WINNER TO MAJOR PLAYOFFS!! Spirit vs NaVi / G2 vs Cloud9 - PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 -CS2 HIGHLIGHTS

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Spirits seem undisturbed unperturbed by the pressure in front of them we're into a pistol round on navi's pick and they start quick with bit taking donk outside yeah and want the man to find early shirro backing up in through hell he going to get pressured here Alexi making the move to try and Clos Line This player up in the heavens Shiro tapping out with the USP good for that first kill but is he ready for Alexi up close quite a gamble I mean they're reading it right the bomb is going lower but it can always come the vent if Alexi clears this entire top site it looks like he will right now the crunching Lobby right now they're not even heading for B it's just ontic as JL deals with the aggression the flank comes in na'vi pull that bomb back to take this top site and I mean even though Spirit are in great position Shiro having or Alexa B rather having Heaven is the kicker Chopper and his cult try to come through the lobby wonderful Waits with bait your breath and he's got support from available straight away Crossfire between bit even in at that CT V dead right away JL will respond and this player up on top of the Hut makes quick work of spirit JL even going to chase down the final kill and he'll lock it in fantastic work for JL he's been the the go-to safe Pair of Hands here an RV first running it back in a bit of a bonus fast util out towards that a site but instead it's bit making the opening move over the top of main he's going to drop in Behind Enemy Lines and shirro ready and waiting for it JL with a smoke walk while his teammates are getting dealt with in the outer yard Chopper will finish off Alexi B eventually and so the rifles come out for Spirit there is Success right away one man left to get past the JL never even gets a chance man spammed out behind the vent lot and they've gauged the reaction they've they've used that ramp pressure to kill Don outside and now they're going back for this hit in the lobby Alexis late lurking the question is how long does shur hold this position they gamble back down B shirro kills that lug and now na'vi just have to run through pressure on for magic but Shiro is moving in just at the perfect moment going to get himself set up in heaven two players in the sight to deal with Magic's doing it all single-handedly they never even knew about shirro here he'll come as a nasty surprise JL is suspicious trying to look for him but time is of the Ence time is the problem and shirro waits patiently they're going to get down secret but this is Ora's dream here Shiro getting plenty of fullback options plenty of targets he won't hit that first shot and he goes all the way back getting closer Now set up in the vent that's a collateral wonderful on the other side of it shirro trying to deliver around to Spirit down in the vents it will get contained na'vi put a stop to Shiro and donk on that rotate tucked in vent his Magics good angle for him to deal with the hot walk out but big gets the better of him and so na'vi have clawed their way back into this Shiro's heroics down Awards lower that double you thought would have been enough for team spirit Chopper slowly ascends up into the heavens only to go tumbling out of them the steps made that draws jl's attention away ztics is terrified about coming up the vent but Chopper has alleviated a lot of that pressure now it's just JL catching the first man but Chopper will deliver oh sure is trapped Shadow SE em not able to win that and that might be the fight that lets na'vi down they lose their point man down towards lower and now it all gets question donks finally here to play as he doubles up for main it's all left on to JL topping the charts for na'vi Sha but goes no further as Spirit lock it down with Lobby control try P250 fight out in the yard my kind of guy Don runs it down wonderful tapped out straight away that's a don has been charging up throughout that first half you got to see a couple of glimmers of it one shy in the 1v3 double up to close that last round this time JL will silence him doing all he can to keep na'vi in this is JL another Kill from his pistol yard lock down for now for now and so Spirit field teed up for the win here EMA three kills deep had that one 2K on the lur but that's all he's ever had going for him and he is now the the make or breaker this round for na'vi dead immediately down in the vents they shouldn't be winning but they both think Nar players it's all Alexi no kit clutch up for the captain 1 V2 he spots magic but the swing comes out and Chopper finishes off the job that his team started it's a it's a crazy world we're living in Don Crossing through these smokes out in the yard he can't flick back to Alexi in time so that first kill goes the way of n B he's cooking for into the smoke they n it open and already in a must win round for na'vi they left a man down they need someone to step up and fill the boots JL has been that man throughout the game as so he'll reclaim that three on three continues his aggression into the lobby and JL lines up a Blinder just Shiro and he's not ready for that re swing out of wonderful so JL puts n'i on his back and gets a smile on Alexis's face here he is big JL the big hero of this just two kills as he will get overr the Glocks find a kill but they're not going to go any further EMA a much needed confidence boosting round there he's been letting na'vi down and so if he can hold back this door play if he can kind of keep them in check here that would be massive responds with the first it's ugly for ztics can't take it any further there's still more support lies in weight at the back of the site JL trying to be this hero figure that that na'vi can depend upon a lot of damage done but not the kill instead it's going to fall to bit who's been spot and now dealt with zero down to the clutch down to the 1 V one and it's wonderful to be moving back tries to fake him out with the hot steps but not today wonderful arrives in the server and pulls up with a big 1 V2 for na'vi that is absolutely keeping them in this game look at blade looking on in the background so ringly a wonderful there yeah you don't CRA he knows how important that is he knows how important that clutch is to keep na'vi competitive so that this isn't a wash this isn't them getting run over is tight get this trade off but bit looking for a multi-kill he is here for support yeah able