Winget: The Must-Have Thing You Didn't Know You Need

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wim get is something new that's coming to windows you can have it now today it's kind of in beta but you kind of have to manually install it if it's not on your radar i'm about to show you something that is going to be life changing because windows is terrible [Music] okay this machine behind me it's a brand new fresh setup more or less i've already installed a few things but it's such a pain i want to download crystal disk mark i'm going to go to the crystal disk mark website uh there's you know just want to search for things and click and do the button and do the other thing and click load it and then i've got all these ads and everything else okay fine fine click click click okay this is obviously a google ad the giant green download button this is a terrible user experience why do software engineers keep making the user experience worse and worse and worse and worse every year i mean it's on a website i get it it's for advertising but then like i'm seeing the stuff come out with like windows 11 and the involuntary weather widget that's at the bottom and it's like i don't think people are actually trying to make computers better and easier to use and then along comes something called win get wingate will let you install programs from the command line with no bs literally no bs check this out first off you need to upgrade something called the windows package manager client the windows package manager client is basically a glorified way of saying the windows store and it's like wait a minute on this channel you're advocating for the windows store this is not the windows store this is one of the components of the windows store that is designed to be somewhat less awful and this has some shortcomings and we'll talk about that but uh you know if you're familiar with linux this is package management for windows finally after suffering for the better part of a decade we can have package management on windows so you want to install this from github you want to go to releases and download the app bundle which will upgrade the existing one that you have how do you already have this but an old version well was built into windows it's the windows store windows downloaded it for you in the background so once the client is installed then you just run the command prompt or powershell which is what i prefer look at that it's downloading and running the cpu is set up i had to click allow for administrator access because i didn't run the command prompt as an administrator if i had run the command prompt as administrator it didn't even need to ask me but watch this when get install crystal disk mark now with 7 000 infinity percent less crystal disk info weird click add nonsense crazy insanity now you might be wondering are popular programs that i like in the package manager here and the answer is probably but as it gets more popular you'll have to get even more stuff visual studio code c plus runtime uh versions from you know like 2012 forward open broadcaster those are all just a win get install away wind git has a bunch of cool features if you just type wind get with nothing followed by it it'll show you some cool parameters when git search for example you can search for those v visual c plus redistributable files all the different versions this is so much better than searching for a microsoft site getting lucky if you can find it or you know downloading it from like a third-party sketchy website or having to rely on a google search it's just a giant waste of your time that should be built into the operating system why would you make users suffer by not having this why is it taking so long for this to get here at least it's here now now if you follow the channel for a long time i reviewed another package manager for windows called chocolaty a little while ago and if you're somebody who was you know working being paid by the company that's working on chocolatey i'm so sorry because it looks like this is getting built into windows now sorry but chocolatey was another package manager for windows but it wasn't built into windows this is from microsoft it is sanctioned by microsoft you're not really technically installing third-party software in order to manage your windows packages this is what the msi installer should have promised to be i mean it's like oh let's come up with a generic installer that we can use to do stuff but it was clear that when it you know that was one of those like not invented here things where microsoft was like let's go off and invent our own thing you know it you know would be like somebody who came up with chocolate ice cream without ever actually tasting chocolate ice cream it's like what does this taste like and you lick it and it's like it's like chemicals and bleach it's like yeah we never tried chocolate ice cream it was like that for package management that's sort of the msi life cycle but now when get when it can finally deliver on a promise it doesn't support a lot of things like basic things if i would like to install say crystaldiskmark and obs and win rar all at the same time it doesn't support that and that's because you got to remember the people working on this are about 20 years behind the curve it's been so amazing having this kind of functionality in chocolaty and on linux they're catching up but the cool thing is because windows really is kind of terrible when you let it go for years and years and years this kind of thing makes reinstalling the operating system a lot easier you can reinstall all of your programs if you bring over your settings and your data or you make that just as easy and scriptable then you can have a nice clean fast machine that doesn't do weird stuff because let's face it after windows has been installed two or three versions or you get like three or four upgrades through the windows update and it's like oh this is a major feature upgrade nobody's doing any testing and everything is terrible and doing a fresh install is is good for your health and mental sanity so besides when can install obs and crystal disk park and things like that what about something that would improve the quality of your life on a daily basis when get install power toys you can thank me later there's a ton of cool stuff in power toys you should check out the power toys website some features you might use more than others power toys has a lot of really cool features fancy zones for controlling you know where your maximize and minimize shortcuts actually maximize and minimize windows the keyboard manager power toys rename for batch renaming files in kind of a sane way because that's not built into the operating system and power toys run which if you're a fan of mac or you have some experience on mac it's a launcher for launching applications that works like i wish the start menu search worked where when you run it you just type what program you want and it'll launch it as opposed to the start menus nonsense which is when you start typing things it'll maybe show you what you want but when you see what you want and press enter it actually changes it to a web page because yes that's obviously what i wanted power toys it will help solve all that nonsense check it out so you should check out winget install it and when get your way to happiness and sanity i'm well this is level one i'm signing out you find me at the level one forums hey show me what cool thing that you installed with win git because i'd love to see all right i'm signing out and i'll see you there you
Channel: Level1Techs
Views: 44,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, science, design, ux, computers, hardware, software, programming, level1, l1, level one
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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