he's in game chat too oh let me get in there real quick uh let me just um um um um get a stop and then put in my location I saved it go all the way all right we have our slashing takeover we've managed to upgrade this builds dry so we're gonna take advantage of that rating come on baby come on baby what the foam figures are cheating lock take Rim take why is that a thing I mean we still scored but like what he got that mad quick bro all from offense two come on Jordan's a room running today I don't care no no no no no no no damn it but honestly bro I gotta lock in I gotta get a stop and then I gotta score on his takeover we're there though right oh my God he just hit he step step back and that's just me he plays like me bro he's literally my clone oh my God how did he get the animation I'm supposed to be an interior presence y'all saw what I upgraded on defense we're here no he's off he's off right no he's trying so hard I can't lose the first game after I said I don't want to lose what no I'm locking in bro come on give me a steal something we're here we're here we're here you know what we're not counting that okay we're not counting it he played like me that's me losing to myself beating yourself doesn't count right let's get on to this next game I honestly can't believe I went out like that bro that's so bad oh my God the perfect game to redeem myself you are going to be getting annihilated I have a 99 driving nug and you look like someone who wants to be on a but oh we're getting stopped by 62 overalls 2K oh God what is this oh my is he a post score man what is this game come to I'm really giving the ball up to 62 overall post scores I mean at least he knows his role he knows what his build Cannon can't do but apparently it can stop me in the paint with a 99 driving though when he probably has absolutely nothing upgraded there you go you know what that's fine he's on the ground we're still gonna score off this you know what it doesn't matter if we missed the dunk two points it's two points I just want to contact dunk with the 99 get on that ground thank you and I low-key want to get it from every angle on the court let's get some nice contact dunks from this Wing yo you know what one snatch back and we're going in we're going in yo yo this doesn't make any sense 2K how am I three for eight on a 62 overall he has nothing nothing stop giving me layups what in the hullabaloo is going on 99 don't 2K does that not mean anything anymore load that pepper up what the what kind of crack are they feeding these 60 overalls nowadays yo give me one no this is absolutely ridiculous 62 overall 2K 62. that doesn't even make any sense get in my contact get him how I really thought I was about to be dominating this game and this is what I've got myself into where's the defense pink man oh and of course he's got post and rim take if I get dropped off by a 60 I'm just gonna delete my YouTube channel he beat me I lost was 62 overall when my goal on this video was to go undefeated that is the stupidest thing I have ever seen in 2K I don't know how this video went from I'm trying to win every game to I'm trying to win just one game this is the game where we prove everyone who doubted me wrong we're making it happen okay oh Wells Fargo we're playing against a Bank the bank man with the jump shot the big man with the brick the bank's not open on Sundays buddy it's not even a Sunday so that doesn't make sense don't jump goofy don't jump goofy hey but look at that in early lead 2-0 you already know what's going on let's get a little jump shot going spin back once it wasn't true the second time come on we're just gonna you know keep shooting until I get this jump shot right okay come on bang There we go and just like that we got our takeover this is the game we show out come on baby give me hot back three give me a hot bag three come on that's a midi I'll take it back we're gonna do it again hop back three baby hop back three baby oh my gosh we're chilling what is that step back that was the most old man stinky butts jump uh step back I've seen on my entire 20 years on this planet Earth what in tarnation was that snatchback snatchback duck meter hey look how easy that is dude sorry bar was green get in that paint this this should motivate you to get in the paint are you quitting no don't quit don't quit come on come on don't be a don't be a I might have lost two games back to back against scrubs but I didn't quit bro if this AI comes back and I'm over three I'm cooked bro he's off right give me that no oh my God 7-13 this is going bad oh and look look it's stuck again it's stuck saying reaching in what is wrong with this game bro two times in a row my stick is glitched like what what is this that's so dumb I'd love to see a devious contact dunk uh but it's not happening yeah you bro yeah get out of my face who let him cook that is a rhetorical question don't answer that please I'm about to go for three this is really about to happen I'm about to lose two at level 38 which made sense and then a 60 overall and then an AI this might be the worst video performance of Zack 2K in my entire Channel's history this is gotten so bad like what am I doing come on please just go in okay one three and we win this game that is all I want that is literally all I want step back heavy step step back come on that's all I want oh my God this is the worst I've ever played by far I'm not even a good 2k player like I'm like slightly above average but like yo like what am I shooting two for seven on threes and I and I wasn't even looking and he stole the ball I'm eight for 19. he's six for 21. oh my God can I please just just out of here that's all I want get off my court please no I have no words I'm officially speechless I'm speechless give me that back I just want to make one three is that really that hard he's really not even contesting me come on [Music] ah I'm done I'm just done goodbye hey thank God for watching make sure y'all check out this video where I went on YouTube and found a crazy build that had literally zero views yeah I'll catch y'all over there [Music]
Channel: Zach 2K
Views: 252,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba 2k23, zach 2k, zach 2k jumpshot 2k23, 1v1 stage 2k23, 1v1 court 2k23, 1v1 2k23, comp stage nba 2k23, 1v1 challenge nba 2k23, 1v1 stage challenge, best build 2k23, zach 2k yt, zach 2k jumpshot, rarest build 2k23, zach 2k 1v1, zach 2k challenge, making a 2k23 build blindfolded, making a build blindfolded, all time goat, zach 2k blind build
Id: OGKdFtuTzdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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