to hold the line able to withstand these pistols for now they will chase down bit eventually but IMA still knocking around back in the control room has support Alexi over towards the doors so even getting his bomb across is a touchy subject for team spirit that's a big kill IMA kind of lets it go in that head Toad and now they chase down Alexi B Chopper making magic happen that bomb plant is now locked in for Spirit Suddenly It's na'vi on the clock wonderful might have to step up again he's got JL with him these are the two players you want here for na'vi 3 2 one and in comes the swing they don't even need to trade Chopper takes it again his third Kill from the captain another clutch from wonderful that's what's needed here A 1 V3 as it begins he's got two players left to find Chopper in the sight tucked up on the Rafters M timing for wonderful look in the ray he flicks back to him and now just Don is the one to beat bested shirro in the 1 V one last time now Toe to Toe with the beast at is Dam wonderful makes it happen backto back clutches for wonderful and here's the reason that na'vi are not letting this one get away from them right now nuke for for a reason said na'vi got Spirit trying to put early pressure uper but this feels like a sign of desperation for donk he's just trying to get the ball rolling but wonderful locks him out of the round immediately magix does hit a good timing window on his push out through the H connected EMA still floating around at the T vent able to lock them out for now will get chased down by Magic's the front man but in comes bit from the heavens looking to put this one in a bag it's just Chopper left Molly out you Alexi it's the CL of the leaders now brains on brains and braw might not even play a part of it as Alexi catches Chopper back turn and here's the situation that na'vi are in they know that if they win this round they break team spirit but it does go both ways right both squads money is teering on the edge and so this is where you need an X Factor you need that final 10% to be injected into the round and Don is trying to deliver that right now running it down through secret shirou giving Chase in with the bomb behind him they are fast down towards lower na'vi haven't even dropped a single player down yet this is perfect they've definitely screwed some post PL but this doesn't feel like one of it oh massive kill bit keeping things even they don't know about magic in the back turn IM has gone from the lobby it's all down to this B play now Chopper coming back up through main they're hitting a right now they're pressuring the one player they know about in the lobby but jl's got to keep his wi about him he should never double up there turns and deals with donk and then finishes the job on the magic but they're both low they're both wounded bit and JL the positions know for spirit and so they're going to take the lobby they're going to confirm that this is not the path to retake and in doing so there's very few options left for na'vi Spirit areare of the heaven push but will that make dealing with it any easier Chopper it's his time to clutch now one V2 bit on the bomb Chopper closing in JL has hit every shot he's got to hit this one and he will Nai map Point locked in as they deny that clutch from chopper double in lobby for JL Spirit take the info back they clear Lobby they know Navi must be coming heaven and shirou does not scope he's paranoid he thinks they're already back sight and they just sneak out of heaven and drop into the sight dear oh dear disaster strikes for team spirit in a four on two and na'vi never gave up this is it it to Rob Spirit of this map oh and look at the move they just know it's coming em up through the vent there's two players posted on the door this is not a safe zone for Spirit they burn alive in the molotov wonderful now scoped in 20 seconds this is a game of margins a game of final second plays as Spirit move in they get the opening kills Wonderful's got to have a last stand and he is run down it's bit or bust in the one on Three is Spirit look to carry us through into over time bit with the backstab in through the lobby and Chopper gets the better of him a last second call from Spirit to hit the top site they might lose players in the doors they might go into the stack it felt like nai's whole goal was to bully him and get in his head he should clear this deal with the devil has it expired or will he kick it up an arch now that we get into OT Ur up close oh sck turn out of donk and a head in your hands moment for EMA as he gives up the first kill of overtime in the yard that that there's no way he was looking the wrong way he was even trying to clear that he hits a flick shot wonderful they don't know only a leg they can bail no need to commit for Spirit the nade pushes them further back they don't care they want to come running and gunning chasing down this or they see a second but the bomb goes first this is big info but that bomb getting away from them is a bit of a disaster here oh yeah they would have led to have just up and left that's huge info you know where the bulk of na'vi are but instead you're left running back in on a recovery mission for the bomb wonderful trying to control this with so little time left they're throwing everything at wonderful but it's not enough to bring him down he keeps offering up these kills JL by his side and they will lock team spirit out of ramp it's only donk 10 seconds left in the round 10 seconds to make a difference and Alexi can hear him on the rotate no doesn't need to Peak doesn't need to fight donk doesn't have the time and so na'vi the first in OT is there feels like the options aren't very open for spirit with the control they have re smoke at the door is devastating they're doing it Chopper faking lower where does a bomb even go at this point sh getting a topside kill that might only T them in up they go into the a site Don goes one for one 20 seconds JL absolute monster performance at the back of the site he gets two kills before shirro trays and I don't know if there's time he's got to hunt down his opposing a WP and wonder no scopes it for a clean CT half the fear for spirit is it out outside is it oh my God they're going to go fast just a real Pace change towards the uh the tail end of the game they try to explode out into the top site Spirit remind them just how brutal this CT side was clean lock out JL my God but surely no more Don's already up in the lobby and will put a leash on the Beast that is JL zil JL goes back to t-spawn to late bait this they know that back arage is a very common position they use that flash to take the main kill donk again denied ZX has to lift them back up but he can't and this might be na'vi taking their map this is the best spot they've been in ever on the tside man five on three just Magics to get past first kill found as he swings back out into the or is going to catch shirro over in the heavens and Magic's is silenced Chopper dead and so na'vi find it with JL and wonderful keeping this game afloat it gives Alexi the room to cook up a game they can be proud of every time Spirit lose a map coming in with a 134 to respond so will that continue or can na'vi keep this up it doesn't matter in this pistol because they are wiped off the Slate if they get into this side and they've used the Smoke on the cave as well that went on the bomb you could deny this play but oh flash over the top Molly not even needed as they come gunning shirro and D nice double entry for ztics as well an execute perhaps late round for Spirit after they pull a player towards window it's going to get bit of info there he sees nothing mid in they come through I can't believe that magic just calls their Bluff on that smoke and walks it man rotate arrives but bit misses the opportunity and without that trade coming in you can't even really begin to justify this B hangs around will get one you can see Wonderful's already saving here for the time being there's that dropped off util coming in clutch to slow down the B play JL getting teed up with a flashbang but he doesn't see anything on that jiggle in the meantime bit actually got wrecked I think that's on the wall bang bought down low so JL has to make a stand and it's just the one and done bit low on health same for EMA who was spammed up in the midf fight versus zic suddenly Wonderful's got to offer up the goods here for na'vi but these were the shots for dog pick a perfect responsible for the upkeep of this aite on the smoke does a little bit of damage softens up these players but the timing of the Boost is everything here a bit spotted going up and over now dropping in side by side with EMA they're able to hold on the bomb gets out ahead of team spirit NAIA looking for their first round in the game here and now what control they just don't overstep a single ctim any further into D Don on the or we have IMA going for hero play up the top The Flash is absolutely perfect from Chopper right as they come through the smoke Spirit push Alexi to a passive position but he wants to tangle with them getting through that smoke with JL on a ramp push this is well timed for nvi the pressure is there Sho given another chance oh JL goes back for more but he ends up feeding a kill away that that gives up this even round suddenly Alexi forced forward by the util Don is Swift to silence him ouch bit Valiant stand thus far over toward WS B but as wonderful up and leaves it's bit or nothing wrestles with the AK gets out with the kill and able to escape capture on the trade up through ramp bit goes back in for more and he will bite off more than he can chew oh they know they have great timing almost considered planted for long but didn't want to risk it wonderful was Far Away ztics will walk closer and take the kill I mean still they've done it in this round Magic's up through ramp with jail dead early suddenly this B defense is just down a two both players over at long this is not ideal for n and they lose EMA the MP9 of Alexi does what it can but it shouldn't be enough to regain control it shouldn't be enough to tempt na'vi in that nade falling short is a big shame that would have been the kill to shirou that would have been the 2v2 offered up and with this backstab coming in from ztics navi's only path is to battle forward they don't know about the flank yet and the more time bought for it the more deadly ztics gets Chopper tucked in back at the cave it's a good stand from Alexi as he looks to bring na'vi back into this zonx now arrives and it's another clutch attempt for wonderful grabs the kit on the bomb quick tap and wonderful brings the fight to ztics he just keeps on giving na'vi rounds off of his back in another clutch the argument CS go is the closer you are the better but it doesn't feel like Val recently oh my God they just run through the smoke that's mental em has a great position but there was a recent patch with the consistency of Molotov views but right now na'vi they've got the ideas that's for sure they've not got their heads though cut off by the tech 9 two down already it's not a guaranteed round especially not when Chopper runs it into the B bomb side that bomb's going back towards a wonderful over here on the awp pressure is on this is essentially a clutch for him that he's got to deliver in he gets rid of the hero gun he gets rid of donk his teammate Falls as he moves in through the spawn but wonderful looks to close the net over team spirit now just misses that timing and to getting back in a donut wonderful doesn't have fights open to him not yet he's seen the barrel he knows what he's got to do here ztics dead over on Big Box Smoke on the bomb wonderful applying a lot of pressure he is sticking the bomb team mate dead spammed out from Magic and so spirit will recover they stop wonderful in his tracks going to be that first point of resistance as Chopper now closes in from middle wonderful offers up the first Chopper's not able to catch him here one more man in the back of Don but where's he looking Wonderful's going to do this alone shirro catches one Magic's waiting for rotates and if Alexi gives this up he's going to be kicking himself that's the kill that might open this back up for spirit it's that urge to help the team that might dig them a shallow grave here miss shot from Shiro wonderful and JL will recover that round top eight of the first CS2 major so much Legacy on the line for these rosters I mean you never forget your first right so here we are shirro backing up has support in alongside him they're going to try and deal with na'vi as they break through the Red Room Spirit have got all the bodies here at CT ready and willing to fight for this wonderful is run down and bit left as the lone gunman here 1 B4 and he's hoping that some way down the line Spirit get cocky and give him a fight but you know what they're going to do they're going to swing him on three the moment noise is made they're all swinging him at once and so there it is Chopper runs it round and bit is dead with that pistol secured for spirit it's viable for Spirit just timing he's missed the timing on them getting up ramp oh there was the real chance to catch it the second time around great position but it gets away from Chopper and so bit at long similar to last round power position held by bit sh always wants again watching it with the awp if you're an RV this is the round you can't let get away from you this is the round that's meant to be safe Chopper opens it B is feeling that much more pressure Chopper low on health but still giving up the goods and it's left to Ema now a 2v3 for team spirit as they look to run away with anent bomb's not planted for EMA and Shiro's nade will seal the deal on that round Chopper take a bow my friend that is beautiful from him they take the control early they deny na'vi any foothold of the map there miss shot from Shiro and wonderful tries to punish this swinging back out in Middle is dead right away Alex and EMA both get kills a piece and so suddenly na'vi right where they want to be five on two so this is probably another save building here for Spirit still watchful eye on Mid as well making sure that rotate can't happen at the drop of a hat out through middle into the a site this will be the B play boost up for wonderful Nets The Equalizer how much further can na'vi take this as the third man is pulled over for Spirit more reinforcements for this B site JL and Alexi trying to keep the dream alive for na'vi but it's looking to get snuffed out by donk who swings it wide and with his Battle Cry the score will be settled on Mirage Spirit put a stop to na'vi on that comeback they know it's coming but can they stop it flash back for more don't gets dinked down low and hidden behind these boxes nowhere to go either ZX has got to help him out charging from under EMA putting pressure on and that forces dong into the open all na'vi needed was that kill they've got it they're going back towards B and mag Magics won't last long either I going to wait for this smoke to fade kit on Chopper bear that in mind if this comes down to a last second retake attempt Spirit are moving in but na'vi haven't moved a muscle yet one back from Chopper he's the guy who's got to get on the bomb Shiro dead and this one won't come through for Spirit na'vi successful pistol to open up so going to be keeping a keen eye on him today as he doesn't want history to repeat itself he's already in with a second here and now opening up the B players bit so looking to get past this Force SP from team spirit but in comes donk he arrives quickly and swiftly makes his presence no one on the deagle two out of donk on the D zonx wins his fight over at short and it's just JL left in the hot seat bomb has plant comes in and a reposition from JL puts a bit of distance between himself and that bomb spots out Chopper Nice Shot got to be ready to deal with ztics last scene over on short but the reposition was fast back turned and JL caught out in the open out in no man's land Magic's reposition might be able to catch them crossing that's going to fall man at the back of the site ztics tries to spam them down he'll reposition that kind of leaves magix all alone there fighting on an island and so Navi will secure the bomb plant here ontic claims one back slow and steady Spirit like to take their time on these retakes this is a perfect example of one of those rounds they can wait the smokes out they've got one man on catwalk and na'vi don't have a lot of positions to play yeah this is going to be a brawl as they come out through the market shoer jumping feeds that Ma 10 up close and Wonderful's taking space away when it comes to clutches it's no contest wonderful has been the best in them throughout the series looking to stop donk but the defuse held wonderful causes Bluff as s donk wins it with the stick there there's so much being put into trying to knock Spirit down early and get off to a good start for na'vi but if they fall down here it's looking like they're going to Spirit are Off to the Races on this CT side up into the window Shiro waiting in the Smoke as well there's one kill back the other way from JL but it can't just be a one and done EMA walking the smoke and he hears that double rotate out they got to go shirro posted ready to get involved but he might never even be needed Don opens chases down JL over on short and IM is just too late to the freay Don with the turn around oh he's back firing back through the smoke there is an option here can Alexi get that gun in time Don has made sure he cannot pushed up spam him out and looks to shut down this round they just running it through yeah he's he's dead he's one way or another he's dead thing they tried to do in these other Maps was try and take donk on head on in his positions but it's clear that mid is just off the table for na'vi Chopper even want to risk running into it now Chopper will miss this timing of players sneaking in JL finds it on the entry nice follow-up kill to shirou running through the smoke is donk but it's just the one and done ztics attempts to reel them in but battled at the stairs EMA Chomps down gets on the board better late than never they've put so much attention over toward WS a that finally mid's open and that's been the one consistency in all the gun rounds so far is that the mid is just a nogo not with Don and ztics there and there such a a feature piece of the Spirit Squad so Nai know they forced the shuffle they forced the reposition out of spirit right now Spirit are going to try give a bit of time lend a bit of time to ztics on a backstab who's rooting all the way in through the spawn but they actually go early they go fighting ahead of the flank not even needed wonderful left up in this one all alone and with 20 seconds left he can't go for this he'll reposition down into the connector Spirit are not done fighting for Middle just yet not as Chopper moves into The Fray joins up with Don in the connector lower could look to lock in that kill and the or will deliver onto Don so they've dealt with the connector contingency here for Spirit suddenly Shir on the rotate back around just misses that timing but he's going to be in CT in time at least that's what you got to tell yourself now if team spirit as this is now a rescue operation time could decide this magic swinging out from triple looks to make it so bomb away from na'vi and Magic's continues a Bastion a resistance up in the a sight it falls to shirou and the wonderful or One V one and shirro walks him down team spirit locking a clutch with Shir covering him with the or but none of this matters cuz it's aop anyway it's only Chopper under the balcony winning this should be an impossibility right now ZX has that cross J is here just in time he's run the gun into the aite but he can't find a Target as JL appears through the Smoke Two on four now deagle dead Shiro saving na'vi break through again and they're very close to achieving that goal Spirit have been a little flustered in these last few rounds having a shake around the defense time and time again good trade for donk shirro replies through that smok in middle and with Don in fighting form looking to lock them out of the a site he's done his part in the round wonderful cross is under will nail that first shot but Don and Shero quick work made of the a play Spirit do not give up an even half they've got the stack over to WS B in the pistol three strong here but having the right read has never been the problem for na'vi it's in the execution it's in dealing with it so let's see if they're up to the task JL smoked off over it short as wonderful wrestles with them first kill off that USP is going to play through the smoke wonderful making a move and he locks them out with a second now it's just Chopper left in the round pinned in a corner over at sha everyone from na'vi looking his way Aude capture for now but it's no mystery where he's gotten to four crosshairs trained in on him as JL and wonderful put up two a piece 4 and 11 in this map but still feeling confident enough to try his hand the the top mid push finds nothing it's a b Rush instead it's only Alexi in the sight jl's quick on catwalk he's been the hero of this series for na'vi but his Captain's been cut down by Don on the entry who goes up to double and spirit should take this round with ease getting put to alexb on this B site right now three in a row same kind of thing just contact back to trying to bully Alexi but this time he's bought a friend to the party he's bought wonderful top of the board top of the chars so he's got support in this B play Alexi will lose his teammate 8 seconds left Shiro's found him over the lip of apartments and so a 2v2 gives away so he's going to get here quickly but as Shiro repositions onto the bench he can pick and choose his battles here swings out early first man falls it's JL or nothing for n he's in star of that first map shades of it here on Mirage but he is got to deliver in this clutch zonx is free he knows where shirro is time is of the essence for JL and time might lot him as shirro knocks him out of the round just shy of another clutch the point man the front man Don and and ztics both ready to explode out either end of this a site em and bit Crossfire set up between the two of them bit draws the attention but EMA is deleted Don might be dead but magix is still here to play wonderful It's All or Nothing Now this or is getting bullied with util he's burning alive and that's how he falls the guy who felt like he could do no wrong for na'vi na'vi will feel the weight of this L the weight of this disappointment they said donk could be beaten he could be counted but not in this series not today choer playing with his food magix opens the beginning of the end for na'vi here on Mirage and playoffs on the line for Spirit just two more kills between them and that inevitable goal Alexi goes tumbling down and with it Spirit book their spot in the playoffs the team that is truly here to win it all and they run through cleanly three and0 two CTS here as mentioned Jimmy though one of the most solid anchors in entirety of all Counter Strike open things up B respond and get a double it's going to be three versus three but Advantage complexity haven't got the bomb down just yet but here it comes flash I think also partly caught bran there but he's moving forward through the tunnel and Grim is swiftly dispatched off El holding this he knows someone's coming he's PL the grenade strong from in there flob he shot of the back and on El yeah incendiary right on top but the smoke is there El hoping to find it he can't quite get it and they are on it with the kit and everything else they should be able to get this round home it's close but it will be Mouse to pick it up could radically change the trajectory of this game if they win this round they get in a little bit earlier than you would have expected yeah I think he saw the backpack there and he's moving forward even if that was almost baited into it doesn't matter he's so quick with it tshi knows everything at the moment he's 10 and three Nails the second and now he has guaranteed the round it's a Le sure he's great he's in world class form right now about 15 seconds remaining has to take the jeel and toi hasn't missed a shot yet 11 and three he might be able to get away with this one I don't think you're assuming that's cover you're still checking if you're Grim you won't that is a problem yeah big one now they've given over the AK-47 they get to kill an exerion as well but that's really close brolan if you're taking an extra second you probably had that kill right there but he was a little bit quick on the trigger and that might have given away the round here four versus three floppy moving up I think they realize now yeah another double position towards the elent but this time it's not with the ewp it's the M4 and the AK El been a while since we had to say his name but he always seems to make the right move brutal aim great discipline always calm Under Pressure finds the first kill and Nails the second that's what we're talking about cuz it keeps going down to these 1 v1s so close to breaking them you know it it's an inspiring round I've Grim I me sick yeah damn I feel like take advantage of the fact that to four and four and the CTS are spread incredibly thin brolan surely caught off guard here and indeed taken down starting to drop off and form now BR just a bit 50 seconds they have time the molotov thrown here but the SMG front and center exerion with a double kill it leaves Le to try and fend for his team and oh they line up that could have been a double but it's not enough another one V one Anders it's so wild they aren't converting a single one of these torsi here with the awp and he's been lights out can they convert one oh he spots the the shoulder of a leash and he absolutely tears it off through the corner of the bathrooms here it's down to Grim he's got the bomb bear in mind as well needs a bit of a rotation needs some back shou's on rub but toi with Pixel Perfect Precision continues to find frag after frag 50 seconds remain and Grim he'll have to peel off he knows he won't be able to best the jeel summoning Guardian from way back in the day Scout versus a all right now then how do you like them apples oh gave me another one broland they line up straight for him at that it could have been any better down here yeah waiting for somebody walk through he's been a little bit bored T's really hogged all the action up at the a bomb site already does incapsulate his first half of complexity sound cues and certain death for grim ladies and gentlemen JC would need the clutch of a lifetime it's not going to happen it's 111 but just it's a best of three bear in mind just kind of making it a little bit more convincing get mouth sweating a bit that's all we can really say in these sort of scenarios it feels like it's already GG oh bloody hell long adventure you start tracking through the Wilderness forever and he shows up finally he's found some civilization to swed and he's dead immediately J taking down Al come on floppy need some help head shots looking good right now two bullets left if he had more he would have had the kill I guarantee it it's not enough and it will be 12 for Mouse okay well it's GG I I I'm lost for words here I don't think it's a fair representation of the game overall sure it's a landslide score line okay hold on a second that clutch actually might be coming through no way he's still so he's still miles away so far away Jes gim will take him down and it is mouse to walk away the victory on the opening map in absolutely astonishing fashion I think the Smoke's going to the other side yeah so he's not exactly going to get smoked off but the mop will get rid of him anyway it's a very deep grenade way too deep what's the smoke doing back there j a head shot the bomb is going to get planted here but I feel like that smoke could have been in the lane instead three versus three no that's was bad design they want to be able to flush those players down in the back lines and push forward but it's not working out for them whatsoever tog will have a two versus one he's been playing very well and continues to dominate here on the server he's going to have to call his bluff he's not going to challenge this defuse at all two kill with grim you know once that once that player doesn't Peak you you know you're in trouble back to the 10-sec defuse still plenty of time left for torsi to run forward now he is and Grim is off and the round is one it doesn't matter to get the head shot there torsi played it perfectly yeah a Full Assault into a wide open bomb side if they go now no one's home they've played this no one's here yeah they played this so slow the only one is all at range he'll get the first one but they should okay I was about to say they should be able to smoke him off but I guess the AK-47 will get the job done anyway broland C throwing the grenade there see if Jimmy can get it back again he can with the spray takes down a and that should pave the way for a bomb plant two versus three here they have time to clear it out they don't have to force the bomb plant right away they keep overlooking this Don up position the smoke get now they don't actually have any utility left I think JT might be able to pull this one off maybe well Jim fat doesn't seem to think so as floppy is thrust into a three versus one I was liking the look at the retake here I didn't think the round was completely over floppy an incredibly clutched player but Jimmy spotted him on that swing it had to find multiple kills here and he does a good job finds Dink and then the followup frag as well but Jim Fat's 12 and 13 and two right now he completely random it's it's what T did on the opening map now it's just you me instead yep what can you do not much really floppy actually had a good chance there of winning that one JT aware of this Prospect they're going to investigate middle before the commitment comes through oh wow this timing could be brutal here comes that b play we spoke of floppy he's in front of the utility though Anders not the end of the world he needs to get a couple one more do and bear in mind we got that backstab coming in's not quite ready for this the needly line of exertion this probably is the shot that they needed that head absolutely bring it home I think even the first one there was enough El you could tell he couldn't help his teammates out he's already dead and all now there someone behind him yeah you have to you're locked in but doesn't even get to step onto the bomb side just slow okay they let them get one round play it slow is what they're saying they've got a kid on floppy broland though watching the back lines will be deploying the flashbangs as his teammates get ready to defend this retake he just needs to know that Grim is there that's all he wanted nice move from Grim quickly and he knows he can't stick and fight there he has to help his teammates open up the bomb side if he could take down gim fat it might have been a deal but it's not Jim fat comes out swinging a huge double broland with the last one and mouse on a ninth round that's a three versus four conversion here Kevlar and helmet for brawand an MP9 you can see got fames elsewhere so a lot of fire power behind this one and a real chance to find playoff point but M sportsy tucked himself in the smoke is that two players P him yep oh oh my God they didn't realize am I on did we not switch sides there's an AK that's an AK in the ranks now and JT's not going to check this he does move quite nicely to set up a Le but it's all falling apart exertion with a double kill it looks like it's more than enough a Le they know exactly where he is thankfully doesn't take any damage on the spam and we're going to need a world class clutch one that cannot be delivered smothered on the bomb site as they find playoff points Mouse sports are on fire Al has got some map control similar to what we saw from exertion in that first half if he can somehow sneak with the Red Room maybe they're onto something here but spotted and removes Tori in exertion working in tandem to guarantee a place in the playoffs ladies and gentlemen your first team to the Royal arena is mouse what a performance 131 and over their opponent's map Pig you think okay would have been nice for Cloud9 to get that early round though now they're going to have to try and see they can make do with a couple of teagle sprinkled into the mix axile traded right away and there is someone hiding back there it's electronic and they're not quite checking Hunter and of didn't trust his intuition he had the right idea if he would have committed to the check he probably would have had the kill as well three versus three and it should be another bomb plant here this time of the a bomb site so they're testing everything on the map right now which I think is really great making Cloud 9 uncomfortable everywhere although I say that boom finding a head shot right on top of the smoke I think here we go then Anders this retake is looking quite likely they've got the man Advantage but not for long nexter will snatch it away back to the two versus two nice shot from Mony that should be it as next up will maintain the crossfire and is G2 posting yet another round here on the T side of Anubis yeah a true or as well a guy he's not really a hybrid like everyone else is dabling with he's kind of a full time sniper that's going to be a real nuisance as hooky leading the charge in towards camera this is Fast Pace electronic pending them off showing some strong for good double kill and axile will chime in as well it's a four on two in favor of Cloud 9 can they hold on Boom suddenly seems to think so all right don't want to be hunting Mony too much although Exile will make it work still pretty unstable Hunters down to a tech 9 aggressive of course axile full send to the top of middle finds once again absolutely bamboozles him as he will pull one back and that's through the smoke I don't know how he's pulled that one off good call from hooky after getting those couple of kills in towards middle fast smoke down and what a shot that was from axile but Mony I had no idea how he even finds that kill but ridiculous Sublime timing already at the mouth of dark and it's Mony who will be tested here Nails the shot though will he detect the second player in the form of electronic apparently not lovely double spray down and maintaining the man Advantage as he's looking for a third now as well 95 damage inflicted not going to be enough as Nico will answer back three versus three and a reset of the round is called he's essentially alone though does he want to be challenging a away for his teammate electronic with a lot to do holding towards aain bomb planted remaining disciplined here wants to wait for the Cavalry to arrive not the best control of the spray though ni will pull one back but no one's looking at camer Anders Perfecto will maintain the two on two hooky low this is down to Hunter yeah they have an ich as well it's going to be up to Hunter you're absolutely right he'll find the first one needs the head shot here against Hobb on the other side plenty of Health on him he's making the walk around looking to see if he can shoot hunter in the back it couldn't have been better he's outplayed him really has he's going to be able to find that bomb defuse no issue a deagle for Nexa this has to be a pocket Strat you can see it's going to be a fast a play Molotov flash is going in boish to defend Nails the first shot and the second as he tries to retreat now could have been any better there's so much pressure oh he catch that one unbelievable flick onto Nico and now he's going back inside of the smoke he is such an elusive player they boosted on top of each other here inside of the smoke with next he cannot win this round any longer trying to see he can sneak through but perfector will find them it high up the game six to six at the hands of boage on that triple at the end of the half that's also cuz they did go to theb okay Axel spotted this they're going to be ready for it Anders Nico thinks he's got the backstab in a prime position but anything but they know two players have crossed over it's going to be Mony painted into a corner here they're just going to let him sit there in Middle isolated from the fight kind of a lucky frag there from hooks he will take it though as he gets a head shot through the smoke bomb planted by boage now Hunter he's left the last line in defense and my God what a shot that is is there anything left to be said in this three on three yeah absolutely no B is getting that kill electronic will get him down but hunter he's on one right now another head shot in this round could be recovered still and he will pick it up Hunter absolutely beastly performance in this round it leaves axile alone but he's close range now even has the audacity to pull out the bus fire and takes down next to end don't see many of those and a contact play with the bomb Anders in toward this a bomb at is Nexa who has zero utility just the SMG this is the perfect place oh he's been baited in somewhat though he can do something with this at least a kill yeah one shouldn't be getting more but he will bage goes down next to more bullet we had to kill pistol instead what a defense from Nex holding on to the sight so good he lands two more head shot after the first makes it a triple and leaves Hunter alone to fend for his team this is everything but now he knows it's an aside finish a bomb to be planted beor with the or towards a main he should be able to find his first kill I would say no problem there it is and now it comes down to the defuse it is the or on the other side one mistake and you're dead going to tap it once he's looking right oh but Perfecto's reading it so well he walks away from the grenade even imagine if you just stuck around and the grenade also did bounce the wrong way but he knows Perfecto this is what experience means he's out playing him on time he knows he doesn't have the kit and you can see it on his face he already knows he's lost the round Perfecto didn't have to fire a single bullet to win the one that is sick for another fast play but looks at things here we got four in towards middle the ma 10 are out and it's perfect to to lead the charge can he open things up once again it's going be the incend down Nico's expecting this he's anticipating a fast play to chip damage with the grenade should get the first kill no problem but it's traded out by boage Nexa flashed off hookie taken down they're going to try and find Nexa here could this be the knockout punch they've been looking for to alleviate a ton of pressure find themselves map point and it all starts with a three versus two their favor Hobbit is low and Hunter he's towards aain this grenade he's going to throw it short just a look if he'd thrown a little bit deeper could have done some real damage to electronic Grenade on top but electronic finds the head shot Hunter out of the round and Mony knows he's already walking away they need three I think this game deserves overtime I want to see G try and make it back but it's not going to be in this round oh my God boom get out the way it's three versus five the round's back on and it's coming oh he's missed it okay that's a pretty significant Miss they can just High tail it over towards the B side of the map now and it's going to be who defending NEX with an MP9 up against four players the smoke somewhat working his favor it's a pretty common position with need multiple kills here and as I think we're done here Mony would need a spectacular sequence of events they're throwing the kitchen sink in his Direction the fam can't hold on Mony with 30 points of Health three versus one it's not going to happen as the bombs planted now they just have to wait it's on him to move forward and as soon as he finds that gun they're going to swing him every single player he doesn't even get a chance B with the last one and Cloud9 with a big upset win here against G2 it was such a great start for G2 she got four players just slowly but surely now making their way towards the AI they to find the man zantar is coming behind them and could shut down absolutely everything here he's here so lightning fast with dual flanking as well if they can stay alive getting shot Sant as you can see he's trying to hit that head shot but he's just not connecting on it the bomb getting planted now and Rain he will go down before it even happens so a three versus three the action Relentless to start with here rocks he thought he'd got the better off of it but the Turkish Terminator spins around and takes him down suddenly Frozen and carrian are left here we go then the retake certainly possible now but carrian with a stunning head shot that P250 wants a little bit more as well the bomb is taking it some Pace here they do not have the kid speak up but they have got head shot and buckets and Spades it all comes down to this interaction zantes comes out on top they should have more than enough time to defuse it was looking so good for FaZe 40 seconds wardia playing a dangerous game right now waiting for the smoke to fade hoping to catch somebody off guard walking clean through a g probably a moment he is looking at a teammate monitor instead he was not ready for it wardia coming up with one more shot he couldn't get the reload in in time but that is very disruptive to what they were trying to do here phase the this time it's coming up short and they have a chance still 20 seconds they might assume be is somewhat open uh to be fair the smoke down towards Shore makes things a bit more problem problematic for maer he can't deny the plan and it's down to walki now Nails the first shot Frozen molotov in hand isolated down in water needs to find one of these kills in his favor he's surrounded right now spots mag reveals his position as well sck what a head shot not only R it's taking him down it's the push from mardia that makes all the difference yeah and of course caring on the other side he gets a double kill here goes to the reload broy had a nice sequence of frags here at least makes the the pl possible let's see this second Kill from walki that is brutal to make this four and five work carrian tip the spear flash is over Mages here as well they've read it well caragan can he find the opener definitely not double kill was done Tes and he's on for a few more yeah looking for another one that flashes in and he nearly had the triple look at the damage he did to Brokey RS it looks like they'll have to commit in toward a CX though strong flank if frozen can find him there he is his opening kill let's go it's about time I think Richard said on the desk that very often rain is the person to drag FaZe back into it he's trying to do that very hard right now Loi he'll get the shot on carrian but immediately traded Frozen back in Action now three versus two they must win this round phase everything is on the line but M has sh up the captain of the team broi 15 seconds left trying to fight both at the same time pistols come out he's surely getting up a run here a jump but if he misses a shot he is dead to right in the center not enough nothing he can do but my god did he give it a good go the fourth maybe fifth round that he's doing this is out of control robs is he's even managed to fool robs how do you do that oh vardia this could be a really difficult way to close things out FaZe I got to get backstabbed at the start of the round I can't believe he's going to find the bomb and everything holy Anders this is insane oh he hasn't made it clean but he does find the bomb one and a half kills like the whole plan for phas is no longer about whatever the and spawn this oh well give up the plan we have like we have to they're lucky to get away with just a single that there and he smoked it off and now he's playing in front of his own smoke cuz he's an absolute madman they're not reading it rain is thinking no he must have smoked it off to fall back surely okay there's a backstab themselves there it's going to be robs who can save the day some oh my God my God nobody shut down can anyone get the kill against running around uh in like DM essentially now as Rob will finally find him he's taken three kills done damage to the remaining two this is going to be 111 an absolute domination here on the CT side of overpass we've got robs left and it would take one of the clutches of the tournament with 8 seconds remaining oh my God pack it up there is CX to make a distraction down here but that's all it is at the moment pushing in front and what a distraction it is takes down rain he's just a a bit of a third wheel it's walking to take down Frozen five versus three as they try to push onto the a bomb side there is but a single Defender here with a pistol in hand trying to take care of business it's broki it's too much to ask for he's slowly getting picked apart and finally the Mac 10 will kill him robs and carrian left to try and hold on to this eternal fire of absolutely wrecked phase there's nothing left to do here the Turkish incinerator that is eternal fire crushing [Music] phase oh [Applause] yeah
Channel: Fraakarts
Views: 8,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: counter strike 2, cs2, s1mple, simple csgo, zywoo, zywo, monesy, m0nesy, navi, g2, vitality, faze, ксго, csgo, cs go, cs2 best moments, cs2 highlights, cs2 2023, cs:go, cs2 pro players, fraakarts, s1mple cs2, cs2 premier, cs2 rank, shroud, shroud cs2, ropz
Id: USn4Q3zUFwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 35sec (3155 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